for love is always with you - cordeliawrites - Harry Potter (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: he is half of my soul, as the poets say Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: only do not leave me in this Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: flight of death Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: loose lips sink ships Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: with hope at last Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: falling (down the rabbit hole) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: et tu, brute? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: love is so short, forgetting is so long Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: once upon a dream Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: your handprint is on my soul Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: i await a guardian Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: o captain! my captain! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: beware the ides of march Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: atlas, set free Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: never have i ever before Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: civil blood makes civil hands unclean Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: something wicked this way comes Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: flower of the court Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: the sword of damocles Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: on this night and in this life Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: you’re my achilles heel Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: i feel like prey Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: the die has been cast Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: this too shall pass Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: the rule of three Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: stars, hide your fires Chapter Text Chapter 27: courage, dear heart Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: these are the hands of fate Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: you, my girls, for life Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: tom riddle, tom riddle Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: darling, dearest Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: viva la revolución! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: such men are dangerous Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: the lost prophecy Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: of the fearless flight Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: touch has a memory Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: the last great dynasty Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: winged cupid painted blind Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: where the wild thyme blows Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: philtatos, philtatos Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 41: this is where i leave you Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 42: goodnight, sweet prince Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 43: the darkest timeline Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 44: in the pathless woods Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 45: the deathly hallows Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 46: blood will out Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 47: a kingdom or this Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 48: the tempest Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 49: i open at the close Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 50: what souls are made of Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: he is half of my soul, as the poets say


Everything in the Harry Potter world belongs to J.K Rowling and Warner Brothers.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Chapter 1: he is half of my soul, as the poets say

“I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell.
I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth.
I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Harri Lily Potter was born in the summertime.

She was like all the things that are bright and beautiful. Delicate as the petal of a flower and as breathtaking as a butterfly in full bloom. And just as every mage that existed before her, she too, had a soul that was not yet whole and the deepest secrets of the rest of her soul on the inside of her wrist.

From the day she was born to the day her parents died the words were an ever changing litany of anger and spite.

Then James Potter fell into his last sleep. And Lily Potter took her last breath. And Lord Voldemort was torn in two.

Then the words changed.

I fear no fate—

And stayed for a long time.

It was a warm day. The first after a bitter winter. Sunlight peaked through floorboards and brightened dreary little Surrey. Children ran on bikes and scooters, mothers sat on patios drinking tea. Little peels of laughter and squealing could be heard up and down the road. It was incredibly ordinary. So much so, that you would never know of the bizarre things that occurred there.

Like babies being left on doorsteps and old women across the street who were not all that they seemed. Most importantly, like the little girl who would save them all, hidden and protected within these walls but unaware of just who she was.

Harri was sitting on her own porch and watching over privet drive. She was hiding from her cousin Dudley, who kept yanking on her ponytails while she was trying to play with her toys. He was always doing that, annoying her that is, and Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon never did anything to stop him.

Harri looked away from where her gaze had wandered to the lily flowers in Aunt Petunia’s garden and back towards her wrist. She sighed in disappointment. The words hadn’t changed. They never did. No amount of hoping or praying ever made a difference.

I fear no fate— written on the inside of her skin.

It was not that she didn’t love them, because she did. They were small and written in beautiful cursive. They were perfect. She loved them just like she thought she would love her soulmate. Completely.

But Harri wanted something, anything, to explain what they meant and why they were there.

Did her soul mate feel alone like she did? Did he love the smell of fresh orange juice or the sound of the rainfall? Did he get scared of thunder and hide under his blankets? Was he waiting for her like she was waiting for him?

Sometimes she missed him so much she ached.

She’d asked Aunt Petunia once about the ink, and all Petunia told her was these words meant she had a soulmate. When Harri asked why only she had them, Aunt Petunia's face had scrunched up like she’d tasted cow dung and Harri had just run away before she could be spanked.

The Dursleys made her wear bracelets at school to cover her words. They told her if anyone saw the writing on her wrist they’d call the police and someone would come to take Harri away. And while she didn’t particularly love the Dursleys, Harri was smart enough to know where they would take her would be worse. So she kept her mouth shut like the good girl they wanted her to be.

Then one day everything changed.

And this change came in the form of a white letter.

A white letter and the words Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Rubeus Hagrid came to collect Harri from Privet Drive on a Sunday morning in August. Aunt Petunia fussed over her pink dress and brushed her hair as he walked up the driveway.

Petunia got a sour look on her face when she saw him but she shook his hand anyway. Harri was surprised at her cordiality.

“Make sure she gets back home safely.” Petunia said through tight lips. “If anything has happened to her I will know.” Then she snatched her hand away and walked back inside.

Hagrid was like no one Harri had met before. He was a giant and unkempt sort of man but the cleanest breath of fresh air she ever smelled. Because Hagrid was kind. He answered all her questions enthusiastically and he met her excitement with his own.

She was introduced to Diagon Alley—which was wicked—and to other wizards and witches who gazed upon her with awe.

She met a bizarre man named Quirrell (of all things).

She walked into a bank and discovered goblins and...that her parents had left her everything. Her heart thudded something awful. James and Lily Potter.

She met a pale and pointy boy who came off as entitled but screamed lonely. And if there was one thing Harri knew it was that so she forgave him for his shallow words and crude arrogance.

She discovered flying and potions and charms. She let her heart hope for the first time in a long time.

But of course, nothing was perfect not even this new world of magic.

In this world existed dark wizards and dark lords and wars fought by parents who left their children orphans. In this world Harri Potter was not the shy girl who lived down the street. In this world she was the girl who lived.

And as Ollivander whispered words of old magic and old wisdom Harri got a funny feeling in her stomach.

Of phoenix core and matching wands, of the darkest magic and a lighting bolt scar.

But she let the feeling pass.

Because Harri was a witch and her parents hadn’t died in an accident, her parents had died in a war. They were heroes. Her parents were heroes and they had loved her and they never would have left her, not if they could have stayed.

When she went to sleep that night she heard voices in her head. She saw a green light, she heard a terrible scream and a whisper in the corner of her mind.

You are finally here.

For a moment she even saw a flash of red eyes, before the dream was gone.

When she woke up that morning the words on her wrists had changed.

I waited for you. It is too late now.


The first 3 chapters are fast-paced and different from the rest of the story, they set the background and are short. Chapter 8 is really when the pace settles and continues on for all others.

AHH I don't know what to say. Comment and let me know what you think?

some writing credits:
"He is half of my soul, as the poets say" — Madeline Miller as well.
"Harri Potter lives, therefore Tom Riddle lives also" is inspired by Cassandra Clare's qoute about Will Herondale and Jem Carstairs.

Chapter 2: only do not leave me in this


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 2: only do not leave me in this

“You said I killed you - haunt me, then!
Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad!
Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!
oh, God! It is unutterable!
I can not live without my life! I can not live without my soul!”
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

On the morning of the first of September 1991, the Dursley household was an overflow of nervous energy. As sunlight cascaded through the open window and the scent of flowers permeated the air. Uncle Vernon ran around looking for one thing or another. He'd already loaded his car with Harri’s trunk yet continued to mutter about fuel. Aunt Petunia fretted over breakfast while she finished plaiting the top of Harri’s head.

Dudley and Harri were the calm in the storm. Harri's cousin had barely spoken to her since he woke up. They were across one another on the dining room table but for the first time in his small age, Dudley Dursley was quiet and contemplative.

Bizarrely, Harri couldn't remember a time in their entire childhood when he hadn't been a blur of sound and movement. Though she was puzzled by it, she could barely focus on him or stomach the food in front of her. She was nauseous with worry and her thoughts were scattered.

What would Hogwarts be like? Would everyone recognize her as they had in Diagon alley? Were people going to like her? Would she be able to make friends? She had a few friends at her muggle elementary school. Ana from Romania and Sydney from Utah. And while she would miss them, she wasn't sad to be leaving.

Because something as extraordinary as magic had fallen upon her and embedded itself into her very being. She could scarcely think of anything else.

What Hogwarts house would she be sorted in? How did a castle even function as a school? What were the professors like? There were too many things she couldn't wait to learn and too many things she couldn't wait to get over with.

As for the message from her soulmate on her wrist...

Harri's fingers tightened around the fork in her hands.

'I waited for you. It's too late now.'

But what did that mean?

Harri had waited her whole life for her soulmate! And she would wait forever! How could her soulmate give up like that? Had they figured out who she was? Would she meet them today? Why was it too late? Nothing was too late.

It didn’t make sense to her ten year old mind. Giving up before you had even started.

To Harri, her words had always symbolized something deeper than just a soulmate. Her words had meant long-awaited answers and hope and destiny.

They were the rest of her life.

She'd felt impatient before as well but how could her soulmate surrender? Admit defeat?

And as if this peculiarity of her soul mark changing the night before she left for Hogwarts wasn't enough, the conversation with Aunt Petunia weeks ago had been the cherry on top of a new age of confusion and change.

After the trip with Hargrid, Petunia had pulled Harri into her room and given her a box wrapped in pink.

With unusually gentle eyes and hands, she had explained to Harri that now that she would actually be interacting with people like her, she couldn’t just cover her wrist with a beaded bracelet. Especially since almost everyone would be curious about Harri's words. Aunt Petunia explained that because of who Harri was, her notoriety and her fame, people would want to take advantage of her. Which was why it was important to hide her words and keep her secrets close to her chest. It was the time to be smart and careful.

Then she told Harri to open the box. Inside was a delicate gold bracelet that Petunia took out and softly clasped around her wrist.

It fit perfectly and didn’t move or budge. You couldn’t see Harri's words anymore.

“Lily.” Aunt Petunia elaborated. “This belonged to her.”

Harri stared at her arm with a tight throat. When she found the courage to look up and into her aunt's eyes, she saw in them a vast sadness. It surprised her.

“I didn’t get to keep much of her after she died but I got to have this.” Petunia dabbed at her eyes. “It now belongs to you.”

Despite the complicated feelings Harri held towards Petunia and her family, she felt touched. In the end, the Dursleys had taken her in and taken care of her. She knew how much worse it could have been. Also for the first time, Harri remembered that while she lost her mother all those years ago Aunt Petunia lost her sister. And perhaps in the heart she'd once thought made of stone there was a piece that still beat, a piece that never recovered.

Aunt Petunia took both of Harri’s hands in her own and tilted her chin up with a finger. “Keep it safe and stay hidden Harri.”

The sound of Dudley and a car horn brought Harri back to the breakfast table and away from a memory that felt too fragile to touch.

“Harri! Harri! Harri!” Dudley was banging his fist on the table with an egg stuck to the side of his mouth.

Harri dropped her fork with exasperation. “What Dudley?”

Dudley dropped his eyes to the floor. “It’ll be weird not having you here.”

There was a strange sort of melancholy about that. Harri sighed. How did this sort of thing happen?

She'd always wanted to leave Little Whinging and now that the change presented itself she felt not sadness exactly but something quite like it, mixed in with the excitement and nervousness.

It was like she stood at the edge of a cliff. She was afraid she'd fall rather than soar.

Harri peered over at Dudley until their eyes met and admitted. “It is weird.”

Dudley nodded, solemn.

Reluctantly, Harri murmured. “I might miss fighting with you.”

He smiled. “Yeah. I might miss it too. And you. Only a little though.”

Harri scrunched her nose. "Yes. Only a little."

Uncle Vernon burst inside. “Time to go! Don’t want to miss that train. Especially don’t want to get into rush hour traffic! In the car Harri!”

Then all at once, Harri survived the weirdness of Aunt Petunia's hug, Dudley's handshake, and Uncle Vernon's reassuring squeeze on her shoulder as they walked to platform nine and three-quarters.

She turned to Uncle Vernon when they reached the red bricks and said goodbye to him there.

He squared his shoulders. “Well then Harri. Be sharp and smart. Send a letter or two.” And he was off.

Harri breathed out in relief.

It was time to get on with the rest of her life.

And then. And then here is how it went.

She made it onto the platform with the help of a gaggle of redheads. She and one said redhead (named Ron, Ron Weasley) managed to find a carriage together and it was there they sat (on this first day and for the years to come). They bonded over Harri's scar and his family. Then a little while later there was Hermione with her big hair and a toad named Trevor and a creepy rat named Scabbers which made for a promising beginning.

Though this all almost went to sh*t when the pointy sad little boy from Madam Malkin's shoved through their door with his friends and breathed 'Harri Potter' with quiet awe and a bright glance of recognition.

Words and wands were drawn between the boys but Harri pulled Draco in and Hermione warned Crabbe and Goyle out.

Hesitantly, in a moment that altered so much, Draco and Ron apologized to each other.

Then there were the four of them: Draco, Ron, Hermione and Harri.

At least that was how they began. And it changed everything.

Also, as it turned out, Ron’s words were curled around Draco’s wrist.

“My father won’t understand.” Draco whispered and he looked terribly sad. “He won’t.”

Ron gently nudged his shoulder. “We won’t give him the chance.”

They shared a secret smile only they ever could understand and stayed close the whole train ride. Harri and Hermione shared a look of their own, one they would frequently for years.

Before they knew it the four of them managed to lose themselves in the excitement of learning magic and in the tumbling in and out of carriages. They met many other students and the rest of the journey was only red cheeks and loud laughter.

Before Harri could even blink, Hogwarts was in the corner of her eye.

It was magnificent.

Everything she'd dreamed it would be. Like the castles in all the stories.

The sorting hat sung and though it tried otherwise Harri fought her way into Gryffindor. Into the legacy of her parents and the fire of the lions. She met the twinkling eyes of Headmaster Dumbledore and the proud smile of Professor McGonagall. She also met the pinched gaze of an unkept-looking man. He did not bother hiding his displeasure.

But Harri would only learn later the true thoughts running through his mind in that first moment.

At the end of the sorting, she was introduced to a feast bigger than anything she'd ever seen and the ghosts who also called Hogwarts home. There was a poltergeist named Peeves, twins named Fred and George, dorm mates Dean, Seamus and Neville, moving staircases, speaking paintings, and a room on the top of a tower that she shared with four other girls.

Daphne, Hermione, Maria and Lavender.

That night after they got ready for bed the five of them crowded into Harri’s and talked for hours. They fell asleep squished together and with tears of laughter in their eyes. Though Harri woke up tired on the first day of school, she wasn't regretful. Not even a little bit.

Harri and Hermione walked into the great hall together the next morning to find Draco already inside. He was standing with a slight pug-faced girl who scowled at the sight of them and shifted away. Draco happily turned towards them anyway. They spoke for a little bit, divulged the secrets of their common rooms before they ran off to their respective tables.

As Harri sat down she pondered what she had learned last night and what she had been pushing away all morning.

Soulmates were able to send their thoughts to each other through the words on their wrists from the day they were born. It was not common to have no changes in your mark unless there was something wrong.

And there was. Something wrong that is.

Harri knew it deep in her heart. It had something to do with her dreams and the aching of her scar from that night so long ago. But she would figure it out. Because she refused to exist in a world where her soul was lost, where Harri couldn't find her other half. She couldn't even think of it, it was so painful.

When she had nothing she had this. She always knew she was never alone because of her words and that she was never meant to be. She would never give them up.

But something had happened, it was a feeling and a fear.

Harri slid her finger between her bracelet to rub at her words. While Daphne chatted about potions as their first class, a sharp burst of pain entered Harri's forehead. She hid her flinch and looked around in unease. Unconsciously she met Professor Quirrell's eyes. He smiled shakily at her and lifted his goblet in hello.

Harri's own eyes narrowed. There was something odd about him. Though she didn't ponder over it much because Daphne nudged her and tuned her back into the conversation.

Unbeknownst to Harri however, the thoughts on her wrist changed once again.

I can feel you close by. I can smell you.

Who… are… you?

In the abyss of the forbidden forest, a sliver of soul trembled and awakened. More aware than the blood of a unicorn could even provide, more aware than it could be by sharing the mind of a spineless wizard.

Voldemort slit his form.

His soul was nearby. It called to him.

But he had a greater purpose.

Harri Potter had come to Hogwarts at last.

And he planned to kill her.


Thank you everyone for the really sweet comments; I still have to reply to them!

And I hope everyone is staying safe during this time.

Voldemort does not know Harri is his soulmate. He just feels that his soulmate is at Hogwarts but he does not know it's her.

Chapter 3: flight of death


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 3: flight of death

“I am a weapon made of flesh, a sword covered in skin.
I was born to kill a king.
To end a reign of terror before it can truly begin.
Fire and lighting raised him up, and fire and lighting will bring him down.”
Victoria Aveyard, Glass Sword

Looking back, that first year at Hogwarts was an anthology of happiness.

Harri made friends for a lifetime. She lived, wandered and found a home for herself within the walls of a castle.

The words on her wrist began to change every day. Some days they were a litany of pain, small help me's. Others, they were an ever-changing realm of anger that she could feel burn her heart. Do you know how long it's been? Rarely, they were quiet and small. It's too late it's too late it's too late or the years the years.

Her soul was hurting and she didn't know how to fix it.

She and her roommates stayed up most nights talking under the covers and their days learning everything they could.

When the Daily Prophet released the news of a break-in at the wizarding bank, it piqued all their attention as Harri revealed that the vault broken into at Gringotts was one that Hagrid visited with her back in the summer.

Fred and George created havoc in the boy's Gryffindor dorms that bleed into the entire dormitory. Neville lost and found Trevor about a dozen times. Seamus burned his hair off once a month but managed to grow it back every time. Draco befriended two boys in his dorm, Theodore and Blaise. They were unexpectedly friendly. Lavender dyed her hair lavender and regretted it. Maria taught them Spanish (or tried to at least). Hermione educated the purebloods on muggles and Daphne sprained her wrist in flying lessons. Harri tried baking Angelina a birthday cake and ended up starting a fire in the common room.

Within a week of classes, she almost got eaten by a three-headed dog with Ron, Hermione, Draco and Blaise on the third floor corridor. The only thing that came out of it was the discovery of a hidden trap door beneath the room.

They studied in the library with all of the first years and Dean somehow incited a prank war that went on all year long. Alicia Spinett snuck them into the astronomy tower at night where they learned to play card games and drank hot chocolate bribed from house elves.

There were after-school lessons and game nights in the tower. The upperclassmen who shared everything and taught them how to flirt with boys. P ajama nights in the great hall and movie nights in the boy's room.

On her wrist, there was: years and years and years.

There was the troll incident that somehow didn't land them in too much trouble but instigated Snapegate of 1991. (When Snape was seen with a bite on his leg that could only be from the three-headed dog guarding a trapdoor on the third floor).

And then quidditch season had begun and everyone was consumed with house rivalry and sabotage that only magic could create.

Daphne sprained her wrist again while dropping mud-filled ballons on Marcus Flint's head.

Harri became the youngest quidditch player in a century. That day Hermione and Daphne showed her the trophy room and cabinet with her father's name on it. It was another piece of her heritage that fell into place.

On her wrist, there was: too late too late.

Her group of friends continued to grow increasingly suspicious of Snape when he messed with Harri’s broom (or so they assumed).

“It had to be Snape!” Hermione swore. "Why else was he muttering enchantments?"

“Now hold on a minute,” Blaise protested.

“He may seem a little unpleasant but Professor Snape would never deliberately try to hurt Harri.” Draco defended. “He's not a man that would hurt an innocent child."

"That's what you say." Lav snorted. "Slytherin."

Later on, they inadvertently tricked Hagrid and discovered that the three-headed dog was actually his (and named Fluffy, of course) and the secret beneath him was an object only Dumbledore and a man named Nicolas Flamel knew of.

On Christmas day Harri was surprised to receive many gifts. Not only did her friends give her presents but people from all over the school. There was even a special package under the tree with no name.

She opened it and found a secret Potter heirloom.

Ron knelt next to her when the first tear dropped. He hugged her when she buried her face in the invisibility cloak.

For the first time in a long time she let herself mourn her loss. She thought of everything her parents had given her even after they were gone. Her green eyes, her messy hair, her love of quidditch but most importantly her courage and softness.

It was a truth that was undeniable to her. Everything good about her came from them.

On her wrist: so close, I am, so close.

That night she went out in search of books about Nicolas Flamel in the restricted section. Unfortunately, she only had a moment to look before Snape and Filch were on her tail. To escape them she legged it up the stairs and ended up in an old room where she discovered something called the mirror of erised.

In the mirror's reflection, she found the faces of her lost family. As she gazed upon them Dumbledore appeared and they had their first real conversation. Something about knitted socks and the deepest desire of hearts.

When he left her he shared with her what she has known to be true all these years.

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, dear Harri.”

He could not have known even back then that Harri would hardly have the time to do anything else.

Before she walked away from the mirror she pressed her palm against the image of a legacy long gone. The Potters.

Experimentally, silently, she mouthed, 'I love you'.

No one hears, no one sees, but the tree falls in the forest just the same.

Somewhere between an argument with Draco about Neville, Harri and Hermione discovered who Nicolas Flamel really was.

The creator of the Philosopher’s Stone which could make a man richer in gold and in life.

Harri won the second quidditch match of the year despite Snape’s best efforts (and almost swallowed the snitch by the end of the game).

She then followed Snape under the cover of her invisibility cloak to find he may not have been with Quirrell but he could be trying to steal the stone for himself.

When meeting with Hagrid to discuss her suspicions, (which he confirmed, that the stone was hidden within the school) Harri and her friends ended up watching the hatching of a dragon egg. Yet, consequently, they were then caught smuggling the dragon in the middle of the night to Ron’s brother and landed themselves detention in the forbidden forest.

On the night of their detention, Harri and Draco were left alone with Fang while Hermione, Ron and Blaise went with Hagrid. Hagrid had them on the hunt for an alleged rabid animal.

Draco mumbled under his breath about how much of a nutter Dumbledore was to send first years alone into the forbidden forest at night. Harri walked beside him silently and held securely onto his elbow. She nodded along at the right moments and pretended to listen.

“I mean, wait until my father hears about this! Has he lost his mind? Sending us out here in the middle of the night where who knows what could happen!"

Really, Harri was paying more attention to the foreboding feeling in her stomach.

At night the forest ran true to its tales. The trees stretched out into the sky, skinny and abundant, old and wicked. Above them was a starless sky and in the air a dangerous mist. The wind blew from far away and noises echoed. The hoot of an owl, the howl of a wolf and the screeching of crickets. Every few minutes or so there was an absurd, unplaceable sound that made Harri’s heart sink.

She kept a firm grip on the lamp in her hand and turned to Draco to reply when they staggered upon a terrible sight.

In the center of the forbidden forest, a unicorn lay dying as a figure in a dark cloak drank its blood.

Harri tripped, Draco screamed and the figure looked up.

They both shrieked loud enough that the birds in the trees fled. Draco grabbed her arm and they ran.

Harri’s heart was pounding so loud she couldn't hear anything while they sped through the forest with Fang running ahead of them.

Her scar ached something awful and her robe got ripped by the branches. She could just about see the edge of the forest when Draco stopped. She stumbled into his back. In the middle of the path, another creature blocked their way.

He introduced himself to them as Firenze, one of the centaurs native to the forest.

“What you have just witnessed is a very dangerous act. You must leave the forest at once. It is not safe here, especially for you Harri Potter. The dark one will not follow so long as I am here so I will grant you safe passage back to Hagrid.”

Firenze guided them back to Hogwarts from behind. He was beautiful and moved his limbs with a fluidity uncommon in humans. His eyes glowed in the darkness and spoke of secrets.

Draco still had a secure grip on Harri’s hand but his face had paled to a pasty white she hadn't even known existed. Both of them were panting still and their breaths clouded the air in front of them. While they walked they couldn't help but shoot each other looks.

“What the bloody hell.” Draco mouthed to her, his hair ruffled and out of order from its usual greasy look.

Harri knew she looked as horrified as he did. She shot him a disbelieving glance back, thinking how in the past year alone they had almost been killed by a dog, a troll and now a wraith.

When they reached the edge of the forest clearing, Harri made to follow Draco but Firenze rested his hand on her shoulder and asked to speak with her.

He explained to her the horrific consequences of drinking unicorn blood and that the creature they observed had a specific purpose for doing so. Drinking unicorn blood would provide it enough strength to survive for a long enough period of time to steal the philosopher's stone.

Firenze then asked her what creature would do such a thing.

Dread chilled Harri’s bones.

For it could only be one being, one person, the same one who would turn the wizarding world into chaos, the same one who would kill a child.


Firenze nodded. “Harri, the sky has foretold me much about you.” He placed his hand on her head. "You see, as a species we centaurs are trained in the art of divination. Real, natural, powerful divination. But it is an unspoken rule that we stay out of human and wizarding disputes. Although once in a while, there comes a time when silence is not the answer.”

He paused, a distraught look in his eyes.

“When you find out the wrists that your words belong to, you will have a choice. To keep it a secret or to tell. What I would advise is that secrets have a way of getting out in the wizarding world, and this one cannot. Be careful.Much depends on it. I understand that you may not understand what I am saying or why at this moment. I can only hope that when the time comes and,” he glanced at the sky. “The time will come. You will need them and they will guide you.”

Firenze pulled her closer to him and whispered. “Stay safe. Keep it hidden. We shall meet again little one.”

He then disappeared into the forest once more. It would be years before Harri saw him again and by then she would understand exactly what he meant.

For now, as the trees swayed and Fang barked, Harri stood bewildered and alarmed.

On her wrist: where where where.

After their end of year exams Ron, Hermione, Draco, Blaise and Harri established that Snape must be moving to steal the stone. They came up with a plan (which was not really a plan and more just running in headfirst to danger) to find Hagrid and question him about how to get past the obstacles to reach the stone.

Next, they found McGonagall to warn her and ask for Dumbledore so that Snape could be stopped. When that failed (Dumbledore was in London? The stone was protected adequately? They shouldn’t even know about it? Sure. Alright.) they took it upon themselves to find the stone before Snape.

Blaise stayed back in case anyone tried to get into the third floor.

The rest of them got past Fluffy, devil's snare and flying keys before they spilt up. In a chess game, Harri lost Ron and after a trick potion, Hermione and Draco could go no further.

Harri went on alone. She couldn't help but anticipate that this was the scene when the villain would be unmasked.

When she stepped into the last she gasped. Where the daunting figure of Professor Snape should have been Quirrell stood instead.

“Ah, Harry.” Quirrell spun to face her with a satisfied expression on his face. Gone was his stutter or the shape of a man afraid of his own shadow.

Her scar burned. She stayed where she was.

“I suppose,” Quirrell smirked. “That you didn’t consider it was me all this time?"

Harri had gravely misjudged this man. While he'd always rubbed her the wrong way, she never considered him to be nefarious. To think that he had been able to fool the entire school and its teachers this thoroughly was scary.

“Oh no,” he mocked as he moved forward. “Not Quirrell! Couldn’t possibly be stupid stuttering Quirrell.” his voice echoed in the room.

Harri tried to hide the way her hands trembled at his approach.

“One thing you will learn girl is that people are always disgustingly predictable.” He laughed. “They only see what they want to see, they never look beyond, never deeper. You can paint a persona and they will believe it.” He gestured to himself. “Now tell me sweet child, oh poor sweet Harri, when you came running along these steps who exactly did you expect to find?” His whole aura screamed vindictive as he reached where she was.

She swallowed the fear that threatened to overwhelm her. There was someone else in the room. The burn of her scar promised this.

“Snape.” She answered him in a frigid tone. His smugness was irritating and turned her sharp and biting.

Quirrel cackled loudly. She wanted to tell him he was nothing special no matter how much Voldemort lied to him.

“You’re not going to take that stone.” Harri said.

“And who exactly is going to stop me? You?” He looked her up and down condescendingly.


He scowled. “Listen here girl. What you are going to do is tell me where Dumbledore hid that stone. And then,” he bent his waist down to eye level. “You will give it to me.

She pressed her lips together. “I won't.” And hoped her heart wouldn't beat out of her chest.

He growled and then started talking to himself, whispering, wincing. “No my lord, no, of course, of course.”

That was the moment Harri realized the presence she felt in the room was Voldemort. He was here somewhere. She scrutinized Quirrell and her eyes widened.

He stared back at her and smiled saccharine sweet and deathly fake.

“Harri. Look in the mirror and tell me what you see.” He stabbed his wand into her side.

She didn't know what to do but hoped she could stall him. She listened to what he said. He pushed her with his wand pressed against her lower back, down the steps and into a circle the mirror of erised laid in.

She peered inside it.

She didn't see her family but a reflection of herself. Her reflection winked and patted her left pocket. A weight formed there. Her reflection pressed a finger against her lips. Then it vanished and transformed.

Now the mirror showed her family again. But this time…

Harri gaped. Standing next to her was a man, a blurry form but handsome, she could tell.

She knew exactly who that was supposed to be. Her soulmate. He was smiling and laughing amongst her family.

She forgot where she was, the stone, Quirrell and Voldemort. None of it mattered in the face of this.

But then from behind her Quirrell rasped out. “What do you see?”

“Me, winning the house cup.” Harri lied distractingly.

“She is lying.” Hissed a cruel and croaky voice out of nowhere. “Show her to me.”

Quirrell argued but when Harri turned he began unwrapping his turban. To her horror, he showed his back and the face on his scalp.

“Harri Potter...” Voldemort whispered. “At long last.”

There was something terribly wrong. Harri’s gut clenched.

What Harri didn't know in that moment but something she would learn with time, was that underneath her bracelet the words on her wrist were finally giving her the answers she’d asked for so long.

Do you know what it's like to wait fifty years for someone?

I was too young and I wanted too much.

It is over now. I will be free.

And in that freedom

It is done.

“I know you have the stone.” Voldemort narrowed his eyes. “Give it to me Harri.”

“No!” Harri shook her head and stumbled back. “I won't.”

“I can bring your parents back. Give me the stone, join me and you will have them back.” Voldemort purred.

“You’re lying!” Harri shouted.

Voldemort radiated anger. He shrieked. “Kill the girl!”

Quirrell grabbed for Harri and she clasped her hands on his face and he screamed and screamed.

When she fell to the floor and Quirrell was no more Voldemort fled, a dark husk escaping through a window.

Then finally the world was dark.

And on her wrist there was nothing. It was empty.

Harri woke in the hospital wing. Silently, she reached for a glass of water. A hand placed it within reach. Headmaster Dumbledore sat beside her and humming to himself. His eyes were twinkling.

“Good morning or rather afternoon. You've woken quite late in the day.” He smiled at her winningly. “Your friends await your return at the end of year feast as does the rest of Hogwarts. Of course, you may leave whenever you choose to as Madam Pomfrey tells me you’re healing well.”

“If I had it my way headmaster she would be here another two days at the very least.” Pomfrey chimed in from where she was at her desk, observing Dumbledore with irritation.

“As is the disposition of a good matron.” Dumbledore replied. “But Harri, if you could spare me a moment. I would like to talk with you about the events that occurred yesterday.” He glanced to Madam Pomfrey and to Harri he grinned. “Events that only you and the late Quirinus Quirrell are privy to I’m afraid.”

The potions in her body had dulled her senses and made her feel more at peace than she should. When she said words they came out slow and measured. “Headmaster…he was… Voldemort was there. On the back of Quirrell's head. When he forced me in front of the mirror the philosophers stone appeared in my pocket and he tried to offer me to join him. When I refused Voldemort made Quirrell attack me...but my hands.” Harri peered down at them and wondered if they'd changed. But there they were, the same as they'd always been. Delicate and small. "They burned him and...Voldemort fled. He was just a shadow when I passed."

She looked back at Dumbledore and found a strangeness in his expression. He did not say anything for quite some time and when he did move it was to rest his hand on her head. “What you did yesterday was incredibly dangerous and could have cost you your life. I don't condone the risk you placed on yourself."

He softened. "In spite of that, you acted with great courage. I would like to thank you for what you did. You have saved us from him yet again." At the proudness in his tone, a lightnesssettled in her chest. "But I do not want you to think that it falls upon you to stop him because it does not. You are still but a child Harri. Just because you did it once does not mean you have to do it again.”

Harri nodded yet inside she couldn't help but think that it was not true. For a reason, until Voldemort was dead for a final time, it would always fall upon her.

She whispered into the quiet space between them. "Will he come back?"

“One day. But that day is not today. So relieve yourself of this worry."

For the rest of the afternoon, Dumbledore told her about the protection her mother had left her which caused Quirrell to burn. It never failed to bring tears to Harri's eyes, how much she was loved by her mother and how her love still lived on inside Harri.

At the feast, Gryffindor won the house cup by a landslide. Their table had never screamed as loud as they did then. And though the Slytherins moaned in upset, Draco grinned, perhaps unable to find it within himself to be upset when Ron was so ecstatic. Blaise and Theodore were equally content next to him, bemused and teasing.

Down Harri's table, Percy grabbed Ron and the Weasley twins surrounded Oliver Wood, spinning him around in circles. Alicia whistled and Deam jumped in joy. Dumbledore sat at the head table and raised a glass in goodwill while McGonagall stood next to him and clapped proudly. Snape could be seen to the side glowering something fierce.

Harri’s first year at Hogwarts ended in the arms of her friends as they celebrated with the rest of the Gryffindors in victory.


I wanted to get first year over with because it probably has the least plot and I'm excited to get into second year next chapter and the diary!

some credits:
“Experimentally, silently, I mouth I love you ... No one hears, no one sees, but the tree falls in the forest just the same.”- David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that."- J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone (obviously).
The chapter title flight of death is the english translation of the name Voldemort. Vol (flight) de (of) mort (death). I thought this title worked well as this is the first time he makes an actual appearance in this story. I hope you guys notice the chapter titles as I pick them deliberately and they always relate to the content of the chapter :).

Chapter 4: loose lips sink ships


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 4: loose lips sink ships

"There you are sweetheart.
Sorry I'm late.
I was looking everywhere for you."
Hayao Miyazaki, Howl’s Moving Castle

While that last day had been a triumph, the train ride home was somber.

Draco stood in a corner of the carriage with his arms crossed and a thoughtful look on his face. Next to him Ron tried to avoid any eye contact and busied his mouth with chocolate frogs. Daphne was playing exploding snap with Blaise across from Harri, whose eyes were closed and head on Maria’s shoulder. Hermione was leaning against their legs with a book open in her lap on the floor and Lavender was pressed against her, the only space in the carriage left open once she'd wandered in a little late.

A few seconds into the ride, Draco straightened his shoulders and broke the silence. When everyone's gazes shifted towards him, he swallowed, Adam’s apple visibly moving up and down.

“He’s come back.” Draco looked around the carriage and then rested his eyes on Harri. “He’s been biding his time just like everyone secretly thought and now he’s planning to return again. When the others, his followers, hear about this...when they hear that he’s alive…they will go looking for him.”

Ron swallowed a frog leg. Maria shivered.

“He’s gaining strength.” Blaise looked out the window.

“And when he has enough he’ll come for me,” Harri said. “I know. I realized this when I stood in front of the mirror of erised. Maybe even before, when I learned who I was.”

“There's time though.” Hermione offered.

Harri gazed at her hands unable to look at her friends. She didn’t know what it was she didn't want to see but anxiety had gripped her throat and wouldn’t let go.

Daphne leaned over for Harri’s hand with a determined look in her eyes. “Let him come. Let him come Harri. We’ll be with you when he does.”

“Yeah!” Ron chimed in, newly enthused. “If we can survive Snape we can survive him.”

“Besides,” Maria added with a fond smile “He doesn't realize how many people would stand at your side.”

“Or we’ll scare him with Lavender, I doubt he’d stick around when faced with that. She looks a right sort in the mornings.” Blaise teased and then flinched when Lavender moved to hit him in the face with her bag. “Bloody hell woman! It was a joke!” he shrieked and hid behind Draco.

“You wanker!” Lavender leapt. “Blaise you have no right to talk about me when you look like Filch after three beers at breakfast every day!”

Blaise gasped in false outrage. “I do NOT!”

Lavender hissed. “Hmm maybe not Filch, MAYBE YOU RESEMBLE THAT TROLL—

Troll? You’ve lost your mind you have!” Blaise shouted and rose up from his seat.

“GUYS!” Draco spread his arms out between them before they attacked each other and him.

“Draco sort of looks like professor Snape when he yells quite like that doesn’t he?” Hermione whispered loudly.

Daphne groaned and pinched the tip of her nose. “Not this again.”

Maria cackled in glee and pointed at Draco. “He does, he does! It’s the twist of the nose!”

Ron mouthed to himself in contemplation and tried to imitate Draco's face but he only looked like he needed to sneeze. Draco smacked him on the head. “You’re supposed to be on my side Weaselbee!”

Harri tilted her head to the right. “The scowl I would say, his mouth wrinkles in disgust just so…”

Draco huffed and flushed pink while everyone continued to tease him.

"Oh shut up.”

“Yes Professor!”

The train station was packed and bustling with noise when they arrived back in London. People bumped into each other left and right with laughter and shouted greetings.

When Harri stepped off the train behind Ron, she hadn't expected to see all three Dursleys waiting for her but that was exactly what happened. Vernon was tightlipped and glanced at the wizards in his vicinity warily. Not far away from him was Petunia, eyeing some witches' robes in disgust. Last was Dudley standing between them with eyes glistening as he peered at the Hogwarts express.

When Harri came into view, Vernon lifted a hand above his head and shook it to signal their position.

Harri and her friends embraced each other one by one in goodbye. It would be extremely odd, now that they had spent a year side by side to suddenly be without one another. Harri thought she wasn't sure how she would survive. Certainly, she would be bored out of her mind.

Hermione had already made them promise to write as soon as possible. Harri suspected that she had created a planner listing all the days they could meet up. Not all of them would be able to as Blaise was leaving for Italy, Maria had family in Spain and Daphne's mother's house was in Paris.

Draco had long gone ahead with the Malfoy’s to avoid the inevitable meeting between them all. The clashing of his two worlds, both that he wanted and neither was he willing to give up.

Ron rushed his goodbyes as Fred and George haggled him to hurry up, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley waved at all of them, looking hassled as they pushed their kids out the barrier.

As Blaise gave Harri a goodbye kiss on the cheek and hugged her tightly enough to lift her off the floor, he was interrupted by a manicured hand on his shoulder.

He let go of Harri, his eyes gleaming in excitement. “Mamma!”

Behind him was a tall witch dressed in emerald robes and gold gleaming within the folds of her breasts. Her red lips quirked up into a smile at the sight of her only son. “Ciao amore mio.” She reached down to place two kisses on Blaise's cheek.

She then gestured to the five girls watching them. “Well darling, aren’t you going to introduce me?”

Blaise almost blushed. “Of course Mamma. These are some of my closest friends. Harri, Hermione, Daphne, Maria and Lavender.”

“Che bello Blaise!” Blaise rubbed his cheeks in embarrassment while she pinched them.

Mrs. Zabini introduced herself to them, invited them to visit in the summer and winked as she whisked Blaise away, visibly teasing him as they walked.

Harri bid farewell to her girls, gripped Hedwig’s cage and rolled her trunk to where the Dursley’s waited. They greeted each other with light hellos and Uncle Vernon practically tripped over himself in a hurry to leave the station.

Harri gave one last glance around the train station and then vanished through the barrier. She was sad to have to return to the Dursley's but she tried not to let it consume her. She would be with Hermione and the Weasleys soon. It was just a four week wait until she could visit the burrow and meet the rest of Ron’s family.

Harri looked forward to a future with sunny days spent riding her broom and a place where she belonged, a place with magic.

She piled into the car after Uncle Vernon placed her trunk in the back. Hedwig was resting between Harri and Dudley in the middle car seat.

After they’d driven away and were on the road to Surrey, Harri glanced at Dudley who’d fallen asleep next to her. Then silently, she lifted her bracelet from where it covered her wrist.

Nothing. Empty.

Desolate as it had been since the night Quirrell died.

She closed her eyes in despair. What’s wrong?

She rubbed her empty wrist and fell asleep next to Dudley.

Harri had spent a quiet ten years of her life with the Dursley’s. The only peculiar thing that had ever occurred was her landing on the school roof by mistake and the snake she accidentally on purpose let out at the zoo to terrorize Dudley.

Ten years of mundane life and one spent as a wizard and suddenly it seemed Harri would never again have a peaceful existence. One week into the summer and Harri’s friends stopped sending her mail. Harri called Hermione on the landline but Hermione swore up and down that she had sent letters.

She then suspected Dudley as the culprit of the crime. In the middle of the night, she snuck into his room and threatened his livelihood until he admitted to his transgression. But it failed because she realized Dudley was not smart enough to hide information from her and he was vehement in his denial.

Things went slightly downhill from there.

In the second week, Hermione and Harri’s daily calls stopped. Hermione didn't call and when Harri tried no one answered.

It was curiouser and curiouser.

To stave off boredom, Harri helped her aunt in the garden and read through the books Draco had gifted her for Christmas. When she had read every book back to back and became sick of the grass she made a dire decision. She decided to spend time with Dudley.

Dudley and his friends were strange. They spent seventy five percent of their time bullying little kids on the playground and the other twenty five eating.

Despite it, Harri tried to give them a chance. She thought there was nothing to lose. And what was that saying? Famous last words…

They fought over who could sit next to her and smelled constantly of sweat and a mix of cheap cologne. They’d pick things off the ground and dare each other to eat them and then whoever did would smile at her, waiting as if she was the prize. Many times, they’d stare at her like she couldn’t see and one of them might have plucked a piece of hair off her head when she wasn’t looking. One day Pierce brought her an ice cream cone he stole from a seven year old. Harry had returned the ice cream to the poor child and given up on them in exasperation. Being alone was better in the end.

On her third week with the Dursley’s, the third awful thing happened.

She got her period.

Harri had been brushing her teeth when she’d spotted the thick red blood stained all over her pajama pants. Her heart dropped and she’d almost screamed. She ran to her aunt. After that, she’d been petrified to go to the bathroom for a whole week and had sat through a three hour conversation with Petunia on the intricacies of the menstrual cycle and what it meant to become a woman.

Well womanhood so far sucked.

She started wearing bra-lets (training wheels for real bras) because her chest was growing and thus endured Dudley blushing and running away every time she was near him. The only good thing about it was that she gained a little bit of height and Aunt Petunia took her shopping.

Her fourth week with the Dursley’s was the most mentally draining. Harri hadn't been able to speak to her friends in weeks and began to doubt whether she would be able to go to the Weasleys at all.

She felt incredibly lonely and cried herself to sleep. Harri felt unwanted, just like she’d been before Hogwarts. Except now she knew what it was to be loved and desired, which made it all the most difficult to reconcile.

At the worst points, Harri flipped through the photo album Hagrid gifted her on the last day of school.

She watched the moonlight graze the smile on her mother's lips and capture the joy in her father's laugh. She ran her fingers over their beloved faces with an infinite longing and memorized the shapes and lines and similarities.

She promised to herself that someday she would give Hagrid a gift just as wonderful as this one.

The last of her Dursley days were consumed with Uncle Vernon as he stressed, sweated and rampaged the house in worry over a new business deal. His clients were invited to dinner and he had to make sure the house and its occupants were the perfect hosts. When Vernon got riled up in the evenings and lectured the family on decorum was when Dudley and Harri, in cahoots, hid from him on the porch.

The night of the dinner came up on Harri’s birthday and a mishap struck.

Aunt Petunia had spent the entire day slaving away in the kitchen. She’d cleaned every nook of the house. There was a delicious heavily decorated cake resting on the counter, the dining room table was lined in the best china and the Dursley’s were decked out to the nines.

To the pleasure of absolutely everyone, Harri was not joining them. She dressed comfortably in white shorts and a blue camisole for a peaceful night of reading. She promised Aunt Petunia not to cause any trouble and settled in her bed. Harri flicked through her old copy of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, her gaze focused on the margins where the previous owner of the book had annotated the passages and highlighted explanations. She had the babified version of the play, where they broke down the meanings in simple terms below the original lines. When she first found it at a yard sale, it had only something to do to pass the time because it was so confusing. Now, she loved it.

Danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous than he. We are two lions litter’d in one day, and I the elder and more terrible.

And that was when she heard a thunderous snap. Harri jumped. Her head jerked up and she gasped.

A ghastly looking creature stood before her. Tiny, scarred and skeleton hands pressed to a stomach clothed in a dirty rag. Large, wide eyes and a bulging nose stared at her in awe. Harri would have screamed but she remembered the guests downstairs and had to stop herself with a hand on her chest.

“W-Who are you?” Harri asked nervously, she uncrossed her legs slowly and threw Shakespeare down.

“I-I-I,” the thing stuttered and then slapped itself in the face. “BAD ELF! BAD ELF!”

“Excuse me! I asked you a question.” Harri chided and lifted herself off of the bed fully.

The thing stopped and turned to her again, this time with brightened eyes. “I-I am D-dobby th-e-e house-elf.”

Harri considered him and determined that he couldn’t be a threat. She remembered Draco and Blaise talking about house elves, they were harmless. The way Dobby’s hands shook and he stuttered was telling enough. But who did he belong to?-Taking pity on the poor thing she squatted down to his level. “Oh well, Dobby the house-elf, would you like to sit down?”

Immediately his eyes widened again and a thick tear rolled down his cheek.

“So polite Harri Potter is! So kind! Asking Dobby t-to s-it down! Oh, I knew you would be!” Dobby threw himself at Harri’s feet and began to sob.

Harri panicked, aware of the loud noises Dobby was making. “Please don’t cry Dobby! Please. Just, why are you here? Did Professor Dumbledore send you?”

Dobby stopped sobbing quite so violently and wiped his nose on his sheet. He moved towards her again and gazed at her with sudden solemn eyes. “N-no, Professor Dumbledores not be knowing who Dobby is. Dobby belongs with his family. Dobby has come here t-to warn Harri Potter!”

“Warn me about what?” She went over the last twenty four hours and considered what could have possibly gone wrong but there was nothing that came to mind.

Dobby snatched her by the front of her shirt and tugged harshly. “Harri Potter is in danger! Grave danger! If she wants to be safe Harri Potter must not return to Hogwarts!”

“Not return to Hogwarts? Have you gone mad? Hogwarts is my home!” Harri protested.

Dobby yelped and began to jump up and down in agitation. “No! Harri Potter cannot! Dobby knows of a great and evil plot! Dobby has known for months! Hogwarts is not safe this year! Harri Potter must stay here! Dobby has risked much to come here!” Dobby’s voice got gradually louder the longer he spoke and the more frightened he felt.

Harri was at a loss.

She had spent her whole life within these four walls, trapped in a world where she was unwelcome and unloved. A place where she hid herself, and learned the rules so she could never be yelled at for messing up.

Hogwarts was freedom. It was quidditch—the feeling of the world beneath her and the sky above, it was Hagrid’s rock cakes and Fang curled up next to her feet, a warm hut and tea in her hand. It was Fred and George giggling and up to no good but always making her laugh. It was her first friend in the world, Ron beating her in chess, Ron beside her to battle a troll, a baby dragon, a forbidden corridor and a thief. Ron by her side always.

Hogwarts was a room on top of a tower with the four best girls. It was Draco, Maria, Lavender, Hermione and Blaise. It was the great hall in the mornings with sunshine and owls. It was fitting in, it was being wanted, being whole, it was where she was going to find her soul. Hogwarts was, Hogwarts is, everything.

Harri dragged the elves hands off her shirt but kept them in her grasp. She looked directly into Dobby’s eyes and with finality said. “I’m sorry Dobby, but that's not going to happen.”

Because there was nothing that would stop her from going home. Not Voldemort, not the Dursley’s and not Dobby.

Dobby’s face shifted and turned sly.

Uh oh.

“If Harri Potter will not listen to Dobby then Dobby will—“

Harri stopped blinking so that her eyes filled with tears.

“Please, Dobby, please. You can’t make me stay here!” Harri let fake tears fill her eyes.

Dobby’s face changed again and he started crying himself. “Oh no! Oh no no no! Mistress Harri Potter mustn’t be upset!” He apologized profusely but continued to say that Harri couldn’t go back.

There were thunderous footsteps on the stairs and then heavy bangs at her door. Dobby upset and horrified, disappeared with a snap of his fingers and a determined look on his face.

Harri breathed a sigh of instant and momentary relief. She wiped her fake tears and opened the door to Uncle Vernon’s red, furious face.

“Just what,” he hissed “is that ruckus! Keep it quiet girl or you will not like the consequences!” He slammed the door shut and left. Harri inhaled deeply and went to lie down.

While on the edge of sleep she realized that it was probably Dobby who cut off her communication with her friends and that she should probably find a way to contact Ron if she still wanted to visit the Weasleys.

Her thoughts at that point turned to Dobby’s warning. Hogwarts is not safe. There is a plot. A dangerous plot. Who was Dobby’s family? What was going to happen? It couldn’t be anything good. But whatever danger was waiting for her, Harri decided not to worry. The safest place on Earth was where Albus Dumbledore was, and lucky for her, he would be at Hogwarts.

Slowly and then all at once, Harri fell into a fitful and uncomfortable sleep.

Six hours later, she was awoken by the sound of an engine right next to her ear.

Sleepily, Harri opened her eyes slightly and then all the way when bright light beamed through her window and into her eyes. She sat up abruptly and laughed delightedly when she saw Ron, Fred and George smiling at her from within a flying car. Harri shot up from bed and leaned over her desk to open the window.

“What in Merlin’s saggy ball sack are you twats doing here?”

Ron opened the back door of the car and shouted. “Saving you of course!”

Fred rolled down his window and yelled. “Pack your trunk nugget! This is a rescue operation!”

Harri pressed her hands to her cheeks, smiling so hard it hurt and was helpless to do anything but say. “Okay!”

Full of excitement and giddy, she turned to where her trunk was open and began to throw everything in, unworried about the mess when she knew she had to be swift before the Dursleys were woken.

Within minutes Harri had dumped all her clothes, books, trinkets and photos into the trunk. The only thing left in the room was the furniture and the pillows. Harri shoved her feet into her trainers while Fred and George encouraged her to go faster in increasingly outlandish posh accents.

Harri heaved her trunk up onto the desk along with herself, and from there Ron helped her guide the trunk into the car. Harri lifted Hedwig’s cage up next and had just made it into the car seat when her bedroom door banged open.

Vernon and Petunia gaped at what was in front of them, utterly baffled.

“I’m going to the Weasleys a little earlier than expected! Goodbye Aunt Petunia! I’ll see you next summer!” Harri flung the car door shut and George at the wheel squealed. “Step on it Weasley!”

"Harri I will write to the Weasleys! You are in big trouble young lady!" Petunia shouted.

George saluted her.

“Onward captain!”

And they were off.

Within no time at all Harri had clutched the back of Fred’s seat and blathered on about everything that had happened in the past four weeks; beginning with the missing letters and ending with a house-elf named Dobby. Ron added on every few seconds excitedly about his version of events and Fred made jokes at their expense. George only did his best to keep them from falling and potentially dying.

When they’d finished their stories, Harri leaned back into her seat and breathed a sigh of rapture. Ron caught her eye and they both began to laugh for no reason at all. Maybe the high of the escape or the happiness of reunion, whichever it was, set the twins off too. The car filled with unstoppable giggling, Ron hitting the window with his eyes squeezed shut and Harri snorting.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night in the summer of 1992, Harri sat with the Weasley brothers in a flying car unable to stop laughing.

The Burrow was located on the periphery of Ottery St. Catchpole, a whimsical house, encapsulated by a great viridescent field.

Expectedly, Mrs. Weasley had been enormously upset with the boys for pulling such a stunt, especially considering that none of them actually had a driver's license. She'd received a call from Petunia, who had their number because Petunia insisted on having a way to contact Harri when she originally wanted to visit. Harri's aunt had been livid at the risk of the stunt the boys pulled and Harri deciding to go along with it. She'd ranted to Molly and instructed her to discipline Harri.

Though Mrs. Weasley wasn't happy about their little scheme she was very pleased to see Harri and welcomed her with open arms and a warm hug. Her form of discipline was to make waffles.

At breakfast, Harri was introduced to the rest of the family. Mr. Weasley, Ginny, Bill, and Charlie the oldest of Ron’s brothers.

Bill and Charlie were both very attractive and handsome boys, with charming smiles and lovely personalities. They both chatted with her and Charlie made her promise that she would play quidditch with him later. He also mentioned Norbert, Hagrid’s dragon they had smuggled just a few months ago.

Ginny blushed fiercely when meeting Harri and wouldn’t speak a word. Ron assured Harri that Ginny liked her immensely and was probably just embarrassed because she was obsessed with her and had spent all summer talking about her.

Mr. Weasley received Harri as warmly as the rest of the family and began a long discussion about the muggle world and all its intricacies with her.

After breakfast, Ron took Harri upstairs to his room which they would be sharing for the rest of the summer. He was blushing slightly but Harri assured him she didn’t mind at all. They giggled as they raced up to where Harri’s trunk had already been taken by Bill.

As soon as she got the chance, Harri used Ron’s owl Pig to send letters to everyone explaining why she hadn’t the chance to reply to theirs. She used the house phone to call Hermione. They had a three hour long conversation while Harri rested against the window on the second floor.

That night, they even celebrated Harri’s late birthday. There was cake and presents. When the Weasley’s sung happy birthday to her, Harri tried her best not to cry. This was the first time in her life her birthday was actually celebrated without just a little cookie. She was so touched by their kindness, Ginny even braved her for a sweet hug.

The rest of summer passed by blissfully. Every morning the family congregated in the kitchen where Mr. Weasley would read the Daily Prophet out loud, Fred would catapult eggs off his spoon to everyone at the table and Mrs. Weasley would force feed anybody (but mostly Harri) with extra food. Charlie would share stories about the dragon sanctuary while Percy argued with Bill about the functions of some charm or the other.

In the afternoons, they would play any games they could get their hands on and Ron trumped Harri at chess about fifty times. One time they even held an official tournament where the prize was the last slice of chocolate cake from the night before. Sometimes the twins would invent an outrageous game of chase that they could play around the house.

They also spent hours playing quidditch and Charlie taught Harri how to do a proper flip on the broom.

One night, after Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had gone to sleep, Bill taught them how to play poker. They used chocolate frog cards as chips and surprisingly Harri was quite skilled.

At three am that morning Harri smiled superiorly down at the boys from her chocolate frog card empire.

A week before school was set to begin Harri made plans to meet Hermione at Diagon Alley. Hermione would be outside Gringotts the Wizarding Bank and they would do their school shopping together.

The night before their trip Ron and Harri curled up in their separate beds, with cups of hot cocoa chatting about the new year.

As Ron gushed about finally getting a new set of robes, Harri nodded off to sleep and fell into a peculiar dream.

Harri was walking through a very dark and damp hallway. There was the sound of water dripping and a distant hissing. It smelled unpleasant and she could hear a girl crying.

Blue eyes shone through the darkness. A whisper encompassed the chamber.

At last.”

Harri woke, heart thundering.

Harri ending up in Knockturn Alley should have been the first sign that their trip to Diagon Alley would not go as planned.

Borgin & Burkes was perhaps the creepiest place Harri had ever been and when she listened to Draco be berated by his father and unable to intervene it only added to her displeasure.

After Hagrid saved Harri from being eaten alive, she sprinted to hug Hermione when she spotted her standing in front of quality quidditch supplies. Hermione squeezed her tightly. “I’ve missed you so much. We were so worried when you stopped picking up the phone.”

“I’ve missed you. I’m sorry you were worried, I didn’t mean to make you.”

They drew back and stared at each other, smiling.

After, they found the Weasley's at Flourish & Blotts where a wizard by the name of Gilderoy Lockhart was having a book signing. According to Hermione, he would be their new defense against the dark arts professor. Although every woman, including Hermione, seemed to be taken by his smirking and posing upfront, Harri was underwhelmed by him.

He too clearly reveled in his fame. Harri scrunched her nose in disgust.

Mrs. Weasley located her and Hermione at the back of the shop with a sigh of relief and Charlie left to inform Bill to stop looking for Harri. Hermione found her parents in the shop and introduced them to Harri and the Weasleys.

Harri hadn’t even had a chance to examine the shop before Lockhart noticed her, staring at her scar first and her face second. His face lit up in glee and he made a spectacle of both himself and Harri. He coerced her into a picture with him and harassed her into accepting a collection of his autographed books. Mrs. Weasley was beside herself, ecstatic and fanning her face.

Harri moved to the back of the shop near the staircase, away from the attention with Ron and Hermione. There they started discussing the stops they have to make as well as going over the list of supplies. Harri had just begun to express her exasperation at Lockhart making his entire book collection mandatory when she was interrupted.

“Well, well, well...” a familiar voice drawled. “How unfortunate.”

Harri looked up. Draco was walking down the staircase of Flourish & Blotts towards them. She grinned like a Cheshire cat and Ron tried to tone down his beam, obviously thrilled to see his soulmate after a prolonged summer apart.

“I guess we can’t all be plebs like you Malfoy.” Harri teased unable to hug him as she wished to.

Please.” Draco tilted his face up. “I am the last person in here that is a pleb—

He was interrupted by his father. He clamped a hand down on his shoulder and introduced himself. The way he talked, Harri understood more than ever why Draco didn’t want them to associate with his family. Mr. Malfoy was an arrogant, prejudiced asshole.

He stared at Harri intensely and tried to touch her scar, seemingly arrested by it. Mr. Weasley joined the conversation and shoved Mr. Malfoy’s hand aside in outrage. The situation became heated.

During the time that Mr. Malfoy belittled and insulted the Weasleys, Ron’s face flushed entirely, Draco paled considerably and Harri fumed.

She internally cheered as Mr. Weasley punched Lucious Malfoy straight on the nose.

Hagrid appeared just at the right moment and broke up the fight but not before Mr. Malfoy pitched the book he’d snatched from Ginny earlier back at her.

Just as Mr. Malfoy yanked Draco out, Ron shot him the iciest glare Harri had ever seen him give anyone. Draco looked devastated. Beneath his robe, Harri could make out capitalized angry letters moving across his wrist.

Later in the day after they’d returned from Diagon Alley and had dinner, Harri sat with Ron and tried to bring down his anger. He was reasonably upset but she implored him to see Draco’s point of view.

In the end, her talk took no effect and Ron went to sleep angry and hurt.

Harri fell asleep too, listening to the sound of Ron breathing and hopeful for a better day tomorrow. They were going to Hogwarts after all.

Unbeknownst to all inside, there, within the darkness of the house and against the fireplace, in a pile of Ginny Weasley’s school items, laid a black book.

The diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle glimmered underneath the moonlight. The soul inside quivered to life.

This is quite unexpected.
Hello there.

It seems I have found you at last.


A filler chapter, sticks a little too close to the events of the books but I think its necessary for the plot.

The title loose lips sink ships is an idiom and means "beware of unguarded talk".

Chiao amore mio = hello my love.
Che bello = how beautiful.

Hope you like this chapter!
I'm really very excited for diary!Tom and Harri to meet (which will be happening next chapter).

Chapter 5: with hope at last


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 5: with hope at last

“I had embraced you...
long before I hugged you.”
Sanober Khan,A Thousand Flamingos

The day started out entirely normal (that was not to say that every other day didn't) and to be completely honest Harri should have expected it to take a turn.

She woke with butterflies in her stomach, having not really slept the night before. She was too excited for the coming day.

Harri rolled over in bed and stared at Ron on his bed as he snored softly. She was silently thankful she didn't have to put up with that sound every morning.

She continued to leer at him, bored, and then rose from bed to tiptoe over to him. His nose twitched in his sleep and just as Harri lifted her feet off the ground to jump onto his sleeping body the door opened from behind.

Harri yelped and Ron sprung up. His head crashed into her torso and caused her to tumble face-first onto the wooden floor.

“RON!” Harri pushed herself onto her elbows and glared at him. Ron looked back at her with befuddlement.

“Whuzzit?” He mumbled. His hair was sticking up every which way and a line of drool was painted down the side of his mouth.

From the doorway poured in Charlie Weasley's laughter.

Harri and Ron frowned simultaneously while a fresh-faced Charlie bent over in hysterics. After a minute of laughing, Charlie pulled himself up and wiped the corners of his eyes. It really was not that funny. Romania must be very boring. “Never a dull day with you lot, is it?”

“It would appear not.” Harri huffed and grabbed Ron’s arm to help her get off the floor. She was slightly embarrassed. Charlie was cute and falling in from of him wasn't ideal.

Ron continued to sit half up in bed and kept having to catch himself from falling back asleep every few seconds. The poor sod.

“Mum says you should get ready and come down for breakfast. We’re leaving for the train station in an hour. Oh and make sure your trunks are all packed and ready!”

Charlie left the door open as he walked out, and through the gap, Harri could hear all the sounds that made up the Weasley's home. The pots and dishes banging, the sound of the shower and Fred singing through the third floor and little Ginny's footsteps running up and down the stairs. Percy and George were fighting over a bathroom sink somewhere and the smell of Mrs. Weasley's pancakes wafted all over the house.

Harri smacked the back of Ron’s head as he started to fall back onto his pillow again and ran away before he could retaliate. She gathered her clothes for the day from her trunk as Ron whinged from under his bed covers. He had a hard time getting up in the mornings.

The two of them took turns showering and dressing and when they finished, they packed the last of their things and made their way downstairs. Bill came up to say hello and shrunk their trunks for them. Harri looked around for Hedwig and found that her cage was placed below the staircase right next to Scabbers. Harri brushed her feathers and received a peck on the cheek.

At the breakfast table, Mrs. Weasley greeted them with a wide warm smile.

Breakfast was as normal as it could be, loud banter and plates passed by in rapid motion. Mrs. Weasley was on the prowl to feed and Fred was prepared to pour pink liquid into everyone's glasses of water.

After everyone had managed to finish their meals, Mr. Weasley asked them to prepare to leave. The family and Harri piled into the newly magically lengthened blue Ford Angelia that had rescued Harri from the Dursley's almost five whole weeks ago.

The drive to the station seemed to take forever as most things did when you wanted them so badly. After two months without school, all Harri wanted was to be on the train with all of her friends. She hoped to sort this mess out between Ron and Draco as soon as possible before it could fester like a wound and turn into a larger problem than it needed to be.

After an age, they finally pulled into the parking lot of Kings Cross station.

It was a lovely day, so much so, that the sun practically glittered off the pavement. There were bodies pressed together, suitcases and bags, yelling moms, laughing kids, and hassled attendants. The train whistled and goodbyes rang around spiritedly. Children, travelers, and the like, prepared for the journey ahead. Harri loved it. It was such a unique and lovely feeling. The beginning of an adventure. The first of September was as beautiful as ever.

Harri and Ron fell behind the rest of the Weasley's on their walk to platform 9 3/4. Now that he wasn't tried, Ron was just as happy as Harri.

"Bill says Hogwarts should be even better this year as second years," Ron said excitedly.

Harri nodded along, holding onto him by the edge of his jacket in case he got lost in the crowd.And just when everything was going right, it went wrong.

She had been just about to follow onto the coattails of Mr. Weasley as he guided Ginny through the barrier. Harri pushed herself forward and her trolley crashed into the wall instead of going through.

She flushed and glanced back at Ron incredulously. He looked back in bafflement.

"That's never happened before..."

Harri pulled her trolley back and pushed in again but again nothing. She cursed under her breath and then pulled away from the wall completely. It wouldn't do for someone to see them.

Harri turned to Ron feebly. “What are we going to do now?”

He puffed out his cheeks. “I guess we just wait for someone else to try getting onto the platform or for my parents to return maybe? Though we'll miss the train..."

Harri nodded her head in agreement and then suggested sarcastically, “Or we could just take the car and try to catch up with the train.”

When her comment was met by silence instead of a laugh, She narrowed her eyes. Rather than roll his eyes Ron appeared to be considering the foolish idea.

“Ron no!” Harri scolded. “We’re twelve year old children! There is so much that could go wrong. We don’t even know how to fly! We are not going to steal your father's flying car!”

Ron peered at Harri with hopeful eyes. “But Harri! Think about it. How much harder than flying a broom can it be?”

Harri closed her eyes and pinched her nose in exasperation. Boys. She mumbled to herself how bad of an idea this was but the more she thought about it the more she considered it. It went from being incredulous to incredibly tempting.

What was the worst possible outcome here? The car dropped them? Unlikely but possible. But who knew how long it would take for someone to find them? Previous experience had taught Harri adults were not to be trusted implicitly. Then again, neither of them knew how to drive and what if someone saw them lifting the car out of the parking lot? Not to mention, this sounded like it would end up how her and Dudley walking home alone from school instead of taking the bus had, with them both getting in a serious amount of trouble.

She was interrupted from making any rash decisions by a throat being cleared behind her. Ron and her spun around to find Theodore Nott on the platform, with a girl standing beside him who Harri assumed was his sister.

Nott raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in question at their waiting figures.

“Didn’t know I deserved such a welcoming party.” Harri heard him whisper under his breath.

She made a face at him. They didn't know Theodore particularly well. Only that Draco was friends with him, that he was in Slytherin house and was a pureblood.

Also that he was very handsome. He had these wide green eyes and a really pretty smile.

“Hush Theo," His sister said to him, and then to Ron and Harri. "The barriers closed then?” Her eyes widened slightly when they found Harri’s.

Even though she had a year of experiencing the wide eyes it still surprised Harri when it happened sometimes. Especially when for the past few weeks, the only time someone was surprised to see her was George when she woke him in the mornings.

Theodore sighed deeply as if Harri’s fame was a grave inconvenience upon him. “Sophia, Harri Potter” he gestured to and fro. “Harri Potter, Sophia Nott. Oh and Ron Weasley I suppose.”

Sophia was beautiful. She had golden hair and an oval shaped face. Her eyes were wide and honey brown. She reached out to shake Harri and Ron’s hands. Much more kinder than Harri expected her to be. Ron blushed a little when Sophia’s hand was in his and Harri grinned.

“My sister.” Nott uttered under his breath once again. He stared at Harri when he spoke and then back down again. It was sort of...not intimidating exactly...but something. His gaze was very captivating. Not that it was important or anything.

“Well, Harri Potter and Ron Weasley, if you would like, I can arrange for our driver to take the three of you to Hogwarts.” Sophia offered with a gentle smile.

Ron accepted right away. Harri glanced at Theodore and noticed that his face had gone slightly pink but other than that he didn't seem bothered. Sophia gave another minuscule smile and then whirled around.

Ron, Harri and Theodore looked briefly at each other and then turned to follow her to their car.

It was very nice. Leather seats, a shiny painted exterior and spacious on the inside. Their driver popped out the front door and helped them into the backseats. He even deposited their trunks and placed Hedwig’s cage in the luggage compartment. Harri let Hedwig out of her cage so she could fly to Hogwarts herself before the car began to move, and Sophia bid them goodbye after they settled in. "I'm off to a meeting, but it was nice to meet you."

The car took off in the air after turning invisible and it was just Ron, Harri and Theodore sitting facing each other with awkward looks. Fortunately for him, Ron fell asleep not even fifteen minutes into the ride. Internally vexed Harri reminded herself to kick him during the feast for having left her in this strained situation all by herself. Unable to stand the silence, she shifted her focus to the view outside.

It was spectacular. It always would be. The rolling greenery and the feeling of the world at her fingertips.

What would it be like to always be free? To be floating above the mountains without anything to hold her, to have no responsibility and to turn over, to find her person smiling at her, fingers spread out for her to hold.

Just as she was getting lost in her thoughts Nott spoke.

“It’s odd.”

Harri aimed a frown at him. “What’s odd?”

“You.” He replied in his aristocratic accent, extremely similar to Draco's and yet different. Harri glowered so then he explained further. “Your friendship with Draco. That is what's odd. You know his father was a death eater right? That his family are blood purists?”

Harri was puzzled. Draco was Nott’s friend. So why would he bring this up? Did he want to create a problem where there wasn't one?

“And yours are what? Guiltless? Accepting?” Harri questioned.

Nott frowned. “I’m not one of your closest friends.”

“If you really knew Draco you wouldn’t think it was odd at all.”

“That isn't the point. I’m just letting you know I think it’s peculiar how close the two of you are. It’s bizarre that he’s part of your friend group. You realize that?”

“I think it’s really none of your business.” The nerve of him when they didn't even know each other.

She could see Theodore purse his lips and then roll his eyes. “Fine."


It was silent again but this time they weren't avoiding each other's eyes anymore.

"I’m trying out for the quidditch team this year.” Theodore blurted.

“Good for you.” Honestly. Boys.

“Just providing an early warning that you should probably prepare yourself for the disappointment of losing out on the house cup.”

“In your dreams! We have a great team and everyone knows Slytherin are the worst players in the entire school. If you didn't cheat, you would never make it past the first few games.”

“How many years in a row did Gryffindor lose? Twenty? And I don’t think you can swallow the snitch this time so forget about pulling any stunts.”

"I don't think utilizing all my organs is a stunt, but if we're talking about stunts-"

Besides the slight tense beginning, the rest of their conversation and car ride went smoothly. They goaded each other about Quidditch and had an actually decent talk about second year.

Theodore hoped to get the bed next to the window in his new dorms and griped about his disappointment that Lockhart was their new DADA professor. Harri completely agreed. Theo's personality was a pleasant surprise, he was witty and easy to get along with, very much unlike the sour boy she expected. He listened attentively when she spoke and even smiled.

What was it about these Slytherins that just keep throwing her for a loop? Next thing she would know, her soulmate would be one as well.

The thought made her laugh. As if.

They reached Hogwarts a little later than the train. Ron woke up at the last minute. They quickly deposited their trunks by the entrance. They tried to rush towards the great hall but were intercepted by Snape right before the doorway.

“Just where,” Snape hissed with his great big nose. “have you been!”

McGonagall was just behind him, irritated. “Not on the train! No reports of your whereabouts! The entire school has been privy to a meltdown thinking we’ve lost three—

—Insolent, imbecilic, second years!” Snape barked.

Ron began a swift explanation.“We were just behind my dad! We swear! It wasn’t our fault! Harri was about to cross into the platform and then the barrier closed on us!”

Harri and Theodore nodded along.

Snape and McGonagall gave Ron a skeptical look and then focused their attention on Theodore.

In their faces, he deadpanned. “It was closed. We took my car. That is all.”

Snape continued to stare him down.

“I would like to make it to the feast today sir.”

Snape sneered and walked away with a dramatic twist of his robes mumbling about the many punishments he would like to bestow on them. McGonagall shook her head and gestured for them to go inside. “I will be informing the headmaster!” could be heard as they hurried away.

"Bloody offensive," Ron whispered in Harri's ear as they began to move forward. "You disobey instructions and go looking for a troll once and it’s like you can't be trusted. And well, okay not to mention the stone debacle but it worked out in the end! Frankly, they should be thankful!"

Harri had butterflies in her stomach and she surpassed Ron and Nott in their brisk walk into the hall. At the doorway, she locked eyes with her friends. Kids had started to move their heads and spotted the three of them.In a short time Lavender, Daphne and Maria had also looked over. Harri ran over and embraced them. She could hear Seamus and Ron hugging behind her and Hermione's shout of finally on her right side.

Fred and George laughed at their back luck and Dean was already collecting bets on the trouble they would get into during year. Eventually, everyone settled down for the sorting and the first years were brought in. Harri could glimpse Ginny’s red hair in the line from where she was sitting and accidentally she caught Theodore's eyes. He smiled at her and she hoped he didn't spot her blush.

Maria saw this exchange and raised an eyebrow. Harri shrugged and said. “He gave us a ride”.

The sorting went smoothly. Ginny got in Gryffindor as expected and blushed the entire time. When she sat down at the table she didn't meet Harri’s eyes. It wasn't strange because Ginny was always shy around her.

At least that was Harri's thought. Harri was wrong.

The year began brilliantly. There was contentment in her heart being back at the castle and spending every day with people she liked. Even Lockhart, with his annoying habit of singling her out, couldn't bring Harri’s mood down. Draco and Ron even made up after the first few days of school and apologized to each other. It was neither of their faults and Harri knew they were not their fathers but it would take them a long time to truly understand that.

To no one's surprise, Draco made the Slytherin quidditch team, and he and Harri had a great time trash talking each other. Ron sulked a little at being left out but Draco snuck him out a night and let him ride his new nimbus 2001. This made up for it apparently because Ron came back with his face flushed and a soft look in his eyes. It was unexpectedly expected that everything would go erroneous on the night of the halloween feast. Again.

Throughout the course of the night, Harri had heard a strange whisper through the walls. But she brushed it off even though she knew that couldn't be normal. She couldn't make out the words but she felt a foreboding in her chest as an indication. When leaving the feast, Daphne moaned about needing the toilet so Harri offered to accompany her as an excuse to follow the voice. They stumbled upon a pile of water, Filch’s petrified cat and to their dread, words on the wall in blood.



When the rest of the student body arrived and Harri peered at Dumbledore, she saw something she didn't like in his eyes. Not one bit. It felt haunted.

The next day, Hermione bribed Professor Binns into telling them about the chamber of secrets. The story of Salazar Slytherin and the legend of his monster, his heir and his revenge left a frightened air on the second year students.

The series of unfortunate events continued when Draco and Harri faced each other in their first quidditch match together. Harri ended up being chased by a bludger and had her arm broken by Lockhart’s incompetence, forced to spend a painful night in the infirmary.

There was where she learned of Dobby’s deceit and Colin's petrification. There was where she learned that the chamber had been opened once before and was again.

The next few weeks, Harri and her friends debated over and over again who could be the heir and came to no conclusion. They decided to skip dueling club because most of them had no desire of being in the same room as Lockhart, much less learning anything from him. It was while they were relaxing next to the black lake however that Harri learned that she was a parsalmouth. A baby snake snuck up on Ron while he rested on Draco's shoulder and Harri told it to go away.

Her friends became silent and when she looked up, there was dread on their faces.

She learned that only the descendants of Slytherin could speak parseltongue. No one else. Harri realized how lucky she was that her friends didn't believe for a moment that she would ever want to hurt anyone.

She confided in them about the voice she heard all night in the walls and Hermione got a sharp look in her eyes. On their way back; they happened upon the back to back petrified bodies of Justin Finch Finchley and nearly headless Nick.

It did not get better from there.

Harri entered Dumbledore’s office for the first time and met Fawkes, his phoenix, whom she got to see reborn from the ashes.

The look in Dumbledore’s eyes was...

The months passed. On Christmas, Draco snuck them into the Slytherin common room so they could exchange gifts. There he confessed that he heard his father say the chamber had been opened fifty years ago.

Harri fell asleep next to the fireplace and in between her closest friends, stomach full of hot chocolate and heart full of love and yet in a place where she should feel the safest, she felt the most vulnerable. She gazed at her wrist just as she closed her eyes and for a moment she could swear she saw the faded words ‘i’ve been looking for you’ written there.

Two months later everything changed.

Harri and Ron found moaning Myrtle crying in her flooded bathroom.

It was there, that Harri found a diary.

Engraved on the cover were the letters: T.M Riddle.

In the end, it was Ron who revealed the name of Harri’s soulmate.

“It's Tom Marvolo Riddle!” Ron proclaimed “His name was on one of the trophies I had to clean in detention. Special services to the school, some fifty years back. Must’ve been a smart bloke huh?”

Harri placed the diary in her bag and forgot about it until Valentine's day when Dean's cupid dwarf caused Harri to spill ink all over her books.

If she had looked, on her wrists, faded and barely there were these words:

Who is she?

You were here…

I felt you…

Come back.

But Harri hadn't seen.

She rushed back to her room to clean up her things and noticed the diary was clear of the ink it had been drenched in. How odd. When she looked closer, she saw the name again. T. M Riddle. The name...that handwriting….that was so familiar... her so...oh God!

She would know that handwriting anywhere.

How could she ever forget?

I fear no fate

It was etched into her memory forever. Ten years of writing on her wrist.

This diary belonged to her soulmate.

She touched it.

It’s you. It’s you. It’s you.

She opened it.

Without thought, without reason, she was writing the words.

My name is Harri Potter.

She cried when it wrote back.

Hello, my name is Tom Riddle where did you

The writing stopped abruptly.

It can’t…is it you?

Are you…are you mine Harri?

Harri felt stretched open, pulled apart as if every inch of her was exposed at this very moment.

Yes! It's me!


Please, yes.

Her hands were shaking, her heart was trembling.

He wrote quickly, scrambling like he was rushing to get the words out.

My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle.

I am a memory preserved in a diary.

I can't...

You exist...

Harri Potter…I…I didn’t expect it…

It's you.

You are finally here.

I can’t believe it’s you.

Tom. Harri thought. Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom Riddle. She memorized the words. The shapes of his letters. She mouthed his name over and over. Tom. She never knew a name could mean this much.

His diary called her to her as nothing else had. Touching it felt like swallowing the sun raw.

Finally, finally.

I can’t believe it’s really you. My soulmate. But

A memory in a diary?

Why are you in a diary, Tom?

That I could keep waiting. That I would be alive. And finally,finally you are here. You are really here. I’ve waited for so long Harri. So long. It seems as if eons have passed by. I have been here longer than anyone should.

You don’t have to wait anymore. You don’t have to wait ever again. I’m here now.

Yes—Yes. Just a little longer Harri. Just wait for me. I’ll be out of here and with you soon.

I can’t believe it.

Me either.

It feels like everything I’ve ever lost has come back to me.

They spoke for ages that night, unwilling to let each other go. Tom Riddle went to Hogwarts too. Tom was a Slytherin, a prefect, the head boy. Tom grew up in an orphanage as lonely as Harri grew up at the Dursleys. Tom was a half blood just like her, an orphan. Perfect for each other, he said.

It’s like you were made for me.

I have known you before I even met you. As if you have been by my side this entire time.

The other half of my soul.

Harri fell asleep with the diary in her arms.

And the last words Tom wrote:

With hope at last,
Tom Riddle


Harri's writing is in italics and Tom's in bold.

Chapter 6: falling (down the rabbit hole)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 6: falling (down the rabbit hole)

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care where." said Alice.
"Then it doesn't much matter which way you go."
- Lewis Caroll, Alice in Wonderland

The next day Harri kept the diary in her robes, unable to part from it for even a second. During classes she stroked her hand over the bindings and at the touch a feeling of such euphoria would fill her that it left her with shivers down her spine.

After lunch and in DADA, Lockhart spent the majority of his lesson recalling the stories of his so called travels. He kept reiterating the importance of maps as if they were all six years old and not twelve.

"You see," Lockhart spoke like he was imparting some great message. "Maps are a physical image of all the world. They are supposed to guide you where you want to go. They are as ancient as the civilizations themselves and when one is lost the quickest way home can be with the help of one."

But from where Harri sat she could view all the corners of her world clearly.

Draco, Blaise and Maria on the west, laughing softly. Hermione, Lavender and Ron on the east, arguing soundlessly. Her diary and Daphne in the south, asleep quietly.

You did need maps to tell you where to go but as long as Harri had this, she had all she needed to guide her.

The second she had the chance Harri ran back to Gryffindor tower, showered and climbed into bed. Once settled, she closed the curtains, pulled out the diary and whispered. “Lumos.”

Before she had even pressed ink into paper, Tom was writing.

Hello, sweet girl.

Her cheeks flushed pink, warm to the touch.

Hi Tom

As much as she wished to talk to him, she had something important to ask first.

Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets? I only ask because it has been opened again. They say the last time was years ago. Do you know anything about it and who would have opened it? Or even anything about the creature inside? I heard that a girl died there.

I do.

I can show you.

She gasped.

Press your palm against the page.

Harri picked up her hand and pressed it against the white page.

For a minute nothing happened and then, slowly, a glaring light began to envelop the open pages. Harri would have fallen back in surprise, for the glare was so bright that it encompassed everything but that would have been if she had not felt herself being pulled deeper into its orb.

Harri was falling.

Falling. Falling.

And then she was not.With a start she found herself standing in a corridor. She was in the center of the room, at the front of the grand staircases of Hogwarts.

To her right stood a boy.

She didn't have to ask who, she already knew.

This was Tom Riddle.

And he was breathtaking.

His tall figure engulfed hers, his eyes bewitched her. Dark curly hair that fell into his eyes, a sharp jawline and a straight nose, a tense stare and dark green robes.

She couldn't believe he was hers.

She opened her mouth to speak, but his gaze went right through her. Harri turned and found out why. He began to ascend the steps and she followed.

She watched as he spun her a tale of great wonder. A young boy in danger of being sent to war and a school in fear of being closed off. Where Harri had expected treachery she only found a naive child harboring a dangerous pet. In the end, the school was freed and Hagrid was banished where he still stood.

In the middle of it all was Tom.

He pulled Harri out of the memory slowly. Up they went.

She protested Hagrid’s case. It couldn't be him. Hagrid would never. Not Hagrid who had taken her to diagon alley and introduced her to magic with a gentleness she hadn’t known before. Not Hagrid who sent her letters when no one else would. Not Hagrid who made them rock cakes and who gave her the kindest most precious gift anyone ever had.

Tom was quiet while she spoke and said nothing in response. He told her the memory took too much of him and that he had to rest.

She said goodnight to him early and laid down in bed, unsettled.

It didn't make sense. Dumbledore wouldn’t have kept Hagrid at the school if he was a danger. And how could Hagrid be Slytherin's heir? Wouldn't he have been sorted into the house?


Why had Dumbledore been so suspicious of Tom?

Why was he lying to me? The memory seemed old...and if Tom was there, just how old was he now?

Harri never had the opportunity to question Tom again, for the diary disappeared the next day.

She left it in her room in the morning, upset about what Tom had shown her the night before. She left it pressed between her mattress and the wooden bedpost.When she came back to her room after quidditch practice, she found everything in shambles.

Lavender was outraged and ran to McGonagall right away. Hermione peered around everything in worry and Maria started to go through Harri's torn bed bindings in fury.

It was when Harri folded back her pillow that she noticed the diary's absence. She panicked. She went through the entire room in search of it but didn't find it anywhere. She ranted to her friends in distress.

“I just don’t know why this happened to us.” Lavender groaned.

“Whoever stole that diary had to be someone from Gryffindor.” Daphne frowned. "The question is why?"

“No one else could have gotten into the room.” Hermione agreed from her spot on the carpet.

They slept together on the floor that night, floating their mattresses down and huddling together for comfort. It might have been childish but they all felt afraid and the only thing that made them feel safe was each other.

It also helped to distract Harri from missing the diary. She hated not knowing where it was or who could’ve taken it from her. Even though it was just a piece of magic her soulmate had done, it still felt like a piece of him. The only one she had until she could truly meet him.

She had so many questions, how old was he to have been at the school so many years before? Where could she find him in the real world? What kind of magic had allowed him to create such a thing as his diary anyway?

Why were you in so much pain last year? Why was my ink frozen?

There was too much that didn't make sense, so much that Harri couldn't understand.

This whole school year was secrets and mystery and it wasn't interesting anymore.

In the weeks after the diary's disappearance, she worried constantly. Her only reassurance was Tom’s placating words from the diary.

We will be together soon.

After all, the diary was just a memory of Tom right? The real Tom was out there somewhere, waiting and the diary obviously had plans in place.

Life was mundane after that for a while. The attacks stopped altogether for four months and life at Hogwarts returned to its routine. The voice that Harri would hear even ceased and she could sleep in peace.

And it was all ruined on the day of the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff quidditch match.

Hermione’s petrified body was found. They were devastated. Their Hermione lying on a hospital bed. It was vile.

Ron, Harri and Draco decided to take matters into their own hands and confronted Hagrid that night. Whether Harri believed Tom or not, Hagrid had been at school during the time the chamber opened and he had to know something.

Their plans took a drastic turn when they had to hide under Harri’s invisibility cloak while Hagrid was arrested and Dumbledore ousted. For the first time in his life, Draco was furious with his father.Once the cabin was empty but for them, they heeded Hagrid's hint and decided to trudge into the forest.

Ron grabbed Drac's's hand when they stepped inside the tree line. Harri hid her smile.

“I’m just saying it's all a bit weird. Oh children, 'Find the creature drinking unicorn blood! Find the monster in the chamber of secrets!' It’s never something nice now, is it? I guess I shouldn’t have expected more from a school located next to what it literally called the forbidden forest. ” Ron ranted.

“Wait until my father hears about this,” Draco grumbled, clutching his robes and Ron's hand closer.

“Your bloody father is half the reason we’re in this mess Malfoy!” Harri hissed, stepping over a fallen tree branch. “If he hadn’t schemed to oust our headmaster maybe we wouldn’t be walking alone in the middle of the night here again!”

The air was bitingly cold and Harri could feel it even through her gloves.

“Did I mention I hate spiders?” Ron complained while pushing past a bush.

Once they’d walked close to an hour they entered the heart of the forest.

Disturbed, Harri realized they’ve been led to Aragog. Hagrid’s old pet and the supposed monster in the chamber. He was, even more, scary in person, and much larger than in the memory Tom'd shown her. Harri shuddered to think he could kill them all if he wanted to. There was no Firenze to save them this time.

Ron whimpered and hid behind Draco’s shoulder as Harri conversed with the acromantula.

Aragog was cryptic and refused to truly explain anything. It was like something out of a horror movie when Aragog offered them as a meal to his children. There were seemingly hundreds of them crawling out of trees, the ground and behind bushes. They were so very large and they flashed their red eyes menacingly.

Harri, Ron and Draco stumbled back to back.

Draco yelled. "Wands out!"

Harri’s hand glinted in the moonlight and when Aragog's eyes fell on it he immediately shouted. “STOP!”

Heart thundering, Harri and her boys stared at Aragog. Aragog gazed back at them with wide eyes. “You…we cannot touch you…you belong to him…”

"To who?" Harri shouted.

“He who must not be named." Aragog stammered. "We do not speak of it. Leave now and do not return.”

Ron didn't let Harri question Aragog any further, he tugged her arm into his and the three of them ran.Later, while they sneaked back into the tower, Ron turned to her with a muddled expression. “Why did it take him so bloody long to realize you’re the girl who lived?”

Harri shrugged.

The visit to Aragog had been almost completely useless. The only useful information he provided them with was admitting that the girl that died was killed in a bathroom. As she sunk into bed, Harri came to the realization that the girl must be moaning Myrtle.

The next day she told everyone else what she thought but they were unable to leave their dormitory to ask Myrtle. They hatched a plan to sneak out but McGonagall caught them. Later, when visiting Hermione, Harri found a note in her hand. In the note was the answer to the hissing in the walls and the monster in the chamber.

A basilisk.

Harri kissed Hermione’s forehead and ran.

Harri and Ron were hiding behind the doors of the staff room listening to the professors discuss in horror about a student's body having been taken to the chamber.

They hadn't planned to do anything irrational until the student's identity was revealed.

Ginny had been taken into the chamber. Ginny Weasley.

The two of them ran out of the room to find their friends and concocted a plan. It went like this:

Draco went to distract the professors.

His footsteps from far away come thundering into the staff room and the professors looked up to find a terrified Draco screaming murder. “HELP! HELP! THERE'S BEEN ANOTHER PETRIFICATION! HELP!”

Professor Snape was across the room and at Draco’s side in a second. “Draco! Draco! Calm down this instant!”

Professor Flitwick and McGonagall rushed to his side as well.

Draco led the three professors to where the supposed petrification had taken place while Harri and Ron listened in from the left corridor. Draco secretly saluted them with his right hand as he left.

Harri, from where she was hiding again, gestured to Ron that they should leave but then they saw Lockhart tip toe out of the room in an exceedingly suspicious manner rather than follow the other professors. They treaded behind Lockhart until he reached his office. Then they watched, incredulous, as instead of preparing to save Ginny, he began to pack his bags.

“I’ve had enough.” Ron scowled.

"That fraud!" Harri whispered. "I knew it!"

Ron kicked the office door open and stormed inside, Harri on his heels.

“You’re supposed to be on the way to save my sister, you coward!” Ron shouted, pointing to Lockhart’s suitcase with an accusation.

Lockhart whipped around with his wand pointed at them.

“What are you doing here!” Lockhart said frantically.

“Exposing a lying, cheating, scum!” Harri yelled. "What is wrong with you? Ginny could be murdered!"

Lockhart paled. "Well now see here..." and he stuttered his way through an atrocious explanation before he turned on them.

Harri stole his wand with a quick expelliarmus and then they confounded him and tied him up in his chair.Ron was just tying the last knot when Blaise and Daphne sped into the room.

“We have to get to Myrtle’s bathroom and question her about the chamber now, there’s no time left, the professors caught on.”

"What happened with Lockhart?" Blaise questioned in concern. "Isn't he supposed to be rescuing Ginny?"

"Never mind him, he's a fraud." Ron sighed. "We’re all the hope Ginny has left, we need to go."

The four of them swiftly left Lockhart’s office, leaving his body and his wand at the crime scene. They raced through the eerily quiet castle, tumbling into each other with abrupt stops and changing directions when they spotted teachers.

Harri felt like every second spent not looking was a second off of Ginny’s life.

Just as they almost made it into the bathroom Filch came storming down the floor. To avoid him, Ron opened a broom closet and they squished inside.

The closet was pitch dark and smelled of disinfectant. Daphne had snatched Harri’s hand in her own and their loud breathing was the only noise in the tiny room.

Blaise cracked open the door slightly and glimpsed outside for any more sign of Filch. When he found none, he twirled back to them with a thumbs up. "Coast is clear."

From there it only took a minute for them to find Myrtle.

Her ghost floated next to the bathroom windows and she gazed at the moon somberly. When she heard the sound of their footsteps, she spun around and sputtered. “What are you doing in my bathroom? Boys! Boys in my bathroom!”

Ron stepped forward. “We just want to ask you some questions Myrtle. Just a few. Would that be alright? We promise not to do anything.”

Myrtle scowled but said. “I suppose.”

Harri took a deep breath. “Can I ask you about the night you died?”

Myrtle let out a high pitched squeal.

Harri continued on. “You were the girl that was murdered weren’t you? You were the one killed by the monster in the chamber of secrets?”

Myrtle whimpered. “I was.”She floated right up to Harri’s face. “I was just sitting here in that stall. Crying. Because of some stupid girl who used to bully me all the time and then I heard this hissing noise and I asked who was there. But no one replied so I opened the door, and I saw these big eyes and I died.” Myrtle cried. “Not as interesting as you thought Harri? No, I guess it wouldn’t be.”

Ron leaned towards Myrtle hastily. “But you didn’t see anything about where it was coming from Myrtle? You didn’t—

—NO! I DIDN’T SEE ANYTHING!” Myrtle screeched. “WHY ARE ALL OF YOU ASKING ME THIS? YOU ARE JUST LIKE THAT BOY! STUPID TOM RIDDLE WITH HIS PERFECT HAIR AND STUPID, STUPID EYES! ASKING ME ALL SORTS OF THINGS! Did you see what it was Myrtle? Did you recognize anyone in the bathroom Myrtle? Have you told anyone anything Myrtle? You better keep it quiet Myrtle! Pretending to care! Pretending to be my friend!”

Harri froze.

Tom Riddle.

“Hold on a minute…” Blaise implored with his hand out. “Tom Riddle? The bloke whose diary Harri found?”

But Harri wasn't paying attention to anything. She moved away from everyone and stared into one of the bathroom sinks. Her mind ran a mile a minute, why had Tom questioned Myrtle about her death? Hadn’t he already convinced himself it was Hagrid?

Blaise and Ron continued to ask Myrtle questions while Harri saw the strangest thing.

On the tap in front of her, there was a snake engraved on the surface.

Of course!

She looked up and around herself in surprise. Myrtle had died in this bathroom...this sink...this was the entrance to the chamber of secrets. Hermione’s notes on the basilisk had mentioned that it traveled through pipes and no matter how many times they had searched the school in the centuries since Slytherin left, they hadn’t found the entrance.

It wasn’t in the school, it was below the school.

“Guys!” No one heard her, too busy quarreling amongst themselves. “I found it!” Harri hollered.

Blaise, Ron and Daphne turned at a breakneck speed. Harri lifted her arm and pointed at the snake engraved on the tap. “There.”

Ron came up to Harri’s side and brushed their shoulders together. “How do we get in?”

“Gee.” Daphne rolled her eyes. “How do we get into Salazar Slytherin’s super secret chamber in which he entombed a basilisk that only those who speak parseltongue can hear and only his descendants can enter?”

Ron flushed. “Right.”

The four of them looked at each other, determined. Daphne squeezed Ron’s shoulder. “We’re going to save Ginny, Ron.”

He nodded and smiled back at her. “Ready?”

Harri bent over and tried to remember how her mouth would form the words. Blaise and Daphne watched as she recalled parseltongue. Ron gripped her right hand and shook with nerves.

In the end, it was the memory of the garden snake she'd met at six and not the whispers of the basilisk that she remembered the most.


Harri and her friends watched in fascination as the sink began to pull apart and separate, leaving a gaping entrance into a well like fall.

Blaise jumped in first and the rest of them followed. Ron screamed when it was his turn. When Harri lept off the ground she almost gagged.

They landed on a pile of bones and dirt.

She crawled onto her knees and pushed herself up and then lent a hand to Daphne whose face was scrunched up in disgust.

Ron moaned in pain from his place on the floor. “I think I’ve broken something.”

Blaise hoisted Ron up and took his arm over his shoulder. The four of them stood in a row at the bottom of the hold and gaped into the ominous tunnel ahead of them.

It was empty but for the walls and bones.

“It smells deplorable.” Blaise said in revulsion.

“Draco would've fainted from the smell alone.” Ron mentioned hoarsely.

They trudged on.

The tunnel was pitch black. They had to take cautious steps to avoid stepping on any bones or snake skin that they passed. There was only a gentle lull and the sound of the drip of water pouring from faucets.

But any snap or loud noise scared them enough to bring them to a halt every few minutes.They continued on for a while and comforted themselves by thinking of what Snape and McGonagall would do when they got out of there.

Then they happened upon a problem.

Their pathway was blocked by a caved in ceiling, recently and purposefully placed so as to prevent anyone from entering any further.

Ron patted down his pants pockets and retrieved his wand. He cast 'diffinodo' before anyone could warn him not to.

They sprinted to take cover as parts of the fallen ceiling exploded in their faces. Harri, in a moment of shock or stupidity, ran into the line of fire and onto the other side. When silence rung she found herself separated from her friends and on the side of the entrance to the chamber all alone.

“Harri!” Daphne shouted from the other side.

“Daphne!” Harri gasped as panic sunk in. She was stuck completely blocked and isolated with who knew what inside the chamber.

“Ron got hit!” Blaise shouted. “He’s hit his head on the wall!”

“What are we going to do? Harri are you alright? Say something!” Daphne yelled.

“I’m fine!” Harri closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm fine." She pressed her hands against her thighs and waited until they stopped trembling. Ginny. Ginny could die.

Harri shook herself off, tucked her wand into the side of her skirt and made a decision. “I’m going to go into the chamber. We don't know how much time has been lost. You guys stay there and see if you can call a teacher for help okay?”

“What?” Blaise raised his voice. “Harri you can’t go in alone! There’s a basilisk in there!”

“Harri you could die!” Daphne swore.

“I have to do it! She's Ron's sister!" She faced the same decision as last year. She had to go in this alone or not at all. And that wasn't a real option, was it?

Maybe Harri wasn't a coward but she didn't feel brave at that moment. She felt sick. There were monsters on the other side of the wall. The basilisk and the heir of slytherin. She was terrified this was going to go wrong, that Ginny would die either way, that she could die as well and then she would never truly get to meet her soulmate in the flesh. But Harri was her mother's daughter and when Voldemort had told Lily Potter to step aside she stayed. So Harri was going to do the same.



down the rabbit hole they go...

Chapter 7: et tu, brute?


caution: angst up ahead

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 7: et tu, brute?

“Hello, darling. Sorry about that.
Sorry about the bony elbows, sorry we lived here,
sorry about the scene at the bottom of the stairwell
and how I ruined everything by saying it out loud.
Especially that, but I should have known.
You see, I take the parts that I remember
and stitch them back together
to make a creature that will do what I say or love me back.”
Richard Siken, Litany in Which

When Harri looked back on it, she thought she could pinpoint exactly why it all went wrong that day. It wasn't the monster in the chamber or the writings on the wall in blood. It wasn’t even Tom. It was because that was the day she realized how it would all end for her. This life, this story, this war.

From the beginning to the end, of Tom’s life to hers. From his empty wrist to her frozen one and for every lonely year, for every lost hope.

She sees it in hindsight, the inevitability of fate.

The chamber of secrets opened itself for Harri with a deafening groan. In the centuries that it had existed, the stone covering the walls had eroded over. The text written on their surfaces had faded but their purpose was clear. She could hear the dead as she walked the pathway.

The two sides of the entrance slid away and revealed a longer more open tunnel. There were engravings of serpents and a row of roman pillars lined up to a statue, of what Harri could only assume, was Slytherin.

Below his face and on the damp ground rested Ginny's body. She was still and unmoving. She reminded Harri of a muggle fairytale, sleeping beauty cursed to an eternal slumber. Pale, fragile and hopeless.

Harri's gaze moved away from Ginny to observe her surroundings. What she found caused her heart to sink.

Tom’s diary lay next to Ginny.

If Harri concentrated she could remember the remnants of a long forgotten dream.

The sound of 'at last'.

The drip of water in a sewer.

Blue eyes.

And because of that Harri knew what was going to happen before it did.

She moved as quickly as she could, dropping onto her knees when she reached Ginny. She ran her fingers over Ginny’s neck, stopped at the curve of her jaw, and pressed her fingers in searching for a pulse. To her immense relief she felt throbbing. She breathed a deep sigh and straightened.

From behind her, a deep accented voice came alive.

“She won’t wake.”

If Harri had looked down she would have seen her hands begin to tremble. She knew that voice, like she had known the handwriting, like she had known when Myrtle said his name.

“Tom.” Harri pivoted towards him with her knees still on the ground.

Their eyes locked and Harri didn’t know how to feel.

A few feet away from her stood the ghost-like figure of her soulmate. Not a phantom but not real either.

Tom was even more beautiful in life than he’d been in the memory of the diary. He was like a painting of eternal beauty and she stared at him with a deep fixation, unable to help herself. She was completely enraptured by him.

He was just as he’d always been to her: something far away and unattainable. A boy she was trying to catch but never could. Losing her grip right before he came alive.

She was six years old again and dreaming of green light and red eyes. Wanting, praying.

Tom smiled at her, his pale blue eyes lighting up. “Harri.” He seemed blasé and impossibly cool. But she wasn’t fooled by that. She could see the way he smiled nervously and the way his eyes stared in astonishment. The earnest look he gave her. She could feel his gaze like something tangible as it ran over her again and again. The longing in him was reflected in her. Her hands itched to touch him, to hold him.

As the years go by she will wish they could have stayed this way forever. Untouched by truth.

All the same, twelve year old Harri could not help herself. She broke their shared silence.

“What are you...” her mind was cluttered, unable to comprehend how Tom’s diary ended up in the chamber with Ginny. The answer was right in front of her but she couldn’t grab hold of it. As if she was playing a game without instructions. “Tom it's not safe, there’s a basilisk... we have to go! You were wrong about Hagrid being the heir.”

Tom's face shifted. It transformed from an innocent smile to a smug smirk. “Well of course I was wrong about Hagrid, Harri.” He tsked. “Haven’t you figured it out? I don’t believe that you haven't suspected it. You are my soul after all. Come on Harri, think.

He stepped towards her, closer until there were but two feet from each other. “It was Iwho opened the chamber. It is I who am the heir of Salazar Slytherin.”

Harri blinked. She did not understand.


It couldn’t be.

It couldn’t be.

Not Tom.

Please let it not be him.

“But…why would you… why would you want to hurt those people? You petrified…you petrified Hermione! The writings on the wall! Filches cat…the basilisk set loose! You did all of this? That was you? You framed Hagrid! You—killed Myrtle!”

Tom tilted his head to the side. “Well…”

Harri felt her blood boil as rage settled in. “How could you do this?”

Tom lifted his head from its tilt and frowned. His expression changed from smug contentedness to something unexplainable. “How could I do this? I had to Harri. How could I not? I had to claim my heritage. I had to take what belongs to me in blood.”

“No, you didn’t! You didn’t have to hurt people Tom!” Harri rose up onto her feet, indignant, disbelieving.

Tom sighed as if disappointed that she didn’t understand. “You know why Harri. You, more than anyone else, know what it is like to be so alone in a world where you don’t belong. To have no family, no real name and no power. I had to take it myself! I had to seize it!”

Tom moved his hands with an impassioned air like his words alone could take on a visceral form. “When I found out who I really was, that I alone was the last real Slytherin, the last parselmouth. His heir! You must know what that felt like. The confirmation that I’m more, that I’ve always been more, that I was above those who ridiculed and taunted me, who thought me below them.”

Tom kept looking at her as he spoke, expecting something from her she did not know how to give. “But my plan to complete what I had started fifty years ago became quite trivial when I heard about you Harri. ”

Fifty years ago. She felt the walls closing in on her. The truth was there, she just had to seize it.

Tom laughed. “When little Ginny first poured her heart out to me and told me about this girl, the savior of the wizarding world, I wanted to kill her. The girl who lived. The girl who defeated Voldemort. A girl who had no special powers or talents at all but who managed to defeat the most powerful wizard there was. I only had that goal in mind from then on, forget the muggleborns, I wanted you." He smiled. "Then you picked up my diary, Harri Potter herself. Only I couldn’t kill you anymore. Because you weren’t just all of the things Ginny told me. You were my soulmate. That changed everything.”

He moved even closer.

“You see, we are perfect for each other. Even you must have noticed. Both half-bloods, orphans, raised by muggles. Probably the only two parselmouths to come to Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself. It is so fitting that we belong to each other, that we were destined for each other. The other half of my soul. Of course, I couldn’t possibly hurt you.”

Tom had spoken as if he thought the things he did were okay. That he’d decided not to murder her was nothing, that she shouldn’t feel betrayed.

Harri pressed the palms of her hands against her heart, just to feel if it was real, if it still existed. Because Tom was tugging at it and squeezing it with every word he said.

Afraid of his answer she questioned him with hesitance. “Why would you care about Voldemort?”

Tom's lips curled and there was mirth in his eyes when he replied. “Voldemort." He lifted his wand, Harri’s wand.

'Phoenix core' Ollivander whispered in Harri’s ear.

“Is my past, present, and future.

Words in red.




Harri trembled, unable to believe her eyes.

Was it possible to be this devastated?

Dumbledore had been right. The truth was a terrible thing.

The truth ripped her apart. Voldemort? Her soulmate was Voldemort. Harri thought it would have been less painful if Tom craved her heart out from her chest with his bare hands.

In a few seconds, he’d tarnished every desire, every dream she'd ever had. Everything she’d waited for was gone with a few letters.

She could only stare heartbroken as her world fell apart. Tom Riddle was Voldemort. Voldemort was Tom. Her soulmate, her soulmate, was Voldemort.

Voldemort had taken everything from her. Voldemort killed her parents and tried to kill her. The dark lord was an evil murderer, a tyrant and a harbinger of terrible things. Hers.

She remembered last year and the look on his face on the back of Quirrell's head. The untamable darkness that radiated from him.

'Kill her!' He’d raged in utter hatred.

She remembered Firenze’s words on the edge of the forbidden forest. Remembered Aragog’s warning. The writing on her wrist for ten years frozen in time much like Voldemort was. I fear no fate— The way it had only changed when he’d been close to her and never again, not until Tom. The answer had been there all along, she’d only needed to listen.

Harri choked on a sob. Sorrow gripped her heart. She barely felt the tears as they rolled down her face.

Tom frowned. “Don’t cry Harri.” He closed the distance between them, stepping up to her and lifting her chin reverently. “My beautiful girl.”

He touched her face with the pads of his fingers ever so gently, as if she was something precious to be held. “It’ll be alright. I won’t hurt you.” Tom’s eyes covered every inch of her face, seeming to memorize every feature. Every path his gaze traced left its mark. “I’ll never hurt you again.” He brought his face closer.

Harri couldn’t move. She wouldn’t move.

Tom pushed their noses together and her traitorous heart quivered. She felt his breath and knew that meant he was almost human again.

Tom lowered his eyes. He brought his mouth ever so slightly near and brushed it against hers, softly and then all at once. Harri’s tears fell against his cheek as she kissed him back. She wanted to die knowing she kissed him at least once. Just this once.

Then she pushed him away. He pulled back hesitantly and rested his forehead on hers.

Harri closed her eyes and placed her hands on his chest. She could feel him. He was warm, he was real.

“I can’t.” Harri whispered, tears dropping. “I can’t let you do this Tom.”

She opened her eyes and looked up at him. His face hardened and the soft openness vanished. “What do you mean you can’t?”

“I won’t.” Harri croaked. “You can’t just kill someone because you want to be human again! It doesn’t work like that!”

Tom flinched away from her. “You don’t want your soulmate to be alive?” He hissed. “Do you know what it was like to spend fifty years in a diary? Do you know what it was like to wait an eternity for you? And now you don’t even want—want me

“Of course I...I want nothing more! But you chose this! You killed Myrtle!” She shouted.

“And I would do it again!” Tom bellowed.

He was indignant, vengeful, and full of hurt. But so was she.

Apart from each other they were both left standing at an impasse. The other half of me, Harri thought with despair.

“Tom please.” She begged. “Please don’t do this.”

He faltered, his hands clenched by his sides. “Harri I can’t. Don’t make me choose. I can’t spend another second in there. Wait for me...wait for me just a little longer and we can be together...”

“I won’t let you hurt Ginny.” Harri replied in misery. “I can’t.”

Tom observed her tantamount to a stranger. He was right in front of her but it felt like he was disappearing from her. Gone was the gentle and awed boy Harri met. In his anger, he was turned to ice. For the first time that day she could see the boy who grew up to be Voldemort.

“Fine.” Tom sneered and took a final step back. “Fine then.”

What happened next was so swift, it was difficult to remember.

He called upon the basilisk embedded in the chamber. “Keep the girl away. Secure the chamber but don’t touch her.”

His plan was clever, he could continue to leech off of Ginny’s soul and free himself from the diary without Harri’s interference as the basilisk distracted her. She would not let that happen. The basilisk slithered out of the chamber and Tom continued to take and take from Ginny.

Harri ran.

Tom sneered in contempt. “Hurry.

But the basilisk would not catch her. She raced through the tunnels, her heart in her throat and the basilisk chased behind her. The only thing that carried Harri forward was the thought of Ginny's body lying in the chamber forever.

Harri’s loyalty to Dumbledore rewarded her with a phoenix, a hat and a sword. Fawkes blinded the basilisk while she found shelter. In a stroke of luck, she reached for the sword of Gryffindor at the perfect time. Tom tried to stop her but there wasn’t much he could do in the face of a furious basilisk and soulmate.

At the edge of the Slytherin’s statue, Harri jumped and plunged the sword into the basilisk's mouth.

To her panic and Tom’s alarm, her arm slipped and a fang tore through her flesh, imbuing her with venom.

Silence echoed in the chamber.

Harri collapsed next to Ginny’s body. It had happened so quickly. Life passed in between the blink of an eye. Tom fell down with her and scrambled for her arm. He frantically stammered out spells but there was nothing to be done, basilisk poison was fatal. Tom curled himself around Harri and held her to his chest, moving them back and forth.

“It’ll be alright Harri, you’ll be alright.” He wiped his face with his arm. “There's spells! I know t-there are—

Harri could not bear to hear this.

It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered anymore, her choice was taken from her. There was nothing for them here. She didn’t get to keep her soulmate not when he was Voldemort.

It was there laying in his arms and dying that she knew what it was she had to do. When the realization came Harri couldn’t explain the sadness in her bones or the ache in her heart if she’d tried.

It seemed for them forever had been short.

In the end, there was this: The two of them pressed together and nothing else. In death they’d be with each other.

Between them Harri wrapped her hand around the basilisk fang. She plucked it out of her arm and with the last of her energy she stabbed the diary.

Tom’s head flew up. His eyes widened in betrayal. In heartbreak. In rage and sorrow.

Julius Caesar as Brutus speared him in the chest. But which one of them Brutus and which one Julius?

“Harri...” Tom stared at her in horror as his chest burst with light. “What have you done?” He whispered brokenly.

Harri beheld him back in wretchedness, in agony. “What I had to.”

Tom screamed.

Harri whimpered.

No. No. Harri no. I did this for you! For us!

Coals would have burned easier in her flesh.

Tom was engulfed in a golden hue and as swiftly as he lived, he was gone. She knew when she lost the warmth that was holding her.

Harri was all alone again.

She creased her eyes shut in anguish and draped herself over Ginny’s body. She wept into her stomach, shaking and trembling. She grieved for everything she had lost. Fawkes settled himself on her shoulder and cried with her. She couldn’t stop even when she felt the pain of the wound go away. Even when Ginny woke up and began sobbing too, giving out apologies and explanations. All she could do was sit there in the bloody remains of the mess Tom made.

No. No. No.

She wished herself far away from there. To a place where there existed no memories of blood on the walls, a basilisk wandering the walls of a castle, and of the boy once called Tom Riddle.

That was how Snape found them. He didn’t ask questions, he didn’t say a word. He only held Harri and Ginny close as Fawkes flew them away.

“Everything is fine.” His voice was softer than she’d ever heard. “You will be alright Harri.”

But he was wrong. She wouldn’t be. Harri would never be okay again.

Snape tasked Professor Flitwick with Ginny and turned away with Harri. Instead of leading her to McGonagall’s office, he guided her to Dumbledore’s. His hand was a welcomed weight on her shoulders, the only thing keeping her upright. Harri considered absently that Snape had never been this kind to her before. Though she supposed the situation was unlike any other and required a sort of gentleness.

When they reached the headmaster's office Snape came inside with rather than leave Harri alone. Dumbledore was waiting for them at his desk, his eyes mournful in the light.

“Severus, thank you for bringing dear Harri. If you wouldn’t mind leaving us and checking on the bathroom entrance I would greatly appreciate it.”

Snape glanced at Harri and then at Dumbledore. He squeezed her shoulder again and left. Harri could not even find the dramatic swish of his robes humoring.

Dumbledore took light hold of her arm and drew her down to a seat before settling down across from her. He did not question her when she didn't speak.

Harri knew he had matters to discuss that were probably important but she couldn't bring herself to talk. The tears on her face had dried but she knew trying to say a word would bring them back.

For her entire life, she had the knowledge that one day she would meet her soulmate. She'd always believed they would be by each other's side forever, a love that would survive the eons. As the years went by she learned the world was not black and white. That there existed shades of grey. Today she learned this was one thing her love wouldn't survive. Voldemort.

To realize that he was her destiny always and Harri had just never known it was soul crushing. She had spent a lifetime hoping for something that was always going to disappoint her.

“Is there anything you would like to tell me?” Dumbledore questioned, breaking the silence. He repeated the words he’d asked earlier this year when the worst thing Harri had been hiding was a voice in the walls.

She swallowed. Could she tell him? Tell anyone? Would they condemn her and cast her aside?

The girl who lived, the soulmate of Voldemort.

Life was a cruel joke. She couldn’t bear it if Dumbledore looked at her differently. If any of them did. She couldn't face that kind of rejection from the people she cared about.

Unbidden, another tear fell. Harri sniffed and accepted the tissue Dumbledore handed her.

"There is nothing to say.” She whispered.

Dumbledore hummed. “You know sometimes I find the weight of carrying a burden alone is too heavy for one person. Especially someone as young as yourself. Letting others share it, there is strength in that.”

“You wouldn’t understand.” Harri said into the quiet of his office.

Dumbledore placed his palm upon hers. “I think you will find that I do.”

“No!” Harri thought of I fear no fate she thought of Iwait no longer. “No one…no one could.”

Dumbledore’s left hand came to rest on her cheek and unexpectedly he asked. “Do you know who the last dark one was before Voldemort?”

Harri shook her head.

“His name,” Dumbledore rasped. “was Gellert Grindelwald.”

She glanced up.

"And he,” Dumbledore's voice was unsteady. “was my soulmate.”

Harri flinched. This meant heknew. “You knew about Tom? This entire time?”

“I suspected yet I was never sure. Not until your parseltongue ability revealed itself did I have the full confirmation I needed. I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t know how to hurt you like this.”

Harri exhaled. “It’s not your fault.”

She thought she wouldn’t have known what to do in his position either. How did you tell a little girl something like that? You are doomed to a monster.

“It seems that the both of us are destined for men unlike any other.” Dumbledore continued on, unperturbed. “If you need to talk to anyone and if you feel alone in this world, know that you are not. I have walked this path and I do not wish for you to think love is gone for you." His eyes fell onto her fist. " You’ll find that there are many kinds of love and just because you were dealt this one does not make you any less than you were before. You are still the tender, intelligent and brave young witch I have come to know. He cannot take that from you. You are still deserving of all the love in the world.”

“Did you know him?” She couldn't help but ask. “Did you know Tom Riddle?” Her voice broke over his name.

“I did know him. He was a brilliant boy. I can tell you truthfully that he would have coveted you like nothing else.”

“I miss him.” She said softly. “I miss what he was to me before I knew.”

"Ah.” Dumbledore patted her arm. “There is still always hope. Tom may not be so far gone as you believe. I come back to the words I spoke to you a year ago, love is the most powerful magic of all and you must never doubt that. There is a reason you were given to each other.”

His words provided her with the slightest reassurance but even then she couldn't fully accept them.

What hope could there be left? What love?

On that June day, Dumbledore sat with her for a long time. He passed no judgment while she mourned. He gave her something more than she’d have expected: a companion.

But at that point in time, unbeknownst to Harri, Tom Riddle's diary had disappeared from the floor of the chamber where she left it.

The diary now rested below Fawkes’s perch, only a few feet from where she was at that very moment.

A trail of phoenix tears dried up.

And slowly, torn black threads stitched themselves back together.

‘Even you?’


I'm really nervous for you all to read this chapter because I really want it to live up to the expectation. I worked on it for a very long time so my hope is that it's good.
This is NOT the last of Tom Riddle and we will be seeing him VERY soon, only not in the way you will expect to.

I borrow one line from the actual chamber of secrets book: "Even you must have noticed. Both half-bloods, orphans, raised by Muggles. Probably the only two Parselmouths to come to Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself." - Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets by J.K Rowling. It was too perfect for me not to add. All credit goes to J.K.

The title of the chapter et tu, brute is a latin phrase that means: 'even you, brutus' or 'you as well, brutus?' these are the last words Julius Caesar says before he dies in Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar. He says this upon realizing his friend Marcus Brutus is one of his murderers. The phrase is commonly used to symbolize an unexpected betrayal by a friend. I think this was the perfect title for this chapter because both Harri and Tom betray each other.

Chapter 8: love is so short, forgetting is so long


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 8: love is so short, forgetting is so long

“Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak,
knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break.”
William Shakespeare, Macbeth

What Harri knew, what she had always known, was that life went on.

Dumbledore took her to McGonagall’s office where everybody was awaiting her safe return. Harri faked a smile when confronted with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and their open kindness and love. She shied away from her friend's inquiries and hugs. She was hustled to the infirmary by Madam Pomfrey and watched over by McGonagall. Through it all, she just wanted to be alone.

She asked away Daphne and Maria. She hid from Lavender and Ron. She avoided Draco and Blaise. She lay next to Hermione’s bedside and held her hand. She fell into an exhausted sleep, where she was haunted by the blue of Tom’s eyes and the sound of his voice. You were my soulmate. That changed everything.

The next day she was awoken by the sun streaming in through the windows of the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey was distributing the mandrake drought to the bodies of the petrified students. Knowing the time it took for the drought to work, Harri was sure they would all wake by the time of the feast.

Then Harri would have to contend with one person she couldn't hide from, Hermione. She twisted away from her bed covers and eased herself onto her back. She gazed at the ceiling and prayed away the truth. Could it all just have been a terrible dream?

Why not someone else? Why was it Harri that had to do this? Why was she the one that was left with Voldemort? Hadn't she lost enough to him? How could Tom—how could he become that? How did the boy who was so beautiful destroy himself so thoroughly?

She cried for the boy he was. For the soulmates they could have been. For the memory of his smile and the look on his face. For when he wrote, is…is it you? Are you… are you mine Harri? For everything they had both lost.

Voldemort was not even human anymore. He was something else. A shadow. Something dark that clung to others. The man that tried to murder a baby and then a child.

Her throat tightened and she asked herself, what is wrong with you? She needed to pull herself together, just long enough to stop crying every time she remembered what had happened. Today was the end of term and there was too much to do. She didn't have the time to fall apart again.

There were goodbyes to be had and a feast to attend. If it was any other year she would be feeling sad at having to leave Hogwart, but today she wished she could feel anything at all that wasn't the sick hurt in her stomach.

Harri was numb to any other emotions that wanted to rise. She pushed them down and stored them in a lock. She threw away the key. Maybe she would open it back up once she was at the Dursleys where no one would care what she was doing or how she felt. Then she could mourn properly, then she could let him go.

Madam Pomfrey found her and made her down another potion before she let her leave.

Harri walked through the halls of Hogwarts. She tried not to think about how Tom had seen the same stones once upon a time. Had he ever dreaded the last day of school? Had he ever spent a night in the hospital wing? Did he get up early in the morning and was he the first in the great hall? She would never know.

Harri unlocked the door to her dorm and wandered inside. The girls were all still asleep. Daphne was snoring loudly, Maria sprawled on her back and Lavender was swathed in her covers. She moved to her bedside, gathered her things and took a boiling shower. She scrubbed every inch of her skin raw and changed into clothes for the way home. She tidied up her belongings and loaded her trunk.

When she was finished she laid back on her bed and curled into herself. She pressed her face into her pillow and screamed.

Her friends were worried, Harri could tell. She was being too quiet and timid. The first thing the girls did when they got up was hug her but when asked for more information she begged off and pretended she was tired. They seemed to understand that she didn't want to discuss the night before and thankfully didn’t force it out of her. Yet she didn't miss the worried looks they exchange behind her back.

They proceeded into the great hall, where they were looked at by the other students with excitement. Everyone already knew everything. Or thought they knew.

The school was just glad to be free of the basilisk and safe again. The energy and euphoria of the last day of school should have been contagious, even Professor Snape looked less murderous than usual, but it wasn't.

Ron didn't glance at Draco once. He told to Harri softly that it was Draco's father who had hidden the diary in Ginny’s basket that day in Flourish & Blotts. Harri thought they’d discussed this in McGonagall’s office but she’d forgotten. She'd been in shock the entire time.

Minutes after the feast had begun, Hermione ran into the great hall. It was the first time in that day Harri had felt any positive emotion. She hugged each of them, Hagrid was re-anointed as a professor, Dumbledore was the headmaster and Gryffindor won the house cup again.

It should have been wonderful. It was not.

Later, on the way home in the train carriage, Draco and Ron were shouting at each other. Blaise was taking Draco's side and Lavender, Ron’s. Daphne and Maria were Switzerland. It wasn’t Draco's fault but Ron was allowed to be upset.

Hermione leered at Harri the entire time.“What’s wrong?” She whispered.


Harri was sort of numb. They arrived in London shortly after and then they were hugging each other goodbye.

“You’ll come to stay with me this summer, won’t you?” Hermione fretted, holding Harri's hands. “And you’ll write?”

“Of course Hermione.” Harri replied and smiled. But it was fake and it felt wrong. “Every day.”

Maria wrapped her arms around her from behind. “And call? Right? Can we make phone calls this year?”

“Mhhm.” Harri confirmed. Maria signed happily. Daphne kissed her cheek goodbye.

Harri made to leave but Hermione gripped her wrist. “Hermione, I really have to go. My uncle is waiting.” Harri pointed to Vernon's appearing form around the corner.

“You’re not telling me something.” Hermione said, narrowing her eyes.

Harri sighed. “Yes. I'm not.” Then she took her hand out of Hermione's grip and waved goodbye.

Tom frequented her dreams at night. So did Voldemort.

Sometimes, her and Tom were together, cuddling on a picnic blanket and watching the sky. Others she was running through a tunnel and red eyes chased her. A few, there was a man she didn’t recognize. His face was cast in shadow and his hair fell to his shoulders. He hissed hello. His body was slender, his fingers long and his presence looming above her.

She remembered the crimson of his eyes long after she awoke, heart racing and lungs aching. She bathed and buried the dreams deep inside. She didn’t want to think, she didn’t want to wonder. She didn’t need to solve another mystery that wasn't going to end well. None of them had thus far. Quirrell was dead and Voldemort was free. Tom was gone.

Some nights it was all Harri could do not to cry herself to sleep.

She was very reserved that summer and did every chore without being asked. She tended to the garden and helped with the cooking. She didn’t complain once, so much so, that even Uncle Vernon took note of it. No one said anything but they noticed all the same.

Dudley asked one night at dinner. “You’re not sick are you?” Harri just blinked and passed him the gravy. Aunt Petunia observed her with something like worry.

Harri continued to grow. She gained height and her breasts enlarged enough that she had to purchase actual bras.

One day when brushing her hair she noticed that it had reached her waist for the first time in her life. Aunt Petunia came to the doorway and brushed her fingers through it.

“I want to cut it off.” Harri declared.

Petunia nodded.

They visited a salon the next day and she watched, content, as every last piece of it fell. When it was done, her hair only reached her collarbone. The hairdresser chatted her ear off the entire time about her prat of a boyfriend and Harri actually laughed for the first time since summer began.

A week later, Dudley and Uncle Vernon went on a boy's trip leaving her and her aunt alone at home. That night, Harri sat on the porch after dinner to observe the night sky. She was barefoot and wearing a blue dress with little daisies on it. Her short hair flew with the breeze and she rested her chin on her wrist.

From behind her, the door swung and Aunt Petunia came wandering out. She stopped a few feet from Harri and leaned against the pillar holding the ceiling up.

There was a grim and haggard dark dog looking upon them from the neighbor's yard. His appearance was a little strange considering that Harri hadn’t heard any murmurs about a new neighborhood pet and she would've expected Aunt Petunia would have lamented about it by now.

The dog gave a loud bark.

“Shush you.” Harri whispered.

She felt Petunia watching her from the corner of her eyes, the same as she'd done all summer. She opened and closed her mouth a few times before finally spilling out.

“What is the matter with you, Harri?”

Harri gave the same response she gave to anyone every time they asked.“Nothing.”

“You’ve been different, quieter than usual, and sad. What has happened?” She pressed.

Harri suppressed an exasperated sigh. She glimpsed at her wrist for one second and Aunt Petunia saw.

“Is it that then? You’ve found who it belongs to?”

Harri wished she could say yes. And he was wonderful. But that wouldn’t be the truth. It was difficult for her to think of a lie too because her aunt was demonstrating that she cared if only a little. Herthroat closed up and she pressed her hands to her face. She thought she’d moved past crying every time but the lump in her throat indicated otherwise.

“Oh, Harri.” Aunt Petunia said softly. She walked over and sat down next to her. She placed one hand on her arm and another around her shoulder. “Whatever it is, you don’t need that. You don’t need him.” The first tear fell. “Look, I didn’t have one of those and I found Vernon didn’t I? People like me find each other every day. You don’t need writing on your wrist to tell you who you're meant to be with.”

Harri lifted her head up and wiped her face. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.” Even though she wasn’t sure. This kind of sorrow didn’t just go away.

Petunia observed her, melancholic. “You know at times you remind me so much of Lily. She was just like this, hiding her own pain and putting up a brave front.” Harri glanced at her in surprise. They almost never spoke about her mother.

“She was a right troublemaker too. Always getting herself into arguments with people. When she—when she found out about your father she wasn’t too happy either.” Petunia chuckled. “Oh, she grumbled for weeks. James this and James that.”

Harri's heart skipped a beat. No one, not ever, had said her father's or mother's name like that, like they had existed and been real, that they could be somewhere in the world right then, people who had habits and dislikes. Not just martyrs.

Tentatively, Harri asked. “Could you tell me about my mother?”

It took her aunt a moment to reply.

But eventually, “Yes Harri.” Aunt Petunia whispered. “I could."

This. She said. This and This.

The way Lily’s hair appeared in the daylight. Her eyes when she laughed. Her face changing as she grew.

Petunia summoned the girl she knew. An abundance of happy memories.

Lily smiling as she spelled a flower into her hands, her green eyes looking into Petunia’s. Lily silhouetted by the moon, sleeping in the bed across from her. On Christmas morning the feeling of hands pushing her awake. The yell of surprise when Lily climbed into their treehouse. The sound of goodbye, I won’t forget you Tuney, I'll be home before you know it and everything left behind in the gentleness of their hugs.

The moments kept coming and Harri stared into the night, listening.

They were there all three of them, muggle and witch and the girl who was both.

Gone but not forgotten. Loved even in death.

When Hermione put her mind to it, she was a woman to be reckoned with. She called Harri multiple times a week, made sure to send letters and little presents and eventually she managed to persuade Aunt Petunia into letting Harri spend the last three weeks of summer with the Grangers.

“Lavender is sick, Maria is in Spain and Daphne couldn’t really get away.” Hermione’s voice slithered in through the telephone. Harri had the cord wrapped around her fingers and the speaker held up to her ear. It was almost bedtime and Hermione was making it clear Harri was to be prepared by eleven am the next morning or so help her. “Of course, we might be visiting the Greengrass chateau when we get to France. Maybe.” Hermione continued on excitedly.

“Do you think we could visit Draco before then?” Harri asked. “I miss him and he doesn’t send as many letter’s as everyone else.”

“It’s because of his parents,” Hermione confided. “They would be suspicious if he sent so many during summer so I don’t know if it’s really possible. You know his parents, they think I don’t belong anywhere near the magical world. His father made that quite clear last year.”

“Ugh.” Harri gagged. “I can’t stand the prejudice. It's asinine.”

“Nice word! But yeah, tell me about it.” Hermione proclaimed. “And he’s a hypocrite too. I read all about the sacred twenty-eight and the Malfoy’s were one of the first families to associate with the affluent muggles of the past to expand their wealth.”

“Discrimination and proprietorship, this is the bourgeoisie for you.” Harri said with a laugh.

Hermione groaned. “That and all the rest. I think about it sometimes, you know, the difference between Ron’s life and Draco’s. Because of the whole soulmate situation. They're just so at odds? I mean Ron was beside himself about visiting Egypt this break but Draco would probably consider it another Sunday. And it’s just something to think about I guess…”

“Yeah.” Harri said quietly.

Something to think about.

It was quiet for a second and then in a low voice, Hermione said. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but Harri? You’ve been so distant since school ended and I don’t know how to bring it up with you because you always pretend it’s nothing.”

Harri sighed and squeezed the bridge of her nose. “It’s not something I know how to talk about. It’s not something I want to talk about. I’m not ready and I just…I just need you to let it go for now Hermione.

Another silence, then. “Did you know the Place Cachée in France has an antique Quidditch shop? It was first opened in 1392 and named by Gaston McAaron. It’s located next to Maison Capenoir a wizarding clothing store, both of course are in…"

It was only a week later that she came to pick Harri up from Privet Drive. An achingly warm afternoon surrounded England when the Granger’s came for Harri. Mrs. Granger stepped out of the driver's seat to introduce herself to Aunt Petunia at the same time Hermione sprang out and threw herself in Harri’s direction. Harri felt her mouth pull into a large grin and her cheeks stretched wider than they had that whole month.

The large black dog that had sat in the neighbor's bushes at night was outside as well. He’d been appearing frequently and now gave a low bark as Harri hugged her friend.

Both she and Hermione wore light, airy summer dresses. “I’m so glad you’re coming with us.” Hermione mumbled into Harri’s shoulder.

“Me too.” Harri pulled Hermione closer to herself before they let go.

Hermione caught hold of Harri’s trunk and they both rolled it to the car compartment. With a combined effort from both of them managed to hold it up and drop it in. Harri waved goodbye to Petunia and Mrs. Granger rounded back to the car.

They settled into their seats and were off. The hour drive passed by quickly and Hermione’s mum made small conversation with Harri the whole time. They arrived at the Granger’s by six. For dinner, Hermione’s dad made homemade pasta.

What followed was a week that made Harri think she’d found light at the end of a dark tunnel. Her and Hermione would spend their mornings watching tele in their pajamas, their afternoons in the compound pool and their nights with Hermione’s parents, talking and helping prepare dinner.

It was the most normal time Harri ever experienced and she adored it.

On the next Monday Hermione's dad drove them to Paris by car.

They visited all the cliche tourist sites, the Eiffel tower, the Arch de Triumphe and the Louvre. Harri spent her birthday in the Palace of Versailles. They visited cafés, designer stores, drank tea wherever they could find it and took so many photographs they ran out of space in the camera.

On one of their last afternoons, they explored the streets of the city on their own while Hermione's parents visited a friend.

Harri was walking backward and taking pieces of Hermione’s cotton candy when she crashed into someone behind her. Hands held her up as she stumbled sideways. She spun around in embarrassment and found a handsome boy smiling at her and holding his hands out.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking.” Harri apologized, flushing.

“No matter. It happens to the best of us.” The boy laughed. “My name is Hugo. And you?”


“A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl.” Hugo leaned forward to kiss Harri on both cheeks.

“Oh.” Harri blurted, startled.

Hugo pulled back and glanced at Hermione. “And your friend?”

“Hermione Granger,” Hermione stepped forward and took his hand before he could kiss her cheeks. “Pleasure.”

Hugo smiled cheekily.

“Well Harri and Hermione, my friend and I were just about to—"

"—Hugo! I found the entrance for the—"

Harri’s eyes widened in surprise as Theodore Nott came into view behind Hugo.

No f*cking way.

Theodore wore a loose navy sweater and blue jeans. His hair was tussled from the wind and a flush rested high on his cheeks. He was smiling as Harri had never seen before and it made him look even more striking.

When he reached them, his eyes dilated in disbelief.



They both exclaimed at the same time.

“What are you—"

“Aren't you supposed to be—"

“You know each other then?” Hugo interrupted.

Theo’s face gained more color. “Yes, this is…this is Harri Potter and Hermione Granger. We go to Hogwarts together. Obviously.”

The Harri Potter?” Hugo asked Harri in incredulity.

Harri sighed. “Yes.”

Theo's lips quirked. “Who else could you be with the attitude?”

“Please, coming from you?” She teased.

Hugo laughed. “I like this one and I simply meant the Harri Potter as in the Harri that Theo here—"

“Tais toi Hugo!” Theo pushed himself between them to cover Hugo’s mouth with his hand.

“No, no, please Hugo, continue.” Hermione smirked.

“That’s alright, I have my answers.” Hugo shrugged and pushed Theodore’s hand away. “Well, considering you are not muggles, Theo and I were just about to visit the Place Cachée if you would like to join us. Female company is always welcomed here in France.” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“Oh I don’t know." Harri began but Hermione grasped her arm and spoke over her. “We would love to!”

“Perfect! Just follow me and I will guide you there safely!” Hugo offered his elbow to Hermione and they started walking ahead of Harri and Theodore.

The two of them were left staring at the ground and each other awkwardly.



They laughed.

“It’s better for us if we just follow him.” Theodore said, rubbing his hand on the back of his head.

“Alright.” Harri shrugged. “I don’t think we have a choice anyway. Hermione has our hotel room key card.”

“Key card?” Theodore frowned. “What is that?”

Harri huffed in amusem*nt. “Never you mind Theodore.”

They followed their two wayward friends, strolling the streets of beautiful Paris together. The sun reflected off every surface, the flowers were in full bloom and Harri’s lilac dress moved with the wind.

She could not believe this was her life. At times like this it still felt like some sort of hazy dream. She could have never predicted at ten years old that by the time she was thirteen she would be vacationing in this city with her closest friend. Or that she would be exploring the magical streets of Paris with Theodore Nott.

Theodore coughed, looked at her and then away. “Um, have you enjoyed summer so far?”

Harri tucked her hair behind both ears and considered what to say. There was something about him that made her feel comfortable, that made her think she could tell him the truth and it would be okay. “It’s not been the best to be honest. Better now that I'm with Hermione and away from England. But difficult.”

Theodore studied her carefully before asking. “Is it because of…well...because of what happened at the end of last year? With the chamber of secrets? I only know what the professors told us but it couldn't have been easy taking down a whole thousand year old basilisk.”

“Well yes, but not because of what you are thinking,” Harri said carefully. “It’s just that I found out something that kind of turned my world and it’s just been so hard to accept.” Harri trailed off and stared at the cobblestoned streets.

Theodore stopped walking. “I can understand having to deal with the aftermath of something that changes everything, and not in a good way."

Harri risked a glance at him and found nothing but openness in his eyes.

"It's like, one day the Earth is round and a minute later someone tells you no, not only is it not round, the Earth doesn't exist at all. If that makes sense?”

“Yeah. Yes. That.” She smiled.

Theodore returned it. “It gets better. Not right away but with time. Maybe it never heals fully but it stops hurting incessantly and you know, if you let yourself, you’ll find that there can be so much good between all the bad. There's so much more to life than we think, you know?”

“Yeah.” she whispered into the warm French air. "I know."

"That just sounded so pretentious didn't it?" Theo palmed his face.

"No!" Harri giggled. "I get it."



They stood in the middle of the street smiling at each other like oblivious idiots before Hugo shouted for them to hurry up. Their stare was broken and they started forward again but with red cheeks and the feeling of something new created between them.

Harri couldn’t help but blush as he guided her through a crowd with a hand on her back. She almost let herself think of Tom and the warmth of his body against hers but she shoved the memory down. She couldn't let that tarnish the few content moments she had.

Theodore’s touch was light and gentle, much like Harri found he himself was. The way he watched her and listened made her feel seen. It was just as if she was talking to one of her friends but slightly different. Ron, Draco and Blaise didn’t make her feel as nervous as Theodore did sometimes. He was just as pleasant as he had been last year during the car ride to Hogwarts. They didn’t interact much at school because Harri’s life was hectic and Theodore's seemed submerged in Slytherin but when they did Harri always questioned why they weren’t closer. He made her feel more.

Later, after they'd eaten more ice cream cones and popsicles than necessary, they found a photo booth and almost broke the machine using it too many times. By the end of the day, Harri had shopping bags in her arms, food in her stomach and happiness on her face.

The three weeks they spent in France, carefree and traveling, taught her that she wasn’t going to live in a cloud of sorrow forever. She would make it out the other side eventually. The ache would always be there but the wound would heal with every coming day. She could live without Tom. Without Voldemort. As long as she had her friends and her magic she could do it all.

Though she would seldom forget Tom’s face. The way he talked, the way they fit together. How could something that lasted for so little cost her so much? Why could she not even wake up without remembering the taste of his lips?

She yearned for one night without his ghost but her dreams wouldn’t allow it. They become more ominous as the days passed and on the last night of summer, she dreamt of something she could no longer ignore.

She was barefoot and walking in a dark room. There was no light, only shadow. A voice was whispering in her ear. Just a little closer Harri. Come to me. Come.

Harri followed it, arrested by the sound.

Closer darling.

She felt a shiver down her spine. There were mountains towering over her. There was something alive in the room.

Come here, Harri.

An auspicious laugh. She saw a glimpse of silver, a hint of blue.

Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.

She reached out and—

Harri woke up shivering.


I just want to thank you everyone for the response last chapter, it really means so so much. <3 Wheeew that angst am I right?

Next chapter we will meet Tom Riddle (again)! but differently. I think most of you will probably guess how? The hint is in the last paragraph. Also what do you guys think of Theodore?

love is so short, forgetting is so long
- Pablo Neruda, Tonight I can write (The Saddest Lines)

In the scene with Petunia, I was inspired by this quote:
“This, I say. This and this. The way his hair looked in summer sun. His face when he ran. His eyes, solemn as an owl at lessons. This and this and this. So many moments of happiness, crowding forward.”
“We are all there, goddess and mortal and the boy who was both.”
― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Chapter 9: once upon a dream


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 9: once upon a dream

“Arm yourself,
the thing that you must do is fearful, yet inevitable.”
Euripides, Medea

The worst part of Harri’s dreams was that they were not only dreams. First year and the hissing voice she found to be Voldemort. Second year and the blue eyes that became Tom Riddle. Third year and she didn’t know what was to come but she gathered she would soon. In her dreams, she could see everything so clearly but when she was awake the memories were gone. Harri only remembered the feeling of darkness, whole and consuming. She didn’t know what it was that woke her up screaming, only that she was in pain like something swallowed her and ripped her out.

It scared her.

By the time she woke from her sleep, Hermione was already down in the leaky cauldron. The two of them had stayed there last night and planned to meet up with the Weasleys in the morning. Hermione’s parents had said their goodbyes already and Jean, Hermione’s mum, had left them cookies for the train ride.

Harri took a quick shower and packed up the last of her belongings. She then followed the smell of eggs down the stairs. She had just reached the last step when she heard. “Harri!” And her face broke into a wide smile. Ron was standing at the entrance of the restaurant. His red hair and smiling face were a welcomed sight and Harri couldn’t help but think how much she had missed him.

“Ron!” She jumped off the last step and into his open arms. She buried her nose in his shoulder and inhaled deeply. Immediately she was enveloped in a fragrance of oranges, chocolate and grass. It smelled a little bit like home to her. Mornings in the great hall and nights on the common room couch.


“Oi Harri!”

Fred and George ambled over and lifted her off her feet in a giant bear hug. Oh, how she had missed this, missed them!

“Hello dear, ” Within moments she was greeted by the entire Weasley family. Molly hugged her nd kissed her forehead, Ginny blushed but managed a sweet smile, Percy, per usual, did not pay her much mind, distracted by the book in his hand, and Mr. Weasley shook her hand.

When the greetings were over, Hermione and Ron got into a heated discussion over Hermione’s new cat Crookshanks and Mr. Weasley gently tapped Harri on the shoulder. “Could we have a chat?”

Mr. Weasley took her aside and away from the crowded tables. They stood near the backdoor and he twirled his hands a little nervously before he spoke. “Now Harri, I don’t know if anyone has said anything to you about Sirius Black,”

The name was immediately familiar. He’d been plastered all over the papers for the entire summer. “Hermione and I read about him in the papers just two days ago when we returned from France.”

“Yes, yes. I had expected so.” Mr. Weasley scratched his head. “I just want—we just—we want to keep you safe. You understand that don’t you? And Sirius Black poses a threat to that.”

“Because he was a death eater?” Harri asked.

“Well yes.” Mr. Weasley said but a peculiar emotion flashed through his face. “That he has managed to escape Azkaban prison is something that endangers you very much. He lost everything when you defeated Voldemort. His family, his reputation. He went mad!”


Mr. Weasley nodded solemnly. “I hope you understand when I ask of you, that you do not go looking for that man. No matter what. No matter anything you hear.” He paused and then squeezed her shoulder. “That way lies only pain. Trust me.”

“Okay,” Harri replied in agreement. “Alright. I won't.” He was just another one of Voldemort's followers wasn’t he? With the entire British wizarding world out for his arrest he couldn’t cause too much trouble and they would all be at Hogwarts anyway.

She was honestly more interested in the idea that no one has ever broken out of Azkaban before. Black must be quite clever to have done that but then again, he had waited in Azkaban for twelve years. That was a lot of time to plan out an act of revenge.

Harri noticed there was coincidentally a wanted poster of him right behind Mr. Weasley.

He really did look unhinged. Sirius Black reminded her of a man who had lost everything. It was the look in his eyes. Desolation.

Mr. Weasley smiled, relieved and they returned to their seats for a quick breakfast before flooing to the train station.

They stepped out of the floo to the usual noisy and boisterous train platform. Parents and children trying to find a place to store their trunks and bid each other goodbye. Cages were passed through open windows, the sound of laughter echoed and the train whistled.

Mrs. Weasley embraced them all for another goodbye and then they climbed onto the train.

“Should we look for everyone else?” Hermione asked, peering into the carriages for an empty one.

“No.” Ron said softly. “I’d rather just talk to you lot if that's alright.”

Harri and Hermione exchanged a pointed look. Ron could be so stubborn sometimes, especially where Draco was concerned.

They continued on until they found the last empty carriage. There was no one inside except for the sleeping body of a man. Ron shrugged and sat next to him while Harri and Hermione chose the opposite bench.

“What do you both know about Sirius Black?” Harri questioned immediately, taking off her handbag and brushing out her newly short hair.

“You mean the bloke that’s been the most talked about thing since you?” Ron chuckled. “Let’s see.” He lifted up his hand and counted off his fingers. “He’s the most wanted man in England, the minister’s offered up a thousand galleons for whoever finds him, he’s as mad as they come and he’s a Black. You know they're notorious for being loony!”

“Well besides that.” Harri said and crossed her legs. “Like his history.”

“Sirius Black was imprisoned for the murder of twelve muggles and Peter Pettigrew on November 1, 1981. He was an auror in the department of magical law enforcement for roughly two years before being exposed as a death eater. He did not receive a proper trial by the wizengamot before being sentenced. He is the only prisoner to have ever escaped Azkaban prison. He is the heir to the Black family, an ancient magical pureblood bloodline and the last of their line.” Hermione answered.

Harri and Ron stared at her.

“What?” Hermione frowned. “It was all written in the daily prophet!”

Harri turned to Ron. “I’m only asking because your father told me this morning that Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban to come after me. Apparently, he was a devoted follower of Voldemort.” Ron flinched at the name.

Hermione scowled. “That’s stupid. Why would Black wait twelve years to come after you?”

“Well he didn’t know where she was, did he? Not until she came to Hogwarts.” Ron pointed out.

Earlier than Hermione could argue, the door of the carriage opened and interrupted their conversation.

Ron frowned. “What do you want?”

Draco stood in the doorway, his face flushed and sneering. “Gee I don’t know Ron. Maybe to see you after two months but I guess that’s too much to ask from you weasel bee.”

Ron glared. “Well I want you to apologize to my sister and my family for your father's actions but I guess that’s too much to ask from you Malfoy.”

A hand shoved Draco inside the cabin. “And what I want is for you two to stop being such bloody annoying prats and make up already! But I guess that’s too much to ask from the both of you!” Lavender steamed as she stomped in.

Draco sulked for a minute more by the door and then settled in beside Ron. “Whatever. I guess I’m sorry.”

Ron pouted and then succumbed and pressed himself close to Draco. “Yeah. Me too I suppose.”

"At least give us a hug!"Draco squawked.

“I don’t know why you have to act like you haven’t been exchanging letters all summer.” Hermione laughed.

Harri thought if she rolled her eyes anymore they would fall to the back of her head. Lavender took a seat down next to Hermione and hugged the two of them. “Blaise, Daphne and Maria got stuck sitting with the Slytherins. It's alright though, there’s no room in here for them anyway. Who’s that then?” Lavender gestured to the man next to Ron.

“R. Lupin.” Hermione answered.

“How did you know that?” Ron said with wide eyes. “How do you know everything?”

“The writing is on his trunk Ronald.” Hermione indicated to the worn down trunk above the seat. “Honestly.”

The rest of the train ride should have continued on without trouble. Of course it didn’t.

The dementors came for Sirius Black and found them instead. Harri fainted at the sound of a woman screaming and she awoke to kind brown eyes pointing chocolate at her face. Professor Remus Lupin introduced himself. Harri was a bit embarrassed to have been the only one with such a diverse effect to the dementors but Draco’s shivering body behind Ron in the corner cheered her up.

They reached Hogwarts in the hour after the incident. Harri spent the sorting time in the infirmary being force fed chocolate by Madam Pomfrey while Hermione spent it in a private meeting with McGonagall.

They met up at the entrance of the great hall and walked in together.

Draco, Blaise and Ron had all grown a tiny bit taller over the summer and their voices cracked a little when they spoke. It was hilarious to watch them get flustered and irritated when pointing it out. Lavender had chopped off all her hair just like Harri and they bonded over it. Maria was now tan and blonde, Daphne’s aced had cleared up and she was delighted.

On the other side of the table, Fred and George were already arguing with Alicia Spinnet and Oliver Wood about the year's quidditch season. Next to Dean, Seamus seemed to have cracked Neville's plate?

Harri basked in the warmth of Hogwarts, it's magic and her friends. Biting into her steak, she accidentally made eye contact with Theodore. He smiled at her from across the hall. The butterflies took flight again and Maria giggled in her ear knowingly.

Dumbledore gave his yearly speech where he gave warnings to them all about the dementors. The dementors were at Hogwarts to guard the entrances and search for Black. They were dangerous creatures and no one could hide from them even with disguises, potions or invisibility cloaks (Harri thought that comment was meant only for her).

Dumbledore then introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts, the man from the train, Lupin and the new Care of Magical Creatures professor, Hagrid. Harri’s heart melted when she saw Hagrid wipe his tears on the tablecloth.

Snape was scowling fiercely on the left corner of the table a little more aggressively than normal and McGonagall was smiling on the right.

It was home.

Harri dreamt again and it was more frightening than the last. It was not the voice that scared her or the words but the feelings that took over. The sensation of being devoured, falling into a dark place and being squeezed, that was the terrifying part. When she awakened, it was not in her bed. Harri was standing upright in the middle of the Gryffindor common room.

She could see the sunrise through the open windows. No one else was up. She took account of herself and ambled back to her dorm room, shaken. Thankfully, none of the girls were awake. Although Crookshanks gave her a narrowed eyed look. Harri stumbled into the bathroom and splashed water on her face, she looked into the mirror and saw nothing different.

What is this?

Harri dragged herself back to bed and tried to fall asleep again. There were still three hours left before she had to wake up for the first day of classes and she didn’t want to sleep through it. She was starting Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes and she wanted to be awake for those.

Despite her worries, the first day of classes was spectacular. There was a buzz of excited energy everyone had about being back and it infected the air around them. They were animated and bouncing around the halls. Even the Professors were less strict and didn’t assign too much work. Fred and George were having a splendid time pranking the new first years and Peeves caused as much trouble for Filch as possible.

Harri’s morning started out with Ancient Runes, a class she shared with Hermione, Blaise and Theodore. Theodore took the seat next to her just as class was about to begin and Harri willed herself not to blush. Hermione gave her an exaggerated wink from where she was sitting next to Blaise. Harri returned her look with a dirty one.

The room had a nice aroma of vanilla and the tranquil tones of Professor Septima Vector made the class fly by.

She was relieved she decided not to take Divination after Ron and Dean recounted how boring it was on the way to Defense. They also mentioned how they believed Trelawney was mad.

DADA was better than it had been in the two years they had all been at school. Professor Lupin was the most clever and informative teacher so far, in that he actually knew what he was talking about, and did so well.

Lupin taught them about Boggarts and each student was given a turn at practicing the charm to defeat the boggart. When Harri was just about to do so herself the class ended.

She sighed in disappointment. Lupin smiled at her. “Perhaps next time Harri.”

They ate lunch in the great hall before going to care of magical creatures. Hagrid’s first time teaching started off quite well. He brought them out into a clearing in the forbidden forest to a herd of Hippogriffs. Harri was pushed to volunteer and she didn’t regret it when she ended up flying on Buckbeak's back through the Black Lake. It was almost just like riding a broom except she had to grip Buckbeaks’ fur very tight.

In a misguided attempt to impress Ron, Draco almost got himself sliced in half by insulting his Hippogriff. Blaise and Theodore carried him off to the infirmary while he moaned and embellished his pain. Ron facepalmed in embarrassment. Maria, Harri and Lavender fell over themselves laughing. Hermione just felt bad for Hagrid who seemed quite worried, but he shouldn’t have been. Draco wouldn’t do anything this year to upset Ron, even if that meant not being able to yell, 'Wait till my father hears about this!' at every minor inconvenience.

The class that caused everyone the most stress, potions, ended up starting off the calmest of all. Snape was behaving differently. He let Harri get away with things and he didn’t yell. Not that he’d ever yelled at her specifically, just in general. He had always been sort of numb to her presence. The only time he had really paid attention to her was when she got in trouble and then he would bring all his wrath down.

Now though, he did pay attention. He observed her as if he could see a difference. She felt seen by him. Like Hermione, he could see the hole that'd been left in her. That she was a little less than before.

The day as a whole was good. Nice. Another reminder that she had the rest of her life ahead of her. No matter how much it hurt to think about it.

Oh, Tom.


Harri dreamt again that night. This time, she woke outside of the common room. In front of the portrait guarding Gryffindor. The fat lady stared at her in befuddlement and Harri stared right back. At this point she was considering asking Madam Pomfrey for a sleeping potion or even actually going to Snape himself.

Harri stood at the top of the stairs for a moment longer and then went back inside. She figured she may as well leave for the early morning quidditch practice rather than stand here and panic over sleepwalking. This was Oliver’s last year as captain and he wanted them to win the cup. Harri was afraid if they didn’t he would do something drastic, like drown himself in the black lake and let the giant squid eat him.

She walked to the field in workout leggings and a sweatshirt and found Alicia and Oliver already there. The sun had barely risen up yet, it was only six. but Oliver was already flushed. Harri bid them hello and lay back on the grass on top of her bag.

Alicia joined her a moment later and they observed Oliver pace up and down the field while passing back a twizzler Alicia produced from her pocket.

The rest of the team showed up an hour later. Practice was always fun. It was relaxed and once Harri had caught the snitch a few times she could just fly on her own.

She passed Hogwarts as a blur, the wind rushing past her face and the world beneath her feet.

Flying was its own kind of freedom. It made Harri feel unstoppable. Like gravity could not even hold her down. There were no dark lords and dead soulmates in the sky. Only the stars and her.

A month passed and it was finally time for their first visit to Hogsmeade. Harry got up disoriented and could not remember if she had a dream or not. It was infinitely better than waking up and being anywhere that wasn't the dorm room.

Hermione was already getting ready in the bathroom while the rest of them laid awake in their beds talking.

Harri rolled over onto her right side and giggled at the sight of drool on Daphne’s face. To know this private side of Daphne that was messy and unkempt compared to the version of herself she presented to others was nice. It felt intimate.

Harri rose up from her own bed and dropped herself on top of Daphne’s body.

“Are you guys excited to visit Hogsmeade today?” She yawned.

“Totally. Finally, something to do on the weekends outside of the castle.” Daphne mumbled, throwing an arm around Harri and pulling her blanket over the both of them.

