Slide Down Here - KatlnnRotato - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)

Ratio did not like the speed by which Aventurine procured him a bunny suit. That was just one point in a long list of problems that had built up as the day went on. After Aventurine left him high and dry in his armchair, he was immediately on his tablet ordering an express shipped bunny suit, ears and all. Yes, and one of those tails. Ratio hadn’t said a word as he took his measurements, too confounded by the prior events.

He knew Aventurine could feel his stare, yet the gambler was too busy playing with the cats and doing his take home work for the IPC to properly comment. It was all most likely a ploy to get him riled up. Aventurine seemed to like when he was feisty. His smile said it all.

Whatever strings Aventurine pulled worked, because the bunny suit arrived later that day just in time for dinner. They ate first at Aventurine’s request. He said something about saving himself for dessert. They were both decent cooks, but Aventurine preferred to live lavishly in every aspect of life which meant his fridge was empty and list of top class chefs full of personal contact information was always on the counter.

Ratio had dined like this with Aventurine before with a five star meal being handed to them at his doorstep, but this time it felt different. The tension in the air was thick as the bunny suit laid just a pace away on the couch in its box like an oncoming threat. Aventurine was all smiles, clearly still reveling in his earlier victory over the doctor. No more gambling with this man, Ratio reminded himself for the umteenth time.

Dinner was high protein fish, some lavishly titled sides, and wine. Aventurine long since learned Ratio wouldn’t eat something that didn’t have nutritional value. It was no wonder he was so buff. When the meal was done, Aventurine stood up first with a cheeky smile.

“I’ll clean up,” he said, already reaching for the plates. “You can go get ready.”

Ratio wanted to argue, after all Aventurine paid for the meal, the least he could do was the dishes, but he shut his mouth. Right, his payment was the bunny suit. He snapped his head to the side. “If it doesn’t fit, or cuts off my circulation, I’m not wearing it,” he said for arguments sake.

“I’ll just have to order another one, and we’ll pick up later,” Aventurine responded casually, seeming to have confidence in his size choice.

Ratio huffed and got up, deciding waiting was not making anything better. He snatched up the box from the couch and headed off to Aventurine’s bedroom, closing the door gently behind him. He would’ve felt better if he had walked into this development just now, because the build up left a low boiling heat in his stomach. Aventurine did make him cum, but it hadn’t felt complete. Ratio felt like he was being edged as Aventurine toyed around with him with this damned bunny suit.

Ratio put the box on the bed and opened it. The case was separated into two different sections. In one, he unfolded the all black leotard that coined the ensemble. There was a zipper in the back and hole for the tail that Ratio noticed would be a pain to deal with. Below the leotard were the black bunny ears in their own special wrapping to keep them from denting. Then, he opened up the smaller box inside to find a silver butt plug with a white plush bunny tail attached to the end. Just looking at it made him run to the bathroom to disinfect everything.

What was Aventurine thinking? Did he really like this sort of thing? Ratio couldn’t comprehend him one bit, yet the heat in his stomach didn’t die. If he wore this and presented himself to the gambler, would he finally f*ck him properly? That was what Ratio wanted more than anything. So, he moved forward despite his uncertainties.

He stripped himself in the bathroom, putting his clothes in Aventurine’s basket knowing they would be washed properly by whatever world class laundry service he had acquired. Holding up the black leotard, he took one last look at it and huffed, resound to his fate.

Slipping it on was easy enough. It rode slightly tight along his upper thigh as he slipped it up, but once he got past it, the bottom fit surprisingly well. The annoying part was the zipper in the back. It dipped low on Ratio’s back, but even still, he couldn’t quite reach. Ratio blamed the tightness along his chest for this. It felt like the muscle there was ready to squeeze out at any minor movement.

With a few more tries, he got it on as best he could. Taking one cursory glance in the mirror, Ratio felt like he looked ridiculous. Did Aventurine really like such a thing? He couldn’t understand, perhaps because the suit pressed into his dick, and the open hole in the back for the plug felt too exposed.