“Agreed!” Maria got into bed with them. “I can finally send my siblings gifts I don’t have to mail order.”

Lavender, feeling left out, sat up and climbed over her bed and Harri’s to join them. “I’m just happy to be able to shop for new clothes that I can wear during our free days. I mean how are we supposed to get boyfriends or catch our soulmates eyes if we were the same sh*t every week?”

“Ah.” Harri laughed. “The real woes of first and second year. Not being able to impress boys. Truly.”

Lavender shoved her from where she was buried behind Maria. “Piss off!”

“Oi!” Daphne raised her fist. “No fighting in the bed! ’S the law!”

“Yeah but you know what Daphne that doesn’t mean you have to spray your morning breath all over my face,” Maria grumbled. “I mean really, that’s the real tragedy."

Daphne leaned in even closer to Maria and smiled sharply. “If you’re so bothered get out of my bed.”

Maria pushed her face into the bedsheets. “Or maybe you can just not speak right in my face?”

Daphne thrust herself up, dislodged Harri and slammed her pillow into Maria's head. “There! Now you won’t have to smell it.”

Maria wrestled herself up and climbed on top of Daphne. Harri rolled away, near Lavender, where it was safe. Out of the line of fire as Daphne and Maria fought each other.

Really though, it wasn’t fighting. It would be more interesting if they used wands, a little cutting hex or two. Maybe Harri could make the pillows explode in their faces?

Hermione stepped out of the bathroom just as Daphne was about to drag Maria off the bed by her toes. She only rolled her eyes and sat down to oil her curls.

Crookshanks meowed from her cat bed.

The trip to Hogsmeade was another reminder to Harri of how breathtaking the wizarding world was. Strolling around felt like stepping into a fairy village. Every part of the town was beautiful. Something plucked out of her childhood imaginations. The only place in all of Scotland that was purely magical.

Honeydukes alone had more sweets and candy than muggles could dream of imagining or inventing. Ron and Draco had gone off by themselves but the rest of Harri's friends explored together. All of the third years roamed around the village and met up with each other to exchange purchases or visit another shop together.

By the time they were to return they were on a sugar high, running through the halls of Hogwarts with adrenaline rushing through their bones. Harri and Daphne followed Maria, Dean and Lavender up the stairs where a crowd of Gryffindors had formed. Hermione was already up there and questioning Percy and Neville. The portrait of the fat lady was slashed and the rest of the portraits were shouting.

“It’s Sirius Black it is!”


“He was trying to get into the tower!”

“Sirius Black threatened her!"

“Wanted entrance to Gryffindor tower!”

“He slashed her open like a melon! The barbarian!”

“Well I never!"

“—Always said that Sirius Black was no—"

“Well she ran and she won’t be coming out I’ll tell you that!”

Oh no.

Maybe Sirius Black was a larger problem than Harri had anticipated.

Dumbledore, Filch and Snape searched for Black but could not find him anywhere in the castle. The professors made a unanimous decision for the entire school to spend the night in the great hall as they continued to look through the night.

Harri fell asleep next to Ron and Hermione but not before she heard Snape warn Dumbledore that he believed someone was helping Black gain entry into the castle.

Who could Snape be talking about, Harri wondered but she didn’t get her answer.

The next day classes resumed and they were back in their beds. Harri did not stay asleep that night.

A familiar voice called her. She followed.

Come here, darling.

She couldn’t tell whether she was awake or in a dream. Harri walked and walked. It felt like the first time she touched the diary, she was unable to do anything but give herself to the voice, whole and vulnerable.

Forever had passed before she entered a dark room, where she recognized the mountains from her dreams. Although these were not mountains yet things. Hoards of things left behind.

Who left what Harri was chasing?

She looked and looked. What she needed was silver and blue.

Closer, the voice whispered. Closer she went.

In front of her, the moon shined a light and a tiara glinted bright. Harri knew what it was.

The lost diadem of Ravenclaw. The only relic left by Rowena Ravenclaw. Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.

It called to her. Mesmerized her. She was sent into a trance.

Touch the diadem. Touch it, I say!

Harri touched the diadem. In another world, Aurora pricked her finger on the spindle.

Pain overwhelmed her and darkness dragged her down.

She screamed. Just like in her dreams Harri was pulled and swallowed.

Her head was thrown back in agony and her face gripped between shadowed hands. Blackness rose from the silver and formed over her skin. Something reached inside her and took from her. She felt coldness seep into her brain and reach for her memories.

Harri was four and asking about the words on her wrist. “Your soulmate.” The ghost of Aunt Petunia said. “They’re for your soulmate."

Harri was ten and letting a snake out of its cage. "You’re welcome.” Little Harri hissed. “I want to be free too."

Harr was eleven and walking through diagon alley for the first time. “You’re the girl who lived.” Hagrid told her. “You defeated the greatest dark wizard this world has ever seen.” And Harri asked. “But who was he Hagrid?” He whispered back. “Voldemort.”

Voldemort. Who Harri and Draco found in the forbidden forest drinking unicorn blood and Firenze had warned Harri. “Stay safe, keep it hidden.”

Voldemort, on the back of Quirrell's head. “Give me the stone.” But Harri screamed, “Liar!” and Voldemort shouted, “Kill her!"

Harri was twelve and Tom Riddle was smiling at her in the Chamber of Secrets. “Heard of you Harri Potter…couldn’t kill you anymore…my soulmate, that changed everything… both half-bloods, orphans, raised by muggles.”

Harri crying because Voldemort had taken everything from her, killed her parents and tried to kill her. The dark lord was a murderer and he was her soulmate. “How could you do this?” she yelled. The diary kissed her. She fought a basilisk, its poison set in and she destroyed the diary. “What have you done.” Tom whispered.

Harri’s dreams and Harri’s broken heart, the diadem took it all.

She collapsed. The diadem split open.

The blackness formed a man. Eyes as red as blood, skin as pale as snow and lips as pink as a rose.


Wanted to make this chapter more light hearted than the past two so there are less angsty scenes and more of Harri living her life. You guys guessed correctly, it is the diadem Harri will meet! I know technically Tom isn't in this chapter but he will be next chapter. There will be a lot more Tom in Harri's third year than there was in her second.

Did you guys like the sleeping beauty references? Touch the diadem. Touch it, I say! comes from Touch the spindle. Touch it, I say! from the Disney animated film sleeping beauty. The title of the chapter also comes from the movie, 'Once Upon A Dream' was a song in the film. This chapter was originally going to be named something else but halfway through writing it I thought the newer title fit much more.

Comments are alway appreciated <3 and as always enjoy! Thank you for reading.

Chapter 10: your handprint is on my soul


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 10: your handprint is on my soul

“But the heart has its own memory,
and I have forgotten nothing.”
Albert Camus,The Fall

As Harri's consciousness returned, she expected to be in pain but found nothing but a slight ache in her muscles. Even her head, which had been grasped tightly between her hands, was silent. It was disorienting. Last she'd been awake, her mind had felt ready to combust at any moment and now was perfectly okay. In fact, strangely enough, Harri felt better than she had that morning.

She kept her eyes closed while she took account of her body. She prepared herself for whatever waited for her when she opened them. What was her life, that things like this kept happening to her? Miraculous maybe, but also insane.

Harri knew she was longer in the dark and hollow room she had been in before. This place felt empty where that room had felt heavy. Her body rested on something that was incredibly soft, like silk, from what she could feel. Maybe a sofa.

She opened her eyes. It was a brightly lit room. There was a chandelier hanging above and a carpet below. Her body was laid on a Victorian chaise lounge that was engraved with floral patterns. She shifted her gaze to the table on the right of her peripheral.

Her heart convulsed in her chest. Sitting across from her, on a glass table, was Tom.

But not the one she’d known.

Harri lurched up and it was then that she became aware of an object in her hand. A tiara. A diadem. She dropped it without a second thought. Not again.

She panicked. Heart clenching, soul aching. She couldn’t think clearly with Tom right there, she couldn’t be strong like she should be. She had barely been able to hurt the diary and even then it was only when she’d thought she would go too.

“Harri.” This Tom Riddle said.

It hurt.


She pushed herself as far from him on the chaise as she could. “No! This isn’t happening. I’m not doing this again! Get out of my head!” The words fell before she could hold them in and twist them into the right thing to say.

She practically was gaping at him in astonishment. Another object Tom had stored his memory in? But—that was a lie, wasn’t it? A memory cannot consume a soul to gain life the way Tom had tried with Ginny’s.

A memory cannot die.

Tom stared back at her. His eyes were vacant. So different. So cold. “I apologize for the pain taking the diadem may have caused you. It’s been a long time, I must have forgotten the curse I placed there.”

Harri’s dreams. Those red eyes. Her magic lashed out without her control. The light bulbs above them burst and the ceiling shook.

Tom leaned forward on his elbows. “You need to calm down little dove.”

“I don’t need to do anything but get as far away from you as possible.”

“Let me rephrase that.” He said quietly. “You want to calm down. You wouldn’t want me to get upset.” From behind him a shadow formed. Harri shivered as the room cooled. The dark slivers around him slid over to her and clasped her wrists. “Or I will restrict you by force. I am not the sixteen-year-old self you met, I’m not going to falter at tears and a cherub face.”

Indignant, at his audacity and this distant act, she snapped. “You’ve just ripped through my memories without my permission, forced me through weeks of sleepless nights and you expect anything from me?”

He was not her Tom, that much he wasn’t lying about. This version of him, whatever he was, was older. Gone were Tom’s beautiful pale eyes and lovely skin, gone was his warmth. This Tom was taller and paler. He was gaunt and his orbs were as red as crimson, cheeks as sharp as a blade.

His hair reached his shoulders in waves, not the polished curls she remembered and his face didn’t give anything away, not like the diary’s. He was blank in a way. Lifeless. An empty page that Harri could not read. She didn’t know what this version of Tom was capable of.

She shrunk away from him. His eyes followed her. She wanted to be farther, she wanted to be miles away. Somewhere his slitted eyes couldn’t reach her, and she didn’t have to imagine how long she’d lain there with him staring at her. A place where she couldn't be fooled again by her soulmate.

But she also wanted to be closer. Beneath the reluctance and apprehension, she wanted to see beyond the emptiness of him and to know how this had happened to him, to both of them and she wanted to fix it.

The diadem observed her beneath lidded eyes. “There was no other way for me to acquire what I desired. Barring the few obstacles for you, it wasn’t that cruel. There are surer methods I could have tried. Your mind has shown me you know I am capable of. I wonder which naive child I could have entranced? The first years are always quite impressionable. My diary chose that little redhead, maybe I can choose the other, what was his name again? Ron Weasley?”

“You must be utterly weak to need to pray on the vulnerable. At least that diary was a child, what’s your excuse?”

The slithers that had gripped her wrists tightened uncomfortably.

“I wouldn't.” He warned.

“Don't threaten my friends.”

Riddle chuckled woodenly. “Oh Harri. But it is suchfun.”

Her stomach clenched in trepidation. “How did you get here? What do you want? What are you?”

He considered her. “I imagine you’re a bit young to learn what I am just yet. I am a part of your soulmate and that is all you need to know. But as for what I want, well, I would think that is obvious. I want my body. I want my power but I can abide my time. Don’t worry darling, I’ll only kill those who get in my way.”

Harri swallowed and pulled at her wrists. She stood up in agitation. Murder. This was how indifferent he was to murder.

“As for how I got here, well just as any of us do. I was a student at Hogwarts and I thought this was the perfect place to hide myself. The room of hidden things. Where not a soul would stumble upon me unless I desired.”

Harri scoffed. “And you wanted me to find you.”

Tom uncrossed his legs. “And you wanted to find me.”

“Of course not! I want more than anything for you to leave! After knowing who you really are how could I possibly want anything at all to do with you?” Harri denied.

It was a lie.

“Sweetheart,” He grinned. “You and I both know that isn’t the truth.”

She was angry. Of course, her body wanted nothing more than her soulmate nearby and he knew it. Is this what Dumbledore had meant? 'You’re not finished yet. Tom Riddle is not so far gone.' Was this Harri’s fate? Their fate? Just pieces of Tom and never him whole? Was this all she was going to get? Something partial and incomplete.

Tom rose from the table and over to her. She hated how much this echoed those moments in the chamber. “You know in life I spent thirty years waiting for you. Hoping for you. Even praying.” His face looked as if the very thought of doing so was repulsive, “I’d vowed to never believe in that sort of concept, fate, after my time in the orphanage. I’d sworn off my caretaker's savior. I’d told myself I was better, above it, more. Which I am. But I came to Hogwarts and I had empty wrists and so for the first time in my forsaken life, I prayed. Yet nothing came. No words, no ink. No soulmate. And then I spent forty years asleep inside this," He gestured to the diadem laying on the floor.

“And I wake up, I wake up and you actually do exist. Look. Look at this.” He held his arms out, palms up.

On ink, in Harri’s handwriting, Tom?

Her heart fluttered. There was nothing more truthful than the words on a wrist. It was difficult to not reach out and touch. It was hard to comprehend that he had her ink. She’d spent her whole life thinking about these wrists.

“You can lie all you want, to yourself and to me but I know you don’t mean it. I know you want me. I saw in your mind, Voldemort and the diary. I saw Black. Do you think these walls could truly protect you from me when they let in Voldemort himself? You need me, Harri. You need me.”

“I don’t need you and I certainly don’t trust you. The second you can’t stop me I’m going to find Dumbledore, he’ll know what to do with you.” Harri lied again.

Riddle laughed and placed both arms behind her on the couch, effectively caging her in. It was intimidating. His large figure towered over her and his arms concealed her. “Please do Harri. Give me a reason. Just one, so that I can kill one of your precious little friends. Is Hagrid still around? I think I’ll start with him.”

“You won’t touch him.” Harri sneered, pressing her hands against his chest and pushing.

He didn’t budge an inch. He lowered his face to hers. “We have a deal then. You shut your pretty little mouth and I don’t kill anyone.” Harri glared and Tom smirked back, blood-red eyes haunting her. “You may want to sit back down.”

“Go to hell.” She whispered.

“Been there,” Tom gave a mirthless smile. “I much rather like it here.”

She swallowed an angry barb and glanced away. She couldn’t stand to look him in the eyes for long, whether it was because her chest was pounding or because it hurt. His eyes followed her. They always did.

“And where is here?” Harri questioned. He'd called it the room of hidden things.

When he spoke it was hypnotizing. “The room of requirement. I found it my sixth year on the seventh floor, opposite a tapestry showing Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls to dance the ballet. It’s a magical room that can only be discovered by someone who is in need. If you walk by three times and wish for something in your head, it’ll transform into that. It was the perfect place to hide me.”

He was so handsome. Even now, even with how much his face had changed. But he was darker and it was in him this darkness. Not as potent as the dark lord but close enough. With the diary, she had to look but with him it was there plain as day. Voldemort hiding in the shadows of his eyes.

Harri wanted to slap herself for desiring him anyway. She hated herself a little bit. But how could she not? Whatever he was, her soulmate stood across from her.

She could feel herself drifting off as he continued to speak, his eyes pulled her in and his words were spellbinding. Every word was taking from her and giving to him. Just before Harri fell she felt his lips pressed against her skin.

It was the only way. Forgive me one day.

She woke up in her dorm room with the diadem clutched in her hand.


She did.

The next day the castle was up in arms about Sirius Black. He'd tried to break into Gryffindor Tower during the night and was all that anyone would speak about. Harri had left the diadem hidden beneath the depths of her trunk. Yet when she’d reached for her pen in class it’d been inside her bag. She’d cursed under her breath and felt the diadem burn, awake under her touch.

“How did Black escape Azkaban? It's never been done!”

“I heard he was secretly part dementor actually.”

“Well my mother told me the Blacks were notorious for this sort of thin."

"Someone must have let him inside the castle, there’s no way!”

“I heard he wants to kill Harri Potter.”

“Wasn’t he—

“It’s too bad, Harri’s really pretty.”

“I’m actually related to him you know fifth removed uncle’s grandson.”

“He was quite handsome when he was young, you know?”

More annoying than everyone speaking about Black constantly, even her friends, was that the fat lady refused to guard the tower in fear of him. The Gryffindors were now stuck with the impossible and dull-witted Sir Cadogan who insisted on changing the password twice a day and made going back to the common room impossibly difficult. Sometimes they had to stop Daphne from stabbing him with her hair clips (not that they particularly wanted to).

Because life always had to add little something to cause more problems, it seemed the professors had all banded together and started a guard Harri club. She wasn’t allowed to walk in the school without a teacher beside her. Mrs. Weasley had also forced Percy into becoming her personal private bodyguard. How they assumed Sirius Black was going to catch Harri on the way to her dorm from the couch in the common room Harri had no clue.

When she made it into her room after dinner that day she felt a bone-deep exhaustion. She knew the diadem was to blame. He was more at rest than he had been since her dreams started.

She fell asleep the second she laid down and dreamt of wandering Hogwarts as a shadow. She thought she saw the tunnel in the chamber of secrets for a second but the next she was standing outside the black lake, staring wonderingly at the castle in the moonlight.

Harri barely made it to breakfast the next morning. The girls left and she stayed in the bathroom trying to cover up the bruises under her eyes.

Tom appeared in the doorway. She ignored him and ran out before he could speak. It pained her to look at him, wounded to think about how they spoke to each other. That he changed so much from when he was younger was so heartbreaking. Where was the Tom she’d first met? What happened to him to make him so unfeeling and so reserved?

She wished she could let him go.

She thought about telling Dumbledore but something stopped her. The darker part of her whispered that she would never give up any part of Tom, no matter the cost to herself.

Harri knew he didn’t have enough power to be aware all the time because he had to take it from her. It left her fatigued but she couldn’t find it in herself to be upset at him for that yet because he wasn’t hurting anyone.

The following night was much the same. They walked around the castle like ghosts. To her surprise, he took her into the Slytherin dormitory and the third year boy's room. Staring at the faces of Draco and Theodore sleeping.

There was a memory that came back to life, of two similar boys laughing amongst a crowd of unrecognizable faces. Abraxas and Tavvy Tom’s mind whispered. It was reaching for something that no longer existed.

Harri saw a group of eight boys crowded together, laughing boisterously on the common room floor. In the middle of them was Tom. She saw them go from little boys to adults to...gone.

Tom didn't know what happened to them. He was ripped away before he could.

How long exactly had he been in the diadem? What was it like to suffer like this, to have no real body? She felt her anger toward him disappear with every night. She was starting to understand.

The following afternoon, the Gryffindor quidditch match took place. Professor Lupin ended up being absent and Snape taught defense. He was particularly insufferable and spent the entire time discussing werewolves instead of their actual unit. He also assigned a useless three foot essay.

Harri spent as much time touching the diadem as she could.

The quidditch match began as horrible as it ended. It was pouring wildly and she could barely see out of her goggles. Thunderstruck and washed the earth in white. When it vanished she noticed the same dog she'd seen in little whinging on the stand in front of her

There was a moment when Harri looked into its eyes and saw something…someone else standing there....

The whole world was quiet.

Then the dementors descended.

Harri fell. And fell. And fell.

When she came to, her entire team surrounded her while holding the broken pieces of her broom. Ron was outraged on her behalf and Daphne was in the corner trying to intimidate Cedric Diggory into leaving. He apologized as she shoved him out.

Madam Pomfrey insisted (forced) Harri to spend the weekend in the infirmary. She was horrified at the dangerous effect the dementors seemed to have on her.

Night fell and Harri waited for everyone to leave before pulling the diadem out from her bag. She wanted to ask about the dementors and the screaming she’d heard as she fell.

Tom appeared as if summoned by her thoughts on her bed. He brushed a hand through her hair and Harri was surprised to feel the gentle touch.


He was interrupted by the infirmary door creaking open. Harri quickly hid the diadem under her pillow and curved her head to see who it was.

Theodore tiptoed in.

Harri sat up. “Theodore?”

“Hi.” He smiled shyly .“Can I sit?”

Harri stuttered a little. “I-yes, course.”

He sat on the bed next to her and handed her a plate. “I um I figured you would want some cake? You know, since you missed the feast.”

Harri was so glad that it was dark in the room because her stupid face was probably giving away how flustered she was. “Oh, thank you.” She took the plate.

Theodore rubbed the back of his neck. “That fall looked pretty scary Harri and I mean it’s daft that the win went to Hufflepuff? You could have died.”

She felt the diadem heat up underneath her pillow. “It’s alright I guess, Dumbledore caught me. I’m more upset about my broom. We’ve still got a chance at winning the championship for Oliver though, so it’s not the worst thing.”

“Hmm, I don’t know about that. Slytherin’s going to crush Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.” Theodore teased, his eyes beaming.

“I don’t think that’s true. Not too sure if you’re up for it to be honest. I heard one of the chasers is kind of slow.” She grinned.

He laughed. “Have you heard that Harri? That’s quite funny actually, because I’m entirely sure that I heard the exact same thing about Gryffindor's seeker.”

Harri opened her mouth to respond but paused when she heard the sound of footsteps.

Theodore looked back at the doorway. “I should probably go. I just wanted to see if you were alright.”

Harri smiled. “Thank you for coming to see me.”

Theodore smiled back sheepishly and then left. He looked back once more at the door and stumbled over his feet when he caught her still looking at him.

The second it was quiet again Tom formed next to Harri.

He curled his lips up in a mocking smile. “How sweet.”

“You went looking for him last night. I saw you. Did you know his father?”

“No. His grandfather. He was one of mine.” He had a far-off look in his eyes, probably one of the truly honest expressions Harri had seen on his face.

“Do you miss them? Your friends?”

“No.” His face turned empty once more. “They are the past now and this is my future.”

Harri couldn’t imagine it. She reached for his hand and then pulled back, thinking her touch unwelcome. He watched her and surprised Harri when he grasped her hand in between his himself. They both shuddered at the feeling of their fingers laced together. Tom closed his eyes.

“Sleep Harri. I’ll wake you in the morning .”

After Sirius Black's attack, Harri and Hermione took an interest in the Black family as a whole.

They researched them together while the diadem rested in Harri's bag. The Blacks were a noble, ancient pureblood house. Theirs was a rich history. They were known for their words, 'Toujours Pur' which meant 'Always Pure'. They'd existed for a long time.

The Blacks used to be one of the most powerful and renowned families in the wizarding world. A large family with gold to waste, a legacy to fall back on and a seat on the wizengamot.

Now, there were almost none of them left. Their family had fallen into despair. Some said it was a phenomenon called the Black madness, which made them insane when they aged and forced them to lose their minds. Others said it was the result of inbreeding. The chink in the armor of most purebloods.

Many of the great pureblood houses had perished that way, by believing they were so superior they couldn't marry out of the sacred twenty-eight. Which resulted in diseases and deformations, in the loss of magic.

The history books didn't go past Sirius, Regulus, Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa. Harri concluded that was near the time that Voldemort had risen to complete power and named them death eaters, effectively ending their line.

If one ignored the hateful prejudice, the family archive was riveting.

The Black family tree was also a sight. All of them were named after the stars.

Orion, Cassiopeia, Pollux, Arcturus, Alphard, Cygnus and so on.

It was terribly sad that they were so obsessed with their pureblood. She wondered if they'd known this fixation would be their ruin, would they have exiled their squibs? Would they have cut off those of them who married people they did not like? Perhaps if they'd kept them in, they wouldn't be almost extinct now. It was a shame to see a powerful magical line die out.

It was also disheartening that the last of them was Sirius Black.

Later that day, Harri and Hermione wandered down to the Black Lake. They mapped out the stars together. Harri tried to spot Orion the hunter.

"I wonder why the stars?" Harri whispered.

"They're magical, maybe that's why." Hermione answered. "Stars have the power to take out entire galaxies. I imagine the Blacks liked that comparison."

"I wonder if we could go speak to Phineas Nigellus Black's portrait. I now have a lot I want to ask him."

"Right, he was headmaster once,” Hermione recalled.

"Over a hundred years ago."

"That is a long time."

"It is." Harri murmured. She twirled a strand of hair between her fingers.

"Maybe they live on in the stars." Hermione suggested.

"That's a nice thought."

Harri waved at Orion.

If you're up there. You should be aware your son is causing a lot of problems.

When the constellation twinkled, she pretended it was him saying I would expect nothing less.


Everytime you make a horcrux it splits your soul in half. The diary was Tom's second horcrux in my story. This means that as his second horcrux diary!Tom was a fourth of Voldemort's soul. And as the fifth horcrux diadem!Tom has 1/36th or 0.031% of his soul. The diadem is last horcrux Voldemort made before he went after the Potter's and 'died".

I have this story planned out completely so don't worry, things are about to get really good!

Much love everyone <3

Chapter 11: i await a guardian


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 11: i await a guardian

Don't you remember, she told him then when you were nothing but shadow and smoke?
Darling, he'd said in his soft, rich way, I was the night itself.
V.E. Schwab, The Invisible Life

Despite the upsetting loss of her broom, in the morning Harri found herself feeling content.

The diadem had stayed inside while she slept. Maybe he thought she needed the energy to heal but truly she did not mind that he wandered. She just worried about where it was he went.

Sometimes, in the deepest parts of her, she even felt guilty. It was because the thought of him or anyone trapped for so long inside something, aware or unaware, awake or asleep, was horrific. If all Harri had to do was lose a bit of sleep so that Tom could feel human again, she would do it a thousand times over. He could never take more than she would be willing to give. They were one soul after all and it was his as much as hers.

She left the infirmary contemplating researching the soul bond. She'd just crossed the corridor when Tom materialized beside her. None of the other students saw the man that walked beside her but he was there all the same. For a fleeting moment at least. He left again as she entered her first class of the day.

Harri let out a sigh of relief.

It was better that he didn't watch her during class because then he wasn’t a constant distraction. Now, he wouldn’t be at the forefront of her mind the entire time.

If he were there Harri knew she would fail because she would spend all her time with her eyes feasted on him.

Tom Riddle was like that. He made you forget anyone else existed at all. He was the sun and they were the planets revolving around him. He was a red giant. He was a supernova. And just like the stars, one day he too would explode and take them all with him.

In her darkest hours, she thought she might welcome it.

The afternoon went by from Potions to Creatures to Arithmancy and Defense. Hagrid decided to introduce flobberworms into the curriculum though they were pretty foul and made most of them gag. She and Neville almost caused an eruption in Potions by accidentally adding a sunflower seed to their boiling cauldron. And Arithmancy was a bore as well as defense. They practiced theory and read instead of using their wands.

When Professor Lupin finished his lecture, Harri decided to speak to him about the dementors. If yesterday had shown her anything, it was that she couldn’t continue with them haunting her step. She had to learn how to protect herself, especially if she didn't want to remember the screaming she'd heard as she fell or feel the dread that came with their presence when they were near.

Apart from that, another reason was that Harri had never lost a quidditch match before and she certainly never wanted it to happen again. Quidditch was the only thing that came to her easily, the one thing she was truly talented at. Adjacent to always landing herself in trouble but that was something that couldn't be fixed.

The defense class emptied and Harri was the only one that stayed by her desk. She waited while Professor Lupin cleaned the chalkboard to go up to him.

“Harri!” Maria’s said loudly from across the classroom, her and Lavender standing by the door. “You coming?”

She shook her head. “I’ll meet up with you guys in the library.”

“Oh, okay!”

Maria and Lavender walked away and Tom returned. He rested against the window opposite Lupin’s office, watching Harri as she loitered.

The afternoon light shone on him but his skin did not warm. It was still a shock to see his leaner frame, his more defined face, and his long hair. There was so little of the diary in him. It hurt Harri at every realization that she did not know this man at all.

She hesitated in closing her bag and instead stood where she was and took him in. He stared back. Vast and hungry, his eyes were whirlpools, they were quicksand. She was pulled in deeper with every breath.

“Harri.” Professor Lupin called.

The spell broke. Harri turned away from the window.

“Come in for a bit of tea?”

Lupin and she settled on opposite ends of the couch in his office. He kept his windows a little open and the sound of laughter and voices wafted in. The heat bathed the pillows and sitting on them warmed Harri to the core.

Tom hadn't moved from his position and he had a clear view of them through the ajar door of the office. He scrutinized Professor Lupin with an empty expression.

Lupin brought over an old china tea set with tea already prepared. He set it on the table and handed Harri a cup. She watched as he used his wand to levitate a pot and pour milk, tea and sugar into her drink.

It swirled and then mixed. Harri took a sip while Lupin mixed his own. As the hot drink settled in her stomach, she cleared her throat. “I wanted to ask you about the dementors.”

Professor Lupin set down his cup. “I expected as much.”

Harri straightened her back and tapped her fingers against the porcelain in her hands. “Besides the fact that they are dangerous creatures, they seem to have an adverse effect on me personally, more than anyone else I've seen and I was wondering why that is?”

Professor Lupin smiled softly. “Dementors are wraith-like creatures. One of the foulest to exist. They are born of fear itself and they siphon off all hope, love, and joy that exists.” He gestured outside. “A dementor wants nothing more than to take every happy memory from a person and to reduce them to something as loathsome as themselves. The reason that dementors are so drawn to you, Harri, is because they pull forth on the horror of a person’s past. They are drawn toward it and feed off of it. And you have experienced far more trauma than the average person, much less a child and that is why they are so enticed by you.”


He reached over and rested his hand on her fingers. “You are a survivor and there is nothing wrong with that. It may set you apart from others but all it shows is that you are brave. Anyone who was ever great was different.”

Harri smiled wryly, staring at his hand, calloused and thin, on top of hers. “I don’t know about being great. I faint every time they are near.”

“Anyone would,” Lupin reassured. “If a dementor was that attracted to them."

“Is there a spell to ward them off? Because I don’t think I can risk falling off my broom again.”

“There is.”

“Will you teach me?”

“Of course, I will. It would be my honor to teach you the patronus charm.”

“I could kill him for you.”

Harri jolted up from her position in bed.

“Who?” She murmured sleepily.

Tom was sitting at the edge of her mattress with a book in his hand. “Sirius Black. You won’t need those pesky little private lessons from Lupin if Black is gone.”

“What? What's wrong with Professor Lupin?” She sat up properly to face him.

His eyes narrowed. “Don’t you find it strange? Since the dementors are truly such a nuisance, why hasn't he suggested giving lessons to all the students? Why only you alone in his office? You don't need him. You have me.”

“He’s doing it because I asked him.” Harri raised a brow. “Why? Do you know the patronus charm?”

He made a face, then said condescendingly. “I know magic that is far more powerful than a patronus charm with which to ward off dementors.”

“The magic you know probably requires animal blood sacrifices.”

“Well not quite. A human blood sacrifice will do.”

His disregard for innocent human life would never fail to upset her. It would always ache. This was her soul who spoke such horrors and to Harri no less, who still regretted touching Quirrell's face, a man who tried to kill her.

Tom smirked. “Why so silent Harri?”

He dropped his book onto the duvet and came nearer.

“I could teach you.” He whispered in her ear. “How to tear a man’s heart out, how to curse a soul to eternal misery. The ways a bone can break in a hand. To tear a kidney inside a body without even spilling blood.”

Harri shivered.

He laughed, his breath warm on her face. “I could be so good to you.” He trailed a cold hand up her neck, leaving goosebumps in his wake. “You’d just need to listen.” He cupped her jaw in his palms and pressed down. She held her breath. “Just one life Harri. That’s all it’d take. I could have a body.” He turned his face, moving it to her cheek. “You’d have your soulmate.” He spoke with his mouth pressed against her skin.

Harri squeezed her eyes shut and willed away the feeling of his lips against her. Lips that traced a path down her cheek.

“You’d have me. All of me.”

Her heart thudded in her chest. She exhaled. “No.”

He forced his thumb down harder. “No?” He hummed mockingly.

“You’re lying.” She whispered. “I wouldn't have all of you.”

She opened her eyes to his.

The diary. Voldemort. Him, the diadem.

There was no whole here. Tom Riddle was in pieces.

As if he had heard her, he faltered. There was a stoic in silence. Harri turned away. When she woke up he was gone. In the morning she could smell the forest on him.

Time passed.

Tom still frequented the castle at night, taking his secrets with him. She didn’t wake with a memory of anything. He always came back with a dour look about him.

He was incredibly good at hiding what he was feeling or maybe he just felt so little. He didn’t try to convince her of murder again but purely because she could tell he was planning something else. It made her nervous the way he watched her.

It was tiring walking the line between doing right and wanting him. Waiting for something to happen and wondering where it was he went but she wasn't sure how to approach him.

He hadn’t done anything technically and if she asked him about it she was almost certain he would lie. If she told someone they would take him away. And she had classes and responsibilities. Work that consumed her daytime and homework at night. And then there was after that, with Tom in her bed, when they would lay side by side and read over her ancient runes and defense work together.

It was impossible to think of anything but bask in the feeling of being with him and the warmth in her soul. How could Harri plot against him when her entire being desired nothing more than him?

At that very moment, she was by him. She was looking for a broom to use during the match against Ravenclaw and all she could focus on was the feeling of his gaze as he surveyed her from behind.


She hummed.

“You are certain you left my diary in the chamber?”

She nodded, tentative.

“It is gone.”

She whipped around. “What?”

Tom was watching her carefully. “It is possible Dumbledore stole it, but I am uncertain. Others could have found their way to it.”

“What does that mean? That it’s gone?” Harri asked, befuddled.

Her diary…it still felt like her chest was being crushed to think of him.

“It means someone else is interested in me and it is not you,” Tom said.

Worry grew. Who could? “Besides Dumbledore, who would remember? Who would know?"

“That Voldemort was Tom Riddle once? No one alive.” Tom responded.

“Then how?”

“That is what I am asking. How.” He strolled closer to her and brushed his palm over the broom handles. “It is possible that…”


“One of my followers. They could have access to the castle. I’ve been reading about myself, about the war. It was Abraxas who had my diary in the first place, and his son who gave it to the Weasley, is it too far-fetched to assume he took it back in fear of me?”

“But why would he want it back when it was destroyed?”

He tapped her on the chin. “Precisely. That leads me to think it was someone else, someone who recently gained access to the castle.” He raised a pointed eyebrow at Harri.

“Sirius Black?” Harri questioned. “You think it could be Sirius Black and he’s already gotten in the school once so it could be possible.”

Tom turned his back to the broom shelf and focused on her. “On the contrary little dove, I don’t believe it was Sirius Black at all.”

Harri frowned. “But who else?”

Tom crossed his arms. “Isn’t it peculiar that a werewolf, another dark creature, comes to teach at this school at the same time my diary goes missing, the dementors arrive and Black, a supposed devoted follower of mine, escapes?”

Harri gasped. “A werewolf? Which one of my teachers is a werewolf?”

Tom’s lips curled. “Your precious Lupin.”

“Professor Lupin is a werewolf?” She blurted. But he was so gentle?

“Yes and an obvious one at that. To me, at the least, as werewolves were one of the first creatures I charmed to my side. It is easy to imagine that Lupin came here and used Sirius Black to do his bidding for me.” Tom shrugged nonchalantly.

“But he’s so kind! Just because he’s a werewolf doesn’t mean he was one of yours.” Harri protested.

Tom ran a hand down her hair. “Naturally. I won't take action until I know it is true. Just one possibility unless another one of my followers is hiding in plain sight that we do not know of.”

“I can’t believe Lupin would do that.” She shook her head. “He’s not a rat.”

“Perhaps not. Maybe he just eats them.” Tom nudged the broom behind him, an older Nimbus model that seemed durable. “Pick this one.”

Harri scrunched her nose. “A nimbus! How did you even see that? I could have sworn...”

On the morning of the last Hogsmeade trip before winter break, Professor McGonagall broke the news to Harri that she wasn’t allowed to go. She understood that it wasn’t safe for her. Still, she hated feeling like she was missing out and left behind in the castle.

She was sulking and wandering the hallways when Fred and George popped in behind her. To her delight, they presented her with something called the marauder's map, their Christmas present to her. The map had everything Harri needed to sneak out of Hogwarts. Secret passages, corridors, rooms, and the location of every single person within the castle.

All she had to say was 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good' and Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs welcomed her into the map with open arms.

Harri jumped and hugged the twins. “Thanks, Fred! Thanks, George!” She ran upstairs to grab her invisibility cloak and made her way to a secret passage that would get her into honeydukes and from there, Hogsmeade.

She surprised Blaise, Hermione, and Ron by popping off her invisibility cloak when she found them standing outside the shrieking shack. Blaise threw snowballs at Harri in retaliation all the way to the three broomsticks, where they left to meet everyone else.

They had just sat down when McGonagall, Flitwick, and Hagrid wandered inside the bar. To all their surprise, Cornelius Fudge was also behind them.

Daphne shoved Harri's cloak back on top of her, and she crouched underneath the table. To Harri’s annoyance, the new group picked the table right next to theirs. Draco and Ron subtly made space between their legs so that Harri could see between them. Maria and Hermione sat to Harri’s left and Blaise, Daphne, and Lavender to her right.

As they eavesdropped, none of them expected the quiet conversation that followed.

Harri's heart broke as she learned from McGonagall that her father's closest friend had been Sirius Black. His brother. His best man. Harri’s Godfather.

Her throat tightened. This was a man her father had trusted so much, so implicitly, that when Voldemort had marked them for death he’d made him their secret keeper and given Harri for safekeeping. Not only had Black betrayed them by selling them out, he’d gotten them murdered.

Harri got up and ran. She got as far into the forest as she could before she broke down and cried.

How could he? How could he?

The tears came and came.

Her friends appeared at the tree line.

“Oh, Harri,” Hermione took a devastated Harri into her arms. She felt her friends surround her. Arms, legs, and hands. Murmurs of comforting words and kisses pressed against her head. Harri cried for long enough that her sorrow turned to anger.

It was at that moment an invisible hand curled around her and whispered a promise of revenge in her ear.

There was no other word for what Harri felt other than depressed. How come no one had ever told Harri that her parents were dead because of their best friend? Wasn’t that the type of thing that someone should know? Why hadn’t Hagrid? Dumbledore? Why hadn’t Mr.Weasley when he’d warned her about him? Why did they always keep things from her as if she was a child?

It didn't help that she had begun to have nightmares about dementors. It didn’t help that she realized it must be her mother, the screaming that she heard when they were near. Lily, Harri thought brokenly, in her last moments.

When she woke up sweaty and distressed from another nightmare, Tom was laying next to her head. It was quiet before he asked. “What is it about you that is so appealing to the dementors? It cannot only be because of the things you’ve experienced. Dumbledore is older, why haven’t they gone for him? There is something else, something more. Dementors are attracted to souls.”

Harri yawned, too tired to care.

Tom glanced at her and ran a hand down her arm. “So the man was a traitor and they didn’t tell you. People will always disappoint you. That is why you never depend on anyone else. You mustn't let it affect you like this. The only way to be better is to get retribution, spill blood.”

Harri turned her face into her pillow, indicating that she doesn’t want to talk about it anymore.

Tom read between the lines.“Would you like to know how I found Rowena Ravenclaw’s lost diadem?”

She perked up in interest.

He continued on knowingly, “When I was twenty-one I decided that I’d learned all I could from England. I knew the world had much more to offer and I could not truly become who I wanted to be without immersing myself in it. My years at Hogwarts had taught me much about wizards but I needed to know more. I was so hungry. I had a thirst that was inconsolable. I wanted everything, the world at my feet."

Harri could picture it vividly.

Tom went on. "I knew if I desired to be more powerful, and more renowned than Grindelwald and Dumbledore, I had to take the paths they hadn’t. I traveled to the most hidden places, to the people no one even thinks to remember. The tribes I met in the Amazon educated me more than any book I've ever read. We so often forget little dove, magic is in our bones. Just because we use wands to channel it and spells to speak it does not mean that they are the only options we have. A wizard who is in control of magic within the palms of his hands is undefeatable. ”

“Does that mean like wandless magic? Not needing a wand at all? Can you do that?”

Tom grinned. “Yes. Let me show you.”

He took one of her hands, brought it up to his lips, and blew. Harri inhaled as blue flames formed on her palm. They lit up her face and Tom’s, encasing her entire bed in an incandescent glow that reflected off the curtains and the bedposts.

They flared on Tom’s face and for a second his eyes were blue again, the ocean staring back at her.

“Tell me more.” She whispered in reverence.

He did. He told her about how he found the diadem on the outskirts of a forest in Albania. His time in Peru. The year he spent in China, learning blood magic meticulous step by step.

He came alive in these moments. His pupils dilated and his speech became impassioned. She fell asleep with his hand on her waist and this time she had no dreams at all. There was only blue beneath her eyelids.

Christmas morning was the best yet. The remaining Gryffindors gathered around the common room and exchanged gifts. Professor McGonagall decorated the room with blankets, mistletoe, hot chocolate, and cookies. Dean brought out his radio and played his favorite holiday records. All of Harri’s friends crowded together near the fireplace in their Christmas pajamas and Weasley jumpers.

Tom was upstairs in her room because he had refused to be near the Christmas joy. Fred and George loudly sang carols, and Ron and Maria competed to see who could eat the most candy. Ginny curled up on a couch, still half asleep with Alicia and Angelina on the other side. Percy isolated himself reading the paper while Seamus and Lavender tried to get the Christmas tree lights to change color.

Hermione, Harri, and Maria grabbed the packages from under the tree and passed them on to whoever’s name was on them. Once they had all the gifts organized they sat down and opened their presents from home.

Harri gasped when she saw the outline of a broom in brown packaging in her pile. Ron yelped behind her. “Bloody hell!” She tore open the wrapping and gaped while everyone exhaled. Harri hadn't just been given a broom, she'd been given a firebolt. A firebolt! The most expensive and best model broomstick to ever exist.

Harri and Ron gaped at the broom in awe. Hermione frowned and examined it suspiciously.

Maria squealed and climbed on Harri. “Ay dios mios Harri!”

Ron stuttered in his snitch-covered pajamas. “It’s so beautiful I’m scared to touch it!”

“Oliver will piss himself. We’re sure to win the championship with this Harri!” Alicia exclaimed.

“Who’s the patron?” Hermione asked, rummaging around and looking for a note. “It doesn’t say!”

“Who bloody cares?” George scoffed. “It’s a firebolt! These are only used by the best players in the world!”

“Yeah!” Ron piped in. “Victor Krum has a firebolt!”

Hermione rolled her eyes. “I don’t care if Victor Flum has one!” She turned to Harri. “You can’t just keep it! Who knows who sent it? It could be cursed!”

Harri felt herself deflate a little. She pursed her lips. “That is true.”

“The hell it is! Don’t listen to her Harri, with this—"

“No, she’s right.” Maria interrupted. “Harri’s had enough quidditch scares to last a lifetime. We should give it to McGonagall to check it out.”

Ron protested in outrage. “Give it to McGonagall so she can tear it apart? Not on my bloody watch!”

“Oi, you lot!” Fred clapped his hands. “Harri’s broom, Harri’s decision.”

Ron wrapped his arms around the firebolt. “It’s not just Harri’s broom, it’s the team's broom.”

“Please, Ronald.” Daphne huffed. “Do shut up.”

“What if Sirius Black gave her the broom and it ends up killing her?” Ginny mumbled. “Then Harri would be dead. Do you want to kill Harri, Ron?”

Ron shot Ginny a dirty look. “Fine.”

Ginny stuck out her tongue.

“But when it comes back clean I call first dibs,” Ron muttered.

“As if!”

“Ron, if you find spiders near you today…”

“You little pillock!” Maria sputtered.

“No fighting over the food!”

“That was my foot, Ginny!”

Later, cuddled up in her bed in her new sweater, Harri pondered out loud to Tom. “Why don’t you like Christmas?”

Tom was reading through Hermione's gift, an advanced copy of the History of Azkaban Prison, on the other side of the bed. “My Christmas’ were spent getting secondhand clothes and freezing in the London cold. Why do you think Harri?”


She drifted off, watching him through lidded eyes as he read. She woke later in the night at the feeling of movement. It was Tom running his hands through her hair.

Hermione and Ron spent the rest of winter break fighting with each other. Crookshanks wouldn’t stop attacking Scabbers and Ron was still upset with Hermione for suggesting to give the firebolt to McGonagall. Harri personally thought that Ron should let Crookshanks have at it, Scabbers needed the exercise.

She had her first lesson with Professor Lupin during that time. Though she failed to produce a corporal patronus she did form a tiny light. Lupin stayed with her after the lesson and that was where Harri learned something even more astonishing about her Professor than that of his lycanthropy.

“Don’t worry,” He insisted as he settled down next to her on the steps of the astronomy tower. “It’s a NEWT-level charm and very difficult to produce. No one gets the patronus right on their first try.”

“How long did it take you?”

“Quite a while actually as it takes a truly happy memory and sometimes it’s difficult to find that.” Lupin chuckled demurely.

“How long do you think it’ll take me?”

“I can't say for sure because it depends on how much time you spend as much as the memory you use itself. The charm is one of the most powerful defensive spells there is and that means it requires great strength from memory you chose.”

“I know I can do it.” She said to him, determined. “I just need to focus.”

Professor Lupin smiled at her, a nostalgic gleam in his eyes.“I know you will. You remind me so much of James, Harri, so much.”

Her wand dropped and she whirled toward him. “What?”

He observed her with a nervous countenance. “I wanted to tell you before many times, but I didn't know if it was appropriate. I was friends with your father. We were close. Your mother too. We were all in Gryffindor together. I cared about them very much. I would have liked to have taken care of you but I wasn't allowed and to be honest you were much safer and better of with your aunt and uncle. I wish I could have visited however I don't know where you live.”

"Surrey," Harri said, dazed. "I had no idea." And then she realized. "You knew Sirius Black then!"

Lupin exhaled with a sad look. “Yes, I did. And we had never thought that he would ever do such a thing. I swear to you, if I’d known I could have stopped it I would have offered myself as the secret keeper. It remains my biggest regret that I didn't and not a day goes by that I don’t feel it.”

There was such sorrow in him. How had Harri ever missed it? “It wasn’t your fault. You shouldn’t put that on yourself.”

“Perhaps but it is difficult to not.” Lupin smiled in a self-deprecating way. “But Harri? You need to know, you were everything to them. Everything. They would have been so proud of you, are proud of you. You have grown up to be a beautiful and intelligent witch.”

She swallowed. “You think so?”

He rested his hand on her shoulder. “He would have been fighting the boys off with a broom.”

Harri laughed, bittersweet.

In the next quidditch match of the season, Theodore’s words came true and Slytherin beat Ravenclaw. This raised Gryffindor’s chances of winning the Quidditch Cup as long as they could secure their win against the Ravenclaws.

Oliver upped their practice time by an hour and drove the team crazy with his new game plans. Harri hoped they could win because she was afraid Oliver would go into cardiac arrest at seventeen if they didn’t. That probably wouldn’t bear well for Quidditch the next year.

She continued to have patronus practice and after their lessons, she and Professor Lupin would have tea together.

He entertained her with stories of her father in his younger days and about her mother as she was at school. It was lovely to have this perspective of her parents from someone who loved them both.

He was a kind man and Harri questioned why werewolves were labeled dark creatures. She also wondered how he must have been bit and who could have done it. Clearly, he hadn't been born a werewolf, not if he had attended Hogwarts.

At the end of their most recent lesson, Professor Lupin told Harri about the dementor’s kiss. He also let her know that the ministry had given the dementors permission to administer the kiss to Black when they caught him.

On her way back to her dorm, she reflected on the savagery of this punishment and ran into Professor McGonagall when passing the great hall. McGonagall returned her firebolt with reassurance that no curses were found and made sure to let Harri know that she had to practice with it before the quidditch match. McGonagall was as invested as Oliver in a Gryffindor win.

Instead of going to her dorm as she should, Harri trekked to the black lake. She dropped down behind one of the trees with a view of the castle.

Gently, she drew the diadem out of her bag.

Tom materialized next to her and for the first time, he didn’t focus on her. His eyes latched on the sight in front of them.

“I want to show you something,” Harri said.

He glanced back at her.

She held her palm up and this time it was him who curled his fingers with hers. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She reveled in the feel of their connection, weaker than the diary and stronger than nothing. She let herself experience all the joy of the first meeting and all the pain of this second one.

Her magic sang in her.

Expecto Patronum.

From her wand burst a vapor that lit up the sky around them. The leaves fell back and water rippled on the lake.

Tom inhaled sharply and gazed about in rapture. Their bond flared in bliss.

And then he smiled, his cheeks dimpled and his eyes widened. Harri thought it was the first time he had genuinely smiled in forty years.

And against all odds at that moment she hoped.


Expecto Patronum is a latin term and translates into 'I expect (or await) a guardian'.
In whatever time or form the word ‘patronus’ always means protection.
I also think it works for the title because Harri is literally waiting for a guardian (Sirius).

Chapter 12: o captain! my captain!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 12: o captain! my captain!

“If you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you.
Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it?
Carpe - hear it? - Carpe, Carpe Diem!
Seize the day, make your lives extraordinary.”

N.H Klienbaum, Dead Poets Society.

March came in with sunshine and spring, washed away the dreary remains of February and made way for a rainy April. For Harri, life was blend of her friends, Tom and quidditch. The final match of the cup was before them and if the team failed to beat Ravenclaw they lost any chance of winning the championship.

Harri practiced every day on her firebolt, getting used to its quickness and smooth glides, both of which were leagues away from any other broom she had ever ridden.

Tom’seyes followed her from class to class.

In potions, his mouth moved against her ear giving her instructions. In defense, he distracted her from Professor Lupin’s teaching by pressing his legs against hers. In history, he gave her his shoulder to rest on while Binns droned. In ancient runes, his hands helped her solve Professor Vector’s equations and in Creatures, his fingers tucked her hair behind her ear when she cleaned up.

When he wasn't doing these things, he would sit by the window and watch the world outside. Though he was but a shadow, Tom Riddle was alive.

The sun had just finished setting. Harri was walking back to her dorm, her muscles aching from a drawn out quidditch practice. The crisp wind brushed her hair back and forgotten autumn leaves crunched beneath her feet.

Tom’s voice cut into the air.

“If I were to ask you something would you answer me honestly?”

Harri’s eyes slid to him. His body was outlined against the Hogwarts skyline, a stunning sight. The world was a maroon the exact shade of his eyes.

“Of course.”

A strand of hair flew past Harri’s cheek and Fang barked from Hagrid’s cabin a mile away. When Tom spoke, it stopped her in her tracks.

“Could you ever forgive Voldemort?”

She took a moment to think it through.

“You want me to?”

Tom blinked. “I suppose one would want for their soulmate to.”

Harri squinted. “But doyou?”

He waited a moment before speaking, surveying her closely. “Yes, that is what I am asking.”

“Do you think he deserves it?” She questioned.

“I do not not think it is about deserving. It’s only whether you are capable of it or not. He is my center soul after all.”

She could hear the words he wasn’t speaking.

Could you forgive me?

The trees swayed in the breeze and Harri tightened her jumper around herself. “I don’t think—I don’t know. He would have to feel remorse and I don’t believe he’s capable of that. I don’t believe he would want to. I think even if he found out, if he returned and he found out about me I think the first thing he would think to do is kill me. I don’t—"

“Forget I asked.” Tom said emotionlessly. There was an indescribable look on his face.


But he was gone.

Unlike the last Ravenclaw and Gryffindor match, this one fell on a warm and cloudless day. The crowd was roaring and there was obvious tension between the quidditch teams. This was the match that would determine which house went on to fight for the cup.

Thus far Gryffindor was higher in points. Harri had kept Cho Chang occupied throughout the game. It had been three hours of chasing each other around the pitch and feigning snitch findings. Ravenclaw had managed to score five goals with their quaffles and Gryffindor only two.

For a while they were tied but then a Ravenclaw got Angelina in the shoulder with a bludger. This helped them gain three points. Oliver called for halftime and pressed Harri to find the snitch sooner or later until they got too much of a head and made it impossible for Gryffindor to gain enough points to make it to the final. They were also getting tired, and if Cho got the snitch then it would all be over.

Lee Jordan sung praises about Harri’s firebolt to bring up the morale.

"And it glides forth with an unparalleled smoothness. Only the best for the best seeker in Hogwarts!"

“This is not a broom commercial, get on with the game!" Professor McGonagall hissed in Lee's ear.

"I'm being commanded to stop but that thing shines brighter than my—"


Harri laughed under her breath and saw Cho do the same. Light glinted in her lids and she caught sight of the snitch.

It floated below the Gryffindor goalpost. Harri winked at Cho and dove. She sped towards the snitch with her eyes entirely focused but Cho sped out from above and blocked her. Harri tried to get around and Cho made it impossible. Her dark hair obscured Harri’s view.


He was right. Harri flew for Cho and cut past her when she flinched. Cho tried to follow and the people in the stands underneath their brooms crouched as they fought each other.

Harri had almost reached the snitch and was stretching her fingers out to grasp its fluttering wings when an abrupt silence fell.

She looked back and shivered. There were dementors near the stands. Without thinking Harri grabbed for her wand and cast the patronus charm. Instead of waiting to see if it worked and too caught up in the fight for the win, she reached out her hand again and captured the snitch.

The crowd thundered around her.

Harri turned to check on the dementors and gasped in open delight. Where she had expected her wand to only have produced white wisps; a beautiful corporeal stag had come out. Large, bright and beautiful. Her heart soared as she watched it run.

While she stared at her patronus Madam Hooch blew the whistle and the Gryffindor team flew towards Harri.

She shrieked as they almost knocked her off her broom, grabbing her in a group hug.

“That’s my girl!” Fred shouted. “That’s my girl!”

George was spinning Harri around in his arms, broom and all. Katie, Alicia and Angelina took Harri by the neck and kissed her one by one. They fell to the ground and the other Gryffindors ran down the stands surrounded them in triumph.

Maria captured Harri around the waist and lifted her off the ground. Dean and Seamus began a chant and seized anyone and everyone they laid their eyes on for an embrace. Colin climbed onto Neville’s shoulders and captured photograph after photograph. Daphne, Lavender, Hermione and Ron crashed into Harri while yelling, “POTTER! POTTER! POTTER!”

Professor Lupin pushed through the screaming teenagers and squeezed Harri shoulder.

“That was beautiful.”

She jumped up. “Did you see Professor! Did you see my patronus?”

“I did.” Lupin beamed. “And it was magnificent.” His eyes were bright and if she didn’t know better, she would think there were tears in them.

“The dementors!” Harri blurted suddenly in panic. “Where did they go? When I turned around they were gone!”

“Well you see," Lupin took Harri by her shoulders and pointed to the left where McGonagall was shouting at Pansy Parkinson, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crab. “They weren’t really dementors at all.”

“Idiots!” Daphne shouted.

Lavender picked up an abandoned flag and threw it in their direction.

“Pansy looks more like a drowned dog than usual.”

Ron threw up two middle fingers but Hermione slammed them down.

After minutes more of screaming, the throng of red moved into to the Gryffindor common room in high spirits. They partied all night. Fred and George surprised them with treats from Honeydukes and Dean brought out his vinyls. You’d have thought they’d won the quidditch cup, not just qualified for it by how exuberant everyone was.

They may as well have for how happy they were.

At around two in the morning the party was stopped by McGonagall who came down in her nightgown and yelled at them to, “Shut it!” with her hair curlers and eye mask still on. Colin took a photograph of that too.

Harri was dreaming.

She faded in and out of consciousness. She was on her knees and below her lay a man with dark dirty hair and sorrowful eyes. She kept shaking him, trying to force him awake. She was afraid. Something covered them, dark and heavy, something that wanted to take the man away. Then Harri was shivering, trying to hold her wand and say something, words that escaped her. She must have been calling for Tom. Harri was…

Harri was awoken by her dorm room door being thrust open.

“UP!” Angelina bellowed from their doorway. “UP! GIRLS! UP!”

Harri wrestled her way out of her bedsheets. Tom followed behind her, his interest peeked. Lavender tripped over her robe and nearly ripped out her eye mask in a rush. Maria begged to stay in bed but Alicia came in and dragged her out by the ear. They trooped down to the common room where everyone else was already gathered.

A pale faced Ron and a frustrated Seamus were swearing up and down that Sirius Black had sliced through Ron’s bed curtains.


“He had horns like the devil! And claws for hands!”


"I could have died!"

Tom smirked on Harri’s right. He crossed his arms and leaned against the fireplace. “Isn’t this interesting.”

Harri flicked her hand his way and Hermione yelped when it hit her instead.

McGonagall had a difficult time believing Ron and Seamus’ story until Sir Cadogan came out of his painting to confirm he let in Sirius himself. He was immediately sacked from his position by her. And Neville was banned from Hogsmeade for loosing the password list and unintentionally giving it to Black. Another search of the school was conducted and the Fat lady was brought to guard Gryffindor tower once again.

“But why would Black be in the boys dorms if he was after me?” Harri whispered as she climbed back into bed. “It just doesn’t make sense!”

“I don’t think he was after you. Seems I was wrong, maybe there is someone else hiding in the castle.” Tom murmured in her ear.

Harri couldn’t see the wicked smile on his face but it was there all the same.

Interesting indeed.

May fell upon them in the blink of an eye and no other incidents occurred in the tower. This lulled everyone into a sense of security.

It was the night before the quidditch final and Harri was in bed early trying to fall asleep. She had a bundle of nerves in her stomach and was cursing her anxiety. She felt nauseous.

The game wasn’t life or death, Harri knew this. They could lose and it would be okay but regardless, it would be a sour result to stomach. The third year in a row that they lost the trophy.

So Harri had searched for something to distract herself. She looked through her trunk and found her second hand Julius Caesar copy.

This was the book she’d read back at the Dursleys when she couldn’t fall asleep. At first, she’d barely understood it at all. The edits the previous owner had made not making sense, leaving her to make up the story as it went. When the loneliness hit her it was the only friend she'd had and eventually, after many re-reads she’d been able to understand most of it.

The story was captivating. An amalgam of history, love and treachery.

Harri thumbed through the pages and settled on her favorite quoted passages.

“Shakespeare.” Tom must have rolled his eyes from beside her for how dry his tone was. “Muggle literature is beneath you Harri.”

She twisted her head toward him and objected. “Not at all! Muggle writing is beautiful. In fact, I would say the muggles are leagues ahead of wizards in writing and poetry.”

Tom was close enough that she could feel his face pressed against her blanket covered arm. “I saw one of these in the orphanage once. Battered beyond belief but I’d already become a student here and at that point, anything that wasn't magical wasn't interesting.” His eyes flickered over the opened page and he spread the book wider from where it was held in Harri’s hand.

He read.

“Let me have men about me that are fat. Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.Cassius has a lean and hungry look, he thinks too much; such men are dangerous.”

Tom raised an eyebrow, a curious expression on his face.

“It’s a Roman tragedy.” Harri explained. “Based on true events. Julius Caesar was a Roman general and he played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.”

Tom peered up at her. “Why a tragedy?”

Harri adjusted herself onto her right arm so that they may lay face to face. She could see every inch of his features this way, all sharp edges and pale skin.

Beautiful in the moonlight.

“Caesar was a dictator, therefore the most powerful man in the country and the senators were jealous of it. They seduced his friend Brutus to their side with the help of a man named Cassius, who was the most clever of them. Brutus and Cassius co-lead an assassination plot and killed Caesar on the Ides of March. Afterwards, Mark Antony, who had loved and been devoted to Caesar, forced them out of Rome in vengeance. He fought them in battle and won. In the wake of the fight, Brutus and Cassius killed themselves and Mark Antony was left to rule Rome.”

“And what are The Ides of March?”

“The 74th day in the Roman calendar, the 15 of March. The Romans used it as a deadline for settling debts. In the play, the line is a soothsayer's message to Caesar, a warning of his death. If he’d taken it seriously he may have survived.”

“But how did they seduce Brutus, if he was so devoted to Caesar?”

Harri cleared her throat. “In the words of Brutus, 'Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.' He was afraid that Caesar may become crowned king and that would be detrimental to the Roman republic as it went against their values. In his eyes, he chose Rome over Caesar.”

“Ah,” Tom inclined his head. “I see. In reality, he was just as arrogant as he believed Caesar to be and he suffered the consequence.”

Harri smiled and teased. “Not so bad is it, muggle writing?”

Tom rubbed his knuckles against her cheek. “Still debatable.”

“Liar!” Harri pouted. “Admit it.”

He leaned in close, eyelashes casting shadows on his skin, and whispered.


The Gryffindor quidditch team entered the great hall to a round of applause from both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables. Harri beamed and scanned over all the excited faces.

The team sat down to eat and Oliver practically spoon fed them breakfast. He kept reminding Harri, “You mustn’t catch the snitch until we’re ahead in points. Remember that please! Should I write it down? We need at least fifty points."

Ron pushed Oliver’s face away with his hand and said to Harri. “Just eat your food.”

They stayed long enough for Harri to get a few spoonfuls of porridge in and then rose to leave. She had just stepped out of the great hall when a hand landed on her shoulder.

“Harri,” Theodore grinned from the doorway. “You look very pre—“

“Nott!” George called back from in front of them. “No fraternization with the Gryffindor seeker!”

Theodore held his hands up as if to say it was an innocent gesture. “Just wanted to wish her luck.”

“Yeah I’m sure that’s it.” Angelina laughed.

“Move it along before I string you up by your shoelaces!" Oliver threatened.

Harri smiled at Theodore. “I don’t think I need luck but thanks anyway.”

He smiled, the tips of his ears red. “Alright then. May the best player win.”

They shook on it.

It turned out to be the most intense game Harri had ever played.

The Slytherins attempted to cheat left and right. With the number of penalties they’d already given, Gryffindor had the fifty points they needed to win soon after the game began.

At one point Oliver was hit with two bludgers to the stomach, Flint managed to catch Katie with a bat in the thigh and Angelina got knocked off her broom by Theodore. The Gryffindor side of the stand screamed in fury.

Two hours into the game and both the Slytherin beaters, Bole and Derrick, tailed Harri closely and tried to hit her shoulder with a bludger. Harri snarled and as they got close to her again she lifted her broom so that it was pointed toward the stands.

She raced ahead and the beaters began to follow. Just as she was about to hit the crowd Harri pitched her broom down with her body flat against it. Bole and Derrick, too slow to turn and not as agile as her, crashed into the wooden railing.

“And that’s on Harri Potter!” Lee howled into the mic. “The youngest quidditch player in a century—George why don’t you knock Nott off his broom! Only joking Professor no need to hit me—and Katie takes the quaffle! Flint closes in and— NO! Slytherin is in possession!”

Harri angled her broom back up, high enough to observe the pitch from a birdseye view. Her eyes roved over every inch of the field, anxious at how close the match was. Then to her left she spotted the snitch.

Her heart pounded. She pushed her broom down and hurtled for the snitch, gaining more speed as she zoomed through the air. But a heavy weight crashed into her and Harri glanced up to see Flint’s face right above hers as they went down.

“You wanker!” She hissed. She shoved his face away and kicked him in the stomach as she untangled herself from him.

When she was free she saw that she had lost the snitch. She was seething mad, glad that her kick had packed a punch as Flint was bent over his broom in pain.

Lee shouted into the speaker. “YOU LITTLE CHEATING PIECE OF DUNG!”

Harri looked up at the stands. Ron was raising his fists in anger and almost fell off his seat and Daphne—Daphne was throwing a shoe at Flint.

Blaise, the ass, cheered Slytherin on!

Harri spun to Flint and raged. “I’m going to smash your head in!”

Flint was out of breath but still found the energy to smirk at her. Harri wanted to break his nose. She was furious.

She gave him a sneer and then she soared up and searched for Draco to take revenge on the Slytherins. She found him near the north of the pitch and raced there. She vowed to never let him catch the snitch. It wasn’t even about the cup anymore, she was so cross that it was only about beating Slytherin. They’d taken it too far. She was genuinely prepared to physically fight them the second the match was over.

She shadowed Draco for the next hour. Annoying him with how quick she was to catch him whenever he tried to get away. She taunted him just like Pucey had done to Oliver.

“Go away Harri!” Draco shouted.

She wasn’t about to listen but she heard Lee call out that Fred was trapped. She turned around to find Fred and saw that he was about to be cornered by the entire Slytherin team. Both Alicia and her then dashed towards him with no sign of stopping. In fear, the Slytherins ran like the cowards they were. Fred, now free, ran to defend Angelina as he had meant to. She had the quaffle and she threw it at the goalpost.

She scored.

"And Gryffindor is IN THE LEAD!” Lee cheered. The Slytherins booed.

Harri breathed out. Finally.

She then started to look for Draco again. Draco was charging in the direction of a flicker of gold. Her stomach sunk. She didn’t even think, she pitched her firebolt forward and flew. Her hands were shaking. Too far—she was too far! She urged herself further and further until she was above Draco. He reached out for the snitch and almost grabbed it. Almost. But Harri released her broom from her hands and pounced, only her legs holding onto the firebolt, and pushed Draco out of the way. She squeezed her eyes shut, her hands extended and…


The snitch fluttered in her hand and Harri screamed in victory. She tugged her broom back up with one hand and held the other hand high, the snitch's wings fluttering in her fingers. The arena boomed.

She panted, astonished. She listened to the thunderous applause around her. She pressed her hand to her chest and laughed in glee.

They’d done it. They’d won the quidditch cup.

The Gryffindor team charged at her and crushed her in from all sides. Oliver was crying.

Arms wrapped around her and they all whooped at the top of their lungs. Their hard work had finally paid off after three years of being together. Their last year with Oliver as captain. “WE’VE GOT THE CUP! WE’VE GOT THE CUP! GRYFFINDOR HAS WON THE CUP!”

They descended down still intertwined together and unwilling to let go. Uncaring for the sweat and tears, only feeling the glory. From the stands, the crowd leapt over the barriers and ran out to join them. Countless scarlet bodies spilled onto the grass.

They lifted each of the players into the air.

Maria and Lavender led them in a collective jump. Daphne hoisted a large Gryffindor flag up to the sky and Hermione and Percy were the loudest in their chanting. Professor McGonagall was sobbing, shaking Oliver back and forth in jubilation. Ron was beside himself, red in the face with tears, he heaved Harri up in his arms and kissed her head.

The masses led them to where Dumbledore was holding the trophy and he passed a weeping Oliver the cup. Oliver planted his lips on the gold and raised it above his head as the team surrounded him. Cameras flashed and they all cheered.

Surrounded by the people she loved, Harri looked up for the one face that was missing. She caught him hidden in the stands, clapping slowly. Harri laughed. In that second she thought she could defeat a thousand dementors at once with only the sheer will of her happiness.

Finals passed in sleepless nights and arithmancy formulas for Harri.

On the last day of the exams while Lavender ate in the great hall, Daphne and Maria hung out near the Black Lake and Hermione slept upstairs, Harri relaxed with Crookshanks outside the Divination classroom and waited for Ron, Draco and Blaise to finish their exam.

She cuddled Crookshanks and kissed the top of her head. A few minutes later, Draco strolled out with an exasperated look on his face. His hair was ruffled and his tie was undone, an unusual scene.

“That bad?” Harri asked. “Trelawney can’t be so horrible.”

“She’s worse than horrible.” Draco yawned. “It’s like she’s begging for us to cheat.”

Harri patted him on the shoulder. “At least you can just make things up, you don’t actually have to study for it.”

“I’d rather study! Books make sense! Not her tea leaves and glowing balls!” Draco whined. “If I don’t pass with an EE Father will have my hide. Bad enough that Hermione always places ahead of me.”

“I think your father has more problems than a muggleborn placing ah—CROOKSHANKS NO!”

The orange nightmare stumbled out of Harri’s arms and ran into the divination class through the door Draco had left ajar.

“sh*t sh*t sh*t!” She raced after him.

Draco groaned and ran behind her as she gave chase to the cat. They dashed inside the mostly empty room and watched in disbelief as Crookshanks darted through the desks and up the ladder into Trelawney’s office. Embarrassed, Harri treaded on Crookshanks heels, climbing up just as Ron and Blaise climbed down.

“Crookshanks get back here!”

“Bloody hell!”

“Sorry Ron!” Harri dashed up and pulled herself into the open latch by the arms. She got into the office and found Crookshanks had taken a seat below Trelawney’s feet.

Trelawney was gaping down at Crookshanks. “I’m actually quite allergic to cats so if you would please get it away!"

“Oh I’m so sorry Professor!” Harri bent down and gathered Crookshanks into her arms. “Bad cat!”

Trelawney let out a loud sneeze.

“Really I didn’t…” Harri cut herself off.

Trelawney’s mouth had flopped open.


Trelawney struggled for breath and with an edge to her voice she cried out. “IT WILL HAPPEN TONIGHT.”

Harri stepped back, a little nervous.

Trelawney continued on. She proclaimed that the dark lord was alone and abandoned. She said this would change. His servant, trapped for twelve years in a prison, would free himself tonight and rejoin him. “THE DARK LORD WILL RISE AGAIN…GREATER AND MORE TERRIBLE THAN EVER…BEFORE MIDNIGHT….SERVANT AND MASTER WILL BE REUNITED ONCE MORE…”

Harri gasped.

Trelawney coughed and then looked around in puzzlement. Snorting, she shook her head. “…As I was saying it’s quite all right dear.”

Harri just stared.

Trelawney eyed her with bewilderment. “Well, hurry along now.”

Harri moved back slowly. She was dumbfounded. She didn’t have words. Was Trelawney faking it?

The dark lord shall rise again.

Harri inhaled heavily, turned, and climbed back down. The boys were waiting for her near the doorway.

“Harri? Did you get Crookshanks?” Draco demanded. “You did! Let’s go.”

Harri hesitated. “I…I…she just said…”

Ron slumped forward and grasped Harri by hand. “Don’t take anything she says too seriously Harri the woman’s a nutter.”

Harri frowned. “But I…”

Blaise laughed. “H, trust me she’s a fake.”

Draco wrapped his arm around Ron’s shoulder. “I’m just relieved we’re finished with the class. A bloody waste of time that was.”

Blaise scoffed. “You’re telling me. My mother will be furious I wasted an elective on this when I could have taken something else. She would’ve preferred muggle studies.”

Ron groaned. “Don’t remind me. My dad begged me to take that class.”

“Freedom at last.” Blaise spread his hands out. “No more crazies and hasn't anyone noticed? It's finally a year without something terrible happening.”

“Don’t say that!” Draco protested. “Mother says we must never do that or the very thing we don't wantwillhappen.”

Ron squeezed Draco’s cheek. “And we must never disobey mother.”

“Oh sod off.”

Blaise chuckled andRon kissed his soulmate in apology.

Harri was still a little baffled. She wasn’t paying attention to them, too busy going over the possibilities of Trelawney’s words. What if it was Tom? What if the diadem was the servant? Or what if he was right and it was Lupin? She needed to go talk to Tom rightnow.

The four of them trudged to the great hall and then split up to venture into their own common rooms. When Harri and Ron reached the tower, they found it filled and brimming with energy. Everyone was relaxed now that finals were over. Lavender and Dean were playing a round of chess next to the window and Maria and Daphne were involved in a high stakes game of exploding snap with Seamus, Fred and George.

Ron mumbled as he helped Harri through the portrait hole. “I’m starving. Let’s change and go to dinner early Harri,”

She distractedly replied to him. “Yeah sure.” And dashed upstairs, leaving him behind.

She pushed open the door to her room. Inside she found Hermione napping on Daphne’s bed. Harri let go of Crookshanks and dropped her bag and books onto her duvet. She bent over and shoved her hand underneath her pillow. Her fingers grasped hold of the diadem.

Tom came into view, laying languidly on the mattress.

He opened his mouth but Harri stopped him. “Are you sure about Lupin?”

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

“Because Trelawney—the divination teacher who’s supposed to be a real seer—she said that the dark lord’s servant would escape tonight and reunite with his master before midnight. And she said that he was alone right now but after—after the servant joined him then he would...he would come back more terrible and powerful than ever before and, and, I need to know, is it you? Are you trying to—trying to do something? Is that what you’ve been doing all these months? U-using me to…to..."

Straightening up, Tom stretched out his hands to take hold of Harri’s face. “Harri.”

“Are you going to bring him back or give yourself a body? If you are, just tell me! And if it’s not you—if it’s not and you swear— then I need to find out who it is. Lupin or Black or someone else because I can’t let him free himself! I can't let this happen and you owe it to me to help!”

“Shhh.” He gathered her close to his chest.

Harri whimpered into his torso, her mind running a mile per minute.

In a hushed tone, chin on top of her head, Tom whispered. “It’s not me.”

Harri stayed silent.

Tom smoothed down her hair. “Go down to dinner and when you come back we’ll talk this through. Don’t worry yourself so badly. Didn’t your friend say this woman was a quack?”

Harri frowned. “He did but the way she was felt real. Like everything she was saying would come true.”

Tom sighed and Hermione made a sleepy sound from behind Harri. “Breathe little dove, things will work out.”

“Okay.” Harri exhaled unsurely. “Okay.”

And Harri couldn’t have predicted what happened next.

But Tom might have been counting on it.


Thank you to anyone who's given feedback, I appreciate all the comments and can't express how nice it is to receive them.

Also, I'm beeeyond ready to get to Sirius, Remus and Pettigrew next chapter. And the diadem's part in all of this...

Chapter 13: beware the ides of march


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 13: beware the ides of march

“The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.”
George R. R. Martin, A Song Of Ice and Fire

Dinner passed beyond Harri like the blink of an eye. There one minute and gone the next. Students had already begun to leave, some staggering off alone while others rounded the halls in groups. They were all going straight back to the dorms, ecstatic for a night of sleep without the stress of finals.

Harri and her friends stayed at their table. Draco and Blaise wandered over with plates of leftover cake.

“Ta.” Hermione accepted a slice of her favorite carrot cake from Blaise.

Lavender hummed, stealing a spoon from Maria and slicing off a bite for herself. “There's nothing as delicious as dessert after a long day.”

Daphne rubbed her stomach dramatically. “I probably need the calories after the weight these tests have forced me to lose. Did anyone else have no clue about the last question in Potions? I don’t remember anything about tree roots in the study guide.”

“I do!” Maria replied. “It was in chapter three, the one about the fungal potion?”

“Potions wasn't hard at all. Transfiguration was the most difficult personally. McGonagall makes it harder for Slytherins on purpose.” Blaise complained.

“Oh please.” Hermione sniffed. “Are we really going to talk about favoritism? Because Snape is the worst by far. You might be able to get away with forgetting about one ingredient but that's a whole point off for one of us.”

Lavender pointed an accusing finger at Blaise. “Maybe you’re just upset because you know your mother won’t let you visit England in the summer if she thinks you're falling behind.”

“I am not falling behind. I just think it’s very convenient to say the Slytherin head of house is biased but to ignore the clear preference certain professors have for other houses. It’s unfair.” Blaise argued.

"Can we not argue about Snape vs McGonagall again? We have this conversation every year.”

Hermione nodded. “Yes, I’d rather discuss that absolutely unexpected and honestly undeserved history bonus question Binns added. There was no mention of it during term and I’m afraid it will cost me because I already messed up the last essay."

“Hermione?” Draco interrupted her.

“What Draco?”

“Isn’t that Crookshanks?” He pointed towards the doorway.

Hermione’s head shot up from where it lay on Daphne's shoulder. True to Draco’s words Crookshanks was gliding through the hallway leisurely.

“CROOKSHANKS!” Hermione gasped. “Crookshanks! Get back here right now!”

Crookshanks's head turned at the sound of Hermione’s voice but he merely shot her a sly look before sauntering off.

“That cat is a nightmare.” Ron muttered under his breath.

Hermione glared at him.

Ron raised his hands in self defense.“She murdered Scabbers!”

“Yes Ron! You’ve made your feelings very clear on how you think my cat is a murderer, without any evidence I might add!”

Harri almost opened her mouth to intervene in yet another conversation that they had too often when her eyes caught on to the tiny shadow backing away from Crookshanks. That looked a lot like…


“Yes?” Ron replied distractedly, scowling at Hermione.

Harri pointed behind Crookshanks. “Isn’t that Scabbers over there?”

Everyone looked to where Harri pointed and saw that Scabbers was crouched in front of Crookshanks. Crookshank's started growling and Scabbers began to back away. Crookshanks sprang forth and Scabbers ran off, the cat darting after the rat without a moment's hesitation.

“Scabbers!” Ron shouted. “Scabbers!” He jumped up and chased after his rat.

“I told you she didn’t hurt anyone!” Hermione shot up and followed. They both bolted out of the great hall together.

“We’re not allowed outside past eight.” Draco pushed his hair back and rose from his seat. "I'll get them." And he too ran off.

Blaise groaned and buried his head in his arms. “We spoke too soon. How much do you wager someone is about to get hurt?”

Daphne shook his shoulders and tugged him up by the arm. “We can’t let them go on their own! Sirius Black is out there!”

She also raised her brow at Harri, Maria and Lavender, as if to say “Well? What are we waiting for?”

Harri spared a moment to consider Trelawney's warnings and of Tom still up in her room waiting for her. Then she thought about Ron, Hermione and Draco outside, alone and likely to encounter a killer. She nodded at Daphne.

Off they all went. The five of them darted after Ron and Hermione (and Scabbers and Crookshanks too). They ran through the entrance and out into the hills, following the path past Hagrid's hut.

“I hate that bloody rat.” Blaise panted.

Maria laughed. “You have no idea.”

When they reached the Whomping Willow, they found Ron and Hermione had stopped in front of the opening under the tree, and Draco was a few meters away from them.

Daphne gasped.

Barely a foot behind Ron and Hermione was the Grim. The black dog Harri had seen at the Dursleys and at her quidditch game. The dog growled at them and Draco looked on the verge of passing out. Ron gathered Scabbers in his hands and Scabbers began squirming like he was possessed

“That’s the grim!” Lavender shouted.

“Merlin. Trelawney was right!”

“What?” Maria yelped. “Right about what?”

Daphne looked around them wearily. “What’s a grim?”

“It showed up in my tea leaves in Divination! The Grim is an omen of death. It brings the demise of any person who encounters it.” Blaise answered, watching the Grim with careful eyes.

“Great.” Lavender whined. “We’re GOING TO DIE.”

"We're not going to die!"

“Guys, what do we do?”

“He’s right in front of them!”

Harri's heart dropped as Ron's grip on Scabber's loosened and the grim flew forward and vaulted over on top of Ron. Draco screamed and Hermione took out her wand but it was too late. The grim latched onto Ron’s foot with it's mouth and with a ferocious warning growl dragged him and Scabbers into the bottom of the Whomping Willow. They watched, stuck on the outside, as the willow’s branches started whipping about ominously and Ron’s shouts echoed outward.

“f*cking hell.” Lavender crowed.

Draco inhaled sharply and tugged on his hair. He seemed to nod to himself and started walking forward.

“Draco wait!” Hermione pleaded.

“f*ck that!” Draco fumed. “I’m not letting Ron get killed by some murderous dog!” And uncaring for the tree branches, he crouched his way forward. They held their breaths as he missed getting hit by a hair’s breadth. But he made it through and jumped down the opening.

“He’s right.”

They stood in a semi circle and Harri gripped Blaise and Hermione’s hands on either side of her.“All of us or none of us.”

Lavender scrunched her nose. Daphne closed her eyes. Blaise inclined his head.

Slowly, in an orderly line, they crawled down to the hole, leaving Crookshanks behind. Harri slid down first and fell on a dusty wooden floor. With a squeal, Hermione collapsed on top of her. Quickly, they rolled over to the side as Blaise and Daphne shot down as well. Harri helped him up and behind her, Hermione gave Daphne a hand. They got out of shooting range just as Maria and Lavender tumbled down and toppled over one another.

“Which way is Ron?” Draco whispered from where he was ahead of them.

Harri, Blaise and Daphne lit their wands.

“Wait.” Maria said. “Lavender and I will stay here at the entrance. You guys go on. This way if anyone comes out we can see them.”

Harri nodded. “That’s a good idea.”

“Okay. This way then.” Daphne said and they set off quietly.

“I’ve never heard of this tunnel before.” Draco speculated. “It isn’t on the maps.”

They were following the direct winding hallway. There were cobwebs and dust covering every corner. Harri glanced up to find a hole in the roof where the sky was visible and noticed the full moon was out.

“Where do you think it leads?” Daphne questioned, holding Harri’s hand.

“Probably near Hogsmeade but I don’t know if anyone has ever been there. I’ve never heard about it either.” Blaise murmured.

Every time Harri thought they’d reached the end, the tunnel just kept going. It was getting creepy especially because they would hear the occasional noise or dirt would fall through the ceiling, frightening them. When they finally made it to the end, Draco was shivering.

“Wands up,” Hermione whispered.

They stepped through the archway out of the tunnel and into a room. It wasn't as macabre as the tunnel but still obviously aged. How long had this place been here? The windows were bolted shut and the furniture was clearly broken down.

Draco suddenly grappled for Blaise’s arm. “I know where we are!” He slapped his bicep. “The shrieking shack! We’re in the shrieking shack!”

From upstairs they heard a thud. Daphne whimpered.

Moving closer together they tiptoed up the stairs. There was only one room on the second floor and slowly they crept toward it. Blaise moved to the front and nudged the door open. They walked in one by one.

Moonlight shone in through gaps in the walls and saved the room from being completely obscure. Wind rustled outside and flipped open the curtains, exposing Ron's body splayed across the floor.

"Ron!" Draco and Harri ran to him. His leg was bleeding.

"You're awake?" Draco wrapped his arms around Ron and brushed his hair back. “Are you alright? It doesn’t hurt too much?”

“Can you step on your leg, do you think?”

"Was it that damn dog? Where did he even go?"

Ron shook his head furiously. “The grim is a person! It was a trick!” Hurriedly, he raised his hand up and pointed his finger behind the two of them.

Draco and Harri whipped around. Behind Blaise, Hermione and Daphne, the door slammed shut and a man stepped out of the shadows.

He wore the most filthy clothes, ripped and torn. He had long, dark and greasy hair that stuck to his scalp and he looked starved, his skin taut, pulled over his bones as if he had just risen from his grave. But just one look and Harri knew exactly who this man was.

Sirius Black had the saddest eyes she had ever seen. Two spheres, shrouded in despair.

He also had Ron’s wand in his hands, pointed and ready for aim. Harri noticed Blaise, Daphne and Hermione had drawn their wands too but it seemed they were too late. Black unarmed them, all of them, even Harri and Draco swiftly.

He then shifted his focus to where Harri was helping Draco hold Ron up. His eyes latched onto her. They stuttered over her lightning bolt scar, the slope of her nose, the color of her eyes and the curves of her face. It seemed to Harri, very much so, that it wasn’t her he was looking at, but rather a ghost.

Ron spread his arm out across her. Black’s eyes tracked his movements.

Harri saw Daphne and Hermione’s petrified faces behind him. They were all paralyzed, afraid that one single movement would set him off. Blaise’s eyes ran over the room looking for something that would help them. He stepped slightly to the right and almost tripped over a hole in the floor.

“I knew you’d come.” Black whispered finally. “James would’ve come for his friends too. No matter the cost.”

Harri was caught off guard by the mention of her father. The idea that Black was so heartless that he would dare to use this moment to mention the father he’d stolen from her filled her with rage. She tried to advance on him but Ron and Draco caught hold of her arms.

“Harri absolutely not!” Draco shouted.

“If you want to kill Harri you’ll have to kill us too!” Ron spat.

Something flashed in Black’s eyes. A look not unlike the one she thought might have seen in Professor Lupin's from time to time.

“You should sit down before you hurt yourself even more.”

“I don’t think you heard Ron.” Daphne whispered from the doorway.

“I don’t think he did either.” Hermione said with a face drained of blood. “You’ll have to kill us all before you’d even get near Harri.”

"Yeah!" Blaise rasped. “And I don’t think you want to do that.”

Black's yellow teeth glinted in the moonlight. “I don’t think you understand. Only one person is going to die tonight.”

From behind Hermione, the door swung open once more.

“You are quite right Sirius.”

Daphne leapt and caught Hermione by the arms, pulling her away from the figure that emerged.

“YOU!” Draco gasped.

Professor Lupin was standing in the doorway.

Harri inhaled sharply. Tom had been right. It seemed Lupin had been working with Black all along. It stung her deeply, right below her chest, even more than Black’s betrayal had. Lupin had acted as a protector. Teaching her, meeting with her, pretending he cared. Another one of her parent's friends was a coward and a turncoat.

“You bastard!” Hermione shouted. “How could you do this to Harri!”

But Lupin seemed to have not heard her or Draco, for his eyes were only for Black.

The two men stared at each other, both of their eyes questionably bright. It was like the room had disappeared for them. Lupin was rambling under his breath, things like: it wasn’t possible, that they’d switched without telling him. Black was nodding along to everything Lupin said, his hands shaking around Ron’s wand.

Within a heartbeat, Lupin crossed the room, a glazed look in his eyes. He took a trembling Black into his arms. They gripped each other tightly and hugged like brothers. The knife dug into Harri deeper.

Hermione struggled against Blaise and Daphne now, their hands the only thing holding her back. “I can’t believe this! I kept your secret! I can’t believe I thought to help you!”

“Hermione stop!” Blaise shouted.

But Hermione was a woman possessed. “Harri trusted you! I trusted you! And you betray us like this!”

“Hermione, Harri,” Lupin pulled away from Black. “Let me explain.”

“What are you talking about Mione?” Draco questioned.

“Hermione, stop struggling!” Daphne said.

Everyone began to talk over each other and their voices become indistinguishable from one another.

“He’s been helping Black!”

“No, no, I haven't—

“That essay Snape assigned—

“What essay? I don’t think I did that—

“He wants Harri dead!”

“Please let me—

Harri’s head was pounding and Ron was shaking behind her.

“HE’S A WEREWOLF!" Harri shouted. The room was shocked into silence.

Lupin stared at her incredulously. “You’ve known all this time?”

Hermione turned to Harri. “You knew?

“You knew?”

Hermione frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Harri accused.

“I thought I was protecting him! Clearly, that was the wrong thing to do. He’s helping Black kill you!”

“I don’t want to kill her!” Lupin protested. “If we could just—just let me see your rat Ron.”

“My rat?” Ron said disbelievingly. “How the bloody hell is my rat going to prove you haven't been letting a murderous lunatic into the castle?”

“Because he’s not a rat!” Black bellowed, speaking up for the first time since Lupin entered the shrieking shack.

“What do you mean he’s not a rat!” Draco said. “You people are out of your minds!”

Lupin squeezed his nose with a put upon sigh. “I would’ve said the same, except ever since I saw the map—

“What map?” Harri interrupted.

“The marauders map—

“You stole my map!” Harri yelled.

“Well, I did help make it.”

Harri shared an incredulous look with Hermione. “You made it?”

“I’m Moony.” Lupin explained. “We made it together while we were at Hogwarts. Your father was Prongs, Sirius Padfoot and—

“Pettigrew.” Black finished, gazing at Harri. “Wormtail."

“And that's why we need the rat.” Lupin said. “Because I was looking at it after dinner and I saw all of you running this way, I would have let it go but I saw someone with you who shouldn’t be alive. I saw someone who was supposed to have died twelve years ago. I saw Peter Pettigrew standing next to Ron. I promise I haven't been letting Sirius into the castle. I would never betray you like that. I would never want to hurt you Harri. I swear. That’s why I came here. Because if Pettigrew is alive that means Sirius is innocent. And if Pettigrew is alive it means you’re in danger.”

Harri protested. “He wasn’t their secret keeper, Black was! How could he have betrayed them? How could he put me in danger when the real culprit is right here!”

“Because it wasn’t me! We switched!” Black swore. “I told them to switch us last minute, I thought I was being clever, I thought he would come after me! But he betrayed us! He gave you up! And now after thirteen years we finally have him. We can kill him.”

“But Pettigrew’s not here.”

“Yes he is.” Black said through gritted teeth. “He’s right there.” He pointed to Ron, his entire body clenched tight.

“Me?” Ron whimpered.

Draco gave Black a dirty look. “For the love of merlin, you really are mad. It’s the Black illness, probably sunk into your brain decades ago. No wonder you're this way."

Sirius growled. “Not you! The rat! The rat is Pettigrew!”



“You’re lying!”

“What he means to say is that Pettigrew was just like Sirius, an animagus. He can transform into an animal at will.” Lupin explained, striding to Ron with his hands held out placidly. “Let me tell you the whole story.”

And this was what he said. Dumbledore had given Remus the opportunity to come to Hogwarts as a child despite him being a werewolf. He was empathetic for his situation, and they even planted the whomping willow just for him to have somewhere to transform. The tunnel that led towards the shrieking shack even had been created for him. Harri’s dad, Black and Pettigrew had become his best friends at school and when they found out his secret, instead of abandoning him they'd became 'secret animagus's’ just for him.

Black paced impatiently throughout the explanation, Ron's wand clutched in his hand with an iron grip and a furious look about him.

“But then how did...uh Mr. did you know that Pettigrew was alive without the map? How did you break out of Azkaban?” Hermione asked.

Black pulled out a worn paper from his pocket. It was ripped from a news article and on it was the picture of the Weasleys in Egypt and Scabbers on Ron's shoulder. “Once I saw this article I knew it was Wormtail with Ron and I knew that I had to leave. I stayed in my animagus form for much of my time in Azkaban and I was able to slip out that way. I swam through the water. The paper said Ron was going to be at Hogwarts...Hogwarts where Harri was…and I couldn’t let Wormtail be near her. Once Voldemort gains power again, Pettigrew won't hesitate to take Harri to him. Deliver him the last Potter to save himself. The death eaters have been plotting Wormtails death for years, ever since they learned he was the one who told Voldemort where James and Lily were hiding. To them, he’s the reason Voldemort was defeated. If he proves himself to them when the time is right by taking Harri...well...I knew I couldn’t just stay there. I finally had a chance to do something. I escaped and I’ve been living in the forest since, Crookshanks has been helping me into the castle.”

He locked eyes with Harri.

“I would never have betrayed them. I vow to you. They were my closest friends. James was my brother. My family,” his voice cracked. “I would have rather died.”

Harri’s throat tightened and her eyes filled with tears.

“Give him the rat.” She said to Ron.


“I need to know if it's true.” Harri whispered.

Ron stuck his hand inside his pockets and pulled out a terrified Scabbers.

Black pointed his wand at Ron’s hand and Scabbers writhed about violently, squealing in fright.

“Give him to me.” He croaked. “Let me kill him.”

“Sirius, no,” Professor Lupin said softly, an infinitely heartbroken look in his eyes.

“No Remus!” Sirius hollered. “I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for!”

“Ron do it.” Draco gulped.

Ron dropped Scabbers and then within the span of a second Sirius's spell hit him.

One moment he was a rat and the next he was a hunched and ugly man, paralyzed in a crouched form, with an exaggerated overbite and a horrified look in his eyes. Sirius and Professor Lupin raised their wands as one, and Pettigrew sniffled pathetically. Before they could hit him though, Harri stopped them. “Wait!”

As much anger as she had inside herself and as much as she wanted to watch them tear that filth apart, she knew she couldn’t let them do it. Harri knew deep inside the part of her where her parents lived, they wouldn’t have wanted this. They wouldn’t have wanted two people they’d love to become murderers for them.

"Let the dementors have him and justice be served. Let him rot for the rest of his life and never know peace, but don't have his life on your hands."

She was wary of their anger, but they listened. Harri’s life changed once again.

They tied Pettigrew up and began their trek out of the shack. Draco and Hermione were helping Ron, first in the line down the stairs. Behind them, Blaise and Daphne were dragging Pettigrew by his feet, purposefully letting his head hit against the edges of the floor. Professor Lupin watched them, approvingly.

Harri herself was walking next to Sirius, last in the procession.

“You know,” Sirius began nervously, glancing from her to the walls. “When you were born your parents named me your Godfather.”

Harri nodded.

“And uh, now that, now that we have Pettigrew it means that I’m exonerated.” Sirius cleared his throat. “As your Godfather, now that I’m free, I could...Back then your parents gave you to me and I was supposed to take care of you. That didn’t happen before but now, Harri, I would like it very much if I could do that. If I could take care of you now. I suppose what I’m asking is if you would let me?”

His words created light in her, like a string of hope. Harri didn’t think she could explain to him what it meant to her that was offering her a home. A real home. Somewhere she was wanted and welcomed. Somewhere she wasn’t a burden.

To leave the Dursleys...she could... Merlin. He would be her family.

"Yes." Harri smiled at him. "Yes.”

“Would you really?”

“I would like that very much.”

Sirius grinned from ear to ear and it transformed his entire face. It made him look like the boy he must have been when her father had met him.

To her, his smile felt like coming home.

It would’ve been nice if it had ended like that.

But the full moon caused Professor Lupin to transform and Pettigrew took the chance to escape. Sirius sprinted after him and Harri ran and ran. Voices called after her, chased after her, but she could only see the man dying in her dream. The man she now knew to be Sirius.

Her friends chased after her.

She found Sirius near the shore of the lake, cloaked by dementors. They were taking his soul. Harri ran to his body, she thought she might have been crying but she couldn’t be sure. She draped herself over Sirius just like she had in her dream. She tried to cast a patronus but happiness escaped her. There were too many dementors and not enough of her. Harri could hear her friends gasp as they stopped behind her. She could hear her mother screaming and feel Sirius dying. She could feel the dementors taking from her too. Their hands gripping her, moving into her line of sight.

At the sight of their soulless faces, she recalled sharp eyes and strong hands, a brilliant mind and an erring smile, she thought of Tom and, as if he’d heard her, he came.

She felt hands cover hers. Familiar lips press against her ear. “Come on my little dove. Say it with me. Expecto Patronum. ” Coolness pressed over her like a balm. She could feel him, all of him, around her. He was lightning in the middle of a storm.

Expecto Patronum. Expecto Patronum. Expecto Patronum.

And it worked.

From her wand burst her majestic stag, her protector, her guardian. It bounded forward and struck the dementors. It dispelled the darkness. The soul crushing draining blackness. It burned so brightly and the dementors absconded.

Tom turned her over. Harri had thought him a figment of her imagination but the diadem truly was here.

He held her in the dark of the forest and seemed almost human, like the diary in his last moments. His skin was colored with life. The trees of the forest swayed ominously and Remus howled in the distance. The bodies of her Godfather and her friends lay in slumber beside her, muted but safe. It was all quiet but for Tom and her.

“Tom,” Harri whispered. The world was faded, cast in a soft and foggy glow and he was the only thing keeping her upright. “How are you here?”

Tom smiled at her but he had sad eyes. “It does not matter, does it? Only that I am.”

She exhaled and raised her hand to his face. He was warm. He shut his eyes and let her fingers trace his features. Harri beheld him in awe. “Are you real?”

The diadem brought his face close to hers and rubbed their noses together. “Of course I’m real Harri.”

Harri sighed at the feeling. “That’s good.”

He laughed, bittersweet and then asked very quietly. “Can you promise me something?”

She blinked languidly, feeling very tired. “Anything.”

He caressed her cheeks gently, the pads of his fingers pressing in.

“If you find anything…anything like me or the diary don’t touch it. Don’t go near it. Give it to Dumbledore. To McGonagall even. Any version of me Voldemort may have made after the diadem would not hesitate to kill you in a second. Even the objects before me are not safe. The more I made, the more I lost myself. Do you understand? No matter what, you do not touch one.”

“But Tom,” Harri tilted her head. “You’ll be there won’t you? You can touch them.”

His face became stricken. “Just promise me darling.”

“Okay.” She said. “I promise.”

Tom leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead, right on her scar. He kept them there just as he had all these nights he’d thought Harri asleep. He tugged her closer so that every inch of them touched.

“Sleep now.”

Her world darkened once again.


The next time Harri became aware, she was in the infirmary.

She blinked indolently and took in the scene before her.

Maria and Lavender were sitting on the bed next to her. Across the room, Ron was laid out, his broken foot tied up and Draco sleeping across from him. Snape stood at the edge of their beds glaring at them and Blaise was in the bed to their right, where he was gulping down a potion in front of him. Dumbledore was there too, listening carefully with Cornelius Fudge to Hermione and Daphne in Madam Pomfrey’s open office.

On top of Harri’s legs, sleeping soundly, was Sirius in his animagus form.

“Harri, you’re awake?” Maria got up from her own bed and pushed a bar of chocolate into Harri’s hands. “You need to eat this entire thing. Me querida, you must have defeated over a hundred dementors with that patronus!”

“For the love of..." Lavender scowled. “Don’t just shove it in her face!” She moved Maria away and broke off a piece for Harri. “Here you go.”

Harri took it reluctantly, exhausted.

“What happened to Professor Lupin?”

“We reckon he’s still out there. The headmaster sent Hagrid after him just in case though. He was heading deeper into the forest before the dementors came for Sirius.”

Harri moved to sit up. “Fudge isn’t here for him, is he? I know Pettigrew got away but we—

Maria squeezed her hand. “Don’t worry Harri. Hermione and Daphne are explaining everything. We have at least eight eyewitnesses and more importantly, we have you. There is no way they can justify giving Sirius the dementors kiss.”

“And besides.” Lavender chimed in. “He wasn’t given a trial last time. Whatever they decide, they can’t make that mistake again. He’s the heir to the Black family.”

Harri breathed, momentarily relieved, at least until heavy footsteps sauntered over.

“Awake Miss. Potter?” Professor Snape’s voice drawled.


“It's quite the mess here, wouldn’t you say?”

Her lips quirked. “I wouldn’t call it a mess. A necessary change, if you will.”

“We shall see about that.” Snape’s mouth curled up reluctantly. “Make sure you finish the chocolate.”He strode off with a twist of his cloak.

Blaise sighed gratefully as Snape left and dropped down next to Maria. “I can’t believe he’s so nice to you Harri. He nearly took my head off when I first woke up.”

“Is that what you’d call nice?”

“For him?” Lavender raised an eyebrow. “That was as good as friendly.”

Hermione and Daphne’s voices tapered off and Dumbledore guided a frustrated Fudge out of Pomfrey’s office. Fudge sent a tense smile and wave to Harri and scampered out the door.

Dumbledore smiled warmly at all of them, giving Harri a reassuring pat on the head. “Harri dear, let Sirius know he is to meet me at my office this afternoon. Oh! And he should stay in his animagus form. Can’t let the secret out yet!” He then winked and left the room as well.

Hermione groaned. “How is Fudge the minister of magic?”


Madam Pomfrey forced them to spend their last Hogsmeade day in the infirmary. Only when night struck did she open the doors for them to leave.

Unlike her friends, Harri could not go back to the dorms as she had to report to Dumbledore’s office where Sirius and Professor Lupin waited.

She walked with her mind elsewhere. She kept circling back to the moment when the moon rose and Pettigrew escaped. Harri thought, for a moment, there was a man she’d seen, watching as Remus's transformation distracted Sirius and them, giving Pettigrew the chance to escape.

And then there was also the thing about Tom. Had he really been there? Or was Harri just imagining it? It wasn’t adding up for her. Tom was never able to go anywhere without the diadem and it had felt so real. He had felt so real.But she guessed it didn’t matter, she would just ask him when she was back in the dorm.

For now, she knocked cautiously on the headmaster's door.

“It’s alright Harri. Please come in.”

She unlocked the door. Professor Lupin and Sirius were sitting next to each other drinking tea. Both looked much healthier than last. Professor Lupin smiled kindly and Sirius grinned at her. He’d taken a shower and been given new robes but they did little for his appearance. He was still so frail and delicate, only less like an animated corpse now.

"Do sit down dear.”

Harri took the only available seat, next to him. He first explained what would happen with Sirius.

He would be given a private trial in the wizengamot, with only Fudge, Dumbledore, and Amelia Bones present. This would happen later this week but before the last day of school. Once his name was cleared of all charges, which it absolutely would be, he would be free. Harri would be given the choice of staying with her relatives or moving in with him.

If she chose him, Sirius would get full custody. She shared a feverish look with Sirius. She could scarcely conceal her delight. She felt like her feet barely touched the ground.

After Dumbledore described that, he went on to talk about her patronus.His eyes were luminous. “You should be so proud of yourself Harri. It takes great inner strength to conjure a corporeal patronus, especially in the face of dementors.”

“It takes an even greater witch, to cast a whole patronus so successfully at such a young age.” Professor Lupin added.

Sirius smiled. “Remus tells me it's a stag?”

Harri nodded.

Sirius looked wistful. “Prongs. Just like your fathers.”

It was a flare of joy and deep sadness all at once to remember this.

The conversation lasted much longer than expected, especially when Professor Lupin divulged that he was resigning from the defense position. Harri asked him to stay but he declined. He felt too guilty putting the students at risk and was aware certain people didn’t want him to continue working. Because of the length of the meeting, Harri ended up missing dinner. Instead of going back to her room so swiftly, she took the chance offered and strolled through the grounds with Professor Lupin and Sirius.

They kept the conversation light. Murmuring about their time in the castle and how much Harri had grown. Sirius shared a lot of baby stories. Most of the time, Professor Lupin, or Remus as he asked again that she call him, just watched the two of them.

By the time she made it into her dorm room, it was nearly midnight and the girls were asleep. It was okay though because Harri was giddy and eager, this gave her a chance to tell Tom everything that happened.

She slipped open her bed curtains and searched for the diadem under her pillow. But her fingers fell across empty sheets and Harri went rigid.

The diadem was missing. Tom was gone.

Harri sank to her knees.

Dear Harri,

By the time you find this letter I will be long gone.

I ask that you do not search for me.

I know in the months that we have spent together I kept much from you. I am sorry for that. And I am sorry still that I cannot give you the answers you deserve at this moment. Where I went all those nights, what I did and who I met. It will be a long time before I can. But here is what I am able to tell you.

I can tell you that I have been selfish in the choices that I have made. I blamed the hand I was dealt for the things that I did. I cared only for myself and what I wanted. I killed, stole and used the darkest of magics with no regret. I wanted power and revenge more than anything. I think I wanted to watch the world burn.

Even when I first met you, I chose to ignore the consequences of my actions and the pain they would cause. Most importantly, I didn’t consider who they would hurt the most. And that’s you, my little dove. You.

Now the time has come for me to right those wrongs. Not because I am good and not because I have changed but because you deserve it and I know now that no one in this world is as worthy of my remorse as you.

In the words of your Shakespeare (and I acquiesce, my darling, muggles are not all that terrible) the fault, dear Harri, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.

The fault is mine.

And though we will not be together I hope you will think of me, for I will be thinking of you. Even as I write this I am missing you. Know that if you have need of me, I will always come.

I hope that you never change. May you always be defiant in the face of your beliefs and courageous in the things you do.

I choose to believe that fate has not yet given up on us. If it has, then I defy it. I defy fate. For one day, when this is all over, we will have eternity together. I swear it.

So I say goodbye to you now and hope that we may meet again.

Stay safe. Stay hidden.

Yours forever,
Tom Marvolo Riddle


“If you want to kill Harri you’ll have to kill us too!" is a direct quote from Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban as well as “I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for!”

This chapter took me much longer to write than any other chapter and not because it is the longest I've written yet (exactly 6k words?!!!!) but because it was hard to decide how I wanted to write the Sirius/Lupin/Pettigrew scene.

There are probably some grammar mistakes in this as I'm posting at two a.m and am exhausted. Please let me know if you can spot any so I can correct them.

Lastly, the diadem is not gone forever! He and Harri will be able to talk, only not in person and in secret. He has a LOT of things he needs to do that are very important to the story. The diadem has secured a body for himself if you guys caught that :O .

And also, I have something waaaaay better planned romantic relationship wise with *cough* another horcrux *cough* for Harri, the diadem and her have a special relationship as soulmates but it can't be romantic because he's too old for her. The next Tom is much more closer to Harri in age and maturity and all that.

The future is bright for our girl, I swear!
And everything will make sense eventually even if it doesn't now.

Chapter 14: atlas, set free


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 14: atlas, set free

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet
and the winds long to play with your hair.”
Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

“Merlin's saggy ballsack!” Sirius tumbled back and almost fell over the kitchen table. “How did pixies get into the cabinet?”

Harri gagged and pointed downward. “By that very large hole in the bottom.”

“Damn.” He peered inside hesitantly. “How many you reckon are in there?”

“Like thirty.” Harri choked, disgusted by the state of the house.

Sirius sauntered over to the whiteboard he’d stuck on the new refrigerator and marked down a tally. “Well, that’s about five different species of insects we’ve encountered today.”

Harri shook her head. “Six actually. I found a colony of lacewing flies in the bathroom upstairs.”

Sirius cackled, pulling off his dishwashing gloves and throwing them in the disposable garbage bag. “I wouldn’t go around the bathrooms with a ten-foot broomstick sweetheart.”

Harri pulled off the face mask she was wearing with a disgusted face. “I know that now.”

“You know instead of going through all this we could just borrow a house-elf.” Sirius teased.

“Totally,” Harri said. “If I wanted Hermione to never speak to me again.”

Sirius waggled his eyebrows, pouring lemonade into two glasses. “What Hermione doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

“You don’t know Mione.” Harri replied, untying her hair. “She’ll know. She knows everything.”

Sirius drank from his own cup and laid Harri’s down on the counter for her. “I suppose we’re stuck doing everything by hand then.”

Harri sipped the drink, grinning. “And by wand.”

She thought about the hours she’d spent in Aunt Petunia’s garden, planting flowers and taking care of the grass. This was nothing difficult compared to that because now they could use magic and were. She supposed for Sirius it was different because he’d always had magic readily available but for Harri, everything was so much easier now that she could just charm things.

She sat down on one of the mismatched chairs they’d placed around the coffee table for the time being and subtly pushed a plate of apple slices in Sirius’s direction.

Sirius had been exonerated after a private trial in the wizengamot only days after the disaster in the shrieking shack. The only people present had been Dumbledore, Amelia Bones, Sirius, Harri and Cornelius Fudge. Once he was cleared, the papers hadn't wasted a second before printing the news.

The wizarding public had gone mad with the revelation that Sirius was innocent and that Harri would be living with him. Especially the purebloods, who were furious that one of their own, a Black, had been wrongly imprisoned for so long. Daphne had written Harri and explained that it left them wary that they themselves weren't safe. The public outrage and the fact that Sirius was Harri's guardian had created a lot of turmoil for the ministry. To minimize the scandal they'd paid a very large sum of monetary reparations, as well as granted Sirius an order of Merlin.

But it would never be enough. No amount of gold would ever make up for what Sirius had suffered and the years Harri had lost with him.

Two weeks of summer had flown by since then and despite the tribulations they brought with them, they had been a very very happy two weeks. Sirius, now eating healthily, gained a significant amount of weight and much of his physical state improved. However, it was a slow process and an uphill battle. His healer had him on nutrient potions and a rigorous diet, as well as routine exercises but his organs would take a while to recover. His heart had suffered the most damage after the high level of anxiety and stress it had dealt with. So Harri still worried.

Sirius put on a happy face for her. Despite that, she could see the cracks in his mask. She had told him he didn’t have to pretend with her and he could be honest about how he felt but he was still uncertain.

She had discussed having him see a mind healer with Daphne and a muggle therapist with Hermione. Harri was leaning more towards therapy because she thought it would be beneficial for Sirius to speak with someone who didn’t know anything about him. In the end, it didn't matter which he chose, rather that it was important he did one of the two.

You couldn’t heal the body and not the mind. That wasn’t healing at all. It was like putting tape over a crack and expecting it to hold together. Eventually, it would break apart.

Sirius’s mental health had been at its worst when they’d first come to Grimmauld Place, his family's home. Harri had been awed by the house and by London but Sirius had been repulsed. She knew the second she saw his face that he couldn’t live in it, not if it stayed exactly like the place he grew up in. That was why she’d suggested they tear it down and rebuild it. Harri knew that was what she would have wanted if she were in his shoes. Sirius could destroy all the awful memories in the very place that haunted him and transform it into something new.

Which was what they were now doing.

The process was helping her cope as well. She was taking out all of her frustration and pain.

Finding Tom's letter had impaired her.

She’d let herself feel the torment at first. She’d cried over it in the quiet of the night, sleeping alone for the first time in months. She’d despaired turning around and finding no watchful eyes observing her.

Tom had kept many secrets and she'd let him, hoping all the while that he would eventually tell her. But he’d left and taken the answers with him.

To leave, he would have had to become human again and gain a body. How had he done it? Through murder? And who had helped him? Where was he going?

She was annoyed that despite this she missed him. Irritated that he’d said all the things she’d ever wanted to hear in a letter and not to her face. Stung that he hadn’t said a proper goodbye.

Then she'd opened her trunk and saw her Shakespearean plays were gone. Remembered his kind words and his promises. That he had saved them from the dementors and not hurt anyone. She then thought of the things he'd promised. We will have eternity together. I swear it. And it soothed something inside her.

Acceptance came when she stepped off the train and found Sirius’s beaming face awaiting her.

Maybe the diadem had done her a favor. Given her time to live life away from the darkness, to be young. You couldn't run forever but you could hide for a while at least.

Sirius’s voice carried over her thoughts. “I’ll be gone for that night and I know you said something about inviting your friends over. The house should be done by then so it’s well good.”

Harri nodded along, tapping the condensation on her glass.

He squeezed her cheek. “Come on then, let’s go clean out the last of the pixies. After, we can start painting.”

The night was pitch black.

In the city, not one star was visible in the sky and the sound of cars driving past never ceased.

They were eating dinner on the roof. Sirius sat in front of her with a glass of red wine in hand.

He'd been free now for twenty days, two hundred fifty five hours and thirty seconds. Each one went and he breathed easier, smiled wider and slept longer. Tipsy on the little bit he’d allowed her to drink, Harri was braiding Sirius's hair.

A gentle breeze flew by and Harri was thankful her quidditch jumpers kept them both cozy. The POTTER 14 sat well on the slopes of Sirius’ shoulders like it belonged there. She ran her hands through his soft curls, breathing in the smell of the coconut oil she massaged into it every night. Sirius exhaled, relaxing into her touch.

He was a very tactile person, often hugging her and giving squeezes of reassurance. These open touches made it clear how much he cared beyond any words ever could. Everything Harri had never had in family, Sirius gave.

She saw it in the way he got out of bed every day for her even on the ones he longed not to. In the way he insisted on making her breakfast even though he hated cooking. In the way she knew he stayed outside her bedroom door long after she’d gone to sleep. He gave in to her every indulgence without deliberation and Harri felt that she could tell him anything and he would stay.

Sirius lifted a finger, knuckles littered with tattooed letters. “You see that house? In its place used to be a toy store. It was phenomenal, I remember it had three floors and trinkets on each surface as far as the eye can see. I never got to go. Mother would have sooner crucified me than take me near anything muggle, much less a children’s store. The tantrums I used to have, begging and fighting just to see it once...I didn't even want to buy a thing, I just wanted to see.” He muttered under his breath.

Harri hated Walburga Black. She hated her for denying him simple pleasures, for being the reason Sirius’ own home had been a prison for him and for leaving him to rot in Azkaban.

“Has the rest of the city changed much since you left?”

“Some of it is unrecognizable, but plenty of it is exactly the same. At least the feeling of it is. I could still drive around with my eyes closed and only my hands to lead me.”

Harri giggled. “Please do not go around closing your eyes to do anything.”

“That’s no fun.” Sirius pouted.

“Right.” Harri nodded. “What am I thinking? Not risking your life...boring.”

“I knew you’d see it my way poppet.”

She shook her head in amusem*nt. “How did Professor McGonagall cope with you?”

“With a stern fist and a bottle of fire whiskey hidden in her top drawer.”

“So you drove her to alcoholism?”

He winked conspiratorially. “ ‘Drove her ’ is a little strong of an accusation. But gently guided her? Maybe so.”

Harri tugged on his hair. “It’s no wonder she’s so adept at dealing with Fred and George, after all the experience she's had with you.”

Sirius smirked. “I bet she misses me.”

Harri sighed. “Like a gazelle misses a lion.”

“She hasn’t changed then. That's good.”

“How long has it been since you last saw her? Besides this year I mean.”

“Twelve years. Merlin. That is unbelievable. Twelve years have gone by.”

“Does it feel very long?” She asked, parting the strands on his head to finally begin the braid.

“Too long.” He said softly, sadly, ghosts in his eyes. “Each year, a whole lifetime.”

Harri wished to erase the time he spent in Azkaban. To take his hurt for him, to ease his pain and lighten his anger. They were silent as she finished with his hair. Then she hugged him from behind. She could feel him shake.

“I’m so sorry Harri. I’m so sorry I couldn’t save them.” Sirius pleaded.

“It’s not your fault.”

“I shouldn’t have told them to change the secretkeeper."

“You did what you thought would save them, all the blame lies on Wormtail."

“I could have done more. I should’ve seen what he was! I shouldn’t have suspected Remus."

“He was your friend! Of course you trusted him!”

Sirius’s trembling hands came up to clutch her own.

“Sirius.” She pressed her face into his shoulder blade. “You have to forgive yourself.”

“I don’t know how.”

Harri pressed her hand against his chest. “There are so many people that are to blame and you are not one of them. You have never been. Please Sirius. My dad—he wouldn’t have wanted you to live like this. He loved you. He loved you. He loved you.”

Sirius’s body shivered and Harri held him tighter, hoping that she could be the anchor he needed.

“It’s been so long.” Sirius languished. “And I’m so tired.”

“You don’t have to be anymore.” Harri cried and kissed him on his bony shoulder. “I’m here now. You can rest.”

Years passed in the length of minutes but eventually, he let out a long exhale. Harri breathed against him.

"It will pass. We will get through it. This sadness cannot last forever."

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

The house was completed on a warm July afternoon.

No house-elf heads and unwanted portraits, damp floors or moth bitten wallpaper were left. Sirius had lit a fire so large it burned every carpet, couch, drape and dark artifact in the entire residence. After the entire thing place had been built from scratch. They slept in a tent in the garden and reconstructed during the days. Remus came over to help a lot, but most of the time it was just Harri and Sirius. Magic sped things along and within two months everything was complete.

There were only three rooms that remained from the old Grimmauld Place. The library, the bedroom next to Sirius's and the room with the family tree.

History was important and so it should be preserved. Though unfortunately for the Black ancestors, their words, toujours pur, always pure, were no longer true. At least not by their prejudiced standards. The noble and most ancient House of Black, one of the last oldest and wealthiest pureblood families of magical Great Britain and of the sacred twenty eight would no longer be passed down to a Black. It would be passed down to Harri.

Sirius had formally and officially adopted her in the early hours of summer one morning, with a goblin, his blood and a single piece of paper, Harri became his and ended the Black pureblood line.

Her name had appeared on the family tree by the time they got home. It was for this reason that he decided to keep the room intact rather than demolish it as well. He believed they could start a new legacy.

Though the tree was beautiful. If only because it traced the generations of the family. Starting from the first of them, Licorus Black, and all the way down to the last born male, who was coincidentally Draco. Harri trailed her fingers over his stitched face and with a sudden longing, missed him terribly. She hoped a day would come when they could openly meet up between Wiltshire and London. She prayed it for Ron, who hid his soulmate under the paws of his sweaters and little sweet wrappers.

Maybe she couldn’t ever have her own but at least her friends would.

Harri dropped down to the center of the floor. With a smile and wet hair, looking impossibly handsome in his slacks, Sirius stepped into the room. He appeared more tranquil than ever. He slid onto the floor next to her and watched as she tracked the walls with her eyes, looking for any other names she might recognize.

Though once he sat down she forgot all about it and started thinking about how she would ask him to go to therapy. After a while, she plucked up her courage. “Sirius,” She crossed her legs nervously. “I, um I think, it would be good if you could talk to someone.”

Sirius rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Talk to someone?”

Harri bit her bottom lip.“I think, you know, it would be helpful if you could talk to a professional about the things going on inside your head. About, about the last decade and more. About your time in Azkaban.”

His brow furrowed.

Harri looked away and down at her hands, picking at her fingernails. “I…I can hear you at night. I know that you have trouble sleeping sometimes. I know that you are not going to move on from everything that happened overnight but I don’t know if you’ll move on at all if you keep it locked up.”

Sirius’s face tightened. “I’m not going to talk to some stranger about that. I’m not, I’m not crazy.”

“You’re not!” Harri protested, uncrossing her legs and moving closer to him.

“Then why?”

Harri seized his hands, crushing them inside her own. “Because you spent years incarcerated for a crime you didn’t commit! And you were in there, locked up with the very people who did. What’s worse? Others who were guilty walked free! I’ve been reading books Hermione's sent me. Post traumatic stress disorder and survivor's guilt really rang out to me. I think you have symptoms. They are very common in innocent prisoners and soldiers."

“I’m not a soldier."

“But you were and I think it could really help. What if you just went once? It's only speaking and it would be a muggle so they wouldn’t know about you.”

Sirius pulled his hands out of her grasp and rubbed them over his face.

“I’m not saying that you’re mad.” Harri whispered with caution. “If anything, you’re one of the most normal adults I know. But it's biology, the chemicals in your brain. PTSD is caused by high levels of stress hormones secreted to suppress hypothalamic activity. This isn't made up, it’s real. You have an injury in your brain that needs proper medicine to heal.”

Sirius took his hands off his face.

“You think I don’t notice how you struggle? How sometimes you can scarcely even leave your bed? I want you to be happy.” Harri’s voice cracked, “As happy as you’ve made me.”

Sirius sighed. “Alright.” He gently wrapped his arms around her. “For you, I’ll go.”

After that, he began to see a muggle therapist recommended by Hermione’s mum.

It was following one of his therapy sessions that Harri was baking a cinnamon coffee cake for him, waiting for him to come home. She wanted to let him know how much she appreciated him stepping out of his comfort zone just for her.

Professor Lupin, or as he wanted to be referred to now, Remus, was with Harri. Watching her bake and drinking a cup of English breakfast at the kitchen counter.

They heard the roar of a motorcycle engine and within a minute, a solemn faced Sirius walked in. His face lit up at the sight of them however and he drew Remus into a hug. Harri grinned as they embraced one another.

She finished the last layer of frosting on the cake as Sirius came over to embrace her as well. Harri giggled as he lifted her off her feet.They shared a slice of cake together and discussed the headlines in the daily prophet.

Looking around at the house that was hers and the new family she’d gained, Harri realized they were all she needed.

Being together was enough.

Because happiness, it turned out, was being bathed in love.

The months went in a summer haze.

There were Sunday brunches at the burrow with the Weasleys. Harri and Sirius eating ice cream for breakfast and riding around his motorcycle. Daphne and Blaise coming over almost every time when they were in England. Bill and Charlie stopping by on the weekends. Meeting Andromeda and Nymphadora. Lavender flirting with Sirius while Harri and Hermione threw popcorn at her.

The two weeks in July they had a monty python marathon and gorged themselves on fast food from McDonalds to Nando’s to Burger King. The first day that Ron jumped out of the floo and Sirius bonded with him over the Chudley Cannons. The afternoon Hermione brought over her monopoly and they passed hours playing. The night that Sirius taught them Flapjack, Bullsh*t and Texas Hold’em at Ottery St. Catchpole. The times it was just Sirius and Harri, up on the roof or in the kitchen, sharing everything, talking, laughing and reading.

The way everything was worth it because every day Sirius looked healthier. As if a great weight was slowly lifting off his shoulders, still there, but easing itself off.

Sirius opened the front door to two excited teenage girls.

Lavender squealed and launched herself through the doorway, past Sirius, and into Harri’s outstretched arms. “I’VE MISSED YOU!”

Sirius gaped and then straightened when a hand was shoved his way.

“Hello!” Hermione smiled up at him. “You look much better! Has Harri given you the book about plant based diets?”

Sirius scratched his neck, perplexed, and accepted her hand. “She hasn’t."

“That’s alright! I can send another one!” Hermione said then rushed past him to Harri and Lavender and tackled both of them onto the newly carpeted floor.

Blaise, who'd come earlier, was already in the living room inspecting Sirius’ record collection. He had all the greats. Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Beach Boys and Def Leppard.

They were only waiting for Ron now and then movie night would begin. Harri was picking herself up when the doorbell rang again and a man in uniform knocked.

“Ahh.” Sirius opened the door and stuck his arm into his pocket for money.

“Blaise come give us a hug!” Lavender padded over to him. Harri laced her fingers with Hermione and helped her off the ground.

“The house is really beautiful Harri! I can’t even tell it used to be so…”

“Creepy?” Harri laughed.

“I didn’t want to be rude.” Hermione sniffed. “But yes.”

Harri led Hermione into the living room and fell down onto the couch. Blaise sauntered over to give Hermione a peck on the cheek and reclined on the loveseat.

The floo burned and a voice echoed. “Coming through!” Ron’s body wriggled out carrying a sleeping bag and a box of cookies.

Sirius strolled into the living room with pizza boxes and a delivery bag in hand. “Alright kiddos, I’m leaving now.”

Ron shuffled into the room, waving to everyone and dropping his stuff off in the corner.

Sirius patted Ron on the back and stole a chicken wing from one of the boxes of food he had just placed down on the coffee table. “Don’t do anything I would do and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Blaise opened the pizza and tore out a slice of veggie. “That sounds difficult Sirius.”

Sirius winked, put on his leather jacket and leaned down to kiss Harri’s cheek. “I’ll be back early morning from Remus’s, have a good night sweetheart and if you need anything, I’m only a floo call away.”

“I will!”

“Bye Sirius!” Hermione said, sprawled on the carpet and sipping on a sprite she'd procured.

Sirius chuckled and stepped out the front door. “Bye children! Mommy’s out!”

Ron plopped down next to Harri and handed her the cookies. “From mum.”

Harri accepted them with a hug. “Tell your mum thanks from me tomorrow!”

Lavender spread out next to Hermione, five slices of pizza on her plate and a glass of co*ke in hand. “Have you talked much with Draco, Ron? Because I have not at all.”

Ron sighed, closing his eyes and leaning back on the couch. Harri was a little worried, he hadn’t even reached for the food yet. “We have, I mean we’ve been owling as much as possible. But it’s not the same you know? I…I can’t touch him.”

Harri thought of soft touches and a silent kiss. She thought of a body pressed against hers and the feeling of having someone always there.

Yes, it wasn’t the same. I can’t touch him.

Fortunately, movie night distracted them. They watched the Godfather and Blaise spent the rest of the night speaking in what he called his native Italian accent. Lavender pretended to smoke with the end of a spoon and puffed out her chest, quoting Don Corleone. “Great men are not born great, they grow great.”

They ended up ordering more food, this time from the kebab shop the next block over. Hermione cried herself laughing when Ron tasted it for the first time and shed a real tear. Harri showed them around the house and they ended the night with a game of crazy eights, stretched out on opposite ends of the couch.

Her friends left after breakfast and Harri fell asleep in the sunroom, waiting for Sirius to return from his appointment with his therapist.

She woke up to his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

“Long night?” he asked, grinning wide.

Harri yawned and tucked herself closer. “Mhhm.”

He ran gentle fingers in her hair. “Missed me?”

Harri nodded, burying her face into his chest. “So much.”

Lips on her head. “And I you, puppy.”

“How was your session with Dr. Howard?” Harri whispered.

“It was alright.” Sirius mumbled against her head.

“Yeah?” Harri held in a breath.

“He’s easy to talk to and you were right, it helps that he doesn’t know anything about me that I don't want him to.”

“I just want you to be okay.” She said with a tight throat. “I don’t want you to hurt anymore.”

“It will always hurt.”


“But I need to accept what happened and the way he expresses it, it does help, it helps me see what you see. It helps me understand the other variables and the things no one could have predicted. I feel better.”

“You deserve to feel amazing. ”

He laughed cynically. “You think me too good.”

“No, I know you are.”

“You’re biased. It’s an experimental error.”

“Nope.” Harri contradicted. “It’s a constant variable. Can’t change it.”

“ERRRRR.” He squawked, shaking her shoulders. “Rebooting system now.”

Harri threw a pillow at him and he laughed more freely. The sunlight flickered over his face and he looked so much like the Sirius in the photographs Hagrid gave her.

Free at last.


In Greek Mythology Atlas was the titan responsible for bearing the weight of the heavens on his shoulders.

The chapter title refers to two major things:
Sirius being liberated from Azkaban prison and the twelve years he spent punishing and blaming himself for the death of his friends.
Harri leaving the Dursley’s and the more than a decade she spent in a world where she was largely unwanted and seen as a burden, however quietly.

Next chapter: Harri's birthday, a muggle high school party ;)))), Sirius getting a tattoo and getting ready for the quidditch cup!

3 collages of what I picture the house like:
Grimmauld Place 1
Living Rooms/Kitchen/Greenhouse
Grimmauld Place 2
Sunroom/Dining Room
Grimmauld Place 3

Chapter 15: never have i ever before


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 15: never have i ever before

"But I don’t want comfort. I want God. I want poetry.
I want real danger. I want freedom. I want goodness. I want sin."

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

On the first day of Harri’s birth week, as Sirius had taken to calling it, he took her to a tattoo parlor.

The blue haired receptionist gave them a curious glance when they first stepped inside. Sirius, oblivious, wrapped his arm around Harri’s shoulder and closed the door behind them. Harri reddened, making awkward eye contact. Sirius didn’t notice. He sauntered up to the front desk and smiled. “Appointment for two o’clock?”

“Yes," She looked down at her clipboard. “Right this way, Mr. uh Mr. Black?”

Sirius bobbed his head, chewing his gum leisurely, one arm curled around Harri and his right hand in his jeans pocket. Sirius was so effortlessly cool. Enough that even though blue hair had been judging him moments prior, she now flushed.

“Just over by the staircase, first door on the right. Matt is ready for you.”

Sirius drew Harri away. She didn’t know how he’d found this place, much less when he’d figured out how to use their new home phone. It must have been Hermione’s fault as Harri had seen the two of them speaking near the tele on Saturday morning.

As they searched for the room Harri pondered aloud. “Am I about to get a tattoo?” She laid an arm across Sirius's waist and grinned innocently.

He chuckled. “I know I’m pretty f*cking relaxed about things but that is not happening until your seventeenth birthday.”

Harri pouted, jutting her lip out and everything. “Not even a little, I don’t know, butterfly or something?”

Sirius clicked his tongue. “Tough luck sweetheart.”

She sighed exaggeratedly. “And I thought you were supposed to be the cool Godfather.”

“You’re a little sh*t.” He laughed and tugged her closer to his chest.

They reached the spiral staircase the receptionist had directed them to and the room next to it. Inside a young man named Jamie greeted them. His arms were covered in ink. Harri's favorite was the chrysanthemum she spied decorating his neck. He gestured for Sirius to sit down. Harri grabbed one of the stools arranged around the room.

Sirius and Jamie started to discuss the placement of Sirius’s tattoo while Harri studied the paintings on the wall. Most of them were landscapes of oceans and stars.

“Harri,” Sirius called, taking off his jacket. “Don’t look until it’s finished.”

She gave a thumbs up. Sirius rolled the sleeves of his sweater and the buzzing of the tattoo gun filled the room. Harri watched the needle touch his skin and looked away, wincing. She lifted her eyes to meet Sirius’s gaze instead. He smiled and wiggled his fingers for her to hold. Harri returned the smile and entwined their hands.

The next two hours were spent listening to Jamie. He penetrated the silence effortlessly and asked all sorts of questions, especially about Sirius. And Sirius had no filter.

“That’s f*cked up,” Jaime said as Sirius explained how he'd just been released from prison after being wrongfully accused. “The same thing happened to my cousin. He was detained and sentenced within a week. There was barely any trial for him. That whole system is bollocks.”

Sirius bowed his head. “What was he in for?”

“Possession of cocaine.”

Sirius bit his lip, seeming amused. “I don’t know if they were wrong to take him in.”

Jaime wiped at his brow. “Look, he may or may not have been selling but it’s the concept. He wasn't hurting anybody. My bird told me incarcerations are more about profit. They benefit from keeping us in prison.”

Sirius rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe."

It was different in the magical world because the ministry didn’t earn money from imprisoning wizards so Sirius couldn't really relate. But they had gained an advantage by locking Sirius up. It'd been the end of a long and arduous war and the ministry knew their people wanted answers and retribution.

A part of it in their minds may have been for the right reason but on the whole, the minister had wanted the support of the public more than anything else. Otherwise, Sirius would've been given a trial. When Voldemort had fallen the ministry threw anyone they could in Azkaban. The capture of a rumored famous death eater like Sirius who'd supposedly had the Potter's killed? Well that had been an opportunity for victory the ministry just couldn't pass up, no matter how many holes there were in the story. Sirius's imprisonment had benefitted their image by giving the illusion of locking up a dangerous man.

A few minutes after the conversation died off, Jamie put the finishing touches on Sirius’s arm and uttered a list of aftercare instructions. Harri knew Sirius would ignore them all if she didn't force him to remember. Jaime wrapped the fresh ink and took his leave.

Harri dropped into Jaime’s empty chair and brushed Sirius's hair back from his forehead. “Can I look now?”

Sirius’s eyes crinkled at the corners and he shifted so that his bicep and tattoo were in full view. Harri pressed a hand on his knee and leaned in to see.

There were two stags, a father and his child. Their heads rested together, holding the other close. They watched over each other with gentle eyes. With love. The colors were exactly like that of a patronus, her patronus, of the father she had never known but always loved.

Harri’s eyes welled up with tears. She traced her eyes over the image a second time.

Sirius examined her with apprehension. “Do you like it?”

This was Sirius wearing his heart on his sleeve.

She flung herself into his arms.

"Ilove it."

Hermione had been told by Lavender who’d met a friend of Dean’s who was cousins with a boy named Jaime who was best friends with someone called Jack who would be having a party Monday night in London. Maria had port keyed into the room during Hermione's retelling of the conversation and persuaded all of them that they should go that night.

After Sirius departed for Remus’s, Harri, Maria, Lavender and Hermione left as well. They weren’t sneaking out per say, Nymphy was at Grimmauld Place and she knew what they were up to.

Harri and Hermione walked arm in arm down the street, Lavender and Maria a few steps ahead, dictating the turns and counting the house numbers. Jack’s house was over in Knightsbride, only a twelve minute walk from Harri and Sirius’s place in Belgravia, so they’d decided the easiest way to get there was on foot.

The neighborhood they entered wasn’t quiet but it was obvious that they’d arrived at the right house by the loud noise.

There were teenagers littered on the steps of Number 35 and through the open door. Inside the house was even more packed. Couples were either pressed together and snogging or in groups dancing. She could tell not one person was sober, by all the shouting and laughing.

Though the four of them didn’t really know anyone, a boy named Will welcomed them in with a beaming smile. He lead them to the kitchen, where Maria introduced them to Jack, who was sitting on his kitchen counter with an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

His friend, Sam, poured them all a round of shots and downed three in one go himself. Harri swallowed hers with a wince, feeling the vodka burn down her throat, heavy and warm. She coughed, red cheeked and glanced at Hermione who had barely taken a sip of hers. Lavender and Maria were already on a second round.

Somehow, between being passed more drinks and snacking on chips, they ended up in a circle playing ‘never have I ever’. The group consisted of Jack, Sam and three other boys Harri forgot the names of. There were two girls too, who’d introduced themselves as Emma and Millie. One of the boys next to Jack was quite handsome, dirty blonde hair, long legs and pretty green eyes. Harri couldn’t stop looking at him the entire game.

On her way to being tipsy, Maria giggled when it was her turn. “Mhhm.” She bit down on her finger. “Never have I ever… traveled by plane.”

Emma regarded her with suspicion, considering that it was obvious Maria was from Spain. Sam just shrugged and took a drink. Hermione laughed under her breath and Lavender whispered. “Muggles.”

The game went on and on.

“Never have I ever stolen anything.”

“Never have I ever cheated on a significant other.”

“Never have I ever gone to third base.”

“Never have I ever been hungover.”

Someone named Chris fell flat on his arse in the middle of the circle and had to be pulled out by his girlfriend. Harri thought at one point she saw the boy who’d let them in, Will, puking out the dining room window.

Lavender shrieked when Jack took his turn and Hermione drank for. “Never have I ever crushed on a teacher.”

“Who was it Hermione?” Harri snickered, shaking her by the arm. “Snape? Filch?”

Maria snorted and beer sprung out her nose. “Snape? Please! The images in my mind are too much!”

Hermione flushed. “Of course it isn't Snape!”

“Then whooo!” Lavender tittered, swaying forward and making kissy faces at Hermione.

Hermione pushed Lavender’s face away with the palm of her hand. “None of your business.”

The game broke up a little after that when everyone ran out of questions to ask. Maria was beginning to slur her words so Hermione hauled her away for some water and bread.

Harri and Lavender wandered upstairs with Jack. Two of his friends, Ed and Daniel, were in the living room and pulled them in for a game of beer pong. Harri and Ed teamed up against Lavender and Daniel. To avoid getting too intoxicated, Ed decided to pour mostly sprite into the cups. This didn’t work well for Jack, who wasn’t playing and ended up with a bottle of tequila in his arms.

Harri got so competitive during the game that she almost hit Daniel in the eye with the pong ball. The game ended, with Ed and her losing because he kept throwing too hard and it would land on the couch instead of in a cup.

Lavender bounced over to Harri from the other end of the table and threw her arms around her in victory. Harri sulked and demanded to play again. She was a sore loser. Lavender just tutted. “If we play I’ll end up like Maria.” Then her eyes light up. “Harri!” She latched onto her shoulder. “He’s looking at you!”

Harri tilted her head, confused. “Who’s looking at me?"

Lavender slapped her arm. “That fit boy from the circle! You know! The blonde one!”

Harri’s heart skipped a beat and she pivoted inconspicuously to look for him.

He was behind her, leaning against the banister and talking with his friends. And he was looking at her. She accidentally made eye contact and he smirked. Harri blushed, spinning around and cursing under her breath. “sh*t.”

Lavender mouthed. “He’s coming over!”

Alarmed, Harri seized Lavender’s hand. “Lav! What do I do?”

“Just be cool!” Lavender giggled.

Harri groaned. “Not helpful!”

There was a tap on her shoulder.

She turned.

“Ello.’”Blonde boy smiled.

f*ck. He was even more attractive close up. “I’m Leo.”

She had faced a basilisk and dementors, there was nothing to be frightened of here.

“Harri.” She tucked in a strand of her hair behind her ear shyly. “My name is Harri.”

“Well Harri,” Leo gestured to the packet of cigarettes in his hand. “You want to go somewhere more private?”

Leo led Harri into one of the guest bedrooms and out onto its private balcony. He dropped down on one of the cushioned chairs and pulled her down onto his lap.

Harri’s eyes widened in surprise. Leo grinned.

She didn’t know where to put her hands or what to say, but he smelled good. Really good. The sight of him alone was making her feel reckless. She’d had two shots and a cup of beer. So...reckless looked damn good to her.

Leo pulled out a cig. “Ever had one Harri?”

"No. Never.”

“Want to try it?”

She shrugged. “Sure.”

He tugged his lighter out and lit it up. He inhaled a slow drag, exhaling the smoke out the right side of his mouth. The smell wafted into the night air, bitter and pungent. Leo smirked then and pressed the tip of it against Harri’s lips.

“Open.” He whispered.

Harri parted her mouth and let him place the end inside. Their eyes met. She wrapped her lips around and inhaled. She didn’t swallow and pushed the smoke out as he watched. She coughed a little but it wasn’t horrible. It left a scratch in the back of her throat. It was a little harsh and heavy. Reminded her of the smell in the guest bathroom when Uncle Vernon had a stressful day at work, of the gas station past union road and of Surrey. A place that had been home once.

Leo flattened his lips against her neck. “Not bad.”

They continued to share, passing the cigarette back and forth between them and listening to the music reverberating from the house.

July was a warm summer night. London was a light breeze, the ease of streetlights and cars. Leo was a welcome weight underneath her. He kept her tethered to this moment and far away from thoughts about the things that keep her up at night.

After a last drag of the cigarette, he stubbed it out. Then he took her face in his hand, tilted her head toward him and pressed his lips against hers. Harri opened her mouth and he exhaled smoke inside. She let him.

Then he kissed her.

He tasted of smoke and beer and impulse.

When they drew away, Harri recalled her first kiss. This was a world away from what she had shared with sixteen year old Tom in the chamber of secrets. That kiss had been filled with so much meaning. Extraordinary peace, unbelievable hurt, and paralyzing shock.

She liked that this was so different. She liked that Leo didn’t mean anything to her. She liked that they could kiss and talk and that was all it had to be.

She leaned back in and kissed him harder. She let him make her forget everything. He guided her through the kiss, moving her face this way and that, biting her lip and massaging her tongue with his own. It went on for so long that when Harri pulled back her mouth was swollen.

"Are you alright?” Leo asked.

"Yeah." Harri replied. "But I've never done this before."

"Don't worry." Leo purred. "You're good at it."

Harri laughed under her breath. He shifted and she got up and walked over to the railing, wanting to get some air. She reclined against the balcony railing and watched him light another marlboro.

“Those will kill you if you indulge too much.” Harri said.

Leo smirked and inhaled another puff. “Yeah but privileged teen rebellion and all that, you know?”

"I know."

Sudden footsteps thudded into the bedroom and Lavender darted in through the open window. “Maria puked.”


Lavender nodded in agreement. “We’re going to leave. You ready?”

Harri brushed down her dress. “Sure.”

Leo saluted her as she walked out.

Once they were far enough from the room, Lavender grabbed Harri’s face. “Your lips are swollen!”

Harri reddened. “We kissed.”

Lavender squealed. “Baby’s first kiss! Maria is going to die! And he was so cute too…what was it like?”

“H! Lav!” Hermione’s voice slurred from the bottom of the stairs, interrupting them. “Hurry!”

Lavender pouted and made Harri promise to tell her later.

Ed from beer pong walked them a block away from Grimmauld Place. He was nice and entertained them with stories about who had hooked up with who that night.

When they reached the house, the living room light was still on but Nymphy was passed out “waiting” for them. They moved inside as quietly as possible, Hermione and Lavender helping Maria up to Harri’s room.

Harri tip toed into the living room and nudged Nymphy. “Hey,” She whispered and then moved to take out a blanket from the drawers. “We’re home safe. Thanks for staying up.”

“S’alright.” Nymphy murmured sleepily. “V’ry witch needs to have a good time. S’ven the girl who lived.” She hadn’t even cracked an eye open. Harri sent her a fond smile and unwrapped the blanket and spread it over her body. “See you in the morning Nymphy.”

“Tol' you.. call me Tonks.” She yawned, already beginning to fall asleep again.

Harri tucked her in and then wiggled out of her shoes. She strolled into the kitchen and rose onto her toes for a cup from the new cabinets. She took out the white one with the pink panther on it and then went to open the thousand pound refrigerator for a jug of water when Kreacher popped into the room.

The house-elf hadn't bothered them much since the ministry allowed him back two days ago so this was a surprise. Harri hoped Hermione didn't catch him, or Harri would be in for a lecture. Though it hadn't been her decision but Sirius's, who had explained that even though he despised Kreacher, not letting him come home would be a monstrous thing to do.

Harri tripped over her own two feet. “Kreacher!” She scolded. “How many times have I said it? Don’t just pop in! You can walk.”

Kreacher sneered. “And where has mistress been all night? Master would surely want to know about this!”

Harri stuttered for a second. “That’s-that’s—master knows exactly where I was. You should go back to sleep.”

Kreacher harrumphed. “Little mistress is lying Kreacher thinks.”

Harri groaned. “Kreacher don’t make me reconsider cleaning out your closet!”

Kreacher squawked and stamped his foot before he stormed off. She could hear him muttering curses all the while. Harri sighed, took the glass and jug and ran upstairs.

Her friends were sprawled out on her mattress. She climbed in behind Hermione and cuddled up to her back.

“Hey,” Hermione whispered under her breath. “what happened with you? You kind of disappeared.”

Harri wanted to tell her but she was worn out and Hermione’s eyes were closing.

They slept.

For her birthday, Harri was under the impression that she would have a simple day with Sirius. It even began that way. Sirius and her lazied on the couch in their pajamas all morning. Harri burnt their waffles and Sirius spilled their tea. They went through their disney collection and passed the afternoon watching the lion king.

Then at five, Charlie Weasley appeared on their doorstep with boxes in hand. Sirius coerced Harri upstairs and to her room, where she found a beautiful lilac dress waiting for her. She tried it on and settled onto her chaise to wait for them to allow her back down. Ten minutes went by and boredom took hold so she attempted to get her eyeliner on the way Daphne taught her last year.

Almost an hour she quietly treaded her way downstairs in an endeavor to figure out what was happening. To her befuddlement, no one was inside the house. She peeked into the living room, the library and the kitchen but found them all empty.

When Harri opened the window leading into the garden, a mass of bodies bounced up and screamed in her face.


Blaise, Daphne, Ron, Alicia and more of her friends were standing and smiling at her. Harri was hauled out by Sirius, hugged and kissed and wished a happy day.

Nymph, Hermione, Lavender, Neville, Dean, Angelina and Maria, all of them, the entire Weasley family too had come for her birthday.

Sirius had decorated their small garden with lanterns and fairy lights and ordered enough pastries from Porshchens to fill a whole table. A full bench was delegated to hold presents and another one to hold Molly’s generous cake.

The sun set, the hours passed and Sirius’s record player played tunes from the open window while they celebrated.

A tipsy Nymph entertained Hermione’s mum and dad with her metamorphous abilities. Fred and George tried to get Remus to open one of their Wheezy boxes while Ginny and Ron fought each other for a chance to fly Harri’s firebolt. Sirius played chess with Daphne. Percy and Hermione had a passionate discussion on the attributes of daraliznof freaazer’s in the kitchen.

Harri, Blaise, Lavender, and Maria spoke about their plans for the quidditch world cup with brazen enthusiasm. Sirius even opened a bottle of champagne and let the kids have a glass.

Eventually, the cake was cut and the birthday candles blown out.

With Sirius’s arms wrapped around her waist and everyone singing for her, it was overwhelming how swiftly a feeling of deep affection grasped hold of Harri and filled her from her fingertips to her toes.

One afternoon while Sirius wasn't home Harri went into their storage room at Grimmauld. She searched through the boxes for hours, looking through her parent's things.

Her mother's clothes, makeup and old school journals. Her father's toys, jerseys and cassettes. She felt closer to them this way. And it made James and Lily feel real. Like they weren't just some figment of her imagination.

They'd always been larger than life to her especially after she came to Hogwarts, a place where people had known them. She liked hearing stories about them but sometimes she despised it. Because how unfair was it that everyone knew them but her? Harri only had anecdotes and memory to go off of.

Yet she was their living, breathing legacy. She desired to make them proud. She wanted to carry them with her, make sure the world remembered that James and Lily Potter had lived and left a mark.

It was why even though she didn't like when people stared at her or murmured about 'the girl who lived', she liked the way they said her name. Harri Potter. Potter. Harri Lily Potter.

She hoped to survive and have children and she prayed her children would have children. She wanted the Potter name to live beyond her. She wished for it to extend for centuries. Let no one forget the sacrifice her parents had made. Let no one forget that they were all alive because James and Lily were dead.

Because they'd been stolen from Harri and the wizarding world owed her this debt.

When she finished going through their things, she opened their photo albums. She watched them grow from little babies to adults. She saw the way her mother's hair changed from a firey red to a muted maroon. Her father's chubby face develop into a sharp jaw.

It made her sad that they'd never gotten to share her growth. Had she even walked before they were gone? Harri wondered what it would be like to stare into her mother's eyes. To see the green that everyone obsessed over so much. Was hers as verdant?

She blew out a breath. She didn't want to cry.

In some twisted way, she thought Voldemort had turned her into the perfect soulmate for him. He'd orphaned her as he was. Placed her in a muggle home where she did not belong as he hadn't. And given her the ability to speak to snakes, an obsession of his.

He was like Oedipus, the mythical king of Thebes. Going out of his way to prevent something and ending up being the cause of it.

Voldemort was a Greek tragedy and Harri was his muse.

“Whose tale more sad than thine, whose lot more dire? O Oedipus, discrowned head."

She dreamt of Voldemort that night. Saw a new pair of frail hands and heard his eerie voice. She dreamt of the diadem too. His scarlet eyes and laugh which she would never forget. And a third person. Wailing and livid, waiting to be freed. Around his pale neck, an emerald 's' and a gold chain.

If only Harri had remembered when she woke up.


“Whose tale more sad than thine, whose lot more dire? O Oedipus, discrowned head." - Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

Chapter 16: civil blood makes civil hands unclean


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 16: civil blood makes civil hands unclean

“August of another summer,
and once again I am drinking the sun and the lilies are spread across the water.
I know now what they want is to touch each other.”
Mary Oliver, The Pond

Coast of the Adriatic Sea, Albania

There is a place deep in the Albanian forest where all living things arrive to meet their ends. No longer do beings wander there and those foolish enough to try never return.

A man walks through the woods, undaunted by the tenor. The wind is relentless and darkness looms like a veiled omen. In preparation for a storm, the forest creatures hide in tree barks, bushes, and long dead trunks. Snakes slither deep into the earth, wolves lurk in caves and birds disappear into the sky. They all watch as this human walks to the place they do not stray anymore.

The man continues on until he meets the setting where there is nothing and no one.

His hand slips out of his pocket and a wand flicks out. As if the ground feels him, its ambiance changes.

A first drop of rain trickles down his cover and thunder rumbles, blinding the Earth in white. He lifts his cloak and red eyes reveal themselves.

Young as the day he left, Tom Riddle returns to Albania again.

“But why do we have to meet with them dad?” Ron frowned. “I don’t want to be late! The match starts at six and it’s a long way to go beforehand.”

Arthur Weasley pinched his nose in vexation. “For the last time Ronald, the Diggory’s live but a few minutes away from us. It's not much out of the way! Stop complaining and put on your shoes.”

Ron crossed his arms and sulked his way out of the house, shoes in hand.

“He’s been an absolute nightmare.” Ginny confessed to Harri, filling her backpack with her clothes. “Nothing is right, everything is wrong. We could just be sitting with him and he’d find something to complain about.”

Hermione took a bite out of her raspberry buttercream cheesecake and pondered aloud. “Knowing your soulmate and having to hide it all the time, spending months apart with only scraps of has to be difficult for him. I think we should give him room to be a little sulky. If that’s the right word.”

“It’s not an excuse to be a prat though.” Ginny protested. “And anyway, Draco will be at the Quidditch World Cup. Shouldn’t he be happy?” She zipped up her backpack and they started out the door.

“But so will his father,” Harri said. “we all know how it went last time your dad and Lucius were in close proximity to each other. Draco and Ron will probably just have to ignore one another to not cause any problems and someone is going to get upset either way.”

Hermione bit her lip. “They wouldn’t start anything with the minister there would they? All wizarding England and more will be watching.”

Ginny shrugged.

The boys were already clustered together waiting for them. It was a smaller crowd than usual. Sirius, Arthur, Ron, Fred and George only, because Bill was still in Egypt, Charlie had returned to Romania and Percy's life was now dedicated to the reign of Barty Crouch Senior.

Mr. Weasley smiled at them. “Let’s be on our way then.”

Sirius sauntered over to Harri, looking striking in his Irish jersey. “Pack any food puppy?”

“I just saw you eat like, ten pancakes.” Harri marveled.

“I’m a growing boy.” Sirius grinned.

“I’ll buy you something at the game." She said, sarcastic.

“That’ll do.”

They walked to the outskirts of Ottery St. Cachpole village where Cedric and his father waited for them. After a round of brief introductions, as they all knew of each other if did not explicitly know each other, they dredged on another fifteen minutes until they happened upon their portkey.

Harri leaned with Sirius, bracing for how her body would twist and pop. It was quick. The world churned around them in hues of blue before it settled into browns, greens and reds. She almost fell onto her tailbone but George caught her just before the ground.

They gazed a moment at the sight before them, taking in their surroundings. The grounds for the Quidditch World Cup were garish and psychedelic, with tents littered like ants around them and wizards as far as the eye could see.

Hermione and Harri, the only two there muggle-raised, ogled in awe as they walked into the campsite and around, looking for their tent.

It was on the east side next to the end, close to the ward line. Harri was delighted by the space and the illusion of the tents. It would never stop being amazing, this new world she was in.

They only stayed in the tent long enough to drop their things off and then left to explore with Ron and George.

The atmosphere was astonishing. The air was charged with anticipation and worldly exhilaration. Harri'd never seen so many people in one place, let alone wizards. She hadn't realized just how many of them there were. It reminded her there was a whole world she hadn't explored properly.

They traversed until a half hour before the game and then made their way into the stadium to their seats, where everyone else was. Harri couldn’t stop herself from gasping a the crowd inside. There must have been over two hundred thousand people swarming the stands.

And they were all hollering and whistling.

It took Harri and her friends a while to reach their destination. The minister’s box. Fudge and the Bulgarian minister of magic greeted them. Their colleagues were resting on the couches near the right side, only occasionally gazing into the stadium. Fudge wasted no time, introducing Harri to the Bulgarian minister. How proud was he, to have the girl who lived there.

Before he could make too much of a nuisance of himself, Sirius came up and tugged her with him towards their area on the left. Mr. Weasley, Fred and Ginny were already in their seats, squinting at the crowd. Hermione and George settled in beside them while Ron followed Harri and Sirius to stand at the railing.

Spotting a melancholy expression on Ron’s face, Harri laced their fingers together and gave him a squeeze. Ron smiled and gave three squeezes back. As if sensing the mood, Hermione came up to them. She rested her elbows on the barrier and tried to make her omniocular work.

That was when the last of the guests arrived.

Lucious and Narcissa strode into the room as if they were royalty. Narcissa and Sirius shared an intense look. Mrs. Malfoy stared at Sirius in a way Harri couldn’t describe properly but if she tried, she would say Narcissa seemed satisfied. Maybe she was happy, in a way, to have some family back. There was so much history between them, a glance couldn't be enough for Harri to piece it all together.

Lucius and Arthur on the other hand shot daggers at each other before looking away. Stepping in after them was someone Harri didn’t recognize.

When Sirius’s eyes landed on him, however, Harri physically felt him tense. The man that had entered was beastly, to say the least. He was muscled, with a scar slit across his nose, and a razor-edged smile. He practically bared his teeth at Sirius in a mockery of a smile, something resentful in it.

The tension couldn't have even been cut with a knife. Arthur grasped Sirius’s arm. He whispered under his breath. “Control yourself. We don't need a scene, this is not the place.”

Sirius glared at the roguish man with a fire in his eyes. Then, like a string being cut, Draco entered the room with Theodore and Blaise, breaking the strain. The wolfish man gave a scowl and turned away.

“Let it go, Sirius.” Mr. Weasley murmured.

Sirius spun his head away. Harri relaxed and focused her attention on the other situation taking place. The one the adults hadn’t noticed. Draco, in the back corner of the room now and gazing in their direction with a demure face. Ron was valiantly trying to not look back, his face flushed and Hermione speaking softly in his ear.

The match beginning then, was a relief.

Victor Krum stole the show and all their little quidditch maniac hearts, Ireland won and the stadium erupted. It made sense that no one noticed a little house-elf nervously sitting in her seat. It made sense that no one noticed the shimmering of an invisibility cloak. It made sense that Barty Crouch Jr. escaped right under their noses.

A pain in her scar woke Harri up. She rose, clutching at her bedsheets tightly. It took a minute to breathe through the pain and then another for her to remember where she was. She was sleeping in the Weasley’s tent. She straightened and wiped the sweat off her forehead. The scar continued to ache.

Harri stood to get a glass of water. She was entering the living room when voices broke out in the silence of the night.

She looked towards the entrance of the tent and found two silhouettes visible through the fabric. On light feet, she ambled to the entrance and pressed her eye through the opening to see who it was.

From what was visible, it was Sirius arguing with the man from the minister's box.

Harri had asked George about him mere hours ago as they were getting ready for bed. He explained that his name was Fenrir Greyback. He was a werewolf and the leader of a very famous pack. A notorious one at that, known for biting young children.

“Where is he?” Greyback spat at Sirius.

“Far away from you.”

The last time Sirius'd looked anywhere near this aggrieved with anyone, it'd been Wormtail.

Greyback's fists clenched, his knuckles big and hairy. “Tell him I want to speak to him.”

“If you're as close as you say you are, you can do it on your own. You don’t need me to be the middleman.”

“He won’t listen to me!” The wolf hissed, latching onto Sirius's shirt and hauling him forward.

“That’s not my problem! If you really gave a damn about what he wants you would leave him alone!”

Fenrir let out an inhumane noise. “You think I'll walk away just because you believe you know better? That you know anything? Know us? You don’t Black! He doesn’t tell you anything! There are things you'll never understand that I can give him. And you know what? He wants me, he wants the pack.”

Sirius shoved Greyback off himself. “There is nothing you can give him that is worth a damn!”

Fenrir laughed. “Is that right mutt? You suppose the past twelve years they locked you up I spent away from him?”

“Remus wouldn't."

“He already has!” Fenrir roared.

Sirius staggered back.

“You can't understand what it means to be one of us.”

“I don’t need to understand anything to know that I don't want him near you. I remember what you did even if he forgives and forgets. You are the one who damned him and I will never forgive you for it.”

“I'm trying to keep him safe!”

Sirius scoffed. “You're the one who put him in danger.”

"It's not your choice to make." Greyback moved away. “If you care about him you will look past your own selfish desires and tell him to meet me at floating point exception.” And then with a crack of apparation he was gone.

Floating point exception?

Sirius turned around. Harri sprinted across the tent and back into her bed with her heart beating a mile a minute.

Why did Greyback care so much about Remus? Was it because he'd been the one to bite him? She drifted back to sleep with these thoughts.But it was not for long.

She was shaken awake two hours later.

People were screaming. Hermione dragged Harri out of bed. Arthur snatched Ginny and apparated away. Fred and George did the same. Sirius grabbed Harri, Ron and Hermione. They apparated to the edge of a clearing outside the quidditch grounds.

When Harri looked back, she saw the whole region aflame.

Then footsteps hurried their way and Sirius readied his wand. Harri pulled out her own and aimed, disarming charm on the tip of her lips. But instead of attackers, three very familiar boys stumbled out of the trees and right into them.

“Ron!” Draco’s voice.

“Harri! Hermione!” Blaise.

“You need to leave.” Theodore.

It was a conversation of chaos, all of them talking one over the other, panicked.



"Death eaters.” Theodore said urgently. “You need to take Harri away right now.”

“We didn’t—I didn’t know—” Draco said.

“They’ll go for Hermione too—"

“We have to apparate.”

“Is your father with them?”

“I—I don’t—

A loud crunch from behind.

Sirius pointed his finger at Draco, Blaise and Theodore. "You boys need to go home."

"We have a portkey-we'll be fine."

Sirius gave a sharp nod and then yanked Harri, Ron and Hermione to him. “Hold onto me."

From their right, there was a flash of red.


Someone shrieked. The world went sideways and for the first time in thirteen years a dark mark lit up the night sky.

Harri couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Hermione and Ron passed out on the drawing room couches but she stayed awake. She could hear Sirius and Mr. Weasley having a hushed conversation in the kitchen. And though their voices weren't clear enough, she didn't need to hear the words to know they were shaken and worried.

The events of the day had affected them all. Thirteen years of peace were now tainted. Harri was sure it was no coincidence. Before the pain in her scar had awakened her, she'd had a dream. She remembered it now.

There was a mansion overlooking a village below and an old man clambering up steps. Behind him had been a serpent ready to strike. Wormtail had been there too, sniffling and swearing at something. The thing she recalled was a familiar high voice. She realized it was Voldemort. He was back.

Because of this, Harri was terrified to look at her hands.

It had been three years since Voldemort’s words had gone. Three years of empty wrists that would change if she looked down.

Voldemort would try to regain his power very soon. The death eater attack was just the beginning.

From the moment Harri woke the morning she was to leave for school again, she felt that something was wrong. It felt like a visceral thing, her dream. Like he was whispering in her ear. I am coming. And that snake, for a second she'd thought it was going to eat her whole.

Her mood didn't improve when she remembered today was the day she had to leave Sirius. After spending the summer with him, loving him and having been loved in return, it wasn't easy to think about not having him beside her.

He was in low spirits too. He had eye bags that were deep and his smile was shallow. He packed Harri's trunk for her while dictating her to bed. He demanded she finish her breakfast while he did the work.

She took small portions of her toast in her mouth and laughed as he tried to stuff the abundance of things he’d bought her inside.

“I don’t need five sets of quills, there is a thing as too many quills Sirius.”

He ignored her and threw in two more. “What if one breaks? Then you’ll have none for backup. You'll be forced to use a pen or something and then Snape will take points off for caligraphy.”

“If my quill breaks I can just owl you and ask for more. Or I can go to Hogsmeade or ask my friends. But that's beside the point. The point is you don't need to worry about my quills.”

“I'll worry all I want. And the owl will take too long.” Sirius pressed a pair of boots on top of her History of Magic book and spread an extra raincoat over her quidditch robes.

“This is getting a tad excessive.”

“That is an outrageous thing to say Harri.” Sirius propped up the lid of her trunk. “Nothing excessive about being sufficient.”

She thought he was done but then he began to reach for a couch pillow.



“We have cushions in the Gryffindor dorms.”

Sirius sniffed. “Those don’t have the same softness. These have Egyptian feathers imported from Cairo.”

She threw her hands and left to take a bath. Sirius pretended to close the trunk and then nonchalantly threw in a roll of parchment.

“I saw that!” Harri shouted from the bathroom sink. Hedwig too hooted from the open window.

“Alright! I’ll be downstairs waiting. We’re leaving in twenty minutes!”

Harri bathed and they left for King’s Cross on foot. The London skies were grey and the wind whistled harshly. Harri shivered and yanked down the sleeves of her sweater. She held Sirius's hand and his fingers laced with hers.

The train station appeared before them within minutes.

The area was packed with muggles as usual. When they reached platform nine and three quarters Sirius's mouth stretched into a wide grin. Harri realized suddenly that this was his first time back at Kings Cross in more than a decade. His first time there without her father.

She tugged on his hand. “Ready?”

Sirius frowned. “Ready for what?”

Harri smiled and pulled him toward the brick wall in a run. Sirius let out an exuberant laugh and like lighting, they shot through the passage together.

Sirius placed her trunk in with the rest of the baggage and then turned to her with sad eyes. Hedwig was already on her way to Hogwarts and there was nothing to take care of anymore.

Before Harri was ready it was time to say goodbye. Immediate sadness pinched her chest. Her eyes welled up with tears.

“Sweetheart,” Sirius smiled but his own voice was unsteady. He enveloped Harri in his arms. She pressed her face into his chest and the smell of pinecone and cinnamon encircled her like a blanket.

“I’ll miss you too.” He whispered. "You can come home anytime. If you don’t want to be there I’ll come and bring you back.”

Harri nodded shakily. “Love you.”

Sirius drew back and cupped her neck, his grey eyes watery. “I love you more than anything Harri.”

They hugged one last time and then Harri climbed up the train steps.

She found her friends in the last carriage on the train. She could see Draco gesticulating excitedly with his hands through the window and noticed that Ron’s face was lit up in more happiness than she had seen in a while. Hermione was very piqued about something and Lavender and Blaise were still settling their belongings. Daphne spotted her face in the window and shrieked.

Harri pushed open the door and dragged Draco into a hug. “It’s been way too long.”

He wrapped her in his arms and pecked her forehead. “Missed you peanut.”

Harri giggled. “Missed you chestnut.”

The train pulled out of the station and everyone sat down. Draco turned to them all with a smirk. “So.”

“Merlin.” Hermione huffed. “What is it already? You’ve been teasing us the whole morning!”

“Teasing you about what?” Harri asked.

“Some super secret thing he’s so smug to be the only one to know.” If Blaise rolled his eyes any harder they would get stuck to the back of his head.

“And what’s got your wand in a knot?” Maria implored.

Blaise crossed his arms. “He’s been on and on about this with me for days.”

“Let him be excited about something.” Ron muttered defensively.

“Just say it Draco.” Daphne laughed.

Draco grinned like the cheshire cat. “Ever heard about the Tri-Wizard Tournament?”

“Nope.” Harri said.

Hermione frowned. “I’ve read about it in Hogwarts a History briefly.”

“The Tri-Wizard Tournament?” Daphne repeated.

“Didn’t they ban that a long time ago? Like two hundred years or something because a lot of kids died?” Blaise inquired.

“The Tri-Wizard Tournament is a competition between the three largest wizarding schools in Europe. So that’s us, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons in France and the Durmstang Institute somewhere near Bulgaria or Romania.” Draco explained. “Each school has a chosen champion who competes in three tasks and whichever of them wins, gets the triwizard cup and eternal glory. One school hosts the entire thing.” He then smiled delightedly. “And this year—

“They reinstated it! We're hosting it at Hogwarts!” Blaise interrupted him. “That's it isn't it? Your father's on the board so he knows. Finally, the kneezle is out of the bag. A week you’ve tortured me with this!”

Draco stared at Blaise with great offense painted on. “I was supposed to say it you arse!”

Blaise turned up his nose. “It’s what you deserve.”


“In other news.” Lavender interrupted. “Are we going to address the elephant in the room?”

Instantly, the mood of their cabin went down.

“I'm guessing your father was a part of it. Wasn’t he Draco?” Hermione questioned. “The attack at the Quidditch World Cup.”

Ron shut his eyes.

Draco looked down at his clasped hands and picked at his cuticles. Ron ran a comforting hand down his back.

“And Blaise, did you know what was going to happen? Why didn’t you say anything? A warning or…I don’t know. But to just be quiet?”

“People were hurt.” Maria added quietly.

“I know.” Draco acknowledged. “I know they were.”

“The paper said it was death eaters.” Harri said. “Voldemort’s followers? I thought your father wasn’t one, that’s why he’s free isn’t it?”


“What we’re all trying to say is that obviously we know you aren’t like that and you can’t control your family but you care about Hermione and Harri don’t you? You love them? Muggleborns or halfblood or pure? If you knew about an attack why wouldn’t you want to stop it?” Maria said.

“I didn’t know they were going to hurt anyone. I just, they told me and Theo it was just a little game! They didn't say they would target anybody.” Draco protested, his voice cracking.

“I was there.” Blaise interrupted. “He didn’t know they would hurt anybody.”

“Okay but what does this mean?” Hermione asked. “For the future?”

“We've known you-know-you was going to try to come back again since we were eleven. We had a conversation about it on this train.” Lavender said. “You've had some time to decide, if your father is one of his followers still, what position does that leave you? With Harri, with Hermione and with Ron? Or...”

Draco shook his head. “I don’t know.”

Harri reached across the carriage to squeeze his hand. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Exactly.” Ron agreed. “We’re going to protect each other.”

Hermione nodded.

“It’s a forever thing.” Daphne grinned.

Blaise swung an arm around Draco. “We’re stuck together for the rest of our lives. Like the nernaenen hydra.”

Lavender snickered. “That’s an image.”

“Can we talk about something else now?” Ron asked.

“Yes please.” Harri urged.

Blaise leaned in. “Like Victor Krum and how amazing he was when he caught the snitch?”

“And his feint maneuver was bloody brilliant!” Ron raved.

“I thought he was cute. He has this whole dark and mysterious thing going on.” Daphne confided.

Harri dropped her head onto Maria’s shoulder in contentment, happy to listen to her friends praise Krum. Maria shifted around to get comfortable and accidentally nudged Harri’s carry-on bag into her spleen. Harri winced and moved it onto her lap.

She felt around the right pocket whatever had poked her and her hand ran over a particularly weird bulge. She unzipped her bag and looked in search of the object. Her fingers felt her hairbrush and her invisibility cloak before they touched a cold chain. Harri frowned and pulled it out.

She stared, baffled.

In the palm of her hand lay a golden locket she had never seen before. She traced the viridescent S on its shell and murmured quietly. “Who put you in there?”

The locket glinted as if it were winking at her.

Caledonian Forest, Scotland

Fenrir prowled through his territory with his claws out on the hunt for prey. The moon was waning, leaving him more human than wolf. But this didn't prevent the inhuman anger from raging inside him.

He knew an intruder was lurking on his land. He’d felt it. He followed where the smell of a foreigner led him to the edge of his forest. When he saw the stranger draped casually underneath the giant sequoia tree, he snarled and snagged him by the neck.

Fenrir hauled the man up and slammed him into the tree trunk.

The man didn't flinch. “Uh uh Greyback.”

Fenrir sneered and tightened his grip, showing his teeth. “Give me a reason to not tear your throat out.”

The stranger smirked and like whiplash, a blinding force thrust Fenrir backward. He landed on the floor with his claws extended out in defense.

Before he could lash out again the man was standing above him with a foot on his chest. He pulled down his cloak and revealed his face.

“The time has come for you to return to your master.” Evan Rosier smirked.


The title means the citizen's hands have blood on them and are not clean. Shakespeare gives the impression of the bloodshed that is to come between the two rival families in his play, who will lose their civility (courteous way of behavior) in their hatred for each other. Which is why I chose it for this specific chapter. This marks the beginning of everything changing.

Chapter 17: something wicked this way comes


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 17: something wicked this way comes

“You can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.”
Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

As Draco had told them he would, Dumbledore announced the triwizard tournament during the welcoming feast that night.

The hall erupted in delighted whispers as soon as the words left the headmaster's mouth. Everyone wanted be the house whose champion would win. Harri could hear the deliberations over who would enter and be chosen from every corner of the room. Everything felt hopeful and exciting.

The joy of reuniting and coming back to school after a long summer felt like nothing else in the world. A kind of feeling they would never find again. It was something that would be cherished forever because one day they would be old and Hogwarts only a fond memory.

But while the triwizard tournament news was exciting, for Harri one of the nicest parts of the night was the sorting ceremony. It was sweet to watch new faces walk in with surprise on their faces and it made her flush the way they would glance at her in awe.

She was thinking about last year and how Hermione and she had missed it when the side doors of the hall opened heavily and a man drenched in rainwater marched in.

Dumbledore rose to welcome him and introduced the man as the new defense against the dark arts professor. His name was Alastor Moody (or if Harri were to use Ron’s terminology, Mad-Eye Moody). According to Seamus, he was a close friend of Dumbledore’s and a legendary auror. Apparently, Mad-Eye held the record for capturing and imprisoning the most death eaters during the first war with Voldemort.

One of the first things Harri noticed about Mad Eye was that like all the DADA professors of their past he too had a unique physical trait. A fake left eye that could do a three-sixty spin and made you think he wouldn’t let anything get past him.

Lost in the moment and in a lapse of judgment Harri forgot about the locket she’d found in her bag.

The first day of fourth year classes was memorable, to say the least. Mad-Eye taught them about the unforgivables. Three curses that would land a wizard and witch in azkaban in under a minute. The cruciatus curse, the imperious curse and the killing curse.

The one that had torn apart Harri's family and destroyed her world.

Mad Eye chose to demonstrate them himself.

“Why would he teach us this?” Maria whispered under her breath.

“He’s not doing it to be cruel.” Daphne flicked an ant off her chair. “He knows it’s something we have to learn.” She glanced meaningfully at Neville, who seemed like he would be sick. “He just wants us to be prepared.”

“It’s true.” Ron shrugged. “We all lost someone in the war but if we never learn about them, how can we ever defend ourselves from them?”

They continued their conversation quietly while Moody packed away the spider he'd demonstrated all the curses on. Harri glanced around the room, observing everyone's reactions and her eyes landed on Theodore. He had grown over the summer. He towered over her where he had once been equal to Harri in height.

Moody started concluding his lesson but Harri found it difficult to pay attention, her eyes kept wandering over to Theodore.

When class ended a few minutes later, Theodore came to say hello and she couldn’t help but notice that it seemed as if he had settled into his bones. He was no longer that boy that blushed at her in Paris or averted his eyes across the seats of a car. He was at ease now and when their eyes met he smiled.

Somehow they ended up sat together at the back of the school on a bench beneath a locust tree.

“My mother died when I was six.” Theodore Nott murmured to her, sunlight caught on his eyelashes. “The healer told me she’d been ill for a long time. He said she was finally at rest then. Free of the pain.”

“That sounds horrible.” Harri’s voice was soft.

“The thing is,was,she wasn’t physically sick. Not the way people are. She was…well she wanted to die.” Theodore said while staring at the tips of locust leaves on his legs. “You see my whole life she’d been terribly sad.”

Harri’s heart ached for him. She’d never known her parents and she could not imagine the pain of loss she would have felt if she did.

He exhaled. “She’d tried for so long to be alright, to be happy, for my sister and me. But I guess it got too much because before my seventh birthday she took a wand to her head and tried to kill herself in front of me.”

Harri let out a choked sound. “It didn’t work of course. So when she returned from the hospital and while we were away from home, she found a knife and slit her wrists.”

Harri shivered and reached for him.

“Merlin, I’m—I’m so sorry.”

“She was agoodmother, I’ll always remember that. She used to read me bedtime stories and cut my hair. I know she loved me and my sister no matter the end.”

“Of course she did. How could she not?” Harri hesitated and then blurted. “My mother didn’t try to kill herself but she died in front of me. So…I understand I suppose, what it’s like to see that. ”

Theodore looked up from the ground. “In class when Moody showed the unforgivables I couldn't help but think of you, and how you might be the only other person who's seen an unforgivable touch their mother too.”

“I can still see the green light in my dreams and when dementors come near me I can hear her scream.” Harri admitted. “Can you?”

“Yes.” Theodore nodded. “It comes at the strangest times. I know it wasn’t the curse that killed her…but I…I thought it had. It leaves a mark. ”

“Of course it does. How could a child ever forget something like that?”

Theodore turned, moving closer. “It's nice to talk about this. I’ve never…no one else ever…”

“Yeah.” Harri sighed. “Is it weird that I feel like we're bridged together by our experiences?”

“I feel that too. I feel like I always have felt like I know you, from when I first saw you to now.” Theodore confided.

He had eyes that knew, that felt the exact same pain. It felt so intimate to share this with him. Nothing could tie you to someone the way tragedy did. He exhaled and he was so close like this, Harri couldn’t help but let her eyes drop to his lips. He watched her, his eyelids falling.


“You can call me Theo, Harri.” He whispered. “I’d actually like it very much if you did.”

“Oh. Sure. You can still call me Harri.” She teased, nervous.

“Is that right?” Theo’s lip curled. “Good thing you’ve told me now, I’ve been calling you Helen for years.”

“Have you?” Harri laughed.


She grinned. “That’s a shame. I don’t let boys who call me Helen kiss me.”

“Really?” Theo asked.

“Really.” Harri replied and then leaned in and kissed him.

It was gentle. He coaxed her mouth open with ease. Harri lifted her hands and tangled them in his hair, feeling the soft strands shift through her fingers.

Hogwarts vanished in the background. There was only the two of them and the scars on Theo’s heart that matched the shape of Harri’s own. A boy who had known pain as deep as hers.

“Detention! Detention for scaring Mrs. Norris!” Filch's shout at a first year penetrated the moment.

They laughed and broke their kiss. Harri rested her head on Theo’s shoulder.

He grinned down at her. “Would it be cringe if I said I’d been wanting to do that forever?”

“Yes.” Harri said and pecked him again.

Theo shook his head, beaming. “Whatever you say Helen.”

At first, Harri truly did fail to remember the locket but then coincidentally one day early into October she found it again. She had been bored and thumbing through Hermione’s copy of 'Hogwarts, A History'. It was by pure chance that she stumbled upon the chapter of Salazar Slytherin.

She drifted through the parts about the chamber of secrets, his dislike of muggles and ended up on a portrait of him. Her breath caught and she stared dumbfounded at the necklace hanging around his neck. It was identical to the one in her bag. The emeralds shone even in the painting.

She dropped the book and rummaged through her book bag, yanking out her locket. She glared at the picture and then back at the chain in her hand. It wasn’t possible and yet it was. It was exactly the same. The gold and emeralds still shone.

Harri didn’t understand how in the world it had landed in her bag. Unless Kreacher…unless Kreacher had thrown it in with her things…

But why would he have had this with him? The Black’s were an ancient wizarding family but why would Slytherin’s heirloom have ended up with them? Didn’t Slytherin have descendants that were still alive?

Harri grabbed the book in hand again and reread the pages, looking for the names she’d passed over before. Under the family section, she found Slytherin's list of decedents. His line had ended with the Gaunt's. Though she knew technically, the wasn't true. Tom, or at least Voldemort, was still alive. Slytherin's blood survived.

She would have to ask Draco or Theo if they had any wizarding genealogy books. Perhaps the Gaunt's sold this necklace to the Black's. It was odd that it had stayed with them, this kind of thing seemed like something Tom would've coveted.

The heir of Slytherin. He must have come from the Gaunt's. His mother, since he didn't have the last name.

It was peculiar that the locket had ended up in Harri’s hands. Then again she had Slytherin’s parseltongue, didn’t she? She was the last person to have found his chamber, she’d slain his basilisk and her soulmate was who he was.

What was it they said? Once is a chance, twice a coincidence and three times a pattern? What was it if not all connected to Voldemort, to Tom and her.

Harri cursed and rolled over onto her back. She splayed her hands over her eyes and groaned.

The door chose that moment to swing open and Daphne marched in at the same time that Hermione stepped out of the bathroom.

“I can’t believe this!” Hermione exclaimed. She was wearing a bathrobe and her hair was still damp from the shower.

Harri looked up.

“Can’t believe what?” Daphne yawned, toed off her shoes and slipped into bed.

Hermione dropped her toiletries on the floor and unwrapped her towel swathe from her head. “Harri! I can’t believe it. This is wonderful, you’re finally reading Hogwarts a History.”

“It’s more useful than I thought,” She confessed and then discreetly got up, closed the book and quickly hid the locket in her skirt before they noticed.

Hermione pulled out her hair brush. “Isn’t it just?”

“Speaking of history, we don’t have history homework or anything do we?” Daphne covered her eyes with an arm.

“We never have work from Binns and even if we did I doubt you would bother Daph.”

Hermione shook out her hair and water droplets scattered onto Lavender’s bed.

“Soz I’m not like you and Harri.” Daphne rolled her eyes.

“Just reading to pass the time.” Harri muttered.

“If you’re that bored I have something that’ll entertain you.” Daphne winked.

Interest piqued, Harri padded over to her. “And that is?”

Daphne lifted her hand up. “I think my soulmate is coming to Hogwarts!”

Harri crawled onto her back. “f*ck off! Really?!”

“Yes!” Daphne giggled. “All day, he’s been writing about England and our school and training on some boat. Usually, it’s mostly just quidditch stuff you know?”

Harri’s smile almost dropped, thinking, no she didn’t, but she caught herself. “Yeah. I know.”

Daphne gazed up at Harri with an anxious face. “I’m very nervous though. I just hope we fit I guess? That we match the image of the stranger we’ve held in our heads for so long.”

Harri remembered the diary and a boy so perfect he’d been too good to be true. “You will.” She promised. “He’ll be everything you ever wanted.”

In her heart was Tom Riddle always.

To my beloved poppet,

The house is already quiet and you’ve only been gone a month. I miss you terribly but I know you’re having fun at Hogwarts and that’s much more important to me.

Tell me everything. How are the two forlorn little souls Draco and Ron? How are Hermione, Maria, Daphne and Lavender? You know the sugar in this house is just wasting away without them.

And what about classes? Do you like them? I heard Mad-Eye is teaching you this year. Is he still barmy? He was a brilliant auror back in the day. I don’t know if I ever told you but he trained me and James for a bit. Which reminds that I should tell you I met Blaise’s mother at the ministry. That is one terrifying woman. Though she is gorgeous.

Since you’ve been gone I’ve been exploring London more and I found this lovely pub. Remus said he’d go for a pint with me just to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid. He comes over a lot more often now. He says I’m sad without you but I think it’s just an excuse to spend more time with me.

And before you ask he still won’t watch star wars. One of these days I’ll get him to, the man can only take my yoda voice for so long before it drives him over the edge.

I also hope you aren’t too upset I didn’t tell you about the tournament at school. I wanted you to be surprised by something good. You should know one of the things I snuck into your trunk included a dress and don’t worry I didn’t buy it.

Charlie did.


Tonks bought it for you.

Write me back very soon and did I mention I miss you? Because I do.

All my love,
Sirius Black

To my favorite person in the world,

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.

Draco and Ron are well, nauseatingly happy actually. Hermione is thriving with less than ten classes and Maria is obsessed with redecorating our dorm room. Lavender has a massive crush on this Ravenclaw sixth year but he’s kind of a snob and Daphne is getting ready to meet her soulmate so that’s quite exciting. We think he’s from durmstang.

I do like my classes, Mad-Eye is weird but a good teacher. His eye is creepy though. Potions is quite interesting this year and we’re actually learning to make polyjuice. Somehow I get the feeling Snape knows we brewed it in the girls bathroom second year for fun and is holding it against us.

Blaise said he thinks it’s a good idea for you to run from his mother. I do too. I'm sure there are plenty of muggle women out there for you.

By the way, do you know Theodore Nott? He’s lovely. And I think Remus should take one for the team and definitely watch star wars with you. Also, I’m not upset that you didn’t tell me about the tourney because Draco spoiled it on the train ride over.

I’ve seen the dress you packed and it’s beautiful! I’m surprised you let Nhympy give it to me, I’m thinking maybe you didn’t see the whole thing.

I miss London, I miss our house and our Remus. December can’t come sooner!

I love you so much,
Harri Potter

“Harri! Hermione!” Ron shouted from his place in line in the great hall. “Over here! Quick! They’re coming!” Hermione and Harri hurried over to him, pushing past the Ravenclaw table. Zachariah Smith shot Harri a dirty look when she stepped on his foot. She shrugged and mouthed 'oops'.

They were assembling in the hall to welcome Beauxbatons and Drumstrang.

“Longbottom! Tuck in your shirt!” McGonagall hissed as she walked by, inspecting them. Her eyes were narrowed at Nevill'es unruly appearance. Neville winced and straightened himself.

“You’d think it was the queen or something.” Dean muttered out the side of his mouth.

Seamus snigg*red. “Please, we don't care about her.”

“I would think after four years we would have instilled some manners in you!” Harri heard Snape lecture. “For once, behave yourselves! We must not appear as fools in front of the other schools.” He paced back and forth between the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables.

Blaise mocked Snape behind his back, mouthing along and overexaggerating and Harri couldn't help but laugh. Draco and Adrian guffawed into Blaise's shoulder on either side of him.

“I’ve never been so excited for a feast.” Lavender whispered into Harri’s ear. “Just think, all those boys from Beauxbatons and all the new people we’ll get to meet. This year is going to be amazing!”

Next to them, Maria shrugged. “French wizards are not my type. I wish we had some Americans.”

“Oh please.” Daphne sniffed from her other side. “Who cares where they’re from when one of them is mine?”

“Imagine he’s from Drumstrang.” Hermione frowned. “That would be disappointing I think.”

Harri rested her back against Lavender's shoulder and looked at Theo, he was across the room and speaking to Miles. “Don’t let the stereotypes get to you. Not all of them are dark.” As if feeling her gaze, Theo looked up and smiled at her. “You’ll see. They’ll surprise you.”

“Huh.” Daphne studied Harri with interest. “You know Harri, all this talk about boys…is there anything you’d like to tell us?”

Hermione, Maria and Lavender’s heads spun to her immediately.

“Uh.” Harri stuttered. “I-uh...”

“Anything to do with a certain Slytherin? The one you were just looking at perhaps?”

Hermione gasped. “Wait a minute, the only Slytherin you like is Nott!”

“Um what?” Lavender squealed. “Theodore Nott! You’re—"

“How did I not know about this?” Maria scowled. “He’s like one of the most attractive boys in this school, barring Cedric Diggory of course.”

“Well,” Harri blushed. “It’s fairly new. And I like Draco and Blaise perfectly fine as far as Slytherins go.”

“You know what I meant! Harri this is huge!” Hermione whisper-shouted, delighted.

“All of this stuff happens and you don’t even tell us! It’s like Leo all over again!” Lavender pouted.

“Leo who?” Daphne questioned.

Maria smirked. “This boy she hooked up with over the summer, at that party we went to. I told you about it remember?”

“I can’t believe I miss everything! I knew I should’ve pressured my parents into letting me go.” Daphne crossed her arms.

“Forget Leo.” Hermione shuffled closer. “How did it happen with Theodore?”

Harri played with the hem of her skirt, nervous about their approval. “We were just talking after defense class. We had this really good conversation, and I just felt close to him. Like it’s kind of been building up for a while now and we just kissed.”

Daphne grabbed Harri’s shoulders and shook her. “That is so bloody romantic!”

“Under the sky! In the Hogwarts gardens!” Lavender swooned. “When I went on that one date with Seamus he didn’t even give me a place to sit. We just walked.”

Harri laughed.

“Girls!” McGonagall glowered in their direction and snapped her wand at them. “Posture.”

They shut up. Just in time too because a majestic carriage, pulled by literal flying horses, glided through the sunset and landed on the front lawn. They were able to see the entire thing through the windows in the hall.

The carriage door opened and in bursts of silk blue students emerged, followed by a giant Headmistress. They danced into the great hall. Harri was startled to find Hugo, Theo’s friend from Paris, in a Beauxbatons uniform. He winked at her and ruffled Theo’s hair on his way past.

After the Beauxbaton’s students settled, Drumstrang’s ship rose from the murky waters of the black lake, vast and captivating. From the hull descended an assembly of students that seemed to have returned from a snowstorm, covered as they were in furs and wools. Leading the charge inside the school, was Victor Krum himself. Harri and Ron made enthusiastic eye contact.

Drumstrang’s headmaster was the last to enter the hall. He was a lanky man with oval eyes and an overcast expression. Dumbledore greeted him and waited for the Drumstrang students to sit before he indicated the start of the feast.

The students turned and sat down, chatting animately and taking long peeks at each other. Harri herself focused on Drumstrang’s headmaster and the dour look on his face.

“Igor Karkaroff.” Daphne murmured in Harri’s ear. “He was a death eater.”

All of their eyes locked on Karkaroff and irritation struck Harri. She ground her teeth and stabbed at her mashed potatoes with a fork, frustrated and indignant that everywhere she went she was faced with this. “And why is he free and not rotting in Azkaban?”

“No one knows exactly.” Maria whispered.

“But I heard that it was because he snitched and gave them the names of other death eaters.” Lavender added quietly.

“It’s not really justice then is it.” Hermione professed. “Not when death eaters like him can just roam around without consequence.”

Unconsciously, Harri looked at Draco. No one said it but they were all thinking of Lucius Malfoy too.

Harri panted in exhaustion. She rested her hand against the tree she woke up underneath in her dream and shivered.

When she straightened up, her hand came away dirty, mud trapped in her nail beds. There was scarcely any light where she was and so when she walked forward, she tripped over a root. She caught herself last minute on the tree bark and stumbled away from the sapling.


Harri whipped around. “Tom.”

“I don’t have much time.”

The diadem wore a heavy cloak and like the diary, he was fading in and out of time in front of her.

“Where did you go?” Harri asked, starting forward. “Why did you leave without saying goodbye?”

His eyes were the only light in the darkness. “Because it wasn’t goodbye.”

It was obscenely quiet and it dulled everything around them.

“Tom, what’s wrong?” Harri’s hand stretched out to him.

His arms disappeared. “Hogwarts isn’t safe.”

Harri frantically reached for him but the closer she got the further away he seemed. “What do you mean? Because of the tournament?”

Tom grew insistent. “He’s coming Harri.”

Harri shivered again and attempted to make it to him but with every step she took, he grew more distant.

“Who? Who’s coming?” Harri’s voice echoed in the silence. “Voldemort?”

Tom’s body lost color. “He—"

Something moved behind him, something dark and quick.

His mouth moved in slow motion as he shouted. “Harri run!”


Me.”Whispered softly, right behind her.

Disturbed by her dream, the first thing she did in the morning was write a letter to Sirius. She left out the part about the diadem and pretended it was the diary instead. She had told Sirius all about second year and the chamber of secrets, emitting only that he was her soulmate.

After sending the letter off with Hedwig she curled up in bed and contemplated telling the whole truth. She was tired of hiding it and she hated lying to Sirius. She only didn’t know if she was prepared for him to see her differently.

She buried her face in her pillow. Her head ached. She thrust out her arm for the blanket, fiddling with the bedsheets. She felt something refined touch her. Harri peeked one eye open, curious.

Mud was splattered across her white duvet.


For some reason reaching my word count for this chapter was hard.

Would love to hear what you think about Theo because I’ve been building that up for a while now. :)
this is theo
another pic

Chapter 18: flower of the court


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 18: flower of the court

“Fame is not the glory! Virtue is the goal,
and fame only a messenger, to bring more to the fold.”
Vanna Bonta,Degrees Thought Capsules

Fleur Delacour was bewitching in the way most girls dreamt to be. She glided through the hall with a grace that was captivating. Heads turned and the wind itself seemed to move with her. The Slytherin head boy, Jacob Pucey, nearly tipped a glass of milk onto himself when she walked by him. Fleur didn’t even notice, she slid into her seat and picked up her fork while her friend's chatter descended upon her. Harri watched it happen from across the room and wished she could appear so elegant.

It had been only a day since Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrived, a day since Harri’s dream. She hadn’t had any time to digest the events of the last twelve hours and only this morning had she thought to visit the library and search for answers. To find something that could explain if the dream had been a premonition or a warning. It couldn’t be normal to have such dreams, that in some way often became reality. Not even for soulmates.

She might be clueless about divination, seers and crystal gazing but she remembered clearly how Trelawney’s prophecy from last year had come true. She’d searched for anything she could find in the library but came up empty.

Though she had found another interesting book, unrelated to the topic she was searching for. Between 'The State of Unreality’ and ‘The Life of Cassandra’, there was a velvet green novel. The pages were lined with gold and it was immaculately preserved. What had attracted Harri to it had been the name engraved on its spine. Aries Gaunt.

But just as she had dusted off the cover to begin reading, Theo strolled into the library. He had completely distracted her with his mouth.

Now, eight hours later, she waited impatiently for the triwizard champions to be announced so she could flip through the book. Everyone else was feverish, eager to see who would be picked as champion.

Harri was curious to see who it was too, and how they would persevere through the challenges. Though she found the 'glory' part of it to be superfluous. Because she knew what it meant to be glorified by others. She had seen how fickle it could be and how destructive it was. This thing some people spent their life chasing thinking it would give them the validation they needed was insubstantial. The champions would be earning something much greater than glory.

Strength, and the love of the people who supported them. Those things wouldn't leave as swiftly as capricious glory.

Wind swept through the hall. The doors opened and a tired Barty Crouch Sr ambled inside. Ludo Bagman followed behind him, practically riding on his coattails, both literally and figuratively.

Silence befell the room. Barty and Ludo marched to the goblet of fire, which burned bright. Embers darted out as small bombs and Dumbledore rose from his seat. It signaled this: the crowning of the champions was now underway.

“Before I start I would like to impart some knowledge,” Dumbledore professed. Behind him, Karkaroff scowled. It added to Harri’s vexation. Who did he think he was to so openly disrespect her headmaster at his own school?

“I know we have come here to celebrate three chosen victors.” Dumbledore continued. “But I hope that we do not forget, in chasing glory and gold, what really matters. Your worth as a human being is not determined by the strength of your muscles or your magic. Rather, your worth comes from within. From your character. From your choices. Those are the true qualities that make one honorable or worthy to be glorified. We should not lose sight of it this year, caught up in all of these games.” With that, Dumbledore stepped off the landing and pushed his hand into the goblet.

It felt like everyone held their breaths collectively when the first piece of paper sprang into Dumbledore’s fingers.

“For drumstrang, the chosen champion, Victor Krum!”

The drumstrang students created thunder in the room with their applause and a surprisingly humble Krum made his way onto the platform. Dumbledore gave him a smile and motioned to the side door of the hall. Krum passed through the doorway.

Harri shared a look with Hermione as Ron and Seamus lost their cool.

“He’s a lege.” Ron applauded.

Seamus squeezed Ron’s shoulders and snickered. “Best quidditch player in the league.”

With a more subtle leap, another piece of paper landed in Dumbledore’s hand.

“From the Beauxbatons academy of France, the chosen is Fleur Delacour!”

A quieter but no less excited thrum filled the room. Squeals and claps followed Fluer striding to Dumbledore and then into the backroom behind Krum.

“She’s so beautiful.” Dean sighed dreamily.

“I want to marry her.” Fred agreed.

And then, with only the Hogwarts champion left to be picked, a different kind of energy took hold of the room. They were the home team. Everyone hushed as Dumbledore reached for what should have been the last paper to come out of the goblet .

“It better not be Carrington.” Daphne muttered. “He used to lock me in the bathroom when I was little.”

“Shhh,” Lavender shushed. “I can’t hear.”

The anticipation rose to a crescendo as finally Dumbledore snatched up the last paper and called out the name. “Our very own Hogwarts champion I am proud to announce is Cedric Diggory!”

And it was good. It was great. Cedric was perfect. The applause was chaotic, all of the Hogwarts houses were happy, they liked Cedric. He was kind and handsome.

Without fault, he would have done Hogwarts proud.

They whooped as a flushed Cedric made his way down and accepted a pleased Dumbledore’s arm around his shoulder. With a little bit of awe in his eyes, he received his note back and walked out the hall to festive shouts.

It should have ended there.

It didn’t.

The goblet fizzled once again. Harri knew something wasn’t right and in trepidation she grabbed Hermione’s hand.

Wary, Dumbledore held open his palm as another paper fell into his hand. Without any hesitance he called out. “It seems there is another champion.”

Another hush fell. Dumbledore’s eyes roved over the paper and his face revealed nothing. With an unclear expression, he said. “Harri Potter.”

Harri gulped. She watched as every eye in the room turned to her.

“Harri Potter!” Dumbledore repeated louder. Harri looked at Hermione with fearful eyes. Maria and Lavender gaped at her.

“Harri.” Daphne whispered, horrified.

“What the f*ck?” George mouthed.

Ron was gobsmacked.

Hermione squeezed her hand. “Harri you have to go.”

Feeling as if she was about to throw up everything she just ate, Harri stood on shaky legs. Daphne touched her hand as she walked by and Maria murmured her luck. It seemed as if the world was moving impossibly slow while she went down the aisle and to Dumbledore’s waiting figure.

Harri was afraid to look at anyone's face. She could hear the whispers start up. You could almost hear a pin drop.

Dumbledore was still emotionless when he handed her the note. Not knowing what else to do, Harri stepped into the side room and prepared herself for the worst.

“We must take precautions.” Dumbledore was in the seat across from her. “The tournament is not safe for the other students, much less for a fourteen year old.”

Sirius growled and pushed himself off his chair.

“Now you think about precautions? Now! When my Harri is already bound to participate in a tournament where she could lose her life”

Harri closed her eyes.

After a disastrous introduction with the other champions and tournament officials, Dumbledore had taken Harri to his office where a furious Sirius already awaited them.

“If I had known there was such a plot, I would have stopped it."

Sirius slammed his fist down onto the table. “Of course you should have known! Every single year there is something. Without fail, someone is always trying to kill my daughter!”


Sirius threw his arm out. “I should take her away next year and never bring her back! You have proven time and time again that you cannot protect her!”

A cup of tea floated up to Sirius’s face.

“Have a sip and sit down. It will calm you.” Dumbledore said.

Harri blinked open her eyes. “Sirius, please.”

With anger still etched onto the lines on his face, he sat down timidly.

“All we can do now is help Harri pass the trials. As long as she competes she will be alright.”

Sirius scowled. “Nothing about this is alright.”

“I know Sirius.”

“I’m staying here.” Sirius commanded. His cup of tea was still untouched and the rapid rise and fall of his chest were starkly visible.

Dumbledore inclined his head. “You may stay here on the days before and during the tasks but not any more than that.”

Sirius sneered and appeared geared up to shout again. Harri didn’t want another argument that would change nothing.

“Sirius.” Harri whispered.

He glanced at her and then turned away from Dumbledore.

With a threadbare smile, Dumbledore asked. “Harri, is there anything you wish to tell us?”

“There is one thing.” Harri admitted.

Sirius frowned. “And that is?”

“I’ve been having these strange dreams.”

“Dreams?” Dumbledore questioned uneasily, shifting in his seat.

“I just,” Harri cut herself off and took a gulp of air. Sirius stared at her with worry. “I had this dream about Voldemort on the night of the quidditch world cup. He was in this large but decrepit house and wormtail was there too as well as this large snake. And there was this other man’s voice and he was being promised something by Voldemort.”

Sirius and Dumbledore exchanged an unsettled glance.

“I’ve been expecting this,” Dumbledore confessed. “I knew he would soon make another attempt.”

“What time was this Harri?” Sirius asked hoarsely.

“Before the attack by the death eaters, when we were still in the tent.”

Dumbledore brushed his beard. “Are there any other details that could be important?”

Harri was hesitant and wanted to keep it to herself, as she did with everything in relation to her soulmate, but she divulged, “There was a pain in my scar.”

“And this has happened before am I correct?” Dumbledore questioned.

“Yes.” More than anyone would know.

“When?” Sirius ran a hand over her head.

“When he was on the back of Quirrel's head.”

“It is a pattern then.”

“A pattern?”

Dumbledore linked his fingers together. “Whenever he begins to gain power again Harri feels it. Whether in dreams or pain in her scar. Maybe even just a feeling.”

Harri was grateful that he didn’t say the exact reason why.Because he is her soulmate. Because his writing would be on her wrists.

After an uncertain silence, Dumbledore go up and patted Harri’s shoulder. “We should let the student in the room get some sleep now. Harri, remember the day is always different than the night.”

Sirius walked out with her and at the bottom of the spiral staircase he swept her into a hug. She had never felt as safe as she did dwarfed in his arms. He pressed a promise against her head. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

She swallowed. She didn’t know what would happen but she knew, always, Sirius would be there.

When she made it back to Gryffindor tower there was a party going on and questions she didn’t know how to answer. She denied entering her name in the goblet but it was like nobody cared. They were all too happy to celebrate Gryffindor. The only people who did have deeper feelings about it were her closest friends.

Ron and her got into an argument. Harri could admit that she was on a short fuse and took some of her frustration out on him. But to think he didn’t believe her right away? That cut at her. Ron had always been the first to be by her side, jump first and think later. It stung that it wasn’t the case anymore.

She stormed off after talking to him and climbed into bed. Though she was unable to sleep. She wanted more than anything, more than anyone, for Tom to be next to her again. She needed a hand in her hair, a voice telling her that she was strong and he would take care of her. It was unsurprisingly difficult to sleep in this bed without him.

In a moment of weakness, she curled her fingers around her wrist and pulled down her gold bracelet.

As she had waited for and dreaded at the same time, her words had returned. She almost wished for the never changingI fear no fate- to come back.

Because now there was blank ink and Voldemort’s living thoughts on her skin.

The preparations are complete. I return.

And that was worse of all.

No one said anything at breakfast yet Harri could feel their eyes on her. It disheartened her and aggravated her to think people believed she would willingly put herself in this position.

Harri was fourteen. She was years behind in classes, magical training, and physical strength compared to the other champions. Why would she want to do the tournament?

And all the more frustrating was Ron’s behavior.

“He’s being unbelievable.” Harri whispered to Theo as she sliced her potions ingredients viciously. “What actual reason does he have to be upset with me?”

Theo stirred the mixture in their cauldron with practiced ease. “Draco told me Ron said you yelled at him last night.”

“Yelled!” Harri stabbed the salamander skin in her hand. “He’s so overdramatic! If anything, he was yelling. 'Harri why didn’t you tell me you put your name in? You don’t value me as a friend! Why would you even do it? I can’t believe this Harri!' "

Theo placed a hand on her wrist and slid the scalpel away from her. “Maybe don’t take it out on the fish?”

Harri pursed her lips, frustrated.

Theo discreetly kissed her cheek. “You’re cute when you pout.”

“I’m not pouting.” She flushed. “It's just incredibly frustrating. Fine, you know I can understand why anyone else wouldn’t think I did do it. But Ron? He’s like, he’s family to me. He knows me. It hurts that he's acting this way. ”

“I understand that.” Theo stopped stirring. “You want to know what I think?”

“I guess.” Harri waited for the potion to turn blue and then threw the salamander skin in.

“I think it’s not really about you exactly. I think he was just shocked and that he wishes he could’ve competed himself. He probably wants all that comes with it. The money and stuff. Anyone would. And he’s one of what, six kids? The attention would be really nice for him. He’s projected his emotions towards you and chances are he didn’t expect you to react the way you did either.”

Harri watched the salamander skin dissolve and picked at a loose cloth on Theo’s shirt. “He could’ve just said that.”

“And maybe you could’ve expressed yourself better as well?"

Miffed, she looked up and found him grinning. “Stop being reasonable.”

Theo laughed.

There was a knock on the classroom door. Snape scowled and threw his newspaper down on his desk.

With a slow gait and a nervous smile, Colin peered into the room. “Um, hello.”

Snape grimaced. “Get on with it.”

“They’re calling Harri in for the weighing of the wands.”

Harri gathered her things and followed Collin to one of the empty classrooms on the second floor. The other three champions were already in a circle waiting for Ollivander to examine their wands. Cedric and Krum were involved in a conversation, so Harri had no choice but to talk to Fleur. Harri found that she wasn’t as impressive in person as she’d believed.

“Ah, yez, you are Harri Potter?” Was the first thing Fleur said to her. She surveyed her with skeptical eyes.

Harri shrugged. “And you’re Fleur Delacour, the Beauxbatons champion.”

Fluer twirled a golden blonde strand of hair. “Can I ask you a question little girl?”

Harri’s nose flared in annoyance.

“Why would you want to compete in a tournament wiz wizards who are so much more competent?”

“I didn’t.” Harri clenched her jaw. “I didn’t put my name in.”

“That iz the story you are going with, iz it?”

“It’s not a story. It’s the truth.”

Fluer grinned then. “We all have liez we try to convince ourselvez are sincere.”

“I’m not a liar.” Harri forced a smile. “And if I was, I wouldn’t be a very good one.”

“If you were you’d in truth be doing a very good job right now.” Fleur's eyes twinkled in amusem*nt. “I’m being convinced.”

“You saying you’re convinced is implying I’m trying to persuade you of something. I’m not. You needn’t patronize me.” Harri suppressed an eye roll.

“Oh Harri.” Fleur said delightedly. “Very good.” She latched onto her arm and the smell of sugar and vanilla exploded into Harri’s senses. “I think, we are going to be very good friendz. Don’t you?”

“You’re very odd.”

The hour passed by in a similarly bizarre fashion. Krum didn't say much at all. He was very quiet and broody, unlike anyone Harri had ever met. He didn't seem to care or have any questions for Harri though which definitely made him more likable than most.

Cedric was as good natured as he always was but Harri was irked with him as he still seemed to think she had put her name in. He said it wasn’t a bad thing but it still displeased her.

The actual weighing of her wand had been the nicest part.

Harri had presented hers as clean and beautiful as the day Ollivander had given it to her. Clever and quick, there was nothing compared to its warmth in her hands.

He had taken hold of it with gentle fingers, his grey eyes still knowing and content.

“Eleven inches long. Made of holly and single feather from the tail of a phoenix.” He caressed it with his worn fingers. “One of the most exceptional I have ever made, I must admit Mrs. Potter.”

“It’s never led me astray.”

Ollivander returned it to her. “I trust it has served you well then.”

Harri smiled. “Always.”

“Are you still cross with me?” Cedric asked her the next morning, intercepting her walk to Hagrid’s hut. Cedric's hair was wet from presumably his morning shower yet it managed to fall perfectly around his face. If Harri wasn't dating Theo, she would definitely be crushing on Cedric.

“I wasn’t cross with you.” Harri moved to the right to make room for him.

Cedric smiled knowingly. “You were upset that I didn’t believe you.”

“It’s discouraging.” Harri said.

“Look.” Cedric stopped and touched her arm. “Harri I don’t think badly of you at all. You’re very smart and strong. If you did do it I understand. I’m in the competition too aren't I? And if you didn’t put your name in, I guess that also makes sense.”

Harri tried not to be petulant. “But you don’t believe me?”

“I…does it matter?” He ran a hand through his hair. “Fine. I believe you didn’t put your name in on purpose.”

“Okay then.” Harri said with a pleased expression. “That’s better.”

“Okay.” Cedric chuckled. “That’s good. Where are you going anyway?”

“Just to Hagrid’s for a cuppa.”

He scuffed his foot on the ground. “Alright. Can I join you?”

Instead of replying, Harri started to walk downhill again and he followed. “Fair warning if he offers you cake say no if you want to keep your teeth.”

“I’m kind of hungry though. It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

“Are you worried about the first task?” Harri voiced, stepping around the boulders by the forest.

“Not right at this moment.” Cedric answered. “I reckon though once I get up there I’ll be sh*tting my pants.”

“I’m quite nervous,” Harri admitted, glancing at him. “They had it shut down for years because of how dangerous it was.”

“That’s true. But I just, I don’t know. I want to make my dad proud. He’s really enthusiastic about it and he’s very proud of me. I don’t want to let him down.”

“Mine is furious. He wants to ring Crouch and Bagman’s necks.”

“That’s understandable.” Cedric peered at her in interest. The sun made his eyes golden. “Sirius Black is pretty formidable. My dad’s told me a lot of stories about him. Does he really have a flying motorbike?”

“Yeah, he does.”


"I don't get it." Lavender whined. "How do I win?"

They were playing cards, the game 'bullsh*t' to be exact, in their dorm room. Lavender was losing terribly. Which was why she was pretending like she didn't know how the game worked.

"You have to get rid of all your cards." Maria explained for the third time.

"But how can I do that when every time I get close we get to the card I don't have and you guys call me out for lying! Then I get all the cards and get further away from winning!"

"That's the game." Hermione shook Lavender's shoulders. "Get with it, or get out!"

"Maybe we can play something else." Harri suggested.

"Monopoly?" Daphne put forward.

Maria held up her hand. "Now that's not a good idea. We nearly had a brawl last time we played that."

"I can't be held accountable for my actions when something is very clearly rigged against me." Harri said.

Hermione facepalmed. "For the tenth time, it was not rigged!"

"Then how were you guys getting all the good places!"

"Luck! It's a game of chance!"

Maria groaned. "At what point do we admit that we're not the kind of people that can play competitive games amongst ourselves."

"If some people didn't cheat, it wouldn't be a problem."

Hermione balled her fists and fell back on the floor. "Please. I'm begging. Let's not talk about this again."

Harri laughed and hugged Hermione. "Don't be sad Mione. We're only kidding."

"Speak for yourself." Lavender scrunched her nose.

"You know what we could play?" Harri offered.

"What?" They all asked.


"Hmm." Hermione rubbed her chin. "We could."

"No obvious cheating there." Daphne agreed.

"I'll get the board game." Maria jumped and went to Hermione's cabinet.

"How are you feeling Harri? Better about everything?"

"Thanks to you all."

Lavender smiled. "Good. Forget about everyone else. They're all such mindless losers. Who gets mad about something like this anyway? Hogwarts having two champions is a win! It gives us a higher chance to get the cup."

"I'm nervous though because everyone is older than me."

"We'll help you." Hermione squeezed her arm. "Always."

"And since you were added without consent, I feel like the rules shouldn't apply. A little bit of cheating won't be too bad." Lavender declared.

Maria came skipping over. "So you admit you're a cheater!"

Lavender stuck out her tongue. "You can't prove anything!"

"That's all but a confession!"

Hermione shoved her pillow in her face. "When will my suffering end?"

Daphne mocked her. "When will my husband return from war?"

"Are we playing or not?" Maria spread out the Candyland board.

"Let's go."

Lavender split up the pieces. "My turn first."

"Don't we have to roll the dice for the highest number?"


"Wait let me read the rules."


They played Candyland for two hours. Lavender won in the end.

Harri woke in the middle of the night, hands reaching for her trunk without thinking.

She opened it and pulled out the locket. She traced over the edges of it. She’d known somewhere in her mind the entire time what it really was. The diadem had warned her not to touch or interact with it but she’d already done the former and she was so tempted to do the latter.

It would be so easy to whisper open.

For just a minute she wanted nothing more. She wanted to see Tom in whatever capacity she could. She wanted the feelings of warmth and peace she could only get with him. When he was near Voldemort did not seem so impenetrable.

But then Harri remembered her first interaction with the diadem and his hunger and negligence. This piece of him, in these gold chains, has been suffering for much longer.

It would be a mistake to let it out.

Wouldn’t it?


This past week has felt very slow. Probably because I started school again and the first few days always feel so long. Speaking of that, now that I have classes my updates will be slowing down a bit. Maybe not right away but definitely when assignments start to pile up and exams.

Obviously most of you will know that the name Fluer Delacour means flower of the court and thats why it's the title of this chapter.

Did anyone see my man starring in Drake’s new video? Biebo is glowing. ❤️

Chapter 19: the sword of damocles


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 19: the sword of damocles

“I cannot fix on the hour,
or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation.
It is too long ago.
I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”
Jane Austen,Pride and Prejudice

Harri cradled the locket in her hand and as if compelled, brought it up to her mouth. Lips poised and words on the tip of her tongue, the sound of Hermione’s bed creaking stopped her from making the mistake.

She sighed and her breath formed in the chilly night air before her. Harri quickly deposited the locket back inside her trunk and jumped into bed again. Her heart raced and her hands shook. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead.

She couldn’t believe she had almost done that. How imbecilic was she? How wanting?

He could ruineverything.

What was worse for her than a part of Tom, trapped inside an object for decades?

And again, for the millionth time, she wondered just what these things were and how they were possible. What magic was so dark and powerful, that it could hold a piece of a wizard inside for years and years?

She would have to tell Dumbledore. She’d already lied about the diadem and she couldn’t lie about this too. As soon as it was possible she would go to him, before the locket could get into her head. Maybe…maybe the time had come for her to tell her friends too.

Surely they would know something. Certainly, they would help her with this, the secret she had been keeping for two years. They would not abandon her if she told them. Not her friends who had followed her into rooms with monsters, murderers and secret chambers. They wouldn’t leave her. They had promised each other, always.

Even if she and Ron were arguing. Families fought all the time. That was what Hermione said wasn’t it? Because she knew that Harri still had a difficult time accepting that her not being perfect didn’t mean she didn’t deserve their friendship.

Slowly over the years the unconditional love that Harri had been given chipped away at the feelings of insecurity and fear she harbored from childhood.

There was a line she used to tiptoe at the Dursleys, making sure her hair wasn’t out of place and her messes were always fixed because if they noticed…if they noticed they would send her away and then where would she be? In moments of anger, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had never made secret their threats to abandon her when she acted out. And to Harri at four, at six and eight, there had never been anything more terrifying.

It was still difficult to believe the loyalty she had been given was for free. With all the problems she caused and the situations she brought them into, sometimes she questioned how much longer it would be before they became tired of it.

Harri thought of how Ron hadn’t wanted her to buy him those sneakosopes. He wouldn’t understand that she felt like she owed at least that much. She thought of when people first met her and saw the scar first. The awe and respect, or the shock and surprise. The way they would never expect her to be so normal inside. How these people that gossiped about her in school and in the papers would never know who the girl who lived truly was. How she could be insecure, vulnerable and wanting to be liked so much.

She was the pretty house down the street where they would never be let inside.

Moody didn’t speak to her directly in class but he watched her.

Though Harri had assumed such a decorated war hero and auror would not be interested in her. Pondering this during the lesson, she almost missed Draco calling her.

“Psst.” He whispered and when she didn’t answer. “Harri!”

Maria, next to her, swirled around and glared at him. Harri sunk down from her chair and tipped her head back to indicate that she was listening. “What?”

Draco looked to his side at a stoic Ron and then back to her. He propped himself up onto his elbows and said, “Ron told me to tell you…that uh..” A glance back to Ron who huffed and murmured something in his ear. Draco nodded and then to Harri repeated. “…That he heard from his brother that he wants you to meet him near the forest tonight.”

Harri bit her lower lip, interested piqued. “Um, which brother?”

Draco opened his mouth and then his brow furrowed. “Uh..Ron?”

Ron rolled his eyes and began to whisper in Draco’s ear again. From next to Maria, Lavender smacked Ron’s desk. “For f*cks sake Ron. Really? You’re going to be this overdramatic?”

Ron ignored her and finished whispering. Draco turned to face Harri again. “Charlie.”

Harri nodded and tapped her quill against her desk. “And will Ron be there?”

Draco made a pleading face and glanced back at Ron hesitantly. Ron didn’t move again. Draco exhaled. “No more questions please.”

Hermione and Blaise flicked a squished-up paper ball at Draco from two desks down. “You’re ridiculous.” Blaise mouthed and Hermione smothered her laughter under her arm.

Draco scowled at them and smoothed down his hair. “Peasants.”

When the sun went down it was time for Harri to leave for the forest. She had invited Theo to come along with her. As a precaution, her invisibility cloak was in her bag as experience had taught her that you can never be too careful.

“So Charlie Weasley,” Theo inquired, lacing their fingers together and leading her out of the school. “I don’t think I’ve seen him before. He wasn’t at the quidditch match with you was he?”

“No. He’d already left for Romania by then. That’s where he works.” Harri swung their hands back and forth between them. His fingers were boney but so warm. He was wearing a navy sweater, one that contrasted his light blue eyes.

They reached the supposed meeting place in no time. Came to stop at the bottom of a scrawny birch tree only a few meters away from Hagrid’s cabin. “Really? Romania's far from home. It must have been a culture shock to move there after Hogwarts.” The night cast shadows upon Theo's face yet his gaze was still piercing.

“Charlie's not one for that sort of thing. He loves change, his brother Bill is just like him. He works in Egypt, as a curse breaker.” Harri came to rest against him. “I think it’s nice that they get to see more of the world than just Britain. I definitely want to go away after Hogwarts.” Theo wrapped his arms around her and Harri wrapped hers around his neck. It felt good to be enveloped in him, to be this close to another human.

“You don’t want to keep studying?” He looked at her softly.

“My studies can wait. I want to see the world after all this." If Voldemort didn’t kill her first.

“If I could I would too.” Theo hummed. “The world with you by my side. That would be something.”

Harri flushed. He smiled, tracing the blush with his eyes. Harri closed hers and breathed in the smell of him, which was always sweet and like caramel.

And when he leaned down, it felt like the world went quiet around them. Their lips touched and it was the drink of something forbidden. Theo tasted like the almonds he carried around in his pockets and something about this made Harri melt. She wanted him closer, closer.

They kissed long, open mouthed, and soft. Until “Merlin!” was yelped from behind them. Someone was always interrupting their kisses.

Their embrace was broken by the sound and they turned together to see Ron covering his face, Draco cackling and Charlie Weasley, amused, standing between them. Harri was surprised to see Ron there when she’d only been expecting Charlie. She and Theo hiked towards them.

Draco stopped laughing and slapped Theo on the back before he introduced him to Charlie. Harri halted in front of Ron and they stared at each other awkwardly, both prepared to speak but shy to begin.

“I’m sorry!"

“I overreacted!"

They giggled and it seemed that was all they needed to break the tension.

“I shouldn’t have yelled.” Harri apologized, grinning. “I was just so upset that you out of everyone didn’t believe me.”

“I was being thickheaded,” Ron said in earnest. “I let my own insecurities get in the way. I believe you! And even if you had put your name in, I should have been ready to support you. You’re my best friend and I messed up. I’m sorry Harri.”

Harri breathed out and shook her head, feeling twenty pounds lighter. “You’re not stupid Ron.”

Then they were hugging. It the feeling of cold water down a parched throat. Somehow it made all the frustration of the past week fade away.

“Finally.”Draco intoned beside them. “I don’t like it when you’re both not annoying everyone together.”

Ron scoffed. He drew away from Harri and shoved Draco’s shoulder. “We’re not annoying you prick.”

Charlie cleared his throat. “Now that it’s all well and good we should probably get on.”

“What is it that we’re doing exactly?” Theo inquired. He stepped closer to Harri and took her hand again.

“And why are you here Charlie?” Harri questioned. “Did you get a few days off?”

“Not exactly.” Charlie said. “Put on your cloak Harri and try to cover all of you. I’m going to show you what your first task is.”

They weren’t little anymore, especially the boys who all seemed to have grown ten inches over the summer, and so they didn’t fit perfectly under her invisibility cloak the way they used to. It was a tight fit. The four of them were squished against each other as they trudged as silently as possible behind Charlie.

They followed him for a while before they came upon a clearing passed a clear dome. Once they passed through the dome, warmth brushed over their bodies as hot as coal and the sound of yelling and loud roaring entered their ears. Charlie halted in the center and like in a movie, the whole scene panned out in front of them.

“Bloody hell.” Ron swore, mouth opened in an O.

“Oh.” Draco whispered.

“Goblin sh*te.” Theo cursed.

Four gigantic fire breathing dragons were caged in the dome. Harri’s first task.

They left the forest in a somber mood and though the boys tried to comfort her, Harri felt nauseous and sick to her stomach the whole time. All night all she could think of was the heat of the fire as it lit up the night sky and the terrified looks in all of their eyes.

Monday morning found her and her friends crammed in the library as they tried to find spells, charms and curses that could help Harri come out of the first task unscathed.

Hermione and Blaise had gotten permission from McGonagall to search the restricted section. They were going through the books they’d found. Draco had written a letter home and asked Dobby if he could smuggle his dragon hide boots into school. Lavender, Maria and Daphne had found research about the previous tournament tasks and Ron had brought notebooks from Charlie, where he’d written everything he’d learned over his years at the dragon sanctuary.

“You’d think he wouldn’t have had this much time.” Ron complained. “This is so much stuff! How am I meant to read it all?” He pushed his hair back and slumped into his chair.

“You can divide it into portions,” Lavender showed Ron how she’d highlighted specifically important chapters. “See? First, cut out the unimportant months and then focus on when he was learning about their nesting habits and their prowess.”

Ron bobbed his head and began to flip through Charlie’s diaries again. Once in a while, he’d throw one onto the floor. Harri hoped he’d find something. Ron was the best at discovering information no one else could find. He played chess extremely well and had an eye for detail that was unparalleled.

Laughter ran into the library from the open window, and Harri glanced up, rubbing at her eye and saw Cedric walking past with his friends. She startled and jerked up from her seat.

“Where are you going?” Daphne tugged on Harri’s sweater. “You haven’t read over Ludgen’s theory of fire bending curses yet.”

“Cedric,” Harri pointed. “I have to warn him about the dragons.”

That was how she ended up following behind his group of friends like a stalker. Zachariah Smith would surely have a real reason to dislike her if he turned around. She waited until Cedric was alone and then reached out for his arm.

Cedric looked down, taken by surprise. “Harri,”

“Hi. I have to tell you something. Can we talk?”

Cedric nodded. Harri led him away and down to a private alcove.

“The first task is dragons. We’re going to have to fight dragons.” Harri revealed.

Cedric’s breath hitched. “How do you know that?”

“Someone told me." She confessed. "But that’s not important. All the other champions probably know. I’m sure of it. I thought you should too. ”

Cedric ran a hand through his hair. “Dragons.” He breathed out in awe. “I’ll be damned.”

They both would be if they didn’t figure out some way to win.

And like all things that were impending, the first task arrived quicker than anyone expected.

The night before, Harri and her friends stayed up preparing. By some stroke of luck or perhaps with the help of a cup of hot chocolate, Ron and Hermione figured out how Harri would compete.

“You’re the best quidditch player I know.” Hermione insisted, sprawled out on the floor with a blanket over her head. “And with the firebolt, you’ll be fast, almost quick enough to escape the dragon.”

“You know how to slip in and out,” Ron said from inside Harri’s bed covers, freckled feet pressed against her own. “And you know the landscape. The dragon is large, which means your deftness will help you more than anything.”

Daphne stretched out her arms above her head and yawned. “So a fly rather than an ant. Less of a chance to be stepped on right?”

“More of a change to be swatted though.” Maria mumbled into the carpet.

Lavender pinched her in between the elbow harshly. “Nothelping.”

“I’ll be quick and I can hide from its line of sight that way.” Harri repeated.

“If you don’t make it,” Ron whispered. “will you leave me your firebolt?”

“Do it, Harri!” Daphne shouted. “Then I can beat him with it.”

“What crawled up your ass and died?” Ron leaned over the edge of the bed to look at Daphne.

“Let’s just sleep,” Lavender said, and behind her, Daphne pulled Ron down and trapped him in a headlock.

“Lets.” Maria yawned again.

They slept for only two hours. After Harri showered Hermione plaited her hair into two french braids and Maria painted her nails Gryffindor red. Angelina and Alicia brought them breakfast and they cuddled in bed for a few minutes until it was time for Harri to go.

“Sirius is waiting for you outside H.” Daphne smoothed her hands down Harri’s arms and straightened out her clothes. “He’ll take you to the tent with the rest of the champions.”

Hermione fretted with Harri’s flyaways. “I’ll leave the window open and the firebolt positioned in front. That way, when you summon it, it’ll have a clear path to you.”

Lavender shoved a piece of toast into Harri's mouth. “Don’t forget A-C-C-I-O. Enough power into it but not too much.”

“And if it doesn’t work right away don’t panic.” Maria urged. “That’ll just make everything worse. Remember: you know this. You can do it.”

Daphne tugged Harri into her arms. “You have to come out alive and with working limbs that’s all that matters.”

“I will. I promise. I’ve survived worse haven’t I?”

Maria rested her head on top of Harri's and Lavender and Hermione’s arms swathed from behind.

“Girls!” Dean knocked on their door. “She’s going to be laaaate!”

Fred yelled. “Let our champion out the door!”

“Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Lavender threw a sock at him. “We’re coming.”

“Like to see my panties would ya Lav.” Fred teased.

“Alright.” Hermione withdrew from them. “You go. We’ll be there.”

Harri hugged them one last time and left. The common room was empty and the portrait was left open.

Sirius was waiting on the steps. His arms were crossed and he had a Gryffindor jersey on. He beamed as she stepped out and pulled her in.

He cradled her head on his shoulder and pressed a soft kiss in her hair. “You ready puppy?”

“Mhhm.” Harri said into his shirt.

“I’m not. I’ve never felt more anxious in my life. I wish it was me instead, though I know you’ll do amazing, I can’t help but worry.”

“I understand.”

“You know I’m not afraid to jump in if need be.” His hands ran soothing warmth down her back.

“You can’t.” Harri squeezed him. “It’s for me to do.”

“This feels like impending doom.”

“The sword of Damocles, that’s the phrase, right?” Harri rested her head on his neck.

“Yes sweetheart.” He let out a hollow laugh under his breath. “That’s right, how does it go again? 'There was a sharpened sword above his head...'

'..that hung there by the thinnest simple thread.'

Harri listened to the pitter patter of his heart and the next hour appeared less frightening.

The trek to the tents went by in the blink of an eye and so did the choosing of the dragons.

Time was nimble and like the turning of a book, the pages passed by until a white faced Cedric prepared to walk out of the tent.

Impulsively, Harri drew him into a hug.

In another life it could have been awkward though in this one it was solace. They gave each other a decisive regard and this time Cedric stepped out with his head held high.

Harri paced back and forth while he went, she whispered accio under her breath and mimicked the wand movement again and again. She tuned out the screaming from outside and felt her legs tremble. She convinced and unconvinced herself that she could do this and that she couldn’t.

Harri cursed whoever put her name in the cup as she remembered how she could be in the stands watching. Instead, she was feeling as if she would implode.

The noise outside reached a crescendo, the same as it had done when Fleur and Victor caught their dragon eggs. Harri knew it is time for her to go.

She traipsed out into the rocky landscape to shouts and the blazing fire of a furious mother Hungarian horntail.

She ran behind a large boulder to elude the flames. After what felt like minutes but was seconds, the fire ceased. Harri, with shaking hands, grasped her wand from its holster and rose from her crouch. With a sharp inhale of breath, she peeked around the rock.

It was a mistake.

The horntail roared in rage and struck out with her claws first. Harri escaped by the skin of her teeth. She slid down to the ground and hid against the cornerstone.

She heard the catches of breath from around her and grit her teeth at the smell of smoke. It wafted in waves through her nostrils.

In a rush, Harri cast a quick spell. “Protego maxima!” There were collective gasps as she ran out from her cover and straight into dragon fire. The shield formed around her just in time and the dragon flames fell away like teardrops. The crowd screamed in excitement and Harri smiled, adrenaline lighting up her bones.

The dragon howled and tried to wrench herself away from her chain. She pulled and succeeded in ripping away a piece.


As the last screw unbound the horntail from its shackles, Harri’s firebolt smacked into her palm. Droves of shouts and shrieks boomed around her when the dragon broke free and set its flames on Harri once more.

She flung herself onto her broom and the horntail was right behind her, chasing her into the sky on heavy wings. The air around them was ignited in dragon flame. Harri led the horntail on a chase around the castle, underneath bridges, through water and on the roof of her tower. When there was enough distance between them, she sped back to the pitch and as quick as lightning, seized the golden egg.

Harri hadn’t thought she’d ever hear screams for her as loud as they’d been in the quidditch cup but with blood rolling down her arm and the golden egg in hand, cheers for her reverberated even through the ringing in her ears.

Music boomed in the Hufflepuff common room so loud that anyone scarcely hear themself think. It was here that they were having their party, celebrating the passing of the first task. Everyone had come out, even the durmstang and beauxbatons students.

Cedric’s smiling face was what welcomed Harri and her friends into the room.

Never having been in the Hufflepuff basem*nt before, Harri was excited to see it. Their place was wide and the moon shined through the circular windows that surrounded it. It was comforting and welcoming, bathed in yellows and decorated with greenery.

Daphne and Lavender immediately wandered over to the food table and Maria drew Hermione away to dance. Ron made a b-line for Draco, who was laughing as he watched Hugo drink. Theo was also there with Blaise talking to some girls from beauxbatons. Harri made to go over to him but Cedric propped his hand on her shoulder.

“Come with me.” He smiled conspiratorially and then took her to a private corner of the room where Fleur and Victor were.

“The last of us is here.” Cedric announced.

“Harri!” A buzzed Fleur flew out of her seat and dragged her into an embrace. “You were brilliant today!”

Harri touched her back. “You too! Not that I got to see it, but you made it out so...”

Fleur giggled and took Harri’s hand, dragging her into a seat. “So clearly that iz well enough!”

Krum inclined his head to her and raised his glass. “It waz well played.”

Harri smiled.

“Especially the flying.” He continued on in earnest. “I waz very impressed. I did not expect you to be such a gifted flyer. We will have to play a game sometime when all of thiz iz over.”

“I would love to. I saw you at the world cup and you were amazing. Do you think you would teach me how to perfect your wronski feint?” Harri gushed, humbled by his compliment.

“Me too!” Cedric blurted from his seat, a glass of butterbeer in his hand. “You can’t teach Harri all the secrets. I’ve got to secure Hufflepuff a quidditch victory one of these days.”

“No you don’t.” Harri teased.

Fleur waved her hands around in front of them. “No more of thiz quidditch talk! Letz talk about the big reveal of today!”

Harri tilted her head. “What reveal?”

“Say it Victor!” Fleur clapped her hands. “Tell them! They might know who she iz!”

As Harri lived and breathed, she swore Victor Krum blushed at that moment.

He peeked up at her and Cedric. “My soulmate iz here at Hogwartz. I knew since the moment I got here by the things she wrote to me. I’ve figured out the she iz a Gryffindor but I do not know how I can find her.”

Harri’s heart leaped. “Wait, I think I might—"

“—Harri! There you are, Theo’s been looking for you—"

As if it had been fated, and well, it had been hadn’t it? Daphne came across them right then. Victor’s gaze was drawn to her like she was the north star shining upon him and he jerked up out of his seat.

Harri had only seen soulmates meet once. In first year when it had been Ron and Draco on the train. It was no less magical now as Daphne and Victor stumbled into each other's lives.

“It iz you—"

“I’ve been hoping but I—"

Daphne laughed nervously and Victor flushed bright red. There was more expression on his face than ever before. Daphne seemed to have lost her balance. Never had she ever been less than composed in front of other people but in this she couldn’t seem to catch her breath.

Harri touched both Cedric and Fleur’s arms. “We should probably give them a moment.”

“Thiz iz beautiful.”

“I love it when this happens.”

They walked out of the moment, out of their little corner and back into the clamorous party. Harri glanced back just once and felt a lump gather in her throat. If she could never have this herself, maybe it was enough to see the unadulterated joy on her friend's faces.

“I can’t wait to find my bond.” Cedric said into Harri’s ear. They ambled through the crowd and lost Fleur in seconds. “I think it’ll be soon. I’m almost seventeen and that is usually the age isn’t it?”

Harri looked up at him, this boy who was all hopeful honey eyes and kind smiles. “I’m sure you will Cedric and whoever they are, they’ll be so lucky. You’re quite lovely you know.”

He nudged her arm. “You’re not so bad yourself little Gryffindor.”

“I know,” Harri sniffed and then, “I should go find Theo.” As she remembered why Daphne had even found her in the first place.

"You should."

“And you go look for your person.”

Cedric raised his glass to her and they shared a private smile.


Please don't kill me!
I KNOW you have all been waiting for the locket but TRUST ME what I have planned is going to be good! Seriously. I promise.

The title "the sword of damocles":
"Damocles is a character who appears in an anecdote commonly referred to as "the Sword of Damocles", an allusion to the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power."
"...There was a sharpened sword above his head. That hung there by the thinnest simple thread." — (lines 2026–2030.) In 'The Canterbury Tales' by Geoffrey Chaucer he references the story of Damocles.

Chapter 20: on this night and in this life


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 20: on this night and in this life

“The bright star holds, even as the darkness rises.”
C.S Pacat, Dark Rise

Hogwarts was always the most beautiful in the spring.

Yet there was something about winter in the castle, of hallways illuminated in faerie lights, snowfall at midnight and warm cocoa in the mornings, that was just incomparable.

Harri passed through crowds of students and considered how settled the atmosphere made her feel and reassured her of her decision.

“Hiya Harri!” Erin Macmillan grinned when she strode him in past the east wing. Katie Bell elbowed him, huffing.

Harri waved at them both and walked through to the north wing, going past McGonagall’s office and Terry Boot snogging Natalie MacDonald beneath the stone bridge. She skidded past the astronomy tower. “Lo’ Potter.” Marcus Flint leered, Adrian Pucey smoking rings next to him.

Her legs moved slower than she wanted and her hands were restless. Maybe it was her imagination but the halls appeared fuller than she recalled. I shouldn’t have waited so long.

She got past the courtyard, the benches, and the snow melting at the entrance.

“Harri!” George exclaimed from inside Filches office. “Where are you going? Dinner’s soon!”

“I’ll be late!”

She continued to her destination, her breaths shallow. She drifted past defense class, Gryffindor tower and clumps of Durmstang boys near the second floor staircase.Then finally, she reached the headmaster's office. His griffin waited for a password and Harri puffed out her cheeks. She took a deep breath, her fingers squeezing her bag strap. It’s the right thing to do.

“Wistleberry Dewdrops.”

The path opened for her and she climbed, tedious footsteps up the staircase, at last arriving at Dumbledore’s door. She knocked.

“Come in!”

Harri nudged open the door and stepped into the room. Dumbledore inspected her from his desk, a welcoming expression on his face. “Dear Harri, what can I do for you today?”

The portraits began to whisper amongst themselves.

The Potter girl.

The one whose soulmate—

That’s the one.

Ah, little Harri.

She’s one of yours now isn’t she Black?

Harri inhaled and strode to the desk. She stuck her fingers inside her bag and dropped Slytherin’s locket down.

“I need to tell you something.”

“The art of dancing is graceful and gentle. Passionate.” McGonagall's voice echoed through the great hall.

It was a light day in an otherwise cold month and the professors had decreed it the best time to host dancing lessons for the yule ball. Madam Maxine made everyone partner up and spread them out over the empty space.

Karkaroff stood in the corner of the hall, observing a smitten Victor moon over Daphne. Draco watched with ill hid envy as Maria and Ron partnered themselves together and Blaise scowled, an unwilling partner to Pansy who moved his arms around her. Hermione was stuck with Kevin Whitby, a jockey fifth year who seemed more adept at stepping on Hermione’s feet than guiding them. Harri’s poor friend, Kevin appeared to be trying her patience. And lastly, Lavender was in the arms of Ernie Macmillian, her latest two minute crush.

Harri was with her own boyfriend, who she didn’t mind being close to. Her left hand was in Theodore’s and her right arm was wrapped around his neck.

They were stagnant at the moment, waiting for Professor Snape to start the music again. So far it had been a tedious half hour. McGonagall had spent most of the time on a lecture of etiquette and positioning rather than actually letting them practice.

"Begin again," Professor McGonagall called. "Dance with passion all!"

“Passionate.” Theo mouthed. Harri giggled and rested her head against his chest.

“You are floating gazelles in the wind.” McGonagall continued, spreading her hands in the air. “Not uncoordinated giraffes.”

“I didn’t know she was such a romantic.” Harri said. “She just always seemed like she would cringe at chocolate or flowers.”

“Compared to Professor Snape, she's cupid. He's more of a tough-love person, in that different degrees of his sneer profess his true feelings.” Theo's knuckles caressed her lower back.

McGonagall shouted. “And…1,2,3…1,2,3…”

Harri followed Theo’s lead and concentrated on his face as they practiced the waltz. “He’s not so bad.”

Theo lifted her when she stumbled and smiled. “Not many Gryffindors believe that.”

“They don’t know him as I do.” Harri readjusted her hand position. “He’s been kind to me.”

Theo’s eyes were knowing. “He’s surprised me over the years but I’ll admit I thought him callous at first too.”

“First impressions aren’t always the best. I really didn’t like him before our second year.”

“The impression Lavender’s getting of Ernie seems accurate.” Theo gestured to their right, where Ernie and Lavender were arguing about the placement of his hand on her back.

“He better move it unless he wants her wand up his arse."

“Longbottom!” McGonagall reprimanded on the other side of the room. “Are you trying to break the poor girl!”

Neville seemed to have found himself in a difficult position trying to twirl Parvati and almost snapping her wrist instead. Harri winced.

“You’re very good at this.” She mentioned offhand to Theo.

“I was raised to be the perfect pureblood. I’ve had copious practice.”

“Were practices like this?”

“Not exactly. We had books on our heads and got cursed if we missed a step and my partner wasn’t as lovely as you.” He grinned cheekily.

“Wouldn't it have been your sister?” Harri asked.

Theo laughed. “It was my house-elf.”

“Micheal Corner! This isn’t a pub! Tuck your shirt in!” McGonagall screamed.

“Two sevens.” Ron boasted and slapped his cards onto the granite kitchen island.

“Bullsh*t.” Blaise challenged and swiped Ron’s cards from the pile. Harri watched the light in Ron’s eyes diminish into horror. Blaise flipped over the playing cards and smirked.

“Now come on, you can’t expect me to take all the cards!” Ron protested, holding his hands up in optimism.

Blaise snatched the pile from the center of the table and slid them over to Ron in delight. “Read it and weep Weasel-bee.”

Ron groaned, gathering the cards up. “How’d you know I was lying?”

“You have this tic right here,” Blaise pointed to his forehead. “It twitches a little. Did you know?”

It was Friday night, a mere two weeks before winter break and the yule ball. As a rest from exam studies, Blaise and Draco had decided to hold game night in the kitchens. They snuck out of their common rooms after nine to meet up. For a cover, Hermione had payed Fred and George to trick Filch. If all went well they wouldn’t get caught. It was unlikely too considering how occupied the professors were with the preparations needed at the school.

“H!” Lavender sung, looking through her cards. “We should really start researching about this egg.”

“I know.” Harri blew air into the cup of tea clutched in her hands. “But every time we open it, it just screeches so horribly my ears ache.”

Maria looked up. “Oh. So that was the noise I heard last night? I thought it was some crow attacking our windows or something.”

“And you just stayed asleep?” Theo reached for Harri’s drink and took a sip, arms wrapped snugly around her waist in their shared chair.

“I was really very tired.” Daphne shrugged, yawning. “After a year of thinking a serial killer is going to attack you in your sleep you kind of get used to sleeping through the crazy stuff.”

“For the galleonth time I am eternally grateful Malfoy’s have been in Slytherin for generations.” Draco sniffed.

Harri scrunched her nose in disgust. “I’d rather worry about Sirius than sleep in a dungeon. And next to the black lake too. Do you even get any sunshine there?”

“No and we like it that way.” Theo promised.

“It’s black like our souls.” Blaise added, biting into a biscuit.

“Who cares.” Ron flicked through his twenty new cards with a forlorn expression. “We should just stop. It’s midnight now, isn’t it? Anyway I’ll never get rid of all of these.”

Draco grinned and kissed his soulmate's shoulder in sympathy. “Alright Weasley.”

“You guys go on.” Hermione gestured to the door. “Lav and I are going on a walk around the castle. We’ll be up soon.”

“Okay.” Harri rose from Theo’s lap and stretched out her arms, observing sleepily as her friends gathered their things.

“Goodnight.” Theo smiled and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Sweet dreams.”

The yule ball came the weekend before break. Lavender advised the girls to start preparing a little past noon if they wanted to be ready on time. Harri was doubtful of the idea at first but soon discovered that Lavender was right. They spent an hour constructing homemade face masks and Angelina brought her new polaroid camera out to take pictures of them. Afterward, it took over two hours for all of them to finish showering. By the time it was three Katie had started waxing upper lips and Alicia was threading eyebrows.

It had seemed tedious but was the opposite.

Four came and found them cracking open Harri’s chips box and sneaking in salsa. Five and hair was being charmed and makeup applied. Six and the boys were out the door while they slipped into their dresses. Harri didn’t know if the ball would be a good time or not but she found that she didn’t care. The past six hours had been the hardest she’d laughed in ages and it didn't matter if the rest of the night was terrible.

The dress Nymphy had bought for her was the most stunning thing she had ever seen. The shade, the design and the shape. It was off the shoulder and a cream color with intricate golden flowers stitched in. She never wanted to take it off. She felt like a princess. Looking in the mirror Harri couldn’t even recognize herself.

And Hermione was a vision in pink, Daphne bewitching in lilac, Lavender alluring in red and Maria ravishing in green. They went and grouped by the fireplace in their dresses, chattering excitedly while McGonagall took photos. Harri wanted to keep this moment locked in her memories for the darkest days.

Bright eyed and ecstatic they left for the ball, walking down the grand staircase as if they were living in a fairytale. Harri didn’t know how she’d gotten to this place. She’d grown up in a small house with muddy knees and pointy elbows. This life was not something she could have ever seen coming.

“We’re going to go on ahead Harri and Daph,” Hermione said when they reached the last set of stairs. “We’ll see the two of you after the opening ceremony.”

Lavender ran a last hand over Harri’s hair. “Remember to not trip under any circ*mstance. It would give that absolute cow Rita Skeeter a chance to print more stories. If I have to read another fake article from that fraud I will do something drastic.”

“We’ll be watching!” Maria promised and pulled Lavender away.

Daphne turned to Harri, a little green.

“It’s nothing.” Harri reasoned, glancing at Daphne’s timid face. “We know the boys already. Why should we be nervous?”

“That’s right,” Daphne nodded. “I mean, you fought a dragon! This is just…a dance.”

“Right.” Harri exhaled. “Just a dance.”

When she took that last step off the stairs the first thing Harri caught eye of was the great hall as the doors closed. It was completely transformed. It barely resembled the home she knew. Snowflakes were falling from the ceiling but never hitting the ground. There was an abundance of christmas trees and lights, chandeliers of woven glass and gowns as far as the eye could see. Professor McGonagall had really outdone herself because as cliche as it sounded it truly resembled a winter wonderland. Plucked out of Harri’s wildest dreams.

Her eyes dropped from the hall to Theo waiting for her in front of the doors. He looked impossibly handsome in his black robes. She knew Cedric and Cho were somewhere to his right and heard Victor greeting Daphne on her left. Fleur and her date were there too but Harri couldn’t look away from Theo.

“He is handsome Harri.” Daphne giggled in her ear, taking Victor's hand. “I’d never really noticed him like that before even though I’ve objectively always known it and we grew up together.”

Harri walked to him.

Theo beamed and held out his arm. “You look…”

“Stunning!” Fleur came over and brushed the design stitched in Harri;s gown. “The dresz is divine!”

Harri barely had time to compliment her back for McGonagall dashed over and told them they were pressed for time. She organized them into a line, Cedric and Cho first. Harri linked her arm with Theo's and they shared a private smile. "You look handsome." She whispered. His ears pinkened.

The doors opened with a flourish and a hush fell over the room. Inside all three schools were gathered in two rows, waiting for the champions and their partners to enter the room.

Violin strings rippled.

“You’re the most beautiful.” Theo whispered in her ear. “That was what I meant to say.”

Harri looked away, blushing.

In the background, a slow song began. She was aware of Theo lacing their fingers together and of his hands on her waist. She could feel the way he was looking at her and suddenly she was lost for words. She could feel the flashes of photographs being taken and see the people blurred behind Theo, but somehow all she could really focus on was this thing between them. Because something was happening here. They unconsciously moved together so that barely an inch separated them. Harri could smell caramel.

The song passed. And another. So many that soon they were enveloped in a swarm of people and dancing to the weird sisters. Harri felt giddy. Maria was being twirled around by Hugo, Fred and Angelina seemed to be doing some weird and interpretive dance that George was laughing his ass off at. Daphne and Victor were lost in each other and Hermione was as loose as she’d been at the quidditch final, hair down, shoes off and shouting out every word to every song. Flitwick and Sprout were doing some bizarre jig. A delighted Seamus was within a crowd of Beauxbaton girls having the time of his life and Dean was showing Katie Bell a damn good time. Sweetly, even Dumbledore and McGonagall were swaying in a corner.

Eventually, Harri ran out of breath and Theo left to get them drinks. She found Ron by the tables and sat down in the empty place next to him.

He was slumped in his chair and the only student sulking about. She readjusted her hair and fanned her face.

“Why the long face?” Harri petted his back. “You should go dance Ron.”

“I’m fine right here.” He mumbled and sent a withering glance to the crowd where Harri caught Draco dancing with Pansy.

“You know it’s only because he had to.”

“Well, he doesn’t have to look so happy about it.” Ron grumbled.

“It’s not like he finds her appealing in any way.”

Hermione and Blaise came over with punch in their hands and sat down. “This is better than I imagined!” Hermione was grinning. “And everyone looks unbelievable. I can't believe we're at an actual ball.”

Blaise speared a slice of cake for all of them to share and Theo came back with soda for Harri. He draped his outer robe onto Blaise's head.

“Disgusting.” Blaise hit him over the back and threw the robe onto the table.

“Lavender’s having a wonderful time.” Harri pointed out, staring at where she and Maria were slow dancing with some Beauxbatons boys.

“Wasn’t she kind of your date Ron?” Theo asked. “Why aren’t you with her?”

Ron scoffed. “Because I’m loyal. Unlike certain people.”

Blaise glanced at Ron and then Harri. She made a cut it out motion with her hand. Theo spotted it and chuckled under his breath. Blaise continued on anyway. “Lav’s our friend what would be wrong about you dancing together?"

“It’s the principle of it. Why would I hang all over her? Why wouldn’t I try to be respectful?” Ron stabbed at Blaise's cake with a fork.

“Uhhh.” Blaise stammered. “forgive me but I’m not following. Who are we really talking about?”

“That unfaithful prat I call my better half.”

“Right.” Blaise gave Theo and Harri a look. “But he doesn’t even like Pan. He thinks she’s annoying.”

“Forget it.” Ron frowned and took the whole cake away from Blaise. “When is this thing over? It feels like forever.”

“It’s hardly been two hours!" Hermione got up. "Come on Ron, dance with me then. I'll make you laugh.” Ron objected but he was no match for Hermione’s determination. She dragged him out of his seat and onto the floor, chocolate cake and all.

Blaise picked himself up too. “I’m going to find something else to eat.”

Harri nodded her head distractingly and glanced outside while Theo replied to Blaise. The moon was barely noticeable in the sky because of the little lights hung up everywhere covering up its glow. There were a few couples hiding in bushes and snogging. And there was...Igor Karkaroff silently strolling out.

Interested, Harri pushed herself up.

“Theo.” She tapped his arm. “Would you like to take a walk?”

Theo looked outside. “Really? It’s freezing out there. Are you sure?”

“I would really like to see something.” Harri adjusted her sleeves and took his hand.

“Alright.” Theo pulled on his robe and touched her back.

They left through the front door, passing a giggly Lavender and Hugo and handsy Roger Davies and Fleur.

Harri followed Karkaroff as he slipped past the carriages and out into the hills.

“Where exactly are we going?” Theo asked.

“We’re following someone.” Harri walked faster as Karkaroff headed toward the direction of Hagrid’s hut. He kept glancing back warily so Harri made sure to keep her and Theo at a great distance. The edges of her dress touched the snowy ground.

“What is it with us and this forest?” Theo asked, shaking snow off his shoes.

“Shhh.” Harri thrust them behind a tree as Karkaroff looked back and almost caught sight of them.

“We’re following the drumstrang headmaster?” Theo hissed into her ear. “He was a f*cking death eater!”

“I know.” She placed a hand over his mouth. “That’s why we’re following him! He’s suspicious. Now come on, he’s going inside the forest. We can hide behind Hagrid’s and listen in.”

Theo groaned but followed her anyway. As silently as possible they concealed themselves behind the blast ended skrewt cages as Karkaroff met someone on the tree line.

“I’m onto you.” Karkaroff spat at the hidden figure.

“I don’t know what you mean.” A strangely familiar voice drawled.

Karkaroff threw his arm out. “I can feel it day in and day out! I know what’s coming!”

“Then you should prepare yourself shouldn’t you? Run perhaps? You've tried it before.”

“We can’t all be like you Fenrir.” Karkaroff barked.

Harri gasped and Theo threw his hand over her mouth this time. They held their breaths as both men quietened and listened for another sound. When nothing came they resumed the conversation.

“And Severus? What of him?” Greyback questioned, still hidden from view.

“He doesn’t care. He won’t leave Hogwarts.”


Voices appeared from behind Harri and Theo. Hagrid was coming back home with Madam Maxine in tow.

“We should not speak of such things here.” Karkaroff whispered and made to leave.

“But Igor, here is where there is so much to do.” Greyback came into the light. He had the look of a man who knew what was going to come. The distressed Karkaroff gave him a furious scowl, then spun around and trudged back to Hogwarts. Greyback disappeared into the forest.

“We should leave now.” Harri said under her breath.

They waited for Hagrid and Madam Maxine to arrive at the hut and then quietly slipped away.

“How the hell did Greyback get so close to our school?” Harri questioned. Theo was quiet. His face was as concerned as Karkaroff’s had been. “Theo?”

He stopped near the gazebo. “You know what this means don’t you?”

Snow began to fall and cover every inch of the air around them.

“I know.” Harri touched his cheek. “I know.”

“He’s going to try to come back.” Theo whispered.

“He has many times before and he's failed.”

“But this time, this time feels different.” He confessed and pressed her hand against his cheek. “My father he—"

“Harri! Theo!” Daphne’s yell came from the courtyard, loud and exasperated, interrupting Theo's words. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

“Just a moment.” Harri shouted.

Daphne made a rueful expression. “But I need Theo to come get Draco, I think he drank some of George’s spiked punch.”

“I don’t—"

"—He’s all over Ron.”


Theo gave Harri a helpless smile and pecked her. “We’ll talk later?”

“Of course,” Harri brushed snow off his hair. “Go stop Draco from embarassing himself.”

He gave her a last grin and ran off. Just as he went in a flushed Ron stumbled out. He marched toward her and Daphne. “Can we leave now?”

Daphne placed a consoling arm around him. “Sure Ron.”

Harri rubbed his back. “I’ll be right behind you just let me take these heels off. I’m not sure I can walk up in them.”

Daphne and Ron left and Cedric found her a second later. “I’m glad I could catch up with you.” He called, walking over.

“Hi Cedric.” Harri leaned down to slip off her shoes.

"Hi Harri." He touched her arm. “You remember how you told me about the dragons?”

“Uh huh.”

“Well uh.” Cedric flushed a little and bit his lip. “You should take a bath.”

Harri frowned. “Excuse me?”

“In the prefect's bathroom. With the egg.”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m a fourth year.”

Cedric patted her. “Trust me? Just do it. The password is pine-fresh.”

“Okay.” Harri conceded. “I’ll do that.”

Take a bath with the egg.

“He said what?” Theo's head snapped up from his book.

“To take a bath with the egg.” Harri explained again, dipping her quill in ink and writing on a new page.

“Okay we get that part.” Hugo said. “But what was he doing with the egg during a bath in the first place?”

“He obviously figured it out beforehand.” Lavender reasoned while ripping out a page from her notebook and stuffing it into her binder.

Theo shut his potions book. “You shouldn’t go there alone at night. Who knows, someone else could have decided it’s the perfect time for a bath too. With Karkaroff running around the castle and whoever put your name in the goblet, it's not safe alone.”

Maria twirled her hair on a finger and turned to Harri with a meaningful expression. “He’s right Harri. You should take someone with you.”

Harri pinched Maria’s thigh under the table. “I’ll take my invisibility cloak. It’ll be fine.”

“Uh no.” Lavender scolded, slapping Harri’s hand away from her paper. “You really shouldn’t.”

“I’ll go with you.” Theo offered, looking up at her with innocent eyes. “We can still take the invisibility cloak.”

“It’s settled then.” Maria clapped her hands. Harri pinched her thigh again.



Harri entered the bathroom with the golden egg in hand that night, not nervous but wishing she could have gone alone. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Theo to be there but that she was only fourteen and the only person who’d ever seen her in a bathing suit was Hermione. But he was waiting for her and had already submerged in the water. Bubbles floated around his hair and mischief was written all over his face. Harri put whatever insecurity she had away and took off her robe.

“Alright?” Theodore asked and placed his hands on her hip bones as she sank down. Moonlight from the stained windows cast his face in hues of reds and blues.

“Alright.” Harri whispered into the quiet.

Their faces were mere inches apart and when they kissed she was more conscious of his body than ever.They kissed as the french do. More intensely than before. Hands, arms. Breaths tangling together. Thinking of nothing else until Harri’s hand let go and the egg fell into the water. Unexpectedly, it slit open and glaring brightness lit up the bath.

“Harri.” Theo took hold of her face. “I think we have to go down.” He submerged them into the water and everything became silent but for the haunting voices that manifested from the egg.

The world was just the two of them grinning at each other in wonder. Maybe she thought, maybe they should just stay here and then nothing could touch them. But the air ran out and they both spiraled up to the surface. Sound returned and with it the troubles of the real world.

“It was mermaids,” Theodore breathed in awe, water drops clinging to his eyelashes. “Could you hear them?”


They sang. 'Recover what we took, But past an hour — the prospect’s black, Too late, it’s gone, it won’t come back.'

The Headmaster’s Tower, Midnight

“Where was it Harri said she found it?” Severus Snape stoked the fire in the hearth, stabbing heartily at the ashes that fell.

“She said the locket appeared first upon traveling to school,” Came Dumbledore’s drowsy voice. “But I suspect, regardless of how it happened, that it came from Grimmauld Place.”

There was a surprised silence. Severus paused and turned away from the fireplace to stare at his headmaster. “You do not think Regulus…”

“Voldemort left his diary to Lucious Malfoy. It is not a stretch to assume he would have left his locket to Regulus Black.”

“But he murdered Regulus!” Severus rubbed his forehead in consternation. “He would not have given something of such incalculable worth to a boy he considered turned traitor.”

Dumbledore stroked his wiry beard with careful consideration. “I have some research to conduct on the full matter but I am almost certain of this. There are only a few pieces I am missing.”

Severus sighed deeply. “And what of the horcrux? Will you destroy it?”

“I dare not Severus.” The headmaster rose up from his chair and pulled his window curtains apart. Silently he observed the snowfall outside, wondering if he was making the wrong choice.

“Began the preparations. I believe we shall have a new student come summer.”


harri's dress

September has been challenging. Hoping October is better. Voldemort will make his return after the next chapter so that's something to look forward to.

There will not be a love triangle.

Thank you so much for 1000 kudos, it blows my mind.

Here is chapter 20. ♡

"Recover what we took, But past an hour — the prospect’s black, Too late, it’s gone, it won’t come back." - J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

Chapter 21: you’re my achilles heel


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 21: you’re my achilles heel

Chiron had said once that nations were the most foolish of mortal inventions.
"No man is worth more than another, wherever he is from.”
“But what if he is your friend?” Achilles had asked him, feet kicked up on the wall of the rose-quartz cave."Or your brother? Should you treat him the same as a stranger?”
“You ask a question that philosophers argue over,” Chiron had said. “He is worth more to you, perhaps. But the stranger is someone else’s friend and brother. So which life is more important?”
We had been silent. We were fourteen, and these things were too hard for us.
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

The morning after the yule ball, all students were given permission to leave Hogwarts for the break. A bright eyed Sirius flooed Harri, Hermione, Maria, and Daphne in from the three broomsticks. Tired and with the night's makeup still on their skin, Harri didn’t know how they even made it into the living room before falling asleep.

The smell of chocolate raised them from their slumber in the afternoon. Harri peered through the windows, watching as snow dusted the streets of London. She closed her eyes for a minute, thankful beyond belief for a real home to come to when life was grueling. May wonders never cease.

Hermione marched out of the kitchen then and laid out tiny bowls of sprinkles and M&M's, decorations for the gingerbread houses that Daphne’s mother sent as gifts ahead of their arrival.

Fully awake now, Harri moved to sit next to Sirius, who was just on the other side of the couch hanging up fairy lights with his wand. He was a child, delighted by the colors and harassing Remus, who was adorning their tree with little ornaments by hand. Harri wrapped herself around Sirius like a rope, taking in the smell of peppermint from his aftershave. She listened to Maria and Daphne attempt Christmas carols and then filmed Hermione trying Sirius’s eggnog. It was the best night.

On Christmas morning they drank only tea for breakfast, spent two hours getting ready, and left for the Weasleys at noon. As Remus helped her out of the floo, she admired the cashmere sweater Sirius had gifted him. It was a reminder of the quiet way he and Sirius took care of each other.

Mr. Weasley greeted them and welcomed them into his overflowing home. Mrs. Weasley was as kind as ever, pulling them all into a hug as soon as she spotted them. When she held Harri she melted like butter into her warm chest.

After, Harri searched for Ron and the twins, but there were so many redheads inside she didn’t know which ones were hers. Having bizarrely never spent the holidays there she hadn’t known what to expect but Christmas at Ottery St. Catchpole was like a scene from a movie. Stacks of presents, candles, and warmth, a dining table filled with deserts and friendly faces around every corner.

While Hermione went off with Ginny and Maria trekked upstairs, Sirius called Harri and Daphne over to where he and Andromeda were debating whether jeans were appropriate wear for the day.

Andromeda had her hair pulled away from her face and her features caught Harri off guard, especially as this was really only the second time she'd seen her. The sharpness of her jaw and slope of her nose was so reminiscent of Draco. It was strange on someone else. Though Harri supposed she shouldn’t be all that surprised. Andromeda was his maternal aunt and there were some things links you could never hide, no matter how much you wanted to.

Harri wondered about that. What was it like to have lost family to something other than death? Was that why Nymphy had no siblings? Because Andromeda didn't want her daughter to suffer the same estrangement she herself had?

Harri surveyed Sirius and the eager way he spoke to Andromeda. He was keen, happier than he was to speak with most people and the smile they shared was identical in its curve. She was reminded of the room that was left untouched in their home and of Kreacher’s forlorn face as he stared at the engravings of R.A.B etched on the wooden door.

Was the Black curse indeed what Draco had spoken of, was it really the madness? Or was it loss, the emptiness that would drive anyone insane?

“How are your preparations for the second task?” Sirius asked, calloused hands running through Harri’s hair. “The spells needed to breathe underwater for an hour aren’t easy to learn for someone your age.”

It had become a routine for him to brush her hair. Harri knew he enjoyed taking care of her like this. The part of him that recognized that he could have done it for her every morning as she was growing up but never got the chance.

It was a thousand memories they hadn’t had the chance to make that they could make up for now. The little things that mattered in a big way.

“I haven’t decided what I’ll be doing but I know I can’t use transfiguration. I thought maybe I’d use the bubblehead charm.” Sirius nodded, fingers tangling in her curls. “But then I worried, like, what if I came across something that broke the charm? It would be too easy for me to panic and then everything would just spiral downward from there.”

“What did you decide in the end?”

Harri hesitated. “Well...that’s the problem…I haven’t yet.”

“Wha—Harri.” Sirius admonished, dropping his hands and coaxing her around to face him. “You haven’t decided what to do yet?”

Harri picked at her fingernails, avoiding his eyes. “It’s still fairly far away.”

“Two measly months.”

“That is plenty of time.”

“Sweetheart.” Sirius placed a finger below her chin. “Look at me.” Harri did. “Tell me what you need and I will do it for you.”

She shook her head, protest already on the tip of her tongue.

“Uh uh.” Sirius tutted. “You wouldn’t let me help with the first task after you promised me it wouldn’t be bad and what was it? Dragons. There is nothing you can say that will stop me from helping you with this one. If Dumbledore hadn’t already assured me he’d placed protections on you God knows what I would’ve done.”

“Excuse me?” Harri made a face. “Dumbledore did what?”

Sirius's face shifted. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.”

Harri scoffed. “You can’t say something like that and then not explain.”

“Fine.” Sirius rubbed his forehead. “He put precautionary charms on you that would prevent anything fatal from happening during the tournament.”

Harri twisted away from him. “What the hell?”

“You weren’t even supposed to be in this tournament. You are younger than the other champions. Don't tell me you've believed I have just let you into this dangerous situation without the reassurance that you will be alright?”

“You should have told me!” Harri protested and got to her feet, not knowing why she was this baffled but feeling incensed all the same. “It’s my life!”

Sirius picked himself up too, his jaw stiff. “No it isn’t.”

“Yes it is. What are you even saying right now?”

“Your life is everything to me. It's my life too. I wasn’t supposed to live this long, I was going to murder Peter and get myself killed fighting Voldemort. The only thing I live for now, the only thing that has any meaning is you. God forbid something happened, I wouldn't be able to exist."

Harri felt like he had just punctured her in the stomach. The fight left her as if it had never existed at all. “Sirius..."

“Do you think I could survive losing you?"

The front door opened. “The kebab shop was crowded like you wouldn’t believe, I nearly had to fight a guy for the last aloo samosa but I—" Remus paused, staring at Sirius’s pinched face and Harri’s horrified one.

Not wanting to be there or to look at her Godfather anymore, Harri darted out of the room.

“Harri don’t go!” Remus called out to her.

“Let her!” Harri heard the sound of glass break as she ran upstairs.

Thankful that her friends were already asleep, she went as far away from where they slept as she could. Maybe minutes later, maybe an hour later, Remus found her on the stairs of the greenhouse.

His smile was taut. “Would you mind terribly if I sat down?”

She ignored him. Remus audibly sighed but ultimately walked over and sat down next to her anyway. Neither of them said a word for a long time.

“He told me what you talked about.” She could feel his eyes on the side of her face. "I can understand that you don’t like that it was kept from you. I know a lie by omission is still a lie, but he was just doing what he thought was best.”

“It’s not that,” Harri mumbled into her palm.

Remus paused. “No?”

Harri turned to him, imploring. “He told me the only reason he’s alive right now is me Remus.” A muscle in Remus's face twitched. “I thought he was healthier. I thought the therapist was helping. Have I just been stupid? Am I only seeing what I want to see? It hurts so much to think that all this time I’ve thought he was getting better, he was just existing.”

Remus rubbed his hand across his chin. “These things don’t change overnight. He is trying to unlearn years of guilt and pain. But it was wrong of him to say that he's only alive because you are, please forget it. That is the worst thing to say to a child who's lost their parents, as their guardian. He can't put that on you. You are not responsible for his life.”

“I can't forget that it’s been months of what seemed like improvement. I feel so blindsided. It feels like a slap in the face. I thought we talked to each other about these things and to think that he’s been suffering silently and feeling like he can’t tell me, makes me feel sick.”

Knocking on the wall prevented Remus from responding. Harri knew who it was and petulantly didn't look at Sirius when he coughed to get her attention. She kept her gaze on Remus, who squeezed her shoulder and got up, giving Sirius a stern glance as he walked out. Sirius took his place next to Harri and opened his arms.

She wasn’t going to give in but when faced with his sorrowful eyes there was no other option. She buried her face in his torso.

“I spent twelve years locked inside my own misery and grief. I had one obsession in life and that was revenge. When your father died, when I lost Remus and my brother, I lost my purpose in life.” Sirius whispered into her hair, his arms closing her in. “When I found you and got you back, I found it again. I get up in the morning because I know that you are alive. I try to make myself better so that I can be the best for you. I know that it isn’t healthy. I want to live for myself too. I am trying. I know that what was said downstairs doesn’t make it seem like that but I am. What Remus said is right, my life is not your responsibility. But I cannot pretend that you aren't the most important thing to me. Just the thought of something happening to you—” His voice broke off. “Can you understand that? Can you forgive that?”

Harri wanted so much to reach inside of him and claw out the darkness that haunted him with her bare hands. She wanted to tear apart the guilt and see that rapturous boy from her parent's wedding photograph. Yet it didn't work like that.

“There is nothing to forgive. I don’t know how I could ever live without you either. Don’t you understand that? I need you to be okay too.”

She would never stop trying to give him that happiness again, even if it took another decade.

It was days later when Harri was back at Hogwarts with Theo that she was presented with an answer for what to do in the second task.

“Gillyweed?” Harri questioned reluctantly, holding up the jar Theo had just handed her. “It looks disgusting Theodore.” Green, long and slimy, Harri gagged just thinking about swallowing it down.

He laughed under his breath and took it from her hands, placing it on the uneven ground. “S’ the simplest solution. My sister said the gillyweed allows you to breathe underwater for an hour and also makes it easier to swim.”

He had bags under his eyes and his hair was unkempt. It looked like he’d just woken up from a sleepless night. The way he was smiling at her though you would think he’d never felt more rested. She crossed her legs and her calves brushed against the wooden log they were sitting on. “I don’t know Theo, what if I throw up?”

He pecked her cheek. His lips pressed against her skin once and then after a moment again, not stopping once he’d started. “Mhhm, just block your nose. Think of it as a nasty potion.”

Harri grinned. She turned her head and brushed their lips together, small kisses that became long and eager. Her fingers caught on his sweater and tugged him closer. He smiled against her and Harri couldn't help smiling back. They laughed into each other's mouths, pulling away only enough so that their noses bumped.

“Where did you even get it?”

“I may have stolen it.” Theo confessed.

"From who?"

"Never you mind." He gripped her chin and kissed her again.

Harri wanted to know whose bright idea it had been to hold the second task in February. The air pierced her exposed skin with an icy cold. The waters of the black lake waved ominously and in just a few minutes she would have to go in them. The only consolation was that she knew what it was that waited for her below. The merpeople, mermaids who were nothing like the sirens from muggle fairy tales.

A gust of wind blew past, sprinkling those nearest in the crowd with salt water. Harri shivered and rubbed her arms, covering up the goosebumps that consumed her from head to toe. She looked to her right at the other champions, Fleur who was just as nettled with the unfortunate weather, her beautiful face grimacing, Viktor, too, usually impassive, frowning and Cedric, the only one of them with a cheery face. “The sun isn’t out. That's a bad omen don’t you think?” He said. “Like the grim or something.”

“Or something.” Harri breathed.

“I’ve already had a bad start. I can’t find Cho anywhere.”

Harri sunk her teeth into her bottom lip and fixed her gaze on the stands again. Her eyes roved over hundreds of faces, looking for two specific ones and coming up empty. “I know what you mean, Ron and Daphne aren’t here either.”

Cedric froze and grappled for Harri’s arm at the exact moment Dumbledore cast his sonorous charm.

“Champions! Assume your positions.”

She inspected Cedric, perplexed. “What is it?”

He whispered hastily. “The thing we will miss the most. It's them!” The realization came with razor-edged clarity. Cho, Daphne, and Ron. "We've taken what you'll sorely miss."

"Oh f*ck!"

Ludo Bagman blew the whistle. “The task begins now.”

Harri threw the gillyweed in her mouth and it took a second but she gasped as it closed up her throat enough that she couldn't breathe. Cedric cast a bubblehead charm and dove into the water, throwing her a thumbs up. Without thought, Harri jumped in after him. Her body sunk down.

In the water, she watched webs form on her hands and feet. She gasped in awe at the depth of the water and her ability to breathe in it. Then Victor, who had transfigured the upper portion of his body into a shark, launched past her. This is what it took for her to remember what was at stake. Ron.She began to swim and her body guided her expertly through the currents. Every slap of seaweed felt like the tentacle of a fish.

The full description of the second task had been given to them only that morning by Barty Crouch. He told them they were not only trying to take back what was stolen from them. That was actually the last part of their challenge and ironically the easiest. Their true venture lay in the heart of the water. On the necks of their merpeople, the Selkies of Scotland.

For the second task to fully be complete they had to capture pearls from the neck of the merpeople themselves as well as take back what was stolen from them. And unlike their Irish counterparts, the Merrows, the Selkies were not alluring or seductive. They had knives for teeth and would murder for what they desired.

She knew from a book Hermione had given her to read over Christmas that the Selkie colony was located at the center of the Black Lake. This meant that she had a while to go yet.

She also knew that Victor was ahead of her but not too far which meant the sound of someone behind her was Cedric as she had no clue where Fluer was and hadn’t even had the chance to check how she’d chosen to get into the lake. Harri just hoped they all got out in time because the water was becoming perilous. A storm was coming. Harri swam and kept her wand arm prepared.

After a tumultuous thirty minutes, consisting of fighting her way through charmed little octopuses and hiding from vicious Grindylows, the selkie village appeared within her eyesight.

There were four mermaids laid out in a row in front of four columns, each carrying a spear and an icy sneer. A wall was erected behind them, like a waterfall of magic. Harri knew that Ron and Daphne were behind it. She steeled herself and released her wand from its holster.

She swam to the Selkies, eyes catching on the one in the middle.

A glimmering string of pearls hung around its neck as she’d been told. The pearls were on all of the selkies. However, the one in the middle had Ron’s tie was tethered to the pearls. Disheartenment struck her, unexpected and immediate. Ron shouldn’t be trapped at the bottom of the lake as if he was something collateral in this mess. When she found out who put her name in the goblet of fire she was going to castrate them.

"Confringo!” She shouted, aiming for the mermaid's weapon.

The selkie moved and the spell hit the mermaid instead of the spear. With a shrill screech, the now angry selkie raced to attack her. It launched its spear at Harri and nearly stabbed her foot. She swam up and cast a stupify. The mermaid dodged it and shrieked.

The water around them moved and pushed them back as they fought. The blade came for Harri again and this time she aimed her wand at it precisely, she cast reducto just before it could strike her. The spear exploded and its razor edges caught on Harri’s arms, leaving small lacerations bleeding against her skin. With urgency, Harri thrust out a hand and wrapped it around the Selkie’s neck. It screeched once more as she ripped the pearls out and then it went silent.

Harri's heart thundered furiously and adrenaline thrummed her bones. She thought she might be attacked again but the mermaid bowed and with a swift hand brought down a section of the magic wall. Harri watched as it cascaded down and space opened for her to go through. She found Ron inside, laid out at the bottom of the lake. She raced to him and heaved him up by the arms. He didn't move, his body was despondent.

Ron had never been so still. It made Harri uncomfortable. She examined the bodies around him. A tiny little version of Fleur, the delicate figures of Cho and Daphne. She hated the way they were laid like corpses.

She settled Ron in her arms and breathed in relief as Cedric came into sight. She waited for him to enter and grab Cho, and then they both watched as Fleur came through and savagely tore the pearls off her mermaid at first glance.

Fleur came to them and took her sister into her arms. She brushed her golden hair away from her face with great care. Harri looked out past the wall to see if Victor had made it yet. She was worried, he had been ahead of her and now he was late. Though maybe she had surpassed him in the seaweed when she could barely see or hear anything.

Cedric tapped at his wrist and Harri realized the hour must almost be up. Harri pointed at Daphne’s still body and shook her head no. She wouldn't leave yet. Cedric waited for a minute and then swam to Harri. He took one of her hands and wrapped it around Cho’s wrist. He then gestured back at Daphne and to himself. You two go. I’ll stay. Harri protested but Cedric tapped insistently at his wrist again and pushed Harri upwards.

Reluctantly, she acquiesced. She and Fleur left, taking Ron, Cho, and Fleur’s sister with them. Their swim back was quicker, the path probably made shorter with magic. They reached the waiting spectators and broke through the water at the same time.

Ron came alive with a choke and Cho with a gasp. Snape, Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey helped them out. Bagman threw out blankets and towels. Harri stayed in the water, unable to go fully back up until the gillyweed faded from her system. She noticed that Karkaroff was no longer present even though Madam Maxine was.

“Cedric!” Cho wheezed, shuddering in Madam Pomfrey’s arms. “Where is Cedric?”

“He iz waiting for Victor to get Daphne,” Fleur panted through heavy breaths.

“He is what?” Professor Snape hissed, darting forward.

“Oh dear.” Madam Pomfrey whispered.

“What?” Fleur questioned. “What is it?”

The water slapped against the wooden panels of the platform in warning. Snape and Dumbledore shared a look. “Krum was attacked down there. He sent up a signal half an hour into the task. He has been in the infirmary since.”

“But Daphne was still down there!” Harri shouted. “What was going to happen to her when he didn't show up?”

“The Selkies have been instructed not to harm her.” Madam Maxine reassured.

“Then there iz no izzue?” Fleur asked.

"There is." Snape ground out. “Because there was nothing said about the boy! They have every right to harm him for intruding on their territory after completing his own task."

A hurried and whispered conversation started amongst the professors while Fleur and Harri shared their own knowing look.

Harri dove back into the water without a second thought. She could hear the shouting beginning behind her.

The waves were jarring and raucous and thunder crackled in the sky. Harri felt itchiness in her neck and knew that her time was running out. She fought against the push and pull of the water and of the weakness in her limbs. Her body was exhausted now having been pushed against its limits.

She was weak and had barely made it out far when she detected sight of two human bodies coming her way. Cedric and Daphne came nearer. Then Harri noticed the four selkies giving chase behind them, all the more angrier and driven than before. She crashed into Cedric, who was a great deal worse off than when she’d left him. He had blood gushing out of his thigh and his face was ghastly pale. She seized his arm and pushed him ahead of herself.

With as much precision as she could manage, she began to shoot stunners at the Selkies behind them. Using magic depleted her energy more and because of this, one of the mermaids was able to snatch Harri's ankle within its grip. As much as she tried to fight herself free, she couldn't. She was dragged down.

Her neck stopped itching. Her eyes closed. She’d read somewhere that it took less than ten minutes to drown. How long would she last? When thirty seconds passed Harri accidentally swallowed water. Seventy and the talons clutching her went pliant. Eighty and another pair of hands gripped her.

Familiar, long, and petal veined. She knew these hands.


Harri wanted to open her eyes. She longed to see him. Tom.

As if he'd heard her, a soothing hand ran down her back. Her eyes fluttered open the tiniest amount. Like he was real, he looked down.

She would know those red eyes anywhere.

Tom, I found another one.

His hands tightened.

I found another Riddle.

When Harri woke there were no wine colored eyes to welcome her. Only the blue hue of Dumbledore's and the terrified expression on his face.


Next chapter: Third task.

Achilles Heel: A fatal weakness, a vulnerable area. While the mythological origin refers to a physical vulnerability, it is any weakness in spite of overall strength that can cause downfall.

IF confused about the last part:
It IS the diadem saving Harri but he isn't there when she wakes up. Next chapter Voldemort is going to come back and right after that the locket :)

Clarification on each horcrux so far:

The Diary — Harri thinks she destroyed it. But actually Dumbledore took it from the chamber, Fawkes cried on it and healed it, and now it's with Dumbledore recovering.

The Diadem — Left Harri for an unknown reason. It was implied he got a body. Harri has not told Dumbledore about him. This Tom has warned her of Voldemort’s return in a dream and saved her during the second task.

The Locket — Found by Harri in her bag, implied that a compulsed Kreacher put it there. Was given to Dumbledore with the intent that he deals with it. He has chosen to help the locket come to life.

Things that don’t make sense or any loose ends will be tied together as the story goes along. I have left stuff open ended on purpose because I have plans for future chapters. Hope this helps :)

Chapter 22: i feel like prey


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 22: i feel like prey

“I run from body. I run from spirit.
I do not belong anywhere.
I am not alive."
Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, Spillings

“It wasn’t the grindylowz.” Victor whispered to them that night. “My memory—iz not so clear—but I know it waz not a creature that came for me.”

The four of them, the champions, were huddled in another secluded corner at another after party. It’d been an exhausting day to say the least. It was now midnight and they were in beauxbatons carriage. Madam Maxine was turning a blind eye to their gathering.

“You were in front of me initially.” Harri’s fingers tapped on her glass of beer impatiently. “I don’t understand how I didn’t see anything happen.”

Victor leaned in. “But that iz the problem, I’m not sure I waz ahead of you at all. I dove in and started swimming az quickly as I could. When I stopped to look around me, I noticed that I waz not going in the direction I had thought I was going. I did a point-me spell and realized I waz moving west instead of north az I had planned. Before I could get myself together, I found myself stuck in something. I thought at first it waz seaweed that wrapped around me but it iz no possible. I tried to move but I couldn’t and then this thing came at me. I do not want to seem like a liar but I could swear to you I thought it waz human.” Victor confided.

Fleur tutted and slapped his arm. “Victor, we know that you are not a liar.”

“We believe you.” Cedric promised. “If you say it was a person we believe it. Stranger things have happened.”

Victor’s expression did not change. He gazed at the empty space in front of him as if he was reliving the moment over again. “I could swear in that moment I recognized who it was but now I cannot remember.”

“Do you think they messed with your memory?” Harri questioned. “With mind magic?”

“Legilimancy?” Fluer gasped, pressing a manicured hand to her chest. “But thiz iz horrible! It iz forbidden.”

Victor scratched at his head in frustration. “It iz like I can see the figure coming for me and any time my mind tries to grasp the memory of a face it turns to dust in my hands.”

“Then maybe it was a potion?” Cedric suggested. “Did it hurt when you woke?”

“I do not think so. We were in water it would be difficult to administer a potion. And I felt numb. I do not even remember sending a signal up.” Victor sighed. “I do not even remember where I waz.”

“What reason does anyone have to attack you?” Fleur said softly. “You have no enemies here.”

Harri shrugged. “Maybe he wasn’t supposed to be the victim.”

“But Harri you cannot mean…”

“It would make sense, the same person who put Harri’s name in the goblet of fire could have meant to hurt her in the second task. Maybe because you two were the first ones in they just got the wrong person.” Cedric proposed.

“No.” Victor denied. “It waz meant for me. I know it sounds bizarre but it was no mistake. Whoever did this wanted to hurt me.”

Fleur set her champagne glass down forcefully. “They’ve come after two of uz already. Who’s to say which one of uz is next?”

Cedric nodded. “We were told the tasks would be dangerous but this is something else. Victor, Harri and I could have been gravely injured. Worse than we already were.”

“Yez.” Victor said. “If they cannot protect uz, then we must protect one another.”

They nodded in agreement. Young, naive and headstrong but determined enough to see it through.


The four of them looked up from their circle to see Cho smiling hesitantly at them. “Um, hello.”

Cedric's face split into a beaming grin. “Hi Cho.”

Fleur picked up her champagne and Harri’s hand. “We will just be going outside now.”

Victor smirked into his glass and rose up from his seat. “Yez we can see that you are busy now Cedric.”

Cedric reddened. “Right, I’ll talk to you later then.” They left Cedric and Cho pressed up against each other. Harri smiled, watching Cedric gaze at Cho with besotted eyes.

She then found Theo and Blaise with Hugo and George. They were next to a makeshift bar concocting drinks that were going to leave her boyfriend drunk off his arse. Theo’s face was already flushed a deep pink and she heard him egg Blaise on to take a sip of something the color of mustard. Harri stepped up from behind and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Theo’s face lit up. “Harrrrrri,” He gasped and his hands moved to cover hers over his sweater. “Guys! Look! Harri’s here.” Harri pecked him on the cheek and giggled as he swayed them back and forth. Blaise swiveled around to her on his stool with his face in an expression of genuine shock, as it had been months since they’d seen each other and not days. “f*ck! It is Harri!”

“Oh my God.” George looked up from the hardwood table. “Bless my soul, it’s Harri Potter!”

“What the hell did you put in those?” Harri questioned him, scrutinizing the suspicious cup in his hand.

George smirked and rested his elbows on the countertop. “Nothing horrible Harri, a little bit of v—"

“SHHHH!” Hugo wheezed and slapped a hand over George’s mouth sloppily. He just barely avoided slurring his words. “It’s a secret!”

Theo looked at Harri with his mouth dropped in an O. Blaise leaned into her ear and whispered. “I think it was firewhisky Harri.”

Theo nodded along seriously. “Lots and lots of firewhisky.”

“Huh,” Hugo glanced down, scratching his chin faux innocently. “Is that what that was?”

George’s shoulders shook from laughter and then Theo’s eyes widened. “Don’t look now.” He whispered to George, peering behind him. “But I think Ron is trying to climb Draco like a tree.”

George covered his eyes and moaned in disgust. “There are some things I never ever wanted to see in my entire life.”

Blaise jumped off his seat. “Quick—someone grab the soap.” And then promptly fell down, taking George with him. Harri was too busy laughing into Theo’s neck to help them up.

April brought to them Rita Skeeter’s column of lies. Hermione was depicted in writing as the promiscuous harlot after both Blaise and Ron’s hearts. Whereas, in the twist of the century, Harri and Victor were now allegedly in a secret love affair.

It was all very scandalous if not for the fact that every piece of it was fiction.

If Harri thought about it, Hermione was perhaps the only person she knew who’d never expressed a sole interest in a boy. Lavender had her summer flings and boys she kissed but never saw again. Maria had her crushes on the upper classmen and older blokes that never noticed her. Daphne had Victor and Harri had Theo. But Hermione, well Hermione was more interested in her books than ever looking twice at a boy, so it was absurd she was being painted as a slag or that people believed it.

Mrs. Weasley, of all people, failed to send Hermione chocolates for easter Sunday. If only Molly knew where her son's heart truly lay.

May yielded spring and the dawning of the third task. On the twenty-fourth of the month, Bagman summoned the champions to the quidditch field. They made their way down to the horror that was their maze for the third task. The poor quidditch pitch had been torn down to make the maze and was now completely unrecognizable.

“That man has extremely bad vibes.” Harri muttered to Cedric, Viktor and Fleur, as they continued to walk around the grounds after Bagman’s little presentation. They were skirting the edge of the forbidden forest. “There's no way he's not a fraud like Lockhart."

Cedric was walking backward, his body turned to face them. He crossed his arms behind his head. “My dad told me Bagman is a serial gambler. I would bet you a hundred galleons he has money resting on who is going to win.”

Fleur raised one of her perfect golden eyebrows. “What iz he going to do with the money? I thought he waz a famous quidditch player. He should have more than enough for his lifestyle.”

“Ah,” Victor snapped his fingers. “But that iz it, he probably spent all his money placing betz, and now iz depending on thiz to get it back.”

“Who does he have his money on, do you think?” Harri asked, kicking at a pile of fallen leaves.

Fleur, Cedric and Victor stared at her.

“What?” Harri laughed. “Me?”

Cedric brushed his hair off his forehead. “What do you mean ‘me’. Of course it’s you.”

Harri gaped at him. “Because I’m the youngest? Least experienced? Didn’t even want to do this?”

Fleur pinched Harri’s cheek.

“Ow!” She slapped her hand away.

Fleur said. “Harri, you say thiz, and yet you are tied for first place.”

“You have shown how worthy you are.” Victor shrugged.

Harri couldn’t help how nice their words made her feel even though she knew most of it was just luck. She wouldn’t have gotten half as far without the help of her friends or if not for the protective spells Dumbledore placed on her. She was sure she’d have a few more scars otherwise. “That’s not true, it’s just a matter of circ*mstance. You’re all amazing wizards.”

Cedric patted Harri on the shoulder with an indulgent smile. “Just accept it Harri.”

“Though you are correct,” Fleur sniffed, flipping her hair over one shoulder dramatically. “I should have been first place by now.”

Victor cracked a smile when someone tumbled out of the bushes to their left. Victor jolted and had his wand pointed at the figure in a matter of seconds. Cedric stepped up and spread his arm out over Harri, blocking the man from seeing her. She peeked over his arm and recognized the gaunt silhouette of Barty Crouch Senior.

“Mr. Crouch, is that you sir?” Cedric questioned, moving while Victor continued to point his wand at him. “Mr. Crouch are you alright?”

Crouch looked as if he had been lost in the forest for days. His face was haggard and his robes were completely torn. He was muttering under his breath, memos that seemed to be for Percy, dialogue about his son and then he shouted abruptly. “Warn Dumbledore!”

“What do we have to warn the headmaster about?” Harri pushed Cedric’s arm down hastily.

Crouch’s head snapped towards her and his eyes bulged. “Dumbledore!”

“Yes, headmaster Dumbledore. What did you want to say to him?” Cedric asked, wary.

Crouch scrambled onto his knees and grappled for Harri’s shirt. Cedric shoved him away. “You…must warn…you must tell him…tell Dumbledore…I’ve done something awful…my mistake…terrible. Bertha Jenkins is dead, my son, it's all my fault. You must find him! Tell Dumbledore, tell him, Harri Potter…the Dark Lord…Harri danger...”

They glanced at each other in alarm.

“Harri we’ll keep him here you go get Dumbledore.”

“Okay.” She turned and sprinted. She raced through the school and right up to the second floor. She found Snape at the entrance of Dumbledore's office by himself.

“Professor Snape!” Harri shouted across the corridor. “It’s Barty Crouch sir! You have come something has happened to him. He keeps asking for headmaster Dumbledore to come down!”

Just at that moment, Dumbledore stepped out. He did not need any convincing to follow her. But by the time they made it to where the others waited, it was too late. Barty Crouch was gone and Victor, Fleur and Cedric were on the ground, stunned.

Harri was in a garden.

Though unkempt and overgrown, it was beautiful. Behind the garden was a gorgeous manor. It towered over a hill and underneath the slopes resided a small village. She was laying on her back and staring into the cloudless sky above. Her head rested on someone's legs and their hand caressed her arm softly.

Harri pressed her face against their stomach in contentment, knowing if she could she would never move.


She glanced up.

Smiling down at her was her soulmate, blue-eyed and bewitching. Harri grinned back at him. He looked as he had a year ago when she’d shown him her patronus. Happy. It almost felt like nothing changed since then. Though everything had changed.

An eagle soared above them and Harri looked away to watch it fly past. She listened as it let out a harsh screech, sending the atmosphere into a whirlpool around them. The wind picked up and when she faced back down at the earth, it was all different.

The garden was no longer beautiful. It was downtrodden, damp and dark. A large snake slithered through the grass and its hiss resounded through the entire plane of land. Even the manor was no longer charming. Rather it was decrepit and worn.

When she looked back at Tom his blue eyes were gone and his smile had disappeared.

“The cup.” He whispered clamorously. “It’s a trap.”

She blinked at him, still drowsy. “What?”

“Don’t win Harri. Whatever you do, don’t win."

He warned and then vanished between her arms like ash.

She climbed up on unsteady feet and looked around for answers, shaken by his words. The manor, which had lain distant before, was but a few feet away now. The front door was left open. She stood before it for a moment, listening as the snake in the garden moved closer to her. Hesitantly, she advanced into the house.

Once inside Harri realized she’d been here before. She followed the sound of whispers and edged away from the foyer, careful of the closed doors. The entrance slammed shut behind her and Harri nearly screamed. Uneasy, she ventured up the grandiose staircase and into the second floor. She heard a shout from the living room and peeked inside.

Just like the last dream, a high pitched voice manifested from a divan facing away from the doorway. Wormtail was bowing down in front of it.

“I promise you,” He whimpered. “It will not happen again.” Wormtail crawled forward on his knees. She saw him take a frail hand into his own. “He is dead! Nothing will get in the way of our plans!”

“I do not care for your promises, you spineless fool!” Hissed the voice. “You almost cost me the girl! Crucio!"

Harri woke.

Wormtail’s screams echoed in her ear.

She pushed herself up onto her arms and felt her forehead. The scar was warm and it burned something fierce. She looked around her empty dorm room and noticed with relief that the only other presence was Crookshanks.

Harri breathed through her nose, thoughts running a mile a minute.

What was it the diadem said about the triwizard cup? She couldn’t remember it clearly. Like Victor had said, she had a feeling but no clear memory. Something…something about winning…

Harri didn’t know how she kept dreaming about it. Or how he had done what he did. The diadem saved her in the black lake and then disappeared. No one else had seen anyone helping her. She wondered if he watched her without her knowing. If he was one of the shadows in the forest. Why wouldn’t he come to her? What had he done?

She made the decision to tell Dumbledore about the dream instead of going to dinner. It would be stupid not to. Though when she got inside the stairwell, she eavesdropped on voices emanating from inside. She heard the dulcet tones of Fudge arguing with Dumbledore and Moody, denying the death of Bertha Jenkins.

Bertha was the woman Barty Crouch had talked about in his incoherant rant. When she'd told her friends, Ron had said Bertha was a ministry employee. She helped organize the tournament and Mr. Weasley had worked with her many times.

Harri didn’t get the chance to listen to the conversation for much longer as Moody opened the door and exposed her. The three adults left Harri to go search the castle grounds for Barty.

Dumbledore gave her a pointed look as he shut the door.

Bored and unable to help herself, she snooped around the place. She’d never been left alone inside before. She inspected Godric Gryffindor’s sword for a second but the memory of it in the chamber was still too raw to look too long. She could still feel the handle in her shaking fingers as she ran it through the basilisk.

Instead, she watched at the portraits for a minute, letting her eyes fall onto Phineas Nigellus Black. She knew he spoke to Sirius because his portrait still hung in their home. One of the only ones left, if not the only.

Though all the paintings seemed asleep Harri knew when she turned away their eyes would be on her.

She moved on to surveying different table tops and cabinets which led to her noticing a cabinet door left ajar. She opened it fully and found a basin inside. Her fingers traced what looked to be all sorts of intricate markings, like old runes. Without meaning to she became arrested by its glow.

She was pulled in and snapshots of memories flashed past her. The truth of Karkaroff’s freedom, the sins of Snape, Barty Crouch’s son, and the crazed Lestrange’s being thrown into Azkaban. Dumbledore came back to find her gasping, holding onto the basin.

Snape had been a death eater. Of course he had. But then why did it hurt?

And poor Neville, they’d tortured his parents to death. No wonder he hated the cruciatus so much. Even, Barty Crouch, the coldness with which he’d sentenced his son to prison was frightening.

She wanted to ask Dumbledore about these, but telling him about the dream was more prudent. He sat down and listened.

“Your dreams all indicate that Voldemort is coming. I knew he would try again but not so soon. I would say it is the bond as much as it is the failed curse that allows you to feel pain when he feels stronger and closer.”

Then Dumbledore told her that Barty Crouch was dead.

Harri left with the thought that the tournament was probably the least of her worries compared to all that would come next. She forgot to mention the triwizard cup, the memory like dripping away like water in her mind.

Anger was a harsh and grating emotion and yet it was all she felt for Voldemort. The lives lost, the hatred spread and all of it was his doing. How could a person feel no remorse, no mercy? To kill and torture with such ease, spread hurt and hate, begin a war and for what? To what end? How could Tom turn into such a monster and how could Harri be meant for a man that valued destruction above all else?

These were the thoughts that followed her through the next month. This and the third task. When she and her friends were not studying for their exams they were practicing protective and offensive spells. Harri was offered empty classrooms to train and Sirius was constant with his letters and with his worries.

Sooner than she felt prepared, the night of the task came. At three that afternoon Cedric and her walked together to meet their families. They were both already in uniform, red and yellow each for their respective houses.

“Are you nervous?” Harri asked, rubbing her arms to ward off the slight chill in the night air. Daphne had plaited her hair in french braids so that they pulled away from her face and it left her feeling exposed. “I keep thinking maybe I should’ve practiced more. I always end up thinking that.”

He shrugged. “I'm a little anxious but mostly because I hope to make my dad proud. He’s always been supportive of me. My biggest fan kind of and I don’t want to let him down. I also know that it’s more important that we all make it out of this so whatever that means, I’m fine with.”

“You’re kind of perfect Cedric and I doubt you’ll disappoint him. No matter what the result is.”

His lips curved up in a shy smile and he tugged on her braids fondly. “You’re sweet.”

They split up once they got to the room. Sirius, Remus and Mrs. Weasley were all waiting for Harri. She threw herself into Sirius’s arms. He chuckled and squeezed her. “I missed you too puppy.” Harri hugged Remus and Mrs. Weasley next.

After slightly awkward introductions and small talk with the other families, Harri took hers around Hogwarts. They regaled her with stories of their own adventures at school. Hearing their voices made much of the worry of the last month disappear. A quiet contentment spread through Harri and for that moment she felt calm.

When it was time for dinner and they were entering the great hall Harri saw a familiar face lingering near the staircases.

“You all go on.” She insisted. “I’ll be right there.”

Sirius looked back as she walked away and noticed who she went to. He nudged Remus in the stomach, who glanced as well and then pushed Sirius inside.

“Theo,” Harri smiled when she reached him. “I thought you’d already be inside.”

He tugged his hands out of his pockets. “I couldn’t go in without wishing you luck.”

His lips covered hers in a warm kiss and she let herself lean into him. “I’ll see you when you win.” He mumbled against her mouth. She grinned and kissed him again.

When they stepped into the hall, Harri flushed at the lecherous smirks Blaise and Draco sent their way. They stuck their tongues out and she discreetly flipped them off.

Throughout dinner, she couldn’t bring herself to eat much no matter how many dishes Sirius and Mrs. Weasley tried to send toward her. Now that the task was only a few minutes away, the worry was coming back.

Once it reached nine Dumbledore instructed Bagman to lead the champions outside. They stepped out to loud applause but were silent on the way to the maze. Only once they got there did they speak.

“I had a strange dream.” Harri said. “I can’t remember the beginning of it, but there was something about the cup. I don’t know exactly what it was but I just have a bad feeling about it.”

Viktor frowned.

“I don’t believe thiz.” Fleur rolled her eyes. “The whole point iz to get that cup.”

“So it would make sense if there was a trick to it or something.”

“Then what are we to do?” Viktor questioned.

“Just be careful, that’s all I’m saying. Send a sign once you’ve reached the cup instead of grabbing it. It will still be yours whether you touch it or not.”

“Okay.” Fleur nodded. “But victory will still be whoever reaches it first.”

“About that,” Cedric said. “Bagman says Harri and I will go first since we’re tied. I was thinking that we should stick together. We’re supposed to protect each other right? You two should stay close to each other too just in case.”

“We shall stay near.” Victor said to Fleur. “If anything happenz we will send out red light but we can get to each other first.”

Fleur inclined her head. “And if any of uz see anything suspicious at all, we send out a signal immediately. Better for all of uz to be safe than sorry.”

Harri wrapped her arms around herself. “Is it just me or is this maze a little sinister.”

“It iz more than a little.” Fleur shuddered, scrutinizing the dark towering hedges. “Why are the wallz thiz high?”

“Who knows.” Viktor mumbled.

Around them, the stands began to fill and soon Bagman ordered the champions into position. The four of them ambled to the opening of the maze, glancing at each other all the while. Dumbledore cast another sonorous charm and a whistle blew.

Harri looked back into the crowd once, just to see the faces of her friends and family smiling at her and then walked into the maze. Cedric, tied with her, stepped in at the same time as her. The second they were in all the cheering and noise from the stands disappeared. The hedges were so high and shadowy that she could not see through them. She took out her wand and whispered lumos. Cedric, next to her, did the same. They started at a slow pace. Harri could clearly recall the deep wound on Cedric's leg and the feeling of suffocation as water filled her lungs, she was not eager to relive anything like that soon.

In the space of ten minutes, the whistle went off twice, indicating that Fleur and Victor had been let inside as well.

She and Cedric came to a fork in the path and decided to go right.

Wherever they went, they happened upon empty paths. A right turn and an empty walkway, a left and four forks in the road. They could almost see nothing beyond what was a foot away from them and the waning shape of the moon. Eventually, they got upended upside down by gold mist and stuck in a riddle with something that called itself the sphinx. When they passed that creature separately and continued on deeper into the maze the atmosphere became more blood curdling.

Harri couldn’t help but be wary and press herself closer to Cedric. It was too silent and they were alone. She took a look behind them and almost screamed. She could have sworn she saw a pair of eyes.

“Someone is watching us.” Harri whispered against Cedric’s ear. “From behind.”

She felt him stiffen. He grabbed her arm and in tadum, they bolted. Though there was no discernible sound of footsteps behind, they ran until they were far away. Harri pointed her wand behind them but this time saw nothing but an empty trail.

She still felt terrified. She grasped Cedric’s shoulder. “Something's not right.”

He shifted his pale face to her. “I know.”

From behind him, a green figure took shape and when light hit its face she recognized that it was a viper. “Cedric behind you!”

He twisted away and Harri cast reducto.

“Don’t attack! It’s my boggart! My fear is of snakes!” Cedric shouted.

He cast riddikulus and the viper disappeared. Then out of nowhere, the sound of crawling came. They checked around themselves. Harri yelped at the sight of four of Hagrid’s blast end skrewets creeping along the ground.

By using stunners Cedric and her managed to repel them away. One was still able to bite Harri in the calf. She winced at the feeling of blood running down her leg.

“Hagrid was wrong for that,” Cedric panted. “I would’ve rather a hippogriff attacked us.”

Harri went to press down on her injury when an ear piercing shriek tore through the air.

She froze, her stomach sinking. “It’s Fleur!”

Cedric stared at her, Fleur’s sceam still ringing.

“Right or left?” Harri asked.

“Right.” Cedric answered.

They raced down the path they thought Fleur to be. Instead of finding Fleur, they found Viktor. He was bleeding from a gash on his head. He tried to run to Harri and Cedric from a hundred yards away.

“Get out of here!” Viktor screamed “Moody—"

A red jet hit him from the side. Viktor fell to the floor. Harri screamed as he thrashed and screeched in pain.

“VIKTOR!” Cedric shouted.

Victor’s screaming stopped. Another jet of light came and this time it was headed for Cedric. Harri pushed him down. It was too dark for them to see who was attacking them. She shivered to think the eyes she’d seen behind them were real and how much closer they had been to getting hurt then.

The two of them crawled behind a hedge and then jumped to their feet. They ran to the other side of the maze. Harri took whatever turn came first.

From above, a humongous black widow dropped onto Cedric. Harri shot spells at it and only managed to aggravate the thing to turn its anger onto her. She was almost stabbed with its pincers but with whatever luck they had, Cedric’s disarming charm caused the spider to fall unconscious a hairs breath from her. Hehelped her up and they leaned against each other gasping for breath.

“We need to send a signal.”

Cedric’s breath stuttered. Harri looked up in alarm, she expected another attack but instead found the Triwizard cup glimmering right in front of them.

They’d done it. They’d reached the end.

Relief didn’t last for long. The black widow twitched and red light shot forward, landing in the space between their heads.

“We have to take it.” Cedric rasped, urging Harri ahead. “Then it’ll end and the professors can get whoever is after us.”

“We can’t!” Harri protested. “The dream, the cup isn’t safe!"

Green shot next to Cedric’s arm.

“Harri if we don’t take it we’re going to die!”

She glanced at the cup and then towards the figure coming for them.


It was hopeless. There was no other choice.


Cedric took her hand. “It’ll be okay, alright?”

Harri nodded, hesitant.

“At least we win for Hogwarts.”

“On three then.”


They both reached for the cup at the same time.



I'm so happy that we have finally reached Voldemort.
<3 <3 <3

Chapter 23: the die has been cast


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 23: the die has been cast

“Yours is the light by which my spirit's born,
yours is the darkness of my soul’s return.”
E.E Cummings, silently if, out of not knowable

When Harri was little she’d thought of her soulmate constantly. She dreamt that he was a handsome prince who would come to take her away from Little Whinging. That the two of them would live in his castle and have adventures together for the rest of their lives. It would be happily ever after. Her life as a fairytale.

When she met Tom Riddle she thought her imagination could not compare to how beautiful he was in real life. For that space in time when the possibilities seemed endless, her love had been infinite.

Then his eyes bled red.

And hope was lost.

It felt like that when she touched the cup.

Harri and Cedric landed on the ground feet first. The cup, which had captured their fingers tightly only moments ago, fell out of their grasp at once. A portkey. The damn thing had been a portkey.

Cedric gazed around in a daze and Harri followed him. From the aged tombs surrounding the area, it was clear they were in a graveyard. But Harri couldn't understand why they had been taken here.

The two of them were alone and wherever they were it was miles away from Hogwarts. If someone came for them they had little chance of escape. Harri exhaled and leaned forward on her knees. For some strange reason, this place felt incredibly familiar. She glanced around the horizon trying to find what it was that was so, and her eyes fell on the hill to Cedric’s right. More importantly, her eyes fell on the house at the top of the hill.

Harri’s blood ran cold. She gasped and staggered back, reaching for her wand.


“What is it?” He turned around, taking her hand. “What’s wrong?”

“I saw that house in my dream!” Harri yelled. “I saw Voldemort in there!”

His face dropped. He drew Harri closer.

“We’ve got to get out of here.” She swore. “We’ve got to get out now.”

It was too quiet. It was too isolated. Too dangerous.

The sound of footsteps alerted them to another presence. They turned and saw a cloaked man coming towards them with something like black robes held in his arms. Harri braced herself and tightened her grip on her wand.

But Cedric shoved her behind him.

“Cedric no!” And though she tried to fight him, Cedric's clasp was unyielding. “Cedric!”

“Who are you? What do you want?” He shouted.

The cloaked man stopped just a few feet in front of them. Cedric pointed his wand directly at the man's chest. Harri felt momentarily safe, thinking perhaps they would still have enough time to run.

It was then another dream returned to her. Dark robes and a high voice. The color of the killing curse as it struck an old man's body.

“Cedric!” Harri warned. “Cedric in his arms—

She never got to finish her sentence. Her scar cleaved open and brought her to her knees. She clutched her head in anguish and her hand fell out of Cedric's.

Even years later she would regret this mistake.

The creature in the black robes spoke. “Kill the spare.”

And the cloaked man obeyed. "Avada Kedavra!”

A jet of green light shot out.

Cedric Diggory did not have the chance to cry out in shock nor fear.

He was dead before his feet hit the ground.

Time stopped for Harri. She stared unfathomably at Cedric’s body. His grey eyes were still open, the last expression of surprise still on his face.

She screamed.

Her hands trembled as she crawled to him. "No. Please." Harri hovered over him. She touched his chest. There was no heartbeat.

She needed a second. A moment. She could change things, reverse time and bring him back to life. She would save him and he would smile at her like he always did. They would make it out of this graveyard together.


But he did not move and he did not wake. Her hand was outstretched for fingers that would never touch her again.

“Cedric,” Harri cried and touched his face. “Cedric wake up!”

Rough hands seized her from behind. She screamed and thrashed against them but arms encircled her and forcibly dragged her away from Cedric’s body.

She was taken to a headstone, and she saw the name Tom Riddle engraved on it right as she was thrown against it. Her head ricocheted off the marble and tilted her world off its access.

The man that had grabbed her began to tie her arms back and while he struggled to hold her down his hood fell off. Harri recognized him immediately.

Peter Pettigrew.

“You coward!” She screamed. “Murderer!”

Wormtail ignored her. He trapped her and walked away.

Grief left her and terror sunk into her bones. She saw something move through the overgrown grass and hiss. This was when her entire dream returned to her. The diadem, worried and insistent. 'The cup Harri.' The manor, Voldemort, the snake, and Wormtail.

Harri felt incredibly foolish. She had forgotten and now she was paying the price.

Forced to watch as Wormtail lit a cauldron she felt more afraid than she ever had in her life, knowing there was nothing that could stop what was about to happen.

Wormtail reached for the creature he’d laid on the floor. He brought it bare into his arms and Harri almost retched. It was disgusting. Repulsive. A body that was nothing like it should be.

Wormtail plunged the creature inside the cauldron and Harri’s scar began to ache again in such torment that she wished she would die.

Wormtail summoned bones from the dead, the grave to which Harri was tied to and cut off his own hand. His screams penetrated the air.

After, he turned towards her. Harri was weak from the maze and could only cry out when he used a dagger to pierce through her arm. Wormtail took her blood and poured it into the cauldron too. When he finished, a blinding light began to shine from inside. Wind blew around them, strong enough that the elm trees swayed. After a minute the light vanished and grey mist drifted out in its place.

Nothing happened at first.


A body ascended. Flesh and bone. Tall and frail as a skeleton.

A man.

“Robe me.” Came his high and cold voice.

Wormtail sobbed. He placed the black robes upon his master with quivering hands.

The mist that surrounded them began to vanish and beyond it the man stared at Harri.

She could not look away. She stared back at him.


He had returned.

Bald, snakelike and with slits for a nose and narrowed scarlet eyes. With Harri’s words on him.

She watched, perturbed, as black letters inked themselves across his wrist. I wish you would die. Irrefutable proof of just whose soul he belonged to.

If he looked down…he would know. He would know exactly whose words they were. Then what would he do? Harri shuddered just to think of it. She prayed harder than she ever had in her life. Don’t let him see them.

She tried to think something else of him. I wish I wish I wish. She brought the diadem to the forefront of her mind. How she ached for him. And so the words changed. She saw the old ink vanish and become: things impossible.

Voldemort looked away from her to inspect himself. His long spidery hands brushed over his arms and his chest and his face. His crimson eyes stopped at his wrist and scrutinized the new words there. But it was fleeting and he averted his eyes. He curled his fingers in awe and smirked.

What if he touched her? Would he know as the diary had known?

He drew out a wand. He used it to throw Wormtail into the open tomb below her.

Harri flinched.

Voldemort’s gaze landed on her again. He was very frightening. One flick of his hands, hands that were so familiar and she would be dead and he would know who she was. One and it was all over.

Harri tried to bury herself in the marble beneath her. She wished she could disappear because feeling of his eyes made her nauseous. This was a moment she’d dreaded for years and hoped would never come. She wasn’t ready to face him, wasn’t prepared for the truth.

Once he knew he could never unknow and that was perhaps the most terrifying thought of all.

Worse than having Voldemort as a soulmate was him knowing she was his soulmate.

He walked towards her. She trembled. He stopped a mere inch from her face and they observed each other.

He was a monster from Grimm’s fairytales come to life. And where was the prince she was promised?

He was lost.

Voldemort’s hands came for her and she prayed for some solace. Please don’t let him know. Please. His fingers curled around her jaw. Harri held her breath and waited for recognition to dawn upon his face.

It didn’t.

His eyes were as spiteful and inhuman as ever. He hadn’t felt their bond.

Harri should have been relieved but any comfort this realization brought did not last long. At his touch her scar was set aflame.

Voldemort laughed in her ear.“You’ve grown since I saw you last.” His long fingers bore down on her face and sent shivers down her spine. “Still.” He stared at her, possessed. “So young.”

His eyes left hers and moved up until they landed on her scar. He touched that as well and it beat against her forehead like a drum. His nails scraped down her cheeks and left lacerations from which blood spilled. Harri winced while he watched in fascination as it cascaded down. Then he swiped a finger across her skin and brought it up to his mouth. She watched, disgusted, as he tasted her blood.