He looked at the innocuous thing. Never one to put something off, Ratio went for it next. Quickly he realized his foolishness at not prepping himself before. The bunny suit did leave him with movement, but there was still plenty of fabric in the way. As Ratio bent over the counter, fingering his hole, he noticed that thankfully he was still soft from earlier. Putting a generous amount of lube on the butt plug, he decided to try slipping it in.

The silver head disappeared easily inside him, not too bulging or long. As it popped into place, Ratio washed his hands and checked to make sure the fluffy tail end didn’t get ruined. Just that thought made him pause and sigh. Some days, he wondered pointless thoughts about how his relationship with Aventurine ended in such a place. For him to be here, fussing over a butt plug, was something he would’ve never expected even just yesterday. A gambler would always be a gambler. If the reward wasn’t something new and sparkly, it wasn’t worth it.

Ratio stood in front of the mirror and put on the ears, by far the least taxing part, but the one that filled him with the most humility. He had a clear few of himself in the mirror decked out in the ensemble. The bunny suit hugged his body, making his chest seem larger and doing no favors in hiding his bulge. The fluffy white tail in the back popped out and was so obvious that it wasn’t just sewed onto the suit. The ears on the top, sticking straight up, to hammer in the fact that Ratio was a bunny. Putting them on made him look strange. Cute? Appealing? A blush spread across Ratio’s face unwillingly. He really hoped Aventurine liked this, or else he would never be able to live this moment down.

Ratio steeled himself and left the room. Thankfully there were no heels. He’s glad he talked Aventurine out of that. If Ratio fell, he would’ve chucked chalk at the gambler until he suffered from memory loss.

“Gambler, I’m done, so let’s get this over with,” Ratio said as he exited the room, all business. He paused outside the door, eyes meeting Aventurine’s as he stared at him, mouth slowly gaping open.

Just like that, all his bravado was lost. Suddenly, he realized just how exposed he was. The expanse of his legs, arms, and shoulders were all on display. The rest of his body was in a tight suit that didn’t leave anything to the imagination, and he was wearing bunny ears. Bunny ears.

Ratio’s brow furrowed, trying to hold back the onslaught of bashfulness seeping through his pores at a steady pace. “Well? Are you going to say something or keep gawking?” Aventurine just kept staring, not saying a single word. He didn’t even look like he was breathing. “Or better yet, help me fix the back of the suit. I couldn’t reach the entirety of the zipper.”

As Ratio turned around, it was like Aventurine snapped back into himself, rushing over to help the doctor with false bravado. “Why of course, doctor. I know how much of a stickler you are for doing things right.” Aventurine pulled the fabric tight and zipped the zipper up all the way. Ratio made a sound in the back of his throat as his chest was squeezed but neither commented. “Hm, now it’s perfect.” Aventurine grinned, squeezing the plush tail.

Ratio felt the butt plug move inside of him. “Mind your hands,” he said, turning around swiftly so Aventurine couldn’t get another cheeky swipe in.

“Eh, but where’s the fun in that?” Aventurine picked up one of Ratio’s hands, kissing the top of it. “Aren’t you here to service me tonight?” He winked, and Ratio damned how his charm worked on him even now.

He huffed, closing his eyes and rubbing his furrowed brow. “Yes, I suppose I am. Then…” He looked back at Aventurine with a pinched expression. “What would you like me to do?” A small hope pooled in his gut. Maybe he wouldn’t be wasting time on his foreplay tonight, but in such a get up, Ratio was asking for too much.

“Then come sit!” Aventurine said, eagerness in his movements. He plopped himself on the couch, patting his legs like he wanted Ratio to sit there. He couldn’t possibly.

“Do you mean for me to sit on your lap?” Ratio asked, because he couldn’t imagine it himself. He was far too big and far too heavy for such an act.

Aventurine just grinned and patted his lap again, expectant. With a breath, Ratio walked over to him. Aventurine held his arms up to him like he was going to help but Ratio only huffed and gingerly plopped himself down. It was uncomfortable with the butt plug inside him as Ratio shifted his hips so it wasn’t pressing into Aventurine. It was an impossible feat, plush end brushing against his thigh and causing Ratio to shiver.