Voldemort’s face gleamed in amusem*nt. “Sweet Harri, what is a little blood between you and me?”

He didn’t know the half of it. Between killing curses and soul ties there was nothing that could have tied them together more.

Unable to look at him any longer she shut her eyes. She heard him chuckle and then felt his hands brush her face again. They covered every inch of her jaw until they wrapped around her neck.

He squeezed and Harri choked.

“Look at me.” Voldemort whispered. “Look at me.” Her eyes fluttered open involuntarily. His hold loosened until he let go completely. “Have I haunted you Harri?” He questioned. “Have you been waiting for this moment as long as I?”

She couldn’t speak, she could barely even breathe. Harri glared. She had waited longer than he could know but they spoke of two different things.

“I suppose not.” Voldemort said, answering his own question. “You were not burdened with the same fate as I on that night so long ago. Why would I expect you to understand what ails Voldemort?”

“You shouldn’t.” Harri whispered through gritted teeth. “The pain you went through is what you deserve.”

Voldemort stiffened. “Foolish child,” His nostrils quivered with fury. “What do you know of what I deserve.You who has been raised in the lap of luxury while I suffered. You who could never imagine the torment, the wretchedness.” Voldemort grabbed her again and squeezed her already bruised neck. Harri wheezed. “Do not speak to me of what I deserve, you who stole everything from me and rendered me less than the meanest spirit for twelve agonizing years.”

Voldemort sneered and cast her head back against the headstone. Her already raw skull throbbed ferociously. “I will enjoy killing you Harri.” He said cruelly. “And I will enjoy giving you, as you so eloquently put, what you deserve.

He released her neck and stepped away. Harri struggled to take in lungfuls of air.

Voldemort bent down and pulled back Wormtail’s robes. She could see the dark mark there, his mark. Voldemort touched it and painted it black. The same one that lit up the sky during the quidditch world cup.

Through a pained haze, Harri watched, petrified, as bodies began to apparate into the graveyard. Darkly cloaked figures whose faces she could not see. One by one she saw as they dropped to their knees, crawled to Voldemort and kissed his robed feet. They stared at him in fascination and yet trembled in fear. Feeble and false men that they were.

Voldemort began a tirade, accusing his servants of treachery. Those who tried to beg for forgiveness burned beneath his crucio. Those who tried to placate felt the touch of death mere inches away.

And though Voldemort’s voice did not rise beyond a soft timber it chilled everyone as if he had screeched.

“You poor simple fools.” He laughed.

He gave Wormtail a silver hand and called it mercy. He interrogated his death eaters. Snape he said was too cowardly to return. Karkaroff would pay for leaving. Macnair. Crabbe. Goyle. Avery. The Lestranges. Harri remembered Bellatrix’s eyes as she was sentenced to life in Azkaban, her pride.

Voldemort uttered Nott and Malfoy. It was the only other thing that he could have hurt her with. Those names pierced her. She could see the blonde of Draco’s hair and the grey of Theo’s eyes in the crowd. Were their fathers going to watch as she died?

By the end of his spiel, Voldemort’s mouth had curved into a savage grin. The eyes of his followers turned to Harri. Voldemort forced Wormtail to untie her and hand her wand. As Harri fell back against the gravestone, holding herself up with one hand, Wormtail sent her a look of deep regret.

It meant nothing. She locked eyes with him and hoped he saw her mother, remembered her father. She wished his guilt ate him alive. Your fault. Harri thought. All your fault.

Wormtail looked away.

“You’ve dueled before Harri,” Voldemort said softly. “Haven’t you?”

Had she? She must have. But her memories were like sand slipping through her fingers. Before she could raise her wand in defense of herself Voldemort crucioed her. Her body fell like a marionette with its strings cut. The pain of a thousand cuts, of a hundred knives stabbed at her. It stopped perhaps minutes later but she wouldn't know.

Harri climbed back onto unsteady feet, shaking, and listening to the laughter of the death eaters.

“It mustn’t hurt too much for you to be standing.” Voldemort grinned. “Shall I do it again?”


“I asked you a question Harri.” She said nothing. His face did not change. “Oh dear, what an awkward situation.”

He raised his wand. Harri closed her eyes. This was it. She was going to die. She had reached the end. Would he die too once she was gone? Maybe that was the only consolation, that right after her soul left this world his would too.

But she thought of Sirius’s face when they would find her body. Hermione’s, Ron’s, Remus’s, Lavender’s, the faces of everyone she loved. She knew intimately the scars death left. Could she leave them like this?

Voldemort shouted. "Avada Kedavra!”

It only took one second, the same that had killed Cedric, for her to make her decision. Harri's eyes fluttered open right before the curse could strike her. “Expelliarmus!”

Green and red light met. Her wand quivered in her hands and small beams of light shot out from where their two wands connected in the middle. A dome of light was created. She held on, gaping, watching the spell lift her and Voldemort into the air. The sound of a phoenix song surrounded them, the very same thrill Fawkes had let out as he cried over Harri in the chamber of secrets.

Voldemort was stunned at the phenomenon as well. From in between the golden lights and from his wand emerged something. A body.

Bertha Jenkins.

Then another came and again another.

The old Riddle house keeper. The shade of the boy once known as Cedric Diggory.

Voldemort shouted at his death eaters to not interfere. Harri tightened her grip even as it felt like the force of the connection would destroy her.

“Harri,” Cedric came to stand next to her. “Don’t be afraid. This isn’t your fault.”

Harri’s eyes filled with tears. She had so much she wanted to say to him. "I'm sorry Cedric."

He brushed her chin. “Don’t be. Live when I cannot and take my body back to my father. That’s all I ask.”

Another being began to take form from Voldemort’s wand. This time came a face Harri had memorized. Her smile in the mirror. The shadow of a man Harri had seen only in photographs.

“My little love, everything is going to be alright,” said James Potter.“Your mother is coming.”

Lily was the last of the shades to appear. Even as a pale imitation of what she had been like in life, she was still so beautiful. So young. Her eyes. Her eyes. Harri wanted to cry. Those were her eyes.

“When the spell breaks you must run and take the cup Harri, you have not a moment to lose!”

Harri nodded fiercely because she could not speak through the lump in her throat.

Her mother smiled and her silvery hands came up to Harri’s face. Her touch cooled the stinging of the wounds Voldemort had inflicted. “You are growing up so well. I could not have dreamed of a more perfect daughter. You’ve been so courageous darling.”

"Do it now!" James shouted over the noise.

Tears finally spilled over her cheeks and Harri threw her wand upward to cut off the connection with Voldemort. The song and dome disappeared but the bodies of the dead did not. They flew towards Voldemort and hid Harri from his sight.

She sprinted faster than she ever had to Cedric’s body and laid a hand on his still chest. Harri accioed the triwizard cup into her hands and looked up at Voldemort one last time before the portkey took her away. The last thing she saw on Voldemort’s face was not fury, it was curiosity.

Her world turned, wrapped her in a whirlpool of colors, and spun her around until she didn’t know where she began and where she ended.

Harri’s body slammed into the ground for the second time that night. She didn’t know if she could move. Her hands were still clutched around the two things that had kept her alive: the cup and Cedric.

It was quiet for just a moment. Just a breath and then voices thundered around her. First there were shouts of joy and elation. The sounds of celebration.

“Harri!” Dumbledore shouted behind her. Harri’s head was water. She pushed herself up and gazed at where her arms lay on Cedric’s body. The feelings that had numbed when she’d been tied to the tombstone crashed into her again. Grief. Shock. Panic. Harri shakily pressed her face into Cedric’s chest and cried.

He was gone. He couldn’t be gone.

“Harri!” Dumbledore’s hands frantically took hold of her. She could hear Snape, Remus and McGonagall following him. “Harri!” Dumbledore grasped her face.

“I couldn’t,” Harri sobbed. “He—

Dumbledore glanced down at Cedric and his expression turned ashen.

That was when the screaming started.

Like wildfire it spread. Cedric Diggory is dead.

Snape materialized behind Dumbledore, his face fallen upon reaching them. McGonagall gasped. In the background, the students were crying and screaming. Sirius came into view and Dumbledore let go of her. Sirius’s eyes went from Cedric’s body to Harri’s arms still wrapped around him. “Oh pup.” He whispered. “You need to let him go.”

More tears fell from her eyes. She didn’t want to let Cedric down.

Sirius got on his knees and gently placed his hands over Harri’s. “His parents shouldn’t see him like this sweetheart.”

They shouldn’t. He wouldn’t have wanted them to. He wanted to make his father proud.

Understanding, Harri looked to Cedric for the last time. Dumbledore must have closed his eyes because the expression of surprise was gone from his face. Cedric looked at peace. Harri pressed her hand against his heart. I’m so sorry. I’m so f*cking sorry.

Sirius pulled her up and wrapped her in his arms. Harri wasn’t sure what happened next. All she knew was the silent screams she pressed against Sirius's neck. He was speaking to someone and she thought it must be Remus because she could feel another arm around her. They were whispering to each other urgently.

In the next moment, Harri felt someone else pull at her. Suddenly she was no longer in Sirius’s arms but being pulled away. She looked up. It was Moody. They were near the east corridor when a spell shot from behind and hit him. He fell and almost took Harri down with him.

At that time Sirius, furious, came into view. She thought he might kill her professor but then to her utter surprise, Remus came and punched him. Gentle, soft Remus broke Moody's jaw.

Right when Harri wasn’t sure she could take any more surprises that night Snape rushed in from the right wing and hexed Moody.

“Go to the headmaster's office.” Snape urged Sirius. “He’ll be there after we deal with this.” He kicked Moody.

If Harri hadn’t just gone through the most horrific experience she probably would have protested to stay. Sirius hauled her towards the tower. He thrust open Dumbledore's door while the portraits watched, incredulous.

Sirius flung open a cupboard and pulled out a vial. He helped Harri sit down and then held it up to her lips. “Drink it please.” His hand cupped her neck. Harri opened her mouth and drank the potion. Sirius’s worried eyes watched her and fell on the handprints bruised on her neck. Rage flashed across his face. He turned around and flung the cupboard shut with such force that it broke the glass.

“Sirius.” Harri croaked. He whirled back around and gathered her in another hug. She could feel his arms shake around her. “I'm okay.”

“It’s not.” He whispered resentfully. “I’m supposed to keep you safe.”

“Not your fault.”

The door opened and Dumbledore entered the room at breakneck speed.

“That man was not Alastor Moody.”

Sirius held Harri in his lap while Dumbledore explained everything he'd just learned. Sirius’s potion spread over Harri and made her numb to any pain. After his explanation, Dumbledore asked Harri what had happened.

She explained the attack in the maze, falling into the graveyard and Wormtail killing Cedric. Sirius’s hands comforted her. Dumbledore tried to assure her with placating words. She continued. She told them about the ritual and Wormtail slashing her arm open.

Sirius threw Dumbledore’s sherbet lemon plate against the wall.

She described how Voldemort had resurrected and what he now looked like. Discreetly, she shook her head letting Dumbledore know that no, Voldemort doesn’t know I’m his soulmate. She recounted how Voldemort summoned his death eaters with the dark mark and at the end how their wands had connected.

“Priori Incantatem.” Dumbledore explained. He told her of phoenix core and matching wands. Then she spoke to them of the shades that had come from Voldemort’s wand. The last murders.The ghosts of Bertha Jenkins, the Riddle home caretaker and Cedric and her mother and her father. She told them how they had protected her from Voldemort one last time and helped her escape. When she was done, Sirius’s face was damp.

Dumbledore said Harri was brave and strong. She felt the exact opposite. She was a failure. She felt ashamed. Cedric was dead.

They walked her to the hospital wing. Sirius’s hand was warm in hers, her anchor to the world. When they stepped inside the infirmary a dozen faces snapped to them. Hermione, Ron, Lavender, Maria, Blaise, Daphne, Remus, Mr. Weasley, Snape and McGonagall. They were all there.

Madam Pomfrey looked as if she’d reached her wits end with everyone and threw her hands up in exasperation. She and Sirius guided Harri to a bed. Hermione, Lavender, and Maria had been visibly crying. Cedric was dead.

Her friends and family surrounded her as she lay down. Harri fell asleep like that and woke up to the sound of yelling.

Snape was standing with his arm out and the dark mark starkly present on his skin. McGonagall was a furious mess. Remus was flushed and Sirius looked as if he would stab someone. They were all staring at Cornelius Fudge with absolute revulsion.

What happened next felt unreal. Fudge was kicked out of the room and Hagrid was summoned. Dumbledore sent Remus to the Caledonian forest. Snape left by himself in a nervous haze and Mr. Weasley returned to the ministry. Sirius eventually had to leave as well, for some unnamed yet significant task. Soon it was just Harri and her friends left in the hospital wing.

Lavender and Daphne climbed into bed with her. Blaise held Harri’s ankle in his hand and Ron sat on the floor with him. Hermione pressed a old compress on her forehead and Maria curled up by her feet.

At that moment, Draco’s absence was louder than ever and they all noticed it.

“Was his father…” Blaise started. “Was his father there?”


Ron looked at the floor.

“It's not his fault,” Daphne said.

“Well he isn’t here.” Ron said. “Is he?”

Hermione squeezed his shoulder.

Harri looked down. She was surprised to see black writing underneath her gold bracelet. The words were more swift and potent than ever before. She pressed her fingers against her wrist with bruising force and made a decision.

“I have to tell you something.”

She told them everything.


"... iacta alea est," Caesar said, "The die has been cast."
Used to indicate that events have passed a point of no return.

Sorry for killing Cedric :(

Also I know that a few of you were expecting (maybe hoping?) that Voldemort would find out that Harri was his soulmate. If you were, it will happen so don't be too disappointed.

Chapter 24: this too shall pass


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Chapter 24: این نیز بگذر د (this too shall pass)

“Watched you for as long as I dared.
I don’t believe it was a fluke that I saw you first.”
David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

The diary, the diadem, the locket and Voldemort, Harri bared it all. The hopeless wanting, the guilt, and neverending ache.

Ron's expression was that of a fish, mouth gaping open and cheeks sunken in. Blaise was gobsmacked, Daphne appeared to be in a state of shock, and Maria was lost for words. Sweet Lavender seemed on the verge of tears beside her and Hermione, who Harri had thought might have been the one to break the silence, remained utterly quiet.

Hermione's countenance was contemplative like she’d uncovered a great mystery. She probably had.

Harri felt fretful. These were not the looks of horror and disgust she had expected to meet. She’d just told them her greatest secret. This thing that had haunted her and torn at her peace. She’d expected alarm and panic, not this.

Her throat tightened and nails embedded themselves into her palms. She felt, for perhaps the thousandth time that night, overwhelmed. “So you…you don’t think differently of me now?”

Ron's mouth closed and he frowned. “Differently of you? Why would we think differently of you?”

Blaise squeezed her ankle with tender eyes. “We don’t get to choose our bond Harri.”

"It is sacred. Soulmates are everything. Even if they are with egomaniac murderers. Or warmongers? What is the right term?” Maria pondered.

Daphne pressed herself closer to Harri. "It's just so surprising! I mean you kept this huge secret. Also the diadem? He was around for an entire year without us knowing anything was different."

Hermione reached for her hand. "Everything makes sense now. Summer of second year and how upset you were. Even last year. I wish you'd felt more comfortable to tell me, I wish I could've been there for you."

"Not to say we don't understand," Lavender piped in. "I don't think there is a right time for something like this. I don't know what I would've done if I were you either."

"That's true." Daphe chimed in. "It must have been difficult to have hidden this and all those times we talked about our soulmates, oh I'm sorry Harri. That must have been awful."

"It's my fault though," Harri's voice was shaky when she spoke. "I couldn't tell you. Even when I knew I should have. I thought I couldn't tell anyone. What if you began to hate me? What would I have done?"

Maria flinched. “How could you ever think that?"

"We would never." Hermione chided and squeezed her hand.

“Nothing could make us hate you.” Daphne said vehemently.

Harri found that she could suddenly not speak. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She did not know if she deserved such friends.

Lavender wrapped an arm around her and leaned in to say, “There must be a reason you are tied together. I don't think there can be mistakes. Maybe it's why you survived the killing curse.”

“And who knows who ours are?” Ron pointed out in his attempt to lighten the mood. “They could be lunatics.”

Daphne gave him a dirty look. “Speak for yourself.”

“I’m trying to be comforting.” Ron hissed and gestured to Harri’s upset face.

“Be comforting somewhere else.”

"Is this the time to bicker?" Blaise groaned.

Daphne and Ron quietened and Hermione asked. “He didn’t feel you? Even after he touched you, he didn't know?”

“No.” Harri’s throat ached.

“How could he not? Both the diary and the diadem knew within moments of you being near them.” Hermione tucked her feet under Lavender's. “So why was Voldemort so different?”

“And how did he place parts of himself inside objects?” Maria questioned. "What does that even mean? Also the fact that he called himself a memory is bollocks. He tried to kill Ginny to gain a body, a memory of a person can't do that."

“I don’t know. I’ve looked and I haven’t found anything. Only this book about dreaming and souls that I thought might have been relevant because of the way Tom was able to talk to me after. But I haven't read anything too useful. And Dumbledore, you know how he is. Vague and secretive. I get the feeling he doesn’t want me to know.”

Hermione said. "I would like to point out that the diadem knew about you-know-who's return before it happened. Isn't that a little concerning?"

Ron scoffed. "The wanker ishim.Don't you think that's why?"

"But it's two bodies or two soul pieces, so two sets of memories. They could be almost two people entirely therefore it is suspicious." Lavender argued. "The diadem couldn't have left on his own. He must have had help. What if Pettigrew helped him and in turn, he went to Voldemort and that's how he knows?"

"He wouldn't help Voldemort." Harri insisted. "He wouldn't let him hurt me. Why? After all these lengths to save me."

"That's fair." Daphne agreed. "I don't think that Tom would do that. He always warned Harri, I think he cares for her."

"Could we come back to the part where he placed parts of himself inside objects?" Maria asked.

Blaise gave a dismissive wave of his hand. “It's dark magic. Isn't it obvious? He purposefully didn't explain it to Harri.”

It was nothing she hadn’t wondered herself. She could see the tension visible in Blaise’s shoulders. “I just know that tampering with your soul is something that affects your bond and there is nothing more terrible. It is most likely what he has done Harri. How else was your bond so different with each piece of him? He’s f*cked his soul in some way.”

It hurt to hear. Daphne looked around them at the empty infirmary and then said with conviction. “There are stories, of wizards who went insane experimenting with soul magic.”

Hermione bent forward. “I always thought soul magic was forbidden.”

“It depends on what kind of soul magic but I don't think Voldemort cares if it is forbidden.” Daphne rested her head against Harri’s shoulder. “There are two sides to it, as there are with every kind of magic. To use it for darker purposes is wretched. Because of its effect on the soulbond like Blaise mentioned but there is a light side too. You’ve read of souls feeling each other across time, pulling at each other?”

Hermione nodded.

“And dream sharing, mind magic. You can share magical gifts. I mean that is probably why Harri has parseltongue.”

“Now hold on a minute,” Ron held his arm up. “You said in first year he spoke to you through your wrist. That means he felt your presence back then so what changed? It isn’t like he’s had the time or power to commit to any rituals. Besides the one from today.”

Blaise fell back against his chair. “He could sense her and speak to her in first year because he didn’t have a body. He was the most vulnerable he’d ever been. His own soul was exposed. It would make sense that in that state he had more awareness of the connection.”

“And now he has it all back. His powers, his body. He is stronger than ever.” Lavender rubbed at her thighs, a shiver running through her body. “Harri I can’t believe you met Voldermort tonight. You must have been so afraid.”

Maria took hold of her face and kissed her cheek. “When you returned with Cerdic's body...I don’t think I’ve ever felt fear like that.”

Ron said softly. “When you dropped to the ground...”

“It was petrifying.” Lavender mumbled.

"Dreadful." Hermione's grip on Harri's hand was lethal.

She did not know what to say. She was not sure what to do with this kindness.

If Voldemort was her punishment they were her reward. If he was her darkness they were her light. If he was her soul then they were her heart. And it was those things she’d believe in, even if the whole world thought else.

Sirius returned by the time they roused at dawn. Sometime in the night Ron had half fallen off his chair and decided to stay on the ground even though there was an empty bed beside him. Harri thought secretly that he may have been waiting for Draco to show up, and did not want to miss it. She pushed away from the notion that maybe she had hoped so too. Thinking of him and Theo stung. She could hear the echoes of their father's laughter in the silent corridors.

Sirius refused to disclose where he’d been when he strolled in and sat down by Harri’s bedside. He was silent and kept looking at her as if he thought she would disappear. Remus was not far behind him and brought breakfast from Hogsmeade for all of them.

They awakened fully one by one and huddled together on two beds. While eating they watched the sunrise from the windows. It was the only quiet moment they would have all day.

"He's out there." Remus whispered to Sirius when he thought they weren't listening. "We need to be more cautious than ever. I've already spoken to Dumbledore about guards around the house. Despite that, we should update the wards. I don't want any of us to be alone going anywhere."

After a period, Madam Pomfrey returned and forced everyone except Harri to leave and pack up for the train ride home.

Cedric’s parents appeared a little while later and Sirius held Harri's hand as she told them how he had died. The Diggory’s were in the kind of mourning that one never quite came out of. They did not blame Harri but guilt clung to her as she watched them leave. Every minute that went by she remembered Cedric and her throat thickened.

The scratches on her face had already been healed by Madam Pomfrey and she let Harri go after she assigned a potions regimen to deal with the aftereffects of the cruciatus. Sirius winced at the reminder of what had happened.

When they stepped out of the hospital wing they found Viktor and Fleur sitting on a bench across from the door presumably waiting for her. Fleur’s eyes were swollen.

Sirius brushed Harri's hair back from her forehead. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

“Okay.” Harri croaked.

“Then we’ll apparate home.” He kissed her cheek but didn’t move. His eyes roved over her in worry.

“It’s alright.” Harri gave a false smile. “I’ll be fine.”

Sirius gave her another anxious one over and walked away, glancing back all the while.

Fleur hugged Harri. Viktor gazed unseeingly at the ground next to them.

"Let us go to zhe lake." Fleur rasped. "For privacy. For a better memory."

Their trek down was quiet and so unlike the time, they had all gone out after seeing the maze together with Bagman. The other students were at the leaving feast so they did not pass a single face. Fleur and Viktor must have planned it this way. Harri was sure their absence was noticed but the three of them weren't circus acts to be gawked at for everyone else.

Once the waves were before them Harri opened her mouth to speak but sorrow sealed her throat.

Viktor spoke instead. “He waz kind. Intelligent. Full of life.”

Fleur wiped a tear from under her eye. “Young.”

“He deserved better.” Harri whispered.

She could still see him in her mind's eye. Smiling at her across the great hall and laughing before a quidditch match, full of life.

Viktor's fists clenched by his sides. “Voldemort did this?”

Harri nodded.

“And you will fight him?” Fleur sniffled.

“I don’t think I have any other choice.” Harri pulled her jacket closer around herself.

Viktor locked eyes with her. “You can count on uz, whatever you chose.”

“We will not forget what he did to one of our own.” Fleur placed a hand on her shoulder. "We will be by your side when the time comes."

They did not need to say more.

The three of them stayed at the lake and let the silence speak the words they could not, mourning the boy they had all lost. If Harri closed her eyes she could swear he still stood between them.

A quarter of an hour before the Hogwarts Express was set to board, Blaise came to find Harri in the tower. He gave her a piece of parchment with Theo's name on it and she knew what she had to do. She knew it must happen no matter how much it pained her. There wasn’t another choice, she wouldn’t see anyone else she cared for dead.

Theo was waiting for her in the place where they’d first kissed, the bench beneath the locust tree. He obviously hadn’t slept the night before.

Harri sat down beside him but left a space between them. The world was utterly quiet.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t come to see you last night.” Theo apologized. “I didn’t know how or what to say or do. I thought my presence would probably cause more problems.”

“Because your father was in the graveyard.” Harri murmured.

Theo’s head snapped up. He reached for her but Harri moved away.

“I’m not my father Harri. I don’t believe in that bullsh*t— blood purity or or—”

“That doesn’t matter.”

His face fell. “Doesn’t matter? I don’t even speak with him. We barely have a relationship. He’s only the man who gave me blood.”

Harri bit her lip in frustration. “That doesn’t change anything. He is still your father and where we could ignore it before, it's now become impossible.”

“It doesn’t change anything?” Theo asked incredulously. “What are you saying?”

“Theo we can’t…we can’t…”

“We can’t what?”

“We can’t be together anymore." Harri blurted. "Don’t you get it? You can’t be with me. He’d kill your entire family if he found out.”

Theo pushed himself to his feet, expression panicked. “What are you—we can't! We can hide it! We could try.”

She was emotionally exhausted. “But I don’t think we should Theo.”

“So you’re just going to give up?” He snapped at her.

“What else can I do? I'm fourteen years old and I had to watch one of my friends be murdered last night while your father stood there kissing Voldemort's feet!"

"You could let me be there for you! You could trust me when I say that I don't have anything to do with it!" Theo argued, face tight.

"You will always have to do with it!" Harri yelled, jumping up as well. "He will always be your father! You have his name and his legacy!"

Theo grabbed her shoulders. "But I don't want it! I want you! I don't have to follow him. Harri," He faltered. "I…you know that I…”

"Don't," She lamented.

“Don't do this." Theo leaned his forehead against hers. "Don't just give up."

"I can't be enough for you. Not right now. I want to be alone and,” Harri pulled away. "We can't.It's dangerous, you have your sister to think of and what kind of relationship would it be? In secret? Theo we are too young to live like this.”

It was as if her words had stabbed him. He rubbed his eyes. “Why does this hurt so f*cking much?”

“I don’t know.” She said quietly and began to cry.

Everything was wrong. The forest was quiet. There was no dragon fire behind them, no mermaids singing below. It felt like everything that had once connected them had turned to dust. Harri couldn’t smell caramel anymore.

Theo's hands dropped and he looked at her again, throat working up and down. His face was filled with sadness. “You have to walk away first Harri.”

Her heart staggered in her chest. “Theo.”

“Please.” He whispered. “Please leave.”

Harri tugged at the front of his sweater. He let himself fall forward. Slowly, she brushed their lips together for the last time. He made a broken sound against her mouth and kissed her back fiercely.

In another life, Harri and Theo say the words. They grow old together and stay with each other forever.But not in this one.

In this life Harri walks away and Theo is left standing alone. In this life they end.

Albus had never been quite sure of anything in his life. Not his magic or his family, his choices, the hatred of his brother, or his guilt. He had certainly never of sure of Gellert.

Even on this day, at more than a hundred years of age, while he thought about what he’d just done he was not certain of it.

Knocks sounded on the door and he waved his hand to let it slide open.

“Headmaster.” Severus was a man who had seen better days. He walked inside with weary eyes and an expression that was more vulnerable than Albus had seen for many years, maybe not since the first day Harri had walked into Hogwarts. A sign that the night had not been easy on him. “I have received word that Lupin has reached the Caledonian this afternoon.”

“Good.” Albus laced his fingers together. “Perhaps we have time still. Let us hope that he is successful in his endeavors.”

"Yes." Severus said. "Hope."

“Our people are stationed at Grimmauld?”

“Yes. It’s Nymphadora's shift right now.”

Albus hummed and then contemplated Severus's restrained figure, curious. “Is there something you would like to ask me?”

Severus hesitated. “About the boy,”


“Is it, are you certain it was the right choice?”

Albus fiddled with the ring around his finger. “I know it must not please you to hear this Severus but I’m as sure as I can be at this moment, which is moderately. But we must always believe in the best of people otherwise what makes us different from them?”

Severus watched him for a moment and then inclined his head before leaving.

Sure as you can be?” A voice laughed from the staircase.

Elegant fingers wrapped around the railing and Tom descended his steps, smirking. “You have not changed Dumbledore.”

He looked like the mirror image of himself at fifteen. He was still fifteen. This version of him had never aged past that.

Albus observed him. “I like to believe I have changed. You may not see it because you have always chosen to think the worst of me.”

“I think the worst of you?” Tom was standing across the room and staring at him. “Tell me, is that what you tell yourself? Is this how you go on forcing yourself to believe that you are the paradigm of goodness? That it was me who was always wrong and not you?"

"I've never claimed to be such a thing Tom. I did the best I could but you did not make it easy. I didn't want to believe that you were wrong but you so often chose to be."

"Such lies.”

“Perhaps I was not always right,” Albus admitted sadly. “But I had always hoped for you to be.”

Tom sneered, a reflection of the face he pulled at eleven, at fifteen, at seventeen. Even when he’d come to ask for the dark arts position. Then again, he did not know anything except what had happened when he’d encased himself inside Slytherin's locket. Dumbledore would have to tell him.

He sighed. “Come sit.” He gestured to a seat. “We have decades to catch up on and vows to make.”

The first days of break passed in a cloud of sadness. Getting out of bed was a neverending task and the nights brought nightmares. Harri relived that terrible event over and over again. Each time Cedric died and Voldemort came back to life. Some of the nightmares were bad enough that she woke with a scream. Sometimes she could still feel Voldemort’s eyes on her and wondered if he hid in the shadows or under the bed.

What made it bearable was that even on the worst night, Sirius was there. He tucked her into bed and held her against his chest. “Just a dream.” He reassured her. “It won’t last forever. Nothing ever does.”

Nymphy found reasons to visit and check in. Mrs. Weasley sent care packages and asked all sorts of questions. Ron called on the floo and Hermione and Maria on the phone. Her other friends sent letters frequently. She’d seen Draco’s owl at least three times but she just couldn’t find it in herself to open or reply to any of it.

Besides that, it was a herculean effort to not stare at her wrist. It was like her first year again because the words came back and changed over and over. Except that it wasn’t like first year at all because now she knew who they were. A lot of the time they said things that made no sense. Spells that she’d never heard of or her name. Voldemort was good at keeping to himself most of the time. He had to have known what age she might have been, fifteen years since his first mark and so he must be trying to hide. He'd said it before. I wait no more.

She wished she didn’t care.

Two weeks into her self imposed isolation, Harri’s door was thrust open by a fuming Hermione.

“It’s enough!” Hermione stormed inside with wild eyes. She threw back curtains so that sunlight pierced Harri’s eyes.

“Go away Hermione.” Harri groaned into her pillow.

“What is that smell?” Hermione tugged at her foot. “Did something die in here? Was it Hedwig as I can see you haven’t fed her?”

Harri kicked her hands. “I’ve fed her!”

Hermione let go of her. Harry settled back into her comforter and closed her eyes. Then Hermione latched onto both of her ankles and pulled.

“Hermione!” Harri clutched at her blanket. “Get off!”

“Get up!”

Harri tried to wrestle herself out of Hermione’s hands but her grip was strong. “I’ve never even seen you break a sweat, how are you this strong?”

“It's all those books I have to carry.” Hermione twisted her hand and Harri’s body fell to the edge of her bed.


“Yes!” Hermione gave another powerful pull and Harri fell face first into her carpet.

With a groan, she climbed onto her feet and Hermione glared. She narrowed her eyes and turned back to bed.

“Don’t even think about it!”

Harri smirked. “Watch me.” She pitched herself forward at the same time Hermione tackled her from behind. They both toppled over backwards.

“Girls!” Came Sirius’s voice from the living room. “Is everything alright?”


“I'm being kidnapped!”

Despite Harri’s valiant objections, Hermione forced her to dress. Then as the traitor he was, Sirius coerced her into going for brunch at the Burrow.

“It’ll be good for you.” Hermione threw floo powder into the fireplace. “Sunshine, Mrs. Weasley's cooking and some quidditch.”

Maybe she was right, Harri thought, laid out on her back in the Weasley’s garden and listening to the boys play quidditch. Maybe she did need it.

“Oi!” Fred yelled. “Incoming!” He zoomed past her on his broom, leaving a gust of wind behind that pushed her hair away from her forehead and exposed her scar.

“Be careful toad brain!” Ginny scolded, spread out on the picnic blanket next to Harri. “You almost took the head off our seeker!”

George laughed from his makeshift goalpost. “All's fair in love and war!”

"It's an unofficial quidditch game with four players."

"It's the Weasley cup!"

“He’s going to actually get someone hurt one of these days and regret it.” Hermione yawned.

“He already has. He broke Percy’s foot two weeks ago.” Ginny crossed her arms and laid her chin on them. “This is the first time they’ve played since then but you know, boys, I guess. Nothing some skellgrow can’t fix.”

Harri gagged internally, the memory of her boneless arm still too fresh in her mind.

“Speaking of boys.” Ginny rolled over to Harri. “Are we going to address the hippogriff in the room?”

Hermione made a cut it off noise in her throat. Harri shrugged. “Which one?”

Ginny pushed herself onto her elbows. “Uh, Theodore Nott, and the fact that he looked miserable on the train home? Who else?”

“Oh.” Harri picked at the ends of the knitted blanket they were on. “I thought you might’ve asked about Draco and stuff. I forgot you weren’t in the hospital wing.”

“What?” Ginny looked between Harri’s sullen face and Hermione's glare. “What am I missing here? Oh come on! You lot never tell me anything.”

Hermione tugged at Ginny’s pigtail in warning. “Draco’s father was there in the graveyard and Theo's too. Harri hasn't been speaking to Draco and I mean, she broke up with Theodore obviously.”

Ginny’s eyes widened. “No way. I mean I guess I’m not that surprised they were there? That's vile though H.”

"It's fin—”

"Maybe don’t mention it." Hermione interrupted.

“I’m not f*cking fragile.” Harri lashed out. “I can talk about it I just don’t want to. I’m sick of the sympathetic looks everyone gives. Nymphy, Ron, and all of you hovering doesn't help. I’m not okay I think that’s fairly obvious. Can’t I just have some time? Could everyone just give me a moment? It's not easy.”

Hermione and Ginny squirmed.

“Look, I think I’m going to go home.” Harri gathered her things. “I’ll talk to you later.”

She knew she wasn’t being fair and they were trying to be there for her. She knew she was rude and in the wrong. But she couldn’t help but be frustrated. Why was she the one who’d been burdened in this way? Why had her parents been killed? Why was her soulmate Voldemort?

She hated the memory of Theo's heartbroken eyes, hated that she couldn’t speak with Draco, that he was now another reminder of a soulmate she wished she could forget. Most of all she hated that Cedric was gone.

Harri showed up home in tears. Kreacher took pity on her and prepared some chamomile tea. She disappeared to the family library to be alone.

She thumbed through one of the novels found buried underneath her armchair. Harri thought she might be content to enjoy the silence but she wasn’t. Silence meant emptiness. Silence meant temptation.

Hedwig had perched on the window sill a moment before and flew down when they locked eyes. She flipped a page and Hedwig pecked at her fingers.

Harri cooed lovingly. “Such a pretty girl.” Hedwig puffed up in pride and Harri brushed her hand over her snowy feathers.

The doorbell rang.

Confused, she set down her book. That was odd. They weren’t expecting anyone.

The bell chimed again. She sighed. Sirius was mostly likely upstairs in the greenhouse and couldn’t hear a sound so Harri went to see who it was.

She could never have imagined what waited for her behind the wooden door.




Daylight. The smell of London. A ghost. A memory of a memory of a dream.

When she met Tom Riddle she thought her imagination could not compare to how beautiful he was in real life.

Her ghost smiled. Dimples and lips the color of raspberries.


Harri gasped.

She remembered him at sixteen, short curly hair and stunning blue eyes. She knew him at thirty, older and wiser, burgundy gazing at her in the mornings.

He reached for her hand. She did not need to look.

“My name is—”

They touched. His eyes widened.

Somewhere along the way, they had passed each other unaware. Two ships whose paths divulged long ago.

And yet.

Time had forced their hand. Laid them bare and said speak with only the truth, for your open chest is all you have now.



I guess I kept everyone waiting long enough!
In this story, the diary was made when Tom was 16 and the locket when he was 15. Therefore the locket is biggest part of Tom's soul.
Also “in another life they say the words”, in another life Theo and Harri love each other. Genuinely thrilled that the story has reached this point and can't wait to write.

این نیز بگذرد (this too shall pass) is a Persian dictum that reflects on the temporary nature or ephemerality of the human condition.

Chapter 25: the rule of three


This chapter is very special to me...because it means this story has crossed the 100,000 word mark. THAT IS CRAZY. I know I wouldn't have achieved this goal without all of you who have been reading. So as a thank you, here is 4k of Harri and her boys!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 25: the rule of three

“Lucy woke out of the deepest sleep you can imagine,
with the feeling that the voice she liked best in the world
had been calling her name.”
C. S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia

There was a fire in Harri’s chest, slowly crawling down her entire being.

Tom was here and standing in front of her. His fingers were wrapped around hers. Their eyes had locked and not let go.

She was in a state of disbelief. Tom was...

He was rain on a November evening and spring come early. He was the sound of bird song, the taste of honey. He was magic dripping down her tongue.

“Harri Potter.” Tom whispered, stunned. His gaze was fierce and all-consuming. It was like looking at the sun, blazing and breathtaking.

To each other, they were a fragment of imagination. A thing they had thought of a thousand times but never believed would happen. A dream that would disappear if one of them looked away.

“Dumbledore told me of you. He sent me here but he did not mention this.

The name Dumbledore was muted beige in an ocean of Tom Tom Tom.

“Dumbledore? He sent you here?” Then this was the Tom of Slytherin's locket. She was unable to grasp the thought. It seemed inane that the world could exist outside this moment.

“Yes.” Tom stared at her with such hunger. Fascination. “But he didn’t tell me…”

She could see his mind put the puzzle pieces together. Dumbledore knew they were soulmates. Dumbledore sent him here on purpose.

"You..." Tom began to speak and then stopped, lost in thought as he looked at her. “This should not be possible. ”

How many times had she thought that exact thing? In the past four years, she had lived through this same disbelief over and again.

Nothing that had happened should have yet it did anyway.

Not possible? Those words didn’t belong between them.

Tom and Harri, Harri and Tom. Their souls had tied together once and transcended time. They were the antithesis of impossible. They were green light and spilled ink, marvel and heartbreak.

“It’s as possible as anything,” Harri said, though disbelief was still coursing through her. “You should know that better than most. How else could you be here?"

"You knew?" Tom implored, a revelation in his eyes. "You know? That we are bonded?"

"Since my second year." Harri replied. "Because of the-

-Diary." Tom nodded, finishing her thought before she could.

"Dumbledore told you?"

"Yes. He told me much. Though it seems he left out the most important thing. ” Tom uttered.

Harri's jaw clenched. "And you came here anyway?"

Of course Tom had. He hadn't known they were soulmates but Tom was arrogant enough to believe he could walk into the house of the girl whose parents his future self had murdered.

“He told me to."

"I didn't know you were in the habit of listening to Dumbledore."

"I'm not." Tom's hand tightened around hers, frustration passing through his expression. "But I was intrigued by this entire story, the war, the death eaters, my older self brought to death by a baby. By you.” Tom’s pupils dilated. “It's all...fascinating."

His thumb covered her bracelet, her mark and Harri realized the words had changed so often this past month because both Voldemort and this Tom were human again. One after the other, the pieces of him cycling the earth like an ouroboros.

“Would you not agree Harri? That it's captivating.” Tom leaned so close to her that she could have counted every eyelash on his lids if she wanted to. “The girl who lived. My soulmate.” He purred.

Those words brought memories of the diary in her lap and I can’t believe it's you. The diadem in the room of hidden things and look. Look at this. You exist.

“I’m not sure I’m not angry with you.” Harri blurted.

“Are you?” He was almost smirking. The intensity of his gaze was indescribably heady. “Do you blame me for things I haven’t done?”

“I blame you for things that you are capable of. That the others have done. You are a murderer.”

“Would it help if I told you they deserved it?”

Harri scoffed. Though proper outrage was difficult to conjure when his mouth was this near hers. She remembered what it felt like to kiss him. If she pressed forward, would he taste the same?

“It is in the past Harri.” The sound of his voice saying her name was indescribable. “Dumbledore’s even forgiven it.”

“He has?” She wondered if his eyes had always been so blue. The diadems were red and the diaries had been a mix.

“Mhm.” Tom hummed.

She knew Dumbledore couldn’t have possibly forgiven him. He would have asked for some remorse and not even the diadem felt regret for the things he’d done, only how it made her feel.

Liar.” Harri whispered. “He wouldn’t have believed you.”

Tom laughed. Harri shivered again. The sound of his laugh was an echo of Voldemort’s: high and fake.

“I don’t understand.” She tried to think clearly past the haze of him. It was like blinking back the compulsion of sleep. “Why did he bring you back? Why did he send you here? Why keep it a secret?”

“We made a deal. I promised to help him kill the older me and he promised to give me my body back.”

“He wouldn’t just stop there.” Harri considered. “He doesn’t trust you. At all. I would assume he might have at least asked for an unbreakable vow.”

“We made vows, just not unbreakable ones. And I thought he would've asked for one as well but I understand now. He doesn’t need an unbreakable vow when he has you on his side.” He was amused. “But you don’t trust me either. I can see it all over your face. So wary of me Harri.”

“It’s to be expected. I know you.”

“Do you?" Emotion flashed across his face too quickly for her to read. "I was under the impression you’d only met my diary for a short moment in time and I would think my older self, the one you call Voldemort, wouldn’t have had much opportunity to chit chat.”

Harri almost faltered and then recalled that she hadn’t told the headmaster about the diadem. This meant Tom didn’t know about him either. She wasn’t so sure about the decision she’d made a year ago now. If Dumbledore had brought the locket here was there any reason she should keep the diadem to herself if he asked again?

Tom’s fingers pressed against her wrist, demanding her attention.

“Voldemort didn't get much of a chance. But it was enough to understand you. It was enough.” She lied.

It was the wrong thing to say. A mistake.

Tom’s smile widened. “Liar.” Another laugh from him, this one short and loud, real. “You have secrets.”

“Everyone does.”

Tom was made of secrets.

“Perhaps.” Tom acknowledged. “None of them are as interesting as yours.”

"I'm sure you're wrong," Harri said. “Speaking of secrets, did Dumbledore send you with news? About Voldemort? Or is Remus coming home? ”

When she said Voldemort something dark and greedy entered his eyes.

“Nothing of the sort.” Tom slowly and then almost imperceptibly gently, brought her wrists up to his lips. She watched with her heart in her throat as he brushed his mouth against her knuckles. “He sent me here to stay.


What had Dumbledore been thinking? He’d brought Harri’s greatest weakness to her doorstep. How could he expect Tom to change and how did he think she could go against him if he didn’t? Was it because she had sacrificed the diary?

That had been like a dream, life or death. Something that wasn’t real until it was. Harri had been young, foolish, and afraid.

With Tom now here, in the flesh, Tom who was warm and alive and real, this was a disaster waiting to happen.

"Harri." A throat cleared from behind.

Harri jumped and Tom's eyes flashed.

Sirius’s incredibly unimpressed face stared back at them, still standing in the open doorway with hands pressed together.

She almost physically leaped away from Tom, whose face closed off immediately.

Harri was left feeling cold and empty.

Tom plastered on a saccharine smile and held out his hand for her Godfather. “Mr. Black.”

Sirius came to stand beside her with muddy gloves underneath his arm. He scrutinized Tom from head to toe and then accepted his outstretched hand with minimal enthusiasm.

“Thomas Sayre.” Tom introduced himself. "Tom for short."

Sirius narrowed his eyes. The name was unfamiliar to Harri.

“The headmaster said he sent you a letter.” Tom continued on. “Explaining my situation.”

Sirius nodded. “He did. Just this morning actually. Bit bizarre if I'm honest. Why do your relatives want to transfer you to Hogwarts five years in?”

“They didn’t wish for me to stay in Drumstrang after the situation with headmaster Karkaroff.” Tom painted on an expression of anxiousness and didn’t look Sirius in the eye. “If I’m quite honest my aunt and uncle never truly wanted me there in the first place but my father was schooled at Drumstrang when he was younger and so I insisted.”

“And Dumbledore is a family friend?” Sirius crossed his arms, letting go of Tom's hand.

“Oh yes,” Tom's lips curled. “He knew my parents well before they passed.”

“Right.” Sirius exhaled. “Of course. I’m sorry for your loss.” He then glanced at Harri’s flushed face with suspicion. “Now am I allowed to ask what I walked in on?”

There were certain things about dreams that made you realize that you were sleeping. The details were never quite clear enough and something was always wrong. The trick was just to figure out what it was. Harri usually caught on midway that she was dreaming when the wrong words got spoken by the right person. Though sometimes it never registered until she woke.

When she found herself standing in front of a lavish hotel in London, she knew from the moment it materialized before her that it wasn’t real.

The first indication of this was the fact that the city was crowded with people dressed in elaborate attire. It was clothing you would never see in Harri’s time. And the atmosphere was just too blissful. Couples and families rushed past her laughing. There wasn’t one sour or tried face in sight. It could not be real.

“Mrs. Potter,” A man murmured into her ear directly. Harri swirled around to find a waiter with his arm outstretched toward her. “Please let me take you to your table.”

Harri inspected him, confused. His eyes blinked at her and his smile never faltered. He pushed open a glass door to the hotel. Interested, she followed him into the extravagant entrance hall. He led her to a private restaurant past the registration desk.

While they walked, Harri gazed at the golden chandeliers that hung above them and at the purple rhododendron petals that were suspended in the air. She reached out for one and it fell into the palm of her hand as if it had been waiting for her touch.

Harri then peered around at the couples scattered in the restaurant. At their tables, menus floated in front of them and there were plates of intricate food and cuisine she’d never seen before laid out for them to eat. Dishes zoomed by her face but never collided. A piano played somewhere in the background and created an odd feeling in Harri’s chest. She felt nostalgic for a place she’d never been.

When the waiter started leading her up a staircase she noticed she was wearing a dress. It was long and made of satin. As Harri reached out to touch it however the soft silk she expected to feel was not there. The fabric felt just the same as the cotton of Sirius's eagle's shirt she'd fallen asleep in.

It was an illusion of grandeur.

The waiter stopped on the second floor. He opened a set of large doors located at the end of the staircase. “He waits for you.”

Harri peeked into the empty private room and then back at the waiter skeptically. He only smiled as if everything in the world had never been more perfect. She shook her head in dismay and entered the room.

There were two sets of floor to ceiling windows open and a Turkish carpet covering the entire ground. The silk curtains swung in the night air and a throat cleared next to her. “Hello.” There was woman, presumably a waitress, who appeared next to her.

She gestured towards the open windows."If you would please."

Harri proceeded out the windows and onto a private balcony. There was a beautifully set up table awaiting her. She sat on one of the empty chairs and glanced up at the waitress. A notepad was in her hand.

“What would you like to drink ma’am?”

Harri had never been called ma’am before. She’d also not ever been anywhere this fancy.

“I’m not sure.”

“She’ll have water.” Harri’s head snapped up at breakneck speed. “She’s a bit on the young side.” Voldemort smirked at her from across the table.

Her stomach sank.

You.” Harri thrust out a hand for a knife.

“Truly child.” Voldemort lazily raised his hand and Harri's fingers froze around the silver blade. He pressed his palms together nimbly. “Have you no manners?”

Anger licked up Harri’s stomach. “What is this?” She slammed the table.

Voldemort raised a nonexistent eyebrow and looked around, mocking. “Dinner.”

“No.” She wanted to rip his nails out of his fingers one by one. She remembered the burn of them scraping down her cheeks. “What are you doing in my dream? How did you get into my mind?”

“Well, that is the problem with blood and rituals Harri. You never know what they will leave open.”

“What does that mean?” She felt panic squeeze her lungs.

“It means that there is a connection between us.” Voldemort grinned violently.

Did he know?

Harri's palms flattened against the table in fear. “What kind of connection?”

“I haven’t the time to work out the logistics.” Voldemort waved his hands in the air. “But you shouldn’t worry Harri. I’ll kill you before it becomes a problem.”

“You’re lying.” She accused. “You’ve had time to set this up and it’s not possible for a ritual to connect us like this.”

Stupid thing to say. She should let him believe it was the ritual.

Stupid. Stupid.

“And why should it not? I have heard we share many a thing Harri.” He had laughter in his voice. “Parseltongue, killing curses,”


What would he do if he knew? Would he tell? Would he keep trying to kill her? Would he lock her up and hide her somewhere no one could find her?

She never wanted to know.

“And we would share none of it if it weren’t for your actions.” Harri snapped.

“And I would rule the wizarding world if it wasn’t for yours.” Voldemort said coldly. Amusem*nt had vanished from his face. His emotions were like whiplash.

“If you hadn’t tried to kill me and murdered my parent's none of it would have happened, have you ever considered that?”

“Have you ever questioned why I went after you?” Voldemort demanded. “Do you not think the most powerful wizard in the magical world had his reasons?”

Harri scoffed. His arrogance grated on her. “From what I know of you, reasonable isn’t a word I would use to describe you.”

“Watch your tone.” He warned.

“Don’t try to justify my mother's murder!”

“I do not allow children to tell me what to do.” Voldemort spat and rose from his seat. His wand slipped into his hand. “The cruciatus may not be as potent in dreams but it shall do the trick and tighten your tongue.”

Before he could curse her, dark blue fog appeared between them. Voldemort scowled.

"It seems our time is over for today."

Harri watched as the mist enveloped him and he vanished.

She stared at the newly empty chair in front of her with uncertainty and stretched out a hand at the space that Voldemort had vacated. It was then Harri saw that the purple petal still clung to her palm.

She brought her hand close to examine it and the color of the petal enveloped her. The air around her crumbled and fell away. The hue of rhododendron was the only thing Harri saw as she fell.

Was she waking up?


Her head hit something incredibly soft and the color around her dissipated. Another place began to form around her. It was distinctly different from the hotel. When the image settled, Harri could discern that she was standing in a large antiquated library. There were bookshelves and paintings and dainty chairs.


This time it was not Voldemort that waited for her. It was the diadem.

He was standing but a foot away from her, surveying her with concern.

The shock of Voldemort’s appearance dulled and her feelings for Tom returned. They were somewhere between longing and resentment.

“Harri.” He had bruises under his eyes.

She didn’t reply but he drew her into his arms anyway. His touch was as sweet as honey even in slumber. Not as potent as the locket’s warmth but not as frigid as Voldemort.

He buried his face in her hair and without her permission, her arms rose and wrapped themselves around him.

Tomcupped her face in his palms. “You are alright?” His fingers fluttered over her cheeks and traced down the same path Voldemort had weeks ago. His touch erased all unwanted echoes of those spidery hands.

“Where were you?” Harri whispered.

Tom faltered.

“Where were you when he killed Cedric?” She pushed his hands away. “You knew. You warned me. Why didn’t you come?”

He stiffened. “I couldn’t have, no matter how I wished to. I did everything I could to protect you. I thought you would heed my words.”

“I can't remember everything you tell me in this place. Do you not realize these are dreams, Tom?” Harri challenged. “You never even explain anything properly! You always lie!”

“I have never lied to you!”

“It isn’t as if you’ve been entirely honest. You saved me from the dementors, spent an entire year with me and then vanished! Do you know what that felt like?” The old hurt returned.

Tom frowned. “It was the only way I could get my body.”

“You had to leave me to get a body? Does that mean you killed someone?”

“No Harri.”

“Was that you in the black lake? Or was I just hallucinating?”

“It was me.”

“Do you even care about me? Or did you use me and now you’re—

You are my soulmate I would never use you.”

“But all these secrets?”

“I knew about Pettigrew! Alright?”


“Please let me explain,” Tom asked desperately. “That first week after you found me do you remember it?”

Harri nodded.

“When you fell asleep I would leave, right? I snuck to the library and Dumbledore’s office. I found out a lot. There were things I hadn’t known of before. I looked for ways to come back and I did consider murder. I observed who would be the easiest kill and how I could do it. I thought about taking you with me when I did it. Then you found out about Black betraying your parents and I figured it would be him I kill and you wouldn’t mind.” He shook his head.

“One night while I looked through the map, I found Peter Pettigrew’s name next to Weasley’s. After that, it didn’t take me too long to determine the truth. I cornered Pettigrew the next night when he was hiding from Black. This was when he had almost attacked Ron in the dorms.”

She remembered. She remembered everything.

“I blackmailed him. With his help, I was able to access information about my older self and where he was. I also found the kind of ritual that would grant me a body. Then everything fell apart on the last day of your exams and I had no choice but to complete everything before I was prepared. When you left for dinner after telling me about Trelawney I finished the ritual. I didn’t mean for what happened next, it was all quite sudden. But I made the decision to go. I wanted to say goodbye properly and we didn’t have time. The dementors came and Pettigrew ran.” Tom swallowed.

“So you knew about the tasks and Voldemort’s return from Pettigrew?”

“He cannot be trusted but he is easy to imperious. Even easier to use mind magic on.” Tom divulged. “I couldn’t demand things of him or be obvious or my older self would learn of my existence and he cannot know.”

“I understand that at least.” Harri bit her lip. “How were you there in the second task?”

“I astral projected. I was with you in the water. Even in the first task, I was watching the whole time. I wanted to be there for the maze too but I’d used a lot of power the first two times and my magic was weak. It’s still a process. I hoped the dreams would be enough.”

“Where are you now?” She pressed.

“Albania. Where I found Ravenclaw’s diadem the first time. Voldemort also hid here for thirteen years. If I’m to learn anything, this is the only place that will teach me. To be truthful, I’m looking for something.” Tom reached for her again. “I’ve always been looking for it. I think…I think it has answers for me.” His hands landed on her shoulders. “But I miss you all the time.”

Harri touched one of his hands. “I miss you too." And she bit her lip. "I suppose can’t be upset with you about omitting things and not be honest myself.”

“What are you hiding, little dove?” Tom grinned.

“I found a locket.”

“A locket?”

“Salazar’s Slytherin’s locket.” Harri said meaningfully.“I gave it to Dumbledore.”

Tom's eyes broadened. “And?”

“Then this afternoon you knocked on my door.”

"Well, f*ck."

“He says he has an understanding with Dumbledore. Voldemort’s life for his. Should I trust him?”

Tom smiled wirily. “You should never trust any version of me.”

Harri made a face. “That’s comforting.”

“You’ll know what to do.” Tom tilted her head back.

“I don’t think I will.”

“The thing you should always remember about me is that I always think I’m the smartest person in the room.” He caressed her cheek. “But I don’t know that you’re better than me in every single way.”

Harri blushed. “I can’t quite wrap my head around the idea of three of you.”

Tom chuckled. “Don’t you know of three’s Harri?”

She rocked her head back and forth.

“Good things come in threes. There is even a Latin phrase ‘omne trium perfectum’ everything three is perfect.”

“I hope he’s a good thing."

“Was I a good thing?” Tom pressed his thumb against her under-eye.

“I’m not sure yet.”

“I suppose that’s fair.”

He pressed his forehead against hers.

Time passed.Seconds or minutes, it was difficult to tell.



“Will you ever tell me what you are?”

“You’ll figure it out soon.” He began to fade. “Don’t hate me when you do.”

Harri woke with a purple rhododendron petal still stuck to her hand.


Rhododendron Flower: Danger, beware.

I wanted this to include interactions with every live version of Tom and that's why that scene was cut off at Harri's confession.

January 14, 2021
Just took a month long break from writing after finals to spend time with family and friends. I am now editing all existing chapters and on 9 currently. My mind is annoying and wont let me post the next chapter until I finish the edit so I’m hoping to update around January 30. Also 😊 happy new year everyone!

Chapter 26: stars, hide your fires

Chapter Text

Chapter 26: stars, hide your fires

“My will is mine. I shall not make it soft for you.”

Harri flinched. She dropped the flower petal and watched as it fell. Voldemort had breached her mind. The thought was nauseating. He wasn't aware they were soulmates but he knew that they had some sort of connection. He’d mentioned how he'd taken her blood for the ritual which he believed might have given him access to her mind. That he assumed or the scar.

Since Harri had been dreaming of him before his resurrection, the scar made more sense. Whatever the killing curse had done left them linked in an entirely different plane than just a soul bond. And it scared her. He’d drifted into her dream too easily. The entire thing had been to his imagination and too vivid. Tangible.

Frustration built in her chest, layers upon layers ofit. There were too many unanswered questions and promises to wait for from both the diadem and Dumbledore.

Bitter, she threw her bedcovers off and rose. Harri was not a patient person and she was done waiting. Don’t hate methe diadem had said. But did he not understand by now how much Harri loved him? She couldn't imagine what else could be revealed that would make her hate him. Hate was too strong an emotion and one she knew she could never feel for Tom.

Harri pushed open her curtains. Light fluttered in and the sound of male voices floated from downstairs. It was a reminder of what waited for her outside her room.

The locket.

Harri could scarcely reconcile him in her mind.

Yesterday, when Sirius had arrived downstairs and questioned what was wrong, Harri blurted out ‘nothing’ before Tom could answer.

Sirius couldn’t know about the soulmate bond. She would tell him eventually. Probably. When she was prepared, if she was ever prepared. Harri just knew she couldn’t have done it right then. Sirius had lost almost everything to Voldemort. If he found out the truth…even the thought of his reaction being negative was unbearable to her.

Sirius had let it go fairly quickly and Tom had gone upstairs to unpack. Harri though locked herself in her room. She'd had a little breakdown, feeling despair and hope in equal measure. She was afraid of Tom and being hurt by him but spite of that, she felt fragile optimism. He was here, under the same roof and he was real, in a way neither the diary or the diadem had been. She wanted to get to know him, to touch him and be with him.

With these thoughts racing through her head she’d fallen asleep by accident. Then the dreams had come.

Wanting to delay the inevitable conversation as much as possible she made her bed, took a long bath, and then spent forever choosing a dress to wear. She’d just begun to brush out her hair when a knock came on her door.

Believing it to be Sirius or Remus, Harri opened it without hesitation and came face to face with Tom.

It startled her, like the sound of a school bell ringing. He was wearing slacks and a loose white polo. He looked so handsome Harri couldn’t stand it.

She let him in and locked her bedroom door. Then Harri realized she did not have to wait for her answers. If the diadem refused to give her the truth, this Tom would.

“What are you?” It came out like word vomit, a pressing urge to know that she couldn't suppress anymore.

“What am I?” His hair was damp and curled on the edges. He smelled of vanilla and oranges.

“You were a locket.” Harri said. “Now you are a living breathing human being.”

Tom glanced down and curled his fingers into a fist. “I am.” He stared at his hand. “I am human again.”

“Don’t give me some bullsh*t answer either. You’re not a memory Tom.

“You’re right. I’m not.” Tom took a step closer to her, contemplative. “I can tell you the truth.”

“And don’t bother trying to—wait what?”

“I will tell you what you want to know,” He affirmed, unbothered. “But I want something in return.”

“And that something would be?”

“You lied to me yesterday and we both know it. You said you knew me and you didn’t mean the diary. Truth?”

Harri nodded. “Truth.”

“Eye for an eye. Tell me how you know me.”

There wasn’t a doubt in Harri’s mind when she answered. “I will.”

Tom smirked. “I suppose I’ll go first.”

Harri moved back and perched on the edge of her bed. He sat down next to her and they both faced each other.

He observed her with a serious countenance. “You won’t like it.”

“I know that.” What was one more thing anyway? The truth would not be kind but it was better than the ignorance she lived in.

“You can not tell anyone.” Tom demanded. “Swear to me.”

“I won’t,” Harri promised. “Does Dumbledore know?”

Tom’s mouth tightened. “Unfortunately. Though he figured it out on his own.”

“Did he know before I gave him your locket?”

“I think he suspected some but he needed to see me for it to be real.”

Harri looked down and picked at her duvet. “Right.”

Tom considered her.

“Well? Go on.”

His jaw clenched. Harri could see that he was gritting his teeth. He looked away and said. “I’m a horcrux.”

“A horcrux? What’s a horcrux?” Was that a thing?

“I split my soul to become immortal. The diary, my locket. They are pieces of my soul. A horcrux tears the soul in two every time one is made.”

“You tore your soul?” Everything moved as if in slow motion. The room blurred around Harri. He shattered his soul. The diary. The diadem. The locket. They were pieces of his soul.

And Voldemort? He was the end. What was left.

It all made sense. If there had ever been a time for denial it was gone now. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. It wasn’t fair.

“Harri.” Tom’s voice came.

But it was far away. She felt like she was twelve and standing across from her was a boy and words in red. She felt thirteen and like she’d just told the diadem 'Tom Riddle is in pieces'. He was. He is.

It was the ground after freefall. The water closing in on a whirlpool.

Harri’s soul would never be whole. He’d mutilated it. Any hope…it was gone.

oh God.

The diary.

She’d killed him.

She’d killed him.

Harri remembered him so clearly, sixteen and beautiful and staring at her in utter betrayal. Kissing her, holding her, dying in her arms.


The diadem had said the diary was gone, disappeared from the chamber. Did that mean it had survived somehow? Perhaps, perhaps not all hope was lost?

The world materialized around her once more and with it came this Tom. Another piece of him. Another f*cking horcrux.

“What the f*ck were you thinking?” She hissed.

“I didn’t want to die. A horcrux made me immortal.” Tom mused.

“You made more than one genius!” Harri cleared her taut throat. “How could you have been this stupid?”

“My horcruxes are the reason I exist. They are the reason I am the most powerful wizard to have ever lived in centuries.” Tom sneered. “That isn’t stupidity, it is magnificence.”

“Dumbledore.” Harri barked, irked. “Is the most powerful wizard to ever live.”

Dumbledore couldn’t lay a finger on me.” Tom laughed. “He sure has you wrapped around his finger Harri. Tell me, do you enjoy being his little puppet?”

“Did you enjoy being trapped in a haze of nothing for fifty years?” Harri snapped.

“I wasn’t conscious, so no darling I can’t say I was too bothered by it.” Tom spat. “Here I am, fifty years later, alive. Would you rather have liked me as a decrepit old man?”


“I’m sure you would kiss me just the same, liked my tongue down your throat wouldn’t you?”

Harri spluttered. “So what if you would’ve been old? You would be whole!”

An ear splitting pop disturbed them. Kreacher apparated into her room.

“Kreacher has been knocking!” He accused. "Master be wanting the two of yous for breakfast right now!”

“Okay Kreacher.” Harri stood, cheeks flushed in anger. Kreacher popped out of the room.

Harri walked away from Tom, too angry at him. He called out her name. He was still at her bedside and his expression was blank.

“What?” Harri rasped.

“I told you mine. Tell me yours.”

She wanted to wrap her hands around his neck and squeeze. Mess up that perfect face. Take a fist to those beautiful lips and watch himbleed.

“It wasn’t only the diary. I met another one of your horcruxes in my third year.” She turned around and slammed the door behind her. “He saved my life.”

Tom didn’t come down. Harri stewed in her anger.

He’d butchered their soul. What she’d said more than a year ago was true, he was torn apart, mangled, disfigured. Now it made sense, how this beautiful boy with palpable darkness but the afinity to be good had walked down such a dark path.

In hindsight the truth was transparent.

She felt incredibly naive. He’d made a fool out of her. Especially the diadem, who had essentially made of mockery of their bond by what he’d done. A horcrux.

So what if Tom hadn’t known he had a soulmate? That wasn’t an excuse to change your soul, it was not a toy to be played with.

How many had he made in total? She knew of only three. And he wouldn't know about any past his own making.

It had to be forbidden. The act was self mutilation. To damn your own soul? What was the point of it? Immortality? Forever sounded terrible alone.

Maybe somewhere in between all the blood and death, Harri had accepted that she would never have a complete bond but it was excruciating all the same. Surprise turned to fury and fury to hurt. Then a deep sorrow. A reminder of what they would never have.

She massaged her temples in frustration and pressed her forehead against the marble counter in the kitchen.

Sirius and Remus were at the stove, Remus frying his omelets and Sirius making pancakes. The nine o’clock morning news was on in the background and Nymphy slept on the chaise in the living room. She’d come around at the end of her shift at the ministry and clocked out.

Nymphy would be here all night. She was probably waiting for the order meeting. Which was another new thing that had entered their lives in the past week. Sirius had been going to meetings for the order of the phoenix, the secret organization Dumbledore had formed during the first war, but he had failed to mention any part of it to Harri. She only knew because of the Weasleys. She tried to get something out of Remus but they were both hush hush. Sirius kept making it obvious what was happening, despite never verbally admitting it.

“We’re having people over at five.” Sirius dropped a plate down for her. “I’m going to need you to clear out by then love.” His hair was tied back in a bun and a towel was thrown over his shoulder.

This meant the order was going to come to Grimmauld. There was no way Harri was going to let herself be kept out. She was as stubborn as the best of them and she would get her way today.

“I know it’s for the order you can stop pretending it’s poker night.”

“Did you hear that Remus?” Sirius dropped a hand against the kitchen counter and smirked. “She already knows about it. What’s the point of hiding? I say we let her in.”

“You know Sirius it’s the craziest thing.” Remus flipped an egg. “I’ve actually got this ear wax problem, so I just about missed what was said.”

“Have ya?” Sirius smiled. “How long has it been going on gorgeous?”

Remus glanced back with widened his eyes. “You wouldn’t believe it but right in this exact moment.”

“Huh. Must be some new thing that’s going around. You heard of it H?”

“Bill told Fred everything.” Harri gave them an unamused look. “You can drop this whole act. I know you’ve been having meetings. I know what the order of the phoenix is.”

Sirius raised his arms in mock defeat and gave Remus an exaggerated look.

Remus glared at him.

And,” Harri added.

“And nothing.” Remus turned off the oven and seated himself across from her. “You are going to go to the Weasleys to spend time with the friends you have ignored.” He then pointed a finger at Sirius. “And you are going to stop dropping hints for her and trying to convince me of this until I speak with Dumbledore properly.”

Sirius was affronted. “Since when do I listen to Dumbledore?”

“Sirius.” Remus scrubbed a hand over his eyes.

“If anyone has any right to be there it’s me!” Harri insisted, hand against her plate. “I’m the one who’s dueled him, I’m the one who’s met him, I’m the one who saw Voldemort come back!”

“I understand that sweetheart.” Remus placed a hand over hers.


“But…” Remus trailed off. “You are so young. We want you to have a sense of normalcy while it's still possible.”

Sirius’s arms came up around Remus’s shoulders.

“I will never have that. Not while he is alive.” Harri slumped back into her chair.

“She is right,” Sirius murmured into Remus’s ear. “You know she is.”

Remus rolled his eyes. “You mean you’re right.”

Sirius grinned. “Well.”

Harri pouted. “Please.”

Remus rubbed his eyes again and sighed. “Alright. You can stay in the house but you are not allowed inside the kitchen. We will talk to you about it afterward. Okay?”

Harri beamed. “Great. I’ll go tell Ron. He will want to come.” She pranced out of her chair and into the living room.

Remus groaned and Sirius cackled.

She slid down onto her knees in front of the fireplace and called the burrow.

“Harri!” Ginny’s face came into view.

“Harri?” George’s voice echoed in the background.

“Harri!” Ron pushed Ginny aside. “Mate! Why’d you leave early yesterday? We didn’t even get to go a round of quidditch.”

“They’re having an order meeting today.” Ginny forced Ron back. “Do you think Sirius would let you stay?"

“We made these wicked ears that'll let us hear everything out of the room.” George chimed in from behind her.

“That was what I called you about actually.” Harri said in excitement. “Remus said I could stay for the meeting and that we’d talk after. That practically means I’m going to know everything. You have to come over.”

George whooped.

“Oi hold on, she didn’t invite the family.” Ron gave his siblings a dirty look. “I’ll be the one going over.”

“Actually you should all come. We will probably have dinner too and you know Sirius loves to feed people.” Harri grinned.

Ginny flicked Ron’s ear smugly. “Anything else to say genius?”

"Yeah, stop stealing my friends."

They spoke for a little while longer about the Chudley Cannon's most recent game and Ginny’s new knee pads. Harri’s knees got sore after a while and she ended the call.

She returned to the kitchen to finish breakfast and found Tom in the seat next to hers, speaking to Remus. He was eating a bowl of cereal. It was a domestic yet surreal sight. She’d never imagined it could be possible.

The rest of the meal was quiet. Well, Harri was quiet. Remus kept asking Tom all sorts of questions. She left the second her food was finished and went to do something that would take her mind off the horcrux revelation. If she could just focus on the order then she wouldn’t feel so sick about the fact. She would have to research them and learn exactly what they were, but his explanation gave her a clear understanding of how dark the process must be. The thought once again made her feel ill. And she didn't want to fall into the cycle of hopelessness that came with it again.

She polished her firebolt and when that was done she painted her nails and climbed up to the roof. There she contemplated writing Draco a letter and then ripped up the paper in front of her when she put down the first word.

What could she even say?

Your father is a horrible person and it makes me sick to think of him? I was wounded and nearly killed but you couldn’t bother to get it together for five seconds to see if I was okay? You clearly do not give a damn about me? You hurt me so f*cking bad?

None of that would change anything. It would just cut them both.

Eventually, Harri found herself in the family library attempting to read the book she’d started when Tom had shown again.

Had that really only been yesterday? That was bizarre.

Try as she might, she could not get past the first chapter. She kept going over the conversation with Tom in her head and it filled her with this great anxiety. The implications of the truth were overwhelming.

After a few hours had passed Tom found her.

“I don’t know anything about my future except what Dumbledore has told me. Could you explain, what you meant about…”

“The diadem.” Harri guessed. “Ravenclaw’s diadem.”

“So I succeeded.” He settled in the space next to her.

“In what?”

“I wanted the horcruxes to be founder’s items. Only the best for my soul. The diadem was on the list.” He was close enough that she could feel the warmth of his legs. Their bond flared.

“The best for your soul?” Harri shook her head, indignant. "The best would have been not doing it at all."

Tom rested his chin on his hand. “How old was I?”

“I think he is thirty.” She summoned her diadem to memory. It was easy after she’d just seen him last night. “It’s strange. Should I call him ‘you’?”

“You can call it what you like. Him or me. It doesn’t matter.”

“He’s a person.” Harri made a face, vexed. “It does matter. He is you, another part of you albeit.”

Tom inclined his head. “He may be but he has more than a decade of memories that I do not.”


“How did you find him?”

“He possessed me. Kind of. I dreamt about him for a month and eventually woke up one night in the room of requirement with him standing in front of me.”

“He used you?”

“Yeah.” Harri almost smiled. “I couldn’t stand him at first.”

Tom scowled. “He shouldn’t have done that.”

“I thought I’d never see my soulmate again after what happened with the diary so I didn’t do anything about him. I didn’t tell Dumbledore or my friends. I let him be.”

“The diary.” His eyes shifted to something sharp as he recalled. “Dumbledore said you killed my basilisk and stabbed my diary with her fang. My second horcrux is gone.”

“You were going to kill my friend's sister. What other choice did I have?” Harri surveyed him but he didn’t look upset.“You told me you were just a memory.” She explained. “I didn’t know that I had…I would never have done it otherwise. It was awful. broke me to do it.”

His eyes softened. “You didn’t know.” He sighed. “The diary was quite unstable anyway, being made so soon after me, only a year later. I hadn’t been prepared for another one, I never meant for Myrtle to die.”

“What difference could a year make?”

Tom’s lips curled and his eyes were like molten lava. “You wouldn’t believe much can be accomplished in a year Harri.”

“Like murder?” Harri inquired, resentful.

“Yes and much more. I could tell you all about it.”

“Shall I go on about the diadem, or did you have more sad*stic sh*t to say?”

Tom bared his teeth in a mockery of a smile.

“Dumbledore mentioned Sirius, right? We all thought he was coming to kill me and Gryffindor was in the quidditch championship so like I said, I let the diadem be. There was a lot going on and the only odd thing he did was disappear at night. I knew he was searching for a way to get a body, that's all. Because he was still incorporeal I held the power. I thought nothing would happen. Then Sirius took Ron and we found out about Pettigrew. Tom-he saved us from the dementors and then disappeared.”

“Disappeared? How?”

“He found a way to secure a body.”

“And?” Tom pressed with a strange look on his face.

“We meet sometimes. In dreams.” Harri revealed with reluctance. “He helped me through my tasks for the triwizard tournament and he warned me about you, the older you, Voldemort.”

A muscle jumped in Tom’s jaw.

“When I spoke to him last he explained how he forced Pettigrew to help him and why he left for Albania. He said that was where you—he—found the diadem the first time and that he needed answers.”

“What answers would I find in Albania?”

“That's where Voldemort spent thirteen years after, ” Harri pointed at her forehead. “This.”

“Voldemort.” Tom mouthed offhandedly, pleased with himself. “My followers couldn't call me that in school when I was alive for fear of others. Now others can't call me that for fear of me.”

“The death eaters calling you ‘my master’ wasn’t enough back then?” Harri sniffed.

“They weren’t referred to as my death eaters.” Dimples appeared on his cheeks. “They were the knights.”

“The knights?” She repeated skeptically.

“I couldn’t call them something as imbecilic as Grindelwald’s followers now could I?” Tom’s nose scrunched. "He named them, 'the alliance'.”

Tom started talking about Grindelwald and Harri stopped paying attention. She focused on the way his mouth formed words and how his eyelashes seemed to brush against his skin when he blinked. He said he was different from the diadem and the diary, but to her, he was what they had both been. Impossible to resist.

“Harri!” Sirius’s voice called. “It’s seven!”


Apprehensive, Harri realized this meant Ron would meet Tom. She also realized she didn't know if Tom should know anything about the order. It was not like he could run to Voldemort just yet. Also, he and Dumbledore had a deal. It would be fine, wouldn't it?

“We’re having guests.” She told Tom.

“More Blacks?”

“Just friends.”

“What are they here for?”

Harri bit the inside of her cheek and Tom raised a brow. "Secrets Harri?"

“You haven’t told me if you’re on Voldemort’s side.” She implored.

His lips pressed together. “Not if he desires to kill you.”

“And if he changes his mind and doesn't want to kill me?” Harri pushed. “When he finds out about me?”

Tom glanced away. “Harri.”


He looked back. “Don’t ask me to lie to you.”

“I’m not.”

“You told me you know what I am.” Tom’s face tightened. “You know what I want. You even know of horcruxes now.”

What was the point then of him even being here? If he wanted to find Voldemort, the door was open. Harri did not want that for a soulmate.

“Harri!” Sirius’s voice rang again.


Tom seized her hand. “This Voldemort you hate so much, he is a part of me just like the diadem. Except he is the center of us both and he is your soulmate too whether you like it or not.”

Harri pulled her arm away from him. “We can talk about it later.”

They went downstairs. Bill, Nymphy and Sturgis Podmore were in the foyer. They greeted them with quick ‘hellos’ and a brief introduction. It seemed Dumbledore had informed them all of a Thomas Sayre coming to stay with at Grimmauld. Harri wondered what they’d do if they learned it was Voldemort under their roof and not some innocent boy.

After, Harri searched for Remus and found him with Kingsley, Snape and Moody gathered in the kitchen. “Harri, Tom.” Remus beckoned them over with an open arm and introduced them. “This is Kingsley Shacklebolt and you’ll know Severus and Alastor of course.”

Moody took a swing of his glass of whiskey and Kingsley and Snape gave quick nods. Harri smiled at her professor.

“This is Thomas, he is staying with us.” Remus presented.

Moody surveyed Tom with his roving eye. “On Dumbledore’s orders, you said Remus?”

Tom’s smile turned rigid. He detested Dumbledore.

“Right.” Remus responded and turned to Harri. “Kingsley here is a brilliant auror as well as Alastor. I’m sure he could give you some advice if you wanted for your O.W.L’s.”

“Alastor is considered the greatest auror of all time Remus.” Kingsley chuckled. “But thank you for looping me in with him. Though I doubt I compare.” He winked at Harri and Tom. “He’s the reason half of those death eaters are even in Azkaban.”

“Is that so?” Tom asked.

“The best we had.” Kingsley avowed.

“And you’d have more of me,” Moody exclaimed. “If you let aurors cast those unforgivables."

“Why don’t Harri and Tom head to the living room?” Remus interrupted. “I’m sure the rest of the Weasley’s will be showing up soon.”

Harri tugged Tom away. When they stepped out of the room he asked. “Why are three auror and a potions professor at your house?”

Harri crossed her arms. “I’ll tell you if you swear that you won’t ever tell anyone outside of this who’s part of it.”

Tom contemplated for a moment and then answered. “Deal.”

Harri held out her hand and he clasped it. Their bond lit up like a christmas tree. His touch was warm and when the callouses of his hand brushed her, a soft kind of tenderness filled her. She hated and loved how it made her feel.

They let go and Harri led him to the living room. Inside, there were six people she had not ever expected to see together. Apollo and Callaia Greengrass. Evelina Zabini, Sirius, Daphne, and Blaise.

“Harri!” Daphne bounded over, Blaise right behind her. “Isn’t this exciting?”

“What’s going on?” Harri questioned as they hugged. “Are your parents being recruited?

“If you replied to any of my letters you would know, yes they are.” Daphne pointedly said.

“Maybe so,” Harri drew back. “I meant to get to them eventually, you know it’s been difficult, and then yesterday, well you see something extraordinary happened.”

“Hello.” Blaise was saying to Tom behind them. “Blaise Zabini.”

Harri winced preemptively.

“Tom Sayre.”

Daphne and Blaise both froze. The floo burst open in front of them.



Mr. Weasley, Ginny, Ron, Fred and George stepped out of the fireplace and onto the carpeted floor. It was the perfect timing. Harri squeezed Daphne’s arm.

“Bill’s already here isn’t he?” Ginny dusted herself off.

“He left ages ago. Where is Mad Eye? I want to go ask him about June.” Fred and George whispered behind her.

“Callaia. It is lovely to meet you.” Daphne’s mom introduced herself to Mr. Weasley.

“Arthur.” Mr. Weasley shook her and Apollo’s hand. “And Evelina, it has been a long time.”

Mrs. Zabini smiled. “I was just telling Sirius we shared the same cohort at Hogwarts.”

“Unbelievable Arthur, who knew you were that young?” Sirius teased.

“Blaise?” Ron said as he came over. “And Daphne? What is Hermione in the kitchen? How come no one told me?” He complained. “And who is this? Another new member?”

“His name is Tom.” Blaise said in a meaningful tone, expression blank.

Ron’s face dropped. “Oh.”

Daphne spun to Tom, grinning sweetly. “Nice to meet you Tom.Since Harri has failed to mention anything at all about you being here, why don’t you tell us what the f*ck you’re doing?”

Chapter 27: courage, dear heart


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 27: courage, dear heart

“I’ll rewrite this whole life and this time,
there’ll be so much,
you won’t be able to see beyond it.”
Warsan Shire, Backwards

Tom smiled and he was made of trouble.

Daphne’s words had no impact on him. He was not intimidated in the least if Tom could have ever been intimidated at all. “I doubt that it is any of your business.”

“Harri is a sister to me.” Daphne's arms were crossed, her expression the epitome of unimpressed as well. “If you’re going to be here, living in her house and in her life, it is my business.”

“How touching.” Tom’s tone was patronizing and belittling. “I don’t care.”

“You should care a little.” Blaise scratched his neck awkwardly.

Ron crossed his arms. “Why don’t you go back into whatever part of you-know-who you came from?”

“Who are you again?” Tom asked, mocking. He was amused by her friends and observing them with something like disdain but not quite.

Daphne’s lips tightened, and she along with Ron and Blaise, surveyed Tom with a fierce interest. This was the dark lord. Even if he hadn’t been Harri’s soulmate, that alone made him fascinating.

Harri glanced around the room to make sure no one else was paying attention and said. “Remember how I told you about Slytherin’s locket?”

Ron caught on immediately. “He was inside it?”

“How did he get here?” Blaise questioned. “Let alone…” He motioned to Tom's body.

"Dumbledore, isn’t it, since you gave the locket to him.” Daphne narrowed her eyes. “The man is always up to something.”

Blaise clicked his tongue. “And what was his reason for doing so?”

“Are you against the dark lord?” Daphne asked Tom. “Is that why Dumbledore did this?”

Tom leaned against the wall, nonchalant as could be. “No.”

"Well gave you a body, that couldn’t have been because he feels bad for you,” Ron muttered.

“Maybe he just missed me.” Tom smirked.

A breathy laugh escaped Harri. “You wish.”

Tom grinned at her. She tried not to smile back but the best she could do was tame it. Trying to look away, she made eye contact with Daphne.

Daphne, who was staring at her as if she had never seen her before.

Harri’s smile tightened and she cleared her throat. “I don’t think anyone knows why Dumbledore does the things he does. But I guess we have to trust him, right?”

“Forget Dumbledore,” Ron pinched his nose. “What is Ginny going to do when she recognizes him?” He pointed towards Tom.

“She never saw him, she just wrote to him.”

Harri was ashamed to say she had momentarily forgotten about how they had even ended up in the chamber of secrets. Ginny had fallen into infatuation with Tom. It might have been puppy love, fragile and fleeting, but enough for him to consume her soul.

Tom looked to Harri. “Ginny is...”

“Yes.” The rest was implied, a reminder of their conversation from earlier, Ginny is the sister you almost killed.

The atmosphere between them which had warmed slightly for a moment turned cold again. Wanting to move the conversation, as to avoid an argument Harri inquired of Daphne and Blaise. “Your parents have joined the order as well?”

“Yes.” Daphne sighed. “Over the past few weeks, especially with everything after the tournament they've come to a mutual decision.”

Cedric’s dead body. Harri’s screams. The memories of the night were never too far away.

“I think they regret not doing anything last time because they recognize how close he was to winning now.”

She remembered when Hagrid had first told her about the war and when Sirius and Remus explained what it felt like to live in it. How Voldemort had almost destroyed everything, almost had the wizarding world but a few inches from his grasp if not for a baby and a curse.

The world could have been a very different place right now.

Unease laid its burden on Harri’s shoulders.

“Mother as well,” Blaise was saying but her mind wandered. She heard the breathless sob of her name on a cold October night. She saw Voldemort.

Voldemort rising out of the cauldron, his hands on her face—

Heat against her finger brought Harri back to the present. She looked down and found Tom’s arm parallel to hers. His hand was next to her own and his pinky sliding down hers.

In an instant, her chest felt a little lighter. The feeling of his skin upon her skin was an antidote.

Sirius sauntered over to them with his arms spread out. “Why don’t you lot head on upstairs? We’ll summon you when dinner is prepared.”

They trekked out and up onto the second floor landing. Fred, George and Ginny were already there. Ginny only peeped briefly at Tom but then looked away, a deep blush on her face. Harri felt something funny in her stomach at that. She wasn’t sure she liked it very much.

Fred and George were introduced to Tom by Blaise, while Ron talked to Ginny and Daphne and Harri fell back.

“Harri,” Daphne left a fleeting touch on her elbow. They moved to stand against the opening to Sirius's office. Harri swallowed while Daphne observed her.

It was like the glance she’d received downstairs and she shied away from it. For so long, Tom had been her secret. The way she felt about him, who he was, and everything that encompassed him.

Now for the first time their bond was being seen from the outside. She felt too exposed. She knew she was weak when it came to him and some part of her scorned herself for it.

“You are different around him.” Daphne tapped a finger lightly at the corner of Harri’s lips. “Do you know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile like that.”

“I know.” Harri admitted.

“I wish you would smile like that again,” Daphne whispered. “That is the only reason I haven’t gutted him with a fire iron.”

Harri laughed. “Thanks for not doing that. I guess.”

“Do you trust him?”

Harri snuck a look at Tom, who was still talking to the twins that did not know who he was. “I don’t know. I never do. But Dumbledore chose this and he doesn’t even know about the diadem, I don’t think. And he knew Tom for years before. I guess I’m just thinking what else can I do? The diary is gone, the diadem is in Albania and this Tom is…here.”

“You know I understand. He is your soulmate for better or for worse. You wish him to be with you.” Daphne propped up against the wall to stare at Tom too. “He is really handsome by the way.”

Harri elbowed her in a mix of pride and jealousy.

Daphne leaned in. “Did I hear you say the diadem is in Albania?”

Harri explained her dream with both Voldemort and the diadem to Daphne’s bewilderment. It was insane how much had occurred in the past twenty four hours. Twelve year old Harri was somewhere losing her mind.

“The meetings starting.” Ginny cried out as she ran back up the stairs after she’d checked if anyone was still out in the living room. “Fred, George drop the ears.”

“The what?” Harri and Daphne strode over to the railing where the others were.

“The ears.” George boasted and held up what was indeed a pair of ears to Harri. “This is how we’re going to listen in.” He began to drop one down, attached to a piece of white string so thin it almost seemed invisible, while the other was held up to all of them.

“It’s not an overall idiotic idea.” Tom murmured to Harri, walking over. “If nothing else, I left the back kitchen door open.”

Harri turned surprised eyes to him. “When did you have the time?”

Tom smirked. “Wandless magic.”

Voices emerged from the ear George held up and though muffled they were still distinguishable.

“The attack in Cornwall was devastating to the community.” Sirius’s voice came. “And in Wales the weekend before. Thirty muggles dead, fifty injured. Not to mention the electrical outage and millions of pounds worth of damage to these small regions who depend on them for income.”

“It’s all purposeful of course.” Nymphy spoke next. “He knows the ministry is not obligated to report on muggle attacks.”

“Not like they want to either. Fudge has got the reporters banned from reporting any of it. He is a coward. Behaving as pig headed as he did the night of the triwizard tournament. He would let us all die for his pride. And you-know-who knows it. He’s going to keep killing those muggles and they won’t have a clue.” Kingsley sounded off.

There was the sound of a thud and then Moody’s irate voice. “He’ll slip up eventually. He can’t keep it out of the wizarding world forever. Sooner or later he’s going to attack Azkaban and come for Potter again.”

Fred, George, Ron, Blaise, Ginny, Daphne, and Tom all turned to Harri. She swallowed.

She and Tom locked eyes.

“So what do we do? Keep silent?” Sturgus Podmore questioned.

“Whatever we say, they won't print it. Dumbledore thinks they’ll use it against us.” Arthur said.

“Against us!” Nymphy raved.

“You don’t understand how afraid they are. Sometimes if you believe something is not real enough it makes it true.” Diggle explained.

“People are dying!”

“And more will. All of it is happening again Sturgus. Or what did you think? He’s come back now. He wants his war.”

“What about Harri? What about the rest of the children? They live together, they will fight together. How can we protect them from this?” Charlie implored.

“For now we keep them with us. He’s still weak, that gives us time.” Kingsley replied quickly.

“What does Albus say?” Daphne’s father asked.

“Albus is busy.” Snape replied.

“Enough.” Mrs. Weasley could be heard pushing her chair back. “Enough of this. Let’s call the children down. They must be hungry.”

Fred’s eyes widened and George began to pull the ears up. Harri’s heart dropped when the kitchen door swung open, but it was just Kreacher. George caught the ear and Fred pushed open the office door. They rushed inside and threw themselves wherever looked the most normal.

This meant that Tom and Blaise propped up on a wall while Fred, Ron, and George pretended to rummage through Sirius’s records, and the girls flung themselves on the couch.

Sirius came through as George dropped a vinyl.

“Lo Sirius.”

“Hi Sirius.”

“Lovely evening isn’t it?”

“Say, what is a 'deff leopard'? Is that some sort of muggle pet?”

Sirius cast them all a suspicious glance. “Dinner is ready.”

Most of the new guests sat in the dining room while the kids, Nymphy and Bill ate outside in the garden. There were three tables spread out below the veranda with little flower decorations and candles in the middle. Dinner consisted of chicken tikka, boiled vegetables, and biryani brought from the Pakistani deli two blocks over.

Remus had hung up fairy lights all over the trees and bushes a few weeks ago and by magic, they stayed lit. Mrs. Weasley had brought chocolate cake, enough of it to feed everyone, and salad. Sirius had actually prepared their firepit and visited the corner store early morning to pick up graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows so they could make s’mores if they wanted to. Despite the anxiety the order meeting had left in Harri’s stomach, the food made everything feel better.

Tom enjoyed it too. He’d bit into the tikka with an apprehensive expression but it had become pleased. His cheekbones were flushed a light pink from the spice and it made Harri feel all sorts of things. He was so beautiful in the candlelight, he was so beautiful always. After the main course, and during dessert, with the sweet tang of marshmallows in her stomach and the moon above them, Harri found it unbelievable that he could exist.

He could get anyone’s attention, even Daphne, Blaise, and Ron's, who all were still wary of him but couldn’t stop talking to him. He was like a beacon that called others to him simply by being. Though she supposed it also wasn’t like her friends could make any dislike they had blatantly obvious now that the twins and Ginny were with them. It wouldn’t make sense.

“Listening in to that meeting was sort of useless,” Daphne was trying to get her marshmallow to toast and not burn. “Wasn’t it?”

“I wouldn’t say useless.” Harri shrugged.

“He’s killing people.” Ron said between bites of his crackers. “We didn’t know that before.”

“Yes, but he was always going to do that.” Ginny added.

“We know he’s getting away with it because of the ministry.” Blaise pointed out, pushing back against his chair around the fire pit. “They’re impotent.”

“Is that what happened last time you reckon? Is that why he got so far?” Ron pondered aloud.

“He didn’t just get far Ron. He almost won.”

“If it hadn’t been for our Harri maybe.” George cracked a smile. “She got rid of him.”

Tom’s eyes burned into the side of her face.

Fred tapped Harri's foot. “What do you say H, got something in the bag for this time around?”

Harri zoned in on Tom from the corner of her eye, at the curve of his jaw and his windswept hair.

“Yeah.” She murmured. “I’ve got something.”

Snape showed up bright and bat-like in the morning with a wand for Tom.

“From the headmaster.” Snape drew the wand out of his sleeves with a dramatic flair. “He believes this should work well for you.”

Tom rose from his seat and accepted the wand. He twirled it in his hands. “Sycamore.”

Snape cast mistrustful eyes on him. “Indeed.”


“Dragon heartstring.” Snape said in a low voice. “Quite the instrument to channel dark magic.”

Tom looked at Snape for a moment before looking down again. “Indeed.” Then he pointed the wand up. Purple burst out the end of the sycamore as bright as a flame. It covered the ceiling, spreading out from the center and outward like a waterfall before vanishing and leaving nothing behind.

“It’ll do nicely.” Tom grinned, eyes dark.

Snape let out an attempt at a smile but what came out was a grimace. He gave Sirius a pointed look and then left as quickly as he’d come.

Tom sat back down and returned to eating his french toast. He always finished his meals entirely and he always ate seconds too.

The two of them were different in that regard. Harri could sometimes forget to eat and not realize it at all. Maybe it was because Aunt Petunia had not approved when Harri ate too much as a child. She liked Harri as skinny as she was and any girl above a size four was horrifying to her.

At the reminder, Harri set down her fork. All of a sudden her waffles were no longer appetizing.

“Dumbledore must know you quite well to have chosen a wand that fits without fault.” Sirius remarked to Tom as he sipped on his morning tea on the seat next to Harri. He was still in his pajamas and his feet were laid on the chair next to him. If Harri put a cigar in his hand he would look just like one of those old hollywood stars. Unbearably handsome and divine.

Tom’s grip on his toast hardened.

Harri swallowed a giggle. “They have a unique relationship.” She jumped to her feet and stretched. The toast in Tom's hand folded over and he scowled. “Anyway. I’m going to take a shower. Hermione might call, say lo’ to her parents if she does.”

“Course love.” Sirius swayed forward and kissed her clothed arm.


Harri strolled out of the kitchen and did not notice the hostile look Tom sent Sirius.

An hour later, she was beside Tom again but in the foyer listening to Sirius as he lectured them on safety.

“Remus isn’t here which means I’ve got to be the responsible one.” Sirius shook his head in disgust. “The last thing I want to do is be overbearing but do not, under any circ*mstances, go anywhere other than what we’ve laid out alright?”

“You realize I know Bill is going to be tailing us right?” Harri mentioned, zipping up her purse.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Sirius sniffed. Then he held out his arms, one for each of them to grab.

They apparated. Pulled apart and put together again.

The motion was exceedingly confining and uncomfortable. After an instant, they appeared at an apparation point in busy Oxford street. As kids were off from school it was teeming with people more than was conventional but it made for a lovely day.

“Right.” Sirius kissed Harri’s forehead, gave Tom a nod and apparated back home.

Harri prepared to ask Tom where he wanted to go first but when she spun to face him, she found him staring at their surroundings with a quiet intensity.

He was observing the new clothing, different kinds of people, shops, televisions, and sounds of joy from children.

“Is it very different from what you remember?” She stepped next to him and watched him watch everyone else.

Harri did not want to sound like a broken record but she thought she would never get over how striking Tom appeared. He was more captivating than Adonis, Hercules, and Ares put together. Maybe she was infatuated with him because he was half of her. It did not matter. There was nothing—no one—who could compare.

“It's unrecognizable. Last I saw of it,” He pointed a finger at Selfridges. “That entire block was demolished. Dust.”

Harri tried to picture it but failed.

“The London that I knew was vacant and full of death. It was a graveyard. And these people, you would have never seen so many of them. Barely any that weren’t white. Certainly, no one not dressed in fur coats and suits. I did not even really know this place.” He turned to her and brushed a strand of hair back from her face. Harri’s heart skipped a beat.

“Orphans weren’t welcomed here.”

“I’ve only been here twice.” Harri said. “Both times with Sirius. My relatives didn’t exactly bring me around with them.”

Tom’s brows furrowed. “Your relatives?”

“I didn’t always live in such a beautiful home. I lived at my mom’s sister's house for almost all of my life.” She explained, hand motioning around them. “I told you how Sirius escaped Azkaban in my third year? Well, I didn’t even know he existed before then. Magic…Hogwarts…Voldemort…all of it. I knew nothing. The first time was when I received my letter.”

“Your relatives didn’t tell you because they didn’t know or because they didn’t like magic?”

“They hated magic.”

The way Tom stared at her, you’d have thunk she told him she wanted to help him kill Dumbledore.

“Did they?” His gaze gained intensity.

“They did. Living with my aunt and uncle was fine but I’m happy I’m not there anymore. I don’t miss it in almost any way.”

“I know.” Tom’s face changed. “I couldn’t stand living with my muggles either.”

“I didn’t like living with them because they didn’t really want me. I was an obligation. Not because they are muggles.”

“They are filthy.” Tom looked like Lucius Malfoy in Flourish and Blotts with his face twisted like that.

“You are standing in a city they’ve built and moments ago you thought it wasn’t all that terrible.”

“Don’t put words in my mouth.”

“There is nothing wrong with muggles.” Harri argued.

“What is the point of them?” Tom spat. “They are mindless sheep. Useless. All they are good for is murder and contamination.”

“I am not having this argument with you.”



Silence. They stared at each other, faces slightly flushed, both too stubborn and caught up in each other to see the world around them. If they had been, they would have noted the man watching them across the street.

Harri inhaled. She meant it, she didn't want to fight. “Do you think it still exists? Your orphanage?”

Tom’s shoulders relaxed. “No. I doubt it survived the war.”

“Would you show me?” She wanted to know what birthed Tom Riddle. The real reason he despised muggles. Why had he been driven to experiment with soul magic and why the cost of horcruxes had not scared him.

“Yes.” Tom took her hand. Her whole being lightened, and butterflies, thousands of them, fluttered in her stomach.

Sirius wouldn’t be too upset they’d left. It wasn’t like he’d truly thought they would stay. Right?

They took the underground to Vauxhall. Harri couldn’t stop teasing when Tom refused to sit down on the train seat. “Who knows what kind of people have sat there?”

From there it was a ten minute walk to their destination. The place where Wool's orphanage had once resided was unassuming. Replaced by a very ordinary office building. You would never have known the darkest wizard of their age had lived there once a time.

Tom scrutinized the building with dozens of wrathful emotions. “I hope someone burned it down.”


“I didn’t say with the children in it.”

He was incorrigible.

Harri elbowed him. “What was it like to grow up here before the war? Like before the destruction, I can’t picture it.”

“Dull.” Tom squeezed her hand. “Everyone was common and boring. Our uniforms were itchy and our food was bland. The days dragged on. We went to church on Sundays. School on the weekdays and the parks on the weekends. We barely had any money so we almost never went out for entertainment. The first possession I ever owned truly was my wand.”

“You didn’t have any friends?”

“I didn’t want them.” Tom scorned, loud and harsh. “And you?” He pressed.

“I didn’t think the people I grew up with were dull. Just normal, too normal for me. We lived in Surrey and they still do. Life was monotonous. I did have friends and I liked them alright but my cousin, Dudley, who I lived with, we used to fight all the time and that was frustrating.”

“I didn’t expect us to be anything alike.” Tom said suddenly. He was peering at her with the look again. All heated and mesmerizing. "But we have more in common than I thought."

“Except the muggles.”

Tom’s lips quirked. “Except the muggles.”

He cupped her cheek in the palm of one hand.

Harri could have melted. His every touch felt like she’d swallowed sunshine.

Her soulmate was right in front of her. Fifty years in the future, with July on his pale skin and a smile so beautiful Aphrodite would be envious.

This moment could be likened to a Keat's poem.

I almost wish we were butterflies and liv'd but three summer days - three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain. ’

How true that was.

There was no one else she wanted to bicker over muggles with or whose hands she wanted to touch. If they could be like this always that would be enough.

This, here, was the happiest she’d felt since Cedric died.

But as luck would have it, all good things did not last.

The sound of rushed footsteps came from behind Tom and a loud “Harri!” was called. Bill Weasley appeared mere meters away from them, distraught.

“I knew it!” Harri called. “I knew you were following us.”

Bill clasped her shoulder. Tom’s eyes followed his touch and he brushed the hand off. Bill was too busy revealing what had happened to notice.

“Harri.” He said in an uneasy tone.


“It’s your cousin Dudley. He was attacked. They’ve taken him to St.Mungos.”


Bill exhaled heavily. “It is dire.”

Her stomach dropped somewhere down to her feet. “Dudley? Dudley Dursley?”


Harri was terribly confused. “I don't understand, what are you saying? What happened?”

“A lethifold attacked Little Whinging, we don’t know how. The ministry has been informed but he was almost suffocated to death. Mrs. Fig found him and managed to alert the order in time.”

A magical creature in Little Whinging?

She became stricken. “It was there for me.”

“Maybe.” Bill sympathized. “We have to get the two of you home. Sirius is at Mungo's already and the area’s been sequestered off. He’ll be back once your cousins stabilized.”

Tom and her clasped Bill’s arms much like they’d done with Sirius, only this time with urgency. They disapparated.

“You and I know well and good that thing was sent to attack Harri!” Sirius’s shout echoed into the upstairs living room where Harri, Tom, Nymphy, and Bill sat. There were pizza leftovers and co*ke bottles spread around the coffee table.

“Sirius calm down.“ Kingsley attempted.

“Calm down!”

It was past one in the morning. They had been awake for hours waiting for news. Sirius, Kingsley, and Snape had flooed in twenty minutes ago and had been rowing since.

“The kid almost died! Don’t tell me to calm down. That could have been my child. Do you f*cking understand that?”

“How did this happen?” Snape said next. “I have never heard of a more ludicrous thing than a lethifold in Surrey.”

“Dumbledore does not think it was Voldemort.”

“Then who?”

“It would be someone who worked in the ministry.”

And their voices trailed off, in all likelihood under a newly formed silencing charm.

Harri looked at Tom. “What do you think?”

He quirked an eyebrow.

She expounded. “I don’t think it was him.”

“It wasn’t.”

“Why not?” Nymphy straightened her legs. “Who else would want to hurt Harri?”

“I don't know but Voldemort wouldn’t try to have some creature kill me. He would come and do it himself.” Harri took a sip of her drink.

“Only the ministry and Gringotts have a record of where you lived. Unless some death eater had access to those there is no way you-know-who could have sent it there. Also, the records should have been updated when Sirius adopted you, which makes us lucky they weren't and you are safe.” Bill divulged, perched out on the carpet with hands behind his head.

“Your Godfather went a long way to seal that information up I assume.” Tom said.

"He hasn't explicitly mentioned it but he doesn't trust the ministry at all."

Bill tapped the floor. “Adoptions go through Gringotts and goblins can be bought. What if Sirius just didn’t inform the ministry? Goblins don’t have loyalty to wizards.”

“If that is true he did the right thing.”

If it wasn’t such a muggle act, Harri was sure Tom would have rolled his eyes.

A while later Nyphmy and Bill left and Sirius called Harri down. They settled onto the front porch steps together.

“Dudley is stable.” Sirius wrapped an arm around her back and laid his cheek against her head. “He’ll be alright.”

“I can’t believe he almost died.” She looked at her hands. “Was it my fault?”

Sirius scoffed. “Most certainly not.”

“I keep thinking about how many times I used to wish he would go away. When we were little and we would fight and my aunt and uncle would take his side. ”

“Poppet, you cannot be feeling guilty that you wanted your cousin to disappear when he was annoying.”

“He wouldn’t have gotten hurt if it wasn’t for me.”

Sirius pinched her nose. “It’s not you who caused this, it’s not you who called that creature. This is on whoever that person is and they will pay for it.”

Harri laid her head down, spent. “Tom doesn’t think it was Voldemort.”

“Oh well if Tom doesn’t think—”


The next week Dudley was sent home from St. Mungo’s fully recovered. Sirius did not let Harri visit, seeing as they didn’t know if it was safe. She only heard this from Nymphy and secretly she was glad. She wasn’t sure what she would have said to him though made her sick to think how easy it was for someone to hurt those she was close to. She wished she could have been in his place. She would have stopped the lethifold with her patronus and then dealt with the consequences as they came.

On Friday, Sirius was summoned by the Department of Magical Law and Enforcement for a private meeting and he decided to take Harri and Tom along with him.

They flooed into the atrium and walked to the elevator without speaking to anyone else. Sirius was on schedule and Scrimgeour, the head auror and his ex-boss, was like Moody. An impatient man who was at times crass. Not that Sirius cared that much but he was upset with what happened in Surrey and he wanted to hunt down the person who was responsible death eater or not.

The office was empty as most of the aurors were on their lunch breaks or on cases. Sirius left Harri and Tom outside Scrimgeour's office which was secluded from the others with its own private waiting area and couches.

Harri and Tom got bored quickly and went wandering.

“We shouldn’t.” She whispered, climbing into an empty elevator beside Tom.

“She says as she gets in,” Tom whispered back.

The elevator door closed and he spread his fingers out over the buttons. “I’ve always wondered about the department of mysteries.” He hummed.

Harri had too. Tom leaned in to get a better look.

“You think it needs ID?” He asked Harri.

“Maybe it has thumb printing or like a magical print.”

Tom pressed ten and kept staring at the D.O.M button. "Another time."

The elevator swooped back and began to drop them down. Tom was contemplative until they reached the courtroom on level ten.

The corridors were dimly lit, and like the rest of the ministry, the walls and floors were decorated in gleaming green tiles. It made it easy for them to hide if they wanted to.

They followed the sound of voices to a large black door with a '10’ embossed in gold.

Tom pressed a hand against it and listened.

“There is a trial.”

Harri moved forward and he placed a hand on her back. Someone in there was yelling about Fenrir Greyback?

Steps sounded.

“It must be considered, how much territory does the wolf have? And his loyal—”

Tom glanced back, his hand pushing Harri.

“He desires the matter concluded soon. The ministry is child's play, you know this Lucius.” A raspy voice uttered.

Harri yanked on Tom’s sleeve and they slipped into the empty walkway between the elevator and the courtroom. They pressed themselves against the wall to hide from view.

“But of course. The minister is in the palm of my hand. Let him consider it done.” Lucius Malfoy spoke. His slippery voice was woefully familiar to her by now.

The two men came around the corner dressed in opulent robes of black.

When Tom peeked out at them, his face changed. He recognized them.

“Evan.” Lucius whispered. “What is he planning next? You have his confidence where I do not.”

The other man, Evan, smirked. On his finger Harri noticed a very large ring. Black and gold, familiar somehow.

Tom froze beside her.



school has been incredibly stressful and professor's need to calm down :( anyone else feeling this?

nnneewaays 🥰🥰🥰
i love hearing your thoughts!

Chapter 28: these are the hands of fate


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 28: these are the hands of fate

"And the little prince added.
'But eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart.' "
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

“I do.” Rosier said to Lucius. “Yet I would not betray by revealing his plans to you.”

Lucius’s left eye twitched in irritation. Draco, who had always looked like his father, had the same tick. The similarity was unnerving.

“Of course. I simply wished to ask in case I could be of service.”

Rosier’s lips curled up. “Do you think me a fool?”

Lucius’s hands tightened around his staff. “Certainly not. You would not be where you are if you were a fool.”

Rosier stopped in his stride. “Correct.” He stepped closer to Lucius and though they were identical in height, he seemed ten feet tall compared to Lucius at the moment. “When everything fell apart I did not forsake the dark lord as you did. Twelve years passed and I never once faltered in my faith. For that, I have been rewarded. I am once again blessed with his favor. And you who were once in the same position, awarded, privy to his thoughts and plans, desire it again now that he has returned. But you do not deserve it. In fact, you have never deserved it. You crave the power that comes with it...that feeling of will do so much to gain it again. You tell me these questions are under the guise of curiosity when we know that is a lie.”

“Is that a crime?” Lucius pinned his staff against Rosier’s chest and the emerald of the silver snake's eyes glinted against his black coat.

“No, it is not.” Rosier stepped back. “But I ask myself this. Is this attempt of yours because you believe in the dark lord or is it because you do not wish to be punished again? It is difficult to tell when you have been duplicitous to us all.”


“I did not lie and deny how ardently I adore him. You did. Deal with the consequence now because I have no time for this pandering.” Rosier brushed imaginary lint off his shirt and turned in the direction of the courtroom again.

Lucius stayed where he was with his jaw clenched unbearably tight. He slammed his staff on the marble floor once, twice and then hurried off.

Harri looked to Tom, questions on the tip of her tongue. He shook his head. His eyes were still glued to where the two men had stood.

“We should leave. The trial will end soon and no one should see you here.”

Harri resisted the childish urge to demand an answer that very second and waited until they were inside the elevator again.

“Who is he?”

“I don’t know.” Tom was withdrawn.

“But you said his name as if you knew him.”

“I knew a Rosier. Cassius Rosier. Not the one we saw downstairs.” He said. “But that man was familiar, like Lucius. I suppose he is Cassius’s son.”

“You don’t seem to like him very much.”

Tom pressed the button for the DMLE. “I don’t like many people. But it’s more their family. They have a gift. All pureblood history is rooted in the dark arts in one way or another but the Rosier’s,” The elevator dinged and they walked into the auror office for the second time. It had only been a bit and Sirius was a while yet. Tom wandered over to one of the empty auror desks.

“Cassius said it was a curse.” He flicked at a floating memo, fingers picking at the blue ink. “His ancestors made sacrifices and drenched themselves in the old magic in return for a reward. They wanted their family line to last for centuries. As a gift, they were given sight. Cassius could see things about the people he was near. He knew parts of their past and sometimes, if he tried hard enough, their future as well.” Tom began to pull at drawers. “I imagine Cassius helped me get far in my reign as Voldemort and I see that his offspring continues to do the same.”

Harri slapped his hand away from the paperwork. “You think he is a problem.”

Tom picked up a selfwriting quill and dropped it into his pocket. “Yes. As long as he is not mine he presents a threat.”

Harri knew that was not the entire truth. There was something else about Rosier that had set Tom off. The way he said his name was like he wasn’t just angry but alarmed.

She did not have more time to question him because Scrimgeour’s door clicked open. Tom shut the drawers with the back of his hand. He straightened up when Sirius and Scrimgeour came out.

Harri had only ever seen Rufus Scrimgeour on the cover of the weekly mail Hermione received. In person he had a roughish appearance despite being dressed in formal robes. His hair was auburn and when the light fell on him, the color was like copper. He was not a man Harri particularly liked. He had been head auror for a very long time. Long enough that he was part of the reason Sirius had been in Azkaban.

Sirius was tense next to him. Scrimgeour’s gaze fell on Harri, full of interest the second he saw her. “Harri Potter.” His eyes were sharp and greedy. He reminded her of Cornelius Fudge so very much.

“Harri.” Sirius’s arms were behind his back, probably in fists. “This is Rufus.”

Scrimgeour’s expression tightened at Sirius’s dismissive tone. “Head of the department of magical law and enforcement Mrs. Potter and pleased to meet you at last.” He held out his hand and she shook it with reluctance. His palms were coarse and Harri could feel the callouses of the skin. Tom’s arm brushed against hers and she let go.

“And this is Thomas.” Sirius said in a loud voice. “His parents were close friends with Albus, you know Albus Dumbledore of course. Supreme mugwump and headmaster of Hogwarts for half a century.” Scrimgeour shook Tom’s hand as well and to Sirius’s surprise, Tom engaged the man in conversation. Considering neither Harri nor Sirius were very interested in speaking to Scrimgeour themselves, it was a relief.

After a tedious few minutes more the three of them departed from the ministry. When they arrived home Sirius took off for the kitchen and Harri accompanied him. Tom disappeared somewhere in the house. He was probably going to find find out who Evan Rosier was and where Cassius remained if he hadn't already known.

Sirius withdrew a beer from the refrigerator and pried it open with his teeth. Harri cringed at the sound.

“You’ll shatter your teeth.”

Sirius shut the frig door, harsh.

“Why did Scrimgeour ask you to go?” Harri asked.

He rubbed his forehead in exhaustion. “He knows what happened with Voldemort at the tournament. They all do at the ministry. Dumbledore has made sure of it but they continue to deny it. He invited me to discuss and then lied to me the entire time. This is exactly how Voldemort's last war happened. Muggle murders, wizards going missing, attacks all over England, and the ministry doing nothing.”

Sirius sighed, the sound as if he ached. “Eventually, Voldemort had so many supporters you didn’t know who was what. He had the dark creatures, the purebloods, the ministers and they all let it happen, some out of fear and some out of loyalty.”

Harri pressed her hands against the marble counter. It was cold to the touch. “They are doing the same now.”

Sirius nodded. “They want to give an erroneous sense of safety Scrimgeour said. But Fudge wants to keep his seat and Scrimgeour wants the same. Dumbledore thinks to push them into admitting it, not wanting the past to repeat itself. I think it’s inevitable when the system is so broken. It should have been fixed thirteen years ago. I am tired of trying.”

She groaned. “Why are they this bent on being stupid? I don't get it at all! Look at how many people died last time! This is imbecilic!”

“I couldn’t tell you, my love.” Sirius blew out his cheeks. “Instead of working to fix the system after the war they were too relived it was over. After all the deaths and living a life in fear, it was easier for them to move on than take a closer look at how it could have happened in the first place. Than to admit that something was broken. Maybe they assumed that Voldemort’s end would be like Grindelwald’s. Eternal."

“You don’t seem to agree with Dumbledore’s idea of forcing them.”

“I know better.” Sirius said in a hushed tone. “With these people, there is a price for everything. They will bribe you with false promises and then deface you and leave your carcass out to be mauled.”

“Even in war?”

Especially in war.”

They did not speak of such things often and because of that Harri blurted out a question that she had wanted to ask for a long time.

“What does Fenrir Greyback want with Remus?”

Sirius froze. “What?”

“He was in the minister’s booth with us and,”Harri hesitated.

“And?” Sirius caught hold of her shoulder, impatient.

“I heard you that night arguing with him.”

His eyes widened. “You what?”

“And during the yule ball Theo and I followed Karkaroff to the forest and Greyback was there.”


“We were at Hogwarts it was safe!”

“And what is it that they spoke about that had you so interested?”

“Just about the dark mark.”

He groaned.

Harri waited for him to relax. He opened his mouth and closed it again. He exhaled. “It’s not my place to have this conversation with you. If you really did hear us then you know most of it already. When Remus returns you should tell him what you know and ask him.”

"Alright." Harri could understand that.

"Is it too much to ask that you stay where you are supposed to? What will I have to do next, put a tracker on you?" He bent down and kissed her head so he couldn't have been too annoyed.

July ended and Harri’s birthday passed much like it had the year before. There was cake, her friends and her family. Happiness.

Though this time, Tom was there too. And it made all the difference.

At eleven he snuck into her room. He brought a lighter and an apple drizzled in caramel. They sat in between her open window and waited for the clock to pass midnight together.

“This was my tradition for my birthday every year,” Tom explained. “We couldn’t afford desserts, especially once the muggle war began. I would save the fruit from dinner and steal caramel from the bakery down the street. The owner’s wife thought I was sweet.” He smiled and his dimples created craters on his cheeks.

“Of course she did.” Harri watched as he swiped a finger across the caramel drizzle, licking it off his thumb. “She probably knew you were doing it too.”

Tom held up the apple for her, ethereal in the candlelight. “Happy Birthday Harri.”

She smiled and her first wish was that he could stay. Her second wish was that he could be whole, however impossible it seemed. Then she leaned down and blew the candle out. The fruit from Tom’s hand tasted sweeter than every cake.

In August the order meetings increased in rapid succession. Every few days there were reports of small muggle attacks, new ministry rulings and rumors of Voldemort’s plans. Remus still had not returned home. Harri saw more of Daphne and Blaise in the summer than she ever had before with how often their parents and Sirius began to meet.

Tom spent a lot of his time in the Black library and he often bribed Kreacher into telling him what was happening with the order. Both of Ron’s older brothers, Bill and Charlie, as well as Nymphy more or less moved in with them.

Tom complained to Harri about how vexing it was to be constantly surrounded by people who were, for the most part, Gryffindors. Harri mentioned that Nymphy was a Hufflepuff not that this helped his mood in any way. Whenever Fred and George were around Tom left the house and came back an hour later smelling of smoke. The twins tried to follow him once and found themselves with their hands glued to the door handle.

The last week before school was to start Hermione’s parents dropped her off and Sirius decided it was the ideal time for them to go shopping for supplies at diagon alley. Ron and Blaise were to meet them at Twilfitt and Tatting’s where they were picking up their new robes.

“Will no one recognize you?” Harri whispered to Tom once they were wandering behind Sirius and Hermione at Flourish and Blotts. Sirius was chatting to a pretty witch behind the counter and Hermione was throwing book after book into her cart.

“It’s been fifty years.” Tom took a novel off the shelf titled 'poisons and their history in herbology'. “I doubt any of them have the mental capacity to hold such memory.”

“Dumbledore is over a hundred and he didn’t forget you.”

“Dumbledore is obsessed with me.” Tom scowled.

“I wonder why.” Harri teased.

They finished gathering their books and next visited the apothecary. Harri managed to bribe everyone to go with her to Quality Quidditch Supplies for an hour too. Then at one, Sirius and Tom left for Gringgotts and Hermione and Harri went to Twilfitt and Tatting’s without them. As they arrived Harri noticed Blaise and Ron were already there and waiting outside.

After greeting each other Hermione opened the door for them to go in. Ron was laughing at something she said and Blaise was telling Harri about the last article Skeeter wrote as they walked into the store. The door shut behind their group and Blaise was the first to notice who was inside.

Draco was being fitted for robes and Pansy Parkinson was draped all over him.

Ron’s smile disappeared.

Draco saw them in the mirror and startled. Pansy frowned, tugging on his arm, her lips brushing against his ear.

Ron turned around without a word and stormed off.

Harri cursed under her breath and followed, leaving Hermione and Blaise behind. She treaded on Ron’s heels until he reached an empty area and slammed a fist against the wall. She grasped his hand before he could hurt himself and caught glimpse of his face.

“I don’t understand him.” Ron croaked, face red and hurt painted all over him. “I don’t.” His chest was heaving up and down, his hands clenching and unclenching. Harri didn’t know what to say.

“He’s a coward.” Ron snapped, resentful. “He didn’t speak to me after what happened. He didn’t even try. Forget writing a letter, he’d have to f*cking acknowledge me to do that.”

“Maybe he is just afraid of what you will say.”

“Isn’t it worth it to try anyway?” Ron demanded.

It was and Draco should have. But when did any of them ever make the right decisions?

“If it matters, I don’t think he would ever do anything with her.”

Ron scoffed. “Right.”

“He wouldn’t! You know he thinks she's unbearably irritating.” Harri insisted.

“Can you just not be the voice of reason? I want to be angry. Hate him with me for a little bit?”

“Okay that's easy. He is the most insensitive wart we’ve ever had the misfortune to meet. Is that what you want to hear?”

“Precisely.” Ron smiled.

She could only smile back, glad he wasn't frowning anymore. “We should go back. We still need robes and,” She wound their arms together. “It’s not safe to be alone.”

September began with the incredulous thought that she was about to enter her fifth year of Hogwarts. When Harri closed her eyes she could easily see what it had been like that first time. Dudley across from her at the breakfast table. Meeting Hermione and Ron. Draco marching into their train carriage. It was absurd to think how much their lives had changed since then.

Since Remus was not at home and Sirius woke up late they barely had time for breakfast before Kingsley and Nymphy arrived to escort Harri, Tom and Hermione to King’s Cross. Harri was apprehensive on the walk there. Regardless of the newspapers not writing anything about Voldemort’s return, the last time she’d been at Hogwarts Cedric had died.

They arrived at the train with only one minute left to spare. Hermione and Tom went ahead on the train and Harri turned to Sirius.

Sirius hugged her, his eyes sad. “Don't worry about me.”

Harri opened her mouth and almost said something but the words became tangled in her throat. She mouthed I love you, and with nothing else ambled onto the train.

The other students were already settled in their cabins and this made it easy to find her friends on the last coach. Lavender’s familiar shout and Maria’s quick, spilling laughter welcomed her into her cabin and warmed her to the bone.

The two of them were extremely fascinated by Tom and happy to finally meet Harri's soulmate. She'd called them and revealed everything the week after Tom moved in, so it wasn't a huge shock that he was there. They kept questioning him. Lavender asked what the fashion had been like in the forties and Maria asked about the food.

When the train stopped at Hogsmeade, Harri noticed how many looks were being aimed Tom’s way. People were whispering, and she was aware that almost all the girls were giggling and gaping at him.

An ugly feeling formed.

When they were walking to the carriages Tom l whispered in her ear. “Look up.”

Harri glanced up and gaped at the sight before her.

“They are called thestrals.” Tom described. “Visible only after one has witnessed death.”

The thestrals were winged horses. Exceptionally eerie creatures with dark skeletal bodies and reptilian features.

“I saw my first thestral in my fifth year too.” Tom said slyly.

Harri frowned and shoved his shoulder.

The two of them were the last to reach the great hall doors. In goodbye, Tom brushed his hand against her cheek and then sauntered over to the Slytherin table.

Heads swirled his way, following him as he went by. People shoved others to make room for him and Harri watched him settle in like he’d never been gone. He sat next to Blaise, Adrian, Miles, Draco and Flint. The boys and girls gathered around him like panting dogs.

Harri looked away and to her own table. The twins were near the edge laughing raucously with Cormic. Seamus and Ernie Macmillion were flirting with Padma and Parvati. Maria, Lavender and Ron were catching up with Dean. Angelina and Alicia were the first to notice Harri, standing up to hug her when she reached the table.As she was saying hello to everyone else around her, she realized someone was missing.

From between Justin and Dean, Harri tugged on Daphne’s hand. “Where is Theo?”

Daphne’s smile dropped. "He should be here." She looked over and searched the Slytherin table. Theodore's seat was empty. “That's very odd.”

Why would he not be here? Had he missed the train?

“Harri!” Hannah Abbott slipped in next to her and halted her line of thought. “Who was that boy you came in with? He’s gorgeous.”

Parvati, hearing Hannah, came over as well. “He’s even more handsome than Michael Corner.”

“Miles Palvin was already way ahead of Micheal.” Alicia chimed in. “But the new Slytherin definitely takes the lead on all three.”

Harri glanced back at Tom and again noticed the way all the girls were staring at him. Fiona Davis, the Ravenclaw prefect, was sitting next to him. Harri glowered, watching as she touched his arm. Harri wanted to cut her hands off. Fiona looked f*cking desperate. Tom smiled at the girl and Harri had to turn away. There was a pit in her stomach. She could feel her cheeks heating up.

She chose to focus on Hermione and Dean’s conversation instead. “She’s the new defense against the dark arts professor.” Dean was saying. “My uncle told me she works for Fudge.”

They were talking about the woman sitting at the head table dressed atrociously in pink. Dumbledore was making reluctant conversation with her.

“You know what the means don’t you?”

“What?” Maria questioned. “That she is useless?”

Dean chuckled, though Harri and Daphne noted the seriousness in Ron’s voice.

“I’ll tell you what it means,” said Hermione ominously. “It means the Ministry’s interfering at Hogwarts.”

After the feast, the Gryffindors gathered in the seventh year boy's dorm room to have a little reunion. Everyone had a lot to say about the speech that Umbridge had given during the feast. George had a great way of imitating her grating voice but what bothered Harri was that no one spoke of Voldemort.

She knew it was the ministry’s fault. They found that they could control the papers and the media but not Dumbledore and therefore they sent in a viper of their own. They would soon find that Umbridge was a rat in a lion's den and Dumbledore’s secrets had secrets. Fudge would not get away with it.

After midnight the party dispersed and Harri fell asleep as soon as her head hit her pillow.

She did not have a dreamless night.

She found herself in a field covered in yellow carnations.

A few meters away from her stood a lone figure.

Voldemort. He was watching her.

In real life Harri’s hands may have shaken but in sleep they stayed steady. She made her way over to him, wading through the field with the smell of carnations and floral phenolic drowning her senses.

When she was close enough Voldemort smirked. “How is your cousin Harri?” He asked facetiously. “Not well I hope.”

How many other things was he aware of? Did he know about the order of the phoenix ameliorating?

“He’s alive.” Harri said tightly. “As you can see, so am I.”

“Unfortunately but that is alright. I have always planned to kill you myself.”

“That must be difficult for you considering you've failed at it spectacularly.” She spat.

Voldemort did not reply as she expected him to. He picked out a carnation. “Luck has been on your side I will admit. It will make it all the more sweeter when I succeed.” He twirled the flower in his hand. It was disconcerting to see such an innocent gesture in such deadly limbs. “You know what I have been thinking of Harri? I have been reminiscing about the last time we shared a dream. It ended too soon.”

Harri bit the inside of her cheek. “Not soon enough really.”

Voldemort brought the carnation up to his mouth and scented it. “You see, something about it struck me as odd.”

Harri felt the hair on the back of her neck rise.

Voldemort fixed his gaze on her again. “I noticed that you were frightened and wary but not surprised to see me.”

Her heart sank.

“And then I wondered, how is it possible that you were not surprised? It is not common for wizards to share dreams. Only you and I have this connection, it is only I who gave you that scar.” Voldemort crushed the carnation in his hand. “So I ask, who else have you been dreaming of Harri? What else are you hiding from me?”

Harri opened her mouth to deny it but rather than words, a carnation was forcefully expelled from her throat. Harri coughed yellow petals into her hand.

She peered up at Voldemort, outraged.

“Ah.” Voldemort brushed a finger against his mouth. “You may want to keep silent for now, I fear that will not be the last if you wish to lie.”

Harri spat a petal on the ground in front of him.

“Your mind is vulnerable enough that will not take me long to unlock it. I do not have much time before you awake now but I will be seeing you soon. Goodbye for now, Harri.”

The dream faded.


Justin's new album is the best thing I have heard in YEARS.
Yellow Carnation: Disdain, disappointment, rejection.
One line borrowed from Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix: “I’ll tell you what it means,” said Hermione ominously. “It means the Ministry’s interfering at Hogwarts.” Because I like it a lot.

Chapter 29: you, my girls, for life


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 29: you, my girls, for life

“The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold.
The curves of your lips rewrite history.”
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

There were only a few times in Harri’s life when she felt so angry she wanted to scream. By far the initial days back at Hogwarts were the most maddening she ever experienced.

It started off well enough. After sleeping and missing breakfast the fifth years suffered through history of magic class before they trudged towards the dungeons.

“The day we have class without Snape berating me in some way I will jump into the Black lake with the giant squid in it and celebrate,” Ron announced, swinging his bag onto his shoulder.

Seamus slapped his back. “I’ll be holding you to that.”

“A sure easy way to lose sickles.” Dean teased, throwing an arm over Seamus.


“When Snape isn't in a terrible mood he is a very good teacher.” Hermione said with a wistful tone. “His notes are good and his lectures are interesting.”

“Why do you think he behaves like he hates everything most of the time?” Lavender pondered. They entered the dungeons and Harri could see the Slytherins in the distance gathered outside the potions classroom. Tom was easy to spot in the group. He was nearest to the wall and speaking with Adrian and Miles. Pansy and her friends were right next to them, listening.

Harri rolled her eyes at Daphne.

“Like he cares for pug face Parkinson and her lapdogs.” Daphne bumped her elbow against Harri’s.

“They look pathetic.” Lavender reassured. “Imagine hanging over a guy like that?”

“Pot meet kettle.” Daphne mocked. “You used to follow Lockhart around when you were infatuated with him and when Miles was new you off-

Lavender bent forward and pinched Daphne's waist. "Shut up I was not!"

Harri glanced at the Slytherins again and almost tripped when Theo stepped out from behind Pansy. He was back. A ways away and hidden behind the others but there. Alive and well and good.

She was reminded of a wound that was yet tender to the touch.

As if he felt her gaze, Theo looked up. He didn’t smile or frown. He did not do anything. In fact, he moved away and that was it. Like they were strangers. Like Harri couldn’t remember the warmth of his arms around her and the year between them meant nothing.

Daphne tugged on Harri’s sleeve. “Tom will see.” She hissed in her ear. Harri frowned and looked away. The classroom door opened and everyone started to amble inside.

Tom was still in the doorway when Harri reached it and he walked in behind her. She let out a involuntary smile when he pulled at one of her curls while shutting the door.

Usually both houses sat in mixed sitting in classes. Draco and Ron always together, Hermione and Blaise partners in almost everything, and Harri and Theodore. However, after five years it seemed they were finally going to live up to their rivalry.

Ron dropped his bag next to Maria without thought, not noticing that Draco had been walking towards him. Draco sneered and Blaise yanked on his arm, pulling him down beside himself.

The rest of the class saw this and everyone began partnering up by house instead. Except for Tom who settled in next to Harri as if he belonged there.

The Slytherin girl's faces dropped. Harri chanced a look at Theo and saw he’d finally deigned to show some emotion. Irritation.

A new worry formed. Tom and Theo were in the same house. They shared the same dorm room.

Harri broke into a sweat thinking about possible scenarios of Tom finding out about her and Theo’s relationship and how she could avoid it happening. It was impossible that Tom and Theo wouldn’t interact. Really, it was only a matter of time before Tom figured it out.

He lit their cauldrons and Harri fretted. There was some commotion as everyone continued to sort out their seats. Then Snape entered the room and they all settled. His robes swung behind him like a cape and he looked like a very uncomfortable model strutting down a runway. He swung around once he reached the front of the room and stared down his nose at them.

“This year you will all be taking part in an extremely important examination. The O.W.Ls. You will need to prove what you have learned about the composition and use of magical potions. The study that you may have noticed, whichever one of you aren’t dimwits, will now have spanned over five years."

His narrowed eyes ran over all of them one by one, particularly Neville and Greg.

"In the exam I expect all of you to pass with no less than an E. If you fail to do so, not only will you not be seeing the inside of this classroom for the rest of your tenure at Hogwarts, but you will also avoid my presence at all costs. Because if I do catch sight of you and am reminded of your failure as a former student, you will not enjoy what happens next.” He crossed his arms. “Today we begin the Draught of Peace.” And then under his breath he said not so subtly. “Something I require after every class.”

Seamus choked.

“He’s different from my potions professor,” Tom murmured. “I think I might even prefer him.”

“You’d be the first.” Harri said. “And probably the last."

Tom flattened his lips. One of his curls was loose and hung over his forehead. Harri wondered how it was possible to want to throw yourself at someone because of a strand of hair. Tom cleared his throat. “Are you not going to ask me how I’ve been?”

Harri made a face. “I didn't think it was necessary. You’ve been wonderful I’m assuming as Slytherin seems to be falling at their feet for you.”

“Right.” Tom’s tone was light enough but Harri couldn’t help but feel like she’d missed something. He ran a finger down the scalpel in front of him and then said in a sarcastic tone. “It’s just that, I’m surrounded by these unfamiliar people and in a new strange life.”

“Yes, this must have been difficult when everyone crowded around you like you were a prince.”

Tom’s mouth curled up slightly. “Terribly.”

"Is it just absolutely jarring and so hard because they didn't call you some honorific like your Slytherins did?"



“Class.” Snape snapped. “Do I look like the kind of man who enjoys wasting time? Get to work.”

They didn't speak much the rest of the class because the draught of peace required intricate work. At least that was what Harri told herself. That it was because if an ingredient was added incorrectly she might've been seriously harmed and not because the sight of Tom with his brow furrowed in focus and shirtsleeves pushed up to his elbows forged a hope in her heart that shouldn’t have ever formed.

Harri couldn’t take her eyes off the Slytherin table at lunch. Whether it was to watch Tom or Theodore, she looked that way more often than not. The two boys had briefly exchanged words so far but that was it. Theo settled in a few seats away from Tom, who was engaged in conversation from all corners of the table.

It was because Tom was so occupied with everyone else that Harri could glance at Theo without worry that he would notice. The more she stared at Theodore the more she realized something had changed. Theo seemed off. He was stiff and cold. Seemingly aware of everything happening around him but not participating in it. In fact, he and Draco were both behaving like that.

Did this mean that they could have been around Voldemort and the death eaters during the summer? What if they were training for him? Were they preparing to take his mark? And was it because they wanted to or did they think they had a responsibility? Theo had said he didn’t but maybe he'd been blinded by his desires. What if he did agree with his father now?

Maybe Harri shouldn’t have cut everything between them with such finality. She didn’t want it to be like this. He wouldn’t even look at her.

Eventually, she dropped her stare and actually ate her food. It was a methodical act though. There were too many things she was worried about to really enjoy it. Voldemort, Dumbledore, the ministry, Tom, the diadem and the dreams.

She hoped at least DADA would take her mind off things. Typically, it was the class Harri enjoyed the most as it was one of the only subjects that came to her easily.

But of course, it was in defense that her day was completely ruined.

“Good morning students.” The new professor Umbridge had a conniving smile painted on when she greeted them.

Harri and Lavender glanced at each other from their seats. The rest of the students sort of ignored Umbridge. The Gryffindors were loitering around and catching up instead of sitting. Seamus hadn’t even stepped into the room, he was still in the doorway saying something to Sir Nicholas.

Ahem.” Umbridge called, more demanding. She was ignored again.

Maria took out a quill and popped the bubble Ron was blowing as he settled down next to her. Neville continued to doodle on his desk and Parvati rummaged around her bag while looking for a seat. “Pass me that book will you?” Daphne said to Dean on the table over, braiding her hair.

Harri giggled under her breath as Umbridge’s face turned pink.

“It matches perfectly with her dress.” Maria snickered.

“Shhh.” Hermione shushed with a reluctant smile on her face. “She’ll hear you.”

“I think I see steam coming out of her ears,” Daphne mumbled.

Peculiarly there was still a smile on Umbridge even though it was clear she was fuming. Next, Harri saw more than heard her shout. “I SAID GOOD MORNING STUDENTS!”

It was then that the class went silent. They hadn’t been expecting such a tumultuous noise from such a small woman. Umbridge waved her hand so that the door slammed shut. Seamus flinched and ran for the first available seat.

Umbridge smiled again. “When you enter my classroom I expect you to greet me.” She pointed her finger at them. “What do we say?”

‘Good morning Professor’ Was murmured softly.

“What was that?” Umbridge raised a hand to her ear with a slimy grin.

‘Good morning professor!’ They chanted synchronously and forcefully.

“That is certainly much better.” Umbridge stepped towards the tables and patted Neville on the shoulder as she brushed past him.

“You will find that I am most unlike professors you’ve had in the past. I demand mannered students and my teaching methods are unique.” She wiped nonexistent dust from Ron’s chair. “I would like you to open your books and put away your wands. We will not be needing them.”

Hermione’s hand went up.

“How are we supposed to practice defense without our wands?” Maria blurted.

Umbridge turned to her. “Why ever would you need to practice practical demonstrations?”

“Because this class is defense against the dark arts.” Hermione emphasized, hand still in the air.

“Yes, but you are all children. There is no need to worry about it.”

Dean cast Ron a skeptical glance and Daphne scowled.

“But then how are we supposed to pass our O.W.Ls?” Lavender said in exasperation.

“With the book of course, I believe it’s time to return to the basics.” Umbridge said. “Now I do understand that you’ve had some unsavory professors in the past and even a halfbreed, however I assure you I am far more suited to the role."

Harri was up off her seat before she’d even thought of it. “What did you just call him?”

“Professor Lupin was the best teacher we’ve had!” Ron loyally defended.

“Sit down Mrs. Potter.” Umbridge commanded.

“We should be learning to protect ourselves and Professor Lupin was intelligent enough to know that!”

“And what is happening that you are so concerned about I should teach you to hurt someone for?”

“Voldemort!” Harri hissed and she heard the sharp draws of breath. “Voldemort is what I am concered about!"

“Oh dear!” Umbridge shouted. “I know certain rumors have been floating around. All this…chit chatter…gossip really about some dark wizard…this or that but I assure you,” Here she pressed her hand against where Harri assumed she had a heart. “The minister sent me to assuage these worries. There is nothing of the sort going on. Whatever Dumbledore has told you is simply incorrect!”

“No, he’s not!” Harri argued. “I saw him! I was there! He killed Cedric!”

“That is a lie.” Umbridge’s nose flared.

“It is not a lie!”

“Mrs. Potter if you do not sit down and close your mouth I will be forced to assign you detention.”

Harri kicked her chair back. “Voldemort is back. Voldemort is leading attacks. Voldemort killed Cedric. Voldemort is going to start another war!"

“I said ENOUGH!”

“An innocent boy was murdered and if you keep denying the truth more people are going to die!"


“Fine!” Harri spat.

She grabbed her bag and ran out without looking at anyone. She made sure to slam the door on her way out and went back up to the dorms. Harri flung her defense book into the fireplace. She wanted to scream.

Frustrated tears built up in her throat. This is what the order had meant. This is what Fudge was trying to do. This was what Voldemort wanted. Just like Sirius had said, it was all happening again.

Harri paced in her room until everyone returned. Once the others were back they all sat in the common room and raged together.

Then like the first DADA class was a curse, the rest of the week spiraled.

In separate houses it was unfeasble for Harri to see Tom as frequently as she wanted to. He was always occupied with something or someone. This wasn't to say Harri had the time either. She was busy as well. They usually had one class a day together but with quidditch tryouts, OWL preparation, and classes there wasn't much time to find to spend together.

Also, Harri's outburst at Umbridge had gotten out and now the whole school knew about it. It was infuriating to hear people whisper and stare, again. What was worse, it made her blood boil to think she still had to attend class the next week with Umbridge and detention that Friday.

Unfortunately, most of her friends were in just as rotten a mood as Harri found herself. Daphne was upset Victor wasn’t sending as many letters and that when he did they were sparse of conversation. Apparently, he was too also too absored with his studies and quidditch practices to pay her much attention. Maria was struggling with divination and Trelawney was making things worse rather than better for her. Lavender was now dating Michael Corner and when she wasn’t snogging him she was arguing with him. Harri personally thought it was because he had a wandering eye a mile long. And Hermione was frustrated but Harri didn’t know if that was because they were all rubbing off on her or the stress of homework.

In the end, Harri thought after her detention with Umbridge was over she might find some relief. But that wasn’t the case. She left detention resentful and with 'i must not tell lies' carved into her skin. When Umbridge had told her to write the lines and the first drop of blood spilled, Harri hadn't even known what to feel. She'd been too bewildered to be even angry. All she kept thinking was: this couldn't be happening.

And curse her luck for on the way to Gryffindor tower she ran into Tom walking with Fiona. When he saw Harri he said something to the girl and she left.

Harri preferred the ache in her hand to the sting in her chest.

"Harri," He called, strolling over. “Were you just leaving detention?” His gaze ran over her and fell on her clenched fist. “What is that?” Tom stretched his hand out for hers.

“Is that blood?” His eyes narrowed dangerously. “What did she…”

The letters were stark red against her skin and therefore impossible for him to miss. He ran his thumb over the wound and Harri grimaced.

“Umbridge did this?” Tom's face was pale in fury. Harri could practically hear his teeth grind.


His fingers were iron wrapped around her hand. "I’ll kill her.

“Stop. You know you can’t.”

"Don't worry about that," Tom glared at the cuts. “We need to see Snape. His stores will have a murtlap essence for the pain and paste to prevent scarring.”

Harri could see the gears turning in his head as they started to amble to the dungeons. He glared ahead of them the entire time and didn’t let go of her.

After Snape opened the door, saw the leison and examined it, he handed Tom a jar filled with some kind of puree. Then he forbade Harri from speaking in DADA again as to not get another detention. After that, he departed to go speak to McGonagall.

“How about forbidding the toad from using the bloody quill instead of making me keep quiet?” Harri complained.

“He can’t." Tom pulled a bowl out of one of the cabinets. "She is the minister's undersecretary and at this time Dumbledore doesn’t have the power to get rid of her.” He rummaged through drawers and picked out a vial. He began to knead the paste from the jar onto the bowl and then added the tonic from the vial.

When it was finished he pressed the mixture onto Harri's gashes. His care was enough to ease the throbbing before the remedy even sunk in.

Later, he brushed his lips against her knuckles.

“It will fade.” The words were said against her skin. She could see the anger still lingering in his eyes.

“You can’t do anything to her.” Harri repeated.

“Don’t say that to me.” Tom kissed the center of her palm. “She put a mark on you that isn’t mine.”

Rather than give them the weekend off Professor Sprout decided she wanted her fifth year students to study wolfsbane for their first assignment of the year. She split them into groups and then assigned each group a region from Scotland to collect wolfsbane herbs from.

Early Saturday morning the herbology class met outside the school gates where they would be provided with a portkey, instructions and a time limit.

To cover the gauze wrapped around her hand Harri wore a cardigan for the trip. Still though, when the Gryffindors had arrived it was the first thing Tom focused on.

Sprout began doling out watches, portkeys and parchments. “Your groups are your dormmates and I want no complaints about it. Makes it easier for me to keep track of you.”

She pressed a tiny bell into Harri’s hand and moved on down the line. “Your portkeys are charmed to activate at exactly nine thirty am and at noon. They have trackers on them so don’t think of stepping a toe out of line. The timers will also have warnings when you have less than five minutes. Do not go past the boundaries laid out in the instructions. You are all fifth years now and you should be responsible enough to be able to complete the task and return safely. If you fail to do this I will have the headmaster revoke Hogsmeade privileges. Are we clear?”

“Professor,” Blaise raised his hand. “What if the portkey doesn’t activate for us?”

“Then you stay there and wait.” Sprout pointed her finger at the ground. “I have each of your exact locations marked down and the rest of the professors are aware and available. If you do not return on time your head of house will be alerted and aurors will apparate to your location.”

“Merlin, she’s serious.” Harri heard Draco say.

“I’m happy at least someone cares for our safety.” Lavender praised.

“Do you think they have mushrooms in Inchcailloch?” Seamus whispered in Ron’s ear. “You know the magical sort?”

Dean crossed his arms behind his neck. “If you get stuck in a fairy circle out there I’m not sacrificing myself to get you out.”

“What kind of friend are you?” Seamus sulked.

Sprout clapped her hands. “Everyone form a circle with your group and place your hands on your portkeys!”

Maria, Hermione, Lavender and Daphne crowded around Harri. She placed the bell portkey in the palm of her hand and they each held onto one of her arms.

“Where does it say we’re going?” Maria questioned.

“Timer’s on!” Sprout shouted. “Malfoy get in line!”

“I think it’s called the CaldoniAN!” Lavender shrieked as the portkey activated.

The five of them were compressed into nothing and then thrown out on the hard ground of the Caledonian forest of Scotland. Harri fell face first into the grass as was customary.

“You should all learn how to land properly with portkeys.” Daphne said. She was the only one of them coming onto the ground gently.

“If I had fifteen years of practice I wouldn’t be eating dirt every time either.” Harri groaned. Hermione helped her up.

Harri observed their surroundings. It was a beautiful place. They were on a high plane and the rest of the forest was open below and around them. Hermione twisted their instruction parchment in her hands. Maria rested her chin on her shoulder. “Which way are we meant to go?”

“North I think?”

Lavender procured a compass from her pocket and manuvered herself around to position it correctly. “North is this way.” She pointed to the left, where it was all downhill and there was a path toward the actual trees.

“Are you sure?” Harri plucked one edge of the map from Hermione’s hand. “It doesn’t look like it in the drawing.”

“What if we used a point-me spell?” Daphne asked.

“I don’t think they're that reliable if we’re not advanced enough.”

“How old is that compass?”

“Look, it’s clearly north this way! The picture shows trees like the ones in the key of the map!”

After arguing over directions for twenty minutes they agreed to go left.

While hiking they went over the logistics of the report they were to write and how much of the wolfsbane they would take.

An hour later, Maria brought up Harri’s detention. “How are we getting revenge on Umbridge? Because clearly Snape, Dumbledore, and McGonagall wont do anything.”

“I can’t believe Dumbledore is allowing her to stay.” Lavender scoffed.

Hermione made them turn right. “Barty Crouch Jr might have been a death eater but at least he never mutilated us.”

“That we know of.” Daphne pointed out.

“Do you think Umbridge is going to do this for everyone in detention?” Maria questioned.

“I think so. You should have seen the look in her eyes. She was enjoying it so much and she kept drinking tea. The entire situation was bizarre when it wasn’t infuriating. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a trunk with a body in there too.” Harri said.

“A possessed death eater, a narcissistic fraud, Remus, a deranged death eater and a certifiable toad.” Lavender listed off on her fingers. “Who do we think will be the DADA professor next year?”

“A nice death eater? If we're going off the pattern. ” Hermione suggested, folding up and putting away the map at last.

Maria laughed.

“Wait.” Daphne held a hand up and stopped against a tree stump. “What does wolfsbane look like again?”

“Like a flower. Green stem and dark, almost black petals.” Harri read off the instructions. “Wolfsbane, also known as Aconitum vulparia, is of the genus Aconitum. The plant can be found in most grasslands, however, most of it's species are poisonous. Wolfsbane can be used by werewolves to maintain control of brain function when shifting.”

Maria grabbed Hermione’s water bottle. “Is that common knowledge?”

“Uh yeah, genius.” Lavender ragged. “It’s literally called ‘wolvesbane’?”

Maria threw water at Lavender. “I only meant that most werewolves live in rural areas and because they transform frequently they most likely settle down in environments where it grows. We should be careful.”

“That’s why we have a map and a portkey. Besides, I’m sure Professor Sprout did her research.” Daphne yawned.

“There is no way our luck is so terrible that we stumble into a werewolf pack’s land.” Maria said.

Harri’s mouth flew open. “Why would you say that? You just jinxed us!”

“Stop talking!” Hermione’s arms spread out in alarm. “Do you hear that?”

They ceased moving and listened. For a minute there was nothing out of the ordinary. The birds, the trees, the wind. Then suddenly, there was the distinct sound of a faraway growl getting closer. The noise was ripped out of a throat, fierce but nasally, human and animal at the same time. Distant but loud enough. And then another snarl followed, this one immensely closer and all the more ferocious.

Harri’s stomach fell. Maria, Lavender and her grabbed onto each other.

They had entered werewolf territory.

Don’t move. Hermione mouthed.

Harri felt uneasy, Hermione and Daphne were more than a meter apart from the rest of them. If they moved to them their location would be given away.

We’re screwed. Lavender used her pointed finger to mime slitting her throat.

The snarls got louder.

What about the portkey? Harri pointed at the bell in her hand. Could we try charming it?

Maria shook her head. Not possible.

Apparate? Daphne asked desperately.

Don’t know how. Hermione threw her fists up, helpless.

Wait. Harri gasped soundlessly. She took off her bag and tugged out her invisibility cloak. Lavender helped her spread it out.

Come here. Maria gestured for Hermione and Daphne to advance.

Hermione gulped.

Hurry! Harri put her bag back on and Daphne and Hermione ran to them. The five of them crushed their bodies together and in an astonishing feat managed to make the cloak fit over all of them.

They held their breaths and waited.

When the wolves came, Hermione had to cover Lavender’s mouth as it dropped open. It was Greyback and…Remus.

“Can you smell someone?” Greyback whiffed the area.

“No.” Remus replied. “Nothing.”

He was staring right at Harri.

“Someone has been here. Five someones.” Greyback noted.

“It must have been the village humans.” Remus offered.

“No.” Greyback continued to look around. “There is magic.”

Harri could feel Daphne’s heart thudding against her back.

“Who are you paranoid about coming into your land?”

“A death eater.” Greyback growled.

You are a death eater.” Remus pointed out.

Greyback sneered. “I’m no one's pet Remus, no matter a mark.”

“I would beg to differ.”

“I have my reasons, as I have told you, even if you don't understand them.”

“Then help me to.” Remus argued.

“Is that why you’re here?” Greyback laughed with insincerity. “To understand me? Because I don’t think it is. Let’s make plain what we both know to be true, you are using me.”

“That’s not true.” Remus denied.

“Forget it. There’s nothing here. I have to return and you should hide, you-know-who is coming by for a chat. That's why I thought...but no.”

Collectively, they tensed.

Greyback gave Remus one last look and then ran off without another word. Minutes passed and then Remus ran to them and yanked the invisibility cloak off. Harri fell into him.

“What are you doing here!”

“Professor Sprout assigned us a project to collect wolfsbane and our portkey was going to take us at noon and we had a map but we must have gone the wrong way!" Hermione explained in a hurry.

“You have to leave. You have to leave right now.” Remus commanded.

“The portkey doesn’t activate for another hour at least!” Daphne protested.

“And I can’t apparate here.” Remus said in alarm. “But we can create a new portkey.”

Maria ripped a bracelet off and shoved it into Remus’s hand. “Here!”

“If I use magic Greyback will know.” Remus objected. “One of you has to do it.”

Hermione grabbed the bracelet.

“I’ve read the theory I think I can do it.”

Remus grasped Hermione’s shoulder. “Listen to me, Hermione. Close your eyes. Visualize the place you want to go. It’s just like any other spell alright? You can do this, you were one of my best students. When you’ve pictured where you want it to take you, you make a figure eight with your wand and say ‘portus’. This will charm the object. Then you know where to go from there?”

Hermione inclined her head.

“Do not think of anything else because this is a very delicate charm. If anything else enters your mind the portkey will not go where you want it to go. Do you understand? Think only of Hogsmeade or the gates of Hogwarts. Nothing more and nothing less.”

Hermione dug out her wand.

“Deep breaths.”


They had no way to know if it worked but Harri’s scar had begun to ache. They had to leave.

“Be safe. We will be talking about this.” Remus kissed Harri’s forehead and hugged her. Then he stepped away while the portkey activated.

Within one second and the next, the world altered. When they tumbled out it was not to Hogwarts.

“Paris!” Daphne gasped. “You portkeyed us to Paris!”

The street Hermione had brought them to was the very same from the summer Harri spent with her two years ago. Except for this time it was empty and rain was pouring down on them. A thunderstorm.

“Accidentally!” Hermione shouted. “Don’t leave that part out!”

“What now?” Maria sneezed.

“I can’t even see properly through this torrent of rain!” Lavender yelled.

“Let's go over there!” Hermione started running towards a conviniance store on the next block. Lavender protested and Maria groaned but they all followed her.

Soaking, they trekked inside the shop. It was empty of people but for the sleeping manager and preoccupied check-out boy.

They sped through all the aisles and into the back where there was a public bathroom.

In the bathroom Harri ripped off wads of paper towels and handed them out. “What are we going to do?”

“I love that he said to think of only Hogwarts and you thought Paris.” Maria whined to Hermione.

“I did think Hogwarts, at first, after I thought of food and the french toast from breakfast and then it just got misconstrued in my mind.”

“Can’t we just wait for the original portkey to activate?” Maria asked, wiping her face.

“No. It was only meant to take us from one part of Scotland to another. I don’t think we should try international travel with it. As much as Hermione’s wasn’t right, at least it was supposed to come here. Ish.”

“Should we make another one?” Harri squeezed rainwater out of her hair.

“No, because we’ll end up in Egypt or something. Also we’re underage witches in another country without jurisdiction.” Lavender started biting her nails in stress.

“And right now Harri can't get caught doing anything like this by Fudge. He’s frothing at the mouth to get her expelled or to have control over her.” Hermione brought up.

“What if Harri tried to send Tom a message?” Daphne suggested while rinsing out her wet blouse.

Harri perked up. “That could work! I can do that.” She had never purposefully sent him a thought before but it was simple. She just pictured Tom in her mind. She imagined a rope made of starlight that tied them together, extending out from his chest to hers. She recalled the ravishing feeling of his touch. She sent S.O.S.

“We’re going to be in so much trouble.” Hermione moaned into her hands.

Lavender wrapped an arm around her. “But it was kind of fun? Like the adrenaline rush I’m having right now is pretty great.”

Hermione made a disgusted noise.

What? Drew itself across Harri’s wrist.

Greyback and an accidental portkey.


Long story. Can you get us help? In Paris. St. Lucia Street, in a Grocery Store.

Yes. Don’t send anything else. He might see it.

Harri had not considered that.

“Oh.” Hermione whispered. “Oh.”

“Let's hope he didn’t.” Maria whispered.

They waited an hour.

The downpour continued. After drying off they ventured back into the aisles and fooled around. None of them had any money with them but Daphne charmed the checkout boy and he gave them free snacks. He also pointed them to the mini cafe attached to the shop where they were able to rest.

Getting bored, they used the back of their wolfsbane instruction parchment and Hermione’s pen to create a x’s and o’s tournament. Lavender won 10 - 4.

And then POP!

Outside, one by one, three bodies materialized.

Blaise, Draco, and Tom.

Lavender wasted no time, she was out the door before Blaise even lifted a hand.

Tom darted inside. “Malfoy has the portkey, whether you’re speaking to him or not. Harri and I have our own. Go.”

Hermione ran out, hands on her head in an attempt to protect her hair from the water. Maria and Daphne followed.

Then Tom turned to Harri, furious.


“We took a wrong turn, it was an accident!”

“You could have been mauled! What if one of them bit you?” Tom hissed.

“We handled it!”

“You portkeyed yourselves to another country!” He pushed her against the wall.


“How could you be so stupid!” He snapped and placed hands on either side of her head.

“I didn’t decide to wander into werewolf territory for the fun of it!”

“Could've convinced me!” He looked away. "You're impossible Harri."

“Well you—”

She didn’t get to finish.

Tom closed the space between them and kissed her.


THEY KISSED! I've waited so long to write this chapter😭. Also it has now been a year since I first started posting this story 🤯🤯.

Chapter 30: tom riddle, tom riddle


remember that this has an explicit rating!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 30: tom riddle, tom riddle

“The boy never cried again, and he never forgot what he'd learned.
That to love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed.”
- Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

Merope Gaunt gave birth to her son during a numbing new year's night. The rest of London city celebrated the coming year and she celebrated the birth of a baby boy.

“Tom,” She whispered to the woman who had helped her into the orphanage. “His first name for his father.”

The woman, Emily, wiped Merope’s forehead with a wet cloth. “And Marvolo,” Merope said, insistent, gripping Emily’s hand. “for mine.”

“You should really try to rest.” Emily pleaded, stringing her hands together helplessly as Merope continued to fade. “The doctor will be here soon. Sophie’s taken the baker’s car to get him! It shan’t be long.”

Merope smiled a terribly sad thing. She knew she would not survive the hour. She swallowed past the ache in her throat. “Tom Marvolo Riddle. That’s my baby’s name. You’ll make sure he knows what it's for, won't you?”

Emily inclined her head with reluctance.

Merope looked down at the baby in her arms. Her son was staring back at her already, beautiful blue eyes shining like sapphires.

She stared at him for as long as could. Emily turned away to fetch another towel. Merope’s eyelids began to close and as if he knew what was happening, Tom began to cry. She felt his little fingers curl around hers in panic. Merope wished desperately that she could stay.

I’m so sorry my baby. My Tom.

Tom let out a wail and Merope Gaunt closed her eyes.

Tom was adopted when he was two years old and brought back to the orphanage at the end of the week. A couple fostered him at three and then left him after a month. At four, the other children in the orphanage began to avoid him. At five, there were three things that he knew as fact in life.

The first was that if he didn’t wake up by seven during the weekdays he would miss breakfast and starve until classes were over. The second was that if he smiled at the next door baker he could distract him enough to steal a coin from his donation box. The third was that Mrs. Cole would always know when something happened and blame him for it, whether it was his fault or not.

“Tom Riddle!” Her voice reverberated out of the nursery. “You get down here right now!”

Tom zipped up his pillow and obliged with a scowl on his face.

“Tom!” Mrs. Cole snapped right as when he walked in.

“I heard you the first time.” Tom said sullenly. He glanced at the crying boy in her arms and scowled harder. What five year old cried in someone's arms like a baby? Tom was five too, but he knew better.

“Did you steal Jack’s plane toy?” She glared at him.

Tom crossed his arms.


He stayed silent.

“If you don’t admit it you’ll have no dinner for the rest of the week.”

Amy gasped from the corner of the room and Jack smiled into Mrs. Coles’ neck.

“That’s not fair!” Tom shouted and stomped his foot. “It was mine first! He took it from me!”

“So you do have it!”

“Because it’s mine! Mrs. Anne gave it to me!”

“Cease this lying Tom. There is no Mrs. Anne that I know of around here.” Mrs. Cole let go of Jack and straightened up.

“I’m not lying! She was at the park and she gave it to me because I helped her find the bakery!” Tom yelled in indignation.

Mrs. Cole grabbed him by the shoulder. “For God’s sake Tom. You expect me to believe every word that comes out of your mouth? You’ll give Jack his plane and then you’ll do his chores and yours for the rest of the week as punishment. Lie again and I’ll make good on the dinner.”

Frustrated tears built in Tom’s eyes.

Mrs. Anne had been real and she’d given him the gift not only because he helped her but because she’d seen that none of the other children had been playing with him. He knew she had done it out of pity but it was the first time someone cared enough to give him something good. The plane was the one thing that was his. Jack and Dennis always stole everything else.

Tom ripped himself out of Mrs. Cole’s grasp and ran out of the room. He ignored her call for him to come back and sprinted out the front doors of Wool's.

Tom continued to run until he was hidden by the bushes at the back of the building.

He buried his face in his knees. Tears came and went. It wasn’t fair. Tom had nothing and when he was given even the slightest bit of attention or presents then they were taken away too.

And he was always alone. Isolated. Hated.

Tom sobbed. He wondered when this pain would end. Was it always going to be him against the world? He was a dirt poor orphan who no one in his orphanage liked. How was he ever going to get anywhere else?

There were boys that grew up and then were dumped out by the caretakers if they were disliked. It never went well for them.

Tom remembered George, a boy Mrs. Cole kicked out when he was sixteen. Tom saw him a year later in the alleyway between the corner store getting pushed against the wall by some older man. George’s eyes had been wide open and his arms scratched on.

Is that how Tom would end up?

He snarled at the thought.


Tom was better than George. He was stronger and knew he would end up where he wanted to be. He wasn’t weak like the people he was surrounded by. He could cry and be sad but he would pick himself up and become tougher. He didn’t have anyone else to go to and that made him independent. He was infinitely more intelligent than the stupid children he lived with.

Tom picked up his head and wiped away his tears.

If he was going to be better, he was going to make sure Jack never got another chance to steal his toys again.

Tom looked up and observed the structure in front of him. The back windows of all the bedrooms were facing him. He noticed one of them was open and inside that specific room, by some stroke of fortune, Jack and Dennis’s pet rabbit was sleeping near the sill.

Tom grinned.

There was another thing he knew beyond all else. And this was that he was special. Tom could make anything happen if he tried hard enough. Like narrowing his eyes on a bunny and imagining a noose around its neck. And if he wanted the noose would get firmer…and tighter…until eventually, the animal lost consciousness. Until its windpipe became so obstructed that it asphyxiated.

The rabbit went limp and Tom picked himself up. He wiped his tears and went back inside. He plucked up the plane from his room and handed it to Jack.

Later that night when he was tucked up in bed he heard Jack scream and smiled.

Tom was more powerful than everyone else around him. He was better than this mundane life he was stuck in. He would get out of this terrible place and become more than anyone ever expected.

And he knew it.

Tom disliked Dumbledore from the very first time they met. He visited after Tom's eleventh birthday and proved to him that he should expect wizards to be just like everyone else. Cruel, selfish and useless. Dumbledore was the first sign that the magical world would not be like that of Tom’s dreams.

But that was fine. He was used to disappointment. Tom would protect himself as he’d always done. If anyone got in his way they’d be dealt with like Jack, who never even looked at Tom anymore, let alone ran to Mrs. Cole to complain about him. Even Mrs. Cole herself no longer exercised control over Tom and only ever stared at him with cautiousness.

As Tom aged, he gained more of a grasp of what he now knew to be his magic. With this understanding, he obtained more command of those around him.

He went to diagon alley on his own. He went to Kings Cross on his own. And when he finally entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he bared the aversion from the purebloods on his own.

It was no easy burden to carry.

The children were vile and spiteful. Though supposedly superior, they were just as whiny and entitled as any muggle child.

Some of the boys in Tom's class would work to make his life difficult. The worst of them was Edwin Dolohov. He seemed to have some particular grudge against Tom. Maybe because Tom began to receive better grades or because others in the school outside of Slytherin liked him more. Tom didn't know or care.

He despised most people in equal measure but he held a special hatred towards Edwin too. Not because Edwin was the most cruel to him but because Edwin was the one who taunted Tom about soulmates.

In fact, Edwin was the one who’d exposed Tom to a truth more painful than anything else. Soul bonds existed in the wizarding world but Tom only ever had bare wrists. Worse than having no family or friends, Tom did not have a soulmate.

But Edwin did and he made sure everyone around him knew it.

And how it burned Tom.

It was possible his soulmate had not been born but this was a fragile sort of hope to have. Yet it was the only explanation he could cling to while he had to watch everyone else gain their own.

Tom always told himself he never needed anyone. Still, the thought that he was meant to have someone and did not, left him hollow and aching. It almost felt like the answer to why he had always felt lonely despite disliking everyone around him. That maybe it was what had always been wrong with Tom. He had been walking around without half of himself this entire time.

So Tom held onto the idea that they would come soon, in addition to the fear that it could be too late.

These thoughts would follow him for decades.

In the meantime and over the course of his first four years at Hogwarts he bent those around him to fall under his will. He became the favorite student, the one everyone admired, wanted to be and wanted to have. Even Walburga Black and Sebastian Rosier, the snobbiest of purebloods, ate out the palm of his hand.

And if Tom ever had a real friend, it was Tiberius Nott. Ty to his friends. Tavvy to Tom. Abraxas Malfoy and Basil Lestrange were his companions at that point too, but Tavvy was different. He was the only one who liked Tom from the beginning. Tavvy never said a word against him and he was the one person Tom knew he could confide in. Tavvy was honest in a way no one else was. He promised Tom loyalty when they were eleven and stayed true to his word, nudging his way into Tom’s confidence as the years went by.

In due time Tom’s friends, his dormmates and followers began to call themselves the Knights of Walpurgis. They adored Tom. Worshipped at his alter. Mulciber and Rosier gifted him with relics from their private coffers. Abraxas offered him anything he ever asked. Basil would give him the moon on a string if he could.

In between it all Tom lived and breathed magic. His life was finally what he desired it to be.

Then it sort of fell apart.

The second world war started and Tom found himself trapped at the orphanage. He became familiar with the sounds of buildings collapsing, bombs detonating and heavy artillery. The alarm warning of an attack haunted his steps.

Dread became a habitual feeling when trapped inside underground shelters. There was nothing like the heat of a thousand bodies flushed together for hours at a time. It became routine for Tom not to sleep for fear of never waking up. Frequent for a sudden noise to cause a panic attack.

And he was expected to suffer it until England finally won. There was no timeline of how long it would take or even any guarantee that he would survive. Tom couldn’t risk it and he also couldn’t bear it.

He could not die without meeting his soulmate, the other half of his soul. The part of him that was missing. The gaping wound he’d been carrying around his whole life.

In this fear, Tom turned to immorality.

When he made it back for his fourth year his free time was devoured by research. Though he found more answers than he expected, from vampirism to the elixir of life, none were what he desired. Tom knew at the age he was now it would be impossible to find Nicholas Flamel, especially given that Grindlewald was searching for him too, and neither did Tom wish to become a dark creature.

Months passed but he still did not come across a viable method. He was afraid his time was running out. And perhaps that was the reason he became obsessed with the first tangible ritual he found.

On the first Monday in May, Tom snuck into the restricted section of the Hogwarts library using Orion Black's prefect badge and stumbled across the word that changed his life and the life of so many others forever.


He’d even fashioned himself a name, one the wizarding world would cower behind forever.

Vol de la mort. Flight of Death.

Tom escaped death in more ways than one the summer before his fifth year. His days, though filled with war, were also occupied by his fascination of horcruxes. By the time July came he solidified plans. He would make a real horcrux before the seventh month died.

The only thing preventing him from killing a muggle and finishing the deed right away was that he lacked an object to place a portion of his soul in.

This was resolved when Tavvy sent him a letter inviting him to stay at Nott manor. The letter was a relief, though Tom disliked to admit it. He would be safe. He escaped to Tiberius’s manor and his time there was filled with everything he never had at the orphanage. Peace, the dark arts and freedom.

Tavvy also gave Tom a gift his uncle had gotten him while the family was away in Paris. According to him, his uncle had been looking for a cursed object for the auror office and gone to some shop named Borgin and Burke’s in Knockturn Alley. In the store, the shopkeeper swore to him he possessed the real locket of Salazar Slytherin. So as a late birthday present for his Slytherin nephew, Tavvy's uncle decided to purchase it on a whim. Of course, Tavvy delivered it straight to Tom.

A perfect object to house his soul.

During the long days, Tavvy helped him prepare to make his horcrux and revealed to him the original map his great grandfather had made of the sacred twenty eight.

Through this map, Tom discovered he was siphoned from the Gaunt line. Because before the Gaunt’s had disappeared from wizarding society they had been known as descendants of Slytherin.

“I know you think your father must have been a wizard.” Tavvy flipped the page. “Marvolo was a name passed down through the Gaunts. One of my great aunts married one, Felix Gaunt in 1789.”

With this revelation, Tom’s mind became obsessed with his lineage. He wanted to find whatever existing family he had.

Abraxas and Basil came to visit the following week and together they searched for where the last living Gaunt might be. Abraxas’s father had connections in the DMLE and eventually, they found a report detailing an incident of misuse of magic in the muggle world by a man named Morfin Gaunt. The reporting auror also listed the location of the event.

It was a town called Little Hangleton.

Morfin Gaunt was an inbred imbecile. The only good he served Tom was taking the Gaunt ring off his finger and divulging the Riddle family’s existence.

As Tom walked to the mansion that belonged to his family, he felt stirrings of a deep rage. While he spent all summer suffering the damnation of war his family lived in luxury. Wrathful resentment took hold of his mind.

He gazed at the mansion and remembered how he was starved and beaten at the orphanage. He had suffered his entire life. Fought for everything he had. All the while his father had lived here. This felt to Tom like he’d suffered a great deception.

Before, he only brought Slytherin’s locket with him to show Morfin as evidence of his parentage. But when the doors opened and Tom locked eyes with his father his plans changed.

They shared the same face. The same name. But not the same pain.

A large part of him felt betrayed. Here was this man, a man who looked just like him, who should have taken care of him, who brought him into this world, staring at him in revulsion.

He was a muggle! He was nothing! How dare he look at Tom like this? It was Tom who was disgusted to share blood with this man.

He grit his teeth and pulled out Morfin’s wand.

He would show him. He would show them all.

Green light consumed Riddle Manor.

Tom left little Hangleton immortal and as the last of the Riddle’s.

When he came back to Hogwarts he was changed. He covered it up well enough but if someone were to look closely they would notice.

Tom’s temper became harder to control.

He lost his patience when dealing with other students and he ceased to make an effort pandering to the professors. He’d already established his place where he needed to and now he could finally embark on his other plans.

The next step was clear. It was time for Tom to find the chamber of secrets.




The only noise in the bathroom. The only sound that could be heard in the silence after Myrtle’s screams.

Tom was unable to move. He was frozen as he'd been since he left the chamber with the basilisk. All he could see was Myrtle’s empty eyes staring at him in bewilderment.

He hadn’t meant to do it.

It was an accident.

The bathroom should have been empty.

Tom Riddle? Is that you?

Sometimes Tom felt restless. Itchy. When he was not occupied he became bored and this turned him vindictive.

He was in his sixth year now and returning from a meeting with Slughorn that went on late into the night.

Tom came back to the common room to find it empty but for Livia Avery. At first, he did not even notice her. He settled into his seat by the fireplace with a glass of whatever Slughorn had given him still in hand. A minute later he felt a dip to his left and became aware of the other girl.

“Hi, Tom.” Livia smiled.

He gave her a nod and turned to stare at the flames. Slughorn had been irritating that night. He was more insistent than usual about introducing Tom to a potions master at Cambridge. Tom denied his request, as he had done every other. His plans were cemented for the next year and he had no interest in pursuing a career in potions.

“Were you in the library?” Livia shifted closer. “You’re always studying so much.”

Tom glared at the ground, irked by her presence. If he ignored her would she go away?

“You should spend more time here. I feel like we never see you anymore.” Livia placed her hand on his bicep.

Tom almost broke it.

Olivia.” He hissed.

She flinched.

He planned to walk away until his eyes caught on the black ink displayed blatantly on her wrist.

That was right…she was Dolohov’s soulmate.

Edwin Dolohov who had been the worst to Tom his first two years, as nasty as Jack and Dennis. Dolohov who Tom hated despite his apologies and his obedience.

While Tom had found many ways to get retribution over the years by humiliating him, it was never quite enough.Perhaps tonight he would finally get his revenge.

Tom plastered on an apologetic expression. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to snap.”

Her face softened. “That’s alright Tom. I know you must be tired.”

“Still, it’s my mistake.” Tom rubbed his thumb against her cheek. “Why don’t you let me make it up to you.”

Livia flushed.

Tom didn’t even have to lean forward for her to kiss him.

He f*cked her on the common room couch. The next morning he smiled at Dolohov and made it clear who took his soulmate's virginity.

By the time Tom and his followers graduated he had three horcruxes, seven NEWTS and over twenty offers from the ministry. He felt no compulsion to accept any of them. No one would be able to teach Tom more than he already knew. His mind was a thing of brilliance. His greatest power, even above magic.

He had his plans and with Grindelwald out of the way the world was at his feet. There was no other time than seventeen to begin his quest.

For three years he worked at Borgin and Burkes. He learned about the dark arts and artifices in a way he would not have anywhere else. He also formed friendships with wizards he knew would one day be fruitful to him.

Tom spent his free time educating himself on every part of wizarding Britain and immersed himself in pureblood society. He expanded the number of his followers. He studied the lives of the halfboods and halfbreeds, the history of their fae, dementors, and werewolves. The secrets of the ministry of magic and all its faults.

One day Tom would bring it all down and raise it up in his own name.

His last act before leaving England was finding Hepzibah Smith and stealing Hufflepuff’s cup. Taking the founders relic from her was more strenuous a task than he’d first perceived and at many times he was tempted to snap her neck. But soon enough he succeeded. After he made the cup into a horcrux, he packed his bags and left Caractarus Burke without so much as a notice.

Not to return until he was prepared for war.

For ten years Tom lived as a nomad. He began his journey in Argentina and worked his way around the globe. He spent a year in Madagascar and a season in Egypt. He learned to fly without a broom. He grew more than he ever would have in Britain. He met natives of the land who taught him true dark spells and sacrifice. People who welcomed a man who created horcruxes.

He discovered there were others who spoke parseltongue in India and found true peace for a moment in the mountains of Nepal. He encountered the most rare of creatures in Australia, acquired knowledge of where runes were formed thousands of years ago and familiarized himself with proper shielding and curses. Tom became proficient at healing in Iceland and found the origins of curses in the south of France.

When the time came, he ended his journey in Albania. In the heart of its forest, he found a piece of home. A diadem.

Tom wasn’t gentle thrusting into the pureblood witch underneath him, though this didn’t seem to deter her. She tightened her arm around him and moaned in his ear.

The bed squeaked underneath them and the sound of skin slapping was the only other noise in the room. He couldn’t remember the girl’s name but she kept screaming his. Tom buried his fingers in her hair and jerked her head up so that her voice wasn’t directly in his ear. She shuddered beneath him and he let out a groan. He gave one last push inside her and then pulled out, finishing on her stomach. She stared up at him, mesmerized.

Tom got off her and placed his feet on the floor. She leaned back on her elbows and giggled.

He picked his wand off the dresser table.

The girl touched his back, running her hand down his spine. “You could spend the night...”

He drew away from her but turned. She pouted up at him. He rolled his wand between his fingers.

“I’ll make it worth your while.” She whispered, tilting her head back.

He leaned in, his arm brushing against a box resting on the edge of the dresser. He wrapped his hand around her neck and the box fell, its insides toppling out.

The girl frowned and looked past him to the floor.

“Is that a tiara Tom?”

Ravenclaw’s diadem glinted where it had fallen.

Tom smirked. “Something like that.”

The neighbors filed a noise complaint the next morning. Something about a loud horrified shriek interrupting their sleep. Tom gave them a wide grin and reassured them it wouldn’t happen again.

Since he was eleven Tom spent most nights staring at his wrist. Before he slept, he always wondered about his soulmate. Sometimes he thought he could will words to appear on his skin by need alone.

But at thirty he knew it was too late. There had never been a soul bond that appeared this late in life.

He would know. He’d traveled the world searching for an answer and found none. Tom had to accept that he did not have a soulmate. There was no one waiting for him, no one that was born to be his. He would always be half empty.

It was a child’s dream and it was time for him to let it go.


He visited the cliffs his orphanage took him to as a child and placed his locket in the cave below. He gave Basil his cup, Abraxas his diary and hid the diadem back at Hogwarts, right under Dumbledore’s nose.

Then he covered his wrists and never looked at them again. Never imagined ‘Tom?’ appearing on them.

The next time anyone called him anything, it would be the name Voldemort.


This is basically an interlude before the story continues next chapter. I hope it has provided you guys with more understanding of Tom before he and Harri's relationship grows.

Also in case anyone was confused, Tom killed the witch to create the diadem horcrux!

Chapter 31: darling, dearest


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 31: darling, dearest

“Take me to your trees.
Take me to your breakfasts, your sunsets, your bad dreams,
take me to your fingers.
These are worth it. These are what I have come for."
Margaret Atwood, In Other Worlds

It was a moment she’d thought of countless times over the years with a sort of hopeless wanting. There were a million backgrounds against which she planned it, Harri had dreamed of a thousand kisses.

But the real thing—the weight of Tom pressed against her, the warmth of his body and the bruising force of his mouth—wasn't anything her mind could have conjured. It was better.

She curled her hands around his neck and deepened the kiss.

Tom’s tongue pushed into her mouth and it was, it was, it was needy and fraught and perfect. Their lips moved against each other with violent intensity. Tom’s fingers were around her waist, her back, the curve of her jaw. Their bodies flushed together like they were trying to fuse into one.


They pulled back.

Harri stared at Tom and he back at her, the both of them panting. His hands were resting on her cheeks and hers were still around his neck. She couldn’t move or speak. They hadn’t touched like this in so long, not since that morning in Grimmauld Place.

Harri almost felt like crying. The last time Tom Riddle had kissed her, he’d disappeared between the pages of a book but an hour later.

These ghosts passed between them. The Tom of the diary and the Tom in the diadem.

She couldn’t help but think, would this Tom disappear too?

He leaned down and smiled at her. His anger was gone, replaced by something newborn between them. “I’ve wanted to do that for a very very long time.”


This Tom wouldn’t leave her. This Tom was human and he was real beneath her fingertips. He breathed and ate and smiled. He bit her bottom lip until it bled and then soothed it with his mouth. He smelled like cinnamon and his cheeks flushed when he was tired and his touch was made of the sun.

“You called me stupid,” Harri whispered in the space between their mouths.

“You made me feel afraid.” Tom ran his nose up her cheek. “The last time I felt that kind of fear I tore my soul in half.”

“That was stupid.”

Tom laughed. “Touché.” He curled his fingers in her hair. “You could have been hurt.”

That was true. There was nothing clever for Harri to say so she said nothing at all.

Tom kissed her again. His lips were velvet and Harri’s knees were weak. They kissed and kissed and somewhere in between the portkey swept them away.

Upon returning to school, Harri and her friends were summoned to Snape’s office. She only had the chance to let go of Tom’s neck before Maria tugged her away. She looked back at him and even from the distance could see the heat in his gaze. She blushed the darkest pink and turned away.

Professors Sprout, McGonagall, and Snape were waiting in the office and Harri was caught off guard by the fact that Dumbledore was not. She knew his hands were tied with Umbridge (as flimsy an excuse Tom and everyone else found this to be) but surely this incident required his attention if nothing else.

“How did this happen?” Professor Sprout cried out.

Hermione gave a discreet but pointed look to Harri and the girls and answered first. “We were following the map just as you instructed Professor but I had a difficult time understanding it. We thought we were going the right way but we must have made a wrong turn. It was by complete accident that we somehow ended up close to werewolf territory.”

McGonagall inhaled.

“One of them must have caught onto our scent because the next thing we knew there were two turned wolves coming in our direction,” Harri added. “We panicked and as a last resort tried to make a portkey. Obviously, we haven’t learned such advanced spells yet and it malfunctioned.”

“We’re lucky we weren’t splinched.” Lavender said.

“You are lucky none of you died! International travel is nothing to joke about.” McGonagall scolded.

“Of course it isn’t Professor!” Maria stammered.

“Are you sure you only heard the wolves? You would not be lying about seeing them would you?” Snape questioned, looking right at Harri.

He knew. She was sure of it.

Harri picked at the hem of her jacket and avoided eye contact. “We started running around like headless chickens the second we realized where we were and everything happened very quickly. It’s hard to remember all the details.”

“Though it was entirely our mistake and we take full responsibility.” Hermione assured.

Lavender made an incredulous face. “Well not full—”

Harri stepped on her foot.

“Ow!” She hissed under her breath.

McGonagall asked. “Could you explain to us how you were able to get a message to the boys? It is not every day I have three Slytherin fifth years barging into my office telling me my girls are stranded in another country.”

Hermione’s eyes flashed in panic.

Snape cleared his throat. “I don’t think that is the issue here Minerva.”

“I agree.” Professor Sprout concurred. “What is disturbing is the fact that I made a mess of the maps and almost got my students bitten by werewolves!”

Snape sighed like he was irritated. “I meant the issue here is a punishment for the girls.”

McGonagall shook her head. “I don’t think we can punish them, Severus, if not for the case that this was an entire case of misfortune then for the fact that Dolores will find out and demand to give them detention herself. I won’t allow it.”

“Oh?” Snape raised a skeptical brow. “Then are we to stop disciplining our children for fear of a ministry lackey?”

“We can discipline them should the situation call for it but I will not allow that woman’s barbaric methods to be administered on them!” McGonagall argued.

“I'm not saying we allow her to continue. Quite the opposite actually, but that is a conversation to have privately.” He swiped an arm in the air. “Girls out of the room.”

“And directly to the tower without a word to anyone.” McGonagall ordered.

“It's going to get out either way Professor, it always does.” Lavender mumbled. McGonagall shot her a glower.

They left and when they returned to the common room, it was almost empty except for Ron and the other Gryffindor fifth year boys, who were engrossed in a game of chess, oblivious to where they’d been the past few hours.

Professor Sprout and McGonagall really had kept the incident to themselves. Harri would still tell Ron but maybe it was a good idea to wait. He would definitely be upset that he missed out and Tom and Draco had come to their aid rather than him.

Hermione slapped the back of Ron’s head with a newspaper that had been lying on the floor as they passed by to their dorm room. Ron smacked her arm back without looking up from the chessboard.

The exhaustion of the day caught up to Harri after she changed out of her damp clothes. They all sprawled across their dorm floor.

“Can I say something?” Daphne murmured between a long yawn.

“If I said no, would that stop you?” Maria asked genuinely.


"Well don’t let me stop you.”

Daphne gave her a dirty look. “Does your brain stop working after six?”

“Oh please get on with it.” Hermione tapped Daphne with her foot.

“I just thought it might be imprudent for us to talk about Remus consorting with the likes of Fenrir Greyback? And the awfully intimate conversation they had in front of us?”

“Oh that.” Harri lifted herself up onto her elbows. “I thought I told you about this ages ago.”

The girls stared.

“I think, no, I know Remus and Greyback are soulmates.”

Hermione gasped. She placed her hand on her chest like some Western heroine.

“Remus and Greyback?” Lavender choked.

“I think I have a migraine,” Daphne rubbed her forehead in distress. “please don’t tell me you said what I just think I heard.”

“Remus is tied for eternity to that brute?” Maria marveled.

“But how do you know, know?” Hermione looked incredibly disheartened by the news.

“I heard him having an argument with Sirius during the quidditch world cup. From what they were saying it was quite obvious and when I asked Sirius he told me I should ask Remus about it because it wasn't his place. I guess I never said anything because I don’t have verbal confirmation it's obvious, especially after today.”

"But Remus is gentle and Greyback is a savage. I heard he bites children for sport! Mother used to tell me stories about him to scare me from going into the woods in our summer home.” Daphne said.

Lavender was of the same opinion. “Remus is sophisticated. He wears tweed trousers and loves books!”

“And my soulmate is Voldemort.” Harri shrugged. “Who knows why two people are bonded to one another. I wish I did.”

Hermione stroked her arm. “Humans are multidimensional beings, we all have different facets. Just look at your Tom compared to Voldemort. We might only know Greyback from what we’ve heard but I’m sure to Remus there are a million other better versions of him.”

Harri leaned into Hermione’s touch. “That’s true.”

Lavender laid her head on the carpet. “Do you think that's where Remus was all those years Sirius was in Azkaban and you were with the Dursleys? With Greyback in the Scottish highlands?”

"He was. That's one of the things Greyback mentioned during his argument with Sirius." Harri hadn't really ever actually sat down and considered what that meant. She mulled the thought over. She brought forth the image of Remus in her mind as he’d been in third year. His robes old but his eyes bright. He had looked well cared for. He hadn’t been skinny. There might’ve been a scratch across his eye but perhaps that wasn’t from surviving on his own. Perhaps that was the mark of a scorned soulmate in a heated argument.

Could it be that Remus came to Harri and Sirius and left Greyback behind? And that was why…

“That makes so much sense. It would explain so much.” Harri whispered.

“Dumbledore must know about the bond if he sent Remus to him and no wonder Greyback was resentful! Though Sirius seems to resent it as well.” Harri chewed on her inner cheek. “He was pretty adamant that Remus would have nothing to do with Greyback anymore during their argument.”

Hermione tapped her chin. “That is going to be a problem in the future.”

Harri lamented.

Lavender patted her head. “Families fight all the time, don’t worry about it. One minute you're cursing each other and the next you’re watching a show together.”

“Sirius doesn't have a good history with family and fighting. The last time he fought his family he was disowned.”

“Yet his mother still left him the house in her will.” Daphne said.

“That’s just because blood is blood. You know the Black motto.”

“Listen Harri,” Maria touched her shoulder. “Remus and Sirius love each other and more importantly they love you. They would never jeopardize the relationship the three of you have after all that’s ensued in the past decade. Don’t let something that hasn’t happened yet worry you.”

“Let’s sleep yeah?” Hermione yawned. “We can talk about it in the morning. Maybe you could write Remus a letter?”

Harri exhaled. “Okay.”

Nevertheless as Lavender turned off the lights Harri fell into a restless sleep. Worries plagued her and she conjured up images of a feral Remus and the final slam of a door.

The Sanctuary was one of the most popular bars in magical Rome. It was owned by Carlos Zabini, the second in line to the Zabini family fortune. He was an intimidating man but hard working and capable. One who kept a watchful eye on his bar despite it being just one of the many the Zabini family owned. Carlo was known for taking care of his investments.

This was why everyone around town found it peculiar when he began to leave the city for long periods of time. Largely when he chose his nephew Lorenzo to take care of business at the Sanctuary.

Lorenzo was a young man who preferred to drink and laze about all day. He was the last person they expected Carlos to leave in charge.

Yet he did and so young men like Damiano Caprio took advantage of the situation. Every time Carlos left, Damiano visited the bar and sold faerie drugs to whichever drunk customer came up to him.

It was late October when Carlo left town on urgent business once again. This meant Lorenzo was in the back of the Sanctuary taking shots off of some beautiful veela and not paying attention to the happenings in the place. Damiano was tucked away at a corner table and playing a game of cards with his intoxicated friend David while waiting for a buyer to approach him.

It was midnight but the festivities were just getting started. Witches and wizards populated the bar, pool tables, and booths, eating, drinking, and dancing. Even some wolves and magical creatures like the fae were about.

Damiano took a sip of his whiskey sour and pulled his hat down lower over his hat. The night seemed like any other. He expected to sell all that he had stashed before going home as the sun rose for a satisfying sleep.

That is—Damiano thought this was how the night would go.

At half past midnight, the whiskey sour settled in and Damiano decided to step outside for a smoke, leaving David to settle into a stool near the bar for another drink. A floor length window was just behind his chair and so he slipped out from there without drawing attention. He crossed the main road to where a couple of other wizards were gathered and reached inside his pocket for a lighter. His fingers came up empty and he realized he left it on the table. Irritated with himself he turned around.

He’d left the bar window a little open and was glad of it when he made it back to the Sanctuary. He was about to turn in and push it open when he heard voices float out.

Someone had taken his seat.

Normally, he might’ve just gone on ahead inside and asked the strangers for his lighter. But something stopped him in his tracks. He stayed to the left of the window where he was covered by a wall and right in hearing range of what was happening inside.

"—Necessary.” Said a voice with a British accent.

Then in the more familiar Italian articulation, another man spoke. “This is old magic you speak of Tom.”

“I am aware,” replied this Tom. His voice was deep and rich. It reminded Damiano of the whiskey he drank.

“I have not practiced since the days before it was forbidden. To begin again would be risking detection.”

“Afraid of something as inevitable as death Saguini?”

“It is cruel to use an old man's words against him.” Saguini muttered but he laughed after.

“Crueler to seal yourself from your true ambition.” Tom seemed to snap.

“I have become jaded in the last decade. What once I had the thirst for I have no longer.”

“You taught me once,” Tom said softly. “You could teach him too.”

Saguini sighed. “Dumbledore—"

Tom hissed something. Damiano could not understand but Sanguini did for he let out another laugh. “You do not ever give up, do you? Like when you came to me with that diadem the first time.”

Tom did not reply.

Saguini started again. “Should I tell you all the reasons it is not a good idea once more?”


“Hmm. Still stubborn I see. You know Tom, I have lived through centuries of men like you. When I was still human there were Ekrizdis and Deverill. When I died and turned there were Loxias and Gellert. And when I finally thought it over, there was you. Voldemort. I warned you all of what I knew. I warned you that immortality is not the gift you believe it to be. One by one you all failed to listen and one by one you have all fallen.”

What? Damiano’s knees weakened. Sanguini…Sanguini the ancient vampire. Saguini of Rome, true Rome. And Voldemort…the dark lord.

Damiano’s hands began to shake. He must have inhaled something. Or perhaps there'd been a narcotic in his drink because this could not be a real conversation he was hearing. What was Lord Voldemort doing in Rome? He was dead! He was a mad man! This had to be delirium!

“But I alone returned.”

“Yes,” Saguini whispered. “but you returned.”

“I can fix this Saguini. I swear it.”

“The boy who came to me thirty years ago said the same. How I am to believe it again?”

“He knew nothing of the price.” Tom—Voldemort?— contended.

“Do you now?” Saguini did not say it condescendingly but honestly. He was truly curious.

“I swear on my magic I will end it. Just teach him.”

Saguini did not respond for a while, until eventually, he said, “For you, old friend, I will do this last thing.”

“Good.” Tom murmured. “Now we can deal with the eavesdropper.”

Damiano’s eyes widened.

The window thrust open. He fell back. The two men appeared in front of him. One of them stayed back while the other came closer. He was tall and seemed to be around the age of thirty. He had long wavy hair which Damiano did not know why he bothered to notice because the most discerning thing was his crimson eyes.

“Hush.” He whispered.

Damiano’s world went black.

Though they’d been writing back and forth multiple times a week Harri failed to tell Sirius the truth about everything. With the Umbridge situation, she was afraid he would show up and kill the women. As much as she would’ve liked to see it she did not want her Godfather to end up back in Azkaban.

There were also the dreams about Voldemort which she didn’t mention because Sirius might go mad with worry. He already had so much to agonize about that she didn’t have the heart to cause him more stress.

There was also the wolfsbane incident that she forgot to mention...perhaps Harri was withholding quite a lot from Sirius. Maybe she was a horrible daughter for it and a liar by omission but she would rather he thought everything was fine than spend his days alone in London burdended.

She finished off her most recent letter while eating breakfast, discussing Daphne’s woes about Victor and Hermione’s O.W.L paranoia, and placed it in Hedwig’s beak.

She was exhausted. Sleep had not been kind to her the night before and she knew she carried dark bags under her eyes.

They were at the late Sunday breakfast, even Tom, who was once again at his table surrounded by Slytherins.

Harri shoved a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. She focused her attention on Hermione who was reading the morning paper, her cheeks getting darker by the second.

“Have you seen this?” Hermione threw the paper down.


“They're saying Umbridge is what this school needs!”

“Is there anything in there about you-know-who?” Maria asked, peering over.

“Nothing!” Hermione picked up the paper again. “I just can’t believe this…this…slander! That they could say all this about Dumbledore who's been the one protecting Hogwarts and its students for decades!”

“Are you surprised, Mione? After everything we learned from the order? You can’t expect more from these people. Their pockets are filled with dirty money.” Daphne pulled the paper away from her.

Harri shoved another spoonful in her mouth to avoid snapping something. She tuned out of their conversation and looked back at the Slytherin table from the corner of her eye.

Tom’s seat was empty.


She choked on a coco puff.

“Hi, Tom.” Lavender smiled slyly while Daphne discreetly handed Harri a glass of apple juice. “Lovely weather this morning.”

Tom gave her a side eye and then repeated “Harri,” with his eyes drilled into the side of her face. She coughed and looked at him. “Yes?” There were tears in her eyes from the cereal stuck in her throat and it would be extremely embarrassing if he knew just the sound of his voice had caused her to choke.

“Would you like to take a walk?” Tom asked pointedly, in a cheeky tone.

Harri set her glass down. “Right—yes. Guys, I will uh, see you in the library.”

“See you.” Daphne grinned coyly at them both.

Harri stood and followed Tom out of the great hall. He took her hand. “Hi.”

He was wearing a blue sweater that brought out the color of his eyes. They twinkled at Harri.


Tom glanced around the corridor and turned to her with a smirk.

“What?” Harri giggled, delighted by his mischievous mood. She wanted to lick the dimples on his cheek.

“Come here.” Tom pulled her forward by the button of her jeans. Harri fell into him and he leaned down to brush their lips together. He moved them backward, all the while still pressing his mouth insistently against hers until her back hit a door. Tom pushed it open and they slipped inside.

With a wave of his hand it closed behind them and then Harri was being kissed within an inch of her life. Tom grinned and she laughed and their teeth bumped.

“It’s annoying how much I want you.” He said in between kisses.

Harri leaned into each one, compliant and easy. She wrapped her arms around his waist and breathed in the smell that was Tom.

“I actually did want to talk.” His lips were on her neck now and Harri shivered, arching into his touch.

She felt his smug smile against her skin. “You like that.” He whispered.

Shut up.”

Harri gasped as he sunk his teeth into the junction between her collarbone and neck. She squeezed his waist and he lazily lapped the bite with his tongue. Her eyes rolled backward.

He moved away from her neck and pecked her before pulling back.

Harri was blushing furiously but made sure to look him in the eye. “That’s going to leave a mark.”

“Good.” His thumb grazed over the puncture.

“You are insufferable. Have I said that?”

“Probably.” Tom shrugged.

“What did you actually want to talk about?”

He buried his fingers in her hair and rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks. “Have you been dreaming of him again?”


Tom nodded absentmindedly, his eyes focused on the strand of her hair curled around his fingers.

“Once,” Harri admitted, readjusting her arms around him.

She felt him stiffen.

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I’m not quite used to talking about him with anyone. I’ve been having odd dreams for so long that I forget it’s not normal.”

“Normal.” Tom snorted. “Normal is dull. You can tell me anything.”

Harri described the dream to him with as much detail that she could remember. Most of the time it was easy to forget about the dreams and sometimes she could convince herself they were nothing at all. A dream. It was only a dream. Words she used to comfort herself from nightmares of a dark and cold place at six.

“Could he use such a tiny detail to uncover the truth?” She questioned Tom about Voldemort’s realization that she was not surprised to find him in her mind.

His hands left her hair. “Yes. I’m brilliant. He’ll figure it out soon and especially quickly if he can gain access to your dreams again.” Tom looked thoughtfully at Harri. “You are going to have to learn occlumency.”


“An obscure branch of magic used to protect one's thoughts and memories from legilimency. A legilimens, an accomplished and natural-born one like me, can access other's minds without effort. Occlumency will protect you. If I can teach you then he won’t be able to get into your head and if he can’t do that, he won’t give up but we can delay him from learning about our soul bond.”

“And of you.” Harri murmured. “What would he do if he found out about you?"

“Put me back in the locket. Lock me up somewhere no one would find me. Punish me for not returning to him.” Tom's hands closed into a fist.

Harri touched his cheek.

“He won’t get you back.”

Tom surveyed her face. “Or you. I’ll never let him have you.”

His words were encouraging but the tone of his voice was not. It was like he left the sentence unfinished and Harri did not know what words would fill in the blank space. Do you want him erased so the world forgets your mistakes? Do you want a blank slate so you can start it again?

Tom stroked her jaw and she let go of these thoughts. They were for a future Harri to think about. For now, she would let the taste of him make her forget everything else.

The Slytherins were least hated by Umbridge therefore it fell upon them to throw the upperclassman's annual October party. Ron wanted to skip but Daphne persuaded him into going.

If it wasn’t for Tom, Harri wouldn't be particularly delighted about it either. But it was a chance to see where he lived when he wasn’t with her and to observe him firsthand around the other Slytherins.

Besides it wasn’t like before Voldemort’s return the Gryffindors and Slytherins hadn’t coexisted perfectly fine. Most of them had even been friends.

And maybe, just maybe, Ron could at least speak to Draco. Harri knew how awful it must be to walk around ignoring your soulmate. Both Draco and Ron had resisted efforts from Blaise and Daphne, but it had been months by now and the pain of it must have lessened whatever grudge or reservations there was.

Harri knew she wanted to reach out to Theo.

It was with this in mind that she entered the dungeons. Because they weren’t muggles, no one wore costumes and it was more a samhain celebration than halloween. Harri and the other girls wore skirts and dresses, much like they’d at the party in London.

When they entered the common room, there was music playing and colored smoke covering the floor. All of the fifth years and up were there. Except Harri noticed Tom, Draco, Marcus, Miles, and Adrian were nowhere to be seen.

“There’s Micheal!” Lavender shouted over the loud music. “Let’s go dance!” She dragged Maria and Hermione into the crowded center of the room.

Harri and Daphne stayed with Ron and went to where the black lake was open for everyone to see. It was a daunting view at night.

“You should go find Draco,” Daphne said to Ron.

“Remind me why I have to be the bigger person again please.” Ron pulled a tray of cupcakes over to himself.

“Because he’s cut himself off from all of us and that can’t have been easy. He probably thinks we hate him.”

Ron bit off a large chunk of chocolate frosting in resignation. “Right and I love him enough to want to say sorry even if he’s been a git for ignoring me.”

Daphne nodded. Harri pinched Ron’s cheek. “You’re growing up Ronniekins!”

Ron shoved her hand away and put his cupcake tray down. “Maybe he’s in the dorm. I’ll go check I suppose?”

While Daphne lectured him on not getting riled up if Draco was in a foul mood, Harri scanned the room searching for Theodore. Since Tom was busy she could finally talk to him. She found Theo’s familiar face with Blaise in a corner behind one of the bookshelves having a quiet conversation. If it weren’t for Blaise’s white shoes she would not have even noticed them for how hidden that area was, especially with the fake smoke and low lights of the room.

She touched Daphne’s arm and then made her way over to where the boys were. Blaise noticed when she was a few feet away and tapped Theo. He shook his head. Blaise held his palms up and slipped past Harri, giving her a wink as he walked away.

Harri prepared to say many things to Theo but all those words fell away when she was in front of him.



They both stopped.

Theo seemed to bite the inside of his cheek. “I don’t know what you want from me. You told me to leave you alone and I have, why do you keep trying to talk to me?”

“I never wanted you to leave me alone,” Harri said, hurt that he would assume that. “I just wanted us to have space after we broke up and after the tri-wizard tournament. I didn’t know how to deal with my feelings because everything happened at once. I felt like I had to make all these decisions. I always intended for us to be friends either way. I care about you Theo. But I don’t mean to be annoying. If you don’t want to talk to me that’s fine. I just worry. You’ve been so distant this year.”

Theo’s jaw flexed. “You acted like you never wanted to see me again. It really hurt me when you threw our relationship away like it was nothing.”

Harri could understand that. She stepped closer and placed her hand on his arm. “I didn’t want it to be like that. I’m sorry Theo. It wasn’t nothing to me nor was it an easy decision to make. How could it be? You’re wonderful and...we were happy.”

Theo surveyed her. “We were. That's why I don’t think I can be friends with you. I need time Harri.”

“I just want to know that you’re okay. That’s all. I’m here if you ever want to talk no matter the rest of it.”

It took him a moment but eventually, he nodded. Harri dropped her hand from his arm but Theo reached out to stop it. His fingers ran over where ‘i must not tell lies’ had been carved before Tom healed it.

“I heard about her blood quill. Are you alright?”

“Yeah, but Umbridge is—"

There was a noise behind them.

Harri turned and there Tom was standing in the archway, eyes dark and cold anger on his face.


Tom: About Voldemort *kiss* he *kiss* could possibly *kiss*

I love that I finally get to write Tom and Harri in a relationship, I hope you all enjoy it just as much! There will be some angst in the next chapter because Tom is going to be furious about Theo 👉 👈

jealous! Tom coming up 😌😌
Diadem’s in Rome wonder what he’s doing there🤔

Chapter 32: viva la revolución!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 32: viva la revolución!

“I suppose at one time in my life I might have had any number of stories,
but now there is no other. This is the only story I will ever be able to tell.”
Donna Tartt, The Secret History

She pulled her hand away from Theo. She shouldn't have spoken to him in the common room of all places. Vapid girl that she was. Harri had hoped to delay this and instead practically orchestrated it by accident in the worst way.

“Theodore is it?” Tom’s voice was sharp as a blade. His eyes moved to Harri and they were as accusing as they were dangerous. It was an expression she’d not seen on him before. How dare youit said.

“Yes.” Theo looked between Harri and Tom. “You knew that already.”

“Don’t be rude Nott. We’ve not been introduced properly.”

Theo scoffed. “You mean I haven't fallen to my feet at the mere sight of you like the others.”

“I was quite surprised too. You seem like someone who belongs on their knees.”

“Tom.” Harri’s fingers twitched, wanting to reach for him but not with Theo there.

Tom strode to her and brushed his knuckles against her jaw and down her arm, right over where Theo’s hand had been.

“You looked to be having a very serious conversation,” Tom mock widened his lids at Theo. “I would apologize for intruding…”

“But you won't.” Theo’s anger was clear.

“Touchy.” Tom’s lips curled.

“You might have the other Slytherins fooled and you might even have Harri feeling sorry for you poor little orphan but I can see you for what you are.” Theo spat. “I’ve known boys like you my entire life.”

Poor little orphan. She hadn't thought Theo capable of such callous words. Harri was a poor little orphan too.

Tom was not phased. “Hypocrite. The sad boy act is even more pathetic. I don’t know how anyone can stand to be around the perpetual black cloud over your head.” He paused and then smirked. “Tell me, is that you I hear crying in bed every night? Is it because daddy’s a death eater?”

Theo spun to Harri in betrayal. “You told him?”

Tom’s fingers flicked over Harri’s wrist. “Malfoy told me. He told me quite a bit about you actually. Wretched isn’t it? That your friend turned on you like that. I didn’t even have to ask he was just so eager to please me.”

Draco wouldn’t have done it to hurt Theo.

Theo’s jaw clenched at first but then he smiled. “He told you everything? No wonder you came to find Harri then. You must not have wanted her to be alone with me after all of last year.”

She physically felt Tom’s body lock up. Theo glanced at her with a false leer plastered on. “Remember that time in the prefects bathroom? When you—”

Tom lunged forward. His fist came down on Theo so swiftly Harri didn’t even see it leave her hand.


He didn’t stop at one punch. His hand came down on Theo again and again. There was a loud crack and Theo was fighting back and aiming for Tom’s jaw, his stomach, anywhere he could get his hands on him.

Everyone trickled to where they were and started chanting for the fight with Seamus and Ron even cheering. Draco came into the corner, horrified, staring at Theo and Tom. Harri was shellshocked and sometime in between it all, Blaise and Fred got in and split the boys apart.

Tom’s lip was sliced open and Theo’s nose was broken. They were both panting and bleeding but the music was still booming.

Hermione and Daphne pulled at Harri’s arm. She saw Adrian and Miles start to take Tom up and followed. She glanced back once to see Blaise and Micheal holding onto Theo and drawing him outside.

Tom had hit Theo. He hadn’t used his wand or a spell, he hadn’t even considered magic. Like the muggle he was raised as he'd beat Theodore with his hands.

“Brilliant!” Adrian cackled as he opened the dorm room for them. “I think you got blood on that book, Dopler's Curse, and I've heard it's as old as Hogwarts itself. I can’t wait to tell my brother.”

“Yes very boastful information to share, two boys fighting each other like muggles and ruining a thousand-year-old tome.” Miles chastised.

Adrian tried to wipe the blood from Tom’s nose but his hands were swatted away.

“Get out.” Tom hissed. He swiped his face with the back of his hand, smudging blood around his mouth.


Tom snarled.

Harri was surprised at how the boys acquiesced to his demand. Miles grabbed Pucey and they disappeared. She’d never seen two upperclassmen fall in line like that to anyone.

Tom moved to the bathroom and the sound of a tap running filled the room. He started washing away the blood. Harri winced upon seeing his injuries. There was a purple mark just below his left eye and his knuckles were bruised from his punches. At least the cut on his lip had stopped bleeding.


She didn’t know what to say.

“You were with him.” It wasn’t a question and he wouldn’t look at her.

“I—yes.” Harri said reluctantly.

His hand tightened around the sink. His knuckles straining with effort, white and stretched thin.

For a year.” Tom’s head snapped up. Red was seeping into his eyes. “You were with him for a year.” The words were condemnation. His body turned to her. “You didn’t think to tell me? Not even when we came here and you knew I would have to see him every day?”

“I was going to.”

“Have you kept seeing him Harri?” His fury was palpable.

“No! Of course not! Why would you say that?”

“His hands were on you!” Tom shouted. “You let him touch you! You’re lucky I didn’t slit his throat!”

“He was just looking at the blood quill scar, it wasn’t anything!”

Tom’s magic lashed out. It didn’t touch Harri but it flooded the room. “All I can see are his hands on you.”

“It wasn’t like that.

“I don’t care!” His magic encompassed them, black tendrils of wrathful shadows. “I want to cast every unforgivable on his f*cking head.”

“He wasn’t trying to do anything. We were talking.”

Tom froze and so did his magic. It faded and then melted away. Harri didn’t realize how quickly her heart was beating.

“Are you trying to defend him?” He whispered.

"Stop this Tom.”

“If I ever see him touching you again I will kill him. I’ll kill him Harri.” She believed it. It might have been different if Theo was a boy who had a crush but she’d dated him and felt something for him that was more than friendship.

“Could you stop threatening to kill people?”

“Maybe when they stop deserving it.”

She walked to him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I should have but I didn’t want you to be angry with me. He doesn’t compare to you. He stopped mattering to me before you even came.”

Some of the red faded from his eyes. His fingers latched onto her jaw, his gaze all-consuming. “He means nothing to you.”

It was true, that with Tom here, Theo ceased to exist.

She nodded. Tom lifted her face and Harri stepped closer with half lidded eyes.

Their lips met.

As the first time, his kiss was bruising and his lips moved like he was trying to consume her. Harri let him, submitting to whatever he wanted.

She knew if she met someone Tom had been with she might have been equally as angry. The thought of him with anyone else filled her with such pain that his response today seemed justified.

Then Tom forced her head back and his tongue latched onto her pulse point and she ceased to think at all.

“I can’t believe you physically fought him.” She bit back a smile and massaged the healing salve onto Tom’s lip.

He hissed.

“It does not hurt.”

“You’re stroking it too harshly.”

“I’ve barely added any pressure!”

“I think you’ve split it open again…”

“It’s not deep enough to be split open you big baby,”

“Wait, is that blood?”

Harri shoved Tom and he broke out into laughter.

“Ha ha,” She twisted the cap back on the jar.

“Don’t pout,” Tom teased.

Harri leaned in and bit down on his bottom lip in retaliation, right where she’d smeared the salve. When she tried to pull away Tom reeled her in again, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Their first kiss had broken a barrier between them. They could not keep their hands and mouths off of one another anymore. Now OWLs or quidditch ceased to be important. They found ways to see each other whenever it was possible.

Harri sighed a happy thing and pressed her body against Tom's.

“Could you do that somewhere else!” Ron shouted, laid out on the grass a few feet away from them.

Harri gave him the finger.

"Look elsewhere!"

“Believe me, if I could I would.”

“He can’t help himself. He’s getting no action so he has to—Ronald!” Lavender screeched.

She, Hermione and Maria were laying next to him while Daphne and Blaise were sitting near the shore of the black lake. They were attempting to enjoy the breeze outside after lunch. Micheal and Miles were with them as well, the former asleep on Lavender’s shoulder and the latter trying to chat up Maria.

Tom pressed his cold nose into Harri’s neck and Ron’s yell faded into the background. He placed a kiss there and then opened up the Arithmancy book they’d been studying before.

Harri took note of his faded bruises and thought of Theo. After the weekend she'd written a letter to him and said everything she’d wanted to say that wouldn’t come to her before. She realized they couldn’t be friends and she should stop trying to force something but she wanted to explain. Though what he'd said about Tom wasn't right and she made sure to mention it.

He would probably stay bothered about her seeing Tom for a very long time if only for how quickly she seemed to move on but after what he’d said Harri just couldn’t care or forget. Theo didn't reply to the letter but on Monday morning he nodded his head at her, right after he glared at Tom. Tom noticed and scowled right back at him.

Their fight had been all anyone at Hogwarts talked about for the entire week. Eyes were constantly looking between the three of them and many of the girls seemed extremely disappointed Tom was taken. That didn’t stop them from staring though.

There were also a copious amount of rumors surrounding them. Most of them were absurd enough that Harri didn’t even bother to correct them. She’d learned that people would think and say whatever they wanted no matter how improbable it was. There was no clearer an example than Voldemort’s return and the blind eyes of the wizards and witches around her.

On the brighter side, Maria and Fred had taken to writing down every new version of events they heard through the grapevine. It expanded to so many different and increasingly comical variations that they sent the list to Sirius.

The day after Harri received a very amusing letter from her Godfather. He congratulated her on starting her first brawl and was well chuffed about the situation. He wanted a detailed description once she got home and he even asked for a picture of Tom to frame, if not a sketch of his bruised face.

Harri refused his request only because Tom would throw a tantrum.

In her reply she decided to write down her concerns about her dreams because recently when she woke up she would know she’d had a dream but couldn’t remember about what. She felt like there was something she was looking for, searching for so badly. A yearning so deep it reminded her of long nights as a child wondering about her parents and her soulmate. She also told Sirius about how Tom was teaching her occlumency to help shield her mind.

“Harri, Tom.”

Harri almost gasped at Hermione’s abrupt arrival but scooted back and made room for her to sit down.

“Did you need help with runes?” Harri pushed a strand of hair behind her ears. Hermione hated to admit it and even more to ask it but Tom was years ahead of her. It would go better for all of them if she wasn’t forced to ask him for help.

“That’s alright. I’m already ahead on the reading.” Hermione sniffed, giving Tom an annoyed once over.

Tom didn’t look back at her but murmured. “And the bonus article?”

“Bonus article?”

“Don’t tease her.”

“What bonus article?”

“I’m not teasing, Professor Vector offered me extra points if I annotated for her."

“Extra points? She’s never offered me extra marks!”

Tom simply turned the page of his book. “I suppose she just likes me better Granger and who could blame her?”

Hermione sputtered and Harri sighed, snatching Tom’s book and throwing it behind them.

Tom looked up, affronted.

Harri patted Hermione’s arm. “Forget about runes. If Professor Vector assigned Tom more work it’s because he’s not being challenged enough. I’m sure you can ask her too.”

Hermione fiddled with her skirt. “I suppose.”

“Know it all." Tom said. Harri glared.

“Ignore him. What’s up Mione?”

Hermione gave Tom a severe look and then cleared her throat.

“I have a proposition for you both. We all know we’re learning nothing in defense. The books are useless, the teacher is incompetent, we aren’t allowed to use our wands, we can’t ask any questions, we can’t get help from other professors and anyone who says anything gets brutalized by that...that...” Hermione held her hands up. “You two are the best students in defense. Harri learned how to produce a corporal patronus at thirteen, killed a basilisk, survived a duel with you-know-who and Riddle…you…well…you know.”

Tom raised a brow. Harri nodded along.

“If Umbridge won't teach us and Dumbledore’s trapped in politics then we have to do what we always do. We have to take care of it. How else will any of us pass our OWLs? Besides, we’ve got to learn to defend ourselves.”

“Your point is?”

“I want the two of you to teach us behind Umbridge’s back.”

Harri refused almost immediately but Tom placed his hand on her thigh. “How?”

“Blaise says there’s a room we could practice in where no one would find us. We’ll call it the defense club if anyone asks around.”

“There’s no such room though.” Harri said.

“There is. It’s called the room of requirement.” Tom acknowledged. “A secret room in the castle that only appears when a person is in great need of it. It has the ability to transform into whatever the person requires. An incredible masterstroke of magic.” He explained to Harri. “I’ve looked for it before.”

“I assume you mean the come and go room? That would be perfect. A secret place that provides us with everything we need. Imagine how much we could accomplish!” Hermione marveled.

“Who exactly are you planning to include in this little scheme? Harri and I will agree only if the Slytherins are involved too.”

“Harri will agree without the Slytherins.” Harri bent over Tom and said.

“I’m a Slytherin.”

Harri shrugged as if to say oh well.

“But we can’t trust the other Slytherins not to tell Umbridge even if we can trust you.” Hermione pointed out.

Tom’s mouth quirked. “Don’t worry about that. None of them will say a thing and if you’re still concerned I’m sure we can come up with a binding contract of sorts.”

“I think we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves.” Harri interrupted. “I don’t know the first thing about teaching anyone anything. How am I supposed to teach OWL level defense?”

Hermione and Tom’s heads looped to her in unison, both of their expressions vexed.

“You’re perfectly intelligent.”

“You’re the best student in our class.”

Harri sighed again.

It looked like they were starting an underground defense club at school. What could possibly go wrong?

“The first rule of fight club,” Hermione announced. “Is that no one talks about fight club.”

The purebloods exchanged looks.

Almost all the fifth years, even the Slytherins (except Umbridge’s little squad) were gathered in the room of requirement.

“Repeat what I just said or walk out of here and never look back.” Hermione threatened.

There was a hush and then the sound of collective voices murmuring the phrase. By repeating her words they were all binding themselves in a vow. If one of them broke it and snitched, their mouths would seal shut and they would be revealed as a traitor.

It was the least vicious idea Tom had suggested.

Harri took a quick peek around the room and examined everyone. She was surprised to see Theo and Draco standing side by side.

Seeing Theo, she recalled how Tom had admitted he would've done worse to him if not for Theo's grandfather, Tiberius Nott. Someone whose memory was strong enough that Tom’s hand stayed when it came to hurting Theo.

She was also reminded that Ron hadn’t said anything about how his and Draco's talk had gone or if they had much of a chance for conversation before Tom and Theo began pummeling each other's faces.


The first meeting ended up a success.

After Hermione’s announcement they'd split the room into two sections. Those who had wanted to learn offensive curses were placed on one side and those who wanted to learn shielding on the other. Tom taught offensive and Harri shielding. On opposite ends of the room with a clear view of each other, it had been thrilling to look across the great expanse and see him in his element.

The ‘club’ decided to meet three times a week before dinner and after quidditch practice. The first few weeks were a breeze. Occasionally Ron and Draco would even speak to each other. Harri noticed Draco would look at all of them from time to time. Maybe it was time they had a talk. Five months was enough time to be angry with someone.

At the end of their forth week of meetings in the end of November Harri found Draco on the far side of the room while everyone else was leaving. There were a few stragglers still hanging around and Draco was surveying the wall Dean had crafted in the back. It was filled with notes and lesson plans.

Harri moved in his direction, prepared to say anything to end the silence between them. When she reached him the first thing out of her mouth was, “Ginny wants to learn how to cast a stunner just so she can shoot it at you.”

What a way to break the ice. She cringed and waited for him to sneer, stomp out of the room. He didn't. “I might even deserve it.”

Harri broke into a grin.

Draco smiled back.

And Harri wished they never had this unspoken fight between them in the first place. It was hard to hold onto anger when she just missed him.

Who knew what the future held? Who could say what choices they would be forced to make in the coming years? At least at this moment, they could pretend they were still kids. The Harri and Draco they were when they met on the train. Eleven years old and full of hope.

“I’m sorry Harri.” Draco scuffed his right foot against the wooden floor. “I apologize for being such a coward that I couldn’t even make it to the infirmary to see if you were okay after the tournament. I was ashamed of myself because I knew I knew where my father must have been that night. I also realize I should have written you over the summer and sent Ron letters explaining myself. I love my family but I love Ron and you too. I didn’t know how to choose so I just ignored the situation. I’d rather run away than face things. I’d rather look away than see anger from people I care about. I wish…”

His face scrunched.

“I know it is a cheap excuse and I can’t promise you or Ron anything but this year has been like getting kicked the teeth over and over again. I don’t think I’d ever known true longing until now. I don’t think I’ve ever missed anything the way I miss all of you. The amount of times something happens and I turn expecting to see one of you there or I see something and the first person I want to tell about it is Ron…”

Draco took a deep breath.

“He talked to me you know? In the common room. I really wasn’t expecting it. Sometimes I think I just believe the worst of him. That he will hate me or be angry. He says we need to be better at forgiving each other. I think I need to be better at loving him.”

"Draco." Harri threw her arms around him. She couldn’t help it. What did the rest of it matter?

“That’s alright.” She whispered. “You love him just fine.”

Draco hugged her back. He said fondly. “Missed you peanut.”

Harri’s heart filled with tenderness and she whispered. “Missed you chestnut.”

The alarm chimed for dinner and they drew away. Draco gave her a salute and followed the rest of the students out the room.

Harri reached out to fix the lesson plan for Thursday when an arm wrapped around her and twirled her into a familiar chest.

“That looked cozy.” Tom said against the shell of her ear. “I assume you made up with Malfoy.”

He knew all about their argument. Harri had complained about it enough.

“Abraxas is turning in his grave. His grandson is destined for a Weasley.”

Harri elbowed him in the ribs. “Don’t be a dick. I’m sure Ron’s grandparents aren't exactly thrilled either.”

Tom shrugged.

“You know, despite my quick acceptance I didn’t know how this would turn out.”

“The club? It wouldn’t have worked with the Slytherins if you weren’t here that’s for sure. You know Tom, you’re kind of a really great teacher.”

“I thought about staying here and teaching defense once.” He confessed.

It was odd. Sometimes she had to remind herself they were separate entities and sometimes it was reminded to her.

“You could still.”

“Maybe,” He regarded the room with an unreadable light in his eyes. “Sometimes I feel this is a trick. All of this. Nobody just gets everything they want. A second chance that is this perfect.” He smiled down at her, soft and sweet.

Harri kissed him, stealing his smile for herself. There are no tricks in plain and simple faith.

Shakespeare and Caesar and Tom. It was almost like third year all over again.

For the next month, Umbridge continued to be a pain. And Dumbledore wasn’t negligent exactly but Harri was disheartened by how he continued to do nothing. Her odd dreams persisted throughout November and left her waking up longing for something she did not know how to find.

Fortunately, these things did not take away from all the good in Harri’s life. The new quidditch season was a triumph for the Gryffindor team. They won every match they played and though the defense club was by no means perfect, it was working. Despite arguments here and there they managed to get along for the sake of the task.

She didn't even look at OWL classes as something miserable anymore because they gave her an excuse to spend time with Tom outside of class by asking him for help studying. His intelligence was extremely attractive. When they were secluded in a corner of the library, Harri would watch him work or explain a concept, only to be pulled deeper into his orbit.

As it was her life stood on a fine line.

It would all capsize the week before Christmas break.

She was dreaming. For now, she was aware she was dreaming. There were violet irises in her field of vision. The arresting kind, the ones that were bright. Aunt Petunia’s garden used to have irises. Harri remembered picking one and trapping it inside a book. She thought she might have kept it and one day in a house of her own she would plant a thousand of them.

Then without warning her scar began to burn. The irises were gone and Harri was somewhere she should not be. The feeling was much like being thrust between a door that wasn’t supposed to be open for you.

What greeted her were the familiar tiles of the department of mysteries. They towered over her, more daunting than she remembered.

Her body glided forward and her face looked upward. Charlie Weasley was standing in the center of an aisle surrounded by spheres the size of crystal balls. Her body continued to move forward until Charlie noticed her. His eyes went wide and Harri realized this was terribly wrong.

Her body moved without her consent and her head aimed for his jaw. She sank her teeth into him. Charlie screamed.

Harri cried out, jolting into wakefulness.

She was pushed back down by McGonagall, who was holding her with the help of Daphne. Maria and Lavender were at the edge of her bed and Hermione was crying by the door.

Harri pushed their hands away.

“Charlie!” She panted, sweat dripping down her back. “Charlie Weasley! He's at the ministry—Dumbledore needs to know.”

To Professor McGonagall’s credit, she didn’t ask questions. She held onto one of Harri's arms and they all went racing through the halls in the middle of the night for Dumbledore.

“But how does she know?” Maria whispered.

“Was Charlie attacked?” Lavender hissed.

By the time they entered the office, it was too late. Dumbledore was already positioned in front of Phineas Nigellus’s portrait and reciting instructions.

Voldemort’s snake had bit Charlie and infected him with her venom. He was being brought to St. Mungos and a healer from Indonesia was flooing to Britain. They would have to work quickly to save him before the toxin reached his heart.

Tom and the Weasley siblings burst into the office ten minutes later.

There were too many people in the room. Dumbledore starting speaking over the Weasley's and McGonagall began questioning the girls.

Harri’s entire body shook.

Ginny was sobbing, Ron was ashen.

What had she done?

The snake had been her. She could still taste Charlie’s blood in her mouth.

“I did it.” She grabbed Tom and said under her breath. “I-I was I was in her mind when she bit him.”

Tom stared at her with his mouth open.


He swallowed.

Dumbledore shouted at them all to be quiet, ceasing any reply Tom may have had. Dumbledore then handed Hermione a portkey that would take them to Grimmauld Place. They gathered in a circle and Hermione had just activated the key when Harri felt a presence slither into her mind.

It felt like ice.

The phantom followed Harri as her gaze dropped to Tom’s hand latching onto her waist. She felt it recoil.

She was consumed by disbelief and incredulity.

'Not possible!' The thing shrieked in her mind.

Harri shuddered, the portkey activated and the feeling left as if it never existed.

A hallucination. It had to be.


The Draco scene in this chapter was inspired by the person who said they hope Draco and Ron make up soon!

Tom is generally someone who is violent but his hands are tied as he's under Dumbledore's supervision. However, this won't always be the case. :D

viva la revolución! = long live the revolution

Chapter 33: such men are dangerous


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 33: such men are dangerous

“What is infinite?”
“The universe and the greed of men.”
Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone

A deception, Voldemort reasoned to himself. There could be no other explanation for what he had just seen through Harri Potter’s eyes.

Because he knew those hands. They had been his once. Hard won and wary, skinny and pale.

But they belonged to a boy who did not exist anymore.

So why did they look…


It could not be. His horcruxes were safe.

And Tom Riddle was dead.

Tom Riddle was in a conundrum.

Sirius and Snape were glaring at him across the kitchen with identical sneers. Both were disgusted to be on the same side but equally content to be united against their perceived enemy. Unfortunately for them, Tom was not one to back down. Unfortunately for Tom, neither man would let it go either.

He lifted his chin. “I will continue to teach Harri occlumency.”

“You will not.” Snape snapped immediately.

Tom sneered at him, an expression Harri imagined Snape was not used to being on the receiving end of, never mind from one of his own students.

“We are attempting to keep Voldemort out of her mind.” Snape said pointedly. Appearing one second away from saying not inside of it.

If it were up to Harri she’d stay having only Tom teach her. She didn’t like the thought of anyone else inside her head. It felt extremely invasive and Voldemort popping in whenever he fancied was alarming enough.

“It’s not that I particularly like Snape,” Sirius said to Tom. “I just don’t trust that a fifteen year old knows what he’s doing when it comes to something as delicate as mind magic.”

“I’ve been a natural occlumens since I was born. I know just how fragile the mind is.”

“Does my opinion count?” Harri asked, pushing her bowl of blueberries around in one of Sirius’s constellation painted bowls. She was using Cassiopeia's bowl.

“Not now love.” Sirius patted her like she was a child or something.

Harri pouted.

“Having a natural ability does not make you better than a master of the arts. I can keep Voldemort from glimpsing at my strongest emotions. I have perfected it for decades, since before you were even born and that is what Harri needs.”

“I know what she needs.” Tom scoffed.

Sirius shut his eyes in disgust. “Oh please.”

Harri examined Snape. “I’m fine with that. Draco told me you helped him with it last summer and he’s quite good now.” She turned to Tom and his crossed arms. “You can help me outside of lessons like we're already doing. I’m sure I won’t be perfect right away and I'll need the practice.”

That ended her contribution to the conversation. She was tired, Snape's arrival had woken her up early. She left the kitchen and went to the second floor master bedroom. It had the largest windows in the house and was the perfect place for a nap. Normally Remus would stay here but he wasn’t home. Harri assumed he was still with Greyback like she'd last seen. Whatever Dumbledore asked him to convince the wolves of five months ago (turning against Voldemort?) it was taking a long time. Too long.

She flopped down onto the mattress and closed her eyes.

There was nothing for her to do. All her friends had gone home once Charlie was out of the woods and the Weasleys were at St. Mungos visiting him as they had been all week since he was taken out of intensive care. Nagini's bite could have been debilitating but the poison had been retracted before it reached any of Charlie's vital organs. He was making a swift recovery and could maybe even be discharged before the day ended. It was Christmas eve and Mrs.Weasley had been sweet talking Charlie's nurses, trying to bribe them last Harri heard from Ginny and Ron.

Sirius was hosting Christmas dinner tonight and if everyone managed to make it that would be really nice. Most of the order members passed through the house post and pre-mission but there was never any time all of them were together at once. Maybe Dumbledore would stop by.

Hermione, Lavender, Maria and Daphne's would be there. Sirius had even decided to open up one of the dining rooms the Black family hadn’t used since before he was born to make space.

It was strange though. On the one hand, they were preparing for war and on the other, the holidays were continuing on as normal. Like a paradox.

The Malfoy’s too were still having their Christmas ball (Blaise had mentioned his family would attend) despite having a dark lord (maybe) (probably) living in their house. The thought made Harri’s head hurt.

She fell asleep imagining Voldemort in one of Mrs. Weasley’s christmas sweaters. A golden V was knitted at the center of the chest and he smiled at Mrs. Weasley. Harri had the chilling realization it mirrored Tom’s.

After two hours, she woke to an arm wrapped around her waist and a nose buried in her neck. Tom. She shifted and watched him sleep. His brow was furrowed in deep sleep and he looked serene.

All other thoughts slipped from her mind and complete comfort filled her. It was always like that with him even if she was upset. That was the magic of the soul bond. It would always tie them together. They could despise each other and still, no other human would bring them the same tranquility.

Harri brushed her finger across Tom’s cheekbone and his nose scrunched in his sleep. She smiled and listened to the sound of his gentle breathing in her ear.

A few minutes later Kreacher knocked on the door. He didn't say a word when he saw Tom but Harri got the feeling there was something on the tip of his tongue. He always had this bizarre way of speaking when Tom was around. Quiet and careful. It was unusual for Kreacher to keep his opinions to himself. He was a lot like Dobby in that way, honest to a fault.

“Master says you twos should prepares for dinner.” He then made a face and peered at Harri with graveness. “The boy reminds Kreacher of something.”

Harri had wondered.

“Kreacher’s master Regulus gave him a locket before he died.” He whispered. “Kreacher was supposed to destroy the locket but Kreacher failed. It never opened or moved but Kreacher could always feel it. The boy feels the same.”


“What happened to the locket Kreacher?” Harri demanded.

Kreacher wrung his hands. “Kreacher could not deface the locket and he could not throw it away. So the locket stayed buried in Kreacher's things in his room. But after Mistress Black died and Master Sirius was gone, time passed and the room with the locket was hidden by the house.”

Kreacher glanced at Tom again. “When Master Sirius came back the house began to open again. One day Kreacher’s room came back too. Kreacher was so happy he did not remember what he’d left in there but Kreacher was soon reminded. The locket said things to Kreacher. The locket…” Kreacher’s voice began to wobble. “It forced Kreacher to put it inside Mistress Potter’s bags.”

Merlin. Kreacher actually felt guilty about it. Harri thought he still disliked her.

“Kreacher is so sorry.” He sobbed. “Kreacher didn’t have a choice.”

Harri pushed Tom’s arm off of herself. “It’s okay Kreacher. I don’t blame you. I understand you didn’t mean to do it and it isn’t your fault.” She walked over to him and patted his shoulder, trying to provide some comfort. She had more questions. How did Regulus get the locket in the first place? Why had he told Kreacher to destroy it when he was a death eater? Was it possible he knew what it was? How had...Kreacher known where Regulus died?

Harri wanted to ask but Kreacher was crying into his hands and she didn't want to cause him more pain.

“Why don’t you go help my d—Sirius set up? He’s probably messing up the whole table without you. You know how he gets. If we don't stop him he'll set the cloth on fire.”

Kreacher sniffled and inclined his head. “Doesn’t even know his soup spoon from his dessert spoon.”

“A lost cause.” Harri deplored.

Kreacher gave Harri one last miserable look and then stepped out of the room.

“Based on that pitiful revelation, I'm assuming Regulus Black figured out the locket was a horcrux.”

She jumped. Tom was sitting up in bed, all sleepy eyed and soft.

“You are a tosser, you know that Riddle?”

“Many have it thought it but none have said it to my face.”

She grimaced.

“What’s got your wand in a knot? I haven't even had the chance to call Weasley a blood traitor. Though I can admit I was planning to.” Tom yawned and slumped back onto his elbows.

“You possessed poor Kreacher and made him cry!”

“I don’t see why you’re this upset, did my diadem not possess you? You’re still happy to let him wander in and out of your dreams.” He threw her a suspicious look. “You haven't had another one of those have you?”

“No. But it’s different, he apologized and made up for it.”

“Fine. I apologize for possessing a decrepit little house-elf."

"You don't mean that."

Tom shrugged. "I would do it again if that's what you mean. Being alive is much more fun.”

Harri took a deep breath.

“Not that you should care that I was locked away in some room for more than a decade.” Tom taunted.

“I wonder whose fault that is?” Harri said sarcastically.

“Regulus Black's clearly. I was just the sh*tty piece of soul that got stuck inside.”

“You said you weren't awake and that you didn't have enough magic to be alive,"

“Semantics. Do you realize elves aren't any better than that? Our magic keeps them alive.”

“What does that have to do with you trapping yourself inside of that locket? You know what, you’re pissing me off. I’m leaving and dinner’s in an hour, don’t be late.” She slammed the door on her way out. “And don’t call Ron a blood traitor you half-blood!”

At the time of the party, their house was overflowing. Percy, who was not exactly on speaking terms with everyone, had shown up and brought his girlfriend Penelope Clearwater.

“I don’t know how she stands him.” Ginny confessed to Harri as they helped Mrs. Weasley place her cake in the kitchen. “Reckon he’s got her confunded?”

“Ginny!” Mrs. Weasley admonished, wiping her periwinkle dress. “He’s your brother!”

“So you say,” Ginny raised a doubtful eyebrow. “I’ve yet to see proof.”

Mrs. Weasley smacked her arm. “Harri could you please get out there and introduce our Ginny to some people? Maybe then she’ll stop obsessing over her brother's life.”

Ginny gasped, offended. Harri gave Mrs. Weasleys a thumbs up and pushed Ginny out the door.

The foyer was filled with order of the phoenix members. Kingsley was sharing a flask with Maria's mother and Daphne and Hermione's fathers were smoking cigars with Sirius. The dining room was where the little ones were, Daphne’s baby sister Astoria, Maria’s twin little brothers, as well as Fred and Geroge. Ginny and Harri opted to go to the living room where a newly recovered Charlie was playing Sirius’s 'A Christmas Gift For You' vinyl while resting on the piano near his friend Matt.

Maria and Hermione were also in there, on the couch playing cards with Bill and Fleur. Fleur was spending her first Christmas with the Weasley family since she'd bonded with Bill in June. Harri had been so focused on herself that she’d brushed off Ron’s letter where he told her about their meeting at the end of last year. Though everyone had been a little subdued back then…

Anyway. Harri hadn’t a clue where Ron, Daphne and Lavender wandered off to, but if the giggling from the greenhouse was any indication, the gift Blaise’s cousin Lorenzo had given Lavender was definitely a good one.

“Ginny! Harri!” Maria called out to them. “Come here and help us. La bruja francesa tiene algunos trucos.

“Se ven tus cartas María.” Bill boasted. “Two more and I win.”

Maria pinkened. “You understood that?”

Bill grinned. “I spent my first two years out of Hogwarts in Seville, Spain.”

“Harri!” Fleur abandoned the game to come over and say hello. She placed two kisses on Harri’s cheeks. “Oh Harri it iz so lovely to see you! Who would have thought lazt year we would be spending the holidays together?”

“I’m happy to see you as well.” Harri squeezed her shoulder.

“Bill haz told me your families are close, Gabrielle will be thrilled. She’s become a Harri Potter fan since you saved her from the selkie's.”

“Ginny was the same when she first met Harri and after Harri saved her from the basilisk.” Bill mentioned. “I think Ginny and Gabrielle will get on like a house on fire.”

Ginny scoffed under her breath. “As if. I’d rather face the basilisk again.” Then she tugged on Harri’s arm. “I’m game to play.”

“Actually I’m going to go upstairs.” Harri opted out. She hadn’t seen Tom for hours now.

She left Ginny to argue with Bill over teams and ventured to the third floor. She found Tom in his room sitting by an open window, smoking and reading a letter. He looked up when she crossed the threshold and placed the paper down.

“Where did you get those?” She stopped by the door and gestured to the open flame in his hand.

“Kreacher doesn’t read the grocery list we give him every week. He just picks things up. He’ll even get that muggle soda that’s awful for your teeth.”

“Smoking is awful for your lungs.”

“I’m immortal.”

“No.” Harri snapped. “You’re not.”

Tom shrugged. It was an unnatural gesture, something that was too deliberate to be actually nonchalant. But he did snub out the cigarette.

“In my time, everyone smoked. I was nine when I began.”

“That is absolutely horrifying.” She winced.

Tom chuckled, smoke wafting out of his mouth. “You know how Granger insists cola used to have real cocaine inside of it? That's true as well.”

“I question the idea that you're alive right now and it has nothing to do with the fact that you were born in 1926."

He smirked. “Poor orphan that I was I never had a taste of the co*ke but the older boys from Wools used to steal some from the corner store. Maybe a cocaine high explains why they were eager to join the army and get themselves blown up.”

Tom reclined into the closed portion of the window and opened his legs. “Will you come here? You’re so far away.”

He knew exactly what he was doing, sitting there in a button down shirt looking all fit and irresistible. That damn smile.

She trod over to him. “Who sent you a letter on Christmas eve?”

He pulled her in once she was close and hooked his arm around her back. “Miles. His father works in the ministry in the D.O.M.”

“And?” She brought her arms up around his neck.

“Fudge is panicking about the attack on Charlie but he’ll still swear up and down to whoever asks it's not the dark lord. You know it won't make the paper.”

“Of course.” Harri knew about all the rubbish they were still printing about Dumbledore. Sirius had set the Sunday paper on fire just this morning and Umbridge’s revolting face had been front and center. Harri couldn't stand any of them.

Tom knocked his forehead against hers. “Hey.”

Harri looked up.

“Forget them. They’re nothing. Fudge is a spineless fool who’ll fall without you having to lift a finger and Umbridge’s days are numbered. I—Voldemort can’t stay hidden forever. What do you think will happen to them when he really begins the war? You’re their chosen one Harri, they will fall to their knees for you.”

“I don’t want anyone to be on their knees for me.” Harri said wearily.


She blushed.

Tom bumped their foreheads together again and his gaze dropped to her mouth. She parted her lips. He closed the space between them. This kiss was more reluctant. Like they both didn’t know what they were trying to say. Like they realized they were on uneven ground.

She wondered when it would balance out. If ever.

Sirius and Kreacher had gone above and beyond. Every available space in the dining room was covered in tinsel and chocolates. There was even a mistletoe above the entrance which Hermione’s parents had kissed below causing Hermione to gag in the background.

There were two long tables both full of food and a charmed piano playing by itself. Maira’s little brothers Jaime and Simon had made paper snowflakes that Fred and George spelled to hang suspended in the air. Harri saw little “Happy Holidays” and “Merry Xmas's” scribbled on the snowflakes backs in green and red crayons. It was adorable.

Sirius would probably keep those and stick them on the fridge before Kreacher found a way to make them disappear.

At the meal, Harri and Maria fully caught up with Fleur and Bill, who confessed that they were thinking about moving in together once Fluer got her working permit from the ministry. Hermione spent the majority of her time speaking with Nymphy about her metamorphosis ability and Tom was distracted by Kingsley. Moody kept knocking back eggnog because he was forced to entertain Percy's conversation with Fred.

Ron, Lavender and Daphne were tipsy and hoarded as much food as possible to sober up before their parents noticed. They needn’t worry, Sirius’s wine was old and most of the adults were slightly drunk as well. There were so many other people and conversations to focus on that it was unlikely they could pay attention to one kid for long.

Everyone left well past midnight. As the Weasley’s went home, Sirius promised a sloshed Molly that he, Harri and Tom would be by for Christmas brunch first thing the next morning. After the door closed Harri barely made it to her bed before passing out.

Christmas day was a calmer version of the night and winter break continued on ordinarily enough after that Harri almost forgot about everything else going on outside of her little holiday bubble.

New Year and Tom’s birthday came. Sirius presented Tom with a wand holster, new and clearly expensive as a gift. Tom was taken aback in a good way. Sirius slapped his back extra hard and opened the box for him.

Tom touched the straps of the holster. “Thank you.”

He liked it, Harri could tell. She smiled and without thinking, kissed his cheek.

“Nope!” Sirius grumbled, waving. “Not in front of me.”

Harri’s gift to Tom wasn’t as good as Sirius’s but in her defense he was difficult to shop for. The things he wanted were objects like dark arts books which left her with few options. In the end, she'd decided to buy him some new clothes. Sweaters specifically because he looked incredibly handsome in them. One was maroon because she wanted to see him in Gryffindor colors and the red accents brought out the blue of his eyes.

Though Tom didn't want any sort of celebration, Sirius snuck them out of the house and took them ice skating. After that, they visited a winter festival in Hyde park and ate funnel cakes and drank hot chocolates. Harri found a photobooth and made them take hundreds of pictures then when it got dark they went on a ferris wheel and saw London from the sky.

Harri was deliriously happy that night. She was happy every night that winter break.

In the evenings the Weasleys or Nymphy would come over and they played pool or chess together. If they weren't around or Sirius went to do his tasks for the order, Harri and Tom tangled their limbs on the couch and watched movies until eventually Tom became bored and they played a game. Harri got him into Risk and Monopoly, which would begin with neither of them trying too hard until one got competitive while losing. Then the other would cheat and the loser would flip the board over. Most of the time they just laughed together.

It was the kind of laughter that gave you bellyaches and left you walking on air.

The best part was watching Tom smile because his entire face transformed when he was happy. It was like the sun shining on you. His dimples would come out on his cheeks and his eyes would crease. When he looked like that he looked like a boy that could never do any wrong. That had never been done wrong.

Sometimes she wished the two of them never knew the misery of an orphaned childhood. But at the same time, she understood everything that happened in their lives brought them where they were today. And Harri was selfish. She wanted Tom in any way she could get him.

After three weeks of joy, the holidays came to a close. On January 5th they were boarding the train to Hogwarts.

The quidditch season and O.W.L preparation resumed, more rigorous and exhausting than in the first half of the year. Harri found even less time for herself when occlumency lessons with Professor Snape began.

He was a direct teacher. He liked to present instructions and expected you to follow accordingly. Harri always struggled with it. She needed explanations and examples and reasons as to why for every step of the process. Her first few lessons with him were aggravating. She came to learn that she was equally as stubborn as him. She wasn’t used to talking back to teachers (except Umbridge) but she found herself mouthing off in irritation.

The situation improved once she and Tom penned in a time to practice together again. They decided to use the room of requirement after defense club ended.

During their lessons, Tom was patient with her. He described the right way to breathe and what it should feel like. They would sit across from each other on cushions, knees touching and meditate. When she got tired, Harri would open an eye and catch Tom staring. He would grin and mouth ‘terrible student’.

It ended with them snogging.

But she learned. And with Tom's help, she was able to keep Snape out of her mind for a few seconds more every week. Occlumency worked. She cleared her mind before bed and stopped waking up aching for something. Voldemort’s voice didn’t echo in her sleep and she didn’t have another dream with him. Not one since the fall.

Other things were looking up too. Gryffindor won four out of six quidditch matches and qualified for the final. Defense class became easier to stomach knowing how much everyone was improving in the club.

At a rapid pace, January ended and February came to be. Valentine's fell on a Hogsmeade weekend. Lavender passed roses to every girl in their house before she left for Madam Pudifoot’s with Michael. Harri was spending the day with Tom and hadn't a clue where Hermione and Daphne were. They'd been gone since before she even woke up. She knew however that Maria and Blaise were shopping while Draco and Ron were opting to stay back at the castle.

Speaking of Draco, while he, Ron and Harri had made up before winter it took more time for him and the other girls to resolve things. There were months of hurt and ignoring each other that they had to move on from. Ultimately at fifteen talking about feelings wasn’t something that was easy. They were stubborn about it for a while but with Hermione and Blaise's help, who were mature enough for the whole lot of them, they eventually talked it out.

In the long run, everything came back to the fact that they loved each other and that realization was more important than anything else.

Sometimes you missed people too much to be mad at them anymore.

Despite all this, they didn't speak in front of the Slytherins. It was fine because the castle was big enough that they could always find places to spend time together. And as an added bonus Draco joined Umbridge’s inquisitorial squad which kept her in the dark while benefiting them loads. Yet it troubled Harri that Draco was so afraid of his father finding out they were still speaking. How had things changed that much when only a year ago they were all together all the time? That was how it had been since they were eleven.

“Are you sure you don’t want to eat something?” Tom asked, brushing snow off of his head and disrupting her morbid thoughts.

“Yes I’m sure,” Harri replied, eyeing Seamus and Hannah kissing outside Honeydukes. Every corner of the village was scattered with couples attached at the lips.

“Well I’m hungry.” Tom said.

“We just had breakfast, how are you hungry?” Harri readjusted her grip on his hand and blinked snow out of her eyes.

"I'm a growing boy."

They were both wearing beanies and warm jackets. Harri liked that no matter the time of the year Hogsmeade was decorated for whatever holiday came to pass.

For Valentine's, there were pink hearts and roses hanging off shop signs.

“Is this your roundabout way to say you want to go on a romantic date with me to Madam Pudifoot’s?” Harri teased, rubbing his arm.

Tom made a disgusted face. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“No, no, it’s alright. If you really want to I suppose I can stomach it. Maria says that the menu sings a song and has cupids all over it. I didn’t know that was your thing.”

“You’re not even a little bit funny, did you know?” His cheeks were pink. “I didn’t mean Pudifoot’s.”

Harri couldn’t help it, she stopped walking and pulled him down by the neck. She kissed his flushed cheeks over and over. “Tom Riddle, dark lord, scary Slytherin and the secret romantic.” He turned his face and pushed their mouths together. They kissed until Harri’s nose got cold and Tom’s mouth became swollen.

Then subsequently they did get something to eat from Flora's Bakery. There were quite a few people inside but it wasn’t crowded. Nobody was looking at anybody but the person they were with and there were flower chains dangling from the roof that gave each table a sense of privacy.

Harri and Tom kissed while they waited for the food and then kissed while they ate. Harri couldn’t believe the two of them had turned into those kinds of people.

“Remember the letter you asked me about on Christmas eve?” Tom murmured when their cake was finished, his hand under her shirt rubbing circles on her back.


He then said carefully. “I lied.”

Harri stiffened.

“The letter was a reply to my inquiry about an object. Something I read about last semester.”

She straightened and pulled away from him.

“An object.”

“Don’t get upset.” Tom eyed the tables beside them and cast a muffliato. "I found the horcrux book in your Godfather’s library. I’ve decided I’m going to make another one. The other pieces all belong to the other me. I need one for myself. ”

Harri must have heard that wrong. “You’re going to do what?”

Tom clenched his jaw. “I’m mortal. If someone sent the killing curse at me I would die.”

“Most people die when the killing curse is cast. Cedric Diggory died. My mother, my father.”

Harri couldn’t believe it. She didn’t really hear anything else after the word horcrux. She thought of stabbing his diary, she thought of the diadem possessing her.

“A horcrux protects me, without one I'm exposed...I can't live like that Harri.”

“You told me before you don’t want to be locked away, can you not understand that you’d be doing the same but to another part of yourself?” Harri said angrily.

“We've discussed this, again and again, I don’t remember my time in the locket. I wasn’t awake and if I hadn’t made myself a horcrux in the first place I wouldn’t be here today. Can’t you see that it worked?”

She lashed out. “No! I can’t! I see that it killed you! I see that you only have half of your soul! I see the suffering Voldemort has caused time and again.” She shook her head. “You—you're talking to me about murder.”

Harri looked at him and it was like she didn’t know him at all. Then again that wasn’t true. She knew exactly who he was and this should not have come as a surprise.

Just because he could kiss her sweetly and treat her kindly did not mean he was not the boy that became Voldemort.

“I can’t believe you.” She said wetly. “I’m an orphan because you chose to make a horcrux.”

“Harri…” Tom tried to touch her.

“Don’t!” Harri shook him off, seized her jacket, and ran out of the bakery.


happy 9th chapter with locket!tom. none of the others made it this far :)
i took Spanish for three years but it's been so long i'm not sure i wrote it right between Maria and Bill (feel free to correct me).

Chapter 34: the lost prophecy


I heavily considered splitting this in half but ultimately I don't want the chapter count getting higher than it's already going to be so... here *throws chapter* have 10k for a new update! (I seriously can't believe I wrote this much for ONE chapter???)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 34: the lost prophecy

“But that is how a tragedy like ours or King Lear breaks your heart
―by making you believe that the ending might still be happy,
until the very last minute.”
M.L. Rio, If We Were Villains

Harri.” Tom followed her out into the village. She ignored his call, pushing through the crowd outside. The valentines decorations that adorned every shop weren’t sweet any longer, they were infuriating. Harry accidentally bumped into Alicia and Zacharias on the way out. “What the hell Potter?” Zacharias yelled, incensed.

She turned to flip him the bird. “Find somewhere else to exist!”

At this point, Tom caught up to her. He grabbed her arm and dragged her into the alleyway between Zonkos and Honeydukes.

“Stop walking away every time you get upset with me. It’s obscenely childish of you.” His hands were on her shoulders, holding her against the cobblestone wall.

“Get off.” Harri shoved him back. “Did you expect me to sit there and listen to you spout all that sh*te?”

Tom’s cheeks reddened in anger. “Should I just have gone off, done what I wanted to and told you afterward? I’m sure that would’ve gone well.”

“Don’t do anything at all! How about that?”

“You’re being irrational. I’m here, aren’t I? I was a horcrux too.”

“I am not irrational!” Harri pressed on his chest again but he didn’t move an inch.

She wished he wouldn’t try to sugarcoat the truth. Say it plainly, 'making another horcrux will change me.' It was infuriating to hear him try to simplify such a delicate topic.

“If you do this then we’re done.”

Danger coiled in the air around Tom. He let out an incredulous laugh. “We’re done?”

“I don’t want any part of you if it’s not you. Do you know what it’s like meeting you for the first time over and over again? It's not fair Tom. I won't do it anymore. Not to mention that for the last four years I have lived with the knowledge that you are the man that murdered my parents and wants to kill me. At least you grew up thinking I didn’t exist. ”

I don’t want to kill you! I didn’t kill your parents!”

“That only proves my point!” Harri shouted. She stabbed her finger on his sternum. “You don’t! You didn't but Voldemort did and at the same time, you are Voldemort! Or you were or you want to be or you could be. Don’t you understand how hard that is? One part of you hates me. Worse of all, I didn’t even know Tom Riddle existed until the diary tried to kill Ginny. I don't know where the diadem is and you? You came from a locket!”

She dug her nail into his chest.

“I don’t understand how you can sit there and tell me you want to make another horcrux. Look around you. Look at what you’ve done! You can say it wasn’t you but it started somewhere Tom and it began with you and this decision. It began with a horcrux.”

Tom seized her neck. “We’ll never be done.” There was a delicate venom in his voice. “Never. You can be cross and I can be upset, we can fight but don’t ever look me in the eyes and say that to me.”

Harri looked straight at him. “I’m asking you not to put me in the position where I have to choose. I’m asking you not to hurt me like that. This is my line Tom, please don’t cross it without me.”

His chest moved up and down. For a minute she thought he might say no and the argument would continue. But with great reluctance, Tom relented. “I don’t..."

The tightness in Harri’s chest eased. “I don’t want to lose you.”

Tom frowned and looked away. “You won’t.”

“I would. If you made a horcrux I would.”

If there was one thing this situation made clear it was how this exact foolishness had led Tom down the path of destruction in the first place.

Diary. Diadem. Locket. How many more were out there? Would this one really last?

“I don’t pretend to know what it was like for you but surely there is a better option than tearing your soul apart?”

His jaw tightened. “Then show me, Harri, show me the answer.”

She didn't have one.

Tom smiled mirthlessly when she failed to reply. “I thought so. That’s what you all say. There’s another way, we’ll help you, it doesn’t have to be like this but it’s just words. No one ever helps. You’re so intelligent Tom, first of your year but then I’m still a half-blood. You’re telling me I have another choice but really I don’t. Dumbledore told me I had a choice too when he brought me back. But he was lying. It was you or my freedom.” Tom looked at her unkindly. “I chose you but you’ve never seemed to appreciate that. Maybe I chose wrong.”

His words were sharp enough to puncture where he wanted them to. Tom knew what he was doing.

Somehow they always came back to this, hurting each other with their tongues because they could never seem to use their wands. Both saying things they could never take back, things they didn’t mean.

“I’ve never appreciated it?” Harri demanded. “I’ve lied to my Godfather for you and put aside what Voldemort’s done but you can’t get past me not being okay with a horcrux. And what was that you said? I should be thankful you chose me? Should I get on my knees and bow down to you my lord? If you think you made a mistake then you can f*ck off! I’m not begging you to stay.”

If I’m not enough for you— That was what she really wanted to say. How can I not be enough?

But was Tom enough for her? Would she give up everything she loved for him? There was no answer that came. At least none that was easy.

Harri swallowed and made to walk away and at least that was one thing he was right about, she was always walking away.

Tom stopped her, his hand locking onto hers, regretful. “I didn’t mean it like that. You know I didn’t. You’re not a sycophant, you’re important to me. I don’t care for anyone else like I care for you but how can I be expected to give up everything I desire? We keep coming back to this crossroad and we’ll never leave this place if all we do is fight over it.”

“But we’ll never agree!"

Tom tensed. "What do you want? Do you want to stay here and shout at each other some more?"

Harri reeled back. "No. That's not what I want."

He pivoted them. "Come back with me to the castle."

Her shoulders sagged, the fight draining out of her. They walked out of the alley and at the corner turn, there was a gasp.

“There you are, we've been looking everywhere for you!” Daphne and Hermione trod over to them with hands full of shopping bags. “You’ll never believe what just happened!”

Daphne was grinning from ear to ear. “Remember last week when we were talking about how Skeeter hasn’t been publishing any articles about Harri or anyone since the tournament?”

Tom said. “Let me guess, you figured it out.”

Hermione glared at him. “Don’t pretend like you know what it is.”

“That Longbottom’s been keeping Skeeter in a jar for the past six months?”

If Hermione’s eyes were lasers Tom would’ve lost his neck.

“What?” Harri squinted. “Is that true?”

“Yes!” Daphne said with a smug expression. “He told Ginny about it last week. Apparently, he feels guilty now but last year he was really upset about all the things she was writing. He investigated and figured out she was listening to our conversations in her animagus form so he captured her to stop her. He said he was going to keep her with him until this year was over but he got a guilty conscience. He asked Ginny what to do and she saw an opportunity and came to us. We met up today with Neville and Skeeter. Hermione tell her.”

Hermione was biting her lip. “We should have asked you but I couldn’t find you! Lavender said you wouldn’t be in Madam Pudifoots and Dean said he didn't see you at honeydukes. I’m really sorry Harri.”

“Asked what? What did you do?”

“Nothing bad! We only thought it was time everyone else knew what happened at the end of last year. The daily prophet refuses to talk about it and we thought why not hear it from the horse's mouth? Well figuratively. Your mouth through us. It was actually Ginny's idea, Hermione only executed it.”

Harri gaped. “You told that cow about Voldemort and Cedric? You know she’ll just twist everything around until it makes no sense. She’ll make me look loony!”

“Don’t worry! We made her swear she would tell the truth or Neville would expose her animagus secret.” Daphne reassured.

"What do you mean?"

"She's an illegal animagus. She isn't registered."

Maybe this could work.

"Where is she going to publish this article? The ministry will never allow it.” Tom questioned, skeptical.

Daphne pursed her lips. “In the Quibbler. Luna Lovegood’s family paper.”

Harri pinched her nose. “The quibbler?”

“I know this is not ideal because everyone thinks Xenaphillius Lovegood is a little peculiar but once the story’s out it’ll spread. Everyone loves gossip no matter where it comes from.”

“And besides,” Hermione added. “People know every story has some truth inside it. The important part is getting the word out there.”

Tom sneered. “Did you stop to consider the consequences of this? The minister doesn't need any more reason to dislike Harri and you’re handing him ammunition.”

“We made it clear that Harri’s name won't be associated with exposing the story. You’ll see once it comes out, even Umbridge can’t punish Harri for something she didn’t do.”

“Umbridge doesn’t care about the technicalities.” Tom shook his head in visible annoyance.

“If that happens we can fix it but it’s not the priority right now.” Hermione argued.

“It’s my priority.” Tom sharpened his tone.

Hermione puffed up as she always did when challenged.

Harri considered her friends. “I trust you with these things though I wish you would’ve told me about it before. It's done now either way.”

Truly, she didn’t care about the quibbler or Skeeter or even Voldemort. All that was on her mind was Tom and the word horcrux.




Skeeter’s quibbler article swept across Hogwarts the very next Sunday.

Suddenly the gates were flooded open and Voldemort was all anyone wanted to talk about.

Umbridge did indeed lose her mind as Tom predicted. She screamed and snatched the papers off hands, burned all the copies she could find and banned anyone from reading the article. It didn’t matter. Word already spread by that point and other papers picked the story up. Sirius sent Harri copies of articles from Germany, Italy and Spain.

It was everything they waited for. People were finally talking about Voldemort’s return and entertaining the possibility that he was once again out there at large.

For Harri, the excitement lasted even when Umbridge tried to summon her to her office. Fortunately, Snape stepped in and forced Umbridge to let him deal with her instead. Umbridge had no choice but to accept because Snape was her only ‘ally’. Unfortunately for her she'd made enemies of everyone else.

The happiness about the paper lasted only a few days before it crashed and burned when the daily prophet was delivered.

Azkaban Attacked! Death Eaters on the Loose!

“We should write mum and dad, make sure they’ve put the wards up.” Fred murmured at breakfast.

“They’ll have to shut down diagon alley and hogsmeade for the week.”

“Someone should take Neville upstairs.” Maria whispered.

Harri looked up from her uneaten waffles to Neville. His face was ghastly pale. He was staring at a picture of Bellatrix Lestrange, Sirius’s cousin.

“She tortured his parents under the cruciatus.” Daphne said in Harri’s ear. “She as good as killed them.”

Harri stared at the pictures of death eaters plastered across the front page. She then snuck a glimpse of the Slytherin table where Tom was sat. He was reading the paper too.

Harri looked at Tom and thought horcrux.Thought murderer.

Somehow her valid anger at Tom transformed into him being angry at her and he made it thoroughly clear in defense club when he ignored her existence. Which was fine because Harri didn’t want to speak to him anyway. Even though he had no right to be behaving this way at all. It was completely unreasonable but Harri had come to expect irrational behavior from the boy who thought ripping his soul away was a valid response to a fear of death.

“Fiona,” Harri heard Tom’s voice. “Move your fingers like this.”

Harri was helping Neville with his wand movements and noticed his eyes widen. She raised a brow and glanced back wondering what his reaction was about.

She needn’t have.

Tom had his hand on Fiona’s arm and was whispering in her ear. Fiona was giggling and blushing.

Harri’s stomach sank.

It was an awful feeling, like a sickness.

Tom looked up as if he felt her gaze, he saw Harri watching and moved his hand over Fiona’s.

At the beginning of the year when Harri first had to deal with all the girls obsessing over Tom, her jealousy made her irate. Now seeing this just hurt. He was purposefully doing it to cause her pain.

Her face was so warm. Was that normal? Is this what Tom felt like when he found her with Theodore? If it was then Harri was even more sorry than she’d been. This feeling was loathsome.

She averted her eyes and tried to shove the feelings away. This wasn’t the time. He was just being petty.

“Woah.” Neville said.

“What?” Harri snapped.

“I expected you to send a hex his way or something. Not be calm.”

“I don’t want to interrupt today’s lesson. I’ve been planning to teach the patronus charm for ages.” Harri tapped Neville's wand with her own. “Try again.”

“There’s no point. I won’t get it anyway.” Neville sulked.

“You know, you don’t give yourself enough credit Neville. Just because it takes longer for you to grasp a concept doesn’t mean you’re not just as good of a wizard as everyone else in our year.”

Neville’s cheeks darkened. “Thanks Harri.”

“You wanna know what I think? I think people have just made you feel like you’re not good at things and it’s affected the way you see yourself. Magic isn’t like math, magic is inside of us. If we can get you to feel confident in your ability I think you’ll improve quicker. When I see you finally understand something you never mess it up again.”

Neville scratched the back of his neck. “Don’t you think it makes me weak that I let people influence me like that? Everyone has a million things to say about you all the time and I’ve never seen you let it bother you.”

“Are you joking?” Harri scoffed light heartedly. “I might not show it but it affects me. I’ve just been forced to learn how to not pay attention to it. If I let myself think about all the things people say I’d never do anything again. You know during first year I cried once because Snape didn’t like me?”

Neville grinned. “Me too.”

Harri managed to get him to try the spell again before the end of the lesson.

While everyone else gathered their belongings to leave, she told Hermione she would come to the dorms in a little bit and then walked to where Tom was standing in the corner of the room ‘inspecting’ their lesson plans.

Once the door closed behind the last Ravenclaw’s Harri spoke. “You have no right to be upset with me. None.”

He didn’t look at her. “I haven't a clue what you’re talking about.”

“I’m talking about you ignoring me and throwing yourself all over Davis!”

Tom didn’t like that one.

“I’m ignoring you?” He spun around and pointed at her. “You haven't spoken to me since Hogsmeade and the only reason you’re even acknowledging my existence right now is that you're jealous.”

“I’m not jealous!”

Tom smirked. “Right.”

“You know what?” Harri turned. “Whatever.”

Tom scoffed and put his body in front of her, blocking her way. “Right. Walk away. It’s all you do. Don’t you get tired of running Harri?”

“I can’t deal with you when you act like this.”

“Act like what? A person with individual thoughts? You knew who I was from the beginning. I’ve never made it a secret from you but you pretend that's not true. You act like if enough time passes I can become a good boy who’ll follow whatever Dumbledore commands and give up what I want. You like to believe you don’t know who I am because it isn’t good enough for you. You think if you close your eyes then you won't have to truly, genuinely accept the fact that I am Voldemort. I will always be him and that means he will always be your soulmate.”

“I’ve never thought you weren’t good enough for me. If anything you clearly think I’m not enough.” Harri said softly. But the rest of it? Almost everything he said had truth to it.

Tom captured her chin in his grip. “You are everything to me.”

“I wish you would let yourself be as great as I know you can be. Let immortality and the desire to rule go Tom. I see you with the Slytherins and know you don’t need those things to be great.”

He dropped his head. “I never ask you to change yourself. Why is what I am so repulsive to you?”

“Horcruxes are repulsive to me, not you! I think you’re intelligent and that you can be kind. You're incredibly powerful and you can do anything. You don’t need a horcrux or followers to get where you want to go. You’re not just something made of dark magic, you are a person. You’re my person and soulmate and I—I don’t want you to change. It’s you who wants to. I want you to stay the same.” Harri implored.

Tom ran his hands through his hair and pulled at the ends. “I don't see it like that. I don't see it the way you do. We're too different in this.”

She didn’t know what to say to that. They were both too stubborn for their own good. Unwilling to back down and unwilling to change.

"Where do we go from here?"

"I don't know."

But we are both alone without each other.

Tom pulled her to him then like he couldn't stand being apart. She buried her face in his neck and closed her eyes.

The months passed. Tom and Harri didn’t speak of horcruxes more but the words they said lingered in the spaces between them.

A positive thing was that the quibbler story and breakout from Azkaban fragmented whatever control the ministry had over public perception. Umbridge was continuously called away from school and Fudge lost his credibility the more time went on.

The only issue was that Voldemort didn't do anything. At least nothing public. Sirius mentioned a few instances here and there but not anything concrete about Voldemort or his death eaters.

Dumbledore rarely came out of his office. He spoke to everyone less and less. Harri’s occlumency lessons with Snape and Tom continued and fortunately, she improved immensely from when they started. Her dreams became a landscape of nothingness.

What worried her about this was that maybe her practices left the diadem blocked from her mind too. She would write him but she didn’t know where to send it. She wanted to speak with him, ask him about all of this and the horcruxes, which they hadn't discussed yet. She should hold him to the fire for it, considering he hadn't told her. Yet Harri knew when she saw him she didn't want to fight with him too.

March turned to April and April turned to May. The OWLs began. History of Magic, Herbology and Creatures were the easiest. Tom barely bothered to study and even Hermione let herself have more than five minute rest breaks. Transfiguration and Astronomy required a lot more studying but they were subjects Harri found interesting. However, Arithmancy and Potions were difficult and exhausting. When Harri walked out of those exams she saw the world in nothing but numbers and ingredients.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was their last OWL and it was going to take place in one hour. The fifth years were camped outside the great hall with their notebooks having breakdowns.

Seamus was heaving into a paper bag and Lavender was in the bathroom throwing up. The pages of Harri’s book were open but none of the words were entering her brain. Tom snapped his fingers in front of her eyes. He wasn’t even reviewing, he was eating an apple and watching Hermione panic. Harri wished she had his brain. Shouldn’t that be a thing? Soulmates should be able to share sense.

She shut her book and decided to rest her eyes. Defense club had prepared them for whatever would come on the test and just the image of the outraged and shocked look that would be on Umbridge’s face when they passed was enough for some of Harri's stress to elevate. This was her best subject and if she walked out of arithmancy alright this would be a breeze.

The doors opened after ten minutes and everyone was instructed to enter the hall.

Lavender sprinted into the room and dropped into her seat with a green face. Daphne went in after her and lined her quills in order while she perched. Harri noticed Draco go to a desk near the front of the hall and wipe a pocket square across the surface. Blaise and Miles cackled at him as they relaxed in their own seats close to him. Tom winked at her as he passed, apple still in hand. Maria gave Harri a hug and sat down next to her. Hermione planted herself down in front of them and stress braided her hair before settling back.

The examiner shushed everyone and extracted all personal items except wands.

After a countdown, the exam began. The written portion was exceptionally easy and Harri kept looking up and around like it was a joke.

They were given a break at the two-hour mark and then their desks were spelled away. They were put in sections to await their practicals. Harri couldn’t stop smiling when everyone aced each test. Draco grinned widely at her as he stepped out of the room.

It was so nice to see him smile. Draco had such a lovely smile.

When it was Harri’s turn her examiner asked her if it was true she could cast the patronus charm. Harri didn’t know how this was common knowledge but she said yes.

She didn’t even need to think to bring a happy moment forward then. It was all there already. Her stag bounded across the room and the examiner squeezed Harri’s elbow. “Wonderful Miss Potter. Absolutely wonderful.”

When she stepped out of the great hall she made sure to catch Umbridge’s eye and give her the same sickly sweet smile she remembered from their first DADA class. Harri hoped it was a bitter pill for her to swallow.

Once she was out she looked and found Tom, Draco, Ron and Hermione gathered near the stairs.

Hermione beamed. Harri returned it and just when she was about to let out a sigh of relief her world went sideways.

There was nothing but blackness clouding her vision. Then there was Voldemort.

He was standing in a familiar corridor with green tiles and long hallways. “No, don't look there, look at me Harri.”

Harri looked at him. His face was more grotesque than the last time she’d seen him. His mouth parted in an evil grin. “I must admit you’ve managed to keep me out of your mind. Although I dare say you did not consider that you do not keep me out all the time. You get very distracted during the day…all those classes…pesky friends…that Godfather of yours…”

Harri’s heart rate spiked. “Get out of my head.”

Voldemort lifted his fingers to his jaw. “But how else would I ever see you?”

“Do you ever stop with the theatrics? Speak plainly what you came here to tell me.”

He tapped the side of his head with all the patience of a man who had the world at the tip of his fingers. “Come meet me here. Come to the department of mysteries.”


He frowned. “No? Are you certain?”

Harri’s scar pulsated.

“I think you will come Harri. Because if you don’t...well...there is no easy way to say this. Wouldn’t you like to say goodbye to your Godfather?”

Horror struck.

“I only say this because he may not be here for much longer.” Voldemort brushed his robes aside and there was Sirius. His body was strung up on ropes of sand, blood running down his neck.

She screamed.

Voldemort smiled. “Do hurry. That isn’t ordinary sand you see.” He swung his hand towards her and pushed Harri back into her body

Shouts enveloped her eardrums.



The world rewrote itself. Tom and Hermione’s faces stared at her.

“Ron step aside!” Draco pushed himself into Harri’s eye view. “Harri? Can you speak?”

Harri stared at him and for a moment didn’t know what was happening. Then her scar erupted and she was shoving herself onto her feet.

“Voldemort.” She breathed.

Tom grabbed her. “What?”

“He has Sirius in the department of mysteries. He’ll kill him. We have to go!”

Draco sunk into himself.

“He spoke to you?”

“Yes! He wants me to go, he said there’s no time!”

Hermione placed a hand on Harri's shoulder. “Harri breathe.”

She couldn’t. It was one of her worst nightmares. Sirius was a dream Harri had as a little girl and every time they separated she feared he would be taken from her.

Now he was.

Voldemort had Sirius. Voldemort had Sirius and he wouldn’t let him go. He would kill him and Harri would lose her only living family.

“How do you know he was in the department of mysteries?” Ron inquired.

“He said so and I recognized the green tiles. Charlie was attacked there."

“Is that a coincidence that it’s the same place?”

“No.” Harri and Tom said at once. They exchanged a glance. “I think he wants something from there. Before I began occlumency lessons I would wake up feeling like I needed something profoundly.” Harri said to Tom. “What is in there that he could want that much?”

“It could be a number of things but I don’t believe he would go there himself. Why risk the exposure?” Tom said.

”Exactly,” Draco touched Harri’s hand. “He’s playing with you.”

“It doesn’t matter if he is or isn’t. I can’t take that chance. Will you come?” She asked Ron, Tom and Hermione. She wouldn’t ask Draco to put himself in a position where his mother and father might get hurt. Not when she was trying to save her own.

“That isn’t even a question.” Ron pulled his wand out. "Of course I will."

“You don’t know that what he showed you was real Harri it could be a trap.”

“We should wait and plan how we are doing this first. ”

“Tom’s right,” Draco protested. “How could who-know-who even get it into the ministry undetected when everyone is there?”

“Then let it be a trap I don't care. I’m not letting him kill Sirius. We have magic Draco, there are a million and one ways Voldemort could get in there the least of which include your father and his death eaters! For all we know Fudge welcomed him with open arms!”

“All I’m saying is to consider the facts before throwing yourself headfirst into danger!”

“Every second we spend on this conversation is another second Sirius could be hurt.” Harri started towards the nearest exit. They followed her and continued arguing at the same time.

“You haven’t even decided how to get there!” Draco tried to reason.

“We can find Fred and George. They’ll apparate us.” Ron argued.

“Stop yelling!” Hermione shouted.

Tom pulled Harri. “If we go, he will see me and he will know.”

“Then he’ll know! I’ll risk anything to save Sirius!”

Many emotions flashed through Tom’s eyes. Envy. Irritation. Excitement.

“You have no plan, no resources and only four teenagers to face off against a dark lord. You’d go in alone if you had the chance.” Tom’s lips curled up. “Harri Potter…”

He had said her name like that once before. The first time they met. There’d been a hunger in his gaze then too. It was the same now.

“Fate had to find someone to match your crazy.” She murmured.

Tom’s laced their fingers together.

As they wended their way out Harri contemplated how they would get to London. Maybe another portkey? Tom was here and he surely knew how to make one.

She opened her mouth to ask him. Out of nowhere, a force constricted around her throat and propelled her away from him.

“Where do you think you are going?” Umbridge’s horrible voice squeaked as she came out of a corner to stand in front of them. “Don’t answer that. I was just looking for you. Did you really think you could get away with something like this under my watch? In my school?”

Harri locked eyes with Tom.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Umbridge’s grip tightened and Harri’s breath caught. Tom’s hands coiled into fists.“I know about the underground illegal defense club you’ve been running Potter.”

“Professor let her go!” Hermione yelled.

Umbridge moved her wand hand and choked Hermione in the same grip as Harri.

Ron growled and pushed but Tom held out his arm. Umbridge’s gaze moved to him. “Thomas.” She gave him an adoring look. “You don’t know what I’m speaking about but Pansy Parkinson came to my office this morning and told me Harri here was running an organization with the aim of taking down the minister.”

“Take down the minister?” Ron shouted. “You’ve lost your f*cking head! It's a school club!”

“Be quiet mister Weasley! Malfoy grab him before I lose my temper.”

Draco stuttered. “But Professor,”


“Professor Umbridge.” Tom’s expression was a facsimile of pleasantry. “I’m sure this is all a great misunderstanding.”

“I wish it was but I’m afraid I can’t take any of this lightly. I have to take Miss Potter to my office and her accomplices as well.”

Tom’s jaw flexed and Harri thought he was going to curse Umbridge right there. “I understand. Why don’t Draco and I accompany you? In case you need any help.”

“So thoughtful of you.” Umbridge tittered.

She shoved Harri and Hermione forward. Draco put his hand on Ron’s arm.

They trudged to her office and Harri worried about how much time was being squandered. They should've been trying to reach the ministry not dealing with the wench.

After a tense five minute walk the defense classroom came into view. Harri was surprised to see Adrian, Miles, Blaise and Theodore standing in the doorway.

Then she recalled, months ago Umbridge had instructed all of the class to return their books after taking their OWL.

Harri looked at Tom. He mouthed, 'follow my lead.' She nodded and exchanged glances with Hermione, Ron and Draco. They got to the door and Umbridge turned to the Slytherin boys. “What a pleasant surprise. Good of you to be here. Would you shut the door behind you and follow me in?”

Adrian and Miles looked at Tom first and only listened to Umbridge after Tom inclined his head. Theo and Blaise surveyed Harri, Hermione and Ron. Harri hoped they noticed their stiff postures. They were not here by choice.

A situation like this was routine by now. They always ended the year with a wand to the head…an hourglass running out of sand…Voldemort waiting… though Harri supposed it was because of this history that they were able to communicate without words. Quick glimpses, the grip of a wand, the whisper of a word.

She only hoped they could fool Umbridge.

They marched into the classroom and passed the desks to Umbridge's office. Miles locked the door behind them once they entered on her orders.

Umbridge pointed to Harri and Hermione. “Seize them.”

Theo and Adrian didn't hesitate which was good. Harri and Hermione were lined up in front of Umbridge, ripe for choosing in her mind. Draco held Ron near the door and Blaise and Tom stood next to Umbridge.

“Take their wands.”

Theo took Harri’s but held it in a loose grip in front of her. Adrian did the same to Hermione. Umbridge, oblivious, smiled wickedly. “Good, good.”

“Now Harri. ” If Umbridge gave her back to Tom it would be over. “Why don’t you tell me all about this club of yours?”

Harri only glowered.

“Nothing to say?” Umbridge’s mouth flattened. “I think I will have to loosen you up a little. I have heard a crucio really makes you scream a bit.”

Hermione gasped. Even Harri was taken aback. She knew Umbridge was awful but she didn’t think she was this kind of awful.

Umbridge turned to grab her wand off her desk, thinking herself safe.

Tom struck then. “Expelliarmus!”

The wand flew out of Umbridge's hand and straight into Tom’s awaiting palm. He threw it at Miles who caught it and cast, "Incarcerous!”

Umbridge became snared in a trap of her own making.

Draco dropped Ron’s arm, and Theo and Adrian let go of Harri and Hermione.

Umbridge screeched and struggled in her binds. “What are you doing! Y-you!” She pointed at Tom and Draco in disbelief. "Why?"

“Who ratted us out about defense club?” Adrian exclaimed, handing Hermione back her wand. “Did she just try to crucio Harri? Did they actually just happen?”

“Forget about her.” Harri snatched her wand back from Theodore’s hand. “Do you know of a way we can get to the ministry?”

“Why?” Theo asked.

“Voldemort has Sirius.” Ron blabbered. “He’s threatened Harri, says if she doesn’t go to the department of mysteries he’ll kill him.”

“You’re not actually thinking of going?”

Harri didn’t reply.

“Harri no.”

“Potter!” Umbridge yelled. “You won’t get away!”

Tom silenced her with muffliato.

“There is a way.” Miles said. “After the quibbler Umbridge didn’t want any news getting out without her knowledge, thus she closed all the fireplaces but kept hers open. You can use the floor. Coincidence right?”

Umbridge shouted. "I'm standing right here! Don't you dare think about going to the ministry!" She was angry enough that her veins seemed like they were about to pop.

Harri looked at Tom. His expression was pinched.


He yielded. “Fine”

“How do you know he actually has your Godfather? ” Theo protested.

“I don’t but I have no choice and I don’t care what anyone has to say about it!” Harri snapped. “If you want to be helpful, go with Draco and find Professors Snape and McGonagall. Tell them what’s happened and where we’ve gone.”

“Who said I’m not coming with you? I never said that! Before I was attempting to get you to think rationally but if you're all going so am I!” Draco held Ron’s hand. “I always go with.”

“Not this time.” Ron scoffed. "You're not coming."

“I want to help!”

“And this is the best way for you to do it!” Hermione placated.

“What, I'm supposed to stay here while you go off and try to get yourselves killed without me?”

“Yes.” Harri pushed Umbridge’s desk chair back to make room for them in the fireplace.

“The lot of you are mental if you think that’s happening! I couldn’t do anything last year but I will not abandon you again!”

“Malfoy shut up.” Tom ordered. “This isn't the time to be best mate of the year. She’s told you how to help, now take Nott and go do it.” He turned to Hermione, Ron and Blaise. “You three go through the floo first, Harri and I will come after we’ve taken care of Umbridge. Find somewhere to lay low and wait for us there.”

Blaise and Ron started the floo while Hermione placed a galleon in Harri's palm. “I’ve been working on this with Maria. We thought they would be useful for defense club but I guess that’s over now. You have to hold it and think about what you want to say. The message with show up on the galleon that I have.”

Harri curled her fingers around the coin. “Like a soul bond.”

“Precisely. Maria has one too. I’ll send her a patronus and maybe she, Daphne and Lav can try to find help.” Hermione kissed Harri’s cheek. "We’ll bring Sirius home Harri.”

Harri nodded through the lump in her throat. She gave Hermione a brief hug and then watched her disappear through the floo with Blaise and Ron. A reluctant Draco and Theo departed the room right after.

This left Harri, Tom, Miles, Adrian and Umbridge as the only people in the room.

“Now,” Tom cracked his neck. “Let’s have some fun shall we?”

Umbridge swallowed.

“End the spell and grab her.” Tom instructed Adrian and Miles.

Adrian undid the body bind. He and Miles snatched one of Umbridge’s arms each.

Tom crouched in front of them and ran his wand down the side of Umbridge's face. She trembled and tried to move away. Tom grinned.

“I think you know what comes next, Professor.”

Umbridge shook her head.

Tom reached into his pocket and pulled out a black quill. “Recognize this?"

Umbridge whimpered.

"I think you do. It’s the same one you made Harri use. I want to you write too." He put his wand to her throat and a laceration tore its way through the skin. Blood dripped down Umbridge's neck. “If you don't write, I will cast this spell again and this time you will die.” He twisted his hand and Umbridge cried out, gagging. “Am I making myself clear?”

Tom.” Harri warned.

"The only reason you are even here today wasting breath is because of Harri. Remember that."

He turned his face and Harri saw that his eyes were red. She remembered what he’d said when she came back from detention. She put a mark on you that isn’t mine.

“Blood for blood.” Parchment drifted in front of Umbridge and Adrian let go of one arm.

“Write." Tom commanded, throwing the blood quill on the ground. "Write liar."

Umbridge, trembling, began. She flinched after the first letter, grasping her forehead and Harri realized Tom had cursed the quill in his own way. The letters would show themselves across her face, not her hand.

Tom lifted himself up and went over to stand behind Harri. He placed his chin on her shoulder.

The four of them watched the word L I A R carve onto Umbridge’s temple.

“Come Harri.” Tom whispered in her ear when a minute passed. "Let us save your Godfather."

It was sunset by the time Harri and Tom dropped into the atrium. The place was almost exactly like she remembered except this time there was no one inside. Not even Hermione, Ron and Blaise. The fireplaces were empty.

Harri reinforced her grip on Tom’s hand. He squeezed back which brought great comfort. In moments like this, she wasn’t used to feeling anything but consuming fear therefore it was a welcomed change of pace. Maybe this endeavor could be a success. They would find Sirius and bring him home. Nothing terrible would happen. Even though the empty area was not an indication of good things to come.

The two of them walked into the middle of the atrium and watched for any sign of life.

“Your call.” Tom said eventually.

Harri looked again in case she'd missed anything. “Let’s take the elevator. Maybe they went on ahead inside the offices.”

“Or they got captured.”

Harri elbowed him. “Think positively.”

Tom peered up at the giant picture of Cornelius Fudge hanging off the thousands of windows above them. He was probably wishing it was himself up there.

They entered one of the elevators without seeing anyone still or being attacked and Harri took it for what it was. A bad omen. The doors closed and without either of them pressing a button, the key for the department of mysteries lit. The elevator swooped back and down.

Everything will be fine.

The drop down was excessive, leaving her stomach feeling like she was going into another dimension and not another floor. The doors opened and Harri immediately wanted to turn back around. There was a dark hallway ahead, with a only few torches lighting their path. At the end of the hall there was the black door Harri had dreamed about before. The sight was of such familiarity that she could almost believe she was dreaming again.

A darkness and ache, this place reminded her of wanting.

Voldemort was here.

And he wanted Harri at this place too, just as much as he wanted whatever was on the other side of this door.

“Wand out.” Tom murmured. Harri drew hers from her uniform skirt.

They stepped out together. None of the horrors Harri imagined occured when the elevator closed behind them. They walked down the path and when they got to the door Harri was the one to push it open. They proceeded in with caution but it was for nought. There was nothing inside but four black walls.

“Peculiar.” Tom said.

Harri touched the walls. “Maybe there’s a hidden door in one of these. Like in the movies or Scooby doo.” She pushed along hoping for some sort of latch or an opening.

Tom studied the ceiling. “It says something there.”

Harri looked up. There was writing. Two sentences stitched in the shape of a spiral and woven in gold.


It took her a little bit to decipher the lines.

‘Tempus Edax Rerum’

‘Tempus Rerum Imperator’

“Is that Latin? I wonder what it means.”

“Time, devourer of all things. Time, commander of all things.

Harri gave Tom a disbelieving glance. “Seriously?”

He returned the face. “Our spells are forged from Latin. Of course I learned the language that commands our magic.”

"Of course." She couldn't help but smile fondly.

It fell when the sound of a lock clicked and the floor beneath them started to move.

“Harri!” Tom stretched out his arm for her.

She reached back but before she could touch him the ground underneath them split open. They fell.

Everything was a blur. Their bodies plummeted through the ether.

Harri hated the feeling of falling, the loss of control, your stomach in your mouth waiting for the ground to swallow you whole.

Before they could land though, their bodies lurched and stopped midair on their own.

Waiting for her heart to slow, Harri peered down to see where they were. She saw mountains of golden sand below. The same sand that had enveloped Sirius in her vision. Wherever it was they had fallen into, it was not by mistake.

“Wherever we are,” She said. “it’s where he wants us to be.”

Tom pointed his wand at her. “Emancipare!"

Harri was released and dropped onto one of the shallower pits of sand. Tom freed himself and came down beside her. She ran her hands through the fine grains underneath them. The sand stuck to her fingers like spun gold.

Tom cupped some it in his own hands. “I wonder…”

“Do you think this is what they put in time turners?” Harri pondered. The message on the ceiling was no coincidance.

“Must be.”

They waded through the dunes until they found an opening leading out. The opening carried them to a new room. This one was pink and again there was nothing inside. Only three more doors for them to choose from.

Harri lifted a finger and counted. “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,”

Tom laughed.

They ended up going through the third one. It took them toward a corridor lined with lilac tiles. They walked until they found another door. Harri thought the unspeakables surely had made this many pathways in case anyone snuck in. She was confused about where they were and was convinced even if they went back, they would end up somewhere completely different then where they started.

The new door had a wide arch and was lined with glass spheres. It had to be the one that would lead them where they wanted to go.

Her and Tom passed through it together which was a mistake. Three figures in white masks and black robes came charging at them from the corners of the room. Death eaters.

Red light shot on Tom’s right and almost hit him in the face. He pushed Harri behind himself. Another spell came and then another. Reds and blues darted at them in quick sucession. Harri pivoted, putting her and Tom back to back. They fired counter curses. Reducto, expelliarmus, whatever came to mind.

Death eaters must have taken Ron, Hermione and Blaise as well. They were f*cked.

There was a cackle.

“Crucio!” The spell was aimed for Harri's neck and she dodged in a disbelieving haze.

Tom snarled and cast in retaliation. “Avada Kedavra!”

A feminine voice shrieked. “Oooh! This one likes to play!”

“Harri run! I’ll hold them off!” Tom hissed in her ear.


A curse bounced off the ceiling and cascaded across the floor, destroying the area where it landed.

“Go now!”

“Not without you!”

Tom didn’t give her a choice. He jumped into the death eaters' path.

“They can’t hurt me! You go!”

Harri clenched her fists. It was Tom. He'd be alright. They couldn't hurt him.

She ran. One of the death eaters gave chase to her. She fired at him while sprinting and pushed through the first exit she saw. When she burst to the other side the noise of the fight and the death eater disappeared.

Inside this new place, the walls were tall enough to fit a tower and there were shelves filled with luminous glass orbs. There must have been at least a million of them in the room altogether.

This was it. This was where the thing Voldemort desired was.

She started down the passage.

There were letters labeling every row of every shelf. Harri looked down each aisle to see if there was anybody standing in wait for her.The room felt wrong. The ambiance was sinister. It reminded her of being beside Cedric in the maze.

She felt eyes trained on her, watching her every move. She went from one ledge to the next hoping something caught her eye. She got to the P's and knew she should stop. She stepped into the aisle on unsure feet. Percival, Patroclus, Pavlov...Potter.

There was an orb with her name on it's label.

S.P.T. to A.P.W.B.D.

Dark Lord and

(?) Harri Potter

This was it. This was what Voldemort required.

A prophecy. Their prophecy.

About Harri and Tom. Harri and Voldemort.This was why Voldemort brought Harri here.

She needed to know what it said. This must…if there was a prophecy then…was this why he wanted her dead? She should…

Harri lifted the orb off the shelf.

She expected something to happen. This thing clearly held great importance, presumably the answers to a war, why did nothing happen?

“Very good Harri.”

She spun, her wand out. Two familiar death eaters were standing behind her. Rosier waved and Lucius aimed his elm and heartstring core on her.

“There’s no need for that, is there Lucius? We’re all friends here. Let’s put down our weapons and have a civil conversation.”

Harri clutched the prophecy close to her chest.

Rosier sighed. “We don’t want to do this the hard way Harri. The dark lord wants you alive.”

She let out a wild laugh. “I’m sure he does.”

That bastard.

“Hand over the prophecy and we promise you and your little friends will not be harmed.” Lucius offered.

Harri gulped.

“Come now Harri.” Rosier urged.

“No.” She sraightened. “I won’t hand it over.”

Daphne had told them about prophecies once, on a late night in second year. Only the people they were about could claim them. This was why Voldemort needed Harri specifically to retrieve the orb. He hadn’t want to come himself and the only other person who could was Harri.

Sirius was not here. Voldemort was not here.

She’d let herself fall headfirst into a trap. She could’ve called Sirius through the floo, tried a patronus or a phone but she'd let her panic get the best of her. Harri had brought Tom and her friends to this place and placed them in danger. Again.

Lucius moved forward. “If you don’t give the prophecy to us your friends will be very sorry.”

“You won’t touch them,” Harri said. “If you do I’ll destroy this prophecy. What will happen then? Do you think Voldemort will feed you to his snake?”

Lucius flinched.

“Calm yourself.” Rosier murmured to Lucius. His wand slipped into his hand.

Harri swallowed. She could threaten them but she was woefully unprepared to fight both of them at once.


A loud scream echoed through the room. Rosier and Lucius must have recognized it because they turned their heads and Harri took the moment and darted away.

Lucius growled and lunged for her.

“Confringo!” Harri scurried out of the aisle. Her spell hit the shelf, leaving the prophecies to fall onto Rosier and Lucius. The two of them pursued her deftly yet Harri was quicker. Years of quidditch practice and adrenaline kept her going faster than them.

She reached another exit at the end of the line. She shoved it open and launched herself through it's entryway. She ran into a body and yelped.

“Harri!” It was Hermione.

Harri caught hold of her and shouted. “Run!”

They bolted together.

“What happened?”

“Death eaters!”

“Me too! They got Tom!”

“What’s in your hand?”

“A prophecy! Long story, Sirius isn’t here. Theodore and Tom were right. Where are Blaise and Ron?”

“I lost them! We were attacked the second we got out of the floo! We fought the death eaters off but ended up in different elevators,” Hermione had a gash on her lip and her left eye was swollen. “I tried to go to the DMLE, to find aurors, but none of the buttons worked except for the one leading here to the department of mysteries.”

A wall exploded beside them. Harri shoved Hermione backward and they both toppled over to the ground.

“Harri!” That was Tom.

He dragged her up. There was blood in his hair. He glanced at the sphere in Harri’s hand. “You found it.”

Harri’s head snapped up. “You knew?”

“Bellatrix likes to talk.” Tom heaved.

"Bellatrix? Lestrange?"

“And where is she?” Hermione coughed.

A boom sounded.

“That would be her.”

Hermione wheezed.

“We should run.”

Tom clutched Harri’s hand and she gripped Hermione’s. They hared away from the explosions with no idea where to go except forward.

This was f*cked.

They came into a space that looked like a dome. Because of the momentum of their run, they fell down the stairs lining the wall. When they managed to right themselves Harri examined the room. There was an archway in the middle of the site, on top of a platform. In between the arch was a wispy veil. It was like looking through the body of a ghost.

Harri heard voices emerge from it.

Was that…

“Don’t go near it!” Tom shouted.

“What is that?” Harri breathed.

“They call it the archway of death.” Hermione wiped off her pants.

“And this is the chamber of death.” Tom turned Harri around and brushed her’s sweaty hair off her forehead. “You’re fine?”

“You were right when you said we shouldn’t have come here.” Harri placed her hand over his. “What are we going to do?”

“You’re going to hand me the prophecy.”

They froze.

Rosier was standing on the stairs with his wand pressed against Ron’s neck. Beside them, Blaise was under Bellatrix’s arm. Bellatrix cackled.

“Over here Potter.” Lucius apparated in front of the archway. He held his hand out. “You’re surrounded. Give it to me now.”

Harri stiffened.

“Don’t move.” Tom whispered under his breath.

Rosier dug his wand into Ron’s throat.

Tom’s adam’s apple moved up and down. “Harri…”

Harri shifted away from him. “Trust me.”

Even though he was far, Tom held his wand at Lucius’s chest.

Lucius leaned forward. “That’s right, no one has to get hurt. The dark lord does not want you dead Harri.”

Harri walked up to the dais and once she was within reaching distance Lucius outstretched his arms.

But whatever half cooked plan Harri had thought she might have to execute wasn’t needed.

Sirius, Remus, Nymphy, Bill and Fleur apparated into the chamber of death.

Lucius swore. Sirius swung at him. “Densaugeo!”

And the room descended into chaos. Harri jumped off the platform and into Tom’s waiting figure. They started fighting side by side again, this time against Rosier and a newly maskless Dolohov. Released from Rosier, Ron shot a Bellatrix and freed Blaise. Bellatrix easily abandoned them and went after Sirius, rage stark on her.

Two more death eaters hurried into the room, also maskless now. The Lestrange brothers. Ron and Blaise, Remus and Fleur converged on them. At the same time Nymphy and Hermione took on Lucius, and Sirius defended himself versus Bellatrix.

Dolohov threw himself at Harri and shoved her onto the ground.

“Antonin the prophecy!” Rosier shouted from afar.

Harri kicked Dolohov off of herself. “Flipendo!” The curse hit his leg and he fell back with a yell. Harri was sure she heard bone crack but didn’t stop him, he crawled onto his knees and continued aiming for her. “Defodio!”


“Finite incantatum!”


“Locomotor Mortis!”


Their spells flew everywhere but Dolohov was on the ground and Harri managed to get him to stay there. She saw Nymphy fall to the ground and hurried to her.

There was a loud bang in the doorway. Ron whooped.

"Dumbledore!" Sweet solace drifted through Harri’s body.

Tom got Rosier to fall. Dumbledore moved down like an avenging angel and cut down the Lestrange brothers. Moody, behind him, took over for Tonk’s and bound Lucius.

Harri panted, the prophecy still clasped in her hands. It seemed as if everything was going to be fine.

Until she heard Bellatrix screech. “Sirius! You filthy blood traitor!”

Harri's head snapped to where she'd last seen Sirius and Bellatrix battling by the arch.

Sirius was laughing and in the midst of it, he missed the jet of light coming his way.

It struck him in the middle of his chest.

The prophecy dropped from Harri’s hands and crashed onto the ground. She did not care. She charged past Remus and Fleur, past Lucius and Moody.

Time moved in slow motion. Sirius’s eyes were wide and he was staring at Harri, a look of pure shock on his face.

“SIRIUS!” She screamed.

He was falling back into the veil of death.He was falling and Harri was yelling as if her life depended on it, like she was the one going through.

Arms wrapped around her. Tom. She thrashed in his grip.

Someone else apparated in the chamber and an even harsher hush fell over the room. Harri barely noticed. All she saw was Sirius, his body curving and sinking backward.

In the second before death touched him, Sirius's body ceased moving. He stumbled forward into Remus’s arms. Remus seized him by the collar and swung him far away from the veil.

Harri couldn’t look away. Sirius gaped at her from within Remus’s arms and she thought she might die because of how relieved she was.

It didn’t last long. Sirius’s eyes moved to the left and Harri’s followed.

There was Voldemort.

He was standing in the center of it all. His wand was still extended to where he had cast the spell that saved Sirius’s life.

Harri couldn’t believe it.

Bellatrix was behind him, clutching at his robes. Harri felt rage course through her at those crazed features but Tom’s arms were an iron band around her preventing any movement.


Tom’s arms.

Voldemort’s gaze first moved from the archway to Tom. Even he could not hide the utter astonishment that fell over his face. His eyes ran over Tom’s bloody face, his chest and his arms around Harri. They froze again and he staggered, thunderstruck.

Voldemort peered at Harri through his slitted red eyes. Her chest was still heaving and she was sure there were tears all over her face and blood everywhere.

What a mess they must have looked like together.

It was nothing compared to the bewildered expression on Voldemort.

Harri thought he might begin another monologue. He didn’t. He apparated right in front of Harri and Tom.

Dumbledore shouted Voldemort’s name.

With a flick of Voldemort's hand, Tom’s body was flung away from Harri’s. She tumbled back and Voldemort caught her shoulder.

The rest of it happened very suddenly. One moment they were there and the next they were in Surrey.

Harri pushed herself away from Voldemort’s grasp. She caught a glimpse of the houses behind her and the park swings. They were in her childhood home. At the park where she scraped her knee when she was six and sliced her hand open.


“I will admit you have surprised me today.” Voldemort said softly. "I did not expect what I found in the death chamber."

Harri was still recovering from the apparation. “How did you know about this place?”

Voldemort glanced at Little Whinging. “I told you before, you leave your mind open during the day.”

“But-” Harri was breathing even heavier now. What did he know? Everything?

“You can relax Harri. It is only every once in a while. I have less than a handful of your memories. For example, this was simply a vision of a street sign and the words privet drive.”

Harri placed her hand on her heart and felt its rapid beat. She might be having a panic attack. He knew about Surrey. He knew about Tom now. He surely…he surely knew about the bond...

“You need to calm down.”

“Calm down?” Harri shouted. No. No. No. No. Soulmate. Soulmates. He must have realized when he saw Tom. He was already wondering...

Curiously, Voldemort tilted his head to the side. “Come to me,”

Harri couldn’t bring herself to move.

Voldemort frowned. “You are being difficult again. I am not even angry about the prophecy and yet you still behave like a child.”

“Because you don’t need the prophecy anymore! You have no reason to be angry!”

Voldemort’s lips twitched. “And why is that Harri? Why do I no longer need the prophecy?”

Because you know. Surely you know. Soulmates. Soulmates. You figured it out.

Harri couldn’t say it. Please don’t make me say it.

Voldemort moved closer.

“Stop!” Harri lurched away from him. “I don’t want this!”

“But you must.” Voldemort grasped her arm and brought it up to his face. "You see?"


His words, his thoughts, right there written on Harri's wrist for them both to see. An undeniable proof.

“We match.” He held his own arm out, pale and skeletal next to hers. 'It’s over' was scribbled in her handwriting on his wrist.

And it was. Over that is. It was all over.

He presented to Harri an irreversible truth, a fait accompli.

Voldemort lifted her face with the back of his hand. "My dear, this ink started with you, and it will end in you.


I've really been lacking the motivation to write. Give me all your thoughts and feelings! Worked super hard on this chapter and I would appreciate it so much.

Chapter 35: of the fearless flight


Happy Halloween!
I want to say from the bottom of my heart the biggest thank you to everyone who commented last chapter. It brought me so much encouragement reading them and made all the work I put in the chapter worth it.
I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always, I hope you like this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 35: of the fearless flight

"For my part I know nothing with any certainty,
but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”
-Vincent Van Gogh, Letters to Theo

In between the horror and disgust caused by Voldemort’s words there was a sense of release. Like Harri’s lungs were relieved of a pinch of breath she’d been holding in for years. This had been the worst case scenario for so long and now it was here. There were no more what-ifs to be considered, no more how, when and what-will-I-do’s .

“How did you find out?” She did not dare move her face away from him. They were alone and no one knew where they were. He could do anything. He would do anything.

“I simply began to pay attention.” Voldemort said. He was staring at her in that peculiar way again, the same as he had at the graveyard. “It does not take long when one considers the entire image. The day you were born was the first time I saw words on my wrist. In haste I did not believe the one prophesied to kill me would be the one fated for me. This, I will admit, was my mistake.”

“What are you talking about?”

‘The one prophesied to kill me’ The prophecy was about Harri killing Voldemort?

It was surprising in that it should not have been at all. If Harri had been prophesied, of all things, to be his killer then it was finally clear why Voldemort had tried to come after her as a child. In fact, it made so much sense that Harri couldn’t understand why she’d never thought of it before. How was it that when Hagrid told her about her parents deaths all those years ago, Harri hadn't thought to herself 'why' ?

Why her parents? And if there was a prophecy that Voldemort already knew of, why did he still want to see it? “If you already know what the prophecy is about, why did you want it this badly?” She asked.

Voldemort’s eyes flashed.

“You’ve been trying to get it all year. You want it terribly. If you already knew— ” Harri felt hope. “But if you already wouldn't. Which means you don’t know the whole thing. And now you never will.”

“Careful Harri. What is a prophecy when I now have you?”

Harri swallowed and his cold fingers moved against her throat. A reminder of who stood before her. A killer. The sting of a crucio she would never forget. She needed to get away from him. Her wand was still in hand and her arms were free, she could make it. They were close enough that if she moved quickly she could catch him off guard. The possibility of it working was slim but Harri couldn’t let the chance slip away. Merlin knew what he had planned for her.

Voldemort brushed Harri's hair away from her eyes with his wand.

“I believe whatever was divined has already come to pass.”

He eyed her scar. “The prophecy no longer matters. I will not make the same mistake twice. We are bonded, you and I.”

Harri secured her grip on her wand. She needed to distract him before she made any attempt at running. “Why did you bring me here? You hate muggles.”

“I suppose I thought this was the last place they would think to look.”

She hated the way he was staring at her. Why did he have to hold her neck? His touch made her skin crawl. “Why did you save Sirius?”

“How many times must I repeat myself? I have told you I am merciful. You need only listen. I know how hysterical you become when people die, it would've become a distraction. Diggory’s death, for example. You hardly knew the boy yet you mourned him like a brother.”

“Because he didn’t deserve to die. He didn't do anything wrong. Cedric was innocent!”

“He was in my way.”

Harri swallowed again. “Well so am I.”

Voldemort let out a sinister chuckle. “No longer. Though as we are on the topic of saving people we shouldn't, tell me Harri, do you know the boy you were standing by in the ministry? You two seemed awfully close.”

He’d been surprised when he saw Tom. Harri knew it. He could pretend to be nonchalant but he must have been dying to know if she knew Tom. If she knew he was a horcrux.

He was toying with her.

“I know he’s Tom Riddle.” Harri said. I’m the one who destroyed the diary, remember? Malfoy told you didn’t he?

Voldemort tilted his head. “Then why is he free? I did not realize you possessed such an affinity for murderers. You’ve certainly made it seem the opposite to me.”

“Because he’s—he’s different.” It sounded stupid but he was. He wasn’t Voldemort yet. He could be saved from that fate.

“Foolish child.” Voldemort scoffed. “We are one and the same.”

No. Harri refused to believe it.

He readjusted his grip on her. “Look at me.”


"Hush." Voldemort forced her head up. “Don’t scream now. The neighbors will hear.”


Voldemort drove into her mind with the force of an anvil. Harri’s head split open and her thoughts parted for him like water. There was no gentleness in his technique, not like Snape's or Tom's.

She tried to bring forth her shields the way they’d taught her but it was difficult to think through the pain. This was what Voldemort planned.

She knew the memories he was looking for and she couldn't let him see.

She recalled Tom’s voice in the quiet of the room of requirement. The feeling of his hands in hers, the cushions beneath her and the sound of the fire crackling.

She lunged for Voldemort's presence in her mind. She thought she might hold him back, but he thrust forward with more severity and found some of what he was searching for.

Her and the diary standing together in the chamber of secrets. The first time she had met him and the twist of his hand rearranging red letters, changing him into Voldemort in her eyes forever.

The diadem calling to her in between a cave of lost things, reading Shakespeare in bed and telling her how easy it was to flay a man, then watching her perform the patronus for the first time with his silhouette lit up against the Hogwarts skyline.

Harri pushed against Voldemort. He swept her away and propelled on, falling into a memory of Harri on the train, tugging her hand out of her handbag and saying, “How did this get here?” Slytherin’s locket glinting in her palm.

Harri screamed.

'Clear your mind!’ Snape would've shouted. ‘Defend yourself!’

‘Choose which memory you want to show.’ Tom had taught her. ‘Emotional enough to consume, trap him inside it and toss him out.’

Harri stopped fighting. She focused.

The next memory that came was one she chose. Together, her and Voldemort ambled into the shrieking shack where Sirius was shouting. “He was my brother, my family, and I would have rather died than betray him!”

Harri let herself be devoured by every emotion she’d felt when this happened. Overwhelming sadness, consuming anger, fragile hope and burning love. Finally, someone who loved her father as much as she did. A person who felt his loss like an ache you carried in your bones. Her Godfather, her family, coming to save her finally.

Voldemort recoiled and Harri seized upon it. She grabbed onto his mind and threw him out with all her strength.

When the world rearranged itself, she found herself stomach down on the ground and Voldemort standing above her. He grazed his knuckles across his nose and the both of them stared at the blood stain on his fingers.

Was that supposed to happen?

Harri unconsciously touched her upper lip and winced when her hand came away bloodied as well. While Voldemort’s eyes were elsewhere, she grappled for her wand. It was a foot away from her hand and she only let herself calm once she’d touched it.

Her head was throbbing with the world's worst headache and her entire body felt battered but she couldn’t afford to stay down. Who knew what Voldemort intended to do next?

He would probably torture her until she spilled everything she knew about him and his horcruxes. After he would threaten her, lock her up and hide her. She was his soulmate and to him that only meant she should be kept alive. That was it.

Harri pushed herself up onto her knees. Voldemort dropped his hand and narrowed his eyes.

She knew she had seconds at most if she wanted to try anything.

He was arrogant enough to have left her wand with her. Presumptuous to assume she wasn’t smart enough to get out. Harri closed her left hand into a fist and pressed her thumb against the cold coin that still lay in her hand.


If Maria didn’t get the message on her galleon, perhaps Tom would get the one on his wrist. Number 4, Privet Drive.

Harri inhaled, and Voldemort frowned.


He dodged the spell as she expected yet the moment was enough for her to run. He laughed behind her and hissed crucio. Harri swerved to the left and sprinted out of the park. She heard the crack of his apparation and knew he would appear in front of her. She turned again and ran into the bushes between her old classmate Czerny’s house. Voldemort followed and she turned right, jumping Mrs. Figgs' fence.

Her footsteps pounded on the ground and the crack of apparation sounded again. Harri felt her conviction slipping away and attempted to gather herself. She only had to reach the Dursleys. That house had sheltered her for thirteen years, it was possible it could do so once more.

Harri held her wand up in preparation for Voldemort to apparate in front of her. The air cracked and he closed in around her, wrapping her in his arms and shooting both their bodies into the sky. Harri kicked against him and in a desperate move, cast her patronus.

The stag made Voldemort pull away and she fell six feet onto the ground into another garden. She landed on her wrist and cried out. It was surely broken if not sprained.

Though she didn't have the chance to check because another crack sounded. Harri rushed onto her feet and stumbled out to the sidewalk once again. The Dursleys' house was now two doors down.

A blue jet of light landed between Harri’s feet and Voldemort was upon her again. She bolted ahead while spells rained on her and only narrowly missed a curse that would have severed her hand.

When Privat Drive came into her eyesight, Voldemort’s black form materialized a foot away from her Aunt’s magnolias. Harri bent and veered away from him. He sneered, his red eyes burning, and she flung herself backward.

Harri landed into a patch of white lilies, ones she had planted a dozen times, and Voldemort froze outside of the Dursley's driveway.

She panted and watched his unmoving form. He was looking in her direction but not at her. She held herself still.

Voldemort’s gaze moved everywhere around her but not on her.

Could it be? Could he not see her?

Harri couldn’t believe it. Voldemort sneered one last time and apparated out.

He was gone.

“f*ck!” Harri closed her eyes and rolled onto her front. f*ck.

Her heart was beating as if it would run out of her chest. Her wrist ached and her head stung. Still, she was alive, she was safe. He hadn’t got her.

Maybe she could just lay here, surrounded by the aroma of lilies and sleep. She would find her way home tomorrow.

Yet, unfortunately, the universe had other plans for her. Privet Drive's front door opened and disrupted Harri’s plan of action.

“What is...” Even though it was deeper, she would recognize that voice anywhere. “Harri? Is that you?

She opened her eyes.

Dudley was standing in the doorway and gaping at her.

He looked incredibly different. All of his baby fat was gone and he was more than five feet tall. It was a miracle. Harri wondered if she was gaping too.


“Oh hell, you’re bleeding!” Dudley darted down the porch steps and helped Harri sit.

“I’m fine.” She whispered.

“You look like you were hit by a car! We’ll have to call the paramedics ourselves, mum and dad are in Cornwall!”

Harri held her unhurt hand up. “Don’t! It’s just a nosebleed and a sprained wrist. I think. I can’t leave here okay? I’ve got to wait until my friends come for me.”

“Just a sprained wrist? It’s purple Harri!”

He sounded like Aunt Petunia. Dudley puttered about like some sort of weird version of a mother hen until she roused to her feet and went inside the house with him.

It felt as if she'd gone back in time.

Everything was the same: the white carpeting, the pink walls, the photos on the walls. Harri could almost believe she’d never left.

Dudley assisted her into the living room and deposited her on the couch.

“Stay here. I’ll go get frozen peas and some bandages.”

“The first aid kit—

"—Is in the cabinet in the second floor bathroom, I know.” Dudley tossed a pillow beside her and ran upstairs.

Harri sunk down onto the seat, blinking away a hundred—a thousand—memories. She played with the tassels on the pillow, unable to believe two years had passed.

It was bizarre but she felt almost nostalgic. She wanted to open the frig, make herself a snack and go into the room that used to be hers. She wondered if they’d changed it and if so, what for. Was her bed gone? Had they replaced the wall she’d marked her heights on as she grew?