“No, no, doctor, like this,” Aventurine tutted, grabbing Ratio’s thighs and shifting him so he was sat sideways over his lap. As his bare hands brushed against Ratio’s naked thighs, they set off pinpricks along his skin and he was suddenly far too close and far too exposed. He could feel how flustered he was in his expression, especially as Aventurine smiled back at him and kept his hands there, kneading into Ratio’s thighs.

“Satisfied?” Ratio asked, words lacking bite. The tail brushed against Aventurine’s outer thigh, thankfully not pressing into anything. He wondered if Aventurine could feel it. He wondered if he could tell what Ratio was thinking by just the shifting of his hips.

“Very,” Aventurine purred back, one of his hands slowly edging back, curving around Ratio’s ass. “I told you it would fit.” He hooked a thumb under the fabric, close enough to Ratio’s tailbone that he let out an involuntary shiver.

“Watch your hands,” he said, pulling the intruding thumb away. His co*ck was already stirring as Aventurine moved his hand back to squeeze at the fluffy tail instead. He didn’t want his escalated reaction to make the gambler think this could be a regular thing between them. No, only this once, since he lost the bet.

Ratio could logically explain his reactions. He wasn’t satisfied from their play earlier, so his body had become hypersensitive as a result, seeking out pleasure in the smallest of touches. That’s why even just his bare legs pressed against Aventurine’s clothed ones made his squirm so much.

“Why doctor, I thought you would be eager for me to undress you? What, with how uninterested you are in foreplay. ” Aventurine pinned him with a knowing stare, eyes curled in delight as his fingers danced around the tail of the butt plug. “Don’t tell me you like the outfit?”

Ratio’s spine straightened, ready to defend himself, or rather, his dignity in the pursuit of clearing up falsehoods. “I’m not inclined either way, however, as this is your reward–” Ratio’s breath hitched as one of Aventurine’s hands ran along his inner thigh close to his co*ck, fingers dancing atop his skin. He gave him a look, but Aventurine only urged him to continue. “–you should be putting your desires first.”

Aventurine let out a small hum, grabbing the end of the butt plug firmly. He shifted it, pressing it against Ratio’s walls and watching with glee as his hips jolted and moved with him. “But what if my desire is to make you feel good? You want to heed my desires, and I want to heed yours.” Aventurine shifted the plug again, Ratio letting out a small gasp in response. “What a paradox.”

“Y-You…” Ratio couldn’t help the breathless moan that left his lips as Aventurine continued to rotate the toy inside him, softening his insides and causing him to clench around that cool heat. “Y-You’re using that…word wrong.”

“Which one?” Aventurine asked, other hand carefully avoiding his co*ck to run up his toned stomach. The material of the outfit felt paper thin as his every touch heated Ratio’s skin.

He was being cheeky, trying to play Ratio with not just his body but his words as well. He had already fallen into a bad gamble once today, he wouldn’t do so again, or else Aventurine would ask for something even more ridiculous from him.

Ratio grabbed the gambler's wrist and pulled it away from his chest, sitting up and shifting himself around so he was straddling him. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. I believe you’re smart enough that I don’t need to spell it out for you.” Ratio stayed propped on his knees, moving Aventurine’s hand he had captured to rest on his thigh.

“Oh, what’s this?” Aventurine looked up at Ratio, excited blush on his face. His fingers drummed along the doctor’s thigh, eager to see where he was going with this. “You’re being so assertive, doctor.”

“Since you’re intending to disregard your own pleasure once again, it seems I must take matters into my own hands,” Ratio responded, voice taking an almost business-like tone in his frustration. Aventurine must’ve been holding it in all day too, so Ratio would have to show him a sight he couldn’t restrain himself from.

He took Aventurine’s other hand which had fallen from the butt plug and shoved it uncharacteristically between his legs. He could feel Aventurine’s fingers flex and wrist twist in confusion. When Ratio felt he was far enough on his forearm, he squished his thighs around Aventurine’s arm, pinning it between them.

“What’s this, doctor?” Aventurine asked with a carefully controlled excitement. He found his fingers could perfectly latch onto the butt plug like this, fluff of the tail brushing against the palm of his hand.