Dudley came thundering down the stairs. Harri kept silent as he wrapped her wrist and cleaned blood off her face.

He looked like he wanted to ask what happened. Harri almost told him.

She opened her mouth. Two sets of harsh knocks hammered on the front door.

Harri and Dudley stayed on the couch, paralyzed. The knocks came again before whoever it was got irritated and blasted it open. Dudley recoiled.

Tom, Dumbledore and Sirius charged in. Behind them, Nymphy and Remus cast charms on the porch.


Sirius flew across the room and wrapped her in his arms.

Harri clung to him for dear life.

Tom fell into the seat beside her and spread his legs until their thighs were touching. Sirius let go and dropped onto the coffee table. Tom pressed his hand into her still-bleeding forehead. His face was closed off, expression unreadable.

“You've done well Dudley,” She heard Dumbledore say. “But I think it would be best if you stepped out for a moment. I believe auror Tonks would like to hear about your recovery from the lethifold attack.”

Harri pushed her fingers into Sirius's pulse point and listened to his heartbeat.

He exhaled. “This night has taken at least five years off my life.”

“It almost took your entire life. Are you feeling okay? Do you need to get checked up at St. Mungo's?”

“You need more healing than him, Harri.” Tom picked up the frozen peas Dudley had left with a look of utter disgust. “Useless.”

“You're okay though?” Sirius questioned, running his hands over her and checking her wrist.

“For the most part. I got away before he could do anything horrible.”

She visibly saw Sirius’s relief and felt the tension ease from Tom’s body.

The front door closed behind Dudley and Dumbledore came to stand near the fireplace. Harri dragged her eyes away from Sirius and surveyed her headmaster. She realized, with quiet shock, that she was angry with him. It was a first. Or maybe it wasn’t.

She felt like her frustrations with Dumbledore had been culminating since Tom had shown up. He was the only one who'd known about Tom’s connection to her for so long. He’d seen the sacrifice it took for her to hand over the locket. Which was why it felt like he’d thrown it all back in her face when Tom came.

Tom burned bright and devoured her thoroughly enough that it took almost a year for her to realize how weird Dumbledore’s actions had been. Like he was some seer that knew all the answers and was watching to see what mistakes they made before he took control.

Harri was tried. Here she was, at the end of another year, having survived another attack only by the skin of her teeth. Pure luck, magic and protection she hadn’t known saved her once again.

“I can understand you may be angry.” Dumbledore said.

“No you can’t.” Harri snapped. “I would appreciate some honesty from you and not be patronized. In the past, I’ve always listened because I believed you knew what you were doing and I kept my questions from you this year for the same reason. But how could this all have happened? I thought Hogwarts was your school! Yet you let Umbridge and the ministry interfere. You disappeared when we needed you.”

“Harri it pains me to hear that you think I haven’t done all I could have.”

“Voldemort has told me more than you have! Even though you’re the one who's owed me answers. You left me with the Dursleys when I was a baby, you're the one who is supposed to care, and you’ve let me go on all these years, knowing what you know, and never mentioned the prophecy. Don’t you think it would’ve helped if I knew there was a prophecy? And can you tell me why this house hid me from Voldemort?”

“I too would like answers Dumbledore.” Sirius’s voice was ice cold. “Harri’s occlumency should have been enough to keep Voldemort from her mind, how was he able to still get her to where he wanted? You have been withholding information about my child from me and it ends now.”

Harri stiffened. Tom did too.


“I’m not upset with you ,” Sirius softened his voice for her. “But anything that could put you in danger that he knows about should have been relayed to me.” Each word was said pointedly and with more displeasure than the last.

“You knew about the prophecy?” Harri whispered, feeling betrayed.

Sirius rubbed her arm apologetically. “It was the weapon the order was protecting. I…I admit I didn’t want you to know about it either. I didn’t and still don’t, want to place you in a position where you feel like it’s your job to do anything about this. You’re only fifteen.”

“I want to hear it. It’s the least I deserve right now.”

“You are right.” Dumbledore held up his hand. “And it is my mistake. However, I cannot bring myself to regret keeping it from you. What is the right moment to tell a child about the burden you must place upon their shoulders? I don’t believe there is any.”

Sirius’s fingers fluttered.

“First let me explain why this house protected you. The answer is quite simple. It’s love. Your mother's love, Harri. She died for you and that sacrifice lives on in her blood, tied to the living world through your aunt. Who, whether she loves you or not, is still your family. And in her, your mother's shield lives on.”

The precautions left her well protected because Dumbledore had planned years and years ago.

“I wanted this to be a safe place for you whether you continued to live here or not.”

“And the prophecy?”

Sirius pulled Harri's attention to him. “Whatever it says doesn’t matter. Prophecies are vague, odd things. Nothing controls your future but you. Understand?”

“Who else knows the entire thing? Voldemort knows some of it but the prophecy is destroyed now.”

“Only Sirius, Severus and I know the whole propphecy.” Dumbledore responded.

Tom leaned forward. “Well? Go on.”

Dumbledore looked at Harri with eyes sadder than they had ever been. “The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. … Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies … and the Dark Lord will mark her as his equal, but she will have power the Dark Lord knows not … and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives. … The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…”

He explained how the prophecy could have referred to Neville, however, Voldemort chose Harri therefore it applied to her instead.

Tom’s head pivoted to her and the two of them stared at each other, for once equally taken aback.

For neither can live while the other survives.

This was fate’s next move on the board. Check to Harri’s king. She was beginning to realize it might be a losing game. Her knights were dead and pawns too young. The rooks were strong but the bishop may be too old to hold on for much longer.

Sirius demanded Harri go to St. Mungos.

While they were at the hospital, Harri was told a house-elf transported her and Tom’s trunks from their dorms to Grimmauld Place.

She fell asleep the moment they arrived home and was woken later in the middle of the night by Sirius. Remus and Tom were waiting downstairs with a portkey and Hedwig was already gone.

“We’re going away to the continent.” Sirius pressed a carry-on into her hands and a piece of parchment with an address. “We have a house near Florence in the countryside. You’ll love it.”

“Less of a house, more of a mansion.” Remus smiled and drew Harri into a hug. “Please never do that again. You gave me a fright.” She felt a kiss, so gentle it might not have existed, pressed on top of her head.

“I think the Black madness has taken its toll.” Tom announced from the doorway, his eyes barely open.

Harri didn’t know what to say to him. They hadn’t spoken since Dumbledore’s revelation, or more precisely since the department of mysteries. After leaving Surrey, she’d been checked up and then they’d both been exhausted. It still felt like their silence was more of a choice, at least to her.

She wanted to know what he was thinking. Did he believe the prophecy? Did he think it was true? Did he still want to stay with her or were the obstacles becoming too much? How was she supposed to ask? What was she supposed to say?

In the end, it was easier to say nothing at all.

It was one in the morning when they arrived at the Black family countryside villa. Though it was dark when they got there, Harri could see what Remus meant about it being a mansion.

The property was at least a few acres of land. There was a long walk to the front door alone.

When Sirius finally got the front door open, she chose the first bedroom she found upstairs and fell asleep again.

Next Harri woke, it was to the sun glaring and Hedwig pecking at her windows. She roused herself and let her owl in. Hedwig was carrying a bundle of letters.

No doubt her friends were worried and had questions. Harri also wanted to know what happened after Voldemort took her though she groaned at the thought of having to reply to every single letter.

Deciding to worry about it later, she left the letters by her side table and took a bath. In the water, she went over everything that happened the day before and recited the prophecy in her head. She contemplated what she believed.

Dumbledore said the prophecy could have been about her or Neville but because Voldemort chose Harri it became hers. This implied that prophecies weren’t set in stone. What did it even mean, for neither can live while the other survives?

She supposed most of all she didn’t want to believe it.

“Ugh.” Harri slid down the tub and gave two fingers to the world. An hour later she came out of the bath dressed and prepared to find Tom. She didn’t need to look for long, they ran into each other in the middle of the foyer. He was wearing shorts.

Tom was devastatingly beautiful. Her breath caught every time.



“I was looking for you.”

“Me too. Come upstairs I found a room you might like.”

He brought her to the sunroom. There was a grand piano and windows on all four corners. Vases of flowers were placed on almost every flat surface and there was tea and crepes on a trolley.

“Have you taken up entertaining?” Harri blurted.

“It’s all the house-elves here, not me.” Tom muttered but there was a faint blush on his cheeks.

He settled on the seat of the piano and Harri on an armchair.

She was going to tell him she wasn’t going to put her belief in a prophecy. He got there before her.

“I don’t care.” Tom said, expression set and determined. “About any of it. They can put their belief into whatever they want but it doesn’t matter to me. If I thought prophecies were important I would’ve taken the time to learn more about them. Don’t you think the unspeakables would put more effort into searching than just shutting them up in a room? If a prophecy can be that significant, why was it easily destroyed?”

“I agree.”

“I’m arrogant enough to know I can—wait, explain?”

“I think the same as you.”

He paused and gave her an open look. “You do?”

Harri nodded her head. “What does it even mean anyway? We’re soulmates. That kind of magic is different. Dumbledore never even said he fully trusts the prophecy either. I think it can be interpreted differently than us having to kill each other. Why else would he have brought you here?”

Tom closed the distance between them with a fierce kiss. It was hungry and sweet at once. His tongue slid into her mouth and she threaded her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. “I mean it.” Tom whispered while pulling her into his lap. His mouth was warm against hers, perfect and full. “The only thing in this world is you and me. I don’t care about anyone else.”

Sirius spent the day setting up wards and when Harri eventually managed to find him it was long after sunset. He was sitting on high ground in the garden, watching at the stars laid out before them in the vast darkness. She settled in beside him. The moon was faint but its waning crescent was a comforting reminder that Remus would stay with them for a few more weeks at the very least.

She was thinking about how they might explore the city on Monday when Sirius spoke.

“If I die I want you to let me go.”

That was perhaps one of the last things she'd expected him to say.

What the f*ck? What are you talking about? Why would you say something like that?”

Sirius, with earnest eyes, placed both hands on her cheeks. “Yesterday was a glaring reminder that anything could happen within seconds. If in the worst-case scenario it does, I don’t want you to feel that you didn’t get closure. I want you to know however I go I will do so at peace. I never had that comfort because James and I always thought, despite everything, we would survive.” Sirius paused. “I don’t want any part of your life to be shadowed by my ghost. I wasted thirteen years I could have spent with you torturing myself over James and Lily, my family and wishing I would have been a better brother, son and friend. The thought of you ever feeling the same tears me apart. That is why I’m asking you to let me go if I die.”

Harri averted her gaze, unable to promise him. “The thought of you leaving and never coming back is too painful.”

“The ones that love us never leave us Harri. I will always be with you.” Sirius pointed to the sky. His finger rested on the Leo constellation.

“There, do you see the brightest one? They call it Regulus.”

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.”

He let out a soft laugh, face infinitely fond and full of love. “Yes but look at Regulus. The one in the center. They call it the lion’s heart. To me, that’s my brother. In Azkaban I’d look for him every night and talk to him. I still do.” He stopped abruptly and swallowed. Harri realized that he never talked about his brother, not because Regulus wasn’t important but because Sirius loved him too much. “My point is that he’s not gone and I won’t be either.”

Sirius let go of her face and folded his arms across his knees. Harri fumbled for anything to say and eventually went with something honest. “Will you tell me about him?”

He furrowed his brow. “I think I can.”

He painted the story of a gentle little boy. The smaller Black, the better Black. The best of them all. A boy who fell into Voldemort’s hands too young and could never escape. A boy who deserved better than he got. A boy who died too soon.

“The Blacks are unlucky in love, always.”

This moment reminded her of a conversation with Aunt Petunia about her mother. Back then, Sirius had been watching them from across the street in his animagus form. Harri wondered if he'd heard what they said.

“Do you miss him?”

“Every day. I still don’t know how to exist in a world where my brother doesn’t.” Sirius tapped her knee. “But I’m learning.”

The two of them spent the next hour trying to identify the shapes of the other stars above them. Harri leaned into the knowledge that her Godfather was with her, alive and healthy. Someday soon she would have to tell him how she’d escaped without Voldemort killing her. He might look at her differently when that happened but for now, she still had this.

Above them, the constellations spun and the moon paced her weary course.

Regulus stayed in the sky long after they left.


The line “Above them, the constellations spun and the moon paced her weary course.” is from A Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller and it fit so perfectly I had to add it.

Also, the prophecy and a few sentences are from Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix by J.K Rowling. All credit to these authors.

Chapter quote is from a letter Vincent wrote to his brother Theo. :')

Chapter 36: touch has a memory


There is an explicit scene in this chapter. It begins with "The sound of Harri’s laughter". If that isn't for you don't read it, but remember it's only fanfic.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 36: touch has a memory

“She is in all of his spaces and all of his thoughts.
He contemplates formulas and degrees of rationality and they all turn into her.
He thinks about time, which has only recently begun, or at least now feels different.
He thinks: the Babylonians were wrong; time is made of her.”
Olivie Blake, Alone With You in the Ether

Six Months Ago in Sicily, Italy

Tom stared at the black book in front of him. It was almost the same as he remembered. Almost. There was a circle in the middle that hadn’t existed before. A scar, one that resided in the place a basilisk fang had torn the pages. Before Phoenix tears had sown them together again.

Tom could still recall the day he’d received this diary, though that time and life were far away from him now. It had been a gift from one of his Slytherins, back when that’d felt like something incredibly special. The golden etchings of Tom Marvolo Riddle were a gratifying sight and the first time since childhood his name had felt worthwhile.

Now it brought regret alone. It was a particular torment you could only understand if you lived through it. This diary was a living reminder of how he could have done it all better. His life could have been different. If only. If only.

He wondered if this moment, the one he was standing in, would be another regret years down the line. It was unfortunate that he didn’t have any choice. This was the only way to end all this.

“Ave.” He dropped the diary on the ground. “Incendio.” A circle of fire. “Incipiam, expergiscimini, revenite.”

The diary ignited. Tom summoned a pocket knife and raised his wrist above the blaze. He slashed his right vein open. “Curate Ipsum.”

Light burst forth. Tom stepped back and waited for the fire to extinguish. Then he walked back to the small house he was staying in.

Inside, he waited.

Hours passed.

The night melted into morning and somewhere in the distance, a bird whistled.

Eventually, the front door squeaked open.

A boy stumbled inside. Bloodied and pale but whole.

Voldemort was vexed. Extremely. Enough that the attack for later in the evening was not enough to alleviate his displeasure.

His locket should have been where he placed it decades ago, forgotten and hidden inside a cave. He assumed if anyone ever managed to find his little Horcrux, the inferi would take care of them.

It was clear now that had been a mistake. Someone had managed to survive and escape with his locket.

It was good that lord Voldemort was no fool.

He knew who it was. He’d borrowed a house-elf once from that Black boy, Regulus.

He must have hid the locket in his house before his death and some thirteen years later Harri Potter, newly appointed Black heir, stumbled upon it.Surely the girl recognized its magic.

Still, he could not understand why the boy was alive. With a body no less.

Voldemort hissed. Dumbledorewas planning something. He would have to move his horcruxes.


“Yes master?”

“Come. I have a job for you.”

The diary was gone and the diadem was trapped in Hogwarts along with his now awake locket. This left two others. He would have Bellatrix retrieve his cup and Rosier return his ring.

As for Harri Potter, she’d regret the day his curse rebounded more than ever. What was a soulmate when one had no soul?

An opportunity.

The sound of Harri’s laughter spilled into the foyer.

“Shhhh.” Tom readjusted his hold on her. “We have to be quiet.”

It was the day after Harri’s sixteenth birthday. The first four weeks of summer had already gone, spent in the quick and soft laziness that only July contained. Every morning they wandered into town for breakfast and in the afternoons they’d swim in the pool. Tom continued to practice occlumency with her and Remus taught them the beginnings of apparation. Once a week Sirius would let Harri fly outside the wards and she and Tom would race for miles on end. They tried to make dinner themselves once which ended when Tom accidentally lit the pizza oven on fire.

On her birthday, they’d visited the Weasley’s and Mrs. Weasley had made Harri a triple layered red velvet cheesecake. Her new favorite.

At present, her and Tom were returning from a small grocery trip in town. Harri’s legs were wrapped around his waist and he was carrying her up to her room.

“Sirius and Remus went to meet Blaise’s mom and they won’t be home until midnight.” She pushed her head back, giving Tom room to press kisses down her neck and across her collarbones.

He bit down on her skin, eliciting a low moan. “Perfect.”

Tom had been behaving differently since the department of mysteries. He was now always by her side. They’d managed to spend an entire year in different houses, surrounded by other people and focused on many different things. But now it was like Tom was another limb. He snuck into her room every night and even sat with her while she talked to Hermione, Lavender, Daphne and Maria over the phone and floo.

Harri wondered if it was the prophecy, if he was trying to negate it by will alone. Whatever it was though, she didn’t care. She was enjoying being the complete center of his world. She loved having him with her at night and sleeping next to him. It made her feel safe, kept the nightmares and Voldemort far away.

Harri dreaded going back to Hogwarts and being separated from him. She would miss him too much and she didn’t want Voldemort back in her head. The thought of seeing him now that he knew about the bond was unnerving. It made Harri feel like all her deepest darkest secrets were laid bare. Which was sort of true.

Tom bit her neck and brought her focus back to him. They were on the second floor and the door to her room was being pushed open. Harri was thrown onto the bed.

She giggled and gazed up at Tom. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were blown wide. Harri bit her lip and pressed her thighs together.

He walked towards her and placed his hands on her knees, pushing them apart and stepping in between. Harri’s trembled. She wanted his hands higher.

Tom leaned down and whispered. “I want to f*ck you.” His hands slipped under her thighs and up towards her hips. “I want to worship your body.”

Her stomach quivered.

He exhaled against her mouth. “Will you let me?”

Harri nodded slowly. She would die if he didn’t.

Tom closed the distance between them and kissed her. She opened her mouth and let him slide his tongue inside, moving her own heavily against his. Then she flipped them over and pushed Tom onto his back.

He laughed. She sat down on him, one knee on each side of his hips. He raised an eyebrow in interest. Struck with confidence from the sheer want burning inside her, Harri moved, grinding herself down onto him.

Tom’s breath hitched and he thickened against her.

“Is that good?” She whispered, rocking down harder.

“f*ck Harri.” Tom moaned and thrust up.

Harri pressed their mouths together again and felt her underwear dampen. Tom traced his hands up her thighs again and pushed her dress up and over her head. He unclipped her bra while she licked from his jaw to his ear. He shivered in pleasure. She grinned against his skin.

Tom wrapped his arm tighter around her waist and turned them over again. He pulled down her underwear and flung them off the bed.

“Arms.” She lifted them up and helped him take off her bra. Her breasts dropped and he started at her hardened nipples, her bare underneath him. His co*ck throbbed against her leg.

“Perfect.” He murmured.

Harri reached for his buttons. She unzipped his pants and he kicked them off the rest of the way after that. She sighed and watched him strip off his shirt next.

The both of them were now naked. Tom’s skin was golden from the Italian sun. He was all lean muscle, every inch of him perfect and hers.

He brought his face to hers and pressed their lips together. Kissed her with a ferocious passion as his hands ran over her breasts. He grabbed each in one hand and squeezed, his thumb brushing over her nipples at the same time. Harri groaned and wetness dripped down the center of her.

“Are you certain?” Tom asked, moving his mouth back far enough to breathe. The only thing separating their bare bodies was his underwear. Instead of giving a verbal answer Harri slipped her right hand inside and grabbed him. Tom hissed and laughed. “Alright then,” He let her leg go and lifted his hips up to tug off his underwear. His co*ck sprang up onto his stomach, already leaking pre cum.

He whispered a spell and began to kiss down her clavicle, Harri moved her thumb over the head of his co*ck, humming as he hardened further. She stroked him while moved down and took a nipple into his mouth. He grazed his teeth over it and Harri whimpered and clenched in desire.

Tom pulled his mouth off her with a pop and blew onto the spit coating her breast. He moved to kiss her all over her body. Her nose, her chin, her inner elbows, and her stomach. When he was done with that, he took both of her legs and spread them. Harri blushed. He moved in and grabbed his co*ck in his right hand. He pumped himself as he came closer to her, right until the tip of him was pressed against her entrance.

“Is this okay?” He said softly.

Harri swung her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. “Yes. Yes. I want you…

He pushed himself inside and with such gentleness. The feeling was uncomfortable but not painful. He pulled back and watched his co*ck disappear inside her. Then he locked eyes with her while she lifted both feet off the bed and wrapped them around his back.

She pushed her right knee into his tailbone, urging him to go in fully. They both breathed a sigh of relief as Tom finally went all the way in.

“Good?” Tom murmured, kissing her jaw, her ear, her pulse point.

“Alright.” Harri breathed.

More kisses on her shoulder and neck, on her cheeks, and her mouth. “You feel amazing. So good baby. ’S so good.”

He began pulling out and thrusting in, setting a light pace at first, letting them get used to the feeling before moving faster. The uncomfortableness went away and it started to feel pleasant.

Harri pushed her head back, his face fell into her neck and the both of them moaned loudly. The bed frame hit the wall when Tom drove inside her and Harri quivered, bucking up against him.

“I’m….” Tom’s face scrunched and he increased his pace, pushing in harder and faster. Harri whimpered and rocked up on him, chasing the feeling that was building up. A string of whines spilled out from her, ah ah ah’sand she slid her foot down his calf.

Tom moaned, loud, desperate, and f*cking filthy. “Harri.

It drove her off the edge. She org*smed.

Tom thrust twice after and stuttered, coming inside her. He dropped his head and the both of them gasped into each other’s mouths.

They kissed, tongues slow and measured against each other. She felt him twitch inside her once more before he pulled out.

He conjured a wet towel and wiped her before falling down beside her. They fell asleep curled together. Tom’s arm was tight around her waist, face buried in her collarbone, their legs tangled and ankles on top of each other.

A window was open and Harri could feel the evening chill waft in. She could also hear raised voices from downstairs. She groaned, opening her eyes and searching for Tom. He wasn’t there.

Harri rose and looked around, puzzled.

The voices increased in volume and she jumped. Were Sirius and Remus home already? She got out of bed and quickly put her clothes back on, wincing at the soreness in her core.

A crack of apparation sounded from outside and she turned toward the open window to see a harried Nymphy walk in through the gate.

Something must have happened.

Harri rushed downstairs. She followed the voices to an office room where she found Sirius, Remus, and Tom. They were having an agitated conversation over a desk with a map of London spread out before them.

“What is it?” Harri asked, anxiety spiraling in her stomach.

Sirius raised his arm and beckoned her close.

She walked to him and he gave her a one-armed hug. “It’s Voldemort. He’s attacked London.”

“100 injured. 10 dead. Maybe more.” Remus finished, running his fingers over Peckham. “He hit 5 major areas all at once, undetected. Here,” Notting Hill, Camden, the West End, and London Bridge.

“We suspect after his escape at the ministry he’s done hiding. This was his announcement, a message for the ministry of magic.” Sirius explained. His expression was harrowed.

“How?” How could this have happened?

Footsteps came thundering down the hallway. “Sirius!”

“Is that Tonks?”

Nymphy swept into the room with her Auror robes still on. “Sirius, you need to go home right now and re-strengthen the blood wards on Grimmauld Place.”

Sirius pushed away from the desk. “Those wards have stood for over a hundred years, Voldemort cannot take them down.”

“Moody caught one of the Lestrange brothers hanging around outside. He was probably trying to see if you were staying there. Mum thinks Narcissa and Bellatrix could break the fidelious.”

“Besides Kreacher nothing short of my death would allow them entry, no matter what blood magic they attempt.”

“But if they had something of yours? Are you sure you want to take that risk? There’s a lot of stuff in your house that could put you and Harri in danger.”

Sirius cursed and moved. “Remus take care of the kids.”

“I’ll go with you.” Nymphy was already zipping up her jacket. “Two Black’s are better than one.”

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Sirius patted himself down, searching for his keys. Nymphy opened the floo. Sirius stepped into it with her.

“Be safe!” Harri called out.

Sirius blew her a kiss and disappeared from the fireplace with Nymphy.

Remus massaged his forehead. “f*cking hell.”

Harri looked at Tom. “What’s Voldemort’s plan? What is he trying to get from this?”

“He’s as much fear mongering as he is satisfying the death eater’s blood lust. Fourteen years is a long time to be locked up.”

“It would have never gotten this far without Fudge. We should’ve been prepared. We could’ve had guards locked on sites, help from MANCUSA and the continent. Germany,” Remus brushed his hair back. “If I didn’t know better I’d be convinced Fudge has his own dark mark. He’s effectively given London away on a golden platter. Bastard.”

Harri bit her lip. “Are we sure he isn’t a death eater?”

Remus scoffed. “He’s too much of a coward to go near Voldemort.” He glanced down at the map again. “This isn’t helping for now. I’m going to make some calls, why don’t you two see about lunch?”

“But we can help!” She protested.

“There’s nothing to be done for now. We just have to deal with the aftermath and that isn’t your responsibility.”

She suppressed a frustrated remark. Tom walked over and grabbed Harri, taking her out of the office.

When the door shut behind them, he pushed her against the wall and gave a lopsided but smug grin. “Feeling alright?”

Harri flushed. “Fine.”

“Just fine?”

His hand slid down her back. “Why don’t we fix that?”

Hips pressed insistently down on hers, lips brushed her neck.

Harri closed her eyes.

The Diary and The Diadem, Rome

Pale fingers ran down a black shirt and the blue eyes of the diary fluttered.

“Well?” The diadem asked. A deep voice and long limbs spread out on a cafe chair. Chestnut waves falling down his shoulders and eyes, blood red in the sun. “How does it feel?”

The diary’s nose scrunched. “I’m not sure ’s odd is all.”

Ruby eyes rolled. “All this teenage angst. I don’t remember being demure at sixteen.”

“Has it been that long that you’ve forgotten? Are you middle-aged?”

Stinging curse to the leg.

The diary brushed through short curls and shrugged. “Yes well, it was a valid question.”

“Doesn’t it get tiring acting pathetic all the time?”

“You’d feel pretty f*cking sh*t if you were me,” The diary, quick to temper,pushed himself to his feet and stormed off. “So f*ck off!”

Diadem Tom rubbed his forehead, astonished. “He’s so emotional. I don’t know how to deal with him.”

Saguini beside him laughed. “I can confidently say you handled that absolutely terribly.”

“That comment isn’t the least bit helpful Saguini.”

“Go after the boy at least.”

Tom sighed. “No. I’ll give him a moment.”

“That isn’t the brightest idea. It's been months and he’s as moody as ever. Have you even told him about little Harri and you know who?”

“Do I look stupid? He’d find wherever they are and plunge a knife in that one’s heart himself.”

Saguini whistled. “Jealously, jealously.”

“Maybe I’ll need the ring first. It’ll tame him somewhat, take away whatever it was that possessed him to try to kill that Weasley girl in front of Harri. When he’s ready and I’ve finished what I set out to do, we’ll return to London.”

“To fight in the war?”

“To end the war. To destroy Voldemort.”

“Have you ever thought, Tom, you might not succeed in this suicide mission?”

“I may not survive it but I’ll make sure she’s safe before I go.”

Saguini placed his chin on his hand. “So it’s true what they say. Soulmates do change you.”

“No.” Tom stared at the cobble-stoned streets and the couples surrounding them. “Caring does.”

“Ah, it’s love then.” Saguini smiled. “It suits you.”

Tom blinked languidly. “It is unbearable.”

“Don’t you regret laughing at me now? When I was with Ionathe you could barely hold in your disgust.”

“She left you for the quidditch player, did she not?”

“Now that you mention it, I couldn’t remember if it was the quidditch player or the pianist…”

"And everyone dressed up to go everywhere? Even the market?" Harri pressed Tom, pushing against his chest.

It was almost midnight and they were cuddled under his blankets.

"Yes. It was considered very improper to look anything other than presentable."

"That sounds uncomfortable."

"Not at all. You're all too free nowadays, Sirius especially."

"And none of the girls in the forties wore short skirts?"

Tom nodded, rolling his lighter between his fingers. "None. Unless they were prostitutes."

"And what do you," Harri stabbed his sternum. "know about prostitutes."

Tom laughed and held his hands up. "Only that."

"Sounds like a lie." She sang.

Tom bit her bottom lip and teased it between his teeth. "I was certainly not wasting my money on prostitutes."

"Then how did you get so good with your tongue?"

He smirked. "Natural talent."

Harri pinched his nose. "Shut up."

He wrestled her wrists between his hands. "Make me."

She licked the side of his jaw.


"You asked." She giggled.

He rolled over on top of her and in a surprising show, licked her back.

"Tom! I just washed my face!" Harri wiped her cheek, grimacing.

"You never complain when my tongue’s in your mouth or other places."

She blushed.

Tom leaned down and kissed her. Harri enveloped him in her arms and sighed. His mouth was heaven. His body her temple. When they were together like this she could forget about everything else. It was like they entered their own dimension, where nothing and no one existed except them.

When they pulled away, she asked him. "When do you think Sirius will be back?"

Tom drummed his fingers on her stomach. "Maybe tomorrow. Why? Are you worried?"

"I'm always worried."

"Grimmauld is the safest place he could be. Tonks is paranoid."

"I dunno. She had a point. Blood magic is complicated."

"Grimmauld has obeyed the Black heir for hundreds of years, it will not stop now. Trust me." Tom caressed her waist. "And it belongs to you too. It knows your intentions. You care about your Godfather. Though why is beyond me."

Harri smacked him. "You're not funny."

He pushed his hands up her sides. She shivered.

"If you tickle me..."

"Relax Harri."

She exhaled.

Tom graced her with a smile. Harri grinned.

Her heart was too full. She never knew what to do with herself when she felt like she could shatter from how happy he made her.

"You're cute." Harri pushed her finger into the dimple on his cheek.

"If you say so."

"It's okay, you can be scary too. To other people."

"Good." Tom mouthed at her neck. "Only to others and never to you."

"I think you intimidate Ron though."

"That's because I can beat him at chess. He takes it as some kind of affront. Very odd boy."

"He is vicious about that game. One time he made a first year cry because they lost the chess board and couldn't find it. The poor kid was traumatized."

"And you people call me mean."

Harri snorted. "Fair point."

Diary Tom scoffed under his breath and cursed his older self. Who knew he’d grow up to be that irritating? He continued walking ahead without knowing where he was going. The city was more crowded than it needed to be, even the wizarding parts of it.

Rome was warmer than he’d expected and less fascinating than he’d thought.

They mostly went out at night. Saguini didn’t like the sun and the diadem liked to think the night would cover the fact that two of the same person were walking around.

Lost in his thoughts, Tom hit his shoulder on the next person he passed.

The boy he’d hit made an irritated sound and Tom turned around, prepared to curse him. When the boy saw his face, he stumbled back.



He looked at the boy again. Dark features, a handsome face and fine robes. He peered into the boy’s eyes and swiped his mind. Quick images flew by, a light pink room,Harri and–

The boy pushed him out and glared. Tom swore under his breath, mumbled a quiet obliviate and meandered off.

The diadem was going to throw a right fit. Of course Tom would run into some Hogwarts student here. He strode forward quickly, crossing the street and hiding his face in case the boy tried to follow.

He swore again.


For f*cks sake. Asleep for fifty years in a tomb of his own making and now stuck in a foreign country with an older version of himself telling him what to do. Tom had a body and nothing else. Not long ago he’d awoken to his own face watching him from the corner of a room. A man now, this Tom revealed to him everything that happened since the chamber.

He should have cared about it. Who was he if not after power? But it was impossible to think of anything but her.

The greenest eyes he’d ever seen, a pair of hands baring the warmest touch.

Harri Potter.

Poison when she was hurt, darling when she was loved.

She would be sixteen now.

Somewhere buried underneath his anger anguish plucked his veins.

They were finally the same age, something that had once seemed like it would take an eon.

Six months for him, four years for her, and an hour they could never change. It was funny how they’d managed to ruin everything in such little time with such little words.

Tom hadn’t asked about her. Hearing his older self talk about the time they spent together was infuriating enough.

Though, there was much the diadem didn’t speak about.

He was still hiding a great many things from him. He was forthcoming enough about Voldemort, some prophecy, the tournament, and Sirius Black. Yet Tom knew what he looked like when he lied.

Of course, it didn’t matter. He would find out for himself and he’d find her too.

This time he wouldn’t make the same mistakes.


I was really hoping to have updated in November but I got so busy with so many assignments and papers. I hope everything in this chapter makes up for the wait! Please tell me you loved it?

I've had the Harri and Tom scene written since I first started the story :D

Chapter 37: the last great dynasty


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 37: the last great dynasty

“No empire lasts forever, no dynasty continues unbroken.
Some day, you and I will be mere legends.”
Krishna Udayasankar, Three

“Wow,” Hermione exclaimed when she entered the villa behind Harri. “When you said the Black family had money…”

“You meant money money.” Lavender piped in.

Summer was at an end yet again. There were two weeks left of vacation and Harri and her friends had begged to be together. Letters, floo calls and the phone wasn’t enough for them.

Equally, not knowing what waited in the new year made them want to relish this summer together. After Voldemort’s all but public declaration of a return with the London attacks, Italy seemed the ideal meeting place.

“Duh.” Daphne’s voice came. “The Blacks are one of the oldest, if not the oldest, pureblood families in Britain.”

They'd arrived via portkey only moments ago and Harri was eager to show them the mansion.

“Is all of this yours now Harri? Since Sirius made you his heir.” Maria ran her hand down the cream-colored walled paper.

“I mean I consider it as belonging to Sirius and but he always says it’s mine too.”

“Narcissa Malfoy must be furious about that since you’re not Sirius's biological daughter. A Potter as the Black heir…Merlin, she must despise you.” Daphne smirked. “After Sirius’s arrest, she assumed probably assumed in time it would all go to her.”

Harri rolled her eyes. "The Malfoy forture isn't enough for her?"

“I would think crazy Bellatrix was more infuriated about it. She’s older than Narcissa and Andromeda. She probably considers herself the last 'pure' Black.” Lavender mocked.

“No intelligible thought runs through that mind of hers anymore. All things considered, the Black madness and Azkaban don’t mix well together. She’s deranged.” Maria pointed out.

Bellatrix, the wench. Harri recalled the volatile look in her eyes as she cursed Sirius even now. It hadn’t left her mind and in the middle of the night when she couldn’t sleep she worried about the next time Sirius was in battle. Would Bellatrix go after him? She had a single focused and barbaric temper. How could Harri protect him from that?

“Okay, we should think happy thoughts.” Lavender spread her arms out, one palm on Hermione and Harri’s chest each. “Look at where we are!”

“I’m sad Ron can’t be here. Mrs. Weasleys can be a bit too paranoid sometimes. What could happen to us in Florence, when we’re in the middle of the countryside and surrounded by wards as good as Grimmauld Places?” Hermione pouted.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Weasley hadn’t allowed the twins, Ron or Ginny to come. According to Ron, them being anywhere that was immediately out of her eyesight was hard for Mrs. Weasley at the moment.

Daphne flicked Hermione’s ear. “I’m surprised you’re the one saying Mrs. Weasley’s being too paranoid Mione. I'm personally upset about Blaise. He is such a prick for choosing that arithmancy camp over us. How could Beau Moreau be any more entertaining than his best friends?”

“He’d gag if we referred to ourselves like that in front of him. It’s not dignified enough.” Harri teased.

“Right, pardon me. We’re his close acquaintances.” Daphne said.

"His confidants."




“Some days I worry he ruined himself by choosing Hogwarts. Beauxbatons would have fit him like his silk designer pants.”

“Speaking of fit things, where is dear Tom?” Lavender enclosed her arm around Harri’s neck. “I wonder what the Italian sun looks like on him.”

Harri put her hands on Lavender’s cheeks and smushed them. “Say that again?”

“He’s probably tan and gor—Harri okay that’s too harsh! My concealers gonna rub off! It’s Dior!” Lavender, rather than push Harri away, pulled her closer and the both of them stumbled into Daphne.

“This dress is new! Get off!” Daphne shoved them, throwing in a dirty look too. “Children, the both of you.”

They snickered. Harri squeezed Lavender’s arm and answered her question. “Tom went to this little village that’s close by. He likes to take walks during this time.”

Hermione’s lips veered downward. “Don’t you worry? Should he really be going off by himself like that?”

“It’s Tom.” Harri shrugged. “If anything I’m worried about the people he runs into.”

Daphne frowned. “He just takes a stroll into town every day like a father of four children? Isn’t that a little, I don’t know, suspicious?”

“Yes.” Harri admitted. “But I can’t say I don't trust you and I want you to stop. That's controlling and unfair.”

“I think it's fair. He’s not normal.” Maria said.

“What accuse him of performing dark arts rituals in public?”

“I don’t think Maria means it in that way,” Hermione reasoned. “We know you’ve said you don’t feel that he's always honest about things”

“You’ve been pretty open about just confronting him before.” Daphne added.

“He can still lie. I know that. But can’t I enjoy this for what it is now? It’s stupid but when else am I going to have the chance? With him, it always feels like there’s a clock somewhere ticking away and I don’t know when I’m going to run out of time. I always let things go with him and I know that, trust me you don’t have to tell me. But I can’t help but think if I’m always combative it’s not going to help either. Where do our arguments lead us when he hasn’t actually done anything? I can’t accuse him without proof, whatever it is I’m accusing him of. ”

“Because he sticks his tongue down your throat and then it’s like whatever yeah?” Lavender nodded. “I understand.”

Maria threw her arms out to choke Lavender. “No finesse. None at all.”

Daphne held her back.

“What? I’m not blaming her! I totally get it!”

“Focus.” Hermione snapped her fingers. “What if we followed him where he went and kept track of the owls he’s getting?”

“This isn’t the Spanish inquisition Hermione. I don’t want to pretend everything’s fine but be going behind his back.”

“Harri, isn’t it better to be sure? No one, not even Tom, couldn’t not see where you’re coming from. If he does get super upset that only means he’s hiding something.”

Harri sighed, looked at Lavender’s pleading eyes, Daphne’s pointed expression, Hermione’s decisive face and relented.

“No, again. You are doing it wrong Tom.” Two identical faces whipped towards Saguini. “Wait. I meant Tom…no not…" He pointed his finger at the diary. "Diary from now on I refer to you as Riddle. This is too confusing.”

They were practicing dueling. Saguini and Tom were trying their best to teach the younger one before the war unraveled further. He had his part to play yet he was proving an unwilling participant.

Baby Riddle scowled a fierce thing at him. “I despise that name.”

Saguini shrugged. “Well, it’s the one you’ve got. Learn to treasure it. Names have power.”

The diary raised his face snottily like the brat he was. “You can call me Voldemort.”

“Ah but one of those already exists. He does not enjoy being called by it either. You know as a matter of fact I see the resemblance between you now.”

The diary frowned. “What does that mean?”

Tom, the diadem, pulled down the sleeve of his shirt to wipe his sweat. “It means he allows no one to call him Voldemort. He’s made them too afraid of him. Some wizards think there’s a curse on the name and because of that these days he’s referred to as you-know-who. Pathetic isn’t it?”

The diary scoffed. “Pathetic? Of course you would think so, weak-willed as you’ve become. People are so terrified they cower at our name and there is nothing pitiful about that!”

Tom, eyes flashing, swung his arm and wandlessly threw his younger self against the ground. “They fear his name because he is a murderous man and they worry about what he will do. They don’t fear him because of his power but because of his capacity for cruelty. If you need further convincing of just how pitiable he is, remember that he was defeated by a wandless woman and a baby. After that, he spent thirteen years as a bodiless portion of a whole in agony. What is that, if not sad?”

The diary kicked his leg out and attempted to swipe the diadem’s legs from under his feet but his older self's reflexes were too fast and he dodged in time.

Tom chuckled mirthlessly and let go of him. “I was so stupid. How was I this stupid?”

The diary scowled viciously and lunged for him. Tom thwarted each attempt.

Saguini watched and hummed. “There is too much anger in this little one.”

The diary yelled. “Don’t call me that. I’ll crucio you, you bloodsucker!”

Saguini dismissed his threat and stood. “Try child. I’d like to see how far you go.”

The diary turned to the diadem. “Give me your wand.”

Tom relinquished it with a scowl.

“Let us bow first,” Saguini said. “I know you wizards enjoy this sort of pageantry.”

The diary bowed, albeit very low.

“I’ve said this to Tom countless times. All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows he is wrong. The only enemy is pride.”

“You sound like Dumbledore. I thought we were finally going to have some fun.”

One moment Saguini was across from the diary and the next he had his head in his hand and fangs ready to pierce his neck.

The diary was a statue.

“You forget who I am. That is your first mistake. I am Saguini of old Rome boy. You may be a wizard but I have lived for centuries and seen your kind fall and rise. Now listen to me. The creatures you will come across will not always be as forgiving as I. And Dumbledore? I may not like him but I understand his purpose. He’s lived to see one hundred and you can’t say the same.” Saguini let go and stepped away.

“Crucio!” The diary threw the first curse and Saguini blocked.

They dueled.

The diadem observed from his seat. He had known that training himself would present a challenge, even so he hadn’t realized just how jaded he’d been at sixteen. Not only jaded in truth but arrogant too. He tried to remember being that age. It was the year he’d finally achieved the status he wanted in Slytherin. He’d also already made a horcrux, the locket, and established the next vessel for his soul. It was when he discovered his ancestry, found the basilisk and accidentally committed murder too.

This explained why the diary was emotional. That was a lot to happen in one year. But there was also something else throwing him off balance.

It had to be because of Harri. The crushing rejection and betrayal the diary felt were affecting his every move. There was no telling what he would do. If he exposed himself to Harri before the time was right then all of Tom’s plans would be affected. He couldn’t let the past three years go to waste. He would speak with Harri tonight.

“Again!” The diary shouted. Tom peered up and saw him dusting himself off. His eyes were red. “Show me how you did that.”

Saguini leered. “See? You should listen to me more often.”

The night stretched into dawn.

“Do you think he can see me?”

“Do I think he can see the large sun hat peeking out over this leaf? Yes Daphne I do!” Lavender hissed.

“Guys!” Harri scolded, shoving them further into the tree line. “Please try not to advertise what we’re doing!”

After they’d settled into the villa, they had lunch with Tom, Remus, Bill and Fleur, who were visiting. Tom seemed distracted throughout the meal. After Hermione and Lavender’s few too many glances, Harri decided they would immediately follow him the next time he left the house.

So the next dayafter they all had an afternoon swim, the five of them pretended to head into Daphne and Maria’s room for a nap. Really they waited for Tom to leave the villa from the windows and followed.

Harri absolutely did not want to be doing it because the possibility of finding out something was high and she wanted to stay oblivious. It was a nice place to be. The peaceful are always ignorant or something.

She had her invisibility cloak with her yet they were only using cloaking charms. If Tom happened to catch them Harri would be honest. Probably.

“This root is pretty soft”

“That’s my foot dunderhead!”


“Stop yelling!”

“For f*cks sake at this rate we might as well just follow him out in the open since there is nothing covert about us right now.”

“Wait,” Harri concentrated on Tom a good few meters ahead of them. “He’s not going into town.”

Daphne pushed her head between Harri and Hermione’s. “Harri’s right. He would’ve had to take that right.”

Daphne’s family owned a villa a few miles from Harri’s own. She’d vacationed in Italy with her parents before and therefore knew all about the small magical community that existed here.

“He’s heading to the wizarding alley.”

Harri felt the first flare of vexation.

“I doubt that we could all go undetected in there with only these cloaking charms. Most of the residents nearby are purebloods and the alley is very strict. I think three of us who can fit under Harri’s cloak should go.” Daphne said.

“Hermione and Daphne come with me. Lavender and Maria stay here.” Harri tugged her cloak out.

Hermione and Daphne shared a look.

“Well?” Harri held out the cloak, eyebrow raised. “Did you not want to do this?”

They joined her and the three of them followed the path Tom had taken while Lavender and Maria sat down and rested on the side of the road. They saw Tom appear again just as he disappeared behind a road sign.

The sign, according to Daphne, was the entry to the alley. They waited a few minutes after Tom went it before entering themselves.

Unlike Diagon alley, the shops in this magical part of the world were uniformly placed together. Cohesive, ornate, and untouchable. With the marbled walls and gold sign Harri could tell that this was something the purebloods built. Because of this, it was also clear there would be aurors at separate points around the alley. If the three of them were too obvious about following Tom they would be exposed and Harri’s identity was something they couldn’t afford to be revealed.

“It's quite empty for this time of year.” Daphne whispered.

Tom was walking straight a few minutes ahead of them when he made an abrupt turn.

Hermione yelped. “We’re going to lose sight of him, let's go!”

It took three precarious lefts deeper into the actual alleyways before they caught sight of Tom again after his turn. He lifted his hood up at a black doorstep. Harri was ambushed by an image of him doing the same thing fifty years ago. Not this Tom but the piece of him that was left behind and had graduated Hogwarts. She could see him searching for more of the founders artifacts and cunning others out of valuables.

Tom knocked on the door and a tall wispy man welcomed him inside.

When the entrance shut, they ambled up to it. Hermione pressed her finger against her lips. Daphne drew out her wand. “Verbatim et literatim.”

Tom’s voice floated out. “You received my letter?”

“What spell is that?” Harri whispered.

“It’s old magic,” Daphne explained. “My grandfather taught me this a long time ago. It is a more traditional spell and thus less likely to be found out because the person on the other side won’t know how to dispel it. They would look to cast a concealment charm which wouldn’t work as this breaks through that.”

“What’s the translation of the spell?” Hermione had that look in her eye she always got when she learned a new spell. “And why haven’t you taught me it yet?”

“It means ‘word for word and letter by letter’. It’s literally a phrase and not technically a spell but grandfather was spectacular. He could make anything magic. Now shhh."

They quietened.

“Yes Mr. Sayre, and I have prepared everything in the back room.” The man from the shop sounded like how Harri imagined Dracula would if he existed. Raspy and eerie. Similar to Professor Snape actually.

“Take me there.”

“Perhaps I could bring it out for you? It can be extremely volatile to strangers at times.”

“It won’t be an issue. I’d prefer it.”

“This way then.” Their voices got lighter.

“We’re going to have to move inside if we want to see what he's getting.” Harri grasped the door handle.

Hermione touched her shoulder. “Are you positive? Door could be warded against charms.”

“The invisibility cloak is protected from them.”

Harri opened the door and they stepped inside. The store was very dark and most of the light came from the painted stars on the ceiling.

Daphne gasped. “It’s a Menagerie.” She pointed to the walls. “There, that’s a Merry.”

“A Merry?”

“They are magical butterflies. Though they are about ten times the size of regular butterflies and nocturnal. Their wings have fairy dust sprinkled on them. Professor Vector says if you touch them you react the same as if you ate shrooms or took drugs.” Hermione repeated from memory.

Harri took a closer look at the walls and realized it wasn’t stars on the ceiling either. It was the Merry’s wings that glittered like the nebulas.

“Wow.” Harri wanted to touch one and see if it was as soft to touch as it looked. Captivated as they were by the creatures the back door opening caught them off guard. They were still safely huddled underneath the invisibility cloak but they were positioned right in front of the door.

Tom and the store owner came out. In Tom’s hand was a snake.

“The charges are taken care of?” Tom questioned.

The other man inclined his head.

“I’ll be on my way then.” Tom moved towards where Harri was standing.

The store owner stopped him. “Let me get the door for you.”

Harri held her breath and closed her eyes. Tom walked by and only a millimeter stopped him from touching her.

The owner held the door open and on Tom’s heels the girls darted back out. Tom pulled his hood up over his head and trudged until he reached an owlery. He went up and when he came back out there was no snake but an owl with him.

“So he traded the snake for owl?” Harri said out loud. “How does that make sense?”

“He speaks parseltongue. Maybe he really wanted that owl and the owner wanted a tame snake?”

“If he wanted an owl why didn’t he just say it?”

“He despises asking anyone for anything. It checks out.”

“So we followed your soulmate on suspicion of betrayal and it turns out he just wanted to get an owl?”

“No, say it louder and make me feel sh*ttier.”

“It’s not like our actions were that wrong. He’s you-know-who.”

“No.” Harri bit her inner cheek. “I don’t think he is.”

Tom was not Voldemort and maybe he didn’t want to be. Knowing her locket, he could be better than him. Not in the light sense but in that he would be more dangerous, powerful, and less likely to fail.

Harri considered herself to be an honest person but laying underneath Tom while he kissed her and choosing to not tell him about that afternoon made her realize she wasn’t.

She also didn’t want to tell him. She didn’t want his anger. She wanted this, his warm and soft lips, his tongue luring her mouth open. It was rapture. Euphoria. Her hand threaded in his hair and angled his head higher. She wanted to consume him. Let no secrets separate them. Her thoughts were his, her body was his and he was hers.

Her soul was on fire and every inch of it was covered in Tom. His hands on her waist and her legs circling his.

Tom moaned and Harri gasped. They became a tangle of fumbling limbs chasing after a feeling of wholeness.

Harri imagined liquid gold spilling out of her and into him.

Tom pulled her shirt up and slid his hand down her bare thigh. They were in bed. They were kissing. They were naked.

Then he was inside of her again. Her teeth on his jaw, his hands pulling her hips closer and thrusting inside.

Kisses down her chest, her nipple in his mouth.

When they came only one word would come out of her mouth. Tom. Tom. Tom.

She fell asleep with her head in his neck and his hands stroking down her back.

He was everything. Her pleasure, her happiness, her hurt, sadness and anger. He was the tip of the knife. The trigger of a gun.

Was it despicable how quickly she fell asleep in his arms?

She didn’t have long to wonder. Her sleep was interrupted by someone else.

The diadem.

They were in another open space, an office of some sorts.

“Tom?” Her breath caught. She didn’t let him answer. She threw herself onto him.

“Harri.” He pulled her in tightly to himself.

She pushed him back. “It’s been a year!” She wanted to stomp her feet on the ground like a child and beg him to come home.

If only she could rewind time for a moment. Be thirteen again, him beside her, feeling the safest she’s ever felt. Because what could have hurt her from outside when the scariest monster of all was the one an inch away?

But that was all before Voldemort had come back. Before Cedric and her locket. He was the one next to her now.

The diadem brushed the back of his hand against her cheek. “You’ve grown little dove. Not so little anymore.”

Her hungry eyes roamed every dip of his face. “That tends to happen when a year passes.”


"But that’s not my main issue. What I care about is why my locket Tom told me within a day what a horcrux was and you kept me a fool for two years.”

Tom’s face fell. “You know.”

”Yes I know. And last time you asked me not to hate you when I found out.”

”Which is why I waited to tell you. It was…a dumb choice made first by a young boy who knew no better. I was alone. If I’d had someone who looked after me perhaps things would be different. But I wasn’t and they aren’t.”

Harri exhaled. “Maybe.”

When she looked at him again, she noted his skin was tan and dark brunette waves highlighted. “You’re not in Albania anymore?”

Tom reeled her back in to him. “No not for a time. I’m in Rome.”

Harri froze.

Tom’s cupped her cheeks. “What is it?”

“We’re in Italy too.”

He stiffened. “Where? Where in Italy are you Harri?”

“Florence, at the—”

"—No no! Better I don’t know.”


He clenched his jaw.

Harri touched his face. “Tell me?”

He gave a half smile. “If you tell me where you are I won’t be able to stop myself from going to you. If I do I don’t know that I could leave again.”

She ran her hand down his neck. “Would that be so terrible?”

His heart was pounding. “I need to finish what I started. I have plans and if I succeed then you won’t need to fight Voldemort. But I don’t want to make empty promises.”

Harri looked down. “You’ve said that before.”

He tilted her head up. “It’s close now. You’ll see I won’t make you wait much longer. Will you hate me if I say I do have a request for you?”

She groaned.

“I know, I know I’m always asking for favors. Don’t touch another horcrux, don’t ask what I’m doing.” Tom bit his lip. “Would you just not leave the castle during the school year? I worry you’ll be left unprotected.”

“You mean not go to Hogsmeade or sneak off?”

“No portkeys, no secret passageways, no riding your broom out of the wards at night.”

“Sounds boring.”

“Sounds safe.”

“You used to sneak off all the time.” Harri pinched his collarbone.

He snatched her wrist. “I’m a dark lord.”

“You were baby Voldemort.”

“Now cracks a noble heart…”

Harri was taken aback. “You've read Hamlet?”

“Shakespeare was alright when you read it to me and I was bored. I know you like him. Though he has too many books.”

“Does that mean you read Midsummer Night?” Harri giggled. "Have you had a dream?"

My Harri,” Tom ran his hand down her hair. “What visions I have seen.”

She shivered.

“I think it’s only fair now that you read something I like.” Tom said.

“Which is?”


“Another muggle Tom?”

“Not at all my love. Sophocles was a wizard though he enjoyed living with muggles. He wrote three Theban plays. Athenian tragedies. I think you’ll find them interesting.” He played with the ends of her hair.

“How so?”

“They are about a man cursed by a prophecy. I have heard recently so are we.”

She swallowed. “You didn’t know before? About the prophecy?”

He shook his head.

“You swear it?”

“I swear it.”

“Would you like to hear the full version?”

Tom did. Harri told him.

He wasn’t surprised by the context. After that, she told him that Voldemort knew about the soul bond and the locket horcrux.

"It was inevitable."

“Why do you want me to read about prophecies and tragedies?”

“Because I think you will enjoy it and maybe we can learn something from it. Depending on seers and edicts from oracles never ends well and running away will only make it true because we believe it’s true.”

“Do you think the prophecy has run true this far because Voldemort put his faith in it?”

Tom tapped her scar. “I believe we make our own destiny.”

Where had Harri heard that before?

Tom let his mouth rest against her scar. “I don’t think we have much longer. You are waking up.”

Harri looked at him and saw he was already fading. He pressed a ghost of a kiss against her forehead.

“Go then if you must.”

It was at the end of August that Blaise’s owl delivered a letter from Draco. He wanted Ron, Hermione, and Harri to meet with him at Diagon. Harri could tell from his handwriting that all was not well. How could it be when he was stuck in Malfoy manor with a father like Lucius and Voldemort.

Because Sirius was still in London, occupied with handling the fallout of the death eater attacks, it was Remus who took them back to school shopping.

While the Weasleys and everyone else were in the Apothocary Ron, Hermione and Harri went to visit Flourish and Blotts with Bill. Bill insisted on coming even though there were guards stationed around the alley. Ron paid a Ravenclaw fifth year to distract him with queries about Gringotts and the three of them snuck away from his line of sight.

Draco had asked them to meet at Madam Malkins so they hid in one of the private changing rooms and waited. Half an hour passed until were three taps on the door.

Harri and Hermione turned away when Ron opened the door to give him and Draco privacy.

Once they pulled apart from their embrace Harri saw how pale and sickly Draco’s visage was. She tugged him in for a hug. Hermione did the same and fretted over him.

Draco let her do it for once without complaint and then he straightened. “I don’t have that much time. My mother is waiting outside and at most she’ll give us fifteen minutes before barging in.”

Ron rubbed a gentle hand down his arm and Draco f*cking flinched.

You didn’t flinch from your soulmate. It wasn’t done unless he was Voldemort.

Draco closed his eyes. “I want to be on your side. I want to be on your side so much.” His voice broke. Hermione moved but Draco held his arm up. “Please, just let me get through this.”

Harri laced her fingers with Hermione’s and gave her a comforting glance.

Draco exhaled and locked eyes with Ron. “I don’t even recognize my father anymore. My entire life, despite everything, I always thought of him to be strong. I thought he loved his family and truly cared about the wizarding world the way he preached to me. He used to be extremely passionate about keeping our traditions and world protected which is why I believed him when he said our blood needed to be kept pure.” He gave Hermione and Harri a look. “I was wrong and I’ve known that. Despite that he is still my father and if I…if I abandon him then my mother will be left alone with Bellatrix and all of them. I can’t do that. I would hope you wouldn’t ask that of me.”

“No we wouldn’t. She’s your mum.” Harri said. “She’s your family.”

Draco gave a forced smile. “The Malfoy dynasty right? One of the oldest, richest, and most powerful wizarding families. We were supposed to be my father’s pride and joy.” He touched his own arm. “Instead he ruined us.”

Harri knew it before he said it.

“I think I’ve done something irreversible.” Draco tugged the sleeve of his shirt up to unveil the dark mark on his right arm.

Hermione made a choking noise. “Oh Draco.”

Ron shuddered.

“I had to. He would have hurt my parents.” Draco’s eyes moved back and forth between them. “Please say something. Anything. Tell me you hate me even.”

Hermione was crying. Harri felt her shoulders shake and her grip become clammy. Ron’s put his face in his hands and Draco stared at him like he was breaking his heart.

The Black’s and Malfoy’s, wizarding empires and ancient bloodlines brought to heel by one man.

There was a dark mark on Draco. He was Voldemort’s death eater now. Harri's Draco. Her stomach hurt and it was unfair, it really was, but it felt like a betrayal no matter how much she didn’t want it to. That was cruel on her part because he'd accepted her relationship with Tom, Tom who was the creator of the mark.

“Ron.” Draco whispered.

“What are we going to do?”

“I don’t understand.”

“What are we going to do? What if he wants you to fight? Are we supposed to hurt each other? What if he asks you to kill someone? What if he asks you to bring him Harri? That mark,” Ron pointed at the skull on Draco’s arm. “It’s made you his slave.”

Draco’s face crumpled.

“He’s already asked something, hasn’t he? What does he want? Who did he ask you to kill?” Harri could envision all the possibilities. Voldemort finally had a real death eater in Hogwarts. With Snape, they had options but with Draco…

Draco rolled down his sleeve. “Harri please.”

Who? Dumbledore?”

He turned his head. “Just because he asked me to doesn’t mean I will. He’s given me a year, I can think of something okay? I don’t want to be a murderer!”

“Draco.” Ron pleaded. “Tell us.”

He flinched again.

His answer was not the one Harri anticipated.

“Tom. He wants me to kill Tom.”


"All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride." - Sohphocles, Antigone

“Now cracks a noble heart." — William Shakespeare, Hamlet

"My Oberon, what vision's I have seen." — William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

Chapter 38: winged cupid painted blind


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 38: winged cupid painted blind

“I’d give him all that I am. I’d give him all that I was.
I’d open up a vein.
I’d tie our hearts together,
chamber by chamber.”
Rainbow Rowell, Wayward Son

Harri glared at Tom. “What do you mean you don’t care?”

It was now days after Draco had shared the news and Tom was acting a little too nonchalant about the situation.

When they’d returned from Diagon Alley Harri hadn’t waited a second before telling Tom about Voldemort’s ‘task’. She’d expected him to react in every other possible way than the way he had. His face closed off and he basically refused to speak about it.

She’d wanted to push him to but at the time there’d been too many people around. Then Daphne had found some wine in the Black cellar and they’d all gotten hammered enough for Harri to forget. Tom had kissed her stupid, stumbled into her bed at three am and fallen asleep.

The morning after that, Kingsley whisked him away to help reinforce wards around London and Harri spent the day practicing her occlumency with Hermione and Fleur. One after another things got in the way until it was the morning they were going back to school and it still wasn’t discussed. So Harri found the chance to bring it up and Tom decided to act purposefully obtuse.

“Do you know something I don’t.” She narrowed her eyes at him threateningly. “If you’re lying to me, I will cut your heart out and feed it to the neighbors peaco*cks.”

“Malfoy is not going to do anything to me exactly is he?” Tom dragged the bed covers up over his shoulders. “Let’s go back to sleep. We have ages before your Godfather returns.”

“No, I’m not going back to sleep. Voldemort wants you dead, did you hear?”

Tom groaned into her pillow. “Harri.”

“It doesn’t even make sense to me. You're his horcrux, why would he want Draco to kill you? Is it a test for Draco because he knows he’ll never succeed? Is it just a way to play with all of us? I don’t believe for one second he wants you actually dead.”

Tom closed his eyes. Harri pushed his shoulder. “Get up and talk to me.”

“No. I’m tired.”

“You can sleep when you're dead. It’s not going to be long now anyway.”

Tom took Harri’s hand off his shoulder and pulled her down. She let herself fall into bed. He hummed and threw his arm over her waist. “Sleep. We’re going to have to wake up for the train in a little bit either way.”

Harri gave him a dirty look that he missed because his eyes were still infuriatingly shut. She rolled onto her back and looked vacantly at the ceiling. Tom’s arm was heavy against her stomach.

Voldemort was planning something and she didn’t know who it was against. Draco or Harri?

Pondering this, she dosed off. By the time she pulled herself out of slumber the sun was fully out and footsteps and voices were distinguishable outside her door.

She glanced at Tom still shirtless in bed and at the unlocked door.

She slapped his arm.

“What?” He mumbled, pressing his nose into her neck.


His eyes fluttered open.

“Sirius is here.”


There was a knock. Tom leapt out of bed and glanced around the room, disheveled. His eyes fell on her window and he threw it open and climbed out, disappearing from sight. Harri gaped.

Her bedroom door creaked and after days, Sirius came in with a beaming smile. He had bags under his eyes but he looked good. Healthy.

Harri bounded into his open arms. He laughed and swung her up. He’d regained all of his physical strength yet even after three years she could still feel his bones poking into her.

“I’m so sorry I haven’t been here. We barely get enough time together as it is.” He murmured into her hair.

“It’s not like you had a choice.” Harri clung to him. He smelled like cigarettes, pinewood and home.

They pulled away and Sirius brushed away an eyelash from her cheek.

“Will you drop us off at the train station?”

“Would never miss it. Are you all packed?”

Harri grinned sheepishly. “Not yet, almost though! There were a lot of late nights.”

Sirius’s mouth twitched. “I’m glad you had fun and I hope it made up for the sh*tty beginning of summer. Finish packing and we’ll go down for breakfast. Molly’s sent over her waffles and Remus is quite miffed about it. He’d already prepared his own, you see.”

“Alright, give me a mo.”

While Sirius settled onto the edge of her bed and picked up the copy of Sophocles plays she’d bought last week, Harri used her wand to spell all her clothing into her trunk. Luckily, she spotted Tom’s pants on the floor before Sirius did. She hoped he didn’t recline back any further because he’d be able to tell that side of the bed was warm and he knew Harri liked sleep near the windows not the door.

Once she’d dropped in the last of her things, Sirius shrunk her trunk and held the door open to go.

“I just need to do one last sweep,” Harri held her finger up and eyed the window. “You go on.”

Only when she heard him descend the stairs did she run across the room to the window. She swung her head left and right looking for Tom and found him sitting on the edge of his own window sill, smoking in his boxers. His legs were spread out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. His locket, golden and shrunken, hung from his neck.

He looked like a dream.

He grinned wide when he saw her and blew smoke out the side of his mouth. Helplessly she grinned back and then threw his pants at him. They predictably were not caught.

“What the f*ck?” Bill called out from below. Oops. Tom threw his head back and laughed. Harri pushed herself back into her room, leaned against the glass and smiled like a fool.

They used a portkey to travel to London and Kings Cross Station. As was the norm the station was overcrowded. Harri loved it.

She always recalled the first time she’d come with the Dursleys and how the sun had been shining. The children, the people going to work and security all looked the same. From a distance you could close your eyes and it was almost like nothing changed.

Well, almost nothing. Sirius readjusted his grip on her cart and they crossed the barrier together. Tom came in with Remus right behind them. The Weasleys were already on the train and Mrs. Weasley gave both Harri and Tom a quick kiss as she and Mr. Weasley left the platform. Hermione was outside with her parents who had traveled to London only for today to see her off.

Nymphy had taken Maria, Daphne, and Lavender with the earlier portkey meaning they were inside with everyone else.

Sirius carried Harri’s and Tom’s trunks and Hedwig’s cage into the train while Remus spoke to Moody and Tom went over to Miles.

Sirius returned and brushed Harri's hair back from her forehead. He placed a kiss there and on the top of her head. “I’m the last person who should be asking you to not get into any trouble this year but sweetheart please be careful. Practice your occlumency and don’t leave Hogwarts without supervision. My heart is not as strong as it used to be. Another floo call like last year's and I might just roll over. What will Remus do without me to take care of?”

Harri pinched his ear. “I think another hundred years could be added to Remus’s life if that happened. I swear won’t leave Hogwarts without an order member.”

Sirius hauled her into his arms. “I’m in slight disbelief that you’re already going off into your sixth year. I feel like one of those parents that cries and I can’t be that corny so I’m going to need you to stop growing up at this speed.”

She buried her face in his jacket. “No promises.”

Sirius pulled himself away and she said goodbye to Remus. Tom left let Miles go in and boarded the train with her. They found their train carriage fairly quick, with everyone inside.

Draco seemed a little better than when she’d seen him last but he was still subdued. After he’d revealed his mission from Voldemort at Madam Malkins they hadn’t much time to deliberate before his mom called for him. Draco had time though and in that time they would find a solution. He wasn’t going to become a murderer and no one was dying.

His mother, Narcissa, was a beautiful but cold woman. Her eyes were the same shade of gray as Sirius’s. When Ron, Hermione, and Harri had passed by she’d given them an icy glare.

Harri could swear Mrs. Malfoy knew more than what Draco told her about their relationship. It must have been mothers intuition.

Harri wondered how a woman who clearly loved her son that much could let him become a slave to Voldemort.

“I thought there was going to be a prefect meeting like last year?” Daphne asked after Harri and Tom sat down. She was adjusting butterfly clips from one of the flea markets they’d visited on her hair.

“Not this year.” Hermione said.

“That reminds me,” Ron exclaimed. “We have a new potions professor! They finally relented and gave Snape the defense against the dark arts position. Charlie says the new potions guy taught at Hogwarts decades ago. Say Tom, you might’ve known him. Someone called Horace Slughorn? Dad says he was their professor and is Dumbledore’s friend.”

Slughorn?” Tom rounded on Ron. “Are you positive?”

Ron nodded.

To Harri, Tom whispered.. “He was my potions professor. He knows me...”Then in parseltongue. “He…was the one I first asked about horcruxes. This is all Dumbledore’s doing. That meddling old prick.”

Harri imperceptibly flinched. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He stiffened. “I don’t particularly enjoy having conversations about them with you. You get upset.”

Harri bit her tongue to stop herself from raising her voice. “That’s you evading the truth. If you’re just going to be facetious why bother?”

“This is exactly what I mean. You’re already accusing me of being manipulative and awful only because I failed to disclose certain information to you.”

“Important information! And by the way, it’s called lying by omission. Look it up.”

“Um, Harri? Tom?” Maria interrupted. “Can you stop hissing at each other? You’re scaring the kids.”

Harri rose to her feet. “We’ll find another compartment.” She took a quick glamcr back at Tom and he had the audacity to give her a dirty look. They found an empty compartment a train down and Tom locked the door for them before turning to her.

“I have never lied to you.” He said vehemently. “Never. But you always act as I have.”

Harri took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped the gun like that but you should have told me about Slughorn.”

Tom’s shoulders relaxed. He grabbed her face. “You don’t need to apologize.” He pecked her and rubbed his thumb under her mouth.“Dumbledore’s brought Slughorn here because Voldemort probably wants him and because Slughorn knows me. No one else aliveremembers me the way the two of them do.”

“Dumbledore doesn’t do things to spite you you know.”

“You and I have very different experiences with him. You’re his golden girl and I’m…”

“The boy who grew up to start a war? Therefore proving his intuition right and placing him in impossible situations?”

Tom caressed her cheeks. “Do you want to keep talking about Dumbledore or do you want me to kiss you?”

Harri wisely forget what she was going to say next.

Mercifully their sixth year beginning feast did not include a deadly tournament or even worse, a deadly teacher. If Tom was to be believed, Horace Slughorn was opportunistic but not evil. He was also the only new news for Hogwarts that night.

Harri hoped he would not join the list of murderous professors of past. Though to be fair to Slughorn, those had all been defense against the dark arts teachers, and seeing as Snape was going to take that mantle perhaps there was nothing to worry about from him.

It was quite a troubling thought and though they joked aboutit quite often Harri realized it was bizzare that every single one of their DADA professors had tried to kill them.

Quirrell, Lockhart, Remus (through no fault of his own), fake Moody (Barty Crouch Jr), and Umbridge (pure evil). In fact, maybe Ron and Blaise were onto something with those rumors about the position being cursed. If Harri asked Hermione, by Sunday morning they would have a list of every DADA professor that had ever taught at Hogwarts and their reason for leaving. Come to think of it, how many of them had been replaced because they died?

Whatever the case nothing too exciting happened at the feast. Harri spent dinner in the realization that she was not living on the same floor as Tom anymore. It would be jarring going from spending almost every second of every day with him to having to be separated for long periods of time. It was going to be especially difficult to go from sharing a bed to sleeping alone. As much as one slept alone in a room with four other girls.

When they returned to the dorms, Harri realized she was fretting for nothint. The Gryffindor dorms were home and it didn’t take long to adjust.

And even though they’d just spent two weeks together Harri, Hermione, Lavender, Maria and Daphne stayed up until late. The same as they’d done since they were eleven. They meticulously picked out how each of them would do their hair, the shoes they would wear and the jewelry they would adorn. After, they talked and talked while curled up on the floor.

Lavender decided she was going to get back together with Micheal Corner who she’d dumped over the summer for Anthony Goldstein. Maria said she wasn’t going to go for Terry Boot as she’d planned earlier in May. She of course made this decision after talking to Fred, who she snogged two nights ago at Harri’s house while he was dropping some food off from his mom. Apparently, George had dared him but Harri suspected Fred just wanted to kiss a pretty girl after Angelina started hooking up with some seeker from Ilvermorny.

As for Daphne, her world was all Victor Krum. She gushed over how he’d gifted her a gold necklace with a V on it while visiting her family home and how her parents thought he was endearing and approved the relationship.

At this point, Hermione was the only one of them who didn’t have something with someone but they all had their suspicions.

“Hermione love, we all know.” Maria giggled.

“You haven't been able to hide it for the life of you.” Lavender smirked.

“It’s written all over your face.” Harri agreed.

Hermione pursed her lips. “I’m not that obvious.”

Daphne snorted. “Yes, you are.”

Maria twirled her ponytail. “We’ve known you fancy Blaise for ages and it’s so clear he fancies you too.”

“It’s the slowest burn romance I’ve ever seen, and this is coming from someone who’s watched Neville pine over Ginny for years.” Lavender squeezed Hermione’s cheek.

“But are we sure he likes me?” Hermione scrunched her nose. “It would be the most humiliating moment of my life if I tried to say something or worse, do something and he rejected me. I think I’d rather relive every time we faced someone trying to kill us than go through that.”

Harri swung her leg over Hermione’s thigh and tapped her hip in reassurance. “I promise you he will not reject you.”

Daphne propped herself up on her elbows. “Why is it embarrassing to find someone attractive? It’s human nature. If he doesn’t, and that is a big if, then you move on.”

“I don’t want to move on.” Hermione uncharacteristically whined. “He’s f*cking fit and I don’t like anyone else.”

“Ooooo!” Lavender teased. “Hermione’s in love.”

Hermione hid her face in a pillow. “The worst part is I totally could be. I want him so much.”

Daphne laughed in disbelief. “Hermione!

“The secret romantic,” Harri cooed, pushing the pillow away from Hermione’s face. “You wanna kiss him…”

“You wanna touch him…”

“You wanna lick him…”

Hermione kicked Maria.


Then she held her leg up and out in case anyone else wanted to open their mouths again. “No? That’s what I thought.”

“Hermione and Blaise sitting in a tree!"

“If you don’t shut up!"


Despite the changes, after six years Hogwarts was more familiar than anything. Harri felt at home. Classes were good, her schedule was perfectly timed and quidditch was starting again.

Defense with Snape wasn’t too terrible and it seemed that in potions Professor Slughorn was content to pretend Tom was who he was fronting to be. His potions classes were certainly easier than Snape’s and he was much much nicer to Harri. He seemed to have really adored her mum and this endeared him to her.

After Umbridge, Professor Vector and Sprout wanted to do something to bring everyone together again. Hannah Abbott suggested a girls sleepover in the great hall. The idea seemed fun and at least this time they wouldn’t be worried about dementors.

Harri had also gotten further reading Sophocles, as the diadem asked. She was fond of how quick paced the writing was despite the fact that the lack of description often confused her and she worried she missed the message being conveyed. The writing was compelling and many lines stood out. There was this one that reminded Harri of Tom and her.

“They're both mad, I tell you, the two of them. One's just shown it, the other's been that way since she was born.”

When she showed it to him he laughed and kissed her wrist. “Odd isn’t it.”

There were other passages where she felt the words were written by her own hand.

“Tell me the news, again, whatever it is... sorrow and I are hardly strangers. I can bear the worst.”


“I have been a stranger here in my own land: All my life.”

Once again she connected it to Tom and her. Both of their lives in the muggle world before magic echoed the same sentiment. The lack of connection they’d grown up feeling with everyone around them. Surviving in one reality while believing they belonged somewhere else without knowing what precisely it was.

Quidditch had taken a back seat the past two years but since McGonagall anointed Harri as captain she felt like her love for it came back. One of the best qualities Oliver had when he was their caption was the fervor of his passion for the game. Harri remembered how intense it used to get simply because they raised the stakes with how fierce they played and the energy they spent practicing.

As much as quidditch games with Slytherin incited anger, they were the most gratifying because of the great rivalry between their houses. Harri wanted to bring that feeling back. As captain, her first move was to schedule practice five times a week for two hours at a time. This spurred the other teams to do the same and suddenly there was not a moment the pitch wasn’t booked. Students were already placing bets and preparing for the first game of the year.

McGonagall and Snape ran with their reignited passion and created a whole spirit week for them, set to take place during the first week of October. All four house teams were to play matches against each other for a period of three days.

Harri, predicting the amount of work it was going to be, named Alicia her second in command. They divided the work and planned practices over lunch.

It was during the first week, after their last practice for that day, that Harri saw Theodore on her way back to the castle. She was the last one to leave the pitch that night, showered and carrying her Arithmancy book in hand. She was going to meet Tom, Blaise, and Daphne at the library.

Harri had been passing the lake when she first saw his figure cut across the grass. They had not spoken face to face since the party last year when he and Tom got into that fight. After her letter, they shared polite smiles and worked together in class if needed but that was it. At first, Harri had felt guilty for being with someone so soon after they split. But after the things he’d said to Tom she had no such qualms.

Theo was born and raised in magic, he knew what soul bonds were and what they meant, if he had anger it should've been directed at Harri and not Tom. Granted, she still cared about his well-being. She strode over to him, hoping to catch him before he entered the gazebo and anyone saw them. He heard her footsteps approaching and peered up. When he saw that it was her a look of surprise crossed his face.

Harri reached him and stumbled over what she should say first. She settled for “Hi.”

Theo’s lips quirked. “Hi.”

Harri saw all the things she’d liked about him. From his dark hair and pale skin to his light eyes. It all reminded her of Tom.

“How are you?”

Theodore put his hands in his pockets. “I’m alright. How are you? Draco told me about the ministry. You didn’t get hurt, did you? I worried.”

Harri softened. “Nothing a healer couldn’t fix. I’m actuallyhappy I caught you. I wanted to ask about this and it might come off as blunt and insensitive but I worried about you too.” She lowered her voice. “Draco told me about his mark and I just… did you? …”

Theo faintly shook his head. “Not yet. He’s not angry enough at my father to punish him like he is with Lucius.”

Harri breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good. That’s really good.”

Theo shuffled his feet. “I don’t know how much longer it can be put off though. If I do take it, will you hate me forever?”

“No Theo of course not.” She whispered. “I still know who you are. Isn’t there something I could do to help you?”

“I can't abandon my sister. Even if I could take the risk for myself, I couldn’t be sure she would be safe.”

Harri paused and thought for a moment. “Just consider speaking to the headmaster or professor Snape please. I’ll talk to my Godfather. I want to help you and Draco.”

Theo’s smile was fond. “You can’t save everyone.”

“I know you don’t need me. I think you can save yourself.” She noticed at the darkened sky and gestured to the east wing. “Anyway, I should go.”

“Bye Harri.”

“Bye Theodore.”

By the time she made it to the library, it was eight. She’d missed dinner because of practice so she’d stopped by the kitchens to get some food from Dobby. The nice thing was that she didn’t have to hide food in her bag because Madam Pince liked her enough to let her get away with taking it in. She also thought Harri was too skinny and wouldn’t stop her from eating.

When she arrived at the library she found everyone at one of the tables in the center. It was the best seating as all the books were in reaching distance yet secluded enough by being in between two shelves. Daphne and Blaise were sitting opposite Tom who was busy speaking to one of the Slytherins leaning against the table.

Harri dropped her bag down and slid into the seat next to him.

“I despise McLaggen but he’s a perfect player.” She complained out loud and tugged her hoodie sleeves over her frigid fingers. Tom’s hand reached out to touch her leg while he dismissed who he was speaking with.

Daphne closed her book. “Even when he spends a majority of the time measuring dicks with Ron now that he’s joined?”

Harri nodded helplessly. “Unfortunately. I won’t be surprised if he gets recruited next year. Even Ginny agrees that he’s pretty good.”

“You’re joking.”

“I wish.”

“Isn’t he the one who keeps flirting with Granger?” Tom tuned into the conversation.

“Flirting?” Blaise’s head snapped to Hermione.

“Harmless and immature flirting yes.” Hermione shrugged. “It does get annoying.”

Blaise bent the feather of his quill, ruffled.

Harri wagged her brows at Hermione. ‘I told you’ she mouthed.

Hermione widened her eyes in warning.

Tom stroked Harri’s thigh and pulled her attention toward him.“You should eat before the food gets cold.”

They were in the Slytherin common room at a party and Harri was standing next to Draco. The both of them were watching Blaise snog Hermione senseless in front of Cormac. Trevor, Justin, and Anthony were whistling at them from their corner of the room while playing King’s Cup.

“And you owe me sixty galleons for that.” Draco held his hand out to Harri, smirking.

Harri grimaced and shook his hand. “A bet is a bet I suppose.”

Draco handed her his cup. “Here, drinks on me.”

“I think this is a mix of vodka and cranberry juice so no thank you. Also, you stole it from Lavender.”

“Listen, my galleon’s are falling from my pockets these days.”

“Aren’t you like a billionaire in magic terms?”

Draco waved his hand. “Semantics.”

Ron pulled himself away from dancing with Maria to take the cup from Draco himself. Harri winced as he drowned the entire concoction and draped himself over Draco’s back. “You swell expensive.”

“Smell.” Draco snatched the drink back from Ron and dumped the rest of it in a plant. “And you are pissed.”

Ron gyrated his head. “No! ‘M judge dead as sob-sober.”

Draco wiped frosting from Ron’s chin. “Completely sloshed.” He gathered him under his arm and gestured to the door. “I’ll take this one out to see if I can get him some food.”

Harri saluted him and sat down next to Tracey Davis and Lisa Turpin. They were pressed together on one of the couches near the fireplace.

“Hi, Harri!” Lisa squealed in excitement. “Have you tried these?” She pointed to the cupcakes on the coffee table. “They’re incredible!”

Her pupils were dilated and glitter dusted the corners of her mouth. The cupcakes were faerie treats.

Harri titled her head. “Did you know you're high?”

Tracey giggled and slapped her arm. “You should try it too! I feel like I’m flying!”

Harri snickered under her breath. Lisa held the cupcake up to her mouth and swiped frosting with her finger. Harri let her place it against her lips.

It tasted wonderful. Perhaps a little more wouldn’t hurt. Harri took a bite of the cake, then another and eventually only the wrapper was left in Lisa’s hand. Tracey grabbed her by the shoulders so she could rest her back against the couch between Lisa and her.

For while they just stared at the ceiling. Harri thought nothing would happen to her and then it did. When she examined the room a minute or ten later it was all covered in a lavender hue and everything sparkled. Harri touched her face and when she took a look at her hands they were caked in a blanket of shimmer.

“Isn’t it nice?” Tracey insisted. She ran her hands through Harri’s hair. “You shine!”

It was nice. Everything looked pretty and purple. She also felt like she was underwater just as when she’d swam in the Black lake. Tracey smiled and it was almost in slow motion.

“There you are.”

Harri tipped her head back and came eye to eye with Tom. Tom had pink glitter on his lips and red red eyes.

Harri touched his mouth. “Pretty.

He nipped her finger with his teeth.

Tracey offered a cupcake to him. “Do you want some?”

“Faerie cake?” Tom, to Harri’s bewilderment, took it. He ate half then lifted Harri up. She stared at his darling face and let him guide her up to his dorm.

The sixth year Slytherin boys room was a lot larger than the fifth year one. Tom’s four poster was much more comfortable. Harri flopped onto her back while he locked the door. She slipped off her shoes and waited until he came to her.

Tom stood at the foot of his bed and ducked down to kiss her. Warm lips moved sensuously against Harri’s. His tongue coaxed her mouth open. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and deepened the kiss. Tom made a little noise and when they pulled apart she climbed onto his lap.

Tom stroked his hands down her back and drew her hips against his own, grinding them down until they were both gasping. Harri pulled his shirt off and bit down on his neck, kissing and sucking until she was sure it bruised. Tom’s fingers hooked on the end of her dress and fumbled until it was fully off. He unfastened her bra and slipped her underwear off with a wandless spell. Harri helped him take his pants off.

She licked one of his collarbones, stroked his co*ck and Tom traced kisses along the curve of her jaw. His fingers slid inside her and Harri let out a loud moan.

She moved against him and pushed into the slick warmth of his hand. He bit her chin and pressed another finger in until she was stretched out. "f*ck Harri you're so tight." Tom breathed harshly.

He pulled out his fingers, whispered a spell, and "Can I? God—


He lifted her up and pushed himself inside her. Harri rutted against him and slid their mouths together again. She felt like she could taste the glitter on his lips, suck the sweetness out of his mouth.

He set a brutal pace, the two of them grinding against each other desperately. It was so good. The buildup, the wanton urgent chase to the edge and insistent inescapable pleasure. "‘You feel perfect." Tom swore. "f*cking insane."

Their mouths parted and Harri buried her face in his neck, panting into his ear and sinking her nails into his back. Their skin slapped together and Tom’s breath hitched, the headboard knocked against the wall every time he drove himself inside. Harri shifted and it hit something inside, it was so good, she keened. Tom pulled out and thrust back in there, the both of them groaned. "There, there," Harri moaned. Tom thrust in again and again.

He gave one last forceful push and she clenched around him, coming undone. He groaned into her mouth loud and shameless. Slammed into her, pressing his mouth on any part of her body he could reach. She could feel his co*ck pulse as he came inside her, gasping into her mouth.

Harri dropped her weight onto him and Tom wound his arms around her, tugging both their bodies down so they were splayed on his bed.

She moved onto her side, pressing one of her legs between his. He slung arm over her back and she threaded her fingers through his hair. He hummed and kissed her wrist right over where his words were. Harri’s heart gave and he closed his eyes.

After a bit, she used her wand to unlock the door and draw the curtains around them. She didn’t know how much time passed between Tom falling asleep and his dorm mates stumbling in drunk.

She couldn’t tell who was who but she knew not all of them were there. After a while, they all seemed to fall asleep.

Harri stayed awake. The effects of the faerie treat faded as she continued to gaze at Tom.

The moon was bright enough through the crack of his curtains that she could see that his hair was unkempt from her running her hands through it.

He looked peaceful in sleep. Innocent. She wanted to bite that dimple on his cheek. Kiss the scar beneath his ear. Bear down her hands on the dip of his waist and press him into the sheets again.

She could feel the warmth of his body from where their legs were tangled. She could sense his magic golden and potent, spiraling around them.

There was something else too. A feeling that devoured her when she looked at him. It wasn’t just the beating of the soul bond.

It was was if her chest could come apart when he was near. Her heart hurt to look at him but it was agony to look away.

Like a snap, awareness devastated her.


The realization was like being struck by lighting.

It was love. This was love cracking her chest open, turning her inside out and changing her life irrevocably.

Harri was in love with Tom.

Though she’d loved Tom before she’d even met him. She’d loved him her whole life. As the writing on her wrist, he was the only symbol of hope and family she’d had before Hogwarts and everything else.

One would always love someone if they were their soulmate.

But perhaps it was earth shattering because being in love was something else entirely. You loved a pet, a friend, your parents. You could love the feeling of a sweater, the taste of pumpkin pie and the smell of rain but you couldn’t be in love with all of those things. You couldn’t just be in love with someone because they belonged to you and were a part of you. Falling in love was…she hadn’t anything to compare it to. She’d never been in love before.

Harri supposed it was the way Tom looked when he first woke up in the morning. His unbrushed curls, the sand in his eyes and pouty frown. It was the smile in his voice when he kissed her neck, the feeling of safety when his arms were around her.

It was the crease in his eyes when he laughed. It was the way he listened when she spoke. It was the mole on his left shoulder, the freckles on his nose in the summer that he hated and hid. His heartbeat under her ear, his pulse beating beneath his wrist.

The color of his blush, his morning breath, the two cubes of sugar he needed in his tea. His love for power, his arrogance, his hands, his fingers, the vein on his forehead, and the dip of his collarbone. Harri could write a book about the furrow of his brow.

Being in love was gentle at the same time that it was brutal and unkind. It was a name screamed and pain, it was wanting him anyway. Knowing he was Voldemort and still desiring his touch. Trusting him to be inside of her. It was the best thing in the world and the worst. Terrifying. It was her heart in his hands waiting to be crushed.

Was he in love too? Had he realized it yet? Did he want her more than the rest of it?

Harri moved her head down and kissed his sleeping mouth. It was sloppy, anguished and soft. He woke under the pressure of her lips and leaned into them. His tongue was heavy and warm. His groan deep. She touched his naked chest and slid her hands down his torso, felt him breathe and nudged the blankets down. He propped himself on one elbow and pushing her onto his pillow with a hand.

They both breathed and stared at each other with some intense emotion. Harri didn’t want that. She wanted to not think, she wanted to be desired, to be consumed by the heat of him. As if he'd heard her, Tom brought their lips together again, his own unyielding and demanding. She opened up under him, letting him take what he wanted. Every beat of her heart screamed





surprise update!

alternately titled
secretly, between the shadow and the soul (harri loves tom)

order of horcruxes if anyone is confused:
locket (made when 15, is now 16)
diary (16)
ring (17)
cup (25)
diadem (made when 30, is now 33)

when horcruxes are placed in their objects they are essentially frozen. imagine they go to sleep and wake up when harri finds them. during that time they don’t age.

Chapter 39: where the wild thyme blows


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 39: where the wild thyme blows

“The whole of her always seemed to come back to him,
her apocalypse swifter than the death of the Emperor and the sun.”
—Tamsyn Muir, Gideon The Ninth

Minerva McGonagall was a formidable witch who ruled Gryffindor with an iron fist.

All the same, she had one weakness and that was quidditch. She couldn’t explain properly to anyone who asked what about the sport she loved so much. She could only speak of the rush, wind and passion she felt on the pitch. There were very few things in life that made her as happy.

By some great misfortune, quidditch had taken a back seat at Hogwarts for two years. Something to do with the tri-wizard tournament and the ministry.

But now it was back and she couldn't have been more delighted.

Much of quidditch's appeal came from the competition of it and no rivalry was as old as Gryffindor and Slytherin's.

Which was why the quidditch season at Hogwarts was exhilarating. Though Minerva had her favorite team, waiting to see who would win was a thrill. Matches between the two houses were as entertaining as they were infuriating.

Last time the season had gone on as normal, Gryffindor had won the cup. Victory tasted sweet and she would like nothing more than to taste it again.

This was why when the other professors had thrown out suggestions on how to bring their students together after the disaster year of 1995, her first thought was of an inter-house festival. Severus jumped on the opportunity when she suggested it.

Dark lords and wars could wait, the two of them were eager for their teams to face each other on the field.

Some might question her choice to make Harri Potter captain, with all the other worries and pressures that sat upon her student's shoulders, but Minerva knew that quidditch was an escape for Harri. She was the best seeker in the school and she would pounce on the opportunity to lead her team to victory.

And she had. When the school year got underway, Harri'd taken to captain duties like a fish to water.

The three days of festival mayhem started in the third week of fall. Wednesday hosted matches between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff.

Afternoon and night periods of classes were canceled and morning classes finished by ten am. Even in these limited classes, students didn't focus on their studies. They made posters, prepared chants and placed bets. Players were exempt from attending lectures and used the time to rest, practice and eat. Minerva knew that even if her house lost, the excitement and bright, infectious happiness that was in the atmosphere was worth all her effort.

No one knew what lingered on the horizon but Minerva wanted to prevent war from taking away the last of her student's school years.

Harri breathed deep, felt the sun warm her skin and tightened her gloved grasp on her firebolt. She eyed her teammates in position below her: Ginny, Ron, Cormac, Alicia, Katie and Maria.

They’d played well in their matches so far. An easy win from Ravenclaw on Wednesday and a tie with Hufflepuff on Thursday. Today, Friday, she knew they were capable of crushing Slytherin to the ground. The new Slytherin team was Draco, Theo, Miles, Vaisey, Urquhart, Harper and Warrington. They were all brute strength that lacked the strategy Gryffindor had.

To be truthful Harri didn’t love playing Slytherin. She might’ve if they weren’t such slimy cheaters. It made her furious when they got away with blatant fowls and misplays. Yes, she won almost all the time but that was after they nearly permanently injured players and Snape let them get away with their underhanded maneuvers.

“If you think about trying anything Draco, I’ll shove a ferret up so far your arse you won’t be able to walk a week straight.” Harri glared daggers at Draco, who across from her on the field.

Draco lifted a hand to his ear. “What was that Potter? Could you repeat it a little louder?”

Harri gave him a finger.

“Ooooo.” Draco widened his eyes. “I’m shivering in my seat.”

“Players on your mark!” Madam Hooch called.

Harri refocused and cracked her neck.

She had to beat these swots. It was a matter of principle. It would also be nice to wipe the smug smile off Tom’s face from where he was in the stands. He was cheering for his house with Parkinson and Davies and God knew who else.

Madam Hooch blew the whistle. “GO!”

Harri pitched herself to the sky, aiming to gain a birdseye view of the whole field. Draco, for once in his quidditch career, did not follow her. He decided to follow everyone else. Ginny chased after Theodore who already had the quaffle. Cassius and Miles came in behind them and Katie and Dean rushed to protect Ginny. Ron and Urquhart were both stationed at the goal posts. They were guarding while Vaisey, Harper, Maria and Cormac were trying to pitch bludgers at each other.

The crowd was enthusiastic, cheering and shouting. It was odd to think this was their first Slytherin and Gryffindor match since third year. Then again, that was why everyone was out for blood. There would be no inter-house party tonight whoever won, that was for sure.

Harri flew around the pitch in search of the glint of the golden snitch. There were a few times she thought she caught a glimpse but commotion near the field would call for her attention and when she looked back it was gone.

By the time two hours passed, Ginny and Katie scored three goals. Theo and Miles got four. Both Vaisey and Maria were out of the game for injury.

Slytherin was ahead and they were reaching the end of the game. If Gryffindor lost it would be a heavy defeat. Harri eyed the quidditch stands, hoping perhaps the snitch had gone that way. When there was nothing she refocused on Draco, watching and waiting for his move.

Her chest constricted when she suddenly caught a flutter of wings above Ron's head. She inhaled and dove toward Theo, who was near Ron. It was perfect timing, as the Slytherin chasers were busy chasing Ginny and Katie.

She heard Draco and Cassius follow her but they were no worry, no match for Harri. The chase began and she was reminded why she loved flying. The thrill, the freedom.

Theo looked up to see her coming for him and flew down from where everyone was headed his way. Harri threw her broom downward as well, to pretend she was aiming for him. The Slytherins stayed on her heels as she’d predicted. When she reached eye level with Theo, she swerved and changed direction to Ron. Draco and Cassius yelped.

The world closed in for her, Ron dove down to avoid a crash.

Harri pushed her firebolt and snatched the snitch with her hand. Her team flew to her, screaming. She secured them a win.

“Come on Gryffindor!”

After the festival, practices and classes resumed as usual. The leftover elation from the festival managed to prevail for two weeks. Things ended up staying amiable enough between everyone that during Halloween the older years were able to host a party for all the houses in the come and go room.

Harri dressed up as Princess Di and Tom dribbled cranberry juice down the sides of his mouth and called it a vampire costume. She kissed him until it was smudged and looked like he'd actually been sucking someone's blood.

At the party, Lavender ended up in a screaming match with Micheal after he kissed Tracy in beer pong. Maria hooked up with Miles, already a few weeks moved on from the brief fling with Fred. Harri caught Dean and Ginny in an uncomfortable position in the coatroom and Ron spent the night in the Slytherin dorm room with Draco.

Harri figured her own common room was empty and snuck Tom into her dorm. They never made it to her bed. Daphne would have a conniption if she knew what they’d done in hers. At least Harri'd had the decency to suck Tom off in the prefects bathroom before going in.

October transitioned into November with sweetness. Fall came and Harri found new pieces of Hogwarts to love. The table next to the large windows in the library where she, Tom, Hermione, Blaise and Daphne would study Arithmancy and Potions. The hidden room at the top of the astronomy tower where Tom and her spent Friday nights. The third floor girl's bathroom where you could always find someone to talk to in between classes and the captain's view from the top of the stands of the quidditch pitch, watching over her team.

This was a place where time flew without notice.

Slughorn hosted a special soirée in November, annual according to Tom, and only invited who he considered useful students.

Tom got an invitation, which surprised Harri because she knew Slughorn was wary of him.

Deep down Slughorn knew who Tom was but convinced himself otherwise because it was better to believe in a lie than confront the truth. He must know he played his part in having told Tom what horcruxes were. Either it was guilt that festered or shame. Harri hoped Slughorn understood that with or without him Tom would’ve figured it out anyway.

Harri, Hermione and Daphne were invited too and though Lavender could have gone, she wanted to spend the night with some Ravenclaw boy in the hopes that it would make Micheal jealous. Maria too decided not to go because she had a floo call with her family that she’d not miss. None of the sixth year Gryffindor boys made Slughorn's list. The man was picky.

Harri wore a black dress that Fleur had gifted her for her sixteenth birthday. It had a half open back and silver tassels at the hem of the skirt. “Is it too short?” She asked Lavender, who squeezed her butt and walked away without an answer. Harri took that as a no.

They ended up being thirty minutes late, because of course they did. Harri forgot her lip gloss and Hermione’s hair wouldn’t go down.

No one noticed when they entered and Harri had to admit she was taken aback by the detail Slughorn put into the room. The walls and ceiling were covered in architectural bushes and archways swathed in shrubs of winter jasmine, Japanese maple and sweetbrier. The smell of the flowers was delightful. Harri wanted to bathe in it. And in the gaps between the greenery, windows were enchanted to give a beautiful visual of the lake. There was snow floating above the water.

There were also orbs of lights the size of fireflies floating about and an ivory silk carpet on the floor. Not to mention the people in the room, each one of whom gave the visage of alluring and untouchable.

Blaise and Tom had said Slughorn’s parties were for the elite and rich. Yet Harri, having never been in a room like this, hadn’t understood exactly what they meant until now. She could see why Tom liked Slughorn in the past, as she’d learned from all the stories he told her of his Knights and their clubs and parties.

Being an orphan in the forties in war torn London and coming into a castle and being welcomed into rooms like this, it was obvious how it could have been addicting for Tom. She could see like it was her own memory, latching onto the attention and heady compulsion of it all. Had she not learned about her family, the inheritance they’d left her and her friends, it could've been the same for her.

Harri pulled her dress down and searched for Tom. She found him, Blaise and Draco near the center of the room. Her and Daphne went over to them. Hermione ran off to meet Matilda Caddelm, a witch in a beautiful velvet gown, who was the secretary of the department of international magical cooperation.

Tom looked devastating. She was going to drag him into an empty classroom the second she had the chance. When she reached him, he draped his arm around her waist. Harri pressed her head against his shoulder and inhaled in his cologne. Blaise and Draco pushed Daphne in between themselves and swung their arms over her shoulders.

Colin, who Slughorn had recruited to be his free photographer, caught Harri's eyes and pranced over. She could never say no to his innocent face and so he was able to take more than a dozen pictures of the five of them. He walked away with a satisfied expression.

“Slughorn really knows how to throw a party.” Draco spun his finger in a circle. “My mother would be impressed with this.”

“Are you jotting down notes for your future when you follow in your mother’s footsteps and become a socialite?” Blaise joked.

Draco bared his teeth. “At least I won’t be learning how to poison men after I marry them.”

“That's unfortunate. It helps to know how to kill with slow doses of aconite in food. No one is able to place an exact cause of death in that situation, you know?"

“Boys while this foreplay is interesting and all, don’t you think Harri and I want to dance?” Daphne drawled.

“Yes let’s dance.” Harri tugged Tom over to the dance floor. He went without trouble. She placed her hands around his neck and both his arms went around her.

His face rested a few scant inches before hers. She loved this face. She loved this boy. It was too much and too loud. All of the love she felt couldn’t possibly fit into her chest.


“Harri.” He smiled, conspiratorial. His dimples came out and she was helpless in front of them. Her lips could do nothing but mirror his joy.

“Do you think anyone would notice if we left?” She questioned.

“I think there’s quite a lot of people that are here to see you and would certainly catch you sneaking off.”

Harri ran her fingers through the waves at the back of his head. “It would be nice to just be another student to them. A face they could forget.”

“Why should anyone want to forget such a lovely face?”

She squeezed his nape. “Charmer.”

“I try.”

“How are things in Slytherin? Taking your loss well?”

Tom's mouth twitched. “We enjoyed the practice game but we look forward to defeating you ruthlessly in the real match come January.”

Harri shook her head. “You and Draco with your pride.”

“Yes and you Gryffindors with none.”

“Actually, lion's called their families prides. So, therefore, we have a lot of it. But since we’re talking about Draco...”


“Have you given thought to Voldemort’s command?”

“He’s only messing with Malfoy’s head.”

“But don’t you think he’ll punish Draco when he fails either way?”

“He won’t go so far as to kill him.”

“Torture isn’t as much of an improvement as you make it seem.”

“Harri, you’re not responsible for Malfoy. He’s a big boy. He’s made his choices.”

“He’s my friend.”

Tom sighed, annoyed. “You can’t save everyone.”

Harri grimaced. “And why not?”

He leaned down and bit her lower lip. "I would much rather take your pleasure at this moment than discuss something that is irrelevant right now."


His mouth moved against hers and she pushed Voldemort to the back of her mind.

They danced for two more songs before they were pulled away. Slughorn drew Harri with himself and introduced her to person after person. He was drunk and extremely enthusiastic. She was grateful, though she found it difficult to remember many of the names and faces, because there were so many.

Cormac and Pucey came over to Slughorn after more than enough time passed and demanded his attention. She was able to leave his side. She crossed over to the windows and didn’t necessarily hide behind the opaque curtains, but kind of did.

She was alone only for a moment before someone joined her.

“Hello.” Said the stranger. A man with waxy skin, an aristocratic nose and an accent. He had a countenance Harri had seen a thousand times over at this point. Someone who’d heard of her at length and thought they knew the girl who lived.


“My name is Saguini.”

He held out his hand. When Harri accepted it, she felt he was cold to the bone. The gaunt appearance made a lot more sense. This was a vampire.

Saguini revealed his teeth, showing off his fangs. “I don’t bite. Much.”

“I wasn’t worried.” said Harri. Remus was scarier on a full moon night.

Saguini took her in anew. “I don’t mean to take much of your time. I confess I did want to meet you, only because I’ve simply heard so much.”

“Most people do and have.”

“Ah.” Saguini was all smiles. “Understood. Though I must confess I’m actually here because a mutual acquaintance of ours wanted to give you something.” He patted his jacket and fumbled until he pulled a small package out of an inner pocket. The package was covered in wrapping paper that had little firebolts zooming around.

“Tom says hello.”

"What?" Was Tom calling her back into the room?

"Some may think him synonymous with a Ravenclaw possession."

Harri's head snapped up. Her diadem. “You’re with him? Where is he? What is he doing?”

“I’m afraid it is not my place to say. Perhaps he's answered your questions somewhere in this parcel."

She let him place it in her arms.

“The wrapping paper?”

“It seemed like something you’d like.”

Harri crushed it between her hands. “Tell him to come see me himself.”

“Do not worry about that. The hour is upon us." Saguini waved. “I shan’t linger. It was good to finally meet the face I’ve had many a conversation about. Goodbye Harri Potter and,” He tapped his chin. “stay safe.”

In the parcel, the diadem had gifted her many things. Clothes, trinkets from his travels, a scarf and postcards. There were letters too. And a vial.

The scarf smelled like him or what she remembered from the year they spent together. Sometimes Harri worried the more time passed the more she would forget what he had been like. She opened the first letter and brushed her fingers over the inked words, imaging his own fingers pressing against these pages and writing these words for her.

My Harri,

This letter is a few years too late. Curse me for it. You have every right to do so. It's only that I’ve suffered your absence for so long that sometimes time gets away from me. Can you forgive it?

I write to you in misery knowing Saguini will get to see you, speak with you and hand you this letter, all things I cannot do. He should have been kind, if he was not let me know and I will stake him. He’s lived long enough.

You will probably want to know how I know him and how Slughorn does. I actually met him at one of those parties when I was in my seventh year. We did not speak for long but one night after graduation I came upon him in the Swiss Alps. He taught me all I know of blood magic. We traveled together for a time after that, up until we went our separate ways. I kept in contact with him as far as I know until I made the diadem. He tells me by the time I was thirty three (the first time) we stopped speaking. I found him again last year. That is all.

I’ve done something impossible.

You and I have seen each other but a few sparse dreams can’t make up for the real thing. I miss you. Today I am in the south of France and I can’t help but think how much you would enjoy the calm.

When we spoke last you told me that my older self learned about me, the locket and our bond. I’ve been thinking and worrying about it ever since. I believe you need to tell your Godfather and the werewolf the truth about us. About all of it. They can’t protect you without knowing.

I have this feeling Harri, that something terrible is going to happen soon. Be safe until I can return to you.

Yours forever,

You Know Who

Voldemort’s attacks lessened during winter and everyone took the opportunity to go home for the holidays. Maybe he and his followers were going to celebrate yule too. It was a funny image at least.

She had promised herself that break for her was not going to be a vacation. She was going to find all the books in the Black library on spells of protection that were equal to the wards on Hogwarts. She wanted to learn how to protect Draco because he was going to inevitably fail Voldemort’s mission for him.

Next, she was going to research the first war with Voldemort and the past war with Grindelwald. Their own was was becoming more and more real and it would be less terrifying if she felt she had more information to go on.

She would also be attending a Ministry Gala on January first. Harri didn’t know why, considering what happened the last time they were in the ministry, but Dumbledore had said it would be safe and Sirius was invited. Now that the wizarding world knew Voldemort was at large, there was a fidelious protecting the location.

Tom didn’t trust it and neither did Remus for that matter, but they’d made emergency portkeys and Harri had her invisibility cloak so they didn't have an excuse to not go.

At the moment, her and Tom were in the city. Nymphy was supposed to be babysitting them but she’d fallen asleep after an exhausting twenty-four hour auror shift. The two of them got terribly bored cooped up inside and used her cloak to sneak out. They wandered around the streets until it started pouring and ended up in the National Gallery.

Harri was glad she brought her camera. She took about a thousand pictures of Tom next to all the paintings in various states of faked misery. She got a few candid photos too and many of them together. Harri wanted to remember him like this, young, beautiful and full of life.

By the time it stopped raining it was past six. They took the tube home and stopped by the Persian restaurant two blocks from Grimmauld to buy three full bags of takeout.

Nymphy was still asleep when they opened the door but woke up at the smell of food. They ate and Tom had seconds. After, Nymphy properly passed out in a guest room while Harri and Tom went to the upstairs living room.

They settled on the couch. Harri between Tom’s legs, laying against his chest. The rain started again. Tom wandlessly turned on Sirius’s record player, removed the Phil Collins vinyl and replaced it with some piano piece.

Harri giggled under her breath. It was so him.

They spent many nights like this, almost alone in their house. Tom would read his books aloud, Harri would teach him the little piano she knew, they would talk and laugh. After, they'd be in bed together, learning every inch of each other's bodies. Where to touch to elicit a gasp, where to kiss to receive a moan. Tom’s face between her legs, his hands everywhere.

Christmas came and went, spent with everyone Harri loved. Remus, Sirius, Hermione, Lavender, Fleur and all the Weasleys.

For Tom's birthday, Harri planned a small party for him. She invited as many of their friends as could come and made sure the order members and Sirius left them alone in the house. Hermione helped her make the cake and put up lights.

Blaise and Miles came early and distracted Tom until it was all set up. Daphne and Ron arrived by the floo at eight and they spent the night playing all sorts of games and drinking. Tom and Ron bested everyone at pool multiple times, Harri won five rounds of crazy eights, Hermione ran them broke in monopoly and Daphne became champion at blackjack.

Tom turned seventeen when the new year dawned. They climbed onto the roof with blankets and pillows to watch the fireworks display. Their friends went home at four in the morning. Harri and Tom stayed out and kissed until well past sunrise. Their lips were swollen after and she wouldn't have changed any of it for the world.

Kreacher ended up bringing them breakfast up there. Tom poured an obscene amount of melted chocolate on his crepes. Harri crossed her legs and put down her bowl of oatmeal.

“Why do you think we have soulmates?”

Tom replied. “Our soul was created as one and split in two.”

“But why?”

“Because we’re magic.”

She rubbed her toe against the hole in her blanket. “Maybe it’s because we’d be lonely without them. Wizards don’t even make up half of the muggle population, without someone made for us who’s to say we’d ever find anyone.”

Tom shrugged.

Harri pushed her oatmeal around with her spoon and asked. “Do you think we were a mistake? Like a glitch in the system. One problem that just happened along the way.”

Tom paused and put his plate down. “I suppose.”

“It’s not only because of the prophecy. I’ve just always wondered why we were born so far apart. Fifty four years is a long time”

“Maybe because I was always going to make the horcruxes and it was always going to be us.”

“What did you think about me when you were little? When you came into the wizarding world and learned about soul bonds?”

Tom fixed his gaze on her. “That I would do whatever it took to have you.”

And that was that.

As far as wizarding events went, the ministry gala was by no means the worst. The thing about being in a room filled with such important people was just that, there were plenty of distractions for people to not notice Harri.

The gala was ostentatious and extravagant. Harri imagined this was like the Christmas Balls Draco talked about. Back when he could have those things because Voldemort wasn't in and out of his house and his father wasn’t on probation.

After arriving, there was a lot of shaking hands and meeting people before Kingsley told Sirius they could go off while he stayed. Tom and Harri sequestered themselves one of the crevices in the reception area with Daphne, Hermione, Miles and Adrian who were also there.

Many of the order members were in attendance, as many of them worked at the ministry. The majority of attendants were old wizarding families, purebloods and halfboods. Muggleborns were few and far in between.

There wasn't much in the way of food. Miles stole over a bottle of champagne and while that wouldn’t appease their hunger, it was something to pass the time.

Tom pulled out a cigarette and started smoking, Adrian watched him in fascination.

“Aren’t those supposed to be terrible for your lungs?” Daphne pinched her nose. “It sure smells foul.”

“It's terrible and you really should stop.” Hermione voiced her disapproval.

Tom tilted his head up and exhaled the smoke. “You’re real fun at parties Granger.”

“Because working lungs are for losers.”

"Where I grew up it was the thing to do."

“Hermione, is there anything you do that isn't on the straight and narrow? Are you ever calm?” Miles questioned, taking the cigarette from Tom.

“Bit rich coming from you.” Harri said.

“Ouch.” Miles chuckled.

Hermione breathed out. “To answer your rude question Miles, I have never been calm about anything a single day of my life.”

“It’s good that you’ve accepted your flaws.” Adrian slurred. He'd downed the champagne.

Harri snatched the bottle from him before he finished it. One time, he'd taken four shots of vodka at a party and thrown up on the Ravenclaw common room carpet. It'd taken five washes before the smell came off and still no one sat near the place for ages. Harri was wearing a pretty dress and if Adrian vomited on her she would never be able to wear it again.

“Why do you feel the need to get hammered every time you are near alcohol?”

Daphne agreed. “It’s unbecoming the number of times you’ve fallen over and been physically carried out.”

“At least I don’t get caught with my hand in a new girl's panties every time we go out like Miles.”

“Right.” Miles adjusted the collar of his suit. “I’ll do better, take my vow to be chaste and be loyal to one girl. Hermione how about it?”

Harri pushed him. “She’s with Blaise.”

Miles snatched Hermione’s hand. “I could show you a real good time Granger.”

She prodded his cheek. “That’s funny, I don’t recall Hannah having particularly good memories with you. In fact, she told me you were quite underwhelming, if you know what I mean.”

Adrian howled. “Did you hear that?”

“You know I think she said the same thing to me.” Harri poked fun.

Miles pouted. “dickhe*ds the lot of you.”

Someone coughed. Adrian choked and straightened. Tom put out his cigarette.

“Miss Potter.” Scrimgeour, the new minister of magic himself, greeted. “Might I have a word? Privately.”

Harri glanced at Tom and Hermione. Tom eyed Scrimgeour and Hermione nodded.


She followed him, assuming they would sit down at one of the ornate tables. Instead, he guided her into the hall. She imagined he wanted people to make the assumption that he had some professional relationship with her.

He took her hand and she remembered the first and only time they'd met. It was his hands, they felt like Remus’s, like Sirius’s. Strong and sturdy.

“I know that your Godfather doesn’t hold the highest opinion of me. He's made it clear I'm but one step better than Cornelius to him. I can see why he might think that but I assure you, I take my job seriously. I also believe we share a common interest and we could help each other.”

“Do you?” Harri raised her chin and looked him in the eyes.

“We both desire the safety of the wizarding world.” Scrimgeour smelled like cigars and mud. He had wrinkles around his eyes and pronounced frown lines. He was nowhere near as old as Dumbledore but his physical appearance made them look close enough.

“That much is true.” She coincided. “But we have very different opinions on what a safe wizarding world looks like.”

Rufus’s mouth tightened. “Is that so?”

Harri smiled, sweet and facetious. “I for one believe that death eaters deserve to be in Azkaban. I believe my Godfather should've received a fair and just trial before being sentenced. I also think wizarding creatures have rights, that werewolves turned against their will as children deserve to be in society. You and Fudge both seem to disagree with all of these things. You also seem okay with the fact that the media print lies and purebloods get away with heinous crimes because they have money.”

The more the words tumbled out of her mouth, the more resentful Harri became. Voldemort was a monster that people had created and the wizarding world contributed to. They'd allowed this war to begin again. The government was corrupt and all these people were content to let it go on. It was so much like the muggle world, so much like the Dursley's beliefs. What will other people think? To them, it was image over truth. Idealization over existence.

Scrimgeour’s face relaxed and he chuckled. “Naturally those are all political issues that are dealt with in the wizengamot. I hadn’t an idea you were politically inclined and while this is good news, the focus needs to be on providing the people with a sense of safety. Surely you would work with me on this? I've heard these rumors about you, Voldemort and Dumbledore. The chosen one, isn’t it?”

Harri grit her teeth. “Working with you would align me with the ministry.”

Scrimgeour inclined his head. “Yes, yes.”

“And I don’t.”

He paused. “Excuse me?”

“I think I’ve just listed all the reasons I don’t agree with you people. Not to mention the way you paraded Dumbledore and me out to be liars last year. I’ve heard Umbridge still works for you too. I remember when she forced me and my classmates to carve into our skin for standing up for justice.” Harri held up her now healed fist, where she could still remember the feel of the blood quill. “We at Hogwarts haven’t forgotten Minister.”

Scrimgeour’s expression hardened. “I see Dumbledore’s sunk his claws into you. Interfering with your perception of what we do here.”

“He didn’t need to do anything. You’ve all proved it to me yourselves. My father told me you chucked Stan Shunpike in prison. You and I both know he’s an innocent man.”

He shook his head. “I wouldn’t expect a child to understand my decisions.”

“Am I a child or the chosen one who's going to save everyone?” Harri inquired, galled.

There was a cold silence.

“I see that I cannot change your mind.”

“No, you can’t.”

Scrimgeour watched her with disapproval. "Then we have nothing more to discuss."

"No, we do not."

Harri crossed her arms and watched him take his leave. People turned this way and that, reaching out for his attention. She moved to try and find an exit out of the crowd.

For a split second, from the corner of her eye, she thought she saw Tom. She wandered in his direction. He looked taller which was odd. His hair was longer and, oh, it couldn’t be Tom.

She made to leave. The man turned around.

Harri gasped.

“It has been too long, dear soul of mine.”

It was Tom standing in front of her. At least it was a shade of Tom in his fifties. Face mature, handsome and peppered with slight wrinkles.

Though it wasn’t him at all.

It was a disguise. It was Voldemort, hiding in plain sight.

Harri panicked. She looked around, searching for Sirius, Hermione or Daphne. But she was too deep in the crowd. Lost at sea.

“A dance?” Voldemort held out his hand.

She swallowed and stood motionless.

He seized her without her permission. She felt his arms go around her like a cage. His fingers clutched hers in mockery. The blazing fire that was Tom was muted and Voldemort’s touch felt like a weapon. A dagger at her throat.

She was in a demon’s arms, felt his gaze on her and shivered.

“Do you recognize me?” Voldemort implored.

Harri kept her face to the left of him. She did not want to look at him.

“There is no need to be afraid. I am not planning to take you today.” His nails bit into her back. “Harri.”

The lights around them were too bright, the people too loud and stares too much.

She gave in and peered at him. “Then why are you here?”

"I glanced at your face from up there.” She scanned the window he gestured to. One of the offices in the higher levels. His hand pushed deeper into her back and that was when she felt it. The cold press of a ring. She drew her arm back and touched it. She felt along its ridges. A black stone. This ring had been on Rosier’s hand. Harri now knew it was Tom’s family ring. The one he stole from his uncle before he killed his parents. If Voldemort was wearing it now after he'd seen the diary in her mind and learned about the locket...

Harri watched Voldemort observe the realization cross her face.

“It’s a horcrux.” She whispered, horrified.

He smirked. “So you do know what they are. Very good Harri.”

She winced.

“How many more are there?”

How many pieces? How was Voldemort even alive?

“How many do you know of?” He pushed. “I’m very curious.”

“You saw my memories.”

“I saw fragments of a life.”

“It was enough.”

Voldemort drew her closer. He put his mouth against her ear. “Tell me, darling, why do you care for them all so?”

She felt bile rise up her throat. Harri moved her face as much as he allowed. “They are still human.”

“And I told you they are me, even the little one you came with.”

“He is not you.”

Voldemort laughed. “When is a monster not a monster?”

Harri looked at him, at Tom’s eyes and smile.

The answer was simple. When you love it.

She pushed Voldemort away and to her bewilderment, he let go.

Something was wrong. She looked up at the offices again and was sure there was movement in there.

Voldemort grabbed her chin. “I will not take you today because I will be seeing you very soon Harri.” He stepped back. “Remember this.”

The windows surrounding them shattered in an explosion of glass. People screamed and ducked for cover. The shards fell and the walls shuddered.

Voldemort smiled. "I win in the end."

One by one the floors of the ministry began to collapse.


Just Voldemort showing up as 50 year old Tom and killing a bunch of people. Your typical holiday gala.

While I was writing the diadem's letter I had major flashbacks to the last time and it just reminded me how far we've come.

So much is happening and going to happen I can't waitttttt!

Harri's dress for Slughorn's party.

also "Start Here" by caitlyn-sieh wrote: When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it. In this wonderful poem

Chapter 40: philtatos, philtatos


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 40: philtatos, philtatos

"Because you are mine,
my treasure, my hoard,
and I cannot keep you and I cannot let you go.”
C. M. Valente, Deathless

There were screams and spells in tandem with one another. Concrete thundered as it tore, falling down onto them.


Sirius threw himself in front of her.

“Protego maxima!”

She pulled herself out of her frozen state and slipped her wand into her hand. “Fianto Duri.”

"Repello Inimicum!”

Tom’s arm came around her from behind. “Flipendo.”

The wizards and witches in the room joined as one to form a shield. Through a collective effort the shield took shape and sealed them in a mound, protecting them from the destruction to come.

They watched, horrified, as the roof caved in.

The ministry had stood on its own for centuries, longer than some of their family lines had been alive. A building as old as Hogwarts was falling in on itself. Thousands of years of history dismantled in mere minutes.

Voldemort had done this. They were truly at the cusp of war.

Once the initial attack ceased, Sirius sent Harri and Tom home. He stayed behind himself to help recovery efforts. Many were injured but no one was pronounced dead. Yet.

They knew it was an intentional move. Look what I can do, Voldemort was saying. You have no hope, your walls are easy to break and you will bend.

Scrimgeour had sent for the French ministry to transfer their obliviators. They were to aid in recovering the muggle wards while their own English aurors oblivated the muggles who would’ve heard the noises and seen wizards running away.

Harri told Tom about Voldemort on the way home.

Though it seemed like an illusion now, him turning around while wearing Tom’s face and asking her to dance. He'd been tranquil, which Harri found disturbing.

When they got to Grimmauld, she showered and changed. Then came out to Tom already in her bed. Normally he would wait for Sirius to fall asleep before sneaking in but Sirius would not be coming home tonight.

As she slipped under the covers, Tom looked at her like he wanted to tell her something.

“What is it?” She asked.

He only blinked. Harri shrugged and turned the lamp off. They lay together in silence. She waited for him to say something.

“I…you know that I…” She heard him move. His hand came up and caressed her face. "You.”


He paused.

The wind chimed.

“Never mind. I…I’ve...”

“Mhm.” Harri touched the hand on her cheek. “Tell me tomorrow.” She nuzzled her face into his neck and heard him swallow.

As she waited for him to respond, her eyes shut. The last thing she felt was Tom wrapping her in his arms.

One day Harri will scream at her past self for this. She will wish she would’ve pressed him, stayed awake and told him she loved him. That she would always love him.

But she didn't.

She fell asleep and Tom watched her the entire night, waiting for a moment that would never come.

“I want it to be made clear that out of the last four times, I’ve won three.” Ron boasted, throwing treacle tarts into his bag.

“I seem to remember Lav and Harri doing most of the winning.” Daphne smirked and leaned against the door of the school kitchen. She was keeping an eye out for any professors or prefects roaming the halls. Harri, Ron and Hermione were packing away snacks to take to the quidditch field.

"We were a team. What is mine is yours.”

“But my firebolt gave us an advantage.” Harri searched through the dessert frig, hoping to find the tiramisu from dinner.

“Ron tell me you’re not going to take out ice cream. You’ll freeze to death or get a cold and have us baby you for the week.” Hermione scolded. Harri came up empty on tiramisu but found a few chocolates to throw in her pocket.

“Are you not a witch?” Ron baited Hermione. “Can you not cast warming charms?”

She smacked his head. “Lose the attitude.”

“Okay, mum.”

“Shh! Come on before Snape catches us.” Daphne ushered them to her.

They ambled out into the darkened hallway.

“Lumos.” Harri took the lead of the group. She guided them through the transfiguration corridor and out into the castle grounds. From there, Harri jumped and started running down the hill, past the whooping willow and to the quidditch feild. “Last one is a sore loser!”

Ron yelped and sprinted with her. The wind blew their hair back and moonlight guided them down the path. Hermione and Daphne chased after them, trying to trip each other and shrieking. Harri heard Fluffy, Hagrid's dog, bark ways away from his hut. It was eleven thirty at night and they’d timed their arrival with the end of astronomy classes for the weekend.

Hermione had created a house-elf freedom club at the beginning of the year and they were rushing to meet them on the quidditch grounds. This wasn't an official meeting but something they'd started to do on Friday nights.

Harri and Ron fell into the field, laughing and pushing at each other. Waiting for them on the pitch was the rest of the committee. They were sat in a circle playing duck duck goose.

This whole thing started when they first joined. At one club meeting, Seamus and Terry had got in an argument about who was the better flyer. Alicia budded into their fight, thinking it would be a good idea to make it a contest. Everyone agreed and they ended up having one that night, outside of the regular club time.

Here they were, Harri couldn’t even count how many contests later, no longer competing but playing games for the fun of it. Tom and Hermione, who thought flying on brooms vacuous, acted as their referees. Tom was not technically a club member but here because Harri wanted him to be. And he didn't really act as a ref. Most of the time, Hermione and he sat with their books and argued or debated magical theories.

Teams for the games were pulled from a hat and randomly selected. Today Harri, Daphne and Miles were together. Ron, Lavender and Blaise. Maria, Seamus and Hannah. Terry, Draco and Alicia, Dean, Adrian and Angelina.

Once they were all there, they got into their groups.

“I’ll go the first round. It’s a relay so I think we should save the fastest for last.” Miles rubbed his hands together. Harri and Daphne both nodded.

“Don’t drop the baton this time.” Daphne said pointedly to Harri.

“It slipped!”

“You were too busy squabbling with Draco.”

“If that pointy git made comments about your turns you’d give him a piece of your mind too.”

Tom blew the whistle annoyingly loud to get their attention.

“Hurry up already!” Hermione shouted.

Miles threw his arms over Daphne and Harri. “Let’s go team!” Harri squirmed at the volume of his voice.

Miles got in line with his broom. The course would go like this: three rounds around the field, up to the clocktower, down Hufflepuff dorms and back to the pitch where they would pass a baton to the next person. The team that finished first won.

Though, there were never any clear winners because someone always cheated for the fun of it. Whoever got caught was punished and told to fly to the Professor’s rooms and knock on their windows.

The one time Hermione took part in a game she 'accidentally' missed a round of the field. As a penalty, Terry told her to fly around the third floor in her bathing suit. Regardless to say she never played after that.

Tom rang the whistle again.

Harri slapped the baton in Miles's hand and off they went.

Harri left Dumbledore’s office in tears on a yearly basis. It was a fact. She could count almost every visit and account for all the ways she had left feeling awful afterward.

That was why when she received a private missive from him in February she was apprehensive, to say the least. The last private conversation they'd shared was when he revealed the prophecy to her. She was still trying to recover from the emotions that particular admission had invoked. But she’d moved on from the anger and resentment she’d felt about it.

It was not nice feeling anything other than warmth for someone she used to believe in wholeheartedly. She missed the easiness that came with knowing Dumbledore would always be someone she could count on.

He smiled when she walked into the room. The lines on his face were more pronounced than ever. He’d aged before her very eyes in these years and she hadn’t even realized. He seemed fragile, like a brush of wind would knock him over.

This was an even more uncomfortable feeling, the idea that he was mortal. Dumbledore had always been old but he’d also always been there. As reliable as the passing strands of time, the pillar that guided Harri in her darkest moments. Dumbledore had seen her at her angriest, saddest and happiest. He was always supposed to be there. It was frightening to think there was a day someday when he wouldn’t be.

What was Hogwarts without its headmaster? Harri without her captain?

“Come up with me.” He gestured to the stairs in the room. “I have much to say today.”

His riddles were as irritating as they were amusing. He could never just say what he wanted to. There always had to be a catch.

Harri closed the door behind her and latched the lock.

“You’ve never shown me the upstairs before.” She followed him up the steps.

“I feel that would’ve been inappropriate before. But there is something I must show you now that the time is right.” At the top of the stairs, he pointed to the right side. “There is my guest room. Tom slept there when he came back.”

Harri snuck a glance into the room. It was decorated with knickknacks, quilts and a wooden bed. It was comforting and warm everything she expected Dumbledore’s home to look like.

“Professor, will you ever tell me how you gave Tom a body?”

“A magician never reveals his secrets.”

They walked into the hallway. She ran her fingers over the paintings they trekked by, people from ancient cities in their markets and homes. Fishing, running, painting. Harri wondered where these were all from and why they were what Dumbledore chose to adorn his home with. Did anyone know him intimately enough to have that answer?

Dumbledore stopped at one of the walls to their left. There was a pendulum hanging over it. Dumbledore swung the pendulum and the wall moved back and to the side, revealing a door.

"Oh." Harri gasped.

He held out his hand, palm up. “Lead the way, dear Harri.”

She trudged in front of him and pushed the door back. It opened to a dark room.

Dumbledore came in behind her and slapped his hands together. An orb of light formed between his palms. The light floated out and to the center of the room. It stopped there and dropped to the ground.

Harri looked to her headmaster.

“What do you think will reveal this place's secrets?” He really was melodramatic.

“Hominum Revlio?”

Dumbledore stroked his beard. “Something more imaginative than that. What if I told you I want to unlock a trove of unbelievable riches?”

That Harri knew. A warm summer night in Surrey. Her Uncle’s snoring, Dudley’s knee pressed against her own, Aunt Petunia sewing in the kitchen light and Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves playing on the tv.

“Open sesame?”

The ground beneath the light groaned and shifted. A platform rose up beneath the light, with a basin on top of it. One very similar to a pensive. But this one was more ancient. There were runes carved onto it though Harri couldn't recognize which ones they were.

Dumbledore sauntered to the platform and dispelled the orb of light. It spread out like a mist and revealed a pool of luminescent liquid hiding in the basin.

“Come here.” Dumbledore called Harri close to him. “This is my treasure.”

“A pensive?” Harri ran a hand through the liquid, it was cold to the touch.

Dumbledore fixed his gaze on her. “In the smallest of ways it is similar to a pensieve. You can certainly see events inside that are memories. But no, that it is not.”

Harri dipped her finger in and the water swirled around her skin. Upon a closer look, it was glittering with the lights of a thousand tiny stars. Like the night sky.

“You are the only other living person in the world who knows this exists.” Dumbledore took her hand and guided it over fluid. It formed shapes of ships and people. “This room was created many centuries ago by one of your ancestors. A man named Auron Peverall.”

“My ancestor?”

Dumbledore placed her hand over the ship's sail. “Yes. From your father’s side he is your many great grandfather. The aurors were named after him.”

“Did he also kill a dark lord?”

Dumbledore looked at Harri, eyes full of affection. She blushed and peered down at the swirls in front of them. A face of a young man with soft eyes and a fierce smile formed.

“Nothing as noble as that I’m afraid. His brother, Edward, helped create the department of magical law and enforcement and named it after Auron. Auron discovered this light, this water and sealed it in here. Placed a curse that would prevent future headmasters from ever speaking this secrets to anyone else.”

“How can you tell me? Have you broken it?”

“You're his blood and therefore I was able to manipulate the curse.”

The image of the boy in the basin changed to show a mansion.

“Auron was born in privilege. The Peverall’s were the most powerful wizards of their time. A second born son to purebloods of fortune, Auron had the opportunity to follow his dreams anywhere. He was raised on stories of adventure by his older brother Edward.”

There were two boys in the picture now. The taller one was holding his baby brother in his arms.

“Their parents were always busy, as influential people tend to be, and thus it was Edward who cared for his brother. They both adored one another and loved to spend time together. One of the ways they bonded was over their love of stories. They grew side by side, always making time for each other. But Edward was the heir and prodigy. He wielded magic as easily as he breathed and was his entire family’s pride and joy. Because of this, as Edward and Auron got older, Edward became as absent as their parents. Auron understood that his brother didn’t have a choice, he had responsibilities to the family, but it hurt him all the same. He felt abandoned. As it happens, they grew further apart and away from each other.”

Now the portrayal was of the boys as teenagers with their backs to each other.

“They forgot how to speak to one another. Time was lost to almost knocked doors and dropped hands. Yet this never lessened their love. Auron still waited for the day his brother would tell him stories again and Edward hoped for his brother to ask him.”

Lighting struck between the boys.

“One night many years passed, Edward was home on a break. He went up to speak to his brother with a book in hand. Auron's favorite childhood story about their ancestors, the three brothers. He knocked on the door but there was no answer. This was strange because he’d heard sounds and no one else was in their home. Though he was a trained wizard and a leader of a ministry department, he opened the door without thinking.”

A dagger was buried in Edward's chest in the illustration.

“A muggle thief had broken into their house to steal their mother's jewelry. When Edward opened the door the thief threw his weapon in fear and struck true. The wound killed Edward. He bled out on the floor of his brother's room. The same room he’d spent more than a thousand nights with his brother.”

The image changed to the ships once more. “When Auron came home that night he was the one to find Edward's dead body. The pain of it almost ripped him apart. He left England and the rest of his family. He mourned his brother the only way he knew how, he became one of the heroes of his stories. He bought a ship and formed a crew. He sailed to all four corners of the world to honor his Edward.”

With the turn of Dumbledore’s hand, the sketch became an Island.

“During his seventh year away, Auron discovered an inhabited island. He and his crew wandered there for weeks. One morning while the others slept Auron got lost in a cave by accident. While in this cave he came upon this liquid we stand before. Because he didn’t know better, he drank it and fell asleep. When he woke, it was after he’d had the most pleasant dream about his brother.

In this dream, the two of them had spent the day together before Edward died. His brother had taken time out to be with him. It was the happiest he’d been since he was a child. After waking, Auron unthinkingly poured the water into a pouch to take home. When he came out of the cave and returned to his sailors it was to find out that he’d been missing for a week and a half.”

Dumbledore swiped his hand and the images disappeared. “Auron returned home after that trip and took on the responsibilities that were left by his brother. He eventually became headmaster here at Hogwarts and built these chambers and this room. By then he’d discovered the truth about this fluid he’d found.”

Captivated by the story, Harri inquired. “What is it? A potion? Something that shows you what you love most in the world?”

Dumbledore patted her head. “I’m afraid I cannot say.”

“You can’t be serious! Then what was the point of this?”

“I want you to solve the puzzle.” He led Harri out of the room. “If you guess it correctly then I’m allowed to say.”

“How many guesses will I get?”

“As many as you need.”

The man was infuriating.

To prevent students from fearing war, the professors kept them distracted with work, group activities and discussions. They also chose to be more lenient with rules for things outside of class. An effort make Hogwarts feel comforting.

As a result, the curfew for upperclassmen became flexiable as well. An example of this was the time Harri and Ron ran into Professor Flitwick late one night. They'd been coming back from Hagrid’s when Flitwick saw them and all he said was that there was leftover pumpkin pie in the kitchens. Harri and Ron stared at each other in disbelief and then ran to the dorm rooms squealing.

Another distraction professors utilized was hosting events on the weekends.

One such event was arranged by Professors Trelawney and Vector for Valentine’s. They organized a cute night for their female students. The idea came from the muggle studies teacher, Charity Babbage, who enthusiastically discussed the benefit of young females interacting with each other in large groups.

Professor Sprout brought a copious amount of red roses for the occasion. Professor McGonagall helped transfigure cards into pajamas with pink hearts and monogrammed names. Trelawney set up a table to read palms for predictions on when the girls would meet their soulmates.

In the great hall, there was a banquet table filled with sweets and desserts frosted in pink and crimson. Mattresses and sleeping bags were arranged in circles for them to rest on.

Harri dropped herself between Daphne, Hermione and Angelina with a slice of three layer chocolate cake and a glass of pink lemonade.

Hermione clicked their drinks together, a flush on her cheeks, giggling. “I want to learn how to dance on a stripper pole.”

Harri snorted. “Did someone spike your drink?”

Hermione turned her nose up. “You don’t think I can do it? Alicia does! She told me her friend’s sister took a class.”

Alicia spluttered. “I never said we should do it.”

“Why not?” Hermione pouted.

“Right.” Angelina grabbed the glass from her. “I think that one was meant to be mine. A prank from Fred.”

“He’s not even here?” Harri said.

“Listen, I can't take the fall for bringing alcohol alone.”

Hermione lurched forward, interrupting them. “I don’t feel so good.”

“Will you be a good friend and take her to the bathroom before she pukes in front of Professor Vector?” Angelina asked.

“I don’t think that’s what the professors wanted when they planned this.”

Hermione threw up on Angelina's shirt.

Because Tom had been coming with Harri to house-elf meetings and often times did things and spent time with people he didn’t like for her, she realized she had to reciprocate.

This meant spending time with the Slytherins.

She didn’t despise it. It was more of an intense hatred. Hanging around the Slytherins meant watching most of the girls try to flirt with Tom and act like they knew him at all or that he would even care to actually pay extra attention to them.

It was in one of these hangouts that Harri began to lose her patience.

“There’s no need to pout.” Tom grinned against her ear.

“I’ll gut you.” Harri threatened.

“There, there.” He patted her thigh.

“Tom your transfiguration notes were so helpful!” Pansy fluttered her eyelashes his way. “Could I borrow them again?”

“Why don’t you borrow some dignity?” Harri murmured.

Tom bit his lip, hiding laughter.

“I think if Fiona crosses her arms any harder her cleavage will just fall out.” Blaise whispered in Harri's ear.

She scoffed. “Tom’s not even that cute for them to be this desperate.”

Tom pinched her.



A few days later Tom fell asleep in Harri’s dorm as she was completing her defense group project. She’d come back with Lavender, immensely exhausted from her useless team. She expected a nice long rest and instead found herself consoling a crying Maria suffering period pains.

Then when she finally began to get prepared for bed Daphne started having a bicker with Seamus. He’d left a farting pillow Dean gifted him amongst Daphne’s throw pillows and they were hurling insults at each other in the doorway.

Hermione shut them up before they escalated too much but by then it was already half past ten. Harri crawled into bed after using the bathroom and it was only then she noticed Tom was even in there. He’d spelled the curtains silent and was sprawled out over the sheets. Harri curled her body around his and realized he’d lost weight. She could feel his ribs poking through his shirt.

Wasn’t he eating? She would ask Dobby to keep an eye on him and ask Professor Snape for some nutrition potions. Sometimes Tom was so occupied with other things he forgot he was human. She kissed his neck and fell into a fretful dream where she was a cupcake Tom refused to eat.

It was the week after that they were able to spend the night together without distractions. Tom secured the room of requirement, making sure no one would come in for the entire night or throughout the day.

Harri was late to meet him because of a meeting with Mcgonagall. When she made it, it was to find that Tom had transformed the place to become a room with a bed, a fireplace and a private sitting area. The colors were a blend of maroon and emerald, befitting a king.

Tom was laying in the center of the bed, staring at her with half lidded eyes and an unbuttoned shirt. Taut muscles stretched out over his stomach and his cheeks were flushed.

She threw her bag on the ground and walked to him, kicking off her shoes.

Tom tilted his head up. “Kiss me.”

“Say please.”

His lips twitched. “Kiss me.”

Harri sighed as if it were a great punishment. “Well I suppose just the one.” She swung her leg over his waist. He lay there and made her reach for him.

Harri was Icarus falling into the inferno of her sun.

She pressed their chests together and brushed her lips ever so lightly against his.

Tom made a choked sound and pushed against her properly. She leaned into him, always desperate for his touch. He kneaded his hands over her skull and ground their hips together.

They kissed passionately. Harri stroked his tongue and spread her legs further apart, rubbing against his erection.

Harri.” He moaned.

She took his lower lip between her teeth and bit down, pressing herself down onto him vigorously. Tom grazed his hands over her back, pulling her uniform skirt up and pushing her underwear off.

With soft deliberate touches, they removed each other's clothing until they were bare. He lifted her hips up. She closed her eyes and felt every brush of lips over her skin. Tom kissed his way up her shoulder and into her neck.

“Can I?” He whispered in her ear, his fingers gliding down her inner thigh and dipping inside her.

Harri whimpered. “Please.”

Tom touched her face. “But not like this.” He pulled her off of his lap and laid her on her back. He knelt over her and pulled her leg around him. “I want to see you.”

Then they were kissing again.

Tom slid inside her and they sighed in ecstasy.

And Harri thought...

Everybody else may want him too, but nobody could ever want him as much as I do.

He began to move. There was the filthy touch of their tongues and the heat of their bodies moving together. Harri buried her nails in his back and rocked against him, groaning every time he pushed in.

“I could do this forever.” Tom panted into her mouth.

“Want you to.” Harri murmured in-intelligently.

Tom shivered and rested his forehead against hers. The pleasure built up with every jerk of their bodies until she org*smed and he came after, spasming and spilling inside of her.

They held onto each other, trading soft and languid kisses.

The truth of it is, they have always been this. The jagged edges of one soul clinging onto each other. Too stubborn to let go and prepared to bleed if that means together. Harri has had a lifetime of losing things—people and places. She wants him to be the one that stays.

In the morning, Tom lay his head on her stomach and slept between her legs.

Already awake, she opened up Antigone.

She hadn’t read another one of the diadem’s letters. Harri wasn’t sure if she was prepared to see what more he’d said. He was vulnerable in a way that left her mystified on how this Tom was the same person. They felt like two sides of a severed ship.

But to still feel the diadem’s presence, to be close to him, she read Sophocles as he’d asked her to.

Haemon: No city is property of a single man.
Creon: But custom gives possession to the ruler.
Haemon: You'd rule a desert beautifully alone.

Whenever a man supposes that he alone has intelligence or expression or feeling, he exposes himself and shows his emptiness.

We have only a little time to please the living. But all eternity to love the dead.

Between the lull of Tom’s breathing and the warmth of their bed, Harri fell asleep again. She’d thought she would never dream of Voldemort with Tom by her side. She was proven wrong.

She was transported back to the night of the gala from his memory in the dream, but this time she was next to Voldemort in the minister’s office before the attack. He was wearing his true face. Sinister. Gaunt. She was stood by his side at the windows, watching people dance. Harri could see herself down below with Scrimgeour.

“Did you enjoy my gift?”

“You are...beyond f*cked up.” She moved away from him. “You destroyed our ministry. You’re destroying our home.”

“I am tearing it down to build it better.”

“You want to see the world burn.”

Voldemort touched the window glass. “Perhaps that too is true.”

“Why did you call me here this time?”

“Why must it be that I brought us here and not you that summoned I? This bond,” Voldemort gestures to their wrists. “It goes both ways.”

“I try to keep you out and you force me back in.”

“Would you like a truth Harri?”

“Not particularly. The truth has never ended well for me.”

He glowered. “Do not parrot Dumbledore’s words at me.”

“Speak and make it clear what you want. The melodramatics become tedious.” Harri bit down on her tongue and cut back the insults she wanted to throw.

Voldemort’s hand convulsed. “How I wish for my wand in these conversations so that I could curse you as you deserve.”

“And I too wish for my wand.” Harri hissed. “Because I would rather dream about killing you than whatever this is.”

“I often wonder how fate could have chosen such a weak child as a piece of my soul. Then you say such things and a part of me recognizes you.”

“You’re an exception for my ability to commit guiltless murder. That’s all.”

He scrutinized her. “That is remarkable in how naive it is. Do you believe you can survive this war without killing?”

“I plan to do only the one murder.” Harri promised.

“Your hatred for me is singular.”

“And yours for me.”

Voldemort averted his gaze. “Tell me more about your relationship with that younger version of me. The one that enraptures you.”


“Don’t call me that.” Voldemort snapped.

“I wasn’t.” Harri sneered.

He waved his hand. “Go on.”

“It’s none of your business.” Harri couldn’t talk about Tom with him again. All that she felt was written on her face. She would be too exposed for this man.

Voldemort locked eyes with her, something melancholy in his gaze. “You should be more careful with who you give your heart to Harri Potter.”

Her stomach wilted. “What do you mean by that?”

“Somethings are better left where they fell. Undisturbed.” He reached out and touched her scar. “I will see you.”

Such simple words. She had no doubt they were true. Bone chilling from his mouth all the same.

Dublin, Ireland. The Diary and Saguini.

A body lay between them. One of Voldemort’s puppets who’d been spying on Saguini and accidentally spotted Tom.

Tom leaned against the back of a street light.

“This is a terrible plan.” Saguini repeated.

“It is a great plan.”

“If someone sees you…”

“They’re not going to remember some boy from sixty years ago.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”

“Then I’ll kill them.”

“Yes, that would end well.”

Tom reigned in the urge to gut the vampire. “I’ll help you with what the diadem requires here, but after we finish I’m leaving for Scotland. Don’t get in my way when I do, it won't end well for you.”

Saguini pinched his nose. “The choice is yours.”

Tom gave him a satisfied grin.

It was at odds with the boy who’d just murdered a man ruthlessly.


“That is — your friend?“
"Philtatos,” Achilles replied, sharply. “Most beloved.”
— The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller

This is the last chapter that will be like this...if that makes sense. Bring tissues for 41. We're beginning the last arc next time.

i'm going to try my best to update in april but everything has got me down. hope you guys liked this!

"Somethings are better left where they fell. Undisturbed."
"And everybody else may want him too but nobody could ever want him as much as I do."
These two lines are both from two different fanfics I read on here. I saved the lines but not the titles so I have no idea what they were! If anyone knows let me know so I can credit the authors.

Chapter 41: this is where i leave you


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 41: this is where i leave you

“He was a book and he was holding his final pages,
and he wanted to get to the end to find out how it went,
and he didn't want it to be over.”
— Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven King

The remainder of the spring semester was assignments, quidditch practices and preparations for NEWTs.

One Monday night after Astronomy class ran late, Harri, Hermione and Daphne wandered the halls. They passed by Professor McGonagall’s office and noticed the light was still on. Thus, sleepy and itching for a nice cuppa, they knocked and asked if she needed help with anything.

“I could actually use your assistance in grading these papers.” McGonagall said, waving them in.

While they situated and distributed some first year exam papers amongst themselves, McGonagall made them tea. She also revealed that the NEWTs may be postponed. "Because of the war. They're not sure it's the proper time. There was even talk of cancellation for the seeable future. It is a dire reality, though I suppose moping about isn’t going to fix anything.”

It was dire in context, but Harri wondered at how the next few months suddenly seemed limitless at this sudden news. No exams to study for, or assignments to worry about. Only the war and Voldemort. Though that probably wasn’t something to be comforted by in any little way. And this was only if the suspension or cancellation happened. One thing about school was that it was always going to go on, whether you were ill or fighting battles.

"Don't worry Professor McGonagall, we'll take those exams one way or another." Daphne reassured, then pulled a glittery purple marking feather out of her bag and began to savagely grade her pile of exams.

“Are you sure you remember all the answers? First year was a while ago.” Harri counted the list of uses of Brackium Emendo in her head just to be sure.

“It wasn’t all that long ago was it?” McGonagall wore a reminiscent smile. “Miss Granger used to mouth the pronunciations during quizzes so efficiently I learned to place her in the front of the class so that no one could see and cheat off her.”

“I remember we were always late for tests because Daphne and Harri had to have their hair in a half updo with their 'lucky' bows,” Hermione grabbed a bunch of her hair and held it up. “Like this.”

“I still think it helped cause we never did badly on a single test.”

"This is true." Professor McGonagall said warmly. "And you remember these right?" She opened one of her desk drawers and held up three white sheets. “Add them when you are done girls.”

“The smelly stickers!” Harri gasped and ran to collect some. “I miss these.” She held the paper to her nose and inhaled. Tangy and sweet, smell had this wonderful quality of bringing you back in time, no matter if you’d entirely forgotten where the memory lay.

Harri returned to her seat and passed the stickers around.

The four of them continued to talk while grading. By the time the papers were marked, their cups of tea were cold. They returned to the dorms with an extra packet of stickers which Harri made sure to tack on the inside of her trunk. Now everytime she opened it, she would be reminded of parchment paper and home.

Easter break came in March, gifting them a peaceful week back in London.

During brunch one soft morning Bill got on his knees and purposed to Fleur.

After, as she showed off her ring, Harri imagined a day years away. When she and Tom were older and wiser and this blood was far behind them, perhaps in the garden at Grimmauld place where they’d met for the first time, maybe she would know what it felt like as well for someone to choose you and ask for forever.

Mrs. Weasley crushed Fleur and Bill to her bosom. Harri rested back in her chair and touched Tom’s cheeks. She brushed over his faded summer freckles and imagined what they could look like when mixed with her green eyes.

Tom hid his face in her neck, too warm and tired for all the excitement around them.

They returned to the castle a couple of days later and Harri was content with the idea that there was only the last bit of the semester to go. Projects were completed and last essays written up.

Quidditch finals took place on the twenty fifth of May.

The final came between Slytherin and Gryffindor, a perfect end to a perfect year of games. After an intense match that was split into three days, Gryffindor won.

Harri rose on her broom, buried in the arms of the rest of her team and took the moment for what it was.

She was Gryffindor, she was captain and they had won. The sun was bright, the sky was clear. Everything was warm, light and golden. She didn’t think there was a dry eye on any of them when they touched down on the ground. It was the last game for many, especially those who were not sure what next year would hold.

For the last few days as sixth years after that, Harri and her classmates were free. They spent their classes doing experiments and playing games and there were even talks of a dance. She crossed her fingers and prayed for the year to end like this.

Albus had always known what it was people said about him. To them, he was one of the most powerful wizards of their time, the last of a dying breed and the man who defeated a dark lord in single combat.

Wizards and witches spoke of him as if he were all seeing and all knowing. 'If you knew Albus Dumbledore, you knew he was a mastermind. Aware of the next move before the enemy even thought of it, his plans had plans and his secrets no end'.

Albus alone understood this wasn’t true. He wished he was a seer and prepared for anything that came to be. As it was, he was not. He did his best to protect their world but made more mistakes than anyone knew.

Gellert was the most painful of them and Tom his worst. His failures were the more grave because they lead to awful consequences. He'd dedicated his life to ensuring they didn’t happen again.

Albus had tried to be what everyone needed for decades, an oracle and guardian. He'd run himself into the last ground but at last, it was done.

This time he would keep Harri safe.

All was well that ended well, as they said.

Sophocles was a beautiful playwright.

Antigone held a profound love for her brother, so deep it was, that she risked her own death to give him a proper burial.

I will bury him myself.

You are always defying the world, but you're only a girl, after all.

And even if I die in the act, that death will be a glory. I will lie with the one I love and loved by him.

The king was shattered. We took his orders, went and searched, and there in the deepest, dark recesses of the tomb we found her.

Then mark me now, for you stand on a razor's edge.

Our ship of fate, which recent storms have threatened to destroy, has come safely to harbor at last.

On the edges of the pages that Harri read, the diadem had written his own annotations.

He wrote that as it was in Oedipus's story, there was a tragic irony in Antigone, though it was not her own. 'Creon, the antagonist, always believes that he is acting for the good of himself, his family, and his people. Yet in the end, he becomes the reason everyone he loves dies.'

Harri wondered if the diadem was referring to Voldemort, the locket, himself, or the fact that they were all one and the same.

Or she may learn at last, though much too late.

You have learned justice, though it comes too late.

Call back your curses, King, call back your curses.
Else you will realize that you were wrong another day, too late.
I pray you trust me.

The Diadem, Inverness

Tom had always estimated it would take Voldemort no less than a year to find him once he discovered Harri as his soulmate and the locket horcrux alive.

To hide from strangers was a challenge on its own but to hide from yourself was inconceivable.

Knowing this, Tom still went to Inverness, Scotland. He had a meeting too important to miss.

And the moment he apparated in, he knew someone else was already there.

With Saguini and the diary in Paris, the list of people who were aware of his whereabouts dwindled down to one. And that one was not here.

Voldemort was.

He didn’t bother to hide his presence either. He descended to the clearing in a blackened splendor.

Staring at him was like looking through a distorted mirror. The ritual Voldemort used to come back had done that, stripped him bare of all falsities and showed the world the truth of who he was.

Here stands Tom Riddle as he is and has always been. A monster.

If Tom could turn back time and do one thing again, it would be to never let himself be placed in the diadem. Before Albania, before he left England, before before before, there had been some part of him that was fallible.

He knew it because he existed now and he was all at once exactly the same and yet so distant from Voldemort. Tom was still cognizant, still human.

If he had not split his soul that last time this war wouldn’t be happening. He would’ve been immortal, ruled them all and still had his Harri.

But he never learned.

At this moment, while he was stuck here, she was at Hogwarts with the first horcrux he ever made. A whole half of him and by this point the largest part of his soul. The stupidest part.

Voldemort’s wand hand twitched.

“You found me.” Tom finally uttered.

“It would seem so.”


Voldemort glided forward. “You too seem to forget I was you before you even existed.” He clutched Tom’s shirt. “I am the one who survived. I am the one who lived.”

“You cursed us.” Tom whispered. “You are the part that is left. The amalgamation of terrible things.”

Voldemort pierced him with his gaze. “You can try to go against me but you will fail and then you will return.”

“You’re not going to ask me how I live?”

Voldemort chuckled. “You do not need to tell me. I have seen how far her empathy extends.”

Tom touched Voldemort’s wrist, where even now after seven horcruxes he still had Harri’s words where Tom did not.

Voldemort snatched his hand away. “These feelings you and the other share are a weakness. Harri Potter is a weapon. She is not us.”

“You’re wrong.” Tom felt something like pity for himself. “She is the best part of us.”

Voldemort’s lips drew back in a snarl. “Enough of it.”

“You’re going to regret this one day.”

“Voldemort has no regrets.”

“I am not going to give you the answer you desire.”

“Not yet perhaps.”

He will not let this—

He will be killed while the sun still rises.”

It was Tom who snatched Voldemort’s robes this time. “You won’t touch her.”

Voldemort’s mouth curved into a callous grin. “I will not have to.”

Tom did not see it coming, when Voldemort threw the first spell.

Tea time in the great hall had become the best part of Harri's day. It was right before sunset and after classes finished. As they drank they would watch the sky descend into hues of purple and orange.

Everyone was relaxed, unlaced ties and tossed off robes. The windows were open and shouts and shrieks from the underclassmen rang in from time to time. Because it wasn’t a formal meal, there were no house tables.

Some fifth year Hufflepuffs were completing homework a few seats from Harri and one of them had their head buried in their book. It reminded her of Ron before finals in first year, trading chocolate cards under the table and pouting at Hermione.