With Ratio sitting on his arm like this, his balls chafed against the thick of his forearm. They were tight in the suit especially with Ratio’s now half hard co*ck pressing an outline into the black fabric. Ratio put one hand against Aventurine’s shoulder and the other on his thigh to balance himself as slowly he began to rock himself against his forearm.

“I told you,” Ratio huffed back, voice becoming unsteady as he indulged himself. “I-I’m taking matters into my own hands.”

He shouldn’t have gone about things in such a roundabout way, Ratio realized quickly. The friction of his balls rubbing against Aventurine’s arm was a painful pleasure. It was like he had chosen to slowly edge himself in this one small area and his balls were already weeping as they constrained against the bunny suit. Still, it was worth it if only to throw Aventurine off his game.

The gambler was mesmerized as he watched Ratio frot against his arm, chasing after his own pleasure as he rolled his hips in an attempt to gain some kind of friction against his co*ck. He was nearly frozen in place, watching the doctor’s face contort into a frustrated pleasure, eyes half closed and teeth biting at his lower lip as he didn’t stop rocking himself against Aventurine. His fingers dug into the gambler’s shoulder, but he could barely feel it with the overbearing buzz that shuddered down his body.

His fingers twitched and he carefully grabbed at the butt plug once more, angling the plush end downwards towards Ratio’s prostate. The doctor cried out, movements shuddering and upper body collapsing slightly as the plug ground along his prostate, finally giving him something more than whatever small bits of heat he was scraping after. It gave him more incentive to continue shaking his hips, both of his nails piercing flesh as they now clutched onto his upper arm needily.

“Do you like my arms that much?” Aventurine teased, pulling the toy away from Ratio’s prostate just to hear him whine. “I never knew you could be this needy for me, doctor. It makes me happy.”

“J-Just keep going–!” Ratio groaned, teary eyes looking at Aventurine with need.

It made his co*ck twitch in his pants, member already painfully hard and straining against his pants at the rare sight of Ratio over him. The bunny suit only made it worse, showing off the hardness of Ratio’s co*ck and firmness of his nipples. As Ratio shifted up and down his forearm, the bunny ears atop his head flopped in rhythm, a downright irresistibly cute sight on such a usually stoic man.

“A-Aventurine, hah…” Ratio’s voice called Aventurine’s gaze back to his face. He watched as the doctor fumbled over himself to meet his eyes. “I-I’m gonna cum, so h-hurry up. I d-don’t want to get the s-su–” Ratio let out a downright euphoric whine as Aventurine rammed the butt plug into his prostate again, keeling over until his forehead rested on his shoulder. “–the s-suit dirty.”

“It’s fine. We can always get another if you like it so much,” Aventurine softly replied, kissing the side of Ratio’s face. Part of him wanted to heed Ratio’s words right there and f*ck him through his org*sm, but the shame the doctor would feel cumming on his arm like this was so much sweeter. “Let me watch you cum.”

Ratio cried out at his words, whole body shuddering as he came into the suit, continuing to roll his hips into Aventurine’s arms even as the man let go of the butt plug inside him, no, he popped it out. Ratio vaguely heard it being tossed onto the carpet, wondering with a hazy, sexed out mind if Aventurine was finally going to f*ck him.

“Ah, you’re so cute, doctor,” Aventurine breathed into his neck as he pressed Ratio’s back into the couch. His legs were splayed out haphazardly, thighs still shaking from the intensity of his org*sm as Aventurine slid himself between them and pried at the hole in the suit meant for the plug. “It’s not that small, but still, I would rather not chafe,” he mumbled to himself as his fingers tore the hole wider, giving him more access to Ratio’s ass.

Ratio rested back against the couch, chest heaving as he watched Aventurine excitedly pull off the belt from his pants, fingers fumbling as he attempted to unsheathe his co*ck. The inside of the suit felt sticky, his co*ck lying limply against his stomach with his cum remaining tightly bound in the skin tight leotard. His mind tried to supply to him that he was too shaky, too sensitive for another round so soon, but by the time the words reached his throat, Aventurine was already impatiently lining his co*ck up with his red rimmed hole.