To be fair, it wasn’t that different now. Ron and Blaise were playing chopsticks while Lavender flipped through a romance novel in between them. Their cups of jasmine tea were left cooling by the corners of their elbows.

Harri sat between Tom and Daphne, sharing a slice of red velvet cheesecake with Hermione and Maria who were across from her.

A meter over, Dean and Seamus were playing an intense match of chess with Alicia and Angelina. Ernie, Terry and Hannah were cajoling Professor Flitwick about ending their reading assignments right behind where Adrian, Theo and Miles were helping Professor Snape prepare ingredients for the seventh year leaving ceremony. Parvati and Ginny were also around, eavesdropping on Micheal and Zacharias's conversation with Susan, Tracy and Justin.

Harri looked around and thought of how well she now knew and cared about these people who'd once been strangers. She'd seen what they looked like when they were profoundly happy or having existential crises. How they sounded when they cried and kissed, how they were drunk, hurt or excited.

She thought, was it really that simple for Wormtail to betray her parents? For Bellatrix to try to kill Sirius? Wand against wand, brother against brother. Was pure blood worth it? Didn’t a shared life mean more? A conspiratorial smile in the corridor? Laughter and year's worth of memories?

She sighed and put down her tea.

A booklet dropped in front of her.

“Potter.” Draco gave her a half smile and pointed to the paper. “I had a question.”

Tom and Daphne peered down with Harri.

“Malfoy.” Harri opened the handout. “I might have an answer.”

She easily recognized Narcissa Malfoy’s handwriting and nothing else. Narcissa had scribbled a paragraph using runes. Draco didn’t take runes.

“I’m having a difficult time comprehending the content of this feature,” Draco said. “I wanted you to see if you could decipher it. I think it’s of great consequence.”

Daphne pressed her head against Harri’s to get a better look. Hermione, Blaise and Ron crossed over to their side of the table to see as well.

Harri, for her part, observed Draco. His hand was trembling.

“Is this about your special assignment?” She asked softly.

Ron placed his hand on Draco’s hip.

“No, I don’t think so. I think it’’s a recommendation for the near future. But I can’t seem to decrypt it.”

“A code?” Daphne murmured. Hermione traced the runes.

“I should be able to understand a few words because I studied runes as a child.” Draco muttered under his breath. “But the pattern isn’t regular.”

“It isn’t. This is coded specifically for you.” Blaise laid his arm on Hermione’s shoulder.

“Can you think of what pattern your mother would have used?” Harri questioned.

Draco bit his lip.

“You have to.” Ron began tapping his foot. “Think.”

Overwhelmed, Draco ran his hands through his hair.

Tom pulled the paper towards himself. “I think I might know. I read about it recently for Vector.”

“I remember!” Hermione snapped her fingers. “I used that book too. We left it in the room of requirement didn’t we? Come Draco, let's go see if it's there.”

“I’ll go with.” Ron reached out.

“No.” Harri pulled him down by the back of his shirt. “Stay and help us try to solve it.”

“Yes please Ron. You’re good at solving riddles.” Draco pleaded.

Ron grumbled at him and Harri’s raised eyebrows. “Fine.” He reclined in his seat.

Hermione drew Draco towards the door. "I'll go as well." Tom leaned down and pushed his nose into Harri’s cheek. “You didn’t sleep properly last night and you haven’t touched your tea. Finish it and take a nap.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek and followed Draco and Hermione.

Harri watched him go and then her, Ron and Blaise began to pour over the letter. Maria and Lavender watched them, already bored and not understanding any of the numbers or rune equations they started discussing.

Harri had lifted her cup to her mouth again when Colin came skipping over. He stuck a piece of parchment into her lap.

“From the headmaster again?” Harri inquired.

“Yeah.” Colin beamed. “Look, he gave me three lemon drops too. Do you want one?”

“No thanks Colin.”

“I’ll take one.” Maria offered.

Colin passed it on.

Harri opened the message.

warm woolen mittens…
these are a few of my favorite things

She stood.

“Surely you’re not leaving?” Ron accused.

Harri held her palms up. “Dumbledore’s orders.”

“Favoritism.” Blaise stuck his tongue out.

Daphne shoved his head down. “I’m sure it’s more important.”

“I’m sure it’s not.”

“Don’t worry Harri. You go. And I’ll finish your tea for you.” Lavender reassured and poured half a cups worth of creamer in the cup.

“Right, well I’m off then.”

For the first time in as long as Harri could remember, Professor Dumbledore was waiting for her by his office’s window rather than behind his desk. He welcomed her inside without a smile and called her over to stand next to him.

She surveyed him as he continued to stare at the view of the Black lake and forbidden forest.

They stayed in a shared silence. Harri bit the inside of her cheek, awkwardly peering between her headmaster, the day outside and the office.

After another few minutes, he turned to her. “I forget sometimes how many years have gone by. It is only when I look at you Harri and see how much you’ve grown that I am reminded times has passed.”

His eyes were as grey as they’d always been but today there was a sorrow in them. “I am unsure if I have ever told you how terrified I’ve been since the day you stepped into this castle.” Dumbledore touched the top of her head with his withered hands. “I never had children of my own though. And though I consider my students mine in some capacity, you are the sole one I have always felt entirely responsible for. I hope you know I tried to make every effort. No one ever taught me how to protect a child in terrible danger.”

Harri was touched. “I-I understand.”

“Excuse my melancholy musings Harri. I think I am finally feeling my age. You know, I don’t believe I ever explained why I brought Tom back when you were expecting me to destroy the locket. Maybe it was a naive notion but the answer is that I am a man who has gotten too many things wrong to give up on second chances.”

One of the portraits made an upset sound. The others shushed him.

Dumbledore gave a lopsided smile. “Tom was one of my biggest regrets for decades. After he left Hogwarts I felt such grief over how I could have been better to him, a kinder face to a lost boy at the start. Maybe I could have saved him and all the pain he wrought. Did I ever tell you he came back here once?”

Harri shook her head and listened with rapture to these new recollections of him.

“He wanted to teach and I denied him. He was too far gone, I thought but I still would like to show you the memory. I want to show you all the memories I saved of him from back then. I believe it will give you a greater understanding of Voldemort. For he was the only one who lived all of it, not just until fifteen, sixteen like your Tom.” Dumbledore waved his hand and his pensieve flew towards them.

They entered it together.

First came the Gaunts. Morfin and Marvolo, the shack where they’d lived, the Gaunt ring and Tom’s mother and father.

Harri watched Dumbledore piece together, memory to memory, that Merope had drugged Tom Senior with a love potion. They'd run away and she'd fallen pregnant. In love, and mentally fragile, Merope had stopped giving the amortentia, thinking he would stay. But he hadn't. He left her and their unborn baby. Merope, at that point hopeless and desolate, sold Slytherin's locket to Borgin and Burke to survive. But she starved herself rather than use magic, rather than live to be with her son who needed her.

Next came little Tom and the orphanage he despised. There was London, Dumbledore in a suit and wretched Mrs. Cole too. Tom was young and precious. So soft and afraid. Harri mourned for him and longed to hold him in her arms.

When he spoke she could see all the emotions he was trying to hide and the front he was putting on. Though his mask had become indestructible as he got older, at that moment the cracks were easy to unearth.

“I’m not mad!”

“Hogwarts is not a school for mad people. It is a school of magic.”


Harri watched the understanding wash across Tom's face.

Magic Magic Magic.

I’m magic.

The realization that the isolation he'd felt his entire life wasn’t all in his head. He was different for a reason.

Tom’s face flushed and he trembled.

Dumbledore became too harsh with him.

“You dislike the name ‘Tom’?”

“There are a lot of Toms.”

“Was my father a wizard? He was called Tom Riddle too, they’ve told me.”

“My mother can’t have been magic, or she wouldn’t have died,”

“I can speak to snakes. I found out when we’ve been to the country on trips—they find me, they whisper to me. Is that-is that normal for a wizard?”

Next was Tom at fifteen, right before he'd made his first horcrux. There were back in the Gaunt shack. Tom met Morfin, heard a half tale of his parents and then took the ring and left.

Harri knew after he walked out, he went to Riddle Manor. He killed his father and his grandparents and made his first horcrux. He had told her so.

The last scene was of Tom and Dumbledore, in the same room Harri was standing in. He looked less like Tom Riddle than ever. This was after he'd made the diadem and locked away the last of himself. This was Voldemort.

His features were distorted, not human but not the caricature Harri knew today. With a voice she couldn't recognize, she watched him speak.

There were parts of the conversation Harri would not be able to get out of her mind for a long time. The coalescence of Tom into Voldemort had never been so physically blatant. Never were they both as clearly the same as she could see here.

“They do not call me ‘Tom’ anymore,”

“The old argument, but nothing I have seen in the world has supported your famous pronouncements that love is more powerful than my kind of magic, Dumbledore.”

“Perhaps you have been looking in the wrong places,”

Maybe Dumbledore thought he could still save him. But Tom was already gone.

“I am glad to hear that you consider them friends,” said Dumbledore. “I was under the impression that they are more in the order of servants.”

“You are mistaken,”

“Then if I were to go to the Hog’s Head tonight, I would not find a group of them—Nott, Rosier, Mulciber, Dolohov—awaiting your return? ”

Voldemort stood up. His features thick with rage. “This is your final word?”

“It is,” said Dumbledore, also standing.

“Then we have nothing more to say to each other.”

“No, nothing,” said Dumbledore, and a great sadness filled his face. “The time is long gone when I could frighten you with a burning wardrobe and force you to make repayment for your crimes. But I wish I could, Tom… I wish I could…”

It was sad to know what happened after Voldemort stepped out of the office.

He would wander up the corridors and into the room of hidden things. He would place the diadem beneath a cushion and no one would touch it again for another thirty eight years.

A fear crept into Harri. Seeing what Tom had turned into once, seeing the deterioration through memory and knowing what her Tom had told her last year, that he wanted to make another... she realized she may have to tell Dumbledore about the horcruxes. Commit the ultimate betrayal to Tom. But was also sure Dumbledore already had an inkling.

They pulled out of the pensieve.

She turned to open her mouth, prepared to disclose at least about the ring and the diadem. “Professor I have to confess something.”

“I’m afraid it must wait.” He drew his pocket watch out and rushed her towards the door. “Tell me in a moment my dear girl. At this time I am going to need you to go collect your invisibility cloak and meet me at the astronomy tower. We have somewhere we need to go.”

Harri was left open mouthed as he pushed her out and closed the office door on her. She quickly turned and prowled toward her common room. Gryffindor was empty but for a few of the first years. She assumed everyone else was outside, enjoying the day. It didn't take long for her to grab a jacket and bury her cloak and the marauder’s map in one of her pockets.

Harri glanced up at the windows on her way out and noticed the sun was finally setting.

She raced to the astronomy tower and spared a thought for her friends. Had Tom, Hermione and Draco managed to find the book? Had Ron, Blaise, Daphne, Maria and Lavender somehow uncovered Narcissa’s letter?

She was out of breath by the time she reached the top of the tower. Dumbledore was waiting for her on the balcony.


She nodded.

“From this moment on when I tell you to do something you must listen to me without question.”


“Swear to me. If I tell you to hide or to run or even to leave me, you must do as I say.”

Professor Dumbledore.

“You must promise me, Harri. If you trust me you will obey my command, for we do not have much time.”

“I…I suppose sir.”


With a horrible squeeze and twist, they were gone.

Draco couldn’t quite quell the quick beating of his heart. He understood at this point his punishment from Voldemort was inevitable and his instructions were an impossible task.

He wasn’t expected to succeed but he would reap the consequences of his father’s failures all the same.

He accepted that. He knew the end of the year was days away and he would return home and face his penance.

What he never anticipated was the letter from his mother out of the blue. It felt very much like a dark omen that left him thinking the clock was ticking on a bomb.

When he, Tom and Hermione passed the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and the dancing trolls, Tom summoned the door. Once in the room, Draco realized to some dismay that there were piles of century's worth of lost things they would have to scour in search of one book.

“Accio ‘The Fibonacci Rune’!” Hermione attempted to call it to them. There was a thud from somewhere deep inside the room. Draco followed the noise, Hermione and Tom on his heels. They roamed through five different turns before they got lost and ended up near some large objects covered in cloth.

There was another thud directly in front of them, from within the covers.

Hermione grabbed Draco's arm. “Don’t.”

“But the noise is from inside?”

Hermione moved him back. “I don’t think that’s the book. If we left it out then the room wouldn’t have moved it inside of something. That’s not part of its properties. It’s like how it can’t conjure food or create anything. Unless someone wanted the book placed inside whatever this is, it wouldn’t have been moved. And Tom said he just left it out, right Tom?”

Tom draped his hand over Draco’s shoulder. “I did. But this doesn’t mean whatever is inside should just be left.”

Draco gave Tom an odd look. He never touched anyone voluntarily but Harri.

Hermione crossed her arms. “Yes, yes it does.”

Draco bit his lip. “Come on Mione! We really need this book.”

“Don’t you dare pull off that cover Draco Malfoy.”

Another thud.

“Let me just check.”

“Draco don’t!”


Daphne threw her head back and groaned. “I can’t look at it anymore.”

Blaise dropped the paper. “It’s too ambiguous.”

“It must be really urgent though. Mrs. Malfoy never sends Draco letters out of order.” Ron murmured. He was writing out letters and matching them with the rune symbols but none of them were the same.

“If it was really that important why did she make it so difficult to read?”

“Maybe because she lives under constant threat from you-know-you and is afraid of risking her own life and her sons. Especially since her husband's life is already f*cked.”

“Point made.”

"Is anyone else hungry?" Lavender said out of the blue.

Maria raised her head. "Starving."

“Could the two of you pretend to care even a little bit?” Daphne hissed, irritated at their lack of interest.

“There’s no need to be violent.” Maria cracked her neck. “Give it here then.”

Daphne pushed the page to her. None of them paid attention while she read, thinking she probably wouldn’t get anything either but just wanting her to look at the very least.

“Wait I know this!”

Ron straightened up immediately. “You do?”

“Why didn’t you say so!” Blaise admonished.

Maria brought the parchment closer to her face and dragged Ron’s scribbling paper over. “My mama used to make us do these practices during the summers before Hogwarts. She said if we were going to let our brains rot with television we owed her to exercise them a little.”

She started to write. “You just have to match the rune number with its roman numeral and take the first english letter of the number sounded out. So for this rune, the roman numeral is XVIII which is eighteen so the first rune number is the letter E. I’ve done this a million times.”

“We thought something similar but the runes are unrecognizable,” Lavender grumbled.

“I forget to mention the runes are in Spanish.”

“Why would Draco’s mum put Spanish runes? He doesn't speak Spanish.” Blaise asked, bewildered.

“Because she’s an extremely intelligent woman who knows I’m one of her son's close friends and he would give it over to us to figure out.”

Ron pursed his mouth. “That does seem like the type of convoluted behavior a Malfoy would exhibit.”

“She’s your soulmate’s mother, you tosser.”

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing!”

“Shut up and let me write this!”

Daphne began to combine and read the words aloud while Maria wrote the letters one by one.

Attack …”

“No f*cking way.” Blaise swore, smacking his forehead. "Please. Not today."

Lavender shrugged helplessly. “It is June, the time of year when our lives are typically put in imminent danger.”

Hogwarts …” Maria blanched.

“What the f*ck?”

“Hurry please!”

Traitor …” The color drained off Ron’s face.

“Oh my God.”

School …”

“Guys we need to get a professor.”

Warn Dumbledore …”

“We need to get a professor right now!”

Attack on Hogwarts tonight.
Traitor inside school.
Warn Dumbledore.
Hide. Hide.

When the world came back into focus, Harri tasted the salt and sea. She was standing on the edge of a cliff right above the ocean. Wind blew hostile across the surface of the water, making the waves ebb and flow like two sides of a shrieking gate.

“We must make haste.” Dumbledore yelled over the noise.

He clasped her arm with great fervor and they hiked on unsteady feet until they reached the yawning entrance of a cave. Inside, it was shallow and stopped mere meters in to a wall.

“Why are we here?”

Dumbledore ran his palms across the rough planes of the walls of the cave, in search of something. “When you gave me the locket, you can understand I was quite surprised. I had been following many leads to find it myself and they’d already led me here. Through my deductions, Voldemort should have hidden the locket in this cave himself. And I think he did. He did and yet it ended up somewhere else. This is why he was so angry when he discovered not only was it not here but with you and he didn't know how or why.”

“Kreacher told me Regulus Black was the one who brought it to Grimmauld place. Regulus told him to destroy it but Kreacher couldn’t.”

Dumbledore’s hands stopped moving at the center of the wall. “That did cross my mind when you told me how it appeared in your bag. Regulus was one of Voldemort’s followers. If he asked something of Regulus to do with the locket and this cave, it is possible that is when he figured it out and decided to take action. He may have died right after he gave Kreacher the locket. Whether that was by Voldemort’s hands or....”

Or his dead body would be the first thing they found inside. Harri grimaced. The only positive aspect here was that this could finally give Sirius some closure on the death of his beloved brother.

Dumbledore made a cut on the palm of his hand.

Harri protested.

“You made a promise.” Was Dumbledore’s only response. He wiped his blood across the wall and it groaned open. The sound brought Harri back to the Chamber of Secrets. She took her wand out.


In the innermost crevice of the cave was a lake that held a single row boat and a small island a kilometer inside. On that island was a lone podium, the perfect hidden place for an item as precious as a piece of one’s soul.

Harri opened her mouth again, ready to explain that she knew what these pieces of Tom were and why Dumbledore was desperate to learn all he could about Slytherin's locket, but he spoke first.

“That is what we are here for.”

He pulled the rowboat over and instructed Harri to get settled in first.

As the boat dragged itself across the lake, under the light of her wand, Harri spotted movement underneath the water that did not look like fish. She hoped this wouldn’t be another round against sea creatures, similar to the selkies in the second task.

The boat touched the island. They got out. It was now noticeable that the podium had a bowl built on top and inside that bowl, in some potion, was the replica of Slytherin’s locket.

“What is this?”

“Some poisonous concoction I presume.” Dumbledore turned to her with a grave appearance. “I’m going to ask you to do something you will greatly abhor me for but you gave me your word Harri. I’m going to drink this so that we can get this necklace. If my suspicions are correct then there are answers with it that we very much need.”

“Poison? This is poison?”

“If I know Voldemort well, and I think I do, it will cause me a great deal of suffering but not kill me. No matter what I say when under its influence, you have to make me finish drinking it.”

“But why can’t I drink it?”

“Because you are under my care and I am not going to cause you incidental pain. You gave me your vow and now I request you to uphold it.”

Dumbledore stared her down until she said yes.

Tepidly, she took a rock from the ground and transfigured it into a cup. She filled the cup with some of the potion and held it up for him. He drank and shivered yet gestured for her to go on. She poured one drink after the other. Dumbledore choked and cried out several times. It felt like the cruelest thing. He pleaded for her to stop and though she felt ill, she kept forcing him to drink.

“Please,” Dumbledore hunched over and begged for it to end. At the time she thought he could take it no more, the liquid dried up. Harri immediately snatched the locket from the empty basin and handed it to Dumbledore.

She helped him rise to his feet and open the replica.

Inside there was a note.

To the Dark Lord,
I know I will be dead long before you read this
but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret.
I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can.
I face death in the hope that when you meet your match,
you will be mortal once more.

Diary, Knockturn Alley

On the day's Tom had thought about his return to England after fifty some years, he imagined he might get some time to see how the world had changed in his absence.

He also desired to measure out what he would say to Harri when he saw her again, under his own terms and without the diadem’s interfering presence. There was much that had been lost in desperation, resentment and fury.

After a week wasted figuring out how to illegally internationally travel as a person who did not exist or existed in too many bodies without Saguini's help, he was exhausted. He thought he may have time to rest and then think.

He made the childish executive decision to drop by Fortescue’s for ice cream. Unfortunately, he lasted there only five minutes before he was disturbed.

Tom had only begun his confundus charm, waiting for his order, when he heard a commotion from the couple behind him. Some boring ministry worker had run into the stall and was shouting at them. “Kingsley sent Aurors to Hogwarts! There are death eaters attacking the school!”

You must be taking the piss.

Tom ogled the dessert menu sadly. He wouldn’t get a bite after all. He cast a cleanup charm on himself and apparated away.

“Ah! Here we are, one mint chocolate chip!” David Fortescue turned around with a triple scoop sundae to find all three of his customers had vanished.

“This would have been the last thing he did before death.” Dumbledore coughed. “Voldemort didn’t kill him. This confirms it. Or he would have gone to Grimmauld place himself once he read the note. He never knew Regulus betrayed him.”

Harri swallowed. Kreacher had told her Regulus instructed him to destroy the horcrux but this was confirmation from Regulus’s own hands. The first person to discover lord Voldemort’s horcruxes and sacrifice himself and no one knew.

I know I will be dead long before you read this...

Sirius had spent the past sixteen years thinking his brother died his enemy. Harri clutched the note and tucked it in her pocket along with the replica locket.

Sirius needed to see this. Regulus must have come here alone, drank that wretched potion, traded the necklaces, given Kreacher the real one, and what?

“Headmaster, I still don't understand how he died. He didn't open the locket and the potion didn’t kill him so what did?”

Dumbledore coughed again. “Harri please, water.”

Harri tried to augumenti water into the cup. Water didn’t come. Dumbledore wheezed and clung to the basin. Desperate, she dropped down and grabbed a cup full of lake water.

She handed it to Dumbledore with one hand, wanting to stay down to grab him another when something cold touched her fingertips. Harri peeked down.

It was the thing she’d seen below the surface of the water. An inferi. She screamed.


The inferi heaved but continued grappling for her. And from behind him, it seemed like hordes more were suddenly swimming their way.


Harri crawled back as the bodies climbed up the rocks.


The creatures fell back from the fire. Harri climbed onto her feet, wheezing. She grabbed Dumbledore and they both clambered onto the boat again.

“I've never seen that many inferi before.” Harri whispered, disgusted.

There'd been a whole chapter on inferi in one of Hagrid’s assigned summer readings. They'd given Harri nightmares.

“Hundreds of them.” Dumbledore speculated.

The boat took them back to the opening of the cave. This time Harri used her own blood to get the wall open. She helped Dumbledore straighten and cast whatever healing charms she knew on him. He stood easier but his complexion was still haggard. At a slow pace, they trudged their way out to the cliff.

As soon as they were out, Dumbledore stopped moving and studied the roaring waves. Unbelievably, he smiled. “How beautiful.”

Harri reaffirmed her grip on his arm. “Professor, about Regulus,”

He hummed.

“I know about horcruxes.” The words slipped out of her. She waited for a big reaction, anger maybe, or just vexation. Dumbledore’s expression didn’t change.

“I thought you might.”

“You did?”

“You are his soulmate Harri.”

As if that was that. Like it wasn’t the most heinous of crimes and she hadn’t kept this secret for long. Then, like a tap left open, the rest of the words leaked out of Harri.

“Way back in third year I found Ravenclaw’s diadem. To summarize, he stayed with me for a year and then vanished but he never told me what he was. It was Tom, the locket, who told me about hocruxes when I first met him. And I've been open about how I dream of Voldemort but I dream of the diadem too. He wants to help me. What's more, Voldemort came to me at the gala before the attack on the ministry. He was wearing the Gaunt ring which I’d seen on Evan Rosier before but obviously I hadn't known it was the Gaunt ring then. Voldemort all but told me it was a horcrux. ”

Dumbledore placed his hand over Harri’s. “Do not think I am angry. I am not. I can understand your reservations. I’m glad you know what they are. I’m glad you’ve located so many of them. We need to find them all to truly deal with Voldemort.”

“Tom says he doesn’t know how many exist exactly.”

"The diadem hasn't told you?"

"No...he..." He hadn't.

“I wouldn’t be sure about that Harri.” Dumbledore said. “I suspect he made seven. Professor Slughorn was the first person he asked as I’m sure locket Tom must have told you. In the memory I took from Slughorn he questions if anyone has made more than one. He specifically mentions the number seven. I think your Tom believes there are most likely that many as well, simply because that is how many he planned to create. The diadem may not know about all seven but I'm disappointed he hasn't told you about the ones he knows that you haven't encountered. Couldn't he have told you about the ring at the very least?”

But Harri was numb to his criticism.

He made seven horcruxes?” She whispered, frightened.

Dumbledore gave her a forlorn look. “Seven is considered to be the most magically powerful number. A wizard such as Tom would want a specific and certain amount. ”

Seven horcruxes.

Seven for the seven seas, for the seven heavens and days of the week, for the seven notes on a musical scale.

“So, the diary, the diadem, the locket, the ring…”

“Slytherin’s locket and Ravenclaws diadem. Not Gryffindor’s sword so that leaves us with?”

“Helga Hufflepuff’s cup.”

“I also believe that last must be his snake Nagini.”

“The last? But that’s only six.”

“The seventh piece is the one that resides in the body. The wraith that spent all those years wandering the forests and is now who we refer to as Voldemort.”

Harri forced a reply. “There isn’t much hope to save him is there? Seven. He made seven. Voldemort’s soul is nothing.

“It is not nothing.” Dumbledore caught her gaze. “Do not make the same mistakes I made. Whatever has happened or will happen does not matter. He is your soul and because of that, you are the one person who is allowed to have hope for him. I know you didn’t believe me when you discovered that Voldemort was your soulmate but it is true."

His eyebrows knotted.

"The curse is like a blade, it cuts both ways. Care for it well and it will be yours to wield. Put it to wrong use and it will make you bleed. This hatred he has is born from what he is missing. You just need to learn how to turn it back. You are already doing it,” Dumbledore touched her chin. “You must always remember that, even when I am gone.”

Harri lowered her head. She didn’t want Dumbledore to see what was in her eyes. “I will.”

“Good.” He wavered. “You must apparate us back to Hogwarts now. I do not think I can stand much longer.”

Harri re-positioned their arms and recalled the instructions from her March apparation lessons. Think of exactly where you want to go. You’ve been there before. She pictured the gates of Hogwarts, laughter and the smell of freshly mowed grass. They popped away.

They reappeared a little further than she’d wanted, in a backstreet in Hogsmeade. Nevertheless, Harri had all her toes and ten fingers thus it was a success.

She took a look around the village, seeing if she could spot anyone. One stare at the sky and Harri went numb.

The dark mark hung over Hogwarts.

“Your invisibility cloak.” Dumbledore whispered frantically. “Now Harri!”

She fumbled in her pocket and hauled it out to throw over the both of them. She was shorter than Dumbledore by a significant amount but it would have to do.

“Summon your broom, we need to return to the Astronomy tower at once. I must find Severus.”

“You’re too weak! We need to—there may be death eaters! What if Voldemort is here?”

“Harri you promised.”

She squeezed her lips together, frustrated. “Accio firebolt!”

The days she’d spent practicing with Hermione have always been worth it. The firebolt came to her hand within a seconds.

Her and Dumbledore climbed on and the broom took them out of Hogsmeade and through the castle wards. There was no one on the grounds and no noises could be heard from the walls. She wasn’t sure what was happening. Where was the attack?

Dumbledore angled the broom and they started ascending the side of the astronomy tower. They reached the balcony and climbed out.

Dumbledore held onto a corner wall and Harri jerked the invisibility cloak off of them. She had just pivoted to the right and dropped her broom when there was the sound of someone moving.

“Harri.” Dumbledore breathed in an alarmed voice.

She stopped dead, expecting the worst.

“Harri.” Tom’s voice came.

But it was wrong.

She spun around. Tom was standing in the center of the room. He was still in his school uniform. He looked the same as she’d left him.

But his wand was pressed against Draco’s neck.



Too late, too late you see the path of wisdom, Sophocles warned.

“Tom,” Harri whispered. “What are you doing?”

“Unhand Draco.” Dumbledore commanded.

“Harri.” Tom locked eyes with her. His were aflame. He looked crazedpossessed. Nothing like the boy she loved.

“Harri don’t listen to him.” Dumbledore declared.

“Don’t speak to her.” Tom hissed and stabbed his wand deeper into Draco’s trachea. Draco whimpered. His own wand was nowhere to be seen and his arms were frozen by his sides. It seemed he was spelled to the spot.

What. Are. You. Doing.” Harri said each word slowly, softly, unbelieving what her eyes beheld her.

“I am doing what I always meant to do from the moment Dumbledore brought me back. He manipulated me into an oath when I didn’t know who you were. He knew I would be powerless after the fact.”

“I don’t understand…” She blinked, hoping something would make sense.

“If he dies I’m free. Voldemort’s promised me he won’t touch you. He’s given me his own unbreakable vow. We’ll go to him and–”

“Go to Voldemort? Have you lost your mind? Have the past two years been all in my head?”

“I knew you’d say that Harri but it’s not about Voldemort. It’s about you and me. Come with me. We belong together.”

“We belong here! You know that’s not what I want. You know I’d never say yes to that. Tom, what are you doing? I can't...”

Tom burned. “You don’t choose me? After everything?”

“Choose you? What kind of choice is this?”

Harri couldn't understand what was happening. They'd been fine! They'd been happy! How could he do this?

She was tired of this cycle. Trying to hold on to Tom was like catching water between her palms. For a moment he was there and the next he fell through the gaps in her fingers. Harri was tired of clawing at him. If he wanted to go… “No. I don’t choose this.”

Tom’s face fell and she could see the devastation right before he put his mask back on. “Fine.” He turned his wand to Dumbledore. “Then I don’t choose you.”

Quicker than Harri could move towards him, Dumbledore froze her. She became as immobile as Draco.

“You are a fool Tom Riddle.” Dumbledore stared at Tom with bottomless disappointment.

Tom gnashed his teeth. “We are all fools.” He gave Harri a tortured and murderous look. “Me most of all.”

“Tom.” She whispered again. Maybe if she said his name enough he would smile that precious smile and say this was all a joke, a misunderstanding. They were soulmates. Prophecized enemies and lovers. They were supposed to last lifetimes. “Do not go where I cannot follow.”

“But Harri, you wish me to be a villain, don’t you? You have never let me forget it. And now you finally admit you don’t want this. Want me. So don't worry. I'll show you a villain. A real horror."

“That’s not it! You know it! You're being awful!”

“I'm being awful?”

Her face creased. “You promised me. You said-”

Tom scoffed. “So I have feelings." He swallowed harshly. "So I have them for you. So I didn’t think you’d try to stop me.”

A tremulous rage took shape in Harri. “You’re a f*cking liar and a coward and if you do this I’ll hate you forever.”

Tom glowered. “Don’t you already?”

He looked back at Dumbledore. But Dumbledore didn’t lift a finger to protect himself. He turned his head to catch sight of Harri instead. “While I'm gone,” He said, his eyes twinkling. “dream me the world. Something new for every night.”

Tom sneered.

"Avada Kedavra!"

And Dumbledore fell down, down, down.




The Tom quotes from Dumbledore’s pensieve and Regulus’s note are taken directly from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. The “so i have feelings” line is from Richard Siken. When Dumbledore says “the curse is like a blade” it is a paraphrase of a few lines from Hiding in the Leaves by aventria, iluxia on ao3. Dumbledore’s last line is from The Raven King by Maggie Steffiever. I loved all of them too much to not include them.

Chapter 42: goodnight, sweet prince


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Chapter 42: goodnight, sweet prince

“But if I could undo the passing of the days,
why not unwind them to before I killed?
Why not unwind them until my parents are alive,
why not unwind them all the way to the beginning?”
—Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

This was the thing about Tom Riddle.

He was all cheekbones and eyelashes. Beautiful curly hair and dimples when he smiled. He was tall, lips the color of strawberries and eyes that you could sink into.

But if you found yourself deep enough you would drown in.

Then he laughed, creased the curves of his eyelids and broke your heart. And he knew it.

He knew it, he knew it, he knew it.

Room of Requirement, Before Attack

Growing up, Hermione had never been particularly good with people. She never knew the right things to say or do that would please them. Her words were always unexpected and she was unsure of how to fix them in her head to make them right for everyone else when they came out. She didn’t enjoy noisy rooms or pretending to like things boys did to keep them interested. She'd tried and failed at that too much to keep doing it.

Hermione learned early on that it was better for her to be in a quiet corner with a good book and watch others. It was the safer option and infinitely more rewarding. To her, you were always better off knowing what you were best at and sticking to it. It wasn’t that she thought she was better than anyone else, merely that she figured she fit in the world a different way.

But Hogwarts ended up being a contraction to everything she knew. At eleven, she met people that were interested in what she had to say. She came to love her friends, she found it easy to talk to them and she felt right in the wizarding world. In this nurturing environment, she learned how to connect her two aspects of personality to become a whole rounded person.

By the time she was thirteen, she'd perfected reading people outside her circle and dealing with them.

Or so she’d thought.

Tom was, for one, unreadable and two, extensively better than her at everything. He knew exactly how to watch, observe and react to get what he desired from everyone around him. And unlike Hermione, he did not do it to fit in, be accepted or live his life in peace. He did it as a means to a very specific end.

He was enigmatic. He was intelligent. He was perfect.

This meant Tom was dangerous.

Hermione knew it. Ron knew it. Harri knew it. Yet somehow, they all forgot it.

She’d felt that something was wrong when he willingly came with her and Draco. He didn’t normally like being apart from Harri if he could help it and she felt he was acting strange, even if his words or actions didn’t show that.

Somehow it still caught her off guard when he pointed his wand at her.


Hermione was relieved at least that she still kept the gold galleon from last year in her pocket. She was greatful Harri had left one to Sirius in the summer.

Her message to him flared through just as her head thudded against the ground.

Ministry of Magic, Before Attack

Sirius didn’t mind gathering intel for the order. Most of the time it was consequential information and the places he traveled to were sequestered enough that no one recognized him. He only found it difficult to play nice with the heads of the ministry. He was lucky that being two-faced was one of the lessons his mother drilled into him from a young age that actually sunk in and followed him through into his adult life. In the Auror department at eighteen, it had been easy to pretend to like the higher ups, because he was able to justify their behavior.

However, now more than a decade older and a victim of their ineptitude, if he spoke to them without a sneer they were fortunate. Holding a conversation with the head of International Magical Cooperation, David Roseborn was such a case. The man was an incapable wizard and it was times like these that Sirius truly understood the need of pureblood deception. He wanted his loved ones safe and he didn’t care who he had to tear down to make it happen but somehow he still had to play nice with men like Roseborn.

“The Germans desire to stay out of any unsavoriness as they still feel haunted by Grindlewald's past. Personally, I believe they hold resentment towards us for not aiding them back then. Though it was our own Dumbledore that defeated him again.”

“Right,” Sirius deadpanned. “Again, about the meetings in Vauxhall—

“—And I could understand that logic has no rule over emotion but they have no comprehension of how far you-know-who’s campaign will go. For him to even return is a feat not many dark lords have accomplished. There was Merwyn the Malicious... now that was a particularly foul man Sirius,”

When Roseborn paused to take a breath, Sirius's pocket itched. The man continued his tirade, beginning with a description of the wound his great great grandfather suffered in war as Sirius hastily reached for his galleon. It was the first time he received any form of communication through the coin.

He put it face up in his palm and cursed the affliction of being right.

The message said, 'T for Traitor ’.

Great Hall, Before Attack

“An attack? On the school?” Professor McGonagall yelled. “Are you out of your mind Mr. Weasley?”

They were gathered near the teacher's entrance to the hall. Ron squished the paper in his fist for the fifth time in the last minute. “I know our explanation sounds outrageous.”

“Oh, you mean the letter from Narcissa Malfoy, suspiciously coded in a very convoluted way that you seemed to have figured out?”


McGonagall glanced at Daphne, Maria, and Lavender, imploring them with her eyes.

“Hogwarts wards have withstood mightier forces than that of a few death eaters.”

“Clearly there are other ways to get in!” Lavender blurted. “We’re running out of time.” She peered back at the doorways and the windows like she was expecting someone to jump through the glass at any second.

“We need to get aurors and the order here this second. The students need to be evacuated!” Ron urged.

“As it so happens Mr. Weasley the order is already here today on the headmaster's behalf.”

Ron sighed, soothed. “Fantastic.”

“Why did Headmaster Dumbledore call the order beforehand?” Daphne pondered, confused.

“He informed me that he would be out of the castle with some business outside of school.”

“With Harri?” Blaise questioned.


Maria coughed. “You mean to say she isn’t here?”

“Not at this moment no.”

Ron fixed his eyes out the window. Murky clouds were rolling in. "That isn't good."

From the distance, there was a loud thump.

McGonagall’s head snapped up. A hush fell over the room.

Lavender grabbed Blaise’s shoulder. “Do you think that was…”

Another thump came. And another. Closer and closer.

A wicked laugh echoed.

Ron looked around the room, stepped down the aisle and shouted. “Wands out!”

There was a collision against the door. It burst open, revealing six bodies.

Astronomy Tower, Present

Harri physically felt Dumbledore die as the spell he'd placed on her faded, leaving her able to move.

“What have you done?” Draco choked out to Tom in a shaky tone.

Tom pushed him against the wall. “Shut up Malfoy!” His eyes were blown wide and red, but his expression was the blankest Harri’d seen.

If the boy she loved ever existed, he was not in this room.

“You f*cking bastard!” Draco cried out. “We never should have trusted you!”

Tom scoffed. “Slippery words from a viper's son.”

It seemed his spell had worn off though because Draco was able to elbow his chest. Tom, frenzied, rammed him to the ground.

Draco didn't know how to fight like a muggle. He was helpless without his wand.

But that was fine. Harri had hers.

She drew it out and Draco saw her move. Tom, however, turned his face later than he should have.

“Diffindo.” Her curse hit his back and three identical gashes sliced down his vertebrae. He cried out. Harri flinched, the sound of his pain was wretched.

Tom raised his arm and a shield formed wandlessly around him. Blood dripped onto the cobblestone below.

She attacked his barrier. “Repulso! Bombarda!”

Tom pressed a hand to his back, trying to treat his gashes with spells. Yet his healing spells would not work and now that he was too distracted to hold Draco off, Draco threw himself at him.

Tom was able to turn Draco’s way and fling him back, centimeters from the open edge Dumbledore had just fallen through.

“Impedementia! Confringo! Diruo!”

Tom's shield appeared to break under Harri's assault. He was pale and bleeding and had not prepared for the possibility of Harri turning her wand against him.

But she wasn’t twelve anymore. He could not possess her and betray her and expect her to cry over his broken body.

Harri thought of every curse she knew, picked the worst one and opened her mouth. Whether a blessing or a curse, blue light streamed into the room and stopped her.

She spun to see Snape running inside. He made straight for Tom and Harri thought to be relieved because he would know what to do. Dumbledore trusted him and Snape loved Dumbledore in his own way.

At least that was what Harri thought until he grabbed Tom’s arm and instead of stopping him or yelling, he pressed a hand against his back and told him, “Draco comes with.”

Harri moved, aiming to stop them. Snape sneered in her direction and put up his own protection.

Tom summoned Draco’s body to him and took Slytherin’s locket out from his neck. He hissed, “Fin", and looked at Harri as it activated.

"This isn't over." He whispered. He was wrathful and unforgiving. "This will never be over."

The portkey took him away.

The tower shuddered in the silence of their departure.

Harri wanted to sink to her knees. She might be in shock. By miserable luck though, now that they were gone, whatever spell had covered the noises outside the tower vanished along with them. Screaming and spellfire flooded the room like an avalanche.

The dark mark…death eaters…

She should help the fight...but she needed to go to Dumbledore. He would…he…she needed him...

Harri stumbled to the stairs. She ran down, chasing the closest shouts. She found herself amidst the battle.

Rodolphus Lestrange was in the doorway and he had Blaise on the ground. His wand was aimed at Blaise's throat. Harri shrieked and launched herself at him. His spell diverted and hit the wall behind them rather than Blaise.

Rodolphus snarled and punched her stomach. Blaise rolled over and grappled for his wand. “Stupefy!”

Rodolphus dodged the hit and took Harri with him. She elbowed his back and he yelped, shoving her away. She got up away from him and he threw hex after hex aimlessly. Most of them hit their surroundings but a few clipped Harri on the tips of her fingers.

She retaliated. “Incisura.”

The curse hit the edge of his nose and blood gushed forth. He grinned. “Sirius's spell.” He licked the crimson from his teeth.


“Inalgesco!” Blaise’s aim was precise yet Lestrange was quick, springy.


f*ck. “Motus!” Harri’s spell moved Blaise out of the way. He ran to her. They seized each other's hands and angled themselves to face Rodolphus, who was still smirking from ear to ear and wearing his bloody gashes like armor.

There was a breath and then Rodolphus attempted to close the distance between them.

Blaise stepped up and threw his arm out in a slicing motion. “Bombarda!”

Rodolphus shifted and created a whirlpool with his wand, sending it ripping through empty air. Harri repelled it and it hit the ceiling, shattering the chandelier above them. She took the chance to aim for him again. “Confundo.” The jinx hit home on his spine and he crumpled.

Free, Blaise pulled Harri and they bolted.

They sprinted past Rodolphus’s prone form and into the corridor. Jets of light fell over them. Order members were locked in conflict with death eaters. As they made it a passage over, they found Viktor taking down one of the men from the ministry battle. Mulciber. Viktor gave them a nod and kicked Mulciber down. On the corridor after, there was Remus and Nymphy, chasing out the Carrow twins back to back. The death eaters were clearly losing and Harri heard Mulciber roar from the entrance for them to retreat.

She and Blaise kept going. She didn’t care to get caught in a fight, she needed to reach the bottom of the astronomy tower and find Dumbledore’s body. If he was there...then he really was gone.

They elapsed empty hallways where students were huddled in corners. They bypassed the ghosts, a few professors and Filch before making it to the great hall. Lavender and Daphne saw them instantly.

“Harri you’re back,” They gripped her and Blaise. “We figured out the letter but it was too late. Narcissa Malfoy sent a warning about this ambush.”

“Is this blood? Are you okay?”

Harri opened her mouth.

Maria and Ron came running out next and Harri could see McGonagall in the entrance, leading aurors up the steps.

“Where’s Tom?”

“Hermione and Draco? You didn’t run into them?”

McGonagall spotted Harri and exhaled in relief. “Is the headmaster with you?” But she must have seen the truth on her face. McGonagall stumbled back. "No..."

Harri bypassed them and marched out the front doors.

“What’s wrong?”


It was all a daze. Harri found herself in the night air, outside of the tower and behind a dumbstruck flock of people. In between them, there was a gap, an empty passage leading to a prone body.

Dumbledore lay on the ground beneath the tower.

There were incoherent voices, shouts and cries of grief.

“No!” She heard McGonagall wail.

“That’s not him!” Ron gasped.

“It can't be!” Hermione whimpered.

Harri strode to Dumbledore and when she reached his body, she fell to her knees.

The tears came. Her throat hurt to the extent that she gagged.

Harri had known from the moment Tom uttered the killing curse that Dumbledore was dead but knowing and seeing were two vastly different things.

It hit her like a freight train.

She would never see his twinkling eyes or his reassuring smile. He would never offer another lemon treat or speak to her.

He could never again say her name.

Harri, when she was eleven in the infirmary, when she was a monster's soulmate. Harri, when she lied to him about a diadem, when she collapsed after meeting Voldemort. Harri, when she was furious about a prophecy and when he refused to cause her pain. Harri, he'd said. Harri.

She touched Dumbledore's cheek. His warmth was gone but his death would not be in vain.

“You go. I will finish this.”

She could not stop looking for Tom. Somehow it'd become a Pavlovian response to reach for his hand and expect him to be stood beside her. She wanted to find solace in his eyes yet every empty space next to her was a gutting reminder of his treachery.

A betrayal that was foreshadowed and whose signs could not have been more obvious if he’d spelled them out for her. How many times had she seen something and waved it off? Ignorance could only be a comfort so long as what was feared didn’t happen.

Aurors, injured students, professors and order members were gathered in the main infirmary but Harri was sequestered in a private area. Madam Pomfrey had given her some potion for the shock and injuries.

Hermione had been found in the room of hidden things, her body adjacent to a black cabinet that Harri assumed had been used by Tom to let the death eaters inside the castle. She'd suffered a concussion and a sprained wrist but was otherwise healthy.

Dumbledore was clever enough to have had the order on standby.

No one knew where Draco, Tom and Snape were. No one knew how Dumbledore had died.

Except Harri.

Remus had been the one to take her away from Dumbledore's body and barricade the door after Madam Pomfrey treated her.

Tears ebbed and flowed. Sirius had come in moments ago. His arm was around her and his head pressed over hers. The weight of him was soothing, a reminder that he was there, her one constant.

Maybe they as a society placed too much substance on soulmates. Here was a relationship where they chose to love one another. Sirius wiped away another bout of her tears and this gentle action brought about the confession Harri’d held in for a long time.

She spoke softly, staring at the tiled floor. “He’s my soulmate.”

Sirius rubbed her shoulder. “I know.”

“He’s Voldemort.” Harri’s whole body shivered, terrified, waiting for him to freeze and pull away.

He didn't.

“He hurt Hermione. He let the death eaters inside the castle. He killed Dumbledore.”

Sirius placed a kiss on her temple. “You’re my Harri. I love you more than anything in this world. I will never turn away from you. Tom is Voldemort. Alright. You got anything else?”

"Do you hate me?"

"Is the Earth made of chocolate?"

She shrugged. "No."

"Then why are we speaking of impossibilities?"

“Tom was a horcrux.” Harri looked up at him, waiting, yet his eyes were just as doting as they’d always been.

“I've met two of his horcruxes before. It’s…a long story but our Tom was in Slytherin’s locket. He possessed Kreacher and made him place him in my bag fourth year. I gave it to—to Dumbledore and he gave him a body. That was when he came to us."

Sirius nodded. "Okay."

Harri closed her eyes.



“Regulus died to get the locket to Grimmauld and Kreacher. He figured out it was a horcrux. He thought it was the only one. He planned to destroy it." Only an hour ago, Harri had been beside Dumbledore in that gruesome cave. She wanted to spare Sirius the cruelty of his brother’s death but more than that she knew he deserved the truth.

“Today, Dumbledore took me to where Voldemort had hidden it. A cave by the ocean. He knew Regulus replaced the real one with a fake. I don't know why Dumbledore wanted to go, why he believed we could find something that would help us in there. The replica locket was covered by a toxic potion. It makes the drinker weak enough so that they get thirsty and when they reach for the water in the lake, there are hundreds of inferi waiting to take them. Dumbledore drank and I reached for the water.”

It was Sirius who shuddered then. “You think my brother died in there.”

Harri squeezed him.

She pulled the replica locket out, still open with his message. “Regulus was the first person to realize that Voldemort made a horcrux. He was brave. He risked everything to find it and undo it. Your brother died a hero.”

“My brother the hero,” Sirius whispered. He caressed the words on the note.

Harri fought against a new onslaught of tears. “I’m sorry it took me this long to tell you. I'm sorry about Tom. I didn’t want you to—to—”

Sirius gathered her in an embrace, wetness lining his own eyes. “You don't have to apologize and you don't ever have to hide from me. You've been so strong puppy.”

Diadem, Rosier Hall

When Tom came to, he found himself bound and captive in an unrecognizable chamber. His wand was not on him.

“You won’t find it.” Voldemort positioned himself in front of him. “Pesky things, wands.” He rolled their original wand and Tom’s replacement both in his hand. “Only the first truly matches.” His lips curled and what would be a smile on anyone else’s face was an alarming movement on his.

“It’s a pity.” Voldemort broke the substitute hawthrone wand. “But I’m pleased you’ve awakened in time.”

Tom withheld the words he wanted to spit. Animosity wouldn't serve him here. Voldemort was too happy.

There was a noise in the hallway and subsequently, the sound of brisk footsteps. Voldemort smiled and waved his arm, unleashing Tom.

“Do not try to leave. You will not be able to. And never make the mistake of attacking me.” He walked over and cupped Tom’s face. “Hurting me will only cause you greater pain.”

Then Voldemort turned his back to him and let the doors open.

Snape came in, dragging a trembling Draco with him. Both of them spotted Tom and while Draco’s eyes widened, Snape didn't look surprised. He wasted not one second before hauling Draco and forcing him to bow. “My lord, it is done.”

Voldemort smirked. “Good Severus.”

Tom scowled.

“But was not I who did it,” Snape apologized.


The last person Tom had ever expected stepped into the room.

The locket horcrux.

Tom had never seen himself so full of life at sixteen. The boy was thrumming with magic, it was almost running over him like flames. His eyes were a blend of blue and red and his shirt was torn, with three bloody gashes running down his back.There would only be one reason he walked in here of his own will.

Tom was going to eviscerate him.

Voldemort practically sung with glee. “I knew you would not disappoint me.”

The boy, the locket, only had eyes for Tom. He glared at him with hate. “You.”

Me.” Tom showed his teeth. “I am going to slaughter you.”

Dumbledore’s funeral was held on the castle grounds.

There was an abundance of people that attended. Wizards and witches from around the globe had come to pay their respects. Almost every person Harri had met since entering the magical world was there, from Madam Maxine to Rufus Scrimgeour. Even the selkies of the lake and centaurs of the forest had come to watch the procession.

It was a sweet day, the most beautiful spring morning. Dumbledore would have enjoyed it.

Harri, Hermione, Sirius, and Remus sat together with Daphne, Maria, Lavender, Blaise and their parents behind them and the Weasleys across the aisle. The funeral kicked off with birdsong and Hagrid placing Dumbledore’s body on a marble table. Someone Harri did not recognize delivered a poetic eulogy. She could hear the soft cries of her friends, the other students, and the professors. There were drawn faces all around.

Dumbledore had been so much more than just a headmaster. He'd been a leader, a protector and a symbol.

Sirius, holding onto her hand with a fierce grip, wiped away a tear. And Harry saw very clearly as she sat there under the hot sun how once again Voldemort had left ruins in his wake.

This could go on no longer. She could not wait anymore for Tom to choose her or change his mind. And as he would not fold, Harri would never bend. Especially not for a Tom who chose Voldemort. She couldn’t have any mercy for him on her mission to destroy Voldemort. He’d chosen his side and she hers. There was only one decision left to make.

It was this that caused Harri to weep.

Fawkes flew down. He sang a haunting and beautiful melody before blowing fire on Dumbledore's body. The flames left behind a marble tomb.

Fawkes gave one last trill of phoenix song then left Hogwarts. Perhaps forever.

People got up and scattered over the grounds and the great hall, taking in the beguiling day and helping themselves to food.

Sirius and Remus went over to Kingsley and Bill. Nymphy, Mrs. Weasley and Fleur conversed with Mrs. Zabini and Mrs. Brown. The Greengrass, Smiths and Abbotts held court with the Minister. McGonagall consoled a sobbing Professor Sprout. Terry, Sophia, Hannah, and Seamus helped Flitwick wrap up the flowers. The older and younger years clustered together and comforted one other. They all commiserated together on a life that left a legacy.

Harri and her friends walked over to a secluded hill overlooking the lake. It was tucked away but still oversaw everything else. They sat facing the water. Blaise laid down between Hermione’s legs, Ron leaned against her back and Maria rested her head on Lavender's lap. Daphne hugged Harri from behind. Tom's absence weighed.

It took a lengthy silence before Harri was able to explain what happened.

She told them about Regulus, the cave and the locket.

“We found this,” She held out the replica. They read over the note.

“When we returned, we saw the dark mark above the school and flew up to the tower. Inside, Tom had his wand to Draco.” Ron clenched his fists. “He locked him in a spell. He,” She made a face of revulsion. “told me to go with him and that Voldemort would keep me safe.”

Maria and Lavender’s jaws dropped. Daphne scoffed and Hermione shook her head. Blaise and Ron listened intently.

“I denied him of course. But I was also in disbelief. I couldn’t, I don't understand what happened. When he pointed his wand at Dumbledore, I tried to stop him.” She swallowed shakily. “But Dumbledore stopped me instead. It happened so quickly, one second I was arguing with Tom and the next…”

Hermione winced.

“After, Draco started yelling at Tom and I attacked him. When it got to the point where I didn’t know what to do Snape ran in. He grabbed Draco and Tom both and I thought he would help, instead, he instructed Tom to activate a portkey. It was all planned...the whole night.”

Ron buried his head in his knees. “Bloody hell.”

“Tom was lying the whole time?” Maria whispered.

“No.” Daphne was vehement. “Voldemort must have found a way to message him after he found out he was alive. And from there, whatever this was, to kill Dumbledore and persuade Harri to leave, must have started.”

“The entire 'punishment' he gave Draco to kill Tom was a red herring. The mission was always to kill Dumbledore.” Hermione ripped out a chunk of grass, incensed.

“I can’t believe he’s done this.” Daphne murmured. “I really believed he loved you.”

Harri scoffed wetly. “Loved me? I don’t even think he knows me. Not after what he’s said and done.”

Blaise gazed over the horizon. “It’s mad though isn’t it? He murdered Dumbledore. Dumbledore.

Ron blew out a breath. “It’s almost too easy. Like, I dunno, everything was too perfectly set up for it to happen.”

Harri wiped her face. “At least Dumbledore's buried here.”

“Maybe he’s still watching over us and the school from wherever he is.” Maria said.

“Sirius told me once, those who love us never really leave us.”

Daphne laced their hands together. “My grandad always told me martyrs end up in heaven. Whatever you believe in, I think we can be sure that he’s happy and safe.”

“Dumbledore always said death was the next great adventure didn’t he? Reckon he’s enjoying himself quite a bit.” Ron propped his head against Hermione’s.

“Do you think he had someone waiting for him?” Harri wondered.

Blaise clicked his tongue. “Unfortunately Grindlewald’s stilling rotting in Nurmengard.”

“His family could be though,” Ron suggested.

Harri frowned. “He never talked about them.”

“His brother owns the hogshead though right, Aberforth?”

“Oh that’s true but I’ve never seen them speak to each other.”

“I don’t think he was at the funeral either.”

“I can’t imagine how he’s feeling. He probably has his own way of mourning.”

“You know I’ll never see a lemon and not think of Dumbledore for the rest of my life.”

“Or the color purple.”

“And gumdrops.”

“And white beards.”

“And Hogwarts.”

Blue sunk into violent violet and they passed the hours talking about their headmaster and the ways in which they would remember him. The sun set for the first time without Albus Dumbledore to see it and so the first day of Harri’s life without him started too.

At six Blaise, Maria, Lavender and Daphne left for the honorary feast in the great hall.

“You guys go on, I’ll wake them up,” Harri motioned to Ron and Hermione, who'd fallen asleep against each other.

Daphne picked at her dress. “If you're sure.”

“I think I need a moment alone. Don’t worry I’ll catch up.”

Daphne nodded and followed the others down the hill. Harri really needed to speak with Ron and Hermione in private.

Ron was snoring quietly, his open mouth facing Hermione’s. Their feet were in opposite directions but their heads were laid next to each other like two adjacent crescent moons.

“Uro.” Harri shot at Ron’s elbow.

He jumped up and slapped his elbow. “What the hell? Did something bite me? Hermione!” He shook her. “Look, is there red anywhere?” He pushed his elbow in her face.

Hermione knocked his hands away. Harri waited for them to properly get their bearings together.

“Did they ditch us for the feast already?”


“I told them to go on without us." Harri clarified. "I wanted to talk to you both about something. Do you think Hogwarts will close now?”

Ron blinked. “They don’t have any choice for now. Cause our headmaster was killed in our Astronomy tower. But it will probably open after summer.”

Hermione scrutinized her. “Why are you asking?”

Harri pushed her shoulders back and lifted her head. “Because I’m not coming back.”

Ron snickered. “Catch yourself on.”

“I’m serious Ron. I’m not coming back here.”

“Why not?” Hermione demanded.

“I’ve got to go find the rest of the horcruxes haven’t I? Dumbledore said Tom would have made seven. That means there are four left. There’s the Gaunt ring, the one Rosier was wearing at the ministry and which Voldemort wore at the gala. Dumbledore told me another one should be Helga Hufflepuff’s cup because of the pattern,”

“Of founder’s items.” Hermione understood immediately.

“And what else?”

“His snake?” Ron proposed.

Harri nodded. “If he made his diary and ring horcruxes, Nagini is for sure one too.”

Hermione straightened. “Let me get this right. You’re going to play hooky for our last year at Hogwarts to go get the rest of Voldemort’s horcruxes by yourself. And then what?”

Ron examined Harri. “You're going to destroy them.”


“Don’t start with that Hermione.”

“That’s not what I mean,” Hermione got onto her feet.

Harri was confused. “What?”

“You said to us once before,” said Hermione, “that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. We’ve had time, haven’t we?"

“You can't mean to come?”

“Silly,” Hermione gave her a fond look. “of course, we’re coming with you.”

Ron nudged Harri. “We’re with you whatever happens. We’ll find them and you decide what to do. Plus, we have to get Draco back.”

“And you deserve to take that f*cker Tom for all he’s worth.”

“Hermione, did you just swear?”

After tossing, turning and crying alternatively all night, Harri pulled herself out of bed and strode to Dumbledore’s office. She didn’t want to think about Tom, it was less painful and made her less sick to brood over her headmaster instead.

The griffin didn’t even ask for a password from Harri to go in.

She climbed the stairs, opened the office door and treaded inside. Everything was exactly as they’d left it. She surveyed the wall of portraits. All of them were pretending to be asleep. Soon Dumbledore would be up there too. She wondered if she would ever be able to come back and speak with it.

What would he say? They hadn’t really finished their last conversation. Harri ran her hands over his books and trinkets. She snuck a lemon drop into her pocket. One of his robes was laying on the back of a couch. Was it okay if she took it? He wouldn’t care but maybe it was one of those things that because Dumbledore was such a significant historical figure, his belongings now belonged to a magical museum. Or maybe to his brother.

Sirius had saved some of Harri's father’s clothes from school, like his quidditch jersey. They both cherished it. The things left behind were all that was left in the end anyway.

Harri decided to pick up the robe.

There was the sound of a door closing upstairs. Expecting McGonagall, Harri watched the stairs and waited.

The person who stepped out of the shadows was beyond anyone she ever anticipated.

“I missed out on all fun yesterday but,” The diary rested on the railing and smirked. “missed me?”


I missed it but the two-year anniversary was May 5th!

That is insane.

In the coming chapters, I hope to finally give conclusions to all the storylines I’ve created. Tom’s betrayal, his reasons and more will be thoroughly covered and explained. The diadem’s plan will be seen from the moment it was conceived to everything coming to execution. The relationship between the diary and Harri will have its moment in the sun. The ring and cup will also enter the story. The secret room and special pensieve Dumbledore showed Harri, Greyback and his bond with Remus, Draco and Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Blaise, Snape… literally anything and everything will have rightful closure.

There are going to be some difficult moments, some realities I am not looking forward to, but also amazing things and a really happy ending.

I apologize for the delay! May was a very busy month which is why there was no chapter. We’re looking at about 50 chapters here and I’m trying my best to get them all out!

Thank you for all the support and I hope you all are enjoying it!

Chapter 43: the darkest timeline


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 43: the darkest timeline

“It seems to me that the dead only return for love or for revenge.
Who did you come back for?”
— Helen Oyeyemi, White Is for Witching

The diary was a mirror image of the locket, almost identical, if not for his shorter hair.

But even without this, Harri would have recognized him for who he was.

She had never forgotten him. Never could.

It might seem a falsehood, but he had hurt her just as much as any other.

She'd been so vulnerable and naive when she met him. So young.

They stared at each other, Harri in disbelief and Tom...

She would think he would hate her. But he looked at her the same as the first time. Fascinated. Beguiled.

She trembled.

“I meant to come sooner." He then said softly. "But there was the whole issue of this,” He gestured to his face. “The death eaters would've seen me.”

He began descending the steps. Harri couldn't shake the feeling that he was a phantom haunting her. She stayed frozen, worried if she moved, or simply blinked, he would fade out of existence.

She couldn't bear the thought. After the locket's betrayal, Harri was afraid she would fall apart if this blessing was taken from her too.

And was it not in this very room she’d first mourned him? Felt the despair of an endless future without him? When she’d thought he was her only one.

Somehow, years had gone by since then and here she was, yet again, tormented by the same pain. There and back. Betrayed and lost and this time without Dumbledore to comfort her.

Tom moved off the last step and came to her. “You’ve grown so much.” He raised his hand but paused, his eyes catching on her swollen face. He frowned. “You’re upset.”

Harri inevitably gasped out a small. “You’re dead.”

Like the sun, she thought nonsensically. Staring at him hurt.

He flattened his mouth. “Unfortunately you failed in that. Phoenix tears have a great capacity for empathy and Fawkes had enough to put me back together.” He gazed at her, his eyes forlorn. “I’m a real boy again. All thanks to that and the diadem. Even if...even if it’s to your displeasure. Though I figure it wasn’t as simple as that.”

Harri shook her head vehemently. “It's not Tom, it’s not. I never wanted you to die. You have no idea how much I mourned and-”

She flung herself at him, crushing his body to hers.

This couldn't be real. He was alive. The diary was alive.

Her first, her miracle, her biggest mistake.

“Oh.” Tom whispered. His arms came up and pressed her to him tight enough that she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t want to. She just wanted to be with him.

She cried. “I never wanted—I didn’t—”

He shuddered. “I didn't either. I’m sorry. I’ll always be sorry. It was my fault. If I could change it, I would do everything differently.”

"Me too. I'm sorry too. And I forgive you. We were scared and stupid. So stupid.”

After the years spent regretting the stab of her hand, she was ready to let go of it all. Forgiveness was a gift, meant to be given freely. And with his heartbeat under her ear, she absolved herself too. For the sin she’d never unburdened herself of.

A broken part of her inner child stitched itself back together, much like the pages of a ruined diary.

People like Daphne and Hermione were who Harri wanted to be. They were always prepared for life and whatever was to come for them. Equipped for exams, summer programs and their careers post Hogwarts.

Harri wasn’t like that at all. She didn’t like to think about the future. The furthest she thought about was the next week or month. Passed that, she assumed she could deal with everything else when it came. She was probably this way because of how her life had been, an up and down rollercoaster. And if she were to go deeper, because of the uncertainty and fear of her survival.

Despite that, she’d come to expect a few things to be certain. Like the fact that the locket cared for her and the diary was dead. Those were two concepts Harri thought were pretty set in stone. This was why, when these two things were flipped on their heads, Harri couldn’t fully comprehend them.

Tom’s betrayal was real and it killed her the same way an illness spread through bones or an open wound poisoned the insides. She was still trying to accept the reality of losing him when twenty four hours ago his presence and his loyalty had been something guaranteed.

As for the diary, she'd had years to mourn and move on but she never had. She knew she couldn't take her anger out on him or hold the locket’s choice over him. Harri didn’t know how much time they would have together and she couldn’t bare to plunge another dagger in him. She couldn’t let Voldemort succeed in twisting her into something hateful just like him. His every knowing smirk and every dream troubled her. He might've been right about the locket but she wouldn’t close her heart.

Because the diadem existed. And he was the diametrical opposite of all of them. Living proof of how different Tom could be. He had warned her against the other horcruxes time and again. She hadn’t listened and that was on her.

Harri could also see why she never fully healed. She replaced once piece of her soulmate with the other, time and again. Diary by diadem, diadem by locket. And now, locket by diary.

It was an infinite loop. Pieces of her soulmate she circled through. Never moving on and never letting go, reaching for one after the other.

If there was a way to reap them from the cycle and harvest them into one then she would. But she’d made Dumbledore a promise too. If destroying Voldemort came with the price of losing Tom, she would make that sacrifice and she would go with him. Not even death would part them.

Somewhere across the eastern sun Voldemort and Tom's wrists burned with that knowledge.

“Absolutely not.”



“What am I supposed to do?”

“I have a wand!”


“Keep your voices down!”

There had been no train ride home. Students traveled at the end of the semester by portkey and floo.

“Precaution.” Professor McGonagall and Sprout explained during their last feast, Harri able to tell both of them were weary and tired.

Dumbledore’s death had left a gaping hole. It was lost on no one that it took a very special person to leave such a legacy.

Now, as Bill and Fleur’s wedding was four days away, Harri and Hermione were at the burrow. Not necessarily for the convenience of it but because Sirius had closed off Grimmauld Place.

He’d told everyone he didn’t deem it safe to stay there because Tom knew the fidelious of the house and now he was with Voldemort.

It was one of the things Harri was most furious about with Tom.

He’d ripped their home away from her.

Grimmauld place was where they’d learned to love each other. Where Sirius had become whole again.

And she couldn’t go back because of him.

It was unforgivable, the depth ofhis duplicity.

Though for once there was something to soften the blow.

The diary.

Harri hadn’t wasted a moment to tell Ron and Hermione about him. She’d spilled the beans the instant they arrived at the Burrow. Quickly too because Tom was in the room as they couldn’t be parted from one another.

“Where is he now?” Ron searched the room with narrowed eyes.

Harri averted her gaze. "Here's the thing,”

Hermione gasped. “He’s under your invisibility cloak isn’t he?”

Ron leapt up but before he could execute some stupid stunt, Tom tore her cloak off and revealed himself. Ron made a disgusted face. “He looks exactly the same. Are you sure it’s not that turncoat two faced twat?”

Harri pinched her nose. “It works in our favor. We can just pretend he’s Tom if we’re caught.”

Tom made a displeased face. “I am Tom.”

“That’s not a fact to be proud of mate. We don’t like Tom’s around here.”

“How would him being Tom help us out? Everyone knows he betrayed us!”

Ron squinted.“In that case,”

“Absolutely not!” Hermione shouted. “And that’s final!”

“You’re going to be my cousin.” Hermione passed a pair of jeans down to Tom. “Just until the weddings over and we go on the run.”

No one else was home at the moment, despite six people living in the house and over fifteen visiting for the wedding.

Daphne, Maria and Lavender were on their way over for lunch. Harri hadn’t known. Hermione confessed it was for an intervention. Ginny’d supposedly planned it to help Harri through, and here Hermione quoted with her fingers, "the earth shattering betrayal from Tom, the knife in her spine".

She was currently putting a temporary glamour on Tom that would disguise his features and hair.

“What’s his name going to be again?” Ron was sat in the open window, opening the mail he’d found on the dinning room table. He was hoping one was a coded message from Draco. Harri thought that was a hopeless front. She doubted Draco had the privacy or time to be writing messages, stuck in the center of misfortune as he was.

“Patrick.” Hermione fussed with her pouch, in which she was stashing all their possessions in preparation for leaving after the wedding.

“Patrick Granger.” Harri mouthed out.

Tom, and it was incomprehensible that she was not referring to her locket, was what they would continue to call the diary in private. It would be too bizarre to call him anything else or reference him as an object in person when he was the center of her universe.

Given everything, Harri was surprised at how well she, Ron and Hermione were taking to Tom. They should have whiplash, going from one horcrux to another, but they were adjusting well. It helped that the world was chaos and this Tom was different from all the others.

“How very mundane.” Tom mused.

“Yes because that is the issue at hand.” Hermione threw a book into her growing pile on the ground.

Harri finished up the glamour: strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes, and a tiny nose. Tom still held himself in that specific way of his, like he was above everyone, but the disguise should do the trick for long enough.

Being near him, she was grateful in more ways than one that he’d come back when he had. She could imagine that she would very much be in the depression Ginny thought her to be if it wasn’t the case.

Because she missed her locket and hated him in equal fervor. Every black word on her wrists hurt. Even the miscellaneous ones like “bastard” and "dagger". She wondered where he was.

In the same house as Voldemort? Was he eating and sleeping and hating being alive like her? Did he regret it even a little bit or was what he’d wanted so much more fulfilling? Trapped was the word he’d used.

“We’re home!” Molly's voice echoed from downstairs.

“Coming!” Ron and Hermione gave Harri thumbs ups and went down first.

Tom said. “We could stay up here. Alone.”

Harri scoffed. “Okay, Patrick.”

In the living room Fluer, Gabrielle and Ginny were unpacking plates and Fred, George, Ron and Bill were laying out food.

Ginny skipped over to Tom when she saw him. “Hi, Patrick was it? I’m Ginny.” Harri had a brief panic attack thinking she was going to touch him. She didn’t want Ginny to ever be near the diary. His touch was cursed for her. She’d barely escaped the first time with her life.

But Ginny only waved to him and moved on toHarri. “Daphne got stuck babysitting her sister and Maria and Lavender’s moms thought they’d stress my mom out by coming so they won’t be there today but maybe you and Hermione can sleep in my room instead of Ron’s and we can have a sleepover type thing?”

Harri nodded. “I would like that.”

Fleur called her over to try on a pair of shoes. They oo'd over the things she’d bought before sitting down for lunch. Harri watched Tom throughout, nervous. He was easy going now but she didn’t know how long that would last.

Though either way, watching him as Patrick was a little enjoyable.

Harri slept on a single mattress on the right side of Ginny’s bed and Hermione slept on the right. Tom was sharing Ron’s room and what stressed her about that was the fact that she had to trust Tom to not go anywhere or do anything.

Nevertheless, that wasn’t what was causing her to lose sleep. It was that she spent an hour feeling like her stomach would turn inside out, going over the memory of the locket in the tower.

During the day, resentment was a familiar friend. Under the moon, sorrow was a close companion.

Her Tom was a paradox, intelligent, wicked and beautiful. And Harri loved him like they were two parts of one body.

There was this phrase Maria loved to use, 'mi media naranja'. My half orange, the other half of me. Harri missed her half orange with an incandescent ache.

How easily had Tom tricked her, lied to her face, slept beside her, been inside of her and lied over and over again? How many times had he spoken to Voldemort behind her back? Was any of it real?

Warm arms, soft kisses, laughter, kindness. Did the person she love exist at all?

Dreading a nightmare or another unending night, she grabbed Hermione’s pouch fromacross the floor and finally opened another one of the letters the diadem had sent with Saguini.

Dearest Harri,

Remember when we were in the quidditch locker rooms and I asked how my diary disappeared from Dumbledore’s office. It perplexed me because there would’ve been no reason for it to be gone unless something had happened.

It turns out something did. When I found the diary again, the gaping wound the basilisk fang was meant to have left was gone as if it was never there. It seems that phoenix tears can heal far more than just human wounds.

I took it with me to Albania and to the home I lived in while I was there. I met with old companions, new ones and the magical creatures of the forest. I relearned the dark arts and gambled with my fate once more.

The diary is now empty of my soul just like the diadem. I’ve given him a body.

You must be furious

I took him with me to Italy and taught him, He will leave to France with Saguini soon and I will go to England. I do not know if he will follow the instructions I gave him or go rogue but I know I do not have to worry if he does, because there is only one other place he would go. To you. And that is where I will be as well.

But in the event that I am prevented from returning, I am writing these letters for you.

The more time passes the greater my older self’s powers grow. Now that he is aware of the soul bond and horcruxes he will be ten times as vigilant. I suspect the remaining horcruxes are the cup, the ring and Nagini, and will be more closely guarded as well as relocated.

I also worry about the locket. I know you trust him but I am weak for power and Voldemort will tempt him by freeing his chains. The diary learned his lesson but the locket has not. Be careful.

As always, I miss you my sweet girl.


I Loved Caesar More

The day of Fleur and Bill’s wedding was as gorgeous as the couple themselves. Fleur wanted the house, garden and tents to all be decorated and they were. Lilacs, hydrangeas and sweet peas were tied to stair railings, door knobs, over windows and in the middle of all the tables in the house.

While Mr. Weasley, Fleur’s father, Charlie and Bill pitched the reception tent, Mrs. Weasley and Mrs. Delacour were in a temporary room next to the kitchen area where borrowed catering elves were preparing food.

The burrow had been cleaned by Hermione, Harri, Ginny, and the boys in the days prior and decluttered of any miscellaneous things. Memorable pieces were stored in the attic and newly stitched maroon pillows were added to the couches.

The wedding prep had kept everyone busy. When Harri hadn’t been cleaning, replying to RSVP’s or helping experiment with desserts, she’d been to dress fittings at Fleur’s aunts house.

She hadn’t been able to speak to the diary almost at all. The Weasleys house was a lovely but too small a place for anyone to have privacy. Not to mention Tom spent all day glamoured to be a Granger, which threw her off. It was a cop out in a way because she didn’t know how to speak to him.

The diadem’s letter had been a helpful explanation but it also left her disoriented. It made sense that he wouldn’t have told her about the diary because he hadn’t known if what he was doing would work. Reading between the lines, him relearning dark magic had obviously taken a long time and he hadn’t been sure how it would turn out.

It was also a relief that he’d finally told her himself about the other horcruxes. Dumbledore’s critique had been valid but all that mattered to Harri was that he’d told her, not knowing her and Dumbleodre had guessed at this point.

Though it hard to digest his warnings about the locket. She knew even if she’d read it before all that happened, she would’ve dismissed it. Then there was also the revelation that the diadem had planned to come home. And he was not here. Which meant someone had stopped him.

She tried not to let it bother her, today of all days. It was meant to be a happy occasion.

Another positive thing was that Sirius, Kingsley, Moody, Apollo Greengrass and all other order members with work in the ministry were at the site where the new building was being re-built. Office’s had been relocated to a temporary location for official work but many people volunteered to help with the rebuilding on the weekends and most staff were there on those days.Scrimgeour had actually managed to bring the people together.

Harri just hoped Sirius was on time for the reception, if not the vows.

She felt inclined to miss the vows herself. To think, when Bill had proposed she’d thought of a future with Tom and here she was only two months down the line, preparing to run off in the middle of the night with Ron, Hermione and the diary to go find horcruxes he’d created through murder and self mutilation.

“Patrick!” Mr. Weasley dashed in through the kitchen door. Harri swung around and found Tom was standing at the foot of the staircase in a sharp tux, watching her place a wreath onto the living room coffer table. “The man I was looking for. Charlie needs help with the suspension charms and Ron says Hermione thinks you’re very well versed on them.”

Tom blinked as Mr. Weasley tugged on his arm and pulled him outside. Harri smiled slightly, then checked the clock. It was later than she’d thought, guests would be arriving soon.

She went up to Ginny’s room. Inside, Hermione was zipping up her dress and Daphne, Lavender and Maria were sitting on the bed.


She must have missed their arrivals. She’d been in the front yard with Fleur’s sister Gabrielle, lining up the pathway with candles for a while earlier.

“Good you’re here Harri,” Ginny popped up from behind the door. “I’m going to check in on everything but you must get dressed.” She dropped a small bag into her hands. “Sirius came by this morning and left this for you but you were asleep.” Ginny hugged her and left the room in a sprint.

Maria got up from the bed and came over to embrace Harri. “Don’t open the bag just yet, we have to talk and there isn’t much time so start getting ready instead.”

Harri stripped off her pajama pants and tank top. She pulled her dress off the back of Ginny’s closet as the girls began to speak. Lavender helped Hermione straighten her hair and Maria pulled Harri down to the bed to do her makeup after she slipped into her dress.

“Mione’s told us about your plan.” Daphne started.

“Hermione!” Harri gaped, affronted.

“Not just now,” Maria tapped her elbow. “Three days ago. Since then we’ve been strategizing how to help you. We made three portkeys, each will take you to a separate safe house.”

“One is Victor’s summer house in Scotland. It’s close to Hogwarts, warded and no one would think to look there. The second is Blaise’s family home in Rome which is just as protected as Grimmauld place. The only difference being that Tom has no idea where it is.”

“And the last safe house is my house.” Hermione said.

“What do you mean?” Harri asked, putting on her heels.

“I placed a fidelious on it since my parents moved to the hiding place Sirius got them in Australia. It’ll be empty and we can use it if we need to.”

“We have the DA coins but we needed something better for communication so Blaise borrowed this from his mom.” Lavender held up a small porcelain box. “He has the sister one. Either side can place an object inside and it will appear for the other. This way we can trade letters and keep each other informed.”

“Hermione said you’re going horcrux hunting.” Daphne placed a pouch next to the box Lavender had put on the bed. “I took books from from my grandfather’s library that will help you. I also found the ones on soul magic. Anything that explains more about horcruxes and your bond.” She touched Harri’s cheek. “I want you to have options.”

At the end of the afternoon, Fleur and Bill said their vows and kissed for the first time as husband and wife.

Sirius had not made it for the ceremony and Harri silently worried while they made their way into the tent for the reception.

Charlie had brought his friend Joseph and his band to be the music for the night. They were already playing and guests were swinging onto the dance floor.

Victor, who Harri had managed a quick hello with, pulled Daphne into his arms and Hermione grabbed Ron before he could go bother his grandmother with one of Fred and George’s new inventions. Ginny snatched Blaise and Harri, still trying to avoid Tom, turned to Lavender.

Lavender laughed, dragged Maria away from one of Bill’s mates and the three of them joined the dancing. The band was surprisingly well versed in muggle music and Harri shrieked as Wham!’s Last Christmas came on.

“A face on a lover with a fire in his heart,” Maria clapped.

“A man undercover, but you tore me apart!” Lavender twirled them both. “Ooh-hoo, now I've found a real love, you'll never fool me again!”

Fred dipped Angelina, Victor and Ron jumped onto stage together at the chorus. There was champagne, frosting on Fleur’s face and spinning around until their feet hurt. After two hours, Harri broke off to get a glass of water, bypassing Hermione and George trying to convince some of Fleur’s cousins to bring out the karaoke.

She wasn’t looking where she was going and that was how she ran headfirst into Tom. He stopped her right in her tracks. His glamour was completely faded and so he was her Tom, chestnut curls and all. The most magnetic man in the room.

He gave a disparaging smile and hung onto her waist, leading her into a slow dance under silent protest.

“If there is one thing you are not Harri, it’s subtle.”

“I wasn’t trying…”

“It’s fine. I’ve had a year to think and you have had days.”

“I just,” Harri blew out a breath. “I don’t know how to be around you. Or what to say, or how to even understand what’s happening. You—him—I’m struggling to trust even my own judgement, let alone yours.”

His eyes were so vulnerable and open, she was reminded of why it had been so easy to fall into him. She hadn’t realized just how closed the locket could be with his emotions comparably.

“Are you in love with him?” Tom questioned softly.

She lifted her shoulders helplessly.

“He doesn’t deserve it.” His arm clenched on her waist. “I do. I would never do what he’s done.”

“Wouldn’t you?”

“All I want is to be with you.” He whispered. “He f*cked it all up. I won’t. Harri I came back here for you.”

It was at that feeble sentence that Sirius made an appearance. His patronus bounded into the tent, a vibrant orb that disrupted the celebrations. From within came his voice.

“The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.”

Panic took hold of the room. People began disapparating and running. The was the boom of the wards around the burrow falling. Harri pushed through the throng with her arms spread out, reaching for Hermione and Ron. Tom kept a grip around her like a band.

“Harri!” Ron appeared and grabbed her elbow, Hermione holding onto his hand. “We have to leave now!” People were pushing and forcing them back. Daphne and Victor came into view.

“We can’t leave everyone else!”

Remus, Kingsley and Sirius apparated in at the same time as the death eaters. They were all aiming for Harri.

Sirius came between them. “Protego!”

“GO!” Daphne thrust her hand out.“GO!”

“What about you?”

“We’ll be fine! They’re here for you!”

Blaise and Lavender became visible, fighting their way over.

Tom squeezed her. “If they take you, it’s done.”

One of the death eaters curses struck Sirius.


Blood poured out the side of his head but he looked at Harri and bellowed. “RUN!”

She felt Hermione turn on the spot and as the world spun she saw Sirius fall. The death eater who got Sirius nudged his mask off and Rosier waved to Harri with a cruel smirk.

“My lord.” Rosier knelt and bent his head.

“You’ve returned.” Voldemort turned, holding Nagini’s head. She was wrapped around his shoulder.

“The mission is complete and we have managed to take Sirius Black.”

Voldemort sighed in pleasure. “And the girl?”

Rosier gave a smug smile. “Followed by Dolohov and Lestrange.”

“Good, I am satisfied. Leave me.”

Evan gave another bow of his head and left. Voldemort turned to his horcrux.

“I have told you. You will have her with you soon.”

The locket didn’t turn from where he was standing by the window. “Where will you keep Black?”

“The dungeons.”

“I want to speak with him.”


Tom pivoted, displaying a torn lip. “I want to see his mind, he’ll know where she is.”

“Patience little one.” Voldemort glided to him and touched his shoulder. “We will not need look. She will come to us.”

“And what about him?” Tom sneered. “The diadem?”

“Don’t pout.”Voldemort lifted Tom’s face with the back of his hand. “If he does not fall in line, he will better serve his purpose back within his container and you can have her all to yourself…just like you wanted.”

Tom’s mouth curled.

“Where are we?” Ron murmured frantically in Harri’s ear.

“Keep moving.” Hermione whispered, clinging onto his arm.

“London.” Tom glanced around wonderingly, his hand entwined with Harri’s.

They were in the middle of Bond Street, of all places, walking briskly through the swarm of bodies. The streets were overflowing and would hopefully cover them enough to hide them from any watchers.

A mile later, Hermione pulled them into an alleyway and tugged out her small pouch from a hidden pocket in her dress. She began to toss things into their hands until her fingers wrapped around a keychain.

“Portkey?” Ron asked.

Hermione nodded. “We’ll go to my house for now. It’ll be safe for a few days until we figure out what’s happened.”

“But from here on out we’re hiding.” Harri said. “The minister is dead, Dumbledore is dead and they came for the burrow. Nowhere public is safe.”


“The portkey will take us into the house, the words to activate it is the fidelious.”

“Which are?”

“‘Got teeth?’”


Hermione scowled.“It’s simple.”

They put their hands on the key and snapped from Mayfair to Hampstead. They landed on the Granger’s living room floor, all falling onto the carpet and on top of each other.

Getting up, Harri and Ron checked the locks on the doors and closed the curtains. Hermione kept the larger lights off and stuck to lamps.

Once that was done, Hermione began dumping things out of her pouch, including the bag Sirius had left for Harri this morning. They’d been packed and ready to go for days now but it still felt surreal to actually be in the moment.

Harri unzipped the stuff from Sirius, ignoring the way her insides dropped at the memory of him on the ground. He wasn’t dead. Harri would know if something had happened to him. She would’ve felt it in her chest. Ron fell down on the carpet next to her, while Hermione got up to make them tea and Tom spread himself over the couch.

Her hunt through the bag first produced a document.

The Last Will and Testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Her throat closed. It was inconceivable to think they were here, at the time that had always been meant to come, where the war was raging and Harri had to be prepared to face Voldemort for the last time.

Kill your soulmate or watch the world burn. What a great many choice.

“Read it.” Her and Ron looked at each other. She silently swept her eyes over it the contents until she came onto Ron’s name.“‘To Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, in the hope that he will remember me when he uses it.’”

Tom drew the backpack towards himself and rummaged around until he pulled out something that looked like a silver lighter. Ron took it and played with it, pressing a button that caused all the light to be sucked out of the room.

“Excuse me?” Hermione yelled.

Ron swore under his breath and pressed the button again, returning all light to the room.

Harri cleared her throat and continued.

“‘To Miss Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of The Tales of Beadle the Bard, in the hope that she will find it entertaining and instructive.’ ”

Ron took out the book. “Children’s stories?” He flipped through it before passing it to Harri who shook her head.

“‘To Harri Lily Potter, I leave the Snitch she caught in her first Quidditch match at Hogwarts, as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill.’”

Tom sat up at that. “Snitches have flesh memories. He must have left something inside.”

Ron tossed the snitch to Harri. “You caught that snitch in your mouth didn’t you?” Ron mentioned offhand, running his fingers over Beetle the Bard.

Tom raised an eyebrow at Harri. “Of course you did.”

“Wait for me!” Hermione darted out of the kitchen with a tray, dumping it onto a side table.

Harri put the snitch against her mouth and it’s wings fluttered but nothing else happened. There was a visible disappointment on everyone. She put the will down and took a cuppa for herself.

The snitch was probably a sentimental gift. After all, how much more could Dumbledore help her? This was hers now, all of it. Her burden to carry alone.

“Wait.” Hermione picked up the will. “There’s more.” She gripped the paper so hard she wrinkled it.“‘To Tom Marvolo Riddle, I leave the Sword of Godric Gryffindor, with faith that he never again loose sight of the most powerful magic of all.’”

Tom pushed himself up and dumped the bag on the floor, emptying it. There was nothing.

Hermione groaned. “As I suspected. The ministry wouldn’t have allowed the sword out of their hands. It’s not necessarily Dumbledore’s to give.”

Tom picked up the paper and his voice was little more than a murmur as he read the sentence out again.

“It must have been meant for the locket.” Ron mumbled in Harri’s ear.

She brushed a lock of hair back. “Yeah. Must have.”

Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire

Draco flew down the stairs and tried his best to avoid eye contact with anyone he ran into, especially the death eaters passing by. He kept his head bent and rushed to the back exit. There, he slipped his hood over his head, grabbed his broom and flew onto the enclosure outside where Voldemort kept the werewolf’s home base.

His nerves were on edge as it was and what he was about to do didn’t help.

Things had happened so quickly, and with his house swarmed with the dark side he was lost on any safe ways to contact his friends and Ron. Draco hand’s became clammy around his broom and slipped a few times.

Two minutes of flying later and he reached the guardhouse where the pack was resting. He hopped off, ignoring the whistles and jibes from the remaining wolves, not yet gone off for the full moon. They were at their worst today, not that every other meeting was all rays of sunshine and rainbows.

“Here the pretty boy comes.” Some brute cackled, spread out on the ground and picking his teeth with a sharp nail. “The ground’s not polished here! Don’t hurt yourself Malfoy!”

I need my arms. I need my armsZ I need my arms. Draco chanted in his mind. The past two years had taught him better than to try and defend himself with a snarky remark. He walked past the men and opted to saunter into the small house rather than knock and wait.

Fenrir Greyback was the only person inside and the exact man he needed to see.

Greyback dropped the note he was reading and bared his teeth.

Draco set his shoulders back. He wouldn’t be weak today. His stupidity had done enough damage this week. “I need your help. They’ve got Sirius Black.”


200,000 words. 200,000 words. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

happy july everyone! hope you love this chapter.
there will be more diary tom, diadem tom and locket tom in the next chapter, as well as sirius in captivity. i would like to hear your opinions on if you think the diary and harri should have a physical relationship. also locket tom and harri will see each other again next chap! can't wait to write them again.

in the diadem's letter when he says 'i loved caesar more' he's referring to the conversation they had in 3rd year when she was explaining that brutus betrayed caesar because he loved rome more not caesar less. when tom says he loves caesar more he means he loves harri more than rome i.e magical briton, i.e power

credits: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows for Dumbledore's Will for Harri, Ron and Hermione.

Chapter 44: in the pathless woods


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 44: in the pathless woods

“You humans always think you’re destined for things,
for tragedy or for greatness. Destiny is a myth. Destiny is the only myth.
You choose.”
R.F. Kuang, The Poppy War

Harri woke buried under a comforter with Hermione on the living room carpet. Across from them, Ron was curled over himself on the divan and Tom lay lazily on the couch, sipping water and watching Harri.

For a heart wrenching second, she thought he was her locket. But the drowsiness wore off and she remembered he was not.

She dropped her head back onto her pillow and stared back at him, watching him watch her. They didn’t need words. Not when they had lived two lifetimes together.

Tom pointed to the kitchen. Harri inclined her head. They got up.

They made breakfast in companionable silence. The Granger's house was stocked with all sorts of necessary sustenance and once again Harri thought that Hermione’s brain was a thing of greatness. She'd prepared for everything.

Harri mixed batter for pancakes and Tom flipped them on the stove. Though she usually preferred milk in the mornings, she settled for tea. For the foreseeable future, they would have to live off things that had long shelf life's.

Staring at his side profile, Harri wished the diary didn’t look so much like the locket. She found her hands reaching for him like she was used to. The intimacy that came with time didn’t exist with this Tom and touch was something she missed desperately.

Yet just as she thought that, he dipped his finger into her waist. The both of them sighed as the bond flared.

“What’s next?” Tom asked.

“In general?” Harri's mouth quirked.

“What are you doing here?”

“Our plan is to find your remaining horcruxes.”

Tom’s features sharpened. “Do you know what they are?”

Harri touched his finger. “Your family ring.” She brushed her thumb against his lower lip. “Nagini.”

He shivered and replied in parseltongue.

“And what will become of them?”

“I don’t have that answer.” Harri whispered. “I don’t know.”

He took her wrist and placed it on his neck. “I do.”

She quivered. “Not after everything.”

Tom kissed her knuckles.

“I don't think I could ever do that to you a second time .”

He pulled her into him. She tucked herself in his neck and breathed, listening to the thump of his heart. Miracle of all miracles, he was alive.

“You won't have to. I’ll do it right this time.” He promised. “You’re not getting away from me. Never again.”

Hermione and Ron finally emerged at the aroma of fresh food. The four of them ate in a comfortable stillness, encompassed by the noise of cars and life teaming outside. It was hard to imagine there was a war raging out there and that they were at the center of it.

Harri recalled the afternoons she and Hermione had spent in this house when they were thirteen. Flipping through celebrity gossip magazines, visiting parks, buying popsicles from the convenience store and swimming in the neighbor's pool.

Girlhood felt like a dream of the past.

This thought carried her until she finished her meal, cleared the table and showered.

You always wanted to be older, until you were, and then you wanted nothing more than to go back to being young.

In the afternoon, they repacked their two pouches and cleaned up to erase any sign that anyone was living there.

“Alright.” Ron threw down a withered piece of parchment, large enough to take over the entire coffee table. “This is the family tree of Helga Hufflepuff. We’ve already come to the conclusion that her cup is a horcrux. Thank you Dumbledore.” Ron pointed to the ceiling. “God rest his soul.”

Harri traced a pencil down to the end of the tree, where the name Hepzibah Smith was written.

“We know the cup was retrieved, sorry, stolen from Hepzibah in a gruesome house-elf murder,” Hermione narrowed her eyes in Tom’s direction.

“And because Voldemort knows I know about horcruxes he’s probably moved it from where he originally stored it.” Harri finished Hermione's train of thought.

“Which means?”

“You know nothing.” Tom said.

“Why is he here again?” Ron complained to Harri.

Tom smirked. “Because I possess more intelligence in the tip of my fingers than you do in your entire minuscule brain.”

“Because that intelligence got you so far,” Ron snorted. “Finally a real boy Pinocchio?”

“Stop this senseless bickering.” Harri scolded. "It's childish."

“We’re not going to get anywhere if we fight with each other.” Hermione silenced Ron. “Zip it.”

Harri started noting down the places where the other horcruxes had been found. Lucius Malfoy's library, Hogwarts, Grimmauld Place (the cave originally) and Evan Rosier’s finger.

“Two of them were in places and two of them were given to his trusted followers. Odds are the cup is in one of the two.” Harri deduced.

“Or he has it with him like he now has the ring and Nagini.” Ron cracked his knuckles.

“No.” Tom replied. “The ring is easily worn and Nagini has the will to move on her own. A cup is not something one keeps on themselves.”

“So it’s with a death eater.”

“Bellatrix.” Harri guessed.

They all agreed.

“But where?”

“Lestrange Manor, obviously.”

“I thought that was seized by the ministry when they were all sent to Azkaban?”

Tom gave a half grin. “And who controls the ministry?”


“Wonderful.” Hermione plopped onto the couch. “We’re going to have to break into a death eater mansion that is probably a fortress filled with people who are looking for us.”

Ron jumped to his feet. “I’ll need to prepare a will. No way is George getting my Chudely Canon posters.”

Hermione and Harri shared a look that spoke of years of suffering.

Sirius Black, Malfoy Manor

Malfoy Manor was a palace compared to Azkaban. In fact, Sirius could very easily forget he was a prisoner at all. The dungeons were spacious and he had a house-elf bring him food.

Sirius could think of it as a vacation almost. He was even given the opportunity to spit on Wormtail and Rodolphus anytime they came down to see him. A dream.

He’d been here for about two weeks. He'd no news of the outside world and last he knew, Harri had vanished off the face of Earth along with Ron and Hermione. Sirius couldn’t be more relieved. He hoped they stayed hidden wherever they were despite it being too much to hope for.

Sirius heard whispers through the house that Voldemort was planning to bring another prisoner down to him. He was miffed that he hadn’t been given a visit himself. Voldemort needed information about Harri and as her Godfather, Sirius was a fountain of knowledge. He would never reveal anything but it was the principle of it.

Sirius lolled his head against the bars of his prison, wondering too why Tom, or the locket as he now knew him to be, hadn’t come to see him either. Was he ashamed? He should be. Only the weakest man in the world would think anything was worth losing his Harri.


Sirius withdrew from the bars, looking around for where the sound had come.

“Sirius!” A voice whispered.

Sirius peered up at the ceiling.

“Oh for f*cksake I’m right here.” Draco threw an invisibility cloak off and exposed himself.

Sirius wheezed and moved to him, smacking a hand on Draco’s head. “You little sh*thead.”

Draco scowled. “This is the thanks I get for trying to help you.”

“I’m living in the lap of luxury sweetheart.” Sirius spread his arms out. “I don’t need saving.”

“Right.” Draco rubbed his forehead.

“I mean can't you see I’ve been given two windows? Two! I even have my own sleeping space and look, a bowl of water.”


He laughed. “Alright, ta, I’m done.” He pinched Draco’s cheek. “It’s nice to see you. I wasn’t sure where you would be after what happened in the tower.”

“He played me,” Draco implored, hand on his chest. “I swear I had no idea.”

“Harri told us.”

“Do you know where they are? If they’re safe? Harri, Ron and Hermione?”

“I don’t. However, the longer they’re out of sight the better.”

“This is true.”

“Tell me, what I owe the pleasure of your company?”

“I’m going to get you out!” Draco blurted suddenly.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Yes it is. It won't be for a while yet but I went to Greyback and we’re going to figure something out.”

“Greyback? Draco! He could’ve hurt you.” Sirius chided.

“I know, I know. I figured he wouldn’t though because hurting me is one thing and protecting the wolves is another.”


“Are you comfortable here? Is there anything I can do?”

“I’m fine really.”

Draco rubbed his eyes. “I’ll keep having Dobby bring you food and I’ll try to get you out before you-know-who finally pays attention to you. Mother says he’s very distracted right now with our Tom and diadem Tom.”

The diadem is here too?” Sirius gaped.

“I think you-know-who captured him to be fair. Diadem Tom didn’t look happy at all the last I saw him. It worries me how much the dark lord is succeeding actually.”

Sirius was now worried too. “He’s managed to get full control of the ministry and killed Dumbledore.”

Draco swallowed shakily. “Do you think we can survive this?”

The truth was Sirius did not know.

It took weeks to form a feasible plan. During that time, Harri felt like they got to know themselves in a capacity they hadn’t before. Being locked up for weeks in a small house did that.

Tom became an avid napper and couldn’t function during the day without something to stimulate his mind. Whether this was an hour long chess match with Ron or reading one of the novels Hermione had stored in her library. He also loved to read the academic papers Mr. Granger had stored. Harri thought he might know more about the present world at this point than she did.

Ron needed at least eight hours of sleep or he was prone to pass out on the toilet. He found it bizarre to walk in the house without shoes on and was obsessed with national geographic magazines and shaving his nonexistent beard.

Hermione wouldn't stand for a messy sink when it was her responsibility. She came to be unhinged if she spotted dust on lamps or wooden furniture and lamented how she never saw these things when she lived at home with her parents.

Harri learned that she hated not being able to go outside. She missed flying and walking, the greenery of Hogwarts and the pace of life outside in London. Being back in the suburbs reminded her too much of her childhood and the loneliness that came with it.

Some days were harder than others. When the weight of not knowing where their friends and families were was too heavy or the guilt of hiding when people out there were fighting sunk in. Per Harri and Hermione’s decision, no one contacted anyone outside of their bubble. There was a lot of uncertainty still and if they were discovered the war might as well be lost.

In spite of this, there were happy times too. Listening to the muggle radio while having breakfast, playing board games after dinner, practicing dueling in the afternoons, getting to know diary Tom and understanding him too.

They became used to each other and their living space. Accustomed to the time they had to form a plan.

When the day came to execute their plan, Harri felt peace. Hermione dubbed the day, 'The Heist of Lestrange' to lighten their stress.

“Let’s go over it one last time.” They were wearing all black. Hermione had one pouch of their belongings around her neck and tucked into her shirt, Ron the other.

For this scheme to have been arranged they'd needed the floor plans and location of the Lestrange home. Tom had visited it once before all the way back in the forties and Harri’d been able to take the memory from his mind and draw it onto parchment.

From there, they mapped out the areas Tom could recall and figured they needed an estimate of how many guards would be around the perimeter, as well as if the location was right.

So Harri and Tom apparated to Northamptonshire. Under her invisibility cloak, they walked through the woods to the boundary of the Lestrange family home. They distinguished wards one and a half kilometers outside the gates and did not cross them. They returned to Hermione and Ron with this information.

It took two weeks of ward breaking research before they found a rune that could carve a hole in the wards. This rune would keep the wards open in a specific area for a limited amount of time.

After, they tested the actual wards to see how long they stayed open and if anyone came to investigate. No one did and the gap remained for four hours.

Four days later, they went back again. Hermione and Tom went through and scoured the land for the number of death eater guards.

They found a back entrance, where there were only two guards stationed. At six, the back gate opened for those civilians who worked in the residence to leave through. Hermione concluded that would be the perfect time for them to stroll right in.

“Tom will open the wards here,” Harri put her finger on the starting mark of their map. “we will leave an enfeeble stone that will keep the wards weak. That way if anyone is caught the wards will be faulty enough that we can apparate straight from the house. But that's only if worst comes to worst. After dropping the stone, we’ll walk under the disillusionment charm. Upon reaching the gates we’ll hide under my invisibility cloak. We’ll walk to the window of the food storage room and climb in after Hermione picks the lock with her skeleton key.”

Hermione took over from Harri. “Then we will wait until one of the house elves comes into the storage room and leaves the door open for us to pass through. We’ll go into the first hallway we see and split up. Me and Harri one way and you two the other. Harri and Tom are connected to the horcrux so we can kill two birds with one stone by separating. The best case scenario is that we find the cup, meet back in the storage room when the two hours are up and walk back out.”

Ron’s chuckled nervously. “Easy, right?”

“It’s the best idea we have.”

Harri rolled the parchment and placed it back in some drawers. “Let’s go?”

Tom held out his arm. They grabbed onto it and apparated back to the clearing of the woodland. They each cast the disillusionment charm on themselves and linked to not lose sight of one another. The night was dark.

It was a swift twenty minute hike to the wards.

“Hold this.” Hermione handed her wand to Harri and took out a knife, stabbing it into the ground and carving out the rune. Harri pressed her wand in the letters and activated them. Ron buried the enfeeble stone in the grass.

“I’ll go first.” Tom squeezed Harri’s hand and vanished through the hole in the wards. Harri went in after and heard Ron and Hermione follow. It took another fifteen minutes to trek to the Lestrange's. There was an entire crew of people coming out of the back entrance. Two death eater’s Harri’d never seen watched them go. The outside of the Lestrange stately home was covered in lights. It was larger than the Black mansion in Italy, almost the size and color of a palace.

“Come close.” Harri drew out her cloak and threw it over all of them.

Tom lead them in the grounds. She didn’t breathe when they ambled ahead, sure that one of the men would spot them or a house-elf would look directly into her eyes. They were too close and each step was too loud. When they made it past the gate they did not speak until they were in front of a two door window, a meter from the bustling kitchen.

“Here goes nothing.” Hermione murmred. Harri shuffled back to accommodate her. Hermione pressed her key into the lock and there were two minutes of fiddling until they heard a click.

“Whew.” Ron whispered. “That could’ve gone really bad.”

“No kidding.”

They climbed in the window. Tom closed it after they were in but left it unlocked. They waited in the dark for a few minutes before the storage door opened. Two house-elves bumbled in, leaving the door ajar.

In a line, the four of them maneuvered themselves into the kitchen. Harri was saddened by the sight of the demure elves working in silence.

They took the first exit out of the kitchen and dipped into a hallway. Harri took the invisibility cloak off. They redid their disillusionment charms. “Hermione and I will search the fourth and third floors, you guys do the second and basem*nt?”

"Okay. We'll go to the basem*nt first." Ron said.

Tom’s invisible hand caressed her cheek. “See you in two hours.”

There was the sound of their footsteps moving away and then nothing.

“Let’s move.” Hermione laced their fingers together. Seamlessly they trudged through the empty hallway, passing sleeping portraits of dead Lestrange’s. The mansion looked nothing like decrepit Grimmauld place before Sirius and Harrifixed it. It was gothic but tasteful.

She couldn’t understand why a family that was rich, beautiful, and powerful let itself waste away. Why did they need their hatred when clearly they had everything else in the world?

When they passed large closed french doors, Harri heard Bellatrix’s laughing shriek and if she wasn’t wrong, Snape’s low tone too. Thankful for no phantom ache in her scar, she prayed Voldemort was not going to make a surprise appearance. Or even worse, the locket. They would really be f*cked then.

After ten minutes of wandering through the ground floor, Harri saw the staircase. She and Hermione ran up, bypassing the first and second floors to the third. The house was much more daunting up there, with fewer lights and greater silence.

“Can you feel anything?” Hermione inquired in a muted tone.

“Not yet.” There were a lot of windows and all their curtains were open. Moonlight was their only guide.

Harri felt trepidation enter her. The horcruxes pulled her in but they could hide too if they so desired. She prayed Hufflepuff's cup was not the one to not want her near him.

Her and Hermione trekked through the entire third floor and found nothing. Yet on the first step of the fourth floor landing, Harri's body shuddered. She felt that it was different. Like the scent of smoke sinking into the lungs.

“Here,” she latched onto Hermione’s arm. “it’s here.” Harri led her down the right corridor. They stopped at the last wall.

Low and behold, a painting of Helga Hufflepuff peered down at them. In her hand was the cup.

Voldemort didn't know this, but to the pieces of him that were abandoned, Harri’s touch was the sun and moon.

Hermione turned to look at her. "You think it's in the painting?”

“Yes.” The pull was now alluring, prising at Harri's chest.

Hermione stopped her from moving. “There could be a curse remember? Let me check.”

Harri pressed her lips together. “We don’t have time. It won’t hurt me.”

“Harri, you are the person he wants to hurt the most.”

He might but the cup won’t.”

“You don’t know that!”

There was a strain inside of her, stretching her. Harri picked up her hand. Hermione extended her hand to stop her, but it was too late. Harri touched it.

She was wrenched into the painting. It was like the pop of apparating and the drop of a portkey. One minute she was standing next to Hermione and the next inside a dark room. There was only a candle for light. A black king size bed and five tomes thrown on the ground. A dagger was lying on the quilt and bloody footprints painted the carpet.

“Who are you?” Tom’s voice, distorted, hissed in her ear. A dark shadow spun around her. “How did you wake me? How did you find me?”

“I’m Harri.” She answered. “And I found you because you wanted me to.”

“Wrong.” The darkness seethed and slid over her body, trapping her in its tight grasp.

“No.” Harri whispered.

“Who. Are. You.”

“You know who I am, you can feel it.”


She spread her arms out, reaching. He recoiled from her, pushing her away. But Harri held on to him. She was the one who was whole and she knew she had the power. This time, she would take him.


Harri clung to the bond and spread her magic out over the horcrux. He fought her with surprising strength. Still, Harri was too much for him. He screamed when they connected. Harri wrapped her presence over him and he vanished, leaving her fingers folded over the golden stem of the cup.

She fell out the other side of the painting.

“You got it!” Hermione helped her to her feet. Harri stared at the small cup in her hands and waited for anything else to happen. It only shook.

“We need to store it.”

Hermione pulled her pouch open from her neck and Harri flung it the cup in one of the pockets. Then she realized she could see Hermione. “The charm’s worn off.”

Hermione glanced up, startled. “Right.”

“We should send the boys a message on a galleon so they stop looking.”

“I’ll do it. What should we say? Done?”

Harri let out a disbelieving laugh, suddenly realizing it was done. “Mission accomplished. I can’t believe one of our plans actually worked!”

Hermione nudged her, offended. “They’ve been known to be spectacular on occasion!”

Harri pushed her. “Alright ow! Let’s get out of here. This floor is sort of creepy.”

“Not just yet Potter.”

Harri and Hermione’s happy expressions fell.

“You walked straight into the belly of the beast all by your lonesome?” Rosier walked in their direction from the end of the hallway, shaking his head.

Harri tugged her wand out.

Rosier pouted. “There’s no need for that Harri, we’re all pals.”

Hermione muttered a shielding spell.

“It’s truly futile for you to try anything.” Rosier held up his hands. “I’m not the devil. I don’t want to hurt two little girls. I haven't even let the others know.” He pointed his thumb down. “Remember all my master's servants down there? I know you do. I'm willing to bet you’re not so strong without your order members here to help you. I would just hate for you to make me tell my friends your right here.”

“Tell Tom and Ron we have to leave early and we’ll meet them in the woods.” Harri said under her breath to Hermione.

“Why?” Hermione gritted out through the side of her mouth.

“They’ll be able to leave safely while everyone else is distracted and we can apparate out because the wards will be weak for another hour.”

“Ok. Doing it now. We just have to keep Rosier talking for a little bit longer so they don’t hear anything.” Hermione dipped her hand into her coat pocket, presumably touching the galleon.

Rosier cleared his throat. “Am I boring you?”

Harri plastered on a false smile. “Just a bit.”

His jaw ticked. “Bellatrix has been desperate to get her hands on you. I think she will be ecstatic you came to her marital home to give her the chance.”

“I thought you wanted to handle us yourself?” Hermione asked sweetly.

“That was before you irked me,” Rosier shot a hex at their feet. “Oops.”

“I’m going to do something very out of character.” Hermione declared.

“Do it.” Harri tossed an expelliarmus.

“Imperio!” Hermione’s unforgivable hit Rosier, whose eyes broadened in amazement.

His eyes began to roll back and forth as he resisted. Hermione’s curse was strong.

“You’re holding off a death eater.” Harri said, pleased.

Hermione gave a half leer. “Tom taught me that one.”

“Of course he did.”

Rosier lost his balance and teetered into the wall. Harri and Hermione strode by him at a slow pace as Hermione attempted to keep the curse going. The physical strain was too much though and her elbow dipped under the strain.

“Do you think Ron and Tom are at least in the kitchen by now?” Hermione winced.

Rosier broke the hold of the imperious and snarled, heaving himself to his feet.

“They’ll have to be!”


“Repello Inimicum!”


They thundered down the stairs, Rosier on their tail. He managed to snag Harri’s right shoulder, leaving a bleeding wound on her. They were almost to the third floor when she felt that Rosier was too close.

“Alarte Ascendare!”

It barely stopped him.

Harri snuck a glance to the left, where there was an atrium with a glass roof and no stair railing. If they jumped they could get far enough away from Rosier to apparate away.

“Trust me Hermione, okay?” Harri yelled. She pivoted and blasted Rosier with a stunner. He tripped and Harri hauled Hermione close.


“Protego maxima!”

She jumped off the last step, yanking Hermione down with her. The two of them crashed through the glass, down three floors and fell feet up on the foyer. The glass shards rained upon them. Before Hermione apparated them out, Harri saw like through a storm, Snape and Lucious thunderstruck at the sight of them.

The feeling of the wards ripping gave Harri whiplash and when she and Hermione fell into the forest ground she had to stay down and wait for the piercing pain to pass. They had broken glass all over themselves and both their shoulders were bleeding. Hermione got onto her feet first and helped Harri stand.

“Now we wait.” Hermione ambled to the tree where Tom and Ron were supposed to come out and meet them.

“If we timed it right they should be here in five minutes.”

Hermione peered around, distraught. “What if the death eaters come looking for us?”

“Probably not out here. It would be an unlikely place for us to apparate to escape.” Harri pressed a hand to the cut on her shoulder and grimaced.

“What if Ron and Tom get caught? Oh, maybe we shouldn’t have split up Harri.” Hermione wrung her hands together. If they didn’t have any salve back at Hermione’s, Harri would have to get stitches.

They waited for only a bit before the sounds of two people coming their way reached them. Tom and Ron wiped their disillusionment charms, coming over with perturbed expressions.

“What the hell happened?” Ron brushed glass off of Hermione.

“You’re bleeding.” Tom touched Harri’s neck.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

“How did you even get glass all over you?”

“We got the cup but Rosier found us after.”


“We should really go back.” Hermione clutched the back of Ron’s shirt.

Harri explained to Tom. “They’re all looking now that we broke the wards.”

“Where’s the cup?” He asked, breathless.

“In the bag.”

“Can I see it?”

“Can we leave first?” Hermione pleaded. “I’m very concerned about us being so close.”

Tom eyed the string around Hermione’s neck. “I can’t feel it…”

“You wouldn’t, none of you can feel the other horcruxes.” Harri said.

His eyes became unfocused.

“Okay, leaving now. Hold on or be left here.” Hermione snatched the portkey from Ron’s back pocket.

Tom was silent the rest of the night.

They got back to the Granger’s and cleaned up their injuries. Tom went up and didn’t come back down. Hermione and Ron slept on the living room floor and Harri stayed in Hermione’s room. It took her a very long time to close her eyes. Her mind was preoccupied with the memory of the cup, he was in so much pain.

There were soft lips kissing down the side of her neck, a tongue licking her pulse. A familiar and hard body pressed down on her.

“Oh.” Harri moaned, tossing her head back.

Hands spread her legs open and fingers pushed inside of her.

“Good girl.”

The mouth popped off her neck and bore down on her lips, relentless and frantic. She whimpered, her toes curling as she was stretched out. The hand was moved and the tip of a co*ck pressed in. Harri welcomed it.

“You missed this.” Whispered onto her mouth.

She gasped, easing it in and rocking with it, letting it f*ck into her.

“Didn’t you?” Teeth sunk into her lips with fervor.

“Uh, uh,” Harri whined. The hips rammed onto her, length driving inside her and a cold thumb rubbing her cl*t. She couldn’t think straight with how good it was, her hands flailing over the neck.

“Tell me.” Their bodies flushed together, her chest was rubbing against sharp collar bones.

“What?” Harri reached for that gorgeous mouth, those perfect lips.

It whispered. “You need me. Tell me you need me.”

“I need you.”

She could feel the climax building up. The thrusts ceased.

“Don’t stop.” Harri begged, throwing her arm up.

Lips latched onto her nipple, sucking and she burned. “I can’t, please,”

“Tell me where you are.”



She could never forget the sound of that voice calling her name.

Awareness slammed into her. She choked.


His fingers pried her eyes open and she saw a flash of his red eyes before he dove into her mind. Every window in her head had been sealed since he left but because he caught her by surprise the most recent memory of the street from Hermione’s bedroom window gleamed through.

“Found you.”

Harri woke up with a shout. She fell off the mattress and sprinted downstairs. Ron was watching Loony Tunes and Hermione and Tom were at the table reading the paper.

“We have to go! He found us!”

Ron dropped the bowl of cheerios he was eating and dived for the bottom of the coffee table where both the pouches were stored. Hermione and Tom’s chairs screeched as they got up. Hermione ran up to collect anything they'd discarded and Harri began throwing all their belongings lying around into the pouches. All the books and pieces of parchment, their notes, their shoes.

Tom opened the curtains and snuck a look outside. Hermione came down and stood behind Tom. The street was empty, only a little kid riding his bicycle.

“Where are we going?”

“We can’t stay in England.”

“But we can’t leave to Blaise’s, we would’ve had to send him a letter first.”

“We’ll go to Vikor’s!” Ron rummaged through one of the pockets of his sack and drew out a paper. “Got it! We have to go to the Krum house in the Scottish Highlands. We can take a train.”

“Train? Death eaters will be crawling King’s Cross!”

“A car?”

“Who’s car Ron? Who’s car? There are death eaters coming right now, you wanna just hop in while they watch?” Hermione ranted.

“Shut up!” Tom ordered. “They’re here.”

Harri saw ten dark clouds apparate onto the street.

“Grab me.” Tom held out his elbow.

Ron stuck himself to Tom’s back, Hermione to his arm and Harri his hand. The fidelius shattered and they twisted out of existence.

They landed beneath an elm tree in Hyde Park. The sweltering heat and noisy road was jarring in the aftermath.

“Can any of you drive?” Tom brushed the leaves out of Harri’s face.

Ron shrugged. “Kind of?”

Harri stared at him, incredulous. “Not at all.”

“Harri and I can drive.” Hermione told Tom. “My dad let us practice sometimes. But we can’t just steal one! I don’t know how to hotwire a car.”

“Calm down Granger, I’ll get us some keys.”

“What are you talking about?”

Tom sauntered away and into the walking path where there were people strolling and jogging.

Hermione turned on Harri. “What is he talking about?”

Harri couldn't pay attention.

She rested her back against the tree bark and closed her eyes. A breeze blew onto her, cooling the sweat covering her neck and back. She was only wearing sweats and one of Sirius’s shirts. She had no bra on and hadn’t brushed her teeth. Still more disgusting than that was how she’d melted for the locket in the dream. She’d pleaded for him. Kissed him like he hadn’t broken faith. She was horrified at herself.

“Tom's pickpocketing.” She heard Ron laugh.

“He's very smooth.” Hermione admitted.

“Hey, Mione?”


“Do you know the way to Scotland?”


“We can buy a map.”


“At a kiosk.”

“What’s that?”

“I got it.” Tom was back. Harri opened her eyes, Hermione snatched the keys from Tom and they walked to the parking area. When Hermione pressed the unlock button, the vehicle closest to them beeped.

Ron raised his fists. “Praise all that is good.”

Harri sat in the front with Hermione at the wheel and helped her navigate. They bought a map from a nice man with a kiosk near the exit of the parking lot. They also treated themselves to tea, cake and buttered croissants before taking off. Ron penned a letter to Daphne, taking the risk and telling her where they were going.

For having only driven a few times, Hermione was very capable. Ron fell asleep ten minutes in and Tom’s eyes stayed glued to the window, watching the scenery. Harri turned on the radio and crossed her legs. By the time they were out of the city, the sun dipped into the sky. In the fourth hour, they stopped at a gas station. Tom and Ron spent an hour in there, returning to the car with ten bags full of stuff.

They reached the address Daphne had written for Harri deep into the night.

The Krum’s summer home was a lovely cottage, with a sprawling yard and pool. The view was stunning even in the dark. They drove in when the gate opened at Hermione's voice. Viktor and Daphne were waiting for them at the front steps, solemn expressions on their faces which left once they came out of the car.

Daphne screamed, running and hugging Hermione and Harri.

“Welcome friendz.” Vikor shook Ron’s hand before he saw Tom and stiffened. “What iz the meaning of this?”

Daphne looked to him and her face blanched. “Tom?”

“Wrong one.” Harri said, hesitant.

“Oh.” Daphne nodded in understanding. Viktor was puzzled. “I—don’t worry about it.” Daphne told him. Viktor examined Tom and let it go. The boys went into the cottage but Daphne dragged Harri and Hermione into the garden. They hugged again, holding each other close and breathing together.

Harri spilled out the first thought that came. “Do you know anything about Sirius?”

“I'm sorry, we've heard nothing.” Daphne responded.

“What do you know? What’s been happening? Is everyone else safe? Have there been more attacks? Is Hogwarts open?” Hermione spewed.

“A lot of people were injured when they attacked Bill and Fleur’s wedding but no one died. There have been a lot of assaults in the villages though. The dark side control everything and will do random searches to find people if they're hiding. They keep watch on all of us that they can. They’re going to be opening Hogwarts soon and you-know-who has made Snape headmaster. They’ve appointed death eater’s as the DADA professors and sent a missive saying that anyone who doesn’t come will be held in contempt. Despite that, they won’t allow the muggleborns to attend and have started muggleborn registration. It's vile.”

“It's horrifying.” Hermione lamented.

“I think they're going to come down really hard on muggleborns. Moody and Kingsley have helped as many as they can but it’s hard to track them when the death eaters started gunning for them first. And Harri…”


Daphne gulped. “He’s had the ministry put a bounty on you and he’s got snatchers whose only job is hunting for you. He’s put so much fear in everyone that they are desperate. They are all coming for you.”


I'm trying to keep track of all these Tom's like they're whack-a-moles! Sorry the diadem missed this one, there was too much going on. He'll be in the next for sure.

I'm trying my best to tie it all together.
I hope that I can finish this story and that it's good.

Six more chapters to go. <3

KIND comments are cherished beyond and needed greatly but rude comments go in the dump! :D

Chapter 45: the deathly hallows


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 45: the deathly hallows

“And your worst sin,
is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing."
—Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment

Diadem, Voldemort’s Fortress

Wandering around a place where he could at any moment encounter another piece of his soul was not an experience Tom ever predicted he would have. Then again, he never thought he’d be captured by himself either.

He was not under immense agony or shackled to walls. Voldemort was rarely ever around. He sometimes could be heard coming back deep into the night but that was only ever to check on them and leave. The gilded cage Tom was imprisoned in was spacious. He could walk for ages without seeing another living creature.

As for the locket, whom he despised and understood in equal measure, they both mostly steered clear of one another. During their first meeting, they’d fought like muggle boys on the schoolyard and neither of them desired a repeat.

Though they avoided each other, it was impossible to not hear the other. The locket was allowed free reign and he often left the house. Tom did not know where he went. He only watched the owls he received and sometimes overheard conversations from the office. He’d seen others come and go, people who’s features Tom recognized from Hogwarts. Pucey, Miles, Lucas, Parkinson and Davies. He wondered if they knew who resided here. That Voldemort could come at any minute.

Despite all this freedom however, his younger self was frustrated. Always frowning, always angry. Miserable. He’d barely slept the past week. Tom would hear him pacing into the dawn and haunting the halls. It made him pity him. He knew all too well the way a mistake tormented.

With nothing else to occupy his time, he went searching for the boy. The locket drank a lot of tea and didn’t eat much food and thus it wasn’t difficult to find him in the kitchens.

“You must eat.” Tom chastised upon seeing him.

It was odd the things you noticed when a version of you was standing right in front of you. The locket’s head jolted up from the counter, shaking his hair in an unusual manner. His face may have been cadaverous but his eyes were fierce, raging.

“Get out.”

Tom raised his brows. “Do you think wasting away will help you?”

“I haven’t asked for your opinion.”

“You need it.”

The locket threw his tea into the sink. “Get out.”

“Perhaps you wouldn’t be in this precarious situation if you stayed where you belonged.”

“You’re a sanctimonious git.” The locket derided.

“I left because I wanted to take care of her. You ran because you are afraid.”

“I asked her to come with me. She was supposed to—

“To what? Skip into Voldemort’s arms?”

“He made me a vow.”

“He is a liar and we know it better than anyone.”

“If anything, I was trying to protect her and keep her safe from his machinations. He may be powerful but he cannot break an unbreakable vow. She’s the one who walked away from me.”

"Protect her? That isn't true. You were being selfish. You went after what you wanted without thinking of her."

“I am always thinking of her!”

“Two things can be true at once."

Some part of Tom languished for himself.

“You don’t know how to love people. You only know how to own them. And because they do not behave the way you need them to, you will always feel betrayed. That is why you feel this restlessness. But Harri has never done anything but want you. She was the one who was deceived. Not only did you break faith, you double crossed her.”

“You dare,” The locket rose to his feet. Tom suspected he was going to say something scathing but two lower ranking death eaters sprinted into the kitchen, preventing him from speaking.

“Potter was at the Lestrange residence!”

“She was what?” Tom snapped.

The locket seized the lapels of one of the death eaters. “When? Where is she now?”

“We don’t know, she escaped! It seems like she stole something! Bellatrix is beside herself. She says the dark lord will be furious!”

He didn’t need to say another word. There was the sound of apparation. Voldemort was back and he was seething. The shrieks began at once.

Tom turned to the locket. “What was at Lestrange manor?”

“The cup.”

“The horcrux.” Tom confirmed, relieved.

“Yes, the horcrux.” The locket glared.

“Then she has two now.”


“You didn’t know?” Tom ridiculed. “The diary is with her. I gave him back to her.”

They left Hufflepuff’s cup in the bottom of their pouch and did not touch it or speak of it. Harri worried that by touching she had forever awakened the soul piece inside and now left him in isolation. Or worse, had given him the stamina he needed to use his magic on them.

Tom reassured her that it wasn’t possible. As long as they stayed away from it, the horcrux could not latch onto any of their souls. So they stored it far away from any of their living quarters and in a warded room.

Viktor was gone more than he was home. He was helping the order when he could and therefore they had the house to themselves. They focused for the next month on helping Daphne plan escape routes for those caught in the war. They researched soul bonds and dreams, conjuring up ways Harri could contact the diadem. She had tried lowering her shields and calling to him but it hadn’t worked.

It was a heavy blow to be dealt. Not only were two remaining horcruxes they needed, ring and Nagini, both with Voldemort but now he had the diadem and locket as well.

At this crossroads was when Harri was pulled into Voldemort’s mind.

It had been a very long time, months, since the ministry gala. She was glad he didn’t know she was seeing through his eyes, happy he couldn’t gloat about how right he had been and that it was futile to fight any longer.

Voldemort was speaking to Ollivander. Torturing him, asking him about a wand. Something he called the elder wand. Voldemort’s desire for it was almost like his need for the prophecy.

When Harri got up the morning and told Hermione this, Ron jumped in on the conversation.

“The elder wand? Is that what you said?”


“That’s not, that’s not real though?” .

Daphne joined in. “I think it is.”

“It’s just a children’s story.” Hermione tisked.

“No." Harri denied. “If he wants it, it exists.”

“The elder wand has only ever been mentioned in the Tales of Beatle the Bard. The book Dumbledore left me in his will. Apparently, it's the most powerful wand in the world. In the story at least. Beatle says it is crafted by death. There is no way that is real.” Hermione explained.

Harri gaped at her. “It’s for sure real! That’s why he left you the book.”

“If you-know-who believes it there must be some truth to it.” Daphne agreed.

“Tom is there anything you would like to add?” Hermione called to the diary in the other room, assuming he would support her skepticism.

He came in holding Tales of Beatle the Bard. “There is truth in all stories.”

Hermione rolled her head back.

“Hermione we can literally time travel but you think there doesn’t exist an all powerful wand?”

“If the elder wand exists I suppose death must have come to three brothers and if death has a corporeal form then he must have given his cloak away and there must be a stone that resurrects the dead! Why didn’t I think of it sooner? We should just find them instead, bring Dumbledore back to life and use the all powerful wand to kill Voldemort!”

"Thank you for finally explaining the whole story." Harri said sarcastically.

“Maybe you should take a break.” Daphne warily plucked the newspaper out of Hermione’s hands.

“I’ll go check on the wards. Viktor mentioned something about goats wandering into the garden but please leave this alone. Really, it has nothing to do with anything.” Hermione stormed away in petulance.

“Now that she’s gone,” Ron took the book out of Tom’s grip. “Let’s talk. Hypothetically we're saying this story is true and like Hermione mentioned there are three objects. A super powerful wand, a resurrection stone and a cloak that hides you from death. Clearly only the wand is relevant in this situation. If we can find the wand before Voldemort then we can stop him from getting an unbeatable object that would work against us.”

“I know where we have to go.” Tom mentioned, offhand.

Harri lifted a brow. “You do?”

“There were rumors that Grindelwald was the owner of the wand when he was the dark lord. He should know where it went.”


“Abraxas and Tavvy told me.”

“Say,” Ron put in. “Where is Grindelwald exactly?”

“Nurmengard. In Germany.” Harri recollected. Dumbledore’s soulmate. Dumbledore’s enemy. “Wait, so now we’re veering in the opposite direction of our plans and traveling to Germany where we know no one, into a prison to visit the last darkest magician before ours.”

A corner of Tom’s mouth lifted. “I’ve always wanted to meet Grindelwald.”

Ron broke the news to Hermione at lunch. She was beyond incensed.

There was no way for them to use an international portkey to get to Germany. If they took the muggle way, it became even more complicated because they didn’t have money and Tom and Ron didn’t have passports. Needless to say, it was a long and arduous path to Grindelwald.

Things were bleak. When Viktor returned from his missions he was somber. Harri had nightmares about Sirius being tortured by Bellatrix. Hermione had enormous guilt about lying to her parents and Ron was in constant worry over his family. He had some contact with them through Blaise’s box but the dark side had such strict control over the entire country that it was difficult to do anything else but send short notes. Anyone they knew was a target and abject to careful watch. If their loved ones weren’t in hiding, they were in constant danger working for the order.

Some had gone back to Hogwarts, which was open under death eater rule. Ginny, Micheal, Parvati, Neville and Zacharias were some of their friends who went. Daphne had said Blaise and Theodore were both out of the country. Lavender and Maria were working with Viktor, Fred, George, Charlie and Bill, pretending to go about as normal but helping where they could.

Lucious, Daphne said, was hardly ever seen. Whatever Voldemort had him doing couldn’t be good.

Their world was broken and they needed to fix it. Harri yearned for magical Britain to be the place she’d once walked in, filled with life and enchantment.

Time was such a relative concept. The sun rose and fell. Night came and went. You could sit in a place for hours and the clock would continue to turn. Your cells regenerated, your atoms imploded and life kept going by.

Harri measured it by the changing of seasons. Of fall leaving and winter taking root.

The anxiety of staying hidden settled in like an added layer of skin. A garden and a home couldn’t make up for an entire world.

It took ages of work but they formed a feasible scheme. First, they located Nurmengard’s coordinates. The exact location was hidden from public knowledge and as a result it’d taken sorting through newspaper clippings, books and journals of Grindelwald’s reign before they pinned down the Austrian Alps and the twenty mile radius under which it would be near. Not a precise placement, still close enough.

Succeeding that, it was a matter of finding the means to travel. Viktor took a risk for them and snuck into a store in Knockturn alley where ministry workers were known to frequent. He sat there and noted down the date of the next German dignitary visit. With this knowledge, their adjenda was set.

The day of the visit, the six of them apparated to knockturn alley within the late hours of the afternoon. They hid on a roof across from the parlor where the Germans were lunching. When the men came out, they were going to ambush them. Obliviate and steal pieces of hair to add to the polyjuice Hermione and Tom had spent a month making. When that was done, they were going to go to the ministry and floo to Germany from the open fireplaces.

Once in the German ministry, they would take off to an Inn on the border of the Austrian Alps. From there they would hike to Nurmengard.

The door of the parlor opened and five grey heads stepped out. A low-ranking and unfamiliar death eater was trailing them, probably as their guard.

“Jump now." Viktor whispered.

Harri lept and landed on the death eater.


The Germans held up their wands, stupified.

“Hi!” She waved.


“It’s Potter!”

While they were still in shock and only staring at Harri, Tom, Ron and Viktor vaulted onto their backs.



The men were bound.

Hermione and Daphne sailed over and sniped their hairs off. Tom bent cast oblivite. Then they dragged the bodies into a secluded alcove on the right wall, stripped them, stole their wands and covered them in invisibility charms. They would hold for an hour.

“Bottoms up I suppose?” Daphne held out the polyjuice vials.

Harri closed her nose and downed one, holding onto Hermione’s shoulder as she gagged. The feeling of transforming was the same as being dunked in cold water.

They didn’t waste time looking over their new bodies. They shed their own clothes and put on the dignitaries. Next, they apparated to the newly formed entrance of the ministry. It was only a third rebuilt since the attack. Viktor was the only one not in polyjuice and instead hiding under Harri's cloak.

“I’ll lead.” Ron said. “Harri after me and everyone else follows.”

They went into the phone booths in pairs. All of their own wands were in the bag around Viktor’s neck and the stolen wands were what they used to pass the checkpoint.

The half-built atrium was reminiscent of the old one, with the exception of the statue in the center. Magic is Might. Hermione stared at it with desolate eyes.

“Come away.” Daphne whispered. They walked with the afternoon congregation of workers returning from lunch, all somber.

“How do we know which floo we’re supposed to take?” Harri asked.

“The one on the end is usually the international one.” Hermione said.

Avoiding eye contact with anyone else, they walked until they came to the last floo. Ron was again the first to step up. He saluted them and went through.

Harri gulped.

“Go.” Tom touched her lower back. “I’ll be right behind.”

She went. The transport was harsher than if they were popping by the Weasleys. She stumbled out to a furnished and royal interiored office. Whoever these people they were impersonating were, they were more important than Harri'd thought. She went to stand beside Ron, waiting for everyone else to come out.

Hermione came in and locked the door. Tom entered and moved to stare out the window, overlooking the German Ministry of Magic. The area was cream colored, unlike the green of their own. And it was strange to see the workers, aurors, and officers moving around with such calmness, compared to the dread they’d just passed in England.

Daphne and Viktor were the last to come out.

They took off the official robes they’d put on and dressed again in their winter clothing. Then they gathered in the middle of the office and waited for the polyjuice to wear off. Once it was gone they went over the plan again.

“The place is called The Mute Blossom Inn. During this time of year they'll have very few visitors so not a problem if we're worried about people recognizing us. We’ll be fine on that front. We’ll just floo in and leave pretending we’re going out for food.” Daphne said.

“Same floo order?”

Hermione nodded. Viktor grabbed the pot of floo powder and held it up for everyone to take. Ron went and Harri followed.

The Blossom Inn had a cozy foyer with a two door entrance and two bored men at the front desk. There was also small girl playing a piano. The men perked up as they arrived.

“Hello!” Hermione plastered a smile onto her face and went up, asking for directions to the nearest restaurant. Harri shifted her face away from the men, hiding her scar, only to find the little girl by the piano staring at her. She smiled reluctantly. The little girl kept staring.

“Eerie.” Tom murmured in her ear.

“No kidding.”

Hermione came back and they stepped out of the inn. It was snowing in the small village, wind blowing in their faces. Harri’d never been this high up before. You could see the mountains and sprawling hills over the edge.

“This place was built mostly for travelers, sightseers, the odd official and those that come to check on Nurmengard.” Viktor explained as they began walking. There were a few people strolling near them but the area was mostly empty.

It took a mere half house to cross the village boundary and venture into the woods.

“We’ll have to take the hikers trail.” Ron mentioned offhand. “The forest isn't safe at night.”

Daphne rubbed her hands together. “My grandpapa told me many scary stories about this forrest growing up. Apparently, daemons live here.”

“I’m so glad we’re going then!” Hermione yelped, sarcastic.

“If we don’t take any breaks we should get to Nurmengard in three hours.” Harri adjusted her watch. “Let’s conserve our energy. Once the sun is fully down we’ll use our wands to light the way, but no more than two at once. We don’t need to be a beacon for anyone on the look out.”

The first hour of their journey was spent in companionable silence, observing the land but during the second Ron started throwing out questions.

“How old is Grindelwald now?”

“116. He was born in 1883.”

“I can’t believe he outlived Dumbledore while in prison.”

"He has a much smaller threat to his life at this point compared to Dumbledore in the last thirty years."

"I find it very zarring that Grindelwald, someone who my elder relativez zpeak of with awe and fear ztill, is confined to a room." Viktor expressed.

"Me too." Daphne voiced.

“He was the most dangerous man in the world and now he is nothing.” Tom spoke quietly, staring at the path up ahead. “Left to disintegrate.”

“Do you think he’s all there in the head?”

“Probably not.” Harri recognized for a moment how much of an iron will Dumbledore would’ve had to have left Grindelwald in Nuremgarud all these years. Yet again, maybe Dumbledore hadn’t left him. Maybe he visited him. Maybe he took him home on breaks. Did Grindelwald even know that Dumbledore was dead? Or was he just waiting for him to come see him? The thought broke her heart.

It ended up taking four hours to reach the prison. They’d stopped more than once to cast heating charms and add layers of clothing.

Hermione regurgitated their strategy. “Grindelwald is imprisoned in the highest tower. Viktor and Harri will go up and we will stay here and distract the guards.”

Ron drew his scarf away from his nose. “Let's begin.”

Hermione, Ron, Daphne and Tom marched to the gate while Harri and Viktor went the other way. They looked for an empty spot, where they could find and opening to go int through. From the gates, there was a loud crash, which would be Daphne. The guard that was a few feet away from Harri and Viktor shouted in alarm and ran, not noticing them.

They blasted a hole through the bars and sprinted up the hill to the castle’s inner entrance. They circled around to the side of the building. Viktor demolished one of the windows.

They climbed through and Harri spared a glance for the downstairs, noticing the future which had probably once been expensive was now covered in dust and falling apart.

The two of them ventured up the stairs of the tallest tower and came upon a single room.

Harri said to Viktor. “I would like to go in alone.”

He seemed ambivalent but inclined his head and stepped back.

“Alohamora.” Harri unlocked the door and treaded in. The interior of the room was small however the spindly figure hovering in the darkness made it seem mammoth.

“Hello.” She said softly.

Grindelwald looked... She shivered. He was emaciated, a ghost of himself.

“Hello Harri Potter. I was wondering when you would come.”

She inhaled, her heart quivering. She had something very important to ask him yet what fell out was, “You don’t look very well.”

Grindelwald’s brows pulled in. “I wouldn’t. He’s dead, you know?”

“Yes.” She whispered.

“Where they have buried him?”

“At Hogwarts, near the lake where he wanted to be.”

He sighed. “Albus would have.”

“He wasn’t in any pain when it happened.”

“You were there?”

She could only nod. “For what it’s worth he always wished things could’ve been different with you.”

“Us both.”

They had been the best of friends, which made them the worst of enemies.

Grindelwald ran his eyes over her before lowering his head. “Ask me what it is you came all this way for Harri.”

“The elder wand.”

His mouth twitched. “Do you even know what you are asking for dear girl?”

“I admit I’ve only heard about the wand very recently. In spite of that, I need it more than anyone. Voldemort wants it and I can’t let him have it. You must understand, the thought of him with an unbeatable wand is terrifying.”

“You are looking at it the wrong way. With the wand alone he is not undefeatable.” Grindelwald tugged down his worn shirt to reveal his chest. There was a triangular symbol tattooed on him. “This, do you know what this is?”

"I do not."

“This is the symbol of The Deathly Hallows. If you know of the wand, I assume you know of the cloak and stone?”

“Well, yes.”

“The ancient tale refers to three objects, hallows, which if united make the possessor Master of Death. This is why they are called the deathly hallows and this symbol represents them and their power. It was my greatest desire and at one time it was Albus’s too, to own all three and become immortal.”


“Yes, Harri. When one possesses all three, one can overcome death. It is very important that you hear this. The story is true. Those three brothers the fable refers to were real. The Peverells. Antioch, Cadmus and Ignotus.”

“I don’t understand.” Harri was flabergasted. “How can I have never heard of this before? If it's all true and the master can become immortal then...”

Grindelwald became vehement. “That is exactly why you've never heard of it. Immortality? No wizard wants another to have it. Wizen like to pretend it is a children's story but it is real. If you want to defeat Voldemort, you must not let him anywhere near the hallows. So let me answer you this, I had the elder wand until I was defeated in battle.”

Harri's breath caught. “Which means Professor Dumbledore won it from you. Do you know where he would have hidden it after?”

“You would know more. He would never have trusted me with that information, even before dying.” Grindelwald paused. “I will give you another piece of information as a kindness. I will tell you that Voldemort is a descendant of one Peverell and you are of another. Perhaps that will help you if you chose to search for the hallows.”

“How will that help?” There was no way.

“Go to Godric’s Hollow if you don’t believe me. Visit the graves. You will see what I mean.”

“Godric’s Hollow? Where my parents are buried?”

“Yes.” Grindelwald came closer. “I only have one request of you.”

“What is it?”

“When you get the chance, kill Voldemort. Have mercy. Do not trap him because you cannot let him go. Darkness only creates more monstrous things.”

His words made her uncomfortable. She didn’t want to think about the end. There was only this, the last mission.

“You should leave now child. It is not safe here. Voldemort will come for me soon.”

Right. She couldn’t stand here for hours and have this conversation with him. “If he’s coming maybe we should move you to a different location?”

A smile broke through Grindelwald’s stoic expression.

“That is alright. I would like him to come.”

Locket, Malfoy Manor

“I finally receive a visit.” Sirius grumbled, breaking the silence.

Tom had ventured into the dungeon and sat down on the last step ten minutes ago. He’d not said a bloody word. “Are you going to sit there and stare at me? Or is there a purpose to this?”

“I don’t know what to say. They weren’t supposed to take you. Are you okay down here? Would you prefer a room?”

Sirius sighed. “I’m fine right here kid. You don’t seem fine though.”

If the bags under his eyes were any indication.

Tom yanked on his hair. “I don’t know. I don’t…does she hate me? Do you hate me? I didn’t mean for it to be like this.”

“You didn’t mean to kill Dumbledore? I wasn’t his biggest fan Tom but murder is pretty unforgivable.” Sirius bit out.

“You don’t understand.” Tom huffed. “You don’t know anything. I had reasons to kill Dumbledore that are so…if you knewI swear you would’ve helped me.

Sirius was bewildered. “Tell me then. Justify it to me.”

Tom fixed his gaze on him. “I disliked him unmistakably and I wanted him gone but I never would have done it if I didn’t think he was going to put Harri in danger. I know something you don’t. I know something no one knows. Trust me when I say this Sirius, Dumbledore was going to let Harri die.”

Sirius must have lost his footing somewhere because the ground was unstable under his feet all of a sudden.

“Come again? Tom, be realistic.”

“Doubtless, Voldemort and I are many things but Harri is…if there is one person even Voldemort would not harm its her. Believe me.”

“I don’t understand.” Sirius now knew she was his soulmate but Dumbledore would not harm her for that.

“I chose to betray her and I still would’ve done it in that moment in a hundred different lives. Still, Dumbledore needed to go. That is one thing I will not apologize for. That is something I would’ve done even if I didn’t choose this path. If you’re unable to forgive me for anything, let it be for being selfish and wanting all this, not for something as necessary as Dumbledore’s death. This is a man that left you in Azkaban for thirteen years.”

Sirius snapped. “Fine. Lets put at pin in the murder conversation. You want me to be angry at you for betraying Harri? I am. You’ve done what you’ve done which has made me furious and so disappointed. I don’t know if I can ever forgive what happened in the astronomy tower. You hurt Harri. In spite of that, I’m not here to fight with you Tom. You’re already fighting the whole world on your own.”

“What does that mean?” Tom scowled.

“It means you were given every chance to talk to us. To me. I thought I was pretty open with you. I let you in my home, I accepted you into Harri’s life.”

“Harri accepted me into her life.”

“Semantics. I’m her Godfather and it was my decision to make.”

Tom snarled. “She’s mine.”

“You don’t own her!” Sirius shouted. “She is not a thing to be owned. The sooner you understand that the less miserable you’ll be.”

“I think you’re the one who doesn’t understand. Is that because you don’t have a soulmate? You don’t know what it’s like to be together or apart from her.”

“I don’t pretend to Tom. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve lived through. But is choosing the path of destruction again going to give you a different outcome?” Sirius touched the space underneath where his heart lay. “I think you know in here. I think you were petrified and you made a mistake and now it is tearing you apart.”

Tom picked himself up, giving Sirius a dark look. “Like I said. You don’t know anything.”

Oh, but Sirius did. “I’ve known you from the first minute I met you. Did you think Orion Black’s son wouldn’t recognize you Tom Riddle?”

Tom froze. “You’re lying.”

“No I am not. I knew you were her soulmate. I knew you were something else. Harri used to say your name in her sleep. There is no one else she’s ever looked at the way she looks at you. She’s my everything and I let you in because of that.”

Tom covered his face. “Stop.”

“I believed as Dumbledore and Harri did in your humanity. At least for her. Was I wrong? Are you going to keep proving us wrong?”

Tom bit the inside of his cheek. “She was spotted at Lestrange’s four weeks ago. She got away. She’s alive and well.”

He left.

Truly, Sirius was never bored down here. Not with the constant visits he kept getting.

Draco hurried through Hogsmeade with his cloak covering half of his face. The village was crowded as he’d planned. It was one of the only weekends students were allowed to leave the castle. He was already ten minutes late to meet Blaise.

Up ahead, he spotted his uncle and winced, sliding in an alley on his left. He waited a but and then stuck his head out. He was relieved to find Rabastan had turned around. Draco slipped into the three broomsticks and found Blaise disguised in one of the corner booths. He sunk into a seat.

Blaise reached across the booth and dragged him into a fierce hug.


“You look like hell.” Blaise smirked.

“It’s good to see you too. You f*cking prick.” Draco laughed. Lightness filled his chest for the first time in months. “Go on. Tell me, how did you get here? International travel is banned.”

“My mother is Evelina Zabini,” Blaise said with a pointed look. “She’s not called the black widow for nothing. She always has a backup if needed.”

“And how is dear Evelina? I miss her so.”

Blaise grinned. “Running subterfuge for the order. Attacking ministry checkpoints and catching snatchers.”

“Awe inspiring and you? Do you know…I mean…” Draco lowered his voice. “Have you been in contact with Ron, Harri and Hermione?”

Blaise checked their surroundings before moving in to reply. “A few weeks ago Ron sent Daphne a letter. The last I heard they met up and have been staying at Krum’s place near Edinburgh. There’s been a little communication through our galleons and a few missives from these two way boxes we divided but the conversation has been sparse.”

“Safer that way I suppose.”

“I guess. Draco what about Sirius? Do you know if he’s okay?”

“They keep him in the dungeons at Malfoy Manor. They may be old but they're not awful. I keep him healthy. If it wasn’t me, I think Mother might have taken care of him. She asks after him a lot. Blood is blood to her, no matter what. He’s the last Black. Though if you’re asking about you-know-who, he hasn’t had much interest in Sirius. He’s rarely at our manor now that he doesn’t live there. He’s been very preoccupied with winning the war.”

“And Tom? Do you see him? Our one.”

Draco scoffed. “He doesn’t stay with me. I haven’t seen him. He’s probably out there doing dirty work. That reminds me, I saw the diadem! You have to tell Harri!”

Blaise blew air out of his mouth. “If he has both Toms…”

“I know.”

“I wish, I mean, isn’t there something we can do?”

Draco tapped the wooden table. “There is something you could do.”

Blaise straightened. “Anything.”

“Get Remus to go to a place called ‘floating point’ ten weeks from today. At sun rise.”

“A place called what?”

“He’ll know what it means.”

“Can I know why?”

“Tell him it’s for Sirius. To help him. Trust me, I wouldn’t have him go somewhere if I didn't know he’d be safe.”

“So this is why this meeting was necessary. Very well. I suppose I’ll be staying in England a little longer.”

Draco pushed his head back against the seat. “I miss Hogwarts. I miss our friends.”

“I miss our life.”

“It’s never going to be the same is it?” Draco whispered. “If the right side wins and we all end up alive. My family will still be broken.”

“You’ll be alive to put it back together. That’s all we can hope for.”

“This should’ve never happened. I can’t believe how selfish it all is. All of them, the death eaters, the ministry, what is this chaos for? Is any of it worth it? Is this new world what they wanted? I can’t understand how I am related to these people who get joy from the pain of others.”

“The human disposition I guess. Put us in any place and we’re guaranteed to destroy one another.”

Draco scoffed. “We sure are miserable huh.”

“Yes.” Blaise agreed. “Our flaw as a species.”

“Basically because we have no idea where Dumbledore hid the wand and Voldemort’s going after Grindelwald anyway, we’ve gained nothing.” Hermione sat down on her train seat and clasped her hands together. “Is it too early to say I told you so?”

The two Blossom innkeepers had lent them directions to the train stop nearest to their village. Thus they’d taken the German version of the night bus to the station and boarded the train under Harri’s invisibility cloak. A few more transfers and they would reach Edinburgh. From there they would apparate to the cottage.

“It wasn’t a dud at all. He explained the story of the deathly hallows. It was worth it.”

“Which is mental by the way, that you and Tom are related.” Ron joked.

Tom flipped the page of the paper he was reading monotonously. “We aren't related. We share ancestors just as everyone in the magical world.”

“It’s all very incestuous isn’t it?” Hermione scrunched her nose.

“Very.” Viktor chuckled.

“Are we going to Godric’s Hollow next?”

Daphne shrugged. “We only really need to search for the stone. Grindelwald’s practically said Harri’s cloak is the cloak that can hide you from death. The story says the real cloak never fades, no spells can detect it and it’s passed from father to child.”

“You don’t really believe in this master of death nonsense?”

“I don’t think death actually made these objects, no, but they must have been created together and they must be powerful for Grindelwald to have been so obsessed with them.” Harri explained.

Viktor yawned. “It botherz me that he stole the symbol of the hallowz and made it his own. People from here only recognize it for Grindelwald and we think badly of it.”

“Whatever plan we’re going to make will have to wait either way. It’s Christmas soon and Viktor’s scheduled for watch over Hyde Park.” Daphne said.

Hermione tapped her wrist. “Considering we aren’t trying to infiltrate a prison or steal, I don’t think all of us need to go visit some graves.”

Their voices faded in to the background for Harri as she turned to Tom and found him deep in thought.

“What is it?”

“If we’re descended from the Peverall brothers and your invisibility cloak is a hallow that was passed down to you then the ring has a very distinct black stone Harri.”

She slapped her forehead.

“What is it?” Ron called.

“Forget Godric’s Hollow. We need the Gaunt ring, desperately.”

The elder wand held a lengthy and dark history that consisted of a long string of murders. From Egbert the Egregious to Emeric the Evil, to Godelot and Hereward, to dreadful Loxias and Barnabus. A history painted in blood. The ring and the cloak however, because they’d stayed within their families, had no chronicled past.

None except for Harri and Tom’s family trees. Tom knew his own pretty well. All the way up to Salazar Slytherin. Harri didn’t. She’d looked at her family lineage once with Sirius. She didn’t like to see it because she hated being reminded that she was the last Potter.

She sunk back onto the couch she was on. Tom was asleep on the other end, their feet tied together. They’d been going over the Gaunt bloodline when he drifted off. She had a more wearisome time finding sleep though.

Harri closed her eyes and thought of her father. She pictured what he had looked like when he was her age. She imagined glasses, an infectious smile and warm, loving eyes.

She let herself think about what it would have been like if he had lived long enough to raise her.

She knew he would have been a good dad. The kind that took her to quidditch matches and bought her ice cream for breakfast. He might have shown up at Hogwarts on weekends and taken her home just because he missed her.

‘James’, her mother would have laughed. ‘She’s supposed to be learning something!’

And he would wink, kiss Harri’s forehead and ask her if she wanted to go for a drive in the city.

It was a lovely thought.

Dad, she wiped away a tear, I miss you more than I remember you.

James Potter lived and died.

And lives again in memory.


5 more chapters to go 😳

Chapter 46: blood will out


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 46: blood will out

“Time, which sees all things, has found you out.”
Sophocles,Oedipus Rex

Voldemort’s happiness was a rare thing. When it came, it was almost violent in its dimensions. It struck Harri at once and encompassed her.

His joy meant this: he'd found the elder wand.

With it, he not only held a powerful instrument but now became owner of two deathly hallows.

Their time was running out. Swifter than she’d predicted.

Despite losing the prophecy, every single one of Voldemort’s schemes had been a success. He’d killed Dumbledore, reclaimed the locket, taken over the ministry and unleashed his war. He was winning. Badly.

Panic formed inside of her. Her stomach sank and the pace of her heartbeat quickened in rapid succession. She started taking shallow breaths, air not entering her airways as it should. Agitated, Harri realized she couldn’t breathe.

She sprang up and put her head between her knees. It did little to help. Her chest constricted. She began to count all her fingers and toes. Her choking gasps echoed in the bedroom.

She felt like she was going to die.

Harri staggered onto her feet, lurching for the door and shoving it open. She reeled down the long winding staircase. She must have looked like a mad woman as she further flung herself out of the house and ran through the garden.

She raced all the way to the edge of Viktor’s property.

It was only at the border, where the cliff met the sea, that she stoped running. She fell to her knees and looked vacantly at the roaring waves below.

The wind and salt air drifted into her nose. Her chest lightened bit by bit. Her pulse calmed and the attack ceased.

It was only when Harri drew her hair back from her face that she realized it was raining. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d stood in the rain the way she used to when she was a little girl.

The downpour felt like mercy. The terror that had latched on her washed away with the water. She let it caress her face and gripped the blades of grass between her feet to ground herself. The waves below clamored, pounding against one another.

The earth was alive. Reminding Harri thatVoldemort was formidable but he didn’t bring the ocean to the land or strike lighting in the clouds.

He was not a demon nor a monster, not a scary legend or the whisper of danger in Harri’s bones. Voldemort was a man.

And men could be killed.

“What can we do now?” Ron blew on the cup in his hands.

February was cold and unforgiving, leaving them to wrap up in wool and glue heating charms on every chair and bed.

"You could say we’re at a crossroads.”

“We go all in or we stay stagnant and hope for an answer to fall into our laps.”

“Something’s got to budge,” Daphne said.

Hermione scratched her foot. “He has all the remaining horcruxes within close reach of him and locked up wherever he deems safest. We’ve taken the cup from one of his haunts, so the only feasible option is to what? Go through every known death eater residence looking for the diadem?”

“Not every death eater, only those he really trusts. If we’re going down the line of succession, I would say Rosier is our next target. He had the ring for a time and though he doesn’t have it now, it’s safe to say with him is where something could be. Though I have to say after Lestrange I don’t think you-know-who will leave any horcrux with any death eater. They proved their incompetence again.” Harri responded.

Tom tapped his knuckles on his knees. “Living horcruxes like me can die. He wouldn’t entrust them to anyone anymore. He’s keeping them with him.”

“And where is that? Malfoy Manor?”

“Unfortunately I cannot read his mind, Weasley. Unlike some.” He raised a pointed brow at Harri.

“I’m not opening the connection.” Harri denied promptly. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Not taking the risk is even more dangerous.”

“It will put our lives on the line. Compared to you, I’m very weak in occlumency. What if I end up calling out to you-know-who and he learns I'm in his mind?”