“Veritas, did I ever tell you that you look so damn good like this?” Aventurine asked, eyes on Ratio as he slid his leaking co*ck inside him without so much as a hint of warning. Impatience and desire made Aventurine hiss and push deeper into the tight heat, watching Ratio’s chest heave and co*ck twitch underneath the tight suit.

“You look so good, so pretty,” Aventurine blabbled, snapping his hips back into Ratio and quickly finding his own stuttered pace as his mind felt like doing a million and one things with the man below him. “Aeons, you’re gorgeous.” He pressed a hand down to Ratio’s stomach, feeling the outline of his co*ck as it slowly grew hard once more as Aventurine continued to press the head of his dick into his prostate, f*cking the spot raw knowing how it would undo the doctor.

He ran his fingers along the outline of Ratio’s shaft, feeling the heat and slick of his own cum that had built up there. Ratio had made a mess of himself for him, performing for Ratio like he was trying to plea for his attention. “Did you miss my co*ck that badly?” Aventurine asked, feeling the torn fabric around Ratio’s ass stretch even more. “I thought I had filled up this greedy hole plenty today, but it seems you think I’ve neglected you.”

“Y-You–ngh, stop–” Ratio could barely get out any words as his thighs shook and co*ck weeped as it spurred to life again, body stimulated again and again by Aventurine. Finally having something so warm inside him, so big and full, made him feel like he was losing his mind. He couldn’t even bother to think about how dirty he was or how open he was being as he wrapped around Aventurine’s body and whined as he clawed at his back. Any shame the bunny suit had brought him earlier was long forgotten as he barely remembered he even had those ridiculous ears on in the first place.

Aventurine leaned down into him, their chests pressed together and his lips running a wet trail along the side of his neck and up to his ear. “If you want me inside you that badly, you can always just ask,” he whispered and a full body shudder ran throughout Ratio, hole squeezing Aventurine’s co*ck and causing the gambler’s movements to jerk. “Veritas, you always treat me so well,” he hissed.

Aventurine picked up his pace, mouthing at Ratio’s neck as he felt his co*ck swell and ache with the need to cum. He grunted, pressing his hand back into Ratio’s stomach as he rubbed his palm against the head of his dick through the fabric. Ratio’s hips jerked and he tightened once more, just enough for Aventurine to feel him squeeze his climax out of him. “You’re going to be the death of me,” he breathed, continuing to thrust into his partner as he felt his co*ck twitch and Ratio cry out as he came once more.

Aventurine’s pace steadily dropped until the rocking of his hips ceased and they both laid there, catching their breath. “The bunny suit was such a good choice,” Aventurine mumbled, whether to himself or Ratio he couldn’t tell. “You really look damn good like this.” He peppered kisses along Ratio’s jawline, then up the side of his cheek.

“If you think praising me will get me to wear it again, your logic is flawed,” Ratio responded begrudgingly. He would never tell Aventurine how much his words warmed his stomach, or how much he was thinking that this wasn’t so bad once and awhile.

Aventurine chuckled. “Well, it never hurts to try.” He finally pecked Ratio’s lips, letting them linger on his before pulling back. Ratio had half a mind to pull him back down, but the now uncomfortable stickiness along his stomach promptly stopped any further ideas. He needed out of this suit.

Aventurine helped hoist Ratio up as he stared at him. “Bath,” he said like a spoiled brat.

“Oh, are we going for round two?” Aventurine asked with excitement.

Ratio bonked his head. “No, you imbecile.” He attempted to get off the couch but faltered as cum began to dribble down the sides of his legs.

Aventurine was quick to place steadying hands on his waist. It felt smaller in the suit. “Fine, at least let me help bathe you, then.”

“Only if you’ll give me the same courtesy.”

“With this shaky body?” Aventurine teased, squeezing Ratio’s sides. His whole body jerked like it was expecting the gambler to bend him down again. Ratio sent a scathing glare to Aventurine. He quickly eased his grip. “Alright, I get it. Let’s hurry. The bath takes too long to heat up.”

“No inappropriate touching,” Ratio reiterated, because learning wasn’t just memorizing something once.

“I know.”

Slide Down Here - KatlnnRotato - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.