Ron placed his cup down. “I agree with Harri. He’s only gotten better and now that he has the wand, who knows what he could do through the tether of their minds? Harri’s inexperienced with this type of magic, adjoin that to the amalgamation of traumatic incidents we’ve had and it’s a disaster waiting to happen.”

“I have an idea.” Daphne volunteered. “Instead of Voldemort, Harri can try to find the diadem. I know you’ve said you’ve attempted it before but maybe if we can find an actual ritual we can make it happen. Maria put plenty of books in our rucksack about soul dreams. I think I might even remember a vague one about this.” She pulled one of their pouches out and began sorting through. “Now, it’ll be more difficult for you considering the diadem is a significantly smaller portion of soul than the book recommends,”

Harri and Hermione's eyes met. “It can’t hurt to try,” Hermione offered. “Let’s attempt it.”

“He’s a taciturn bastard.” Tom said to Harri. “But go ahead, try to reach him, if you’re into that sort of thing.”

Hermione hid a smirk.

“I am,” Harri brushed his shoulder. “Into that sort of thing.”

This conversation was how, a week later, Harri was laying submerged in the bathtub. She had a book open in her hands, spread to a chapter called 'epiphany'.

According to the author, Harri needed to hold something of the diadem’s that held sentimental value to her. She decided to use the first letter he’d written her. The one put on her bed when he left. She figured the more emotionally provoking the object was, the better. And this letter stirred a storm of emotions in her.

Tom had carved letters on the bottom of the tub and left Harri to say the incantation the book instructed her to. It was more a mediation technique than a ritual. The sentence she had to repeat was 'meet in the other world, mi comes in aeternum' which meant my companion in eternity. All very dramatic and sentimental. It was embarrassing to repeat out loud but thankfully she’d been left alone. She couldn’t imagine saying it in front of Ron or Viktor.

There was a pillow beneath her head for comfort and a vinyl playing in the background. Daphne thought they might relax her enough to help her fall asleep. The goal was to make her think of home and it did. Harri shut her lids and imagined Sirius in the other room, humming under his breath as he washed the dishes after dinner.

He loved doing mundane tasks like that, things that grounded him and made him feel good. There would also be leftover food in glass bowls next to the stove, dessert heated up and the tele playing some quirky night comedy show.

Harri could pretend she was taking this bath to be clean before bed. When finished she would dry off and go downstairs in pajamas, where Sirius would smile widely upon seeing her. They would curl up on the couch and watch a movie until they got tired. And if this was after fourth year Tom would be right next to them, his feet linked with hers.

It hurt so so much, to know those days were in the past, to think of where each of the three of them were now. Harri clutched the letter tighter in her hands and banished the image. She didn’t want to see the locket. She needed the diadem. The only thing in this vast cruel world she was certain of at the moment was if she found him he would help her.

She conjured a new image in her mind. Her bed in the Gryffindor dorm rooms. That night years ago, the diadem lying beside her and listening to her speak about Caesar. His soft breaths, his red eyes and the feeling of being protected.

Harri drifted off.

When she gained awareness, he lay next to her.

His eyes burned like embers. “Harri.”

They embraced. She wanted to crawl into his chest and bury herself within him. Tie them together so that no one could ever keep them apart like this again.

Being with the diary was perfect but there were always pieces missing. Large chunks that took the shape of the other horcruxes, of all her Toms. Even when she hated him, she loved him. It was confusing because sometimes it seemed like the void of him was getting bigger. No one part was enough because she craved all of him all the time. Her soul was hungry and aching to devour.

She pressed her hands over the diadem reverently, needing to feel every bone beneath her hands. Proof that he was here like he’d planned to be and Voldemort hadn’t taken him from her.

How long had it been this time? More than a year?

“Where are you?” She pleaded. “I’ll come for you just tell me where you are.”

He threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead, the bridge of her nose and her cheek.

Harri clutched the collar of his shirt. “Please.”

He ran his nose along her ear. “Not yet.”


“If you were to come here, where I am, and we managed to go with you, Voldemort would lose what’s left of his mind. He would hide the ring and Nagini within the deepest crevices of Earth in a place no one, not even us, would be able to find. And all would be lost."

“We?” Her eyes wandered over his curls and the new maturity on his face. Tom was aging. He was thirty-four now to her seventeen, almost eighteen.

“The locket.”

Shock. “He’s with you?”

He pulled her leg over his hip, drawing her closer. “Yes.”

That soured the mood. “How is he?”

“I think he’s realizing he made a very big mistake that cost him more than it granted.”

“He did.”

“But he’s not sitting here murdering muggles or jumping at the chance to help Voldemort.”

“Does it make a difference? He killed Dumbledore.”

Something passed over the diadem’s eyes. “There is a lot more to Dumbledore’s death than you realize. He was over a hundred.”

“So he should’ve died?”

“I think this is not for me to answer.”

“You’re right.” Harri took his chin and pulled his face closer to hers, reminiscent of how’d he done with her before. His pupils dilated. “How can I take the ring when it’s with Voldemort? Or Nagini for that matter.”

His mouth curled into a smile. “That's nothing to worry over. Voldemort's not wearing the real horcrux.”

“How can that be?”

“He can’t feel us and he has no reason to think Rosier wouldn't have had the original. But I’ve been near him, his ring isn't the real one. And I know exactly what one of my horcruxes feels like. The diary, for example.”

“Oh, we’ll get to him in a minute.”

He grinned. “It made you happy to see him.”

“He’s been a good boy.”

“Wonderful. Now, Rosier isn’t like Lucious, he wouldn’t turn against Voldemort if need be. He truly must have thought he still had the original horcrux when he returned it to Voldemort. It means somewhere along the line while he still held it, it was taken from him without his notice.”

“Not by Dumbledore. He would’ve told me.”

“And not by any other loyal death eater that knew what it was.”

“By a traitor though?”

“It must be Snape. He’s playing pretend.”

"That can't be. He abandoned us!" She protested.

"Being a spy requires sacrifice my love."

Her heart skipped a beat. My love.

“You're saying he’s pretending he was pretending to spy for the order but was a real death eater?”

Tom brushed their noses together. “That is his burden.”

His image began to blur.

“Tom,” Harri whispered. “Tell me where.”

“I’ll find you, little dove. Always.”

The world faded.

Adhering to the diadem’s words, that Voldemort did not have the real ring, they ultimately decided to delay that pursuit.

They were however going to take Grindelwald’s advice about looking for the deathly hallows. They were to visit Godric's Hollow. Staying stagnant felt like a waste of time anyway. At least by going to the village they would be moving and attempting to do something physically.

Harri’d been there with Sirius once to visit the graveyard. To think, she would’ve passed the Peveralls unknowingly.

As a preventative measure before leaving the house, they packed their belongings and wiped the place clean. If someone were to stumble in, they would stumble back out unaware that anyone had been living there for months.

Harri was getting dressed to go and Tom was annoying her as she did.

“Now this is just atrocious.” The diary laughed, picking up a discarded article of clothing.

“Give it back!”

“It’s so red.

“It was my father's.”

“I can tell, really all this color…”

Harri pushed him, wrestling the quidditch jersey away from him. He folded his arms around her waist and swung her.

“Tom!” She shrieked.

“You can’t wear it. I’m wearing emerald green and we’ll look like a christmas decoration.”

“You change!”

“Unacceptable.” He bit her ear.

Harri hid her shiver. “Violence!”

“An oxford blue or greyscale would change your life.”

“You sound disgustingly posh considering you grew up in South London.”

He bit her neck again, harder this time. Heat sparked between her legs.


“They’ll think we’re doing something very naughty in here with all your screaming.”

Harri gaped. “This cheek is astounding.”

He moved them back toward the balcony, humming along to a song only he knew. Harri entwined their hands together and he returned the grip.

From memory, she kneaded over the dips of his skin and ridges of his bones. These were fingers she knew better than her own.

Their bodies moved like one instrument, expelling a sigh together. She wanted to reach into the very marrow of him and know him by the expansion of his lungs. Was it normal to feel this way? Or was it the consequence of a deep and tender longing, brought upon by years of abandonment and reconciliation for the both of them?

Tom pressed a gentle kiss to her neck. She turned in his embrace and their eyes set upon each other.

All these years later, it was Harri who leaned in and kissed him.

The days and weeks with him had been plucked out of her wildest dreams. Their time together shouldn’t be real and yet it was. Words were easy, the locket had them in abundance, but actions were hard. The diary’s spoke for him.

They kissed until Hermione’s voice rang, calling for them. Tom didn’t let go of her hand. Viktor locked the house and they apparated to Godric’s Hollow at one in the morning. Harri, Hermione and Daphne were going to the grave site while Ron, Viktor and Tom were to wait at the local pub.

The streets were empty. The village was home to families who’d lived there for decades. Tom and Hermione both deemed it safe enough for none of them to wear disguises. Their beanies, scarves and winter jackets would suffice in hiding any distinguishable features. The only part of Harri’s face that wasn’t covered was her eyes.

The six of them bid adieu at the crossroads in the center of town.

“Try not to become grave robbers while you’re gone.” Ron teased.

“I wouldn’t mind if you robbed the Peverall graves as long as you brought me back a souvenir.”said Tom.

“Yez.” Viktor drew both boys towards himself with a shake of his head. “Letz get on with it.”

Daphne waved and blew Viktor a kiss.

“Don’t get drunk!”

“No streaking and scaring the village people!” Harri quipped.

Ron threw up a middle finger.

They disappeared down the road and Harri lead the girls to the graveyard. The streetlights became dimer the farther they went. Without the boys, it was suddenly uncannily quiet. Harri started to doubt their trip.

She tugged Hermione and Daphne to either side of her and locked their elbows together.“I’ll admit it. I’m scared.”

“Me too.” Daphne said under her breath. "This is how horror movies start."

They eyed everything around them and anytime a sound passed, Harri felt a cold shiver slide down her back. She made them walk faster, feeling like someone was watching their every move. The graveyard came up and she was relieved before realizing it was probably the most menacing area in Godric's Hollow.

“In hindsight, coming here alone probably wasn’t the best idea.”

“No kidding.” Hermione agreed.

“Let’s not split,” Daphne remarked.

“Yes please.”

They entered the burial ground and started searching for the Peveralls.They passed many names, both familiar and unknown. It was a startling place to be. A glaring aide-memoire of what could happen to them in this war. They tread past unfamiliar graves before there was one that Harri was unable to resist pausing at.

Kendra and Ariana Dumbledore's tombstones.

Beyond their names was an inscription that touched Harri.

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

“Oh wow.” Hermione touched the engraving. “I never knew they were that young when it happened.”

“I didn't either.”

“It's interesting but we should keep looking.”

“No need.” Daphne pointed to their left, where there was another headstone. “There it is.” On the plaque was the name Ignotus Peverall and the triangular symbol of the hallows.

Grindelwald had told the truth.

Ignotus, her ancestor, was buried in the same place as two other incredible Potters. Harri dipped her hand into her coat pocket and caressed her invisibility cloak. The heirloom this man had created to protect their family, which had passed down from Potter to Potter until it reached Harri’s hands.

Fate was a funny thing.

“Guys.” Hermione whispered. “Don’t be afraid but someone is watching us.”

Harri flinched and turned to see. There was a frightening old woman staring at them a few feet away.

Daphne screamed.

“Shhh!” Hermione admonished. “She’s old, she’s not going to do anything.”

“She’s terrifying and she looks like baba yaga.” Harri retorted.

“Well she’s watching us for a reason.” Daphne stated through gritted teeth.

“Suck it up we’re going to talk to her.” Hermione hauled them forward.

Harri pulled back. “I think not!”

“You can face Vol—”

Hermione’s retort was cut off by a thundering explosion. Her face paled drastically.

“That’s not…”

Harri groaned. “Oh, it is.”

Hermione gave a last curious glance to the creepy woman and they began sprinting toward the direction the boys were in.

Of course, as soon as they ran, the old woman shrieked.

Daphne glanced back at her. “What the f*ck!”

There was a thump of a foot behind them and the heinous hiss of parseltongue.

“My master’s prize!”


They ran faster. “Please tell me that’s not Nagini!” Daphne panted.

“It is and she’s gaining ground!” Harri shouted.

They turned onto the pub street as Nagini launched herself at them.

Hermione yelled. “She’s a Burmese python she can’t catch us!”

“She’s a horcrux, who knows what she can do!” Harri yelped.

Ten meters ahead, the windows of the pub came into view. And shattered.

"What the hell?" Hermione wheezed.

Cries reverberated and Viktor, Ron and Tom came hurtling out. They caught sight of them and Tom’s face dropped.

Ron slashed his hands through the air. “Turn around!”

“Do you not see the snake chasing us!”

Tom looked behind himself and then behind them and seemed to come to a conclusion. Spellfire sprang out from the pub and Viktor and Ron turned to counter it.

“Grab onto Harri!” Tom shouted to Hermione and Daphne.

They latched onto her coat.

Nagini's ominous voice hissed in the back again, closer.

“What are you doing?” Harri thought he had some plan.

Tom took off their second drawstring pouch from around his neck and threw it at them. Hermione caught it.

The last thing Harri heard before the bag, turned into a portkey by Tom, transported them away was, “Saving you.”

They fell into a forest floor miles away from civilization.

“No!” Harri’s shout came too late and rang in the trees rather than the ears it was meant for. She stared unseeingly at the sack in her hands. The last form of communication between them.

Hermione seized it from her, panicking out loud. Harri turned to her wrists. Where are you? She asked for the diary and hoped it would reach him. But there was no reply.

Which meant either she wasn’t able to send it or he was unable to look.

Hermione started pacing the area, mapping out their location. “Should we go back to Viktor’s? If they escape then surely we can meet them there.”

“No.” Daphne, ashen, held up her own arms. Viktor had sent a message. Captured. En route. Alive. Do not respond.

Harri let out a scream.

“Harri!” Hermione slapped her hands over her mouth. “Someone could hear you!”

Daphne clutched her shoulders. “We’ll send Draco a missive and Blaise a patronus. They can track them down and we’ll find them.”

“They won’t die. They are purebloods even if they are blood traitors. They have vital information. Tom is a horcrux. They will be fine.”Hermione dropped their stuff. “We’ll camp here because there’s one safe house left and with the boys captive we can’t risk going there. We’ll have to avoid any meeting points and get patronuses out to everyone to move from wherever they are. The order especially.”

Daphne said. “We can’t be in this exact place. It’s possible the portkey’s left a trace. We should hike couple of miles out.”

“Let’s send the warnings first.”

Harri gathered herself, numbing the loss inside her. She conjured up her and the diary’s kiss and the thrill that came with knowing his first instinct had been to protect her to form her patronus. “Expecto Patronum!” Her stag lit the night. To Maria, she said. “Ron and Viktor have been taken captive. Warn the order and the Weasleys. Your locations are compromised.”

Hermione sent one message to Lavender and Daphne to Fleur. They cast until they’d warned as many people and were drained. Harri took out a bottle of fire whiskey and passed it between them for strength. They embarked on their trek, walking for two hours till Daphne agreed to settle.

Fortunately, their tent got up with a simple spell. Harri placed protection wards around them while Daphne cloaked them in invisibility charms. It was dawn by the time they were able to sleep. They squeezed into one mattress and dozed.

By morning, over a hundred missives were waiting for them in their box. Everyone had taken precautions. They wrote many questions.

Blaise’s note was the most crucial.

‘To my wayward friends,

I met Draco about a month and half ago and he asked me to tell Remus to meet him at a place called ‘floating point’ in ten weeks at sunrise. This was if I wanted to help get Sirius out of Malfoy Manor. I told this all to you a while ago in a missive but you didn’t bother to reply. I understand you might not have seen it but this conversation was about six weeks ago, meaning there are now four weeks left until the meeting.

I got the message to Remus and he agreed to go.

Remus contacted me last night as well and told me about the patronus you sent him. He asked if you’d sent me the same. I explained about these two-way parcels. I can’t believe you hadn’t told him.

He wasn’t sure if it was safe to send a patronus back so he told me what to say here. He said Harri should know where floating point is and he knows who will meet him there with Draco. He wants you all to go there. Four weeks. Floating Point.

Let me come and help too. We can rescue our friends and Sirius together. I miss you all. Be safe. Stay hidden.’

“Do you know where that is Harri? Floating point?” Hermione asked.

“The name is so familiar.” Harri wracked her brain.

Remus suspects he knows who will meet him there.

It came to her in a trice. Greyback hissing at Sirius at the Quidditch World Cup, “Tell him...if he decides meet me at floating point exception.”

And where had they run into Greyback and Remus? In the Caledonian forest on a fifth year herbology excursion.

“I know it! I know where we have to go.” She explained the connection to them.

“Draco is going to bring Greyback?”

“That’s their plan. We'll throw a spanner in the works for sure.”

“How much do we trust Greyback?”

“He wouldn’t chance Remus's life.”

“I hate to say this. Can we trust that Draco’s thinking rationally?”

“He wouldn’t plan something that could hurt us.”

“For his family though?”

“No.” Hermione held true. “Not anymore.”

“So we will meet up with them.”

“In four weeks time.”

They moved during the days to keep out of sight. They would traipse for three hours in the mornings and set up camp after. The weather was glacial and Harri yearned for spring to come.

A few days in, exhaustion overtook the three of them from loss of appetite and slight depression.

Sometimes Daphne would get up in the middle of the night and reinforce the wards and proactive charms over and over. Once she’d fallen asleep outside and Harri’d woken her, petrified at seeing her fallen over in the snow.

There were moments when it felt hopeless. They traded messages and patroneses with the others easier now that they’d done it once. Bill and Fleur managed to send a basket of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Still, there was no news about Ron and Viktor or Tom. At least as a horcrux, he was a part of Voldemort that was irreplaceable which ensured his continued living. The same couldn't be said of Ron and Viktor.

Two weeks after Godric's Hollow, what Harri had dreaded came to fruition. She and Hermione were feeding a deer, enjoying the first day of March and the end of snowy weather when she fell and slipped into Voldemort’s mind.

She didn’t know where he began and she ended. Ron was at her feet. His head was bleeding severely and he was gasping.

“Again.” Voldemort shrieked. With a wave of a pale hand they were tearing through Ron’s mind and whatever weak attempts he made to put barriers up fell through at Voldemort’s anger.

Where are you, my soul?

There were so many memories of her in Ron's head. Harri baby faced and wide eyed on the train. Harri ripping through the sky on her firebolt and winning for Gryffindor. Harri sleepily biting down on a croissant in the mornings. Harri sobbing. Harri laughing. Arguing with Ron over chess in the dorms.


Voldemort’s mind wailed.

Harri, slow dancing with Tom at Slughorn’s Soirée and ashen, walking towards the Astronomy tower. Harri reaching for Ron at Bill’s wedding.


Harri in Nurmengard running with Viktor, waving goodbye in Godric’s Hollow, confused as a portkey took her away from him.

Voldemort twisted out of Ron's mind. His head thudded to the ground. Voldemort turned to the entrance, where Rosier waited for him.

“Heal him.”

He stepped out through a connected door to another room and—

There was her diary, sleeping on a bed. A healer was above him.

“He is not awake. Why is he not awake?” Voldemort threw the healer against the wall.

The healer trembled. “Please! Forgive me! The drought of living death he has ingested is very potent. He will not wake until the proper antidote has been administered!”

Fury overwhelmed Voldemort again.

Harri was wrenched away from him.

She opened her own eyes.

“Breathe,” Daphne was holding up a glass of water, thrusting it in her face. “Drink.”

She lurched up and gagged. “He’s insane!”

There had been so much blood on Ron. Harri retched again.“He’s loosing his sanity.” She choked. “He’s…he was always...but his mind was…his emotions…he’s never looked for me this desperately. I think he knows it too, that what soul he has isn’t enough.”

“Did you see the boys?”

“He was using legilimency on Ron, looking through his memories and it was so brutal. Ron was bleeding." She heaved. “But he told Rosier to heal him and left, which is when I saw Tom. He’s taken the drought of living death and I don’t know how but he’s safe.”

“That’s my fault,” Hermione came out of the tent. “Tom was helping me brew it, I thought in case…it would be good to have.”

Daphne pushed the water at Harri again. She drank it. After a few minutes the three of them packed up the tent and started moving again. Hermione and Daphne kept talking the entire time, pulling Harri out of her head. Losing control wouldn’t help anyone. Ron was being healed. She had to be strong, keep her mind pragmatic and optimistic.

One of the things Sirius’s therapist always said was that sometimes you could get in your mind too much and let all the dark thoughts blanket everything good.

“I figured out where we are by the way.” She blurted mid walk. “The forest of dean. Tom and I talked about it before. He told me he came here once with his friends.”

Hermione brushed a tree branch out of her way.“I’ve been here before too but I couldn’t recall the name. Came with my parents.”

They trekked for one mile before they came across a small pond. Daphne wanted them to rest there for the day.

Now that it was no longer snowing they could shed their outer layers. They took off their clothes and jumped into the pond for a swim. The water seemed to take off a whole layer of grime which had accumulated during the week.

The river washed them clean, reviving them and making Harri feel that she could do this. They spent hours in the water, not leaving until their fingers turned to prunes.

The end of the day arrived much too quick. Harri and Daphne made a fire and cooked wedges out of the fresh potatoes Fleur'd sent. Hermione treated them to s’mores, drawing out crackers and chocolate she’d stored for dark days.

When night came, they laid their blankets out in the grass and star gazed. Harri was able to spot Sirius. The brightest star in the night sky. Her compass, her way home. Wherever he was, wherever all the people she loved were, it was still underneath the same sky. If they looked up they would see the same constellations, the same moon. This was a great comfort to her.

Hermione and Daphne fell asleep soon after. Harri rose to check on the wards.

She'd finished putting on her shoes when she noticed a light ahead of her.

Was someone there?

She waited for the light to come closer but it didn’t. A minute of staring later, the light flickered, growing brighter.

It was a patronus.

It was a doe.

Harri stepped past the ward line. The doe started gliding away.

“No! Don’t go!”

She pursued her.

The doe stopped moving when she came to the center of the pond. It turned to look back at Harri when she didn't step in. She was resting at the water's edge. The doe lifted its head as if to say ‘come here’. She waded in. When she got to the doe, she leaned in to nuzzle Harri's cheek. Harri nosed her back, letting her light wash over her face.

She brightened and then dimmed completely.

Harri sighed. She gazed down at the water, not really seeing anything until a golden gleam reflected in the moonlight. She got her wand out.


When her wand shone over the object, Harri almost fell back.

This had to be a trap.

Under the river, inside a clear box floated the Gaunt ring.

It must be a trick. How could it be here? Was the diadem right? Did Snape take it from Rosier? Had Dumbledore told him about horcruxes?

Harri submerged her hand in the water and pulled out the box. She ran to the shore and dropped it onto the ground.

“Confringo.” The box shattered. The ring fell on the ground without a barrier.

Invisible tendrils stretched for Harri. There was longing, desire and a tug right in her stomach. It was real. This was the real ring.

A deathly hallow. The resurrection stone. The power to bring back the dead.

Let it not be said that love did not make you equally as weak as it did strong.

She grabbed the ring with the sleeve of her shirt and held it up. There was a crack down the center of the stone and underneath it was the etched symbol of the hallows.

She shut her eyes. Harri pressed down on the ring. Nothing happened. She ran her fingers over the stone, once, twice and a third time.

My parents, she pleaded. Please show me my parents.

When Harri opened her eyes there were two figures standing in front of her. Her first thought absurdly was that she was her father’s height. Her second was that everyone was wrong. She didn’t have her mother's eyes. Lily Potter’s eyes were lighter green, sparkling in the pitch black of night.

“Mom, Dad…” Harri couldn’t speak properly. Her eyes drank them in and she thought that she would like to stand there and look at them forever, and that would be enough. They gazed at her with the same ravenous look.

Her mother traced her hands over her face, smiling. “You’ve been so brave.”

“It’s been hard.” Harri's voice broke.

“It's almost over. You won’t have to worry much longer.” James placed his hand over Lily’s. “We are incredibly proud of you Harri.”

Proper words escaped her. “I never wanted you to die for me.”

Her mother reached to soothe her pain. “Let me tell you a secret.” She whispered. “It was easy to die, knowing I wouldn’t have to see you go.”

Tears spilled down Harri’s cheeks.

“You’ll stay with me?"

“Until the very end.”

“Will I be able to see you?”

“We are part of you.” Her father reassured. “Invisible to anyone else.”

The three of them beheld each other for a moment that lasted a century and a second.

Then a cold breeze chimed.

Harri blinked and they were gone.


I have an important question. What are some scenes you all would need to see before the end?

I know what I will include but I would like to know what you want answers to as well.

"And she thought that she would like to stand there and look at them forever, and that would be enough." “I never wanted you to die for me.” “You’ll stay with me?’ “Until the very end.” said James. “No one else will see you?” “We are part of you,” Her mother reassured. “Invisible to anyone else."
― From Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.

Chapter 47: a kingdom or this


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 47: a kingdom or this

“To have and to hold, where even death cannot part us." She whispered.
"In this life and the next," He swore.
"For however long our souls remain, mine will always find yours.”
Chloe Gong, Our Violent Ends

When Ron thought of Harri, he thought of moving into Gryffindor Tower, of nights spent in companionable laughter, of a summer searching for a soul, of Harri asking Voldemort for his life. Family.

This was what helped him hold it together when Voldemort ravaged his mind.

Next he woke after the torture, it was to find himself on the floor of a dungeon. He didn't know how much time had passed since.

“Careful.” A smooth and familiar voice murmured above him. “We’ve just stopped the bleeding.”

Ron’s eyes opened. He searched for who was speaking to him. His vision was incredibly blurry but he recognized that hair.


“Shhh.” Sirius brushed something cold and wet across his forehead. “Don’t speak too much.”

“W-where am I? V-Viktor? Where is he?”

“I am here.” Ron realized his head was on Viktor’s lap. “Close your eyez Ron. We are zafe for now. The death eaterz have transported uz to the dungeonz of Malfoy Manor.”

When her parents vanished, Harri sprinted back to the tent and woke Hermione and Daphne. She showed them the ring and explained, through tears, what happened. They took the ring from her and stored it in the second rucksack, as far away from the cup as they could get. None of them were experts on horcruxes but allowing the soul pieces to mix would be a grave mistake.

They spent the rest of their night pouring over their books and erecting protective barriers over their belongings to prevent the horcruxes from interacting.

Harri came to the conclusion that the diadem was right, Snape had to have taken the ring. Though how he knew where to hide it, in a place where she would find it, she wasn’t sure. Maybe someone close to them had told him? She didn’t know and she didn’t want to bite a gift horse in the mouth, so she accepted it.

Daphne and Hermione hung both of their pouches around their necks. It was tempting fate if Harri wore one, Daphne said and Hermione agreed. Before going back to sleep, Daphne also offered Harri a vial of dreamless sleep, knowing the last hours would catch up to her. Harri took it and passed out.

In the morning they decided to stay in the same place instead of moving on. They swam in the pond again and napped in the afternoon. As they lay there, Harri tried to ease the ache that crept up when she remembered her parents. She repeated their last words as a mantra. They were with her, always. There was no reason to be sad.

The next day, they continued their journey. Trekking through the woodland and preparing themselves for battle by practicing spell work. They dueled and brushed up on healing, defense and apparation in their free time.

There was a lot of back and forth in messages with Blaise before they managed to convince him it was better for him to stay back and be their form of communication with everyone else.

If they were successful in rescuing their friends, with the ring and cup in their possession, there was only one path forward in the wake of that. Going to Voldemort himself.

As the weeks passed, March came upon them. Green covered the Earth afresh, berries and flowers sprouting into the wildlife after a bruising winter season. They would pick elderberries and blackcurrants, collecting their seeds in little baggies amd nap after their hikes on picnic blankets. They shed leggings, cotton layers and fur boots for shorts and skirts.

The three of them continued to share a mattress at night and created outrageous stories to fall asleep to. They would add names of people they knew and attribute wild characteristics to them. One day Snape was an aristocratic cat who loved martinis and had an owner named Fitz. Next, he was a socialite in the 1920s, with a harem of women chasing him for his money.

When the four weeks came to an end, they slept the entire day before the rendezvous to conserve energy. At midnight, they packed everything up.

Harri was a little glum that their camping excursion was over. It was like they’d stepped inside a portal when they came to the forest and the rest of the world had stopped. Now they were going back out to reality, the world would start again.

By three, they were strapped and ready to depart.

“I’ll apparate.” Hermione clasped Harri and Daphne’s hands on either side of her. With a turn they were gone.

They landed in the same clearing Professor Sprout’s portkey had taken them during fifth year. By memory, they retraced their steps to 'floating point', the area where they'd run into Greyback. They kept quiet, listening for any sounds of movement.

Whether they took the exact same path didn’t matter so long as either Remus or Greyback were able to scent them. Daphne was certain all of them would meet before sunrise.

They'd been walking for half an hour when they heard the first note of steps coming toward them. Hermione and Daphne pushed Harri in between them, in case it was any other of Greyback’s wolves. The three of them put their wands out.

There was another rustle and barely an instant later, two bodies ran out of the treeline.

“What are you doing here!”


“Potter!” Greyback grabbed Draco by his nape, his face twisted in anger. “Boy, you told me Remus would meet us here.”

Draco ignored him, gaping at Harri, Daphne and Hermione. “You shouldn’t be here! How? Why? Blaise?”

Harri lept on Draco, relieved to see his familiar face. Daphne and Hermione joined her. He melted into the hug.

Greyback gave an irritated growl. “This is not the time for a mawkish reunion. This place is not secure. There are snatchers in these woods.”

Harri pulled back to see Draco’s face. “Do you know if Ron’s alright?”

Draco faltered. “What do you mean?”

Harri, Hermione and Daphne glanced at each other and then back to him. It was Hermione that broke the news. “Ron and Viktor were taken by snatchers to you-know-who two weeks ago. He used quite brutal legilimency on Ron and maybe on Viktor as well. We only know because Harri got pulled into his mind at the same time. She didn’t last long enough to figure out much. We know he was attempting to find us from Ron’s memories and he discarded him when he couldn’t. We’ve come here on the assumption that they would’ve been placed in Malfoy Manor after. Sirius is according to Blaise. Haven’t you been to the dungeons?”

Draco jerked his head. “No. I only knew about Sirius. I left Dobby to take care of him since it would've gotten suspicious if I went down there all the time. I’ve been trying to plan this…is Ron…”

“He’s alive.” Harri squeezed his elbow. “That’s why we came. We have to rescue them.”

“We have so much to tell you.” Daphne whispered in Draco's ear, eyeing Greyback.

The wolf pushed himself between them. “The only thing the three of you are doing is going back into hiding.”

“No we are not.” Harri said with conviction.

Greyback scowled at Draco. “This wasn’t a part of our deal runt.”

Draco looked back at him, helpless. “Have you ever tried to tell these three girls they can’t do something? Be my guest.”

Greyback’s expression soured. Harri could see his mind working, thinking of creative ways to threaten them. Before he could spit it out, an apparation came three meters to their right.

It was Remus.

He bulldozed into their circle, urged Greyback away from Draco and captured Harri in his arms. She was bombarded with the smell of pinecones, cocoa and home.

“Puppy,” Remus breathed her in. "thank God."

He kept one arm around her back and stepped protectively in front of Greyback. “Fenrir, what is the meaning of this? I thought you wanted to see me?”

Greyback’s gaze burned even Harri as he peered at Remus. “I came here to help you save your mutt. I didn’t come here to behelp the girl who lived in an amateur last minute coup d'état.”

“Hardly all that.” Hermione complained.

“Everyone please cease this baseless arguing.” Draco spread his arms out. “Listen to me. I have an idea.”

In all the years Harri had known Draco she’d never stepped foot in his home. He used to brag about the number of rooms at the manor and the fact that there were peaco*cks in his garden. She still didn’t understand why the peaco*cks were such a big deal. Mrs. Sallow in Surrey used to have a flamingo, which was a much more interesting animal.

Under no circ*mstance had she ever thought the first time she came into Malfoy Manor it would be as a fugitive, hiding under an invisibility charm while Draco and Fenrir Greyback dragged Hermione and Daphne into the foyer.

Lucius was waiting in the center hall for them. Beside him was Bellatrix the harpy, who was glowing with pride toward Draco. Lucius on the other hand was scowling.

He was a withered shadow of the man he used to be. And Harri wouldn’t say it aloud but she was glad to see him like this.

After all the pain that had been brought upon her family and friends, pain he had benefited from and contributed to, she held little sympathy. He'd yet suffered any consequence for his actions and she thought he deserved this hardship and more. To have inflicted horror on innocent people for nothing but your own prejudice and pleasure was disgusting. It was rare that men like Lucius experienced punishment and she hoped he would. She hoped more of it came for him. He didn’t deserve a loving son like Draco, or a loyal wife like Narcissa.

Greyback shoved Hermione to her knees. “The mudblood.” He introduced.

Bellatrix skipped over to her. Draco held Daphne’s shoulders behind Greyback.

“Well, well, well.” Bellatrix’s beam was full of bloodthirst.

Greyback placed his hand behind his back and sent the signal they agreed on in Harri’s way with discretion. She gritted her teeth. She didn’t want to leave them here.

“I wonder how pretty you scream.” Bellatrix whispered, pressing her heel against Hermione’s cheek.

“Father.” Draco beseeched. “There’s no need for this. We can use them.”

“Shut up Draco!” Bellatrix shrieked, her pride towards him diminished.

Greyback made the signal at Harri again. She sunk her nails into her skin and forced herself to walk away.

Draco had described the way to the dungeons in great detail. She would have to march to the other side of the house, careful to dodge any death eaters. She was lucky it was early in the day and there would be fewer of them loitering around. The mansion was dark, despite the time, so unlike what Draco narrated in his stories.

Harri crossed the central staircase of the home and entered the east wing. It was littered with portraits of dead Malfoys. They all had the same platinum hair and pointy nose. However, some of them were not in their frames. She assumed they'd abandoned their posts, probably ashamed of how far their family had fallen.

Harri couldn’t help but admire how ardently Tom must have charmed Abraxas for him to have given up his own son to him. Unknowingly, or perhaps intentionally, leaving his grandson to the same fate as well. Three generations of Malfoys indebted to the dark lord.

Not that she could speak about evading Tom's allure.

His claws were so deep inside of her that she would never be able to pull them out. Who had Harri even been before she was his? She couldn’t remember anymore. From the first time Hagrid told her his name, he'd left Harri forever altered.

She got upset when people looked at her and only saw her scar, but what did she see herself? Was it not the same thing? She looked in the mirror and saw Voldemort too. They were not one without the other. A killing curse. A soul bond and prophecy. Legend.

Harri sighed.

She took the left Draco had told her to, then another and another. She was to stop at Livia Malfoy’s portrait. It came up after another six feet, right above a small alcove with three identical doors. Harri looked around once, making sure no one was near and opened the door closest to her.

It led to a dark hallway. She walked in and closed the door behind herself. She held onto the wall for support and treaded until the long hallway ended with a flight of stairs. Below the stairs were the dungeons and in the dungeons, behind rusty prison bars, were the three people she was looking for.

Ron, with a dirty shirt wrapped around his head, laying next to Sirius on the floor. Viktor by a tiny window looking out into the gardens.

Draco had warned her that there would be a death eater watching them. The reason he hadn’t been able to come down in four weeks. She thought it might have been someone unimportant, like Pettigrew or Macnair, as all the others were supposed to be occupied.

She hadn’t been expecting Yaxley.

He was alert and standing at the foot of the stairs with his wand in hand.

In her mind, she cursed Voldemort for this foresight. Harri fully tugged her wand out of its holster. She still had the advantage. Yaxley didn’t know she was there, she would knock him out.

“Fin.” She shed the invisibility charm.

Yaxley whirled around. Harri bared her teeth in a feral grin and charged down the stairs.


Yaxley had but a second to realize what happened before his eyes turned white.

Harri heard Ron shout. “Harri!” He’d dislodged Sirius, who woke and rose as well.


She kept her focus on Yaxley. He was trying to fight the curse but his mind had been vulnerable and Harri’s prepared. “Unlock the door and then drop your wand.” He ambled over to the locks and opened them with a key from his pocket. He dropped his wand.


He fell. Sirius, Ron and Viktor stared at Harri and the open door for a moment. Then they jumped up and pushed through. Sirius crushed Harri to him, running his hands all over her. His eyes were sunken in and he was emaciated yet it was nothing as bad as after Azkaban. Ron gave her a warm hug from the back.

“Where are your wands?” Harri demanded, drawing away.

Viktor kneeled and searched Yaxley's body. He extracted two. “These are mine and Ron’s. I don’t know about Sirius’s. Are you here alone? Where are Daphne and Hermione?”

“Bellatrix will have my wand.” Sirius peppered kisses over Harri's forehead. “thank God you’re alright.”

“Hermione and Daphne are upstairs. Draco and Greyback are pretending to have caught them. It’s a long story. We've got to go up and fight Bellatrix and Lucius. I didn’t run into anyone else on my way over so as long as we keep the element of surprise we can take them. Remus is waiting in the gardens with a portkey under my cloak.”

“Sounds easy.” Ron nodded sarcastically.

Viktor cracked his neck. “Let uz go then.”

Sirius tied his hair in a bun and Harri cast a nourishment charm on all three of them.

Viktor began to climb up the steps, Sirius following, Harri and Ron at the back, side by side.

“Your head,” Harri touched Ron’s hair. “is it alright?”

“It's fine now. A healer sealed the wound. Though I was scared for a bit because Sirius said I lost a lot of blood. I guess I wasn’t important enough to be given blood replenishers. The loss left me sick for a while but nothing serious. Sirius and Viktor would give me some of their food and it sped up the recovery. Harri, is Draco really…that is to he really doing this? Turning against his family?”

“Yes. He’s scared as anything but he’s being so brave for you.”

“Not just for me.” Ron’s eyes were shining. “For us and because it’s the right thing to do.”

“You’re right. I guess we’ve all grown up a lot.” They shared a soft smile.

Soon they reached the end of the tunnel. Viktor peeked out the door and ushered them out. Harri mapped the way back to the center foyer just as a high pitched shriek came from that exact direction.

They ran. The halls seemed to run on forever this time.

When they burst into the antechamber, Draco was on the ground shaking from the effects of a cruciatus. Hermione was holding him in her arms and sustained bright pink fingerprint marks on her neck. Daphne was the one who had screamed, held back by Greyback’s claws. Lucius was shoving Bellatrix.

“Expelliarmus!” Harri cast and missed.

Lucius and Bellatrix saw her and Bellatrix started cackling. “Harri Potter!”

Ron attacked. “Confundo!” He hit Lucius, who fell and slammed his head against a pillar.

Bellatrix aimned for Harri. “Crucio!”



Ron moved to help Hermione with Draco. Daphne and Viktor joined Harri in fighting Bellatrix. Sirius—

“No!” He pounced on Bellatrix, wandless.



Viktor shot Bellatrix in the shoulder. Sirius toppled her over onto her back. She screamed. He reached into the inside of her sleeve and yanked his wand out. “Night, night sweet Bella. Pulso.” And she was unconscious.

For a bit, they were breathless like they couldn’t believe that had worked. Then Lucius twitched and they moved. Hermione and Ron made Draco stand up, holding him with one arm around either shoulder. He was mumbling incoherently.

“Remus is waiting. Go and don’t stop.” Greyback said to them.

Hermione, Ron and Draco listened and departed out through one of the long french windows to the garden.

“I’ll be right there,” Harri called.

She walked over to Greyback and handed over the portkey to Blaises’s summer home, their last safe house. “As promised.”

Greyback had risked his pack by doing this. To not have any deaths on their conscience, they all had agreed to give him the portkey to get his pack out of the country. The women and children and those that did not want to fight.

Greyback accepted the portkey. “I will not forget this. If you need me to fight, I will come. You know how to reach me.”

Harri nodded. He strode out of the room and to the floo, vanishing in green smoke.

She turned to Sirius, Daphne and Viktor, who were waiting on her.


Clouds of black thundered in the room.

Four bodies appeared. Tom, her locket. Rosier, Dolohov and Rodolphus.

A stillness settled over. Disbelief. Horror.

Tom’s eyes latched onto her like a man dying of thirst. She stared back in disbelief.

It hurt to look at him.

The death eaters eyed Bellatrix and Lucius’s prone forms and Viktor, Sirius, Daphne and Harri.

Rosier’s mouth parted in an ugly grin. “He knew you would come here.”

Harri prepared for another fight. Viktor, Sirius and Daphne readied themselves.

Tom just gazed at her. His expression was one she didn’t understand.

Was he going to hurt her? What were their odds of winning? They were technically seven against four. Sirius was malnourished and Harri and Daphne were still progressing duelists.

Dolohov rolled his sleeve up. “Shall we call the dark lord?”

Harri’s wand hand quivered.

Tom finally looked away from her. “No, we shall not.”

In the next moment, he once again did something that turned her world on its head.

He cursed Rosier.


Sirius and Viktor didn’t waste the opportunity, shooting at Dolohov and Lestrange.

The four of them battled. Harri watched Tom toss Rosier into the ceiling and then the wall, before letting him fall and collapse.

Tom said to her. “Go, I have this.”

“I don’t…”

Lestrange hurled a curse at Harri, only missing by an inch. Tom swung towards him, furious. “Crucio!”

“Come.” Daphne tugged on her sleeve. “They have this.”

Lestrange was already bleeding and both Sirius and Viktor were closing in on Dolohov. Harri eyed the destroyed room once before Daphne pulled her arm and they were sprinting to the north gardens where the peonies were supposed to be in full bloom.

Everyone was waiting for them only a short distance away from the main house. Remus and Hermione frowned upon seeing them alone. “Where are Sirius and Viktor?”

Harri exchanged a feeble glance with Daphne. Ron watched the manor behind them. The windows shattered and his eyes widened. “No bloody way.”

To,m, Sirius and Viktor came out of the explosion in quick succession. Dolohov and Lestrange scurried after them.

“Get the key.” Remus commanded.


“I know.”

“Are we—

“He helped.”

“How do we know—

“There isn’t time to argue. We must go.”

Ron activated the key in his hands. Tom, Sirius and Viktor made it to them and no one said another word.

Tom was still staring at her.

The portkey, an international one, obtained by Draco, spiraled them away to the Delacour family chateau in France. Upon arrival, Fleur, Bill, Kingsley and Apollo Greengrass descended on them.

There were frantic embraces and worried words exchanged. Apollo kept hugging his daughter. He'd received a floo call from Fleur right before they made it, informing him of their impending arrival. The Greengrass’s had their own chateau nearby and thus he'd come right away. After bribing a ministry employee into letting him open his international floo, hoping Daphne would come home safe.

Following the reunion, Sirius, Ron, Viktor and Draco were taken to get healed. Which was when everyone realized Tom was there. He received a very cold welcome. No one was happy to see him, only distraught and panicked about what it meant. They still didn’t know his real identity but they knew what he’d done and where he spent the last few months. To them, he was a threat like any death eater. But not an immediate one.

Bill and Kingsley confiscated Tom's wand and locked him in one of the bedrooms upstairs.It was there that Harri went straight after seeing Sirius and Draco, making sure they were resting and that the chateau was secure.

Harri was sure there were a lot of people that wanted to speak to her. It did not matter. She needed to see Tom. To the order, she wrote it off as though she was going to interrogate him. Though they all knew that wasn’t true.

He had saved them today. Did he want to go back to Voldemort? Was his mind changed? And even if it was, what did that fix?

She did not forget a deception so quick.

Harri walked into the room he was confined in and the wards fastened behind her. If Tom wanted to leave, he would have a difficult time getting out on his own.

She'd expected him to be pacing, agitated and restless. He wasn’t. Tom was perched on a window seat, watching the midday rays flush over the sprawling estate.

She was inclined to say something scathing. Nonetheless, she said something virulent. “You insufferable, deceitful, duplicitous bastard.”

Tom’s head circled in her direction and the afternoon light eclipsed behind him. “My parents were married, actually.”

His stare, as always, was penetrating. She hated it. She hated that he could see right past her defenses and her rage. I know you, his eyes seemed to say.

“What is wrong with you?”

“I do have this little issue of not having a whole soul.”

Don’t!” Harri shouted, stepping in front of him. “Don’t test me. Don’t joke. Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you.”

“Do it,” Tom whispered. He stood so that they were eye to eye. “I am wandless. I am at your mercy. Kill me.”

Harri wished to scream at him. She opened her mouth but stopped, feeling that her voice would crack and he would have the power.

He took her hand and enveloped her fingers around his neck. “You could never kill me. Just like I could never kill you.”

“I hate you.” Her nails embedded into his flesh, drawing blood.

“And I hate you.” He breathed. But his eyes were hooded and his gaze felt like a lover’s kiss. “You’re not angry that Dumbledore is dead. You thought I was incapable of hurting you and yet I did. I deceived you. That is why you’re angry.”

“And you?” Harri probed. “Why are you angry? How did you manage to turn it around on me, all those months ago?”

His expression flickered. “Because I spent two years choosing you over everything else and when the time came, you didn’t do the same for me.”

“That's not true! It wasn't a choice you gave me, it was an ultimatum! Why did you kill him? You didn’t need to do that. You said if you killed him you would be free but we both know you could’ve found another way. I might’ve had a different answer that night if it hadn’t gone down the way it did.”

“It was a choice to me. And Dumbledore was going to die either way. If it hadn’t been me it was going to be someone else. Voldemort commanded it. His death eaters knew and so did Dumbledore. He just didn’t know who would be the one to do it. He thought Voldemort would demand it of Snape or Draco. He didn’t worry and he should have. Voldemort was aware that Dumbledore wouldn’t suspect me.”

“So that makes it okay?”

“I told you.” Tom came closer. “I have never cared for Dumbledore. Do you want me to regret it? To repent? I don’t. I won’t. Do you think death is the worst thing in the world Harri? Voldemort was never going to kill you after finding out you were our soulmate. If I hadn’t intervened and he got his hands on you, he would've kept you alive only in the sense that your body would live. He could’ve locked you up, cursed you to sleep. Tortured you."

Harri turned her face away. “Stop. Forget Dumbledore then. Fine, hypothetically you have some justification in killing him so Voldemort would leave me ‘alive’ in this sense. You still didn’t have to turn sides. I want to know why you did. You didn’t have to go to him. You could have told me about this. You lied. About all of it!”

He seized her. “No. Not about all of it. Voldemort sent me a letter after the prophecy was destroyed. We met in the summer. Remember, when you and your friends followed me? I knew you were there. I was careful, I sent my reply through the owner of the apothecary and set up a meeting place. I couldn’t tell you because you would’ve lost your mind. I made a selfish choice. I am gluttonous and self-serving and resentful. I admit it.”

Tom wilted.

“You made me feel and I thought that was a weakness. When I—remember the minister’s ball? That was the night I realized I would do anything for you. It terrified me. I thought, I need to cut this connection between us. That you have too much influence over me. At that point, I had only considered a little what Voldemort was saying but then I panicked. I thought you were my last bond. I thought, she’s changing my heart.” A corner of his mouth lifted.

“If you change me then who am I? If not the beginnings of Voldemort then what? I thought about when I told you I wanted to make another horcrux and your reaction to that. At that moment I made the choice to go. But after all I could think about was that I didn’t want to be parted from you, no matter how much you scared me. I thought in the heat of it that maybe when the choice came you would pick me. That way, we would be on even ground and I would stop changing. Foolish but not impossible.”


He lifted his chin. “I know it wasn’t fair. Selfish, remember? I crave immortality. I don’t want to die. Four years ago for me, I was trapped in a muggle war. That doesn’t leave you. But I thought it was everything. I know now I was wrong. I will always crave the darker things, the power, because I know what it is to be without, to be vulnerable and under the control of others. I remember how unsafe I was as a child and the hollowness of my starving belly. If you think about it, my childhood is supposed to be fifty years ago. It should be different for people like us now, right? But the laws are the same. How many magical children are in terrible homes still? The ministry hasn’t fixed that in all this time. Even greater, they didn’t help you and you're their savior.”

Harri entreated. “Why did you come back? What changed your mind?”

“I was never going to fall under Voldemort’s thumb. I planned to get rid of him and take his place. You’ve seen it, his mind is fracturing." Tom sighed. "But being with him was a vicious in-between. His death eaters are loyal to a fault. The entire ministry is under his control. I needed more than a few months, although time isn’t something we have, is it? You ask what changed, well,”

She could see him physically prepare himself. Tom seemed to gaze right into her.

“I knew made a mistake. The most important thing I have to say is I am sorry. I was confused and lost, but I hurt the person I care about most in the world. Which was never my intention. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He fell to his knees for her. “This is what changed. None of it was worth it without you. I love you, Harri. I have always loved you. Too much to let you think I can live without you.”

I love you.

“I can’t promise to be perfect or that I won’t be anything other than what I am but I can try. Let me try. If we survive this, I still want all that I always have but I don’t want a war. I don’t desire to kill. Not if it costs me you.”

Harri couldn’t think. There was so much to untangle from all that he'd said. The only thing she could hear was 'I love you.'

Her soul was desperate for his. Her heart ached for him.

She let Tom press his face into her stomach. He rubbed his nose against her abdomen. His mouth, warm and soft, moved against her skin. He pressed kisses down her body.

“Harri.” He said. “Harri. Harri.” Over and over until it was sound only.

His hands pulled down her pants and slid down her thighs. The cool air caused goosebumps to arise. She shivered as the soul bond came to life.

Harri had missed him so much. He kissed her pelvis over her underwear and the wet spot below it. Her panties were stripped off and he was kissing her opening. Seconds later his tongue was inside of her. She gasped.

“Forgive me.” He used his mouth on her until her legs could not hold her up and she was almost trembling from the pleasure. He slinked up her body and they fell into bed together. Clothes were tossed aside. There were a thousand wet kisses. He brought their mouths together again and again and crushed their bodies so there was nothing between them.

Tom’s hand was on her hip as he pushed into her. Harri ran her fingers over his back like the ghost of touch and his whole body shuddered. He sucked her ear lobe into his mouth. She pushed her head into the pillows underneath her, unable to take it.

This was something divine.

Unlike all the other times they'd f*cked, they were not moving desperately. Their hips rolled against each other in a languid push and pull. Tom tilted her jaw up, stealing more kisses. Each slide in and out was deep and drawn out, leaving them both on the edge. Leaving them in ecstasy.

It wasn’t about the sex. It was the intimacy. That you could never get as close to another person. It was to prove to themselves that they still belonged to one another.

He spilled inside of her, looking into her eyes. And when he kissed her again she climaxed.

After a moment of breathing into each other, Harri pulled away.

She put on her clothes and Tom sat on the edge of the bed, still shirtless. There was a deafening silence in the room, of the spaces between them and the answer he waited for.

They were on the precipice of something vast and cosmic. One second away from freefall.

Harri remembered once likening Tom to a supernova.

He was still her exploding star. Lightning on her tongue. They were a solar system of two, revolving around one another.

How much time did they have left?

Harri didn't know. She wouldn't waste it. She went to him.

“The truth is, you broke my heart.”

Tom flinched.

“How can I trust you won't do it again?”

He rose and stretched his arms out for her. “I’ll do anything. I can give you the location of the castle, I know the room where he keeps the diary and I can help you reach the diadem.” Tom reeled her into him. “Doubt me all you want. Whatever I imagined then….I was wrong. You can break my heart if you need to. It’s yours to do what you like.”

She swallowed and thought of how to say her next words. She wanted to be brave too. There was never going to be another answer. Not in this life, or the next.

“I don’t want to hurt you. I have no desire for that. I love you too Tom. I think I’ve loved you since before I can even remember.”

His mouth parted. His face was more open and tender than she’d ever seen. He looked like the secrets of the world had just been revealed to him. “You mean it?”

“Would I have a reason to lie?”

He deserved the words because they were his. It hurt her to see him in pain. It was worse than her own. She'd thought she wanted him to suffer yet she couldn't watch Tom ask for forgiveness and spread himself bare only to tear him down. She loved him. She loved him too much. And loving Tom had never been the problem. Loving Tom had always been the easiest part. It was everything else that was difficult.

“And I don’t want you to be the villain.”

His brow furrowed. “What?”

Harri drew nearer. “You said on the astronomy tower that I wanted you to be the villain. That I doubt you or suspect you. Which, you can see why that might’ve been the case but I don’t want you to be the villain.”

“I...I suppose I want you to have faith in me and see only the best parts of me. You see me, all of me, and it...”

“Scares you.”


“Would it surprise you to hear that I feel the same? I’m not like you. Exceptionally clever and charismatic. There are a hundred things we disagree on and I fight with you about all of them. I think a lot about the idea that if wasn’t for the bond, would you want me?”

“How can you say that?" He caressed her cheek and folded her in his arms. “Shall I tell you all the things I’m obsessed with, that have nothing to do with any bond?" Fingertips on her mouth, he traced. "You are the most alluring creature I have ever seen. Your smile is my most treasured sight. I crave the softness of your hands and think it sweet that you fall into fixation over the oddest things. You challenge me in the way I need. Even when I look away, I am still looking. There is no one in this universe I adore, none except you. I tolerate most but I love you. Soul bond or not, I want you. Always.”

And if Harri was asked again, to choose between the world and Tom, she no longer knew the answer.

Whichever you choose, you are wrong.


i can't believe there are only 3 chapters left. time isn't real!

Chapter 48: the tempest


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 48: the tempest

“Any moment might be our last.
Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed.
You will never be lovelier than you are now.
We will never be here again.”
Homer,The Iliad

Diadem, Voldemort’s Fortress

Brewing the antidote for the draught of living death in secret had been hard but Tom managed to do it in time for Harri to contact him.

After, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep but exhaustion took over. And as Voldemort wasn't in the castle, he let himself be lulled.

In the dreamscape, Harri’s face was a welcoming sight. There was nothing and no one around, just a white canvas and the two of them standing in front of each other.

Harri looked much better than she had the last time they’d communicated. It still astonished him how quickly she’d grown into herself.

They clasped hands.

“We’re ready,” Harri announced with newfound strength in her voice. “Today I’m returning to Hogwarts. We’re going lure Voldemort there. This is the chance for you and the diary a chance to escape.”

“The diary isn’t awake from the draught.” Tom reminded her.

She gave a half quirk of her lips. He desired to taste it. “Falling behind are we?”

“Only a reminder, little dove. The cure is brewed. I'll administer it as soon as Voldemort leaves. I will be seeing you Harri.”

Her mouth softened. “You swear it?”

“I swear it.”

She touched his face. “Don’t make me wait anymore.”

“Never again.” Truth in one way or another. He reminded her, "This way we will have all the horcruxes in one place."

“I know." Harri raised her head. "Meet me by the grand staircase. I'll be waiting for you there.”

This was the last thing she said before he awakened. There was silence in his room. He rose on his elbows and considered how he had waited for this for years. Yet now that it was here, he wished there was more time.

Such was life. Now their survival rested on everything going according to plan. Which was perhaps not the best, because with one wrong step it could all be over.

Tom would just have to be there to make sure it went right.

He prepared himself and slipped into the diary’s room. On a victorian bed, a caricature of his younger self lay. Tom tugged out the antidote, placed it on his finger and rubbed it over the diary's lip. He then bent and pressed his mouth over his.

The boy woke with a shudder. Tom blew air into his lungs, helping him rise. Then he moved away and watched him come back to life.

The diary took in his surroundings. Tom threw clothes at him.

“Up. We’re leaving.”

The Delacour Chateau, France

Harri left Tom in bed. She would have liked to stay with him but she’d finally reached the diadem as she’d tried to for days and needed to let everyone else know.

Almost a week had passed since they came to France. A week that consisted of healing, explaining the last year and organizing their final course of action. Harri and Hermione both worked to convince the order of the phoenix to not immediately make a move, buying time by saying they needed to recover. As much as that was true and necessary, it was also Harri wanting a few days with her family and waiting to get the diadem’s confirmation that he was ready. They couldn’t do this without him because he had the final pieces of information Harri needed to attempt to save her soulmate one last time.

Once at Hogwarts, with the horcruxes and Voldemort in one place and the diadem there to tell her what he had been planning all this time, she would decide whether this would end in fire or blood. If Voldemort would fight her in a bloody battle or if they could end this war with peace. It all depended on last minute endeavors, which was dangerous but it was what it was. She would hold on until the last second to keep Tom alive. She would even beg Voldemort for remorse when they came face to face.

With this clearness of mind, Harri padded down to the kitchen in search of her friends. Missy, the family house-elf, pointed her in the direction of the gardens. They were having an early meal outside. Harri was grateful that they were all together. She would tell them about the diadem and they would plan their last play without interference.

They didn’t have the luxury of soothing Mad-Eye, Bill and Kingsley's or any of the order’s apprehensions while they strategized.

Harri walked out to where her friends were spread on the patio set. Draco and Ron were curled together, sharing a plate. Hermione and Daphne had their legs up and faces tilted toward the sun, enjoying the cushions beneath them. Harri could relate. It'd been heavenly to sleep in a real bed after months. And to to use a real bathroom.

The breakfast on the table looked mouthwatering. She settled in a seat and started to pile her plate. The sky was painted lilac and maroon, with rays of light penetrating the clouds, signaling the beginning of the day.

Ron dunked his face into Draco’s neck, raising his arm in a silent greeting to her. Draco pecked Harri on the cheek and Daphne bound their ankles together under the table.


They basked in the quiet earth, partaking and enjoying the quiet. Harri waited until morning had fully broken to clear her throat. “I spoke to the diadem. He’s waking the diary. We can leave today.”

“Oh.” Hermione straightened into her chair.

Draco set his fork down. “This is what we’ve been waiting for, isn’t it?”

“It is.”

“Somehow this year has felt the length of a century and a week at the same time.” Daphne observed.

“If we weren’t at the risk of dying I might even be excited to get it over with. Like how I was about our O.W.Ls.” Draco joked.

“I wish this was just another exam. I would rather do another six years of potions than to today.” Ron mulled.

They all nodded, lingering on that thought.

Out of the blue, two voices rang. “Don’t be dense!”

“You bloody liar.”

Hermione gasped.

Lavender and Maria came gliding down the patio steps, beaming. “I recall about twenty different instances where you bemoaned that you would take on death eaters before entering potions class.”

Ron tackled Lavender to the ground. “I missed you!”

Harri and Hermione sprang on Maria and Daphne shoved Ron off of Lavender and into her own embrace.

A voice shouted. “Don’t forget about me!”

Harri shook with happiness, recognizing that as Blaise.

He came running out of the house and crashing into them. He pulled Hermione and Draco to him and Ron heaved Lavender up and hauled them all into a cramped hug.

“You spent a year traipsing around without us, then only called Daphne and Viktor for help?"

"And you messaged me but didn’t want to invite me along?”

“You didn’t think you were going to do this without us did you?” Maria asked. “We are offended actually.”

“As if after all this time, the final battle was the one we were going to miss.” Blaise scoffed.

Lavender grabbed Harri’s shoulder and knocked their foreheads together.

"Our strength is your shield. We will help defend our home.”

When the stories were written, no one spoke of the moment right before they put on their armor. In the legends of olde, tales were about brave speeches before the sound of war and tearful goodbyes as heroes departed.

But what of that time between, when you were donning your cape and placing your weapon in hand?

Harri was paralyzed by fear. She did not want to die and the thought of losing Tom and her family was unendurable. She was not sure she would win this and thus did not feel very brave. She dropped the boot she was trying to put on and fell back onto the edge of the bed. Her stomach was a wreck.

“Hey,” Tom perched beside her and ran a hand down her back.

What was he supposed to say, that he had not said already? If it was his choice he would let everyone else fight it out. Then when it was over, he would kill Voldemort and take his place. That was what he wanted. Yet he was here, beside her, because this was what she wanted.

“I hate goodbyes.” Her sentence broke on the last word.

“I see.” Tom nodded, chewing his cheek. “We’ve already lost.”

She moved her head back. “Excuse me?”

“He’s already defeated you if you think this is goodbye.”

“I’m being pragmatic.”

“You don’t need pragmatism.” Tom dismissed. “When has any situation for you gone the way you thought it would? You’ve beaten odds of a hundred percent failure time and again. You outlasted a killing curse. Why are you sitting here and giving up? Who are you?” He caressed her scar. “I don’t recognize this person.”


“Is true.”

She let out a self-deprecating laugh. “I suppose.”

He tapped her scar again. “You have to win because there is no other option. The alternative is not allowed to happen. Unless you admit my way would be better.”

“Now we’re going a little too far.” Harri giggled.

Tom poked her chest.

“I love you. I don’t love a nonentity. I love a hero.”

It was something exquisite to be told.

“And I love you, my villain.”

Once Harri informed the order that they were prepared to fight, they didn’t waste a second before launching their attack plan. Remus, Moody, Kingsley, Emmemile, Apollo, Evelina, Callaia, Arther, Bill, Fleur, Viktor and Charlie left the chateau as soon as it was confirmed. Fred and George left as well, to spread the news and recruit as many people to fight as they could.

They were all to meet at Hogwarts after dark.

Maria’s parents, Emilia and Edgar Rossi and Lavender’s parents, Beatrice and Archie Brown apparated to the Delacours after the others departed. They came to see them off and then traveled to the Italian and French ministries of magic.

From there, they were to lead a team of aurors if the battle went south. They'd spent the past twelve months negotiating with both ministries and organizing efforts as magical Briton had been under siege.

The last ones to go were Harri and Tom, Draco, Ron, Hermione, Blaise, Daphne, Maria and Lavender. They were gathered in the reception area.

Hermione gesticulated. “We’re really doing this.”

“It would be a little late to back out now.” Blaise snorted and looped his palm with hers.

Ron inched forward. “Any last words?”

“Don’t f*cking die.” Draco implored.

“You’ll be the first to go Malfoy.” Tom said.

Harri tugged his earlobe.

“I think you can call me Draco at this point.”

“Don’t mess this up. Draco.

Daphne fiddled with her earrings. “I can’t believe we can’t be serious even now.”

“It’s better to go laughing.” Lavender teased.

Maria slapped her. “Enough with the dying jokes. Please.”

Hogsmeade Village, Scotland

It was a minute past eight. Hogsmeade closed for the day. There were no lights in any edifice or people in the street. Under death eater watch, the Hogsmeade residents were not allowed out until morning. Nor did they wish to be. Wandering outside when allowed constituted harassment and interrogations. Coming out after curfew meant expecting punishment.

Ten death eaters were stationed in Hogsmeade to keep students and civilians under control. There were also there for any signs of Harri Potter or her friends.

It had been a dire year for the village. Transports of food had ceased internationally and domestically, forcing residents to ration and limit communication with those outside the border.

The only source of news was the radio and that was only if one was brave enough to listen. The death eaters had ways of knowing who complied with orders and who didn't. It was better to not risk it than to be caught. The consequences were brutal, especially given the forms of torture dark magic users liked to practice.

There was no inhabitant that dared to disobey the law set by Voldemort.At least that was what was assumed by everyone.

Yet there was one unlikely wizard, who no one would suspect, who rebelled.

Aberforth Dumbledore.

He was used to being looked over. This had been his whole life and at this age he embraced it. He helped the students in Hogwarts where he could, distributing food and passing along letters. But that was it. No huge feat, no espionage or conflicts fought. Just a little subterfuge.

He'd thought he was fine with doing only this.

Until that afternoon when Ginny Weasley knocked on his sister’s portrait and asked him for something which would ensure his death should it be found out. Aberforth was not a great man. In spite of that, he said yes. Because while no one could accuse him of being a knight, neither could they call him a coward.

When the village shut for the night, he kept a lone candle on. He waited for three knocks on his door.

An hour passed. Another. There was nothing.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

Aberforth unlocked his door, paused and peeled it open an inch.

“Who’s there?”

The street was empty. He went to shut the door. Something invisible stopped him. “Wait.” An eye appeared out of thin air. “I’m Blaise Zabini sir. Ginny’s friend.”

“I know who you are boy. You’ve been here before.” Aberforth opened the door wider. He heard bodies shuffle in and after he felt the last enter, he closed after them.

When he turned there were four teenagers standing in his living room. One of them was a Malfoy. He supposed stranger things had happened.

His brother dying, for one. Their whole lives Albus had been indestructible until he wasn’t.

“Anyone ever tell you lot to wear bells?” Aberforth grumbled.

“Some.” One of the girls said.

“Huh.” He wasn’t one for chitchat. He ambled over to Ariana. “You need to get through here. Open, dear one.” His sweet girl listened, swinging open revealing the tunnel that would take them. “Quickly now.”

The kids went on in. Malfoy was the last to go. “Thank you, Mr. Dumbledore.” He said.

“Be safe child.”

Malfoy dipped his head and entered the tunnel. Aberforth closed Ariana and went back to the windows. He checked for watchers. There weren’t any patrolmen. He glanced at Hogwarts and for a jiff there was a flicker of light in the astronomy tower.

Perhaps that was his brother giving his thanks.

Augustus and his partner Thorfinn Rowle were taking a break from guarding the Hogwarts gates. After giving the lower-ranking death eaters their orders for the night, the two of them snuck off and woke Rosmerta for a couple of drinks.

Augustus hadn’t thought anything of it, for there had not been a single incident of curfew breaking in the last few weeks. He decided there probably wouldn’t be one that night either. His mistake.

He was getting comfortable in his seat when two fractures of apparation resounded in the village one after the other.

Rowle dropped his cup and scampered out. Augustus followed. They came up to the gates, expecting a student attempting a getaway or a villager. Instead, they stumbled upon Harri Potter.

She bared her teeth in a mean countenance. “I heard you’ve been looking for me.”

Augustus looked to Rowle, disbelieving of their luck. “It was a mistake to come here Potter.”

“The dark lord is going to eat you alive.” Rowle leered.

“Is he?” A male voice uttered behind them. “I don’t think that’s what he wants. Do you, Harri?”

Augustus resisted the urge to pivot, keeping his eyes on Potter and off the distraction. They couldn’t lose sight of her.

Potter tilted her head. “I don’t think so either Tom.”

This Tom apparated next to Potter. He was a handsome boy of perhaps seventeen. Augustus realized he recognized him. He'd seen him with the dark lord!

“Traitor.” He spat.

Tom let out an incredulous cackle. “Fool.” He apparated again, at the back of Rowle and placed his wand under his chin. “Say goodbye to your friend.”

Rowle didn’t have the chance to react. The boy moved with an unnatural quickness and sliced his wand against Rowle’s stomach. Rowle crumpled to the ground.

Tom said to Potter. “I’ll distract the rest of them. You take care of this one.” He saluted her and apparated away and Augustus heard him land somewhere else in the village.

He glanced between Rowle’s pained gasps and Potter still stood at the gates. He apparated to the girl and seized her by the throat. The dark lord had said to bring her alive. He hadn’t mentioned she couldn’t be maimed.

“I wouldn’t do that.” She said.

Augustus drove his arm against her windpipe. “Shut up, you swine.”

“That’s very rude. I guess I don’t have to feel bad about this anymore.” She plunged her fingers into his eyes without mercy and kicked him below the stomach. He caved in on himself and she fell out of his grasp.

The next thing Augustus knew, he was in the most wretched pain of his life. His body squashed under the weight of whatever curse she'd muttered.

He hadn’t realized she was capable of dark magic. He expected her to kill him next but she did not. She stopped the spell. Augustus collapsed. He couldn’t move his legs.

Potter pulled the sleeves of his robes up, exposing his dark mark. “Tell Voldemort I am here. I'm here for him.”

Hogwarts Castle, Scotland

There were many things Severus had wanted in life. None of them involved teaching or becoming the headmaster of Hogwarts. Long ago he'd desired to become a renowned potionier and later, when he'd became lost and entrapped to the wills of a man that charmed him beyond all measure, he'd wanted acceptance and to be a death eater of the highest regard.

Of course, that all fell apart as well. When the world fragmented and Lily died, Severus wanted to be nothing at all. But the dust had settled and Dumbledore called. If he could not seek revenge, he could at least find redemption.

Though he'd never thought redemption would come at such a high price. At the time that Dumbledore asked him to spare Draco, if Draco was the one tasked to kill him, Severus hadn't wanted to do it himself. However, he'd realized he already was a murderer whereas Draco was just a boy. Was it not mercy to save him?

He'd tried to. In trying, he failed another.

Tom shouldn’t have been the one to assassinate the headmaster. Severus had always seen in him, himself. He'd seen a lost boy. An abandoned boy. He'd also wanted to save him. Yet he'd ended up taking him to Voldemort and damning him.

At least this was what he'd thought until Amycus came to him and told him that Harri and Tom were in Hogsmeade. Together. Fighting death eaters.

If Harri was here, that meant she'd received his patronus and found the ring weeks ago. It meant she was to come to Hogwarts, as Dumbledore had promised she would.

Severus had risked his life to steal the Gaunt ring. He pilfered it from Rosier and replaced it with a replica because Dumbledore told him it was vital to take.

However, the man died before telling him what to do with it. Severus assumed he was to give it to Harri, but she disappeared before he could, leaving him with a dark object that he knew not the importance of.

Then around two months ago, he'dd followed Ginny Weasley to an abandoned classroom and overheard her speaking to one of her brothers over the floo, revealing that Harri was in the forest of dean. He’d known it was the last chance to give Harri the ring.

Dumbledore always said if Harri came back, it was because she was ready to save them from ruin. She was here now.

“Daphne is going to take the young ones and help them out of the passageways. Maria and Hermione are going to find the professors while Ron and Blaise will go with some of the defense group to get the Carrow’s out of the castle. Draco,” Lavender instructed, pointing back and forth between everyone as they trudged through the tunnel to the room of requirement. “Our job is to make sure the rest of the order gets in the castle undetected through the headmaster's floo. To do that we need to deal with Snape. Remember don’t hesitate to fire at him if it’s needed.”

Draco rolled his shoulders. “I won’t. I know what’s at stake.”

Hermione took out the Marauders Map. “Once the Carrows are out of the castle, the children safe and barriers up, we need to go into the chamber of secrets and gather as many basilisk fangs as we can. Harri will have to destroy the noncorporeal horcruxes if worst comes to worst. We won’t know until the diadem and diary come and they speak. Which is when she’ll make the choice about…about…”

“Because Voldemort can’t fully die if they all live.” Daphne was the only one strong enough to verbalize it.

“The diadem has a plan though.” Maria maintained. “It’s not hopeless to believe in him.”

“Our mission is to get everything in place so Harri can make the right decision. She knows what she has to do. She would never make the choice that would hurt everyone else.” Blaise took the map from Hermione, looking at who was where.

“We’ll also have to kill Nagini.” Ron cringed. “She’s the only living horcrux we don’t have on our side. If Voldemort’s body is destroyed, she is what will help bring him back to life.”

They reached the exit and braced themselves.

Harri found Tom waiting for her in front of honeydukes. There were bodies scattered around him, not dea but paralyzed. “Handled?”


Harri pushed him against the wall. They kissed. He cloaked her in his embrace and picked her up. His tongue slid inside her mouth. She let out a pleased hum.

“We have to go.” He whispered against her lips.

Her throat thickened. She couldn’t lose this. She couldn’t lose him.She squeezed him between her arms and knees and kissed him again with an unquenchable force.

Before she was ready, she dragged herself away. Because life didn’t wait for you to be done.

Tom opened the honeydukes door. They wandered down to the basem*nt and into the cellar. He closed the opening above them. They started down the passage.

Hermione was the first to enter the room of requirement.

There were a hundred of her classmates waiting for their arrival. She tumbled into Seamus and Dean as everyone else came out from behind her.

There were cheers and exuberant excitement.

Blaise had to whistle to get everyone's attention when they were done reuniting.

They set off explaining their plan. Ron assigned duties to whoever was willing to help. Everyone got in order.

“ALL STUDENTS TO THE GREAT HALL!” Daphne’s command echoed throughout the halls, thanks to one of Fred and George’s new creations for Wheezy’s.

With the help of Peeves and Sir Nicholas, the Bloody Baron and the Fat Friar, the message spread like wildfire.

Daphne's job was to get all the students in one place, so they could evacuate those who were too young or did not want to fight in the coming battle.

“Come sister,” Daphne sang to Astoria, who had been with her friends in the Long Gallery. “We have to get there before them!”

Astoria clasped her and they ran down the school shouting. “STUDENTS IN THE GREAT HALL!”

“The Carrow’s are nasty pieces of work,” Seamus was telling Blaise and Ron while they ambled toward the dungeons.

“We’ve been waiting all year to pay them back.” Dean bounced on his toes. “Learned a bunch of special spells for this night specifically.”

“Are we allowed to use the unforgivables?” Hannah prodded, a vicious gleam in her eyes.

Blaise guffawed. “Go ahead.”

“As long as we can get them out of the castle and put them out of business. Our main goal is to lock down the school for when Voldemort and his army come.” Ron explained.

“Is anyone feeling a little panicky or is it just me?” Ernie fidgeted.

“Get it together Ernie.” Justin puffed out his chest. “This is what we’ve been preparing for.”

Ron and Blaise shared a look. “Don’t worry Ernie. Sit back and look pretty for us. We got this.”

“Lav what are you scared of?” Draco laced their fingers together as they marched to the headmaster’s room.

“I’m not scared.”

“You’re hands are trembling.”

Lavender snatched them away. “Professor Snape is scary okay?”

“He won’t hurt you.”

“He’s a death eater!”

“Assumed.” Draco stated.

Lavender tensed. “Confirmed! He has the dark mark.”

“He may have helped Harri find the ring.”

“Don't care. He gave Tom an escape after he killed.”

Draco blew out his cheeks. “At the end of the day, we can't pick and chose who we trust. Tom is helping us. Snape could too.”

“It doesn't matter I guess. We’re here already.”

The Griffen came into sight.

“I’ll go in first.”

Draco said the password, which Harri assured him would work. “Sherbert Lemons.”

The Griffen moved.

“Huh. I didn’t expect it to acutally.”

“I told you it would be fine.”

They prowled the stairs. Draco opened the office door and was confounded to see Professor Snape sitting at his desk like he was expecting them.

“Do come in.”

Draco and Lavender stepped in, wary.

“What?” Snape intoned. “Did you think I didn’t know something was afoot with Daphne’s hideous voice shouting in every corner of this castle?”


“You do not need to argue with me. What is it you came here for?”

“The floo.” Lavender said. “We’re going to bring in the order.”

“By all means,” Professor Snape signaled toward the fireplace. “Open it.”

They didn’t move.

“Lavender.” Professor Snape lessened the harshness of his face. “I will not hurt you.”

Lavender glanced at Draco, who shrugged. She walked down and ignited the floo.

“Are you sure this is the right way?” questioned Tom.

“Have I ever led us astray?”

“There was that one time, you know, in the ministry. Actually several come to mind.”

“You have no room to talk. The one-eyed witch is up ahead."

“We’ve been walking for thirty minutes. By the time we get there, the battle will have ended.”

“Less moaning, more walking.”

“Maybe we should turn around.”

“Tom.” Harri stopped and turned to him. “What’s wrong?”

His face was drawn in wand light. His jaw flexed. “What if we step out there and the thing we don't want happens?”

They’ve never said it aloud to each other. Harri had only ever thought of it and placed it in a tiny little box in her mind, believing it would be a choice for another day.

“I won’t kill you. I…I can’t. I can destroy the ring, the cup and Nagini. I can take away Voldemort's. But not yours. Or the diadem and the diary.”

Tom tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “He’ll never truly be dead if we stay living.”

“Then I’ll fight him again and again.”

“You’re still not making a decision. You’re still delaying the inevitable.”

She started crying.

“I’ll delay it. I don’t care. I want to stay with you until we're old and grey. I always thought I could make a choice when the time came but I was wrong. I don’t care. We’re going to fight this battle. I’m going to meet the diadem and ask Voldemort for remorse. That’s all I can do.”

Tom captured her face. “Make me a promise Harri. If this doesn’t work, you'll come with me and we leave this place together. We can even take the diadem and diary with us. We'll travel the world and hide where no one will ever find us. They can fight the next war on their own. You’ve done enough for them. Run away with me.”

Harri gazed into his wide eyes, his soft mouth and she tried to imagine a world where he didn’t exist. A timeline where she killed him so Voldemort would be gone forever. She couldn’t picture it.

She nodded.

Tom pressed their heads together. “Say it.”

“We’ll leave together.”

Daphne had been triumphant in getting the school to the great hall. Draco and Lavender were also successful letting in the Weasleys, Greengrass', Zabinis, Nymphy, Kingsley and Moody. And Maria and Hermione accomplished convening the professors.

At this very moment, Maria was watching McGonagall and Snape stride and command with the conviction of soldiers who had done it a thousand times. McGonagall animated the armored statues and guided them in a march down the halls. They taook position, forming a blockade to fence the grounds.

The order, Fred and George had gotten the announcement out and people were coming to aid the fight. Oliver Wood was here and he'd brought a group with him. Soon Fleur and Viktor would come too, bearing both Beauxbaton and Drumstrang students.

Daphne, Hermione, Draco and Lavender were beside Professor Flitwick, Slughorn, and Sprout, waiting.

“Prefects, take the younger years to the second floor. Evacuate them in groups of ten, by floo and portkey at the same time!” Snape’s voice echoed through a sonorous charm.

The prefects of each house stepped out of the great hall in lines, touting years one to four. When that was done, Snape wended his way down the room.

Maria whirled to look where he was headed when she spotted Ron, Blaise, Ernie, Seamus, Dean and Hannah. They sauntered in with the Carrow’s bodies floating behind them.

“Good.” Snape praised. “Give them to me.”

Ron reluctantly let up his spell and Snape took over, levitating the bodies out and to wherever he was going to imprison them.

"Come here!" Lavender and Daphne called Maria, Blaise, Draco and Ron over. They decided to settle onto Gryffindor table together the way they'd done since they were eleven.

The people in the hall were mostly sectioned off into groups, waiting for Moody and Kingsley to announce the next step. Moody, seeing everyone sitting, jumped up. “Out with me!” He ordered. “We need to reinforce the protections!”

The room emptied. Outside in the cold, Maria shivered. The night was dark. A tempest was coming.

Moody started lecturing on the spells they should use. “Protego’s well and good, but certain charms can have a larger impact.”

A commotion came from the gates.

“I heard you were waiting for me Minnie!” It was Sirius and an entire legion of Aurors. Maria heard several relieved breaths. “And look who I ran into on my way here.” At Sirius's rear, were Viktor and Fleur and a crowd of wizards.

Daphne raced to Viktor. Bill stalked over to Fleur, embracing her similarly. Moody wasted no time in calling the aurors and fighters to follow his instruction. They started casting the shielding charms and more and more people started showing up.

“This is it,” Harri pushed against the stones of the end wall til one of them gave and opened. “I told you!” She slid out behind the one-eyed witch and into the third-floor corridor.

“Caught you.” A face popped up in front of Harri.

"Remus! You scared me!"

Remus grinned. He was standing a few feet away and Harri flung herself at him, only noticing Greyback was there when she drew back.

“When did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago. Come, we’re going to help with the barriers. Hi Tom."

Tom waved and crossed his arms.

Harri and Remus walked side by side, Tom and Greyback on their heels. She could hear the two of them talking but was unable to discern what they were saying. Maybe they were going over curses. Disembowelment and such. This might be the one time they were allowed anyway.

Hogwarts was unnaturally quiet on the inside. The portraits were empty, the statues gone and the rooms vacant. Up until they got to the first floor, there was only the sound of their feet. When they descended to the first floor, that was when the silence ended.

The entrance was lined with wizards.

Harri lost count of how many people she saw. From her classmates past and present, Oliver, Angelina and Zacharias to Theo, Adrian, Miles, Marcus and Millicent. And so many more.

She was relieved and thankful. Afraid.

Harri, Remus, Tom and Greyback ambled out of the stone bridge and to the quad.

There everyone else was. Sirius, the other werewolves, the professors, the order and Harri’s friends. Hagrid, aurors she recognized from the ministry, parents, Firenze and his centaurs, Hogsmeade residents, thestrals and wizen she didn’t even know.

They were all casting spells at the sky.

Protego Maxima. Fianto Duri. Repello Inimicum.

A dome was forming, created by their magic weaving together. A pulsing, living, shield. Shivers rolled down her spine. An intoxicating, wondrous feeling filled her. Anticipation, magnificent warmth, joy at the way they had all come together.

The hemisphere closed and the world outside was cut off. They all shared a gaze of conviction and then everyone spread, taking their positions. Some went up to the towers and others into the viaduct, the covered bridge and the courtyards. Most of them stayed in the entrance, where they would be hit the hardest. This included the werewolves who marched to the border, Hagrid and the centaurs.

Hermione, Ron, Draco and Blaise came to settle on Harri’s right, Tom, Daphne, Lavender and Maria on her left. Sirius, Remus, Charlie and Kingsley fortified themselves in the frontline. Harri noticed her fifth year defense group line up next to Snape, Vector and Slughorn.

There was a boom in the sky. Little sparks formed across their protection. Voldemort’s army was here.

Tom squeezed her hand.

“We should leave now.” Blaise said.

Maria whispered. “Go time.”

“Remember,” Harri balled her fists. “Nagini. The basilisk fangs. Tom and I will find the diadem and diary.”

“You have the pouch with the other horcruxes right?” Hermione cautioned in her ear.

“I do.” She replied.

A thunderous bang resonated across the dome.

“Harri,” Sirius came to her as more cracks formed. “You all go. Do what you need to do. We’re prepared.”

She inclined her head. He hugged her, squashing her to him and kissing her forehead.

Harri smoothed down his shirt. It took Sirius some time, but he let her go.

Harri, Tom and her friends went back into the Hogwarts foyer. The last thing she heard before the doors closed was the shield as it thrummed and crashed.

All she could do to not fall to her knees was focus on her duty. “Tom and I are going to meet the diadem and diary in the center staircase.”

Hermione jolted upright. “Blaise, Maria and I will go down into the chamber,”

“Me, Ron, Daphne and Lavender will guard the entrance for you.” Draco added.

“This is where we split up I guess.”

“Don’t die.” Daphne choked out. “Any of you.”

Hermione let out a strangled giggle. “Please.”

“Should we do a little hands in the middle chant sort of thing?” Lavender quiped.

They laughed.

There was a loud whack on the door. Smoke blew in a rush. They needn’t say anything more. They shared a last look and cleaved in two. Her friends sprinted to a shortcut behind a tapestry that led up a narrow staircase and into Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom.

“This way.” Tom grabbed Harri. “We’ll go through the great hall.” The sound of fighting in the background was growing closer, shrieks and howls, rumbles and claps that made her flinch. Harri was scared the wall would fall through.

They entered the great hall where there were a few people, Madam Pomfrey and some healers getting ready for the injured. Another thunderous blast echoed. She and Tom glanced at each other. They'd made it to the side door of the hall when an explosion rocked the room, decimating the entire left wall.

Harri and Tom were thrown through the air and sent crashing into the door they'd been about to open. The very ground shook beneath them.

Death eaters descended in the wake of the detonation.

Harri’s head pounded. She felt blood drip down the side of her face. She groaned and lifted herself onto her knees. Tom was already on his feet and grasping at her arms.

Harri looked to the side. Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rosier were striding through the destroyed stone and sneering in her direction. They'd come for vengence. She scrambled onto her feet.

Firenze, Adrian, Miles and Alicia came racing in and blocked the view of Harri and Tom.

“Harri!” Tom shouted, pulling her.

“We can’t leave them!”

“You have to!”

Harri tugged away from him, Bellatrix already had Alicia on the ground. Firenze was taking on Rosier alone and Adrian and Miles were being pushed back by Rodolphus. They would die.

But then, a black whip of magic came down and choked Bellatrix.

It was the diary. Awake and appearing in front of her, shrugging off an invisibility charm like water. He kept Bellatrix in his hold and turned to smirk at Harri.

“Found you.”

She grinned.

He winked, still sixteen and breathtaking. He always would be. “Go. He’s waiting.”

Tom drew her back and she let him. He had a strange look on his face as they darted through the broken door and into a narrow passage.

“Is it odd being around yourself?”

“Maybe it would be if he wasn’t panting after you.”

“He’s you. What did you expect.” Harri deadpanned.

Tom’s mouth twitched.

They arrived at the end of the walkway. It was not empty.

Three of Voldemort’s soldiers were waiting for them.




They volleyed back and forth, all hits missing and striking the walls causing the ceiling to crack.

Harri cast protection over herself and Tom when it started to shatter. “Protego totalum!”

After the roof caved in, they remained alive. Unfortunately the death eaters did too.

Tom pushed her through the exit. “Leave me!”

“It’s up the corner, come with me!”

“No. I can take them. Leave!”

Harri gave Tom a black look yet grit her teeth and sprinted out. She hurried through the hall and to the base of the stairs, where a curse was shot at her. Harri reeled back. Macnair was plodding toward her. She swore. What pit of hell had he crawled out of?


“Defodio!” The gouging spell only missed her by a hair’s breadth.

“Protego Diabolica!” A vivid navy light from the other side of her shot out and hit the ground in front of Macnair. A ring of blue fire encircled him, leaving him covered and screaming.

Harri turned around to see her savior.

“Hello, darling.” Long hair. Red eyes. The diadem smiled down from the center of the grand staircase. “Missed me?”

The dreams did not do him justice, nor the shade he'd been before. He was divine as a whole human.

Harri climbed up to him in a stupor.

He encircled her the moment she was within reach. Harri burrowed herself into his body. Her soul crooned.

She basked in the comfort of his presence, taking pleasure in finally having him in her grasp.

They were standing in the ruins of the place where they'd learned to love each other. And with a rush, she realized all of the horcruxes and Voldemort were under one roof. Tom Riddle was in pieces and all of them were here.

Harri prised her face from his chest. The diadem gave her a second to place her hands over him before he nuzzled his nose against hers and pushed their mouths together in a tender kiss.

They indulged in each other for longer than they should have. Tom ran his eyes over her with the same reverent intensity as he had always done.

“I feel as though we were never strangers, you and I, not even for a moment.”

He kissed her again.

“I'm sorry Harri. This is the last time.”

Tom said it like he was passing out of sight and memory. Quickly fading or disappearing.

Harri clutched him closer. “I don’t understand.”

“I told you once that we would have forever together. For that to happen, I need you to go to the headmaster’s office. Take the vial Saguini gave you and place it inside his pensive.” He grazed her cheeks with his mouth. “You must not look back. Then you will know everything. Then you can finish this.”


There was a crash behind them.

Tom urged. “Go now.”

Harri was still."You can't ask this of me!"

“I'm afraid I must.”

She languished.

“Harri.” His words alone were imperious for her. “Leave me.”

She turned.

This was not the last time.


😮💨7k words 😮💨

Reunions, reunions... next chapter answers everything about the diadem. Their meeting may have seemed quick but it will make sense n
I worked crazy hard on this so,

please be kind in the comments, as they are always cherished and appreciated very very much.

Chapter 49: i open at the close


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 49: i open at the close (i kept you like an oath)

“Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends."
—Hafiz, Your Mother and My Mother

Harri flung herself through the door of the headmaster’s office. It slammed and sealed behind her. She fell to the floor and ripped open the hidden pouch from her neck, hands trembling all the while. Thuds and shouts, destruction and warfare, echoed in her ears.

Of all the awful things she’d felt in life, this right here had to have been the worst. Everything she treasured hung in a balance. Quivering, she opened the drawstring pouch and rummaged, searching for the vial Saguini had given her at Slughorn’s Christmas party.

The sound of battle sunk into the background until all she could hear was her panting, heaving breaths. As she searched, the coolness of the stone beneath her filtered through her senses. Harri recalled that she hadn’t been in here since Dumbledore died. Which was a fact that sounded as unreal as anything. Dumbledore was dead.

And though Harri knew death intimately, his was one whose impact was undeniable.

Life was strange in that way. Time moved on before you were ready. Only yesterday she'd been eleven and walking through Hogwarts for the first time. And now she was here, at the height of the war.

Swiftly, the diadem, locket and diary’s faces passed through her mind. Everything she stood to lose.

The horcruxes were all here, every single one of them. Each fragment of her severed soul under the same roof for the first time.

She was terrified of how this would end.

Her hands finally wrapped around the vial and she stopped breathing for an instant. She closed her eyes and savored her existence. She still lived.

She got to her feet and opened the cabinet containing Dumbledore’s pensieve. She poured out the diadem’s memories.

Harri took one glance at the world around her and then she



Hogwarts, Scotland 1993

The first memory was in her own dorm room. It was sometime of night and younger Harri was in bed, sleeping away. The diadem was standing above her and watching her. His ghost-like hand combed through her hair with a quiet gentleness. After checking she wasn't awake, he turned and walked out of the room.

Harri in memory stayed asleep, none the wiser. Harri of present followed him.

He ambled down the staircase and to the library. In there, he headed for the restricted section and pulled out two tomes. His movements were practiced and she could tell he’d done this many times, come to research.

In the next subsequent second, but maybe hours for Tom, he was pulled away from his reading by Dumbledore.

Tom sat up with an extremely hostile expression on his face.

“I am not here to harm you.” Dumbledore entreated.

It was as if Tom could not even hear him. He ignored Dumbledore and carried his shadowed body through the bookshelves, leaving without looking back.

Next Harri knew they were back in her dorm room, except it was clear this was another day, a later night. The diadem was lying next to memory Harri this time and brushing his thumb across her jaw. He was also surveying the marauder's map at the same time, presumably tracking Dumbledore’s movements and plotting avoidance.

Tom’s eyes ran leisurely over the parchment until they abruptly froze. Harri moved to see what caught his attention. His finger pressed against the name Peter Pettigrew.

“Interesting.” He whispered.

Younger Harri moved in her sleep and Tom closed the map.

The scene changed again.

Tom was standing under the moonlight at the foot of the black lake. He was gazing at the stars. He only remained for a bit before he moved on. Harri assumed he would head back to Gryffindor tower but instead he changed direction. He strode to Dumbledore's office instead.

The room was empty when Tom entered. He hunted through Dumbledore’s belongings, turning over the drawers and cabinets without thought, scouring.

“Where is it?” He uttered. “Where is my diary?”

His search was futile, as Harri very well knew. There was no diary.

At least not the first time he looked.

After this, two memories flashed by. Tom cornering Pettigrew, threatening and demanding information about Voldemort and Sirius from him. Harri in the quidditch finals, hurtling towards the sky, Draco following her with an adorable pout on his lips.

She’d forgotten how little they'd been and never realized how happy they seemed. Even Tom smiled when Harri caught the snitch and the stadium exploded.

Then reality shifted. Tom was back in the headmaster’s office and this time he did find the diary. Harri watched him trace the newly healed bindings. Where once a gaping hole caused by a basilisk fang had existed, now there was only a smooth surface. Almost like it’d never been there at all.

Tom covered the diary with a spell and hid it on himself. She supposed even if he wasn’t human yet, he could still hold his own horcrux.

To her shock, he didn’t leave right away. He waited for Dumbledore to come. When Dumbledore arrived and saw Tom, he could not hold in his confusion. Granted that confusion rapidly changed to outrage.

Tom and Dumbledore exchanged harsh words. Dumbledore was furious that Tom was seemingly taking advantage of Harri. He accused him of vile things, spurning Tom into losing his temper as well. He could be accused of many horrors but none in the realm of what Dumbledore perceived. Tom denied them before they could fully take form.

“Yet you do not resend your selfishness. Does it not disgust you Tom, to do this to your own soulmate? To use her soul to live?”

The words left their mark and Tom faltered. Dumbledore jumped on this delay. “It is never too late to start over.”

The conversation lapsed and began again. Dumbledore offered Tom abdication of guilt. Protection. Life. None of it moved him. Not until Dumbledore revealed that which Harri did not know.

“She is a horcrux.”

Tom looked like Dumbledore had hit him. Harri imagined she looked the same. Everything spun. A horcrux.

All this time, she’d thought herself vastly different from her Tom's.

It turned out she could not have been more like them if she tried. She supposed it made a paramount of sense and still, sincerely, she had never suspected it.

Harri was a horcrux. A horcrux.

Dumbledore explained how he thought it would’ve happened. Voldemort’s soul latching onto Harri as not only the last living thing in that nursery but as an already perfect and willing conduit for his soul.

She might’ve been revolted if she did not remember the wails of Voldemort’s wraith. The cries that had written themselves across her wrist her first year at Hogwarts and the letters that had been on her for ten years before that.

I fear no fate—

The last thought that piece of his soul had before he bonded to her. She could not hate the being that felt these words. They’d meant everything to her once upon a time.

Instead of losing her mind, Harri registered that the horcrux inside was part of her. They’d grown together, their roots were tangled. To be disgusted by it was to be disgusted by herself.

She realized this.

Dumbledore did not.

He spoke about plans, how Voldemort would come back and Tom could help save Harri. Tom held up his hand. He wanted time to grasp it.

Dumbledore stopped him as he walked to the door.

“Do not let your desires once again become your greatest regret.”

Tom stiffened.

“Let Voldemort be a warning, not a persuasion to try again. Tom Riddle died for the dark lord to rise. You were wasted so that Voldemort could come to be. See that it doesn’t happen again.”

The next memory, Harri could call to mind clearly even herself. If she calculated the time right, this was a month after the quidditch finals. They were in the dorms again and thirteen year old Harri was panicking about Trelawney’s prediction.

“…Servant will reunite with his master…”

Harri watched as she accused Tom of betraying her. Saw the way he drew her near and reassured her. She could still remember how every worry had stilled at the honey that flowed out of his mouth.

Once little Harri left the room, Tom picked up the diadem and murmured. “I thought we would have more time.”

Without wasting another second, he tore a page out of her notebook and penned a letter. The one that she still knew by heart.

Dear Harri…

By the time you find this, I will be long gone…

When he finished, he folded it and placed it on her bed. Then he returned to Dumbledore with an answer.


Dumbledore was aghast. “Are you still unprepared to do what you must?”

Tom gave him a mirthless smile. “I considered what you said and realized you were right about one thing. I am being selfish with Harri. She deserves to grow without me latched to her. She is young and my presence here is wrong. I will leave, and I will find a way to destroy Voldemort. To heal the wound in my soul. I am only here to tell you to keep our conversation between us and not confuse her. I will tell her everything only when I know I can set it right for her.” Tom’s eyes were melancholy. “And Dumbledore, tell her not that she is a horcrux. She deserves her girlhood. I will not have it tainted by these things.”

Dumbledore fiddled with his sleeves. “Where will you go?”

“Albania. There was something Harri said today that reminded me how important that place is to me.”

“How would I contact you?”

“Send me a patronus.”

Dumbledore blinked. “You will not be able to send one back.”

Tom’s mouth curved up. “What makes you think that?”

Dumbledore stared at him as if he had never seen him before. “You cannot mean…”

Harri’s eyes stung.

“Help me secure a body and I will show you.”

She witnessed Dumbledore bring Tom back into existence. He infused the elixir of life and phoenux tears with Ravenclaw’s diadem. Tom's body returned to him. Flesh, veins and a beating heart.

He flipped over his hands and inspected himself in the exact same way Voldemort would later on in the graveyard. He too did not get long to relish it. His eyes snapped open and he frowned at Dumbledore. “Something is wrong. My bond with Harri is strained.”

This was when the dementors descended on her and Sirius.

“You can leave.” Dumbledore spoke this yet he seemed very unsure. “Prove me wrong. Leave and I will send that patronus. Voldemort’s return is inevitable but nothing else need be.”

And after that Harri saw from Tom’s perspective, the dementors attempting to steal her soul and how he had saved her. What she hadn’t discerned at the time was the sorrow on his face as he left. His last act there was catching Pettigrew before he escaped and imperiusing him, demanding he send notice to Tom about Voldemort’s plans after he found him.

Bangkok, Thailand 1994

Harri couldn’t tell how much time had passed since the last memory. At this time, Tom was meandering through a magical city. He pushed through throngs of people until he came to a turn and from there he walked until he reached an old church by the sea.

He sat down on a bench and started to speak to himself. She became aware the words were meant for her. He exhaled in such a way that she felt like the next thing he said would be the worst revelation.

“When you see this I hope you’ll understand why I kept this secret from you. The truth is, I knew from the first time your soul called to mine and awakened me that you were a horcrux. This was not what made me afraid when Dumbledore said it. It was the fact that Dumbledore himself knew. I know that he loves you and he will try to save you but he cannot be trusted with your life. There might come a time when he decides he needs to destroy all the horcruxes, me and you, to kill Voldemort. He would sacrifice you if it meant saving everyone else. I will not. I will never let that happen. I can’t. I won’t.”

Harri let the pain of that knowledge slide off of her like the rain. A million lives were worth more than one to Dumbledore. It was not a crime.

Tom looked away from the ocean and in her direction. It appeared just as though he was looking into her eyes. “Dumbledore will do what he has to save the world and I will do what I have to save you.”

Harri understood at that moment, more than ever, that all of this was always meant to be.

“I’ll retrace my steps. Go back to the beginning and learn how to undo this. If I am the poison then I will make myself the cure.”

Coast of the Adriatic Sea, Albania 1994

Tom was walking in a forest. There was a storm above him, grey clouds and lightning flashing across the sky. A hood covered his face but Harri would know him anywhere. He stopped beneath a black pine tree. She thought he may have taken the second to rest until from underneath the roots a creature of the fae appeared.

A faerie, ethereal yet spine-chilling. Its features were humanlike and monstrous in equal measure. Harri didn’t know what to make of it.

“Hello.” Tom lifted his head.

The fae seized his chin right away. “We were just rid of you.”

“The wraith of the dark lord is not me.”

“We do not differentiate between the variants of one soul. This is the third time you have haunted our door and we refuse to fall for your riddles anymore. You must leave.”

“If you help me you will never have to see me again.”

The fae jerked its neck. “That is what you promised us the first time.”

“I intended to keep it then too.”

“And what will you give us in return for our help?” It raked its claws down Tom’s chest. “Your heart, Tom Riddle?”

Tom snatched the faerie’s paw. “Careful creature.”

“An impression of it then.” The faerie loomed closer.

Tom tensed.

“Is the price too high? Is it not worth the answers you seek?”

Harri could see Tom battle with himself before he conceded.

“Very well.” The fae thumbed Tom’s eye. “Show me.”

Tom had told Dumbledore he could create a patronus. Harri believed him. He'd been there with her for every one of her lessons with Remus. She merely never expected he could do it without a wand.

Tom made a steeple of his fingers. She didn’t know what memory he used but she had a feeling it would never return to him. “Expecto Patronum.”

Light beamed into the woods. His patronus was a black panther, blindingly luminescent and as vicious as he was. The faerie opened its mouth and feasted on it. It took the brilliance for itself.

When finished, it said to Tom. “Ask me.”

He said. “Tell me how to mend my soul.”

“I thought you knew this answer? Remorse wizard. You must feel remorse.”

“I don't think it’s possible. The wraith, my original soul piece, will never repent. It is too late for him.”

“You are still young. You think everything is the end of the world.” The fae remarked. “It is never too late to change. Even for one such as the dark lord. The boy he was still exists inside of him, though he is buried deep and only sustained by your soul bond. Had she not been born he would truly be gone. Nevertheless, you will have to coax it out of him.”

“How? How can I do that?”

The fae tisked. “That is a second question.”

“Please creature.”

“Do you not know your own self boy?” The fae narrowed its eyes. “Why did you venture down this path in the first place? Why did you desire immortality? What was missing from you? You know how to heal yourself. Go back to where it began. Tempus edax rerum. Tempus rerum imperator.”

Harri gasped. She remembered the same words written in the department of mysteries, above the room with golden sand.

Time, devourer of all things. Time, commander of all things.

An understanding dawned on Tom. “Yes. Of course. Thank you. I will never forget this kindness.”

“If you succeed, consider the debt paid.”

Delphi, Greece 1995

The trees disappeared from the memory, making room for a palace. At least that was what it looked like. Tom's surroundings gave the impression of ancient Athens. Pillars of white and grand architecture.

He entered a building through gigantic marble doors and into a grand dome of a library.

The site was more magnificent than Hogwarts. Shelves extended to a height that wasn’t visible to the eye and readers perched on floating ladders and chaises. Whilst there were hundreds of them they kept silent, only speaking in whispers.

Wizards and witches in opulent robes breezed by Tom. Rather than go directly in search of what he needed, Tom headed to the right wing of the room. Behind chiffon curtains, there was a hallway that led to ten office levels.

Tom proceeded to one where a man that reminded Harri of Kingsley welcomed him. “What are you in pursuit of today old friend?”

“Aristofane,” Tom declared, mysterious and evading as always. “Take me to where you hide your books on time.”

If Aristofane had any reservations or was taken aback, he did not show it. He acquiesced to Tom’s request and guided him to a private room below the main library.

“I have only one question.” Aristofane expressed. “I thought you were in England. I heard rumors of your return and that you did not wear this face anymore. I admit I was astonished to hear from you. I know it is not my place to meddle in human affairs but I cannot help myself.”

“I did not hear an inquiry in there.”

“They say you are not sane. That you died and came back to life. You know our laws on necromancy. It is a foul practice. Did you do it?”

“I did not.”

"Something else then. No matter, I shall leave you to it." Aristofane stopped at a small shelf, made of broken mosaic. “We are here, this is all we have. The rest were burned three hundred years ago." He peered up at Tom. "I hope you know what you are doing.”

You and me both, Harri thought.

Andorra, Spain 1995

Tom was laying on a bed holding a newspaper above his head. There were other articles scattered around him. Books and pieces of parchment. The windows of the room were open, the night sky a deep teal. A breeze drifted in, stirring the curtains. Harri padded over to Tom to see what news he was reading.

She couldn’t understand the headline as it was written in Spanish but the moving picture said enough. Harri, Cedric, Fleur and Viktor, set to walk in a procession to the yule ball. In the picture, Harri was beaming at something Viktor was saying. There was another beside it, of Harri and Cedric before the third task. She could infer the story was some sort of rumor about that night.

Tom eventually folded the newspaper and threw it on a side table. Following that he leafed through the things on his bed. Eventually, he brought up an already open book to read.

Chapter IX.
The Unspeakable Mystery

Harri could only make out a few sentences.

Riddled with secrets, even the specific vow taken by the unspeakables of the department of mysteries remains hidden. It poses the question: what are they hiding and why? The origins of these rooms are unknown to the public. British Historian Rhian McGallager theorizes the ministry itself was built around them… believes the time turners created were formed from particles within…never specified what happens…no survivor…if we can go back hours, why not days, why not years?...

Rome, Italy 1996

This time, when the memory flickered to life Harri recognized who Tom was with. Saguini. She could tell they were in Italy from the infrastructure. Cobblestone streets and timeless buildings. Flowers were in bloom, meaning it was a warm summer's day. Tom and Saguini were strolling the city together. Tom’s hair was pulled back from his face in a bun and sweat was rolling down his neck.

Saguini said. “Do I want to know how you managed to obtain phoenix tears?”

Tom hummed. "No."

“Not Dumbledore?”

"No. He doesn’t know any of this. He believes I am running around looking for how to stop Voldemort.”

“You are, are you not?”

“I want him away from Harri, yes, but I need him alive.”

“I know you tire of me asking over and over, though I cannot help it. Are you very sure your diary horcrux can be trusted? He is a more volatile and younger version of you. You said Harri herself destroyed him.”

“She did it to save the life of an innocent girl. She was petrified. I know Harri and she regrets it more than anything she’s ever done. She loves him if you can believe it. He was the first one and thus holds a piece of her I do not.”

Saguini simpered. “I see. You would see her happy.”

“I would see her whole.”

Sicily, Italy 1996

When they materialized before her, Harri was startled to see the diary and the diadem together. Though it made complete sense that they would be, given everything.

The two of them were standing before a river, a picturesque garden in their peripheral. The difference in age was obvious despite their identical faces. The diadem was taller, more mature, his features sharp and his hair long.

Harri couldn’t explain it if she tried and maybe it was simply because she already knew but you could tell that both of them were not fully human.

Unlike her locket who had half of his original soul, they only had fractions. Yet it didn’t make her love them any less. If love was even the word for the indescribable feeling that consumed her at the sight of them.

“What do you think it would have been like,” The diary inferred. “If Harri had been born with us?”

“I imagine would’ve been as if we were never a separate soul at all.”

“I don’t think it could have ended well." The diary admitted.

"Perhaps...perhaps not. But there is no use dwelling on a past that never happened.”

"I suppose." The diary slouched. “You know in a way, Voldemort did everything we ever dreamed.”

“How so?”

“Everything we wanted, he has. Immortality and greatness. Purebloods on their knees, begging for scraps, a glance of his attention. He almost won a war and they are still so frightened of him they do not even say his name.”

“Maybe for a little while he did have everything.” The diadem mused. "It did not last."

“The one part I truly cannot understand is how he could not…Harri…how can he not want her more than anything else?”

“Because first she was a threat to his life and then she ripped him from his body and left him in unimaginable pain.”

“She was a baby.”

“His mind is not what it once was.”

“But you think he can still find remorse?” The diary tilted his head back, to stare at the clouds.

“From the cradle to the grave," The diadem whispers. "I remain.”

London, England 1997

Snow fell as Tom strode into the ministry of magic. The building was freshly destroyed from Voldemort’s attack at the winter gala. There were aurors and ministry workers spread out over the area.

Harri watched Tom take advantage of their distraction and sneak into one of the demolished elevators. He floated down and dropped into the department of mysteries.

She couldn't believe that he was in England and had been without her knowing. Stood in the same place she had stood, breathed the same air.

Tom ambled down the same path she and the locket had to save Sirius. To the same black door.

But unlike them, he fell onto the dunes of sand of his own will.

He knelt and caught handfuls of the golden strands. They cascaded through the gaps of his fingers.

“Tempus edax rerum. Tempus rerum imperator.”


sending love to everyone! happy December!

i cried while writing and i really didn't think it would feel this emotional but it's extremely bittersweet.

also, obviously, this didn't include every single thing the diadem did while he was away as that would be a story of its own but i think it hit all the important points. additionally, i didn't add the times he saved Harri in the tri wizard tournament or met her in dreams bc there isn't much to explore from his side there :*

hope to see you all for the last chapter, we're going to do this one last time :’)

Chapter 50: what souls are made of


i wrote the first chapter exactly three years ago. welcome to the last!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 50: what souls are made of

“It will be this, always.”

Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Daylight, the softness of the ground beneath her feet, the sound of laughter echoing the walls of a castle.

The feeling of Tom’s hand in hers. Ron smiling in charms class, Draco teasing her before a quidditch match. Maria’s voice in her ears as she falls asleep and Blaise’s warmth. Lavender’s sweet scent and Hermione’s twinkling eyes. Daphne holding her close in the great hall, Remus’s gentle magic and the relief on Sirius’s face that first time.

The years go by like days, but these are the memories Harri keeps close when she vanishes with Voldemort.

Harri couldn’t tell you how, but she knew the next memory of the diadem's was the last.

The ministry and time room faded from her eyesight. The diadem reappeared, sitting on the ground in a park with rolling hills. As in the Church in Thailand, he looked up and straight at her. Almost like this was real and he could see her as she could see him.

“I don’t know where to begin,” Tom said. “Or I suppose I don’t know where to end it. I’ve lived with this inside of me for far too long.” His gaze was strident.

“Since I heard the word horcrux I have known that the only way to reverse such a thing is to feel remorse. What I understand now that I didn’t before is that it can’t just be me who repents. It must be whatever is left of my original soul. If it was me, the diary, or the locket, it would be simple. It would already be done. But it’s not.” Tom swallowed.

“I think when I created the diadem the last bit of humanity in my remaining body was lost. I went into the diadem and what sliver I left behind became the cold-blooded creature that is Voldemort. That is why I chose to return to Albania in the first place. I needed answers and the faerie that live there provided them for me. As you heard the fae say, it is not too late for Voldemort to find absolution.”

Harri’s throat thickened.

“I can still fix us. I only need to go back to the beginning. You may recognize the words as well, time commands and conquers all. I wanted to know how to heal my soul and the creature told me exactly that. Voldemort must return to the start of everything. Travel back in time.”

It added up. Tom’s research into time travel and the sand in the time room. But the idea still befuddled her because time travel was prohibited.

Tom continued. “Knowing this, I took on a larger task than I ever had. Information on time travel is few and far between. Even past this, while I searched I needed to rediscover what made me. What moment in time would fix me and Voldemort? I admit it took me longer to understand that I don’t know. I don’t but you do. I can’t look outside myself and see the whole of me. You can. You always have. You know me better than anyone. You know me better than I know myself.”

It was a privilege and a curse.

“After I realized that, I focused on doing what I assumed no wizard had ever done: discovering not only how to travel back in time but to go to a multitude of different years and return without altering anything.”

Tom’s lips quirked all of a sudden.

“In the middle of this happening I dealt with you being entered in the tri-wizard tournament and the diary. I brought him back for you if that wasn’t clear. He'd already been restored by Fawkes’s tears, all I needed to secure was a body. I realized that you needed him. You never recovered from his loss and I thought if I could bring him back to you it would heal both of you.”

It had. It did. Harri wanted to tell him to his face. You gave me everything.

“Near the end of my search and during your sixth year Dumbledore finally contacted me and asked to meet. We had shared the sparse message over the years but nothing more. We needed to meet because there were certain things we both wanted answers for, incidents like Voldemort’s return and the battle at the ministry. I admit that there was a part of me that still resented Dumbledore. That’s the thing about childhood scars, they rarely heal.”

They scabbed and faded and seldom left.

“But I agreed to meet him because even if I hold him in contempt I can’t deny his accomplishments as a wizard. I was losing time and I needed help. He could have an answer, one that could mean saving you. At the very least I knew he would try. We met by the Cliffs of Dover but the man that came to me was not one I recognized. Dumbledore was a shell of himself. It was this that made me trust him. I told him almost everything. I expected him to say that he would look into the subject or that he knew someone who knew someone. I never thought he would have an answer straight away. He made me swear an oath and told me the only reason he could even help me was because I have Peverall blood. He departed a secret only the three of us know.” Tom’s knuckles whitened.

“There is a room on the second level of the headmaster's office hidden behind a painting. By the time you see this Dumbledore should have taken you there. He vowed to me he would. In this room, there is an object that looks like a pensieve but it is not a pensieve.”

Yes. Harri remembered Dumbledore taking her to this room. She cast her mind back to the story of Edward and Auron.

“There is what looks to be water in it but it’s not. This liquid, it turns out, allows you to travel in time. Do you understand? Listen to me very carefully and speak not a word of this to anyone. This is the last memory I have left you. When this ends, you will go back to that room. You will recall what Dumbledore said to you. You will take the liquid from there and go find Voldemort. If I am at Hogwarts, as I plan to be with the diary, and there is a battle as I predict there will be, we will help to distract as many of the death eaters as we can. You must command your friends to take on the rest. You need Voldemort alone. Take him. Take him with you and go back in time. Show him why there must be penitence.”

Though he would never hear her, she replied. “I will.”

“If you should succeed I may join with the rest of my soul. And the horcruxes and Voldemort will be whole. It is my hope we go back to the first, the largest part of us. The locket.”

A deep grief formed in Harri.

And Tom who knew her best said, “Do not mourn me, my love. We will be one again and it will be like it was always meant to be.” He smiled something small. “The future is still unclear to me now. The year is 1997. I leave to meet Dumbledore again soon. After that, I plan to return to England and find you. If I am unable, if something happens and I don’t get to see you, I need you to know no matter how this ends I will always be thankful that the universe gave me you.”

With that, the memory disintegrated and Tom faded away.

Harri found herself on the grounds of her school again.

She heaved, gasping for breath. She’d traveled the earth and returned to her body an entirely new person. To stave off the panic—to cope with what she’d learned—she grasped the pensieve and pulled Tom’s memories out into the vial. She deposited them in there and threw her hands into her pouch and searched for another empty one. To store the last hope.

She was able to grab a vial and stand. Without waiting, she sprinted up the stairs and retraced her and Dumbledore’s steps. The wall with the painting, the pendulum and the hidden room. Her hands shook as she walked in.

She created light as Dumbledore had. She let it fall, saw the ground move and shift beneath it. A platform rose and inside the platform was the same pool of luminescence liquid. The night sky plucked by hand and placed in front of her.

A way to go back in time.

Harri recalled the story of Auron Peverell. He’d discovered this in a cave on an unknown island. He’d drunken it thinking it was water and fallen asleep.

'He’d had the most pleasant dream about his brother. The two of them had spent the day together before Edward died. His brother had taken time to be with him. It was the happiest he’d been since he was a child. After waking from this dream, Auron unthinkingly poured the water into a pouch to take home. When he came out of the cave and returned to his sailors, it was to find out that he’d been missing for a week and a half.'

Auron had not dreamt. Auron had gone back and he’d survived, lived long enough to become headmaster and keep the future intact.

If he could then she could too. He hadn’t needed to utter a spell, he’d only held a desire inside his heart and this starlight granted such a thing to him.

If Harri was to fail, she wanted to do so knowing she’d done everything possible to fix this. If her diadem, her Tom, had risked everything she would too. She could not live if he didn’t exist.

Harri gathered as much of the liquid as would fit in her vial and left the room. She climbed down the stairs and only glanced around once. Maybe…


If I look back, I’m lost.

This was her mission and hers alone. In this duel, she would be the one invading Voldemort and taking control. She would only need help to get him on his own.

Harri ran out of the headmaster’s tower. She was on her way down the first flight of stairs when she realized she didn’t know how she would get all her friends in one place. Though she needn’t have worried. When she turned down the second flight, she found all of them and her locket waiting for her.

They were visibly tired from battle. Full of dust, scratches and ripped clothing. They were the best thing she'd ever seen. Ready to fight more, checking and enforcing shields.

Maria was the first to catch sight of her. “Harri!”

Harri raced the rest of the way to them. Tom didn’t complain as they all hugged. He merely held Harri to himself. His heart thundering in her ear.

She spilled everything. It was possible to say the secret because she was Auron’s blood and his last living direct descendent. His curse didn’t apply to her. She told them about his treasure. She hoped Auron would understand, he hadn’t been able to save his brother but maybe Harri could save her soulmate.

“I don’t believe it!” Were the first words out of Hermione’s mouth.

Harri was comforted by the familiarity of Hermione's disbelief. She still depended on facts more than anything even after all they'd experienced together. There was a sweetness in that.

In an uncharacteristic display, Tom and Draco both sighed in unison. Ron cackled, going so far as to bend over and hold his stomach. Blaise accepted the information calmly, as did Daphne and Maria. Lavender dropped down onto one of the steps to digest.

“Stop laughing Ronald.” Daphne pushed Ron’s shoulder.

Harri questioned. “Should we be standing here?” The sound of battle was muted under their shields meaning they couldn't hear if anyone was near. It seemed odd that no one was coming.

“Don’t worry, nobody knows we’re here.” Tom was holding her like she was the one that might disappear and not him.

Harri couldn’t think of what would happen if she didn’t succeed in restoring his soul almost as much as she couldn't think of what would happen if she did.

Ron rubbed his own shoulder. “I have to laugh or I’ll lose my mind. I mean this is insane right?”

“It actually makes a lot of logical sense.” Maria said.

“Does it really?” Lavender picked at her nails. “Harri’s ancestor discovering a time-traveling lake makes sense?”

Harri disagreed. “Lav, if we tried to apply logic to magic it would never work. Invisibility cloaks created by death? Dementors? Tom’s existence? Horcruxes?”

Hermione pursed her mouth. “You’re right.”

They continued to deliberate and Tom swiftly pulled Harri aside. She ran her thumb over a bleeding wound on his forehead. He clutched her wrist.

“Are you sure about this?”

“He won’t stop.” She pulled him closer by the nape. “This is our last chance Tom. If it works, we can…we’ll have a future. You’ll have your soul back. We can have a life together. How can I not ready?”

Tom bit the inside of his cheek. “Take him back to when he made me.”

“I will.” Harri’s throat closed up. “I know where to go.”

Tom caressed her cheek. “You know I would do it all again. Live every awful day of my life and rip my soul just so that I could have these last few years with you.”

“Don’t say that,” Harri shook her head in anguish. “I can’t…”

"Okay, I won't. Please don't cry."

But the tears cascaded. Tom wiped them and kissed her and held for as long as she needed.

When they pulled apart and went back to the others, she knew she too would live it all again. If only for every moment she’d shared with him.

After, for what might be the last time, the nine of them devised a plan. They used the maunders map to pinpoint Voldemort’s location and plotted how they would go back into battle to ambush and distract those near him.

From there, it would all be up to her.

They formed a circle. Blaise said a solemn prayer.

“Together?” Hermione implored.

“Together.” Ron responded. “Let’s take the f*cker out.”

They took another one of the lesser known staircases and went down into the dungeons. This was the way to another one of the secret passages in the school, one that would lead them into the forbidden forest.

Harri had only used it once with Hermione and Ron in fourth year. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly what they’d been doing but it would probably have been a way for them to travel while avoiding other students. The castle had been too congested that year because of the Beauxbatons and Drumstrang students.

They were headed to the forbidden forest because that was where Voldemort was. The marauder’s map had also shown Sirius, Snape, Kingsley and many of their fighters in proximity to him. The pull of battle was shifting and Harri needed to get there before it became crowded. She needed to take Voldemort.

They made it to the dungeons without seeing anyone except the odd ghost.

Draco, Blaise and Tom took the lead, much more comfortable with the directions. The hidden passage was concealed at the very end of the grounds, behind a painting of Hesiod’s 'Pandora'.

The founders sure held a fondness for concealing doors behind paintings.

Harri knew the story of Pandora. At first sight, the painting was only that, Pandora and her box open after unleashing all the evils. But when you looked closer you could see there was still something left behind. Something that was reaching out but almost invisible to the eye.



Hope remained.

Harri’s blood sang.

The boys scratched their heads, confused.

“Do we take it off?” Ron pondered, tapping Pandora’s little head. She turned and glared at him.

Tom looked like he wanted to choke Ron.

Ron scoffed. “Do you have a better idea?”

Tom hissed parseltongue. “Open.”

The painting swung.

Ron conceded, holding his pointer fingers up. “Right. Makes sense.”

Harri kneaded Tom’s back and pushed him inside.

They lit the walkway with their wands. There were cobwebs and dust covering the entire route. Since it looked like no one else came through here Harri had to assume the footprints left on the ground were their own from when they were fourteen.

“We should hurry.” Lavender urged.

They hastened and ultimately ran. Harri could hear a clock inside her head ticking away. She wrapped her fingers around the vial in her pocket and nausea constricted her stomach. She wanted this to last forever as much as she wanted it to be over.

They arrived at the exit short of breath. Tom stepped out and the rest of them followed. Trees swayed and birds chirped. A cold breeze blew by. Muffled voices and shouts resounded.

They ambled through the forest after silencing their footsteps. What felt like two minutes later yet was probably much longer; they found Voldemort. Behind a family of elm trees, he was standing in between Thaddeus Nott, Corban Yaxley and Will Morningstar. There were others in the area but Harri didn’t know their names.

She didn’t have to say a word to Tom or her friends, with the ease of soldiers who’d fought together many times before, they dived in.

Voldemort was the first to sense them. He threw his arm out with a curse already on his tongue. Tom stepped in front of it.

Hermione and Maria jumped on Yaxley. Lavender and Daphne took on Thaddeus and Morningstar. Blaise, Ron and Draco fought the unfamiliar death eaters.

“Don’t make me kill you Daphne,” Thaddeus called out. “I have known you since you were a little girl.”

“Don’t worry Mr. Nott.” Daphne bared her teeth as she hit him. “I’m grown now.”

As they were all distracted, Harri went on unnoticed.

Mostly. Voldemort fought Tom with one eye and surveyed Harri with the other. He and Tom volleyed curses against each other without having to utter the spells. Their duel was beautiful and for that second Harri observed Voldemort with new eyes.

He was not the diary. Young, bright and beautiful, with his gentle awe and hope, who would never leave if he had a choice. He was not the diadem. Older, wiser and wicked, who’d protected her, called her darling and left and returned because he loved. He was not her locket. Breathtaking, scheming and clever, who was human in the most reckless and stunning way, who kissed her and betrayed her and came back to her, who craved her with a hunger that was endless. He was not the cup, incandescent and miserable, who’d been in pain when she met him. He was not even Nagini, who was loyal and infatuated, who’d gotten a slip of him in her as small as Harri.

No. He could never be that.

This was Tom long gone. This was Voldemort. This was the bleeding remains of the mess he’d made. This was the monster that murdered Tom Riddle. That ripped pieces of Tom apart, little by little until they were no more. He stood in front of her as if he had any right to exist after all he’d done and all he was going to do.

For years now, Harri’s every step had been haunted by this wraith. This distortion of what was supposed to be. She’d despised him from the instant Hagrid said his name and he’d deserved it.

Harri was not a forgiving person by nature, not really. She held on to grudges. She reveled in revenge. Ironically, these were the parts of her most like him.

Nonetheless, she knew it was time to let go of her hatred. She needed to save him and that was all that held value anymore.

Harri uncorked the vial with her mouth. When for a brief moment Voldemort’s gaze moved away from her, she launched herself at him. She took hold of Voldemort and poured the liquid over them.

Together they disappeared.

At the center, magic was in a wizard’s veins. It flowed through intent and power. Harri used what she knew and channeled it. She needed it different from Auron. He’d drunken the water which left him visible and stuck in one place. The magic needed to take them to more than one past and leave them hidden from the eyes of others. This was why she only let it cover her and Voldemort.

They flew through time and space. She’d thought it would hurt or make her sick the way a portkey did. It didn’t. One minute they were in the clearing and the next—

It was a dated infirmary. Inside was only a heavily pregnant Merope Gaunt and a girl holding her hand through her pain. Both of them were crying. Neither of them saw Harri and Voldemort.

Merope let out a wail and pushed.

Harri gaped. This was the minute Tom was born.

Voldemort seized her arm and threw her back, snarling.

“What is this? Where have you brought me?”

Merope cried out. Voldemort’s head swung to her, taking her in for the first time.

There was so much blood on Merope. Harri had never seen such a sight. Merope screamed when the girl told her to keep going. Voldemort let go of Harri and went to his mother, forgetting Harri was there at all and why he’d been angry.

Silent, Harri went to stand behind him.

It took three more pushes before Tom’s little body came out. He was a mess of blood and squiggling limbs. He let out a big cry and Merope beamed, all her pain evaporating. She brought her baby up to her chest and kissed his head.

Voldemort’s face was stone.

The other girl came up to clean Tom and Merope put her head down. Her skin was becoming grey. The girl’s lip trembled and Harri knew Merope was dying.

The last words she ever said were to her son. “I’m so sorry my Tom.”

In expectation of Voldemort’s erratic displeasure, Harri touched his elbow and took them away.

Tom had said to go to when he’d made the locket and so the place they arrived at was Riddle Manor.

Voldemort snatched Harri by the neck. “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to save you.” Harri choked out.

“I do not need to be saved.” Voldemort derided. “Take us back.”



“I’ve had to sit through dream after dream with you. You can shut up and let me show you that you were loved.”

“Loved?” Voldemort made a pitying face. “I was raised in hatred Harri.”

“You are wrong. Look.

Voldemort's father walked into the room. He was identical to Tom. The same height, the same hair. She knew he was supposed to be young, in his mid-twenties, but you wouldn’t know by looking at him. He was withered and exhausted. He fell onto a couch and pushed his head between his hands.

Voldemort couldn’t take his eyes off him.

A moment later, an older man rushed into the room as well.


He didn’t move. “Please father, leave me be.”

“You cannot go looking for the boy.”

“He is my son.”

“He is not! You were…you were forced…bewitched! He will be just like his mother and the other Gaunts! Do you want to live in a house with such heretics? And what of his mother? The woman who rap—”

“Stop.” Voldemort compressed Harri's neck before his grandfather could finish. His grandfather's words had wounded him. His jaw clenched. “Stop.”


Despite everything, she did not relish in his pain. She only wanted him to feel, to remember what it was to be human. He needed to know that he hadn’t been abandoned as a child because he’d been unworthy or despised. Children were born innocent.

His parents and their decisions were much more complicated than that.

Merope and Tom Sr.’s choices were the consequences of failures of other kinds, by the circ*mstances they were forced into. The abuse Merope faced from her brother and father left her unbalanced and disturbed, causing her to latch onto the one beautiful thing in her life.

Unfortunately for almost everyone involved, it’d been Tom Riddle Sr. that she clung to. Sequentially, he suffered because of Merope and in turn, Voldemort suffered because of him. It was a vicious cycle of generational trauma and one that Voldemort was unaware of.

His father hadn’t thrown him away because he hated him and his mother hadn’t died because she was weak. Humans were complex, flawed creatures and because he had been a child that never experienced enough kindness to understand, he didn’t know this truth. No one had ever shown him.

Harri learned this with the other Toms.

She would be the one to show Voldemort kindness. She would give him forgiveness. And perhaps that decayed heart of his would thaw enough to give him the strength to repent.

Harri yielded to Voldemort’s command. She touched his sleeve and let his gaze scorn her. The time magic spun and transported them. She hoped it would continue to listen to her and take them to where Voldemort could see that he’d never been as alone as he thought.

They appeared at Hogwarts in the Slytherin common room. Harri had to stop herself from looking around in awe. The room was the same. Only the students were different. Tom’s friends, his knights of Walpurgis, were holding court in the center of the expanse. Young Tom was missing.

Voldemort squeezed her neck again. Though he did not dig his nails in. His fascination with what was happening was bigger than his wrath. Harri easily recognized Abraxas, Tavvy and Orion from where they sat. It was like looking at a slightly distorted and mirrored version of Draco, Theo and Sirius. She thought she could point out Basil Lestrange and Sebastian Rosier near them as well. These were people who she knew. She was witnessing history, things that’d happened in her past and it was bewildering.

In some way, it saddened her to think they were all dead. Death was terrifying in its inevitability and in its end. Thinking about her friends being gone and only her being alive after was awful. Did it not make Voldemort feel the same? She’d believed he never considered his knights his true friends except for Tavvy but now her mind was changed.

Voldemort surrounded himself with his knight's children and their children’s children. Maybe a tiny part of him chose them because he did care. Because he felt their loss.

“I am worried about Tom.” Abraxas said to the group. “He is not himself.”

“He has been spending too much time in the chamber alone.” Orion agreed, shifting in his seat. “I know he is capable but some dark magic is not meant to be touched, even by the heir of Slytherin.”

“What do you think Tiberus? You know him best.” Sebastian put forth.

Tavvy worried with his collar. “I wish he wouldn’t think he has to do it himself. I wish for him to understand that he can trust us. We will never betray him.”

All of the boys nodded like it was instinct. As true as the fact that they were alive.

Voldemort touched his abdomen as if it throbbed.

Tom had said before that he’d held faith in Tavvy. If Tavvy believed the knights would never betray Tom then it was true. A truth that the horcruxes and Voldemort never comprehended. The knights believed in Tom in a way no one else ever had or would, not even their children who became death eaters after them. At least Voldemort could see now that they had become his knights because they cared and not because they were forced or afraid.

For all that he understood humans enough to manipulate them, he couldn’t seem to see inside of them.

As the boys deliberated more on how to approach Tom and help, Harri gripped Voldemort’s wrist. He stiffened. She commanded the magic to take them again.

In her sixth year, Voldemort had held her locket right where he wanted him. Tom had been at Hogwarts in close proximity to Harri and willing to murder for Voldemort. Voldemort could’ve asked him to commit a variety of treasonous acts, anything that would have furthered his war. He hadn’t.

For some reason, the only thing he demanded of Tom was that he kill Dumbledore. Harri recognized that his hatred for her dead headmaster was like a weed. Something that’d grown in abundance through the decades. She hoped to release him from this hatred.

Thus, time brought them to Dumbledore in Nurmengard.

With a full head of red hair and a bag of lemon treats in his hand, he looked younger than Harri had ever known him. He was sat with Grindelwald and holding his hand. Their fingers were tangled.

Voldemort finally released her neck.

Grindelwald peered at Dumbledore with a stare that made Harri want to look away for how private it was.

Theirs was a song of tragedy which stung to see.

She pivoted to observe Voldemort instead. His eyes were on their hands too.

“Tom came to see me today. He told me he wished to take over the dark arts position.” Dumbledore disclosed. “He had to have known I was going to say no. Do I seem blind? How was I going to let him into a castle with children? I couldn’t protect them from him when he was a child, I’m not foolish enough to believe I could if he became a teacher.” Dumbledore put his head down. “He is my biggest regret. I should’ve done something to help him. If only I could have been kinder or more forgiving, maybe we would not be here today.”

Grindelwald stroked his palm. “You cannot change his nature as you could not change mine.”

“You did not see him today. I do not know what will happen now.” Dumbledore’s eyes dampened. “Tom Riddle is dead. Voldemort has risen. I blame myself and I am sorry to the boy I knew. I was wrong. I have wronged.”

Voldemort inhaled sharply. Harri looked at him. His fingers were feeling his chest. He seemed in pain. She caught hold of him before his pain could become his vexation. They traveled.

They were brought back to Riddle Manor. Three bodies lay dead on the floor.

Such loss because of human mistakes.

Fifteen year old Tom was on the ground with Slytherin's locket in his grasp and blood staining his neck.

The first horcrux has just been made. Harri’s Tom is now asleep in the locket and this boy is left with only half his soul.

Disgusted by the sight, Voldemort seized Harri. “Must I kill you too?” An hour ago, he would have said this in rage. At present, he was saying it in distress.

“Yes.” Harri whispered. “I won’t stop until I fix you.”

He shook her. “There is no fixing me.”

Past Tom let out a gasp. Harri and Voldemort’s heads swiveled to him. Tom heaved and gagged. He dropped the locket and crawled over to his father’s lifeless body. He put his arms around him with tenderness and drew his head to his chest. “Father.”

Tom cradled his father’s body to himself and sobbed. Agonized, endless sobs. “Father.”

In an echo of his pain, tears rolled down Harri’s own cheeks. Voldemort stared at her. He watched her tears come and come. Harri raised her hand and placed it over the one he had on her shoulder. While holding his eyes, she threaded her fingers through his.

Voldemort swallowed. Harri couldn’t touch the version of him that was on the ground, that had gone through this alone, the Tom who’d never been held or loved the way he should have. But she could Voldemort.

She unwrapped his grip from her and placed her head on his torso. “You deserved better.”

In the chasm that existed between them, their broken bond flared to life for the first time.

Harri rejoiced.

Voldemort recoiled from her.

There was this poem she’d read once, that she was reminded of now.

Imagine that the world is made out of love. Now imagine that it isn’t. Imagine a story where everything goes wrong, where everyone has their back against the wall, where everyone is in pain and acting selfishly because if they don’t, they’ll die. Imagine a story, not of good against evil, but of need against need against need, where everyone is at cross-purposes and everyone is to blame.

It was very easy to make a monster. Tis not to undo him. Remembering this, she found the strength to carry on.

Voldemort’s part of the story was over. It was time for Harri to tell him her tale.

She searched for steadfastness inside herself to do this next task, begged her magic to take them through a final time. The universe whirled and Harri and Voldemort returned to the night that had altered the course of both their lives.

October 31st, 1981.

They both watched the Voldemort she had never known stride into the street. Children were giggling near him and the lights of Godric’s Hollow were on. Harri’s parents were inside the house across the road. From the distance, she could see them through the living room window.

Her father and mother were laughing together, in love and happy, believing they were safe.

Harri imaged a life in which she didn’t have any obligations. Where she could have drank the vial and walked in there to warn her parents of what was to come. It was a beautiful dream. Yet a dream nonetheless.

If Voldemort never killed them and never tried to kill Harri, he would win the first war. Then where would they be?

Harri straightened and followed the cloaked version of him, the one that upended her life, through the fence of her family’s home. She felt more than heard Voldemort shadow her.

They watched him break the front door. Saw him kill her father. Harri wept as life left James Potter and as her mother ran up to her nursery.

Inside, Lily held a whimpering little Harri to her chest. She begged Voldemort to spare her life. Crying with her mother, Harri wondered what Voldemort was thinking as he relived the worst night of his life. If he remembered it this clearly. If he felt any remorse as he watched Harri mourn what was to come.

She looked away when his wand raised itself against her mother. She couldn’t watch her die.

Her Voldemort bent over, gripping his sternum, a visceral reaction. When the green light of the killing curse dissipated, Harri glanced back into the nursery.

Everyone was gone and only baby Harri was left. Her forehead was bleeding profusely but it was her wrist that both Harri and Voldemort focused on. The wrist where it was written: I fear no fate—

Harri walked over to herself. She dropped onto her knees and though her hand would pass through her little head, she held her own small body.

I am here. You are not alone. Hagrid is coming. Sirius is coming.

Harri's eyes fell on her wrist again. “How does it end?” She whispered in the quiet of the room. “Your sentence.”

She couldn’t see Voldemort’s expression. She was caressing little Harri’s face, trying to wipe away the blood and tears even whilst it was impossible.

“How did you not die?” Voldemort responded.

She turned and gave him that life-altering answer in parseltongue. “You split your soul, you see, and hid a part of it in me.”

Horror washed over Voldemort. “No.”

“Yes." How could both of them have missed it? "I can speak parseltongue. I can look into your mind. You again turned away as you tried to kill me and missed that a piece of you latched onto me. The only other living thing in the room, your own soulmate. The perfect horcrux.”

Voldemort stumbled.

He was her mouse now. Caught in her trap.

Harri stood and walked to him. “Me being your horcrux shouldn’t be important to you. We were bound, you and I, well before that. Us being soulmates is what matters. Let me show you."

She wouldn’t let him spurn her. Harri locked eyes with Voldemort.

Once, he’d invaded her mind, searching for something she refused to give.

She was willing now.

Harri dropped her barriers once and for all and invited him in.

The memories came in flashes of lightning.

Her earliest recollections, small chubby hands and black ink.

A soulmate, Aunt Petunia informed her.

A savior, Harri believed.

She traced over the words as she grew and experienced dreams of green light, screaming and whispered promises. She wished to meet the other half of her soul. She prayed her letters would change because they were not enough to go on for over a decade. Though she loved them, she was tired of walking around without half of herself.

But Harri would wait years before they would reshape.

It happened on the morning she left for Hogwarts. I waited for you. It is too late now. And all it did was damage her.

As the year passed, they continued to evolve, growing increasingly worrying and painful to read. Confusion formed inside Harri, agony and hurt for her soul.

This lasted up to that initial meeting with Voldemort with the philosopher's stone and the mirror of erised. When he’d gone, her words left with him.

After, came the diary.

A vow sprawled across an old page, giving her a golden boy, giving her Tom. It was rapture until it wasn’t. Their happiness only lasted to that encounter within the chamber. When Tom’s declaration, I am Lord Voldemort, was the destruction of her delusion. The night ended with an equal betrayal and Harri splintering apart.

In the aftermath, she'd scarcely put herself back together before another storm rained upon her. The diadem. Her second horcrux.

Even this, Harri revealed to Voldemort.

How he'd appeared in a mist of smoke and wrapped himself around Harri’s heart in ropes of vines. Only after he left did she realize there were thorns on the ends to spear any attempt of removing him. That was when she discovered what it meant to be pierced by a shadow. Though her pain was muted because of his letter, it took time before she accepted he promised her forever.

A year to the day, Voldemort himself returned in a blaze of self-righteous anger. Harri survived him again but was left horrified beyond belief.

That was all she showed of that year. She didn’t think Voldemort needed to see and feel all that she had because he’d been there and held her fragile neck in his own hands. What was more important for him was what came next.

The afternoon she opened her door to a ghost. Her locket, her knife. He changed everything.

Harri called to mind all she could of him because there was so much.

Tom in Grimmauld place, in Hogwarts, in Paris, in Italy.

Their lips and legs tangled, the two of them caught in an unyielding intimacy. The laughter and tears. Them in the mornings, in classes, in bed together. The fights and mess they made of one another. They’d always been hungry and half-starved for each other.

Because love for them was different. Love for them was the desire to consume one another. But somewhere between the lines, in the spaces they left out of trepidation, a darkness slipped through. This was what had given Voldemort leeway to push them apart.

In that astronomy tower, both of them walked away bereft, only turned away from each other in madness.

Voldemort knew of the betrayal but did he know how it ended? Did he understand why Tom turned against him? Did he know the truth, that he’d never been with him at all, not truly.

Harri wanted him to see.

With time and war in between, the same spaces that’d broken Harri and Tom forged them anew. Love was forgiveness and trust. When they met again, she and her locket got it right for once.

“I need you.”

“You can’t kill me. Just like I could never kill you.”

“Would you want me, if it wasn’t for the bond?”

“I love you. I have always loved you.”

“I want to stay with you.”

“We’ll leave together.”

And like the seasons came back around, so did her diary and diadem.

She might’ve kept these memories close to her heart for the rest of her life, but they belonged to Voldemort too, thus Harri summoned them.

The diary brought with him a piece of her she’d thought dead for years.

“I’ll always be sorry. It was my fault.”

“I never wished—I didn’t—”

“All I want is to be with you.”

“You’re not getting away from me. Never again.”

And her diadem too, who she would die without. He was a storm always meant to wash upon Harri’s shore. He was the high tide, the tether.

“I miss you all the time.”

I Loved Caesar More.

Yours forever.

“I will do what I have to save you.”

It was this Voldemort heard before she ended the legilimency.

They fell out of her mind and time together. They returned to the forest which was empty but for the two of them.

This was how Harri had always thought it would go. Voldemort and her, standing across from each other at the end of the world.

He was a thief who took from her. Her parents, her soul, her Tom. The dark lord was still an evil murderer, a tyrant and a harbinger of terrible things.

But he was also still hers.

For all these years, Harri’d never been able to truly see Tom in him. She’d seen glimpses of him in Tom yet never the other way around.

Now she could. She could see her Tom in Voldemort, see that they were one.

Voldemort was what remained.

Born into a world that did not want him, to a life of poverty and a home where he was surrounded by those that did not like him or wish to understand him. Neglected. Isolated. Despised. Magic had saved him from becoming a tragedy.

Yet by the time he found someone to care for him, it was almost too late. He was hollow. The parts of him that could’ve been saved were destroyed time and again. Beginning with his childhood and extending to when his father spurned him. So he eliminated every piece of Tom inside of him as he slaughtered his soul. This caused him to slip into insanity. Into the monster he was today.

Harri would be his savior, she would not be his executioner.

Voldemort clasped his chest a third time. Harri held back hope.

“Do you remember when you told me, a monster is not a monster when you love it? You were right. You are not a monster to me Lord Voldemort.”

His other hand reached for his torso, where a great pain looked to radiate from.


“They say that you marked me for death the night you tried to kill me. The truth, we both know, is you marked me long before that. By some strange happenstance, I was born tethered you. And I am tired of running from you. I will be your killer if that is what it comes to but I would much rather be only Harri to you if that’s all right.”

She held out her hand to him and felt a sudden and excruciating physical ache inside of her.

“Here are some things I wish I could have told you every day of your life. You were worth more than the world to me. Please, Tom. Let us end this.”

Voldemort looked at her then and it seemed like he was seeing her for the first time. “I always wanted something to call my own.”

“I am right here.” Harri whispered. "And I am yours."

“I see that now.” Voldemort said softly.

His expression faded to regret.

The ache inside of her crescendoed and something pulled itself out of her.

“Harri.” He reached for her open hand. “This was the last thing I thought as the killing curse rebounded. I fear no fate—”

Voldemort, to her disbelief, smiled.

“But the one without you by my side.”

And as Harri touched him, like dust in the wind, he withered into thin air.


She screamed.

She searched for him in the clearing and the sky.

But he was gone.

Voldemort was gone.

Which meant…

Tom…the horcruxes…they would…

Harri almost collapsed on the ground. The physical affliction was gone but the diary and diadem…her diadem…if she’d succeeded…

She let herself feel agony before she remembered that there was no need for it.

Tom was finally whole. If she missed any part of him, she need only look into his eyes and he would be right there. They would grow old together. She would see him at thirty once more, at sixty, she would see him for the rest of her life. And then after that too. They were linked throughout every universe. Tied between time.

Delight speared her.

Voldemort was gone. The darkness had passed at last and the sun was rising.

Tom was alive.

Who would he be when she saw him? She couldn't wait.

She raced through the forest looking for him.

They found each other as Harri broke through the tree line.

Tom was still a revelation, as beautiful as the day Harri met him. And she loved him above all things.

They collided.

He pushed his mouth to hers with bruising force. He looked at Harri with wide, warm blue eyes and let out a disbelieving laugh.

“Do you recognize me?” He asked.

“I know you by heart.” Harri whispered.


“Harri!” Hermione’s voice ascended up the stairs. “You’re going to be late!”

Harri was in her room, wasting time, picking jewelry and changing it though she already knew what she wanted. Hermione was right. She was going to be late if she kept this up.

She released a long held breath and gave one glance at herself in the mirror before she got to her feet. “Coming Hermione!”

The one year anniversary of the battle of Hogwarts had been a day ago, a somber and mournful evening which had been spent honoring the dead.

Contrarily, tonight they were to celebrate. An evening to honor freedom and victory. There were a lot of wizen to be awarded, Harri and Hermione included. Harri’d been anxious about it for weeks and now that the night was here, she still felt a bit unsettled.

The past year had been a challenge. A process of rebuilding the foundations of her life, reassembling magical Britain, their government, their schools and their way of thought.

Everyone was adjusting to the new order of things.

When the war had ended they’d been lost. It had demolished their understanding of everything. Now they were working together to restore their core, to ensure they created a better wizarding world than the one they’d taken apart. There were new laws, new programs and new policies.

As honorary Hogwarts graduates, Harri, Hermione, Ron and Daphne had joined the ministry and worked with the Department of Magical Law and Enforcement, the Wizengamot and the Department of International Magical Co-operation.

As they’d done that, Maria and Lavender registered for masteries, Draco and Blaise pursued diplomatic roles and Tom ventured into the path of politics.


Now he was one significant aspect of her life she’d really had to completely reorient.

A few weeks after the battle they’d disappeared together. They’d traveled, spent lazy mornings in villas across Europe and Asia. This was how they relearned one another in the aftermath of the war.

Tom had to adjust to life as a whole person. As someone with seven parts of himself returned to him, seven lifetimes. There were decades of memories and feelings for him to assimilate. They gave themselves three months to be with each other and spent each second of every day figuring out the way they fit over again.

When they returned to England, it was as one.

At that time many people lived at Grimmauld Place. It’d become a safe haven for Harri’s friends and family during and after the war. But with so many moving in and out at odd hours of the day, it got a bit much.

Because of that, Harri, Hermione, Daphne and Lavender decided to get their own apartment. Sirius gifted Tom one of the other Black properties and Ron moved into Remus’s old flat. Maria, Blaise and Draco however, stayed in their family homes, comfortable with being young enough for it a little longer.

This was not to say Grimmauld was ever empty. On any given day there were at least a handful of people there along with Harri.

Because even when she was old Grimmauld would always be her home. Her and Sirius’s as it had been in the beginning. As it always would be.

Suffice it to say, now that she was back on her feet Harri was worried anything could knock her down. She was afraid of standing and finding the pillars she’d built were not as solid as she thought.

But it would not do to hide.

She went downstairs.

“Come,” Hermione met her at the fireplace. “We’ll get there in the nick of time.”

They linked arms and entered the green fire. It spat them out into a new atrium, grander than the old one in the ministry of magic. As they stepped out of the floo many wizen milling about turned and stared at them.

It was Harri who tugged Hermione forward then. They wended their way through the crowd effortlessly as whispers continued to follow.

“She’s lucky to have him as her soulmate. He’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”

“Intelligent too.”

“She’s lucky? Are you joking? He’s the one who’s hooking up with the savior of the wizarding world! Harri Potter is the chosen one and I would give anything to have her smile at me.”

“My sister’s boyfriend told me one day Tom’s going to become the youngest minister of magic and Harri the supreme mugwhump.”

“I heard Harri and Tom are getting married and he’s going to take her last name. How romantic.”

“Speaking of, what about the rumors that Malfoy and Weasley eloped while in South Africa?”

“Oh yes! Apparently, Narcissa Malfoy was furious.”

“And what about Daphne and Viktor Krum? Rita Skeeter wrote that he might move to England so they can be together and play for the Chudley Canons.”

“Bore off! There’s no way that’s happening.”

And on and on and on.

Harri and Hermione entered the chamber where the event was being held. The first person she recognized there was Ron. Her mouth parted in a wide grin and Hermione squealed. Ron had only just returned from Cape Town with Draco and this was their first time seeing him.

There were many people Harri had to greet, from Kingsley to council members to the reporters, despite that she ignored her duties and turned toward her friend.

Ron was beaming and pushing through people to meet them as well. He had a tan and new freckles and a lighter expression than Harri could remember seeing in a long time.

“You’re back!” They hugged.

“You look so happy!”

“Hell, did I miss the two of you.”

Harri laughed. Hermione brushed Ron’s hair, fixing the flyaways.


—Am I chopped liver?” Draco came from out of nowhere, holding his arms up. He looked healthy. The weight he’d lost in the war had returned to him and Harri was reminded of the boy she knew, sure of himself and shining.

Harri pecked him on both cheeks and Hermione smushed his waist.

“Has anyone seen any actual food?” Ron draped himself over Hermione’s back. “For such a fancy event, they skipped out on the budget for the finger food.”

“Always thinking with your stomach.” Harri jokingly rolled her eyes. “I’m glad some things never change.”

“No, he’s completely right I’m starved too. Oh, look. Daphne and Maria have arrived.”

Draco and Daphne caught each other by the pinky, exchanging swift kisses. Maria bypassed them to embrace Harri, Ron and Hermione.

“You know, everyone is talking about us.”

“I know.” Hermione adjusted the strap of her dress. “It’s like they think we can’t hear them!”

“They don’t care.” Daphne pinched Harri’s neck. “Hello, darlings.”

Harri pushed their cheeks together. “You smell like summer.”

“I'm coming straight from Viktor's training session.”

“How’s he liking England?” Ron asked, ecstatic. “We have to keep him happy so he stays here.”

Daphne grinned, flipping her hair. “Don’t worry. He’s not going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Good.” Draco grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters passing by. “Maybe that way the press will lay off Ron and me. It’s hard enough dealing with our family's reluctant acceptance. We don’t need outsiders intruding on our privacy.”

Harri nodded along and glanced around the hall, overlooking the finely dressed wizards and witches and searching for Tom and Sirius.

It was unlike Tom to be late and she missed him. He hadn’t spent the night with her as he’d been busy with Sirius. A very unusual circ*mstance. It was why Harri’d slept at Grimmauld anyway. Sirius hadn’t been home to take care of Remus, who was recovering from the full moon, so she had. Though Greyback had been there too.

While searching for Tom, Harri caught Lavender and Maria headed in their direction. She waved. Several people looked towards them.

Her girls saw her and hurried over. They clung to each other as if they’d been separated for months not days. The preparation for the Hogwarts memorial and this ball had taken a lot of them.

“I didn’t think there would be this many people here.” Maria said.

“I knew there would be,” Lavender boasted. “Who wouldn’t want to be here? They're naming our friends as war heroes!”

Harri flushed. “Everyone should be receiving that honor.”

“We got our medals already though. I can't wait to see you get yours. I mean, who can say they’ve taken down Voldemort not once but twice?”

Maria nodded along. “That’s true.”

“When are they going to ask us to sit down?” Daphne pondered.


“My feet hurt.”

“I told you not to wear the six-inch heels.”

“Anything less is a crime, especially in a gown.”

Harri’s friend's voices fell into the background as she took another peer around the room and finally found Tom.

The full force of him was astounding. Harri couldn’t believe he nor anyone else had ever thought Voldemort was powerful compared to Tom with his whole soul. He was magnificent like this. Spellbinding.

With him were both Sirius and Remus and Harri wanted them to come to her right away. She scowled when someone took Tom’s attention.

Sirius and Remus saw her though and made a beeline for her.

“Puppy,” Sirius hugged her. Remus placed a hand on her elbow, having seen her a few hours ago. “We have news.”

“By we, he means he.” Remus teased.

“What? What is it?” Harri’s heart thudded.

Sirius simpered. “I’ve been made head auror.”

She gasped. “Padfoot! You’re taking the piss.”

“That’s Head Auror Sirius Black to you Miss Potter.”

She slapped his shoulder. “Wanker.”

“I like that name much better.” Remus chuckled. “Suits him way more.”

“Well I will be letting the power get to my head, none of this humble nonsense. Prepare for my ego to grow a couple of sizes.”

“Lord help us.”

“Did I hear that right?” Blaise thrust his head between Sirius and Harri. “Head auror?”

“What?” Ron shouted.

“That’s wonderful news!” Hermione congratulated.

Amidst the good wishes, Harri missed Tom coming up behind her.

He folded his arm around her waist and tugged her to him, a little ways away.

She turned and he brushed their lips together. She felt his heartbeat echo in her own chest.

“You.” Harri whispered, grinning.

“Me.” Tom agreed, his mouth curving into a private smile, only for her.

She felt the weight of the world slip from her shoulders.

And with that, everything fell in place.




i (choose to) believe the message of the original harry potter books is love and that is what i hope my version of the story represents throughout its entirety.
i never thought i could write a story (much less one this long) and i never thought anyone would like it so thank you for proving me wrong.
thank you to every single person who has read/commented/kudosed over the years. you have gotten me through every single chapter and your kindness has meant the world to me. i feel like we have been on this journey together and while i am sad that it is over, i will never forget what we have all shared.
i send so much love to all of you. creating this has been a long and wonderful part of my life. i’m going to miss this story and these characters, i’m going to miss harri and who i was when i wrote this.
endings are bittersweet but i will carry this with me forever.
thank you again.
harri and i say goodbye ❤️

"parting is such a sweet sorrow,
that i shall say goodnight
till it be

credits: poem in chapter is richard siken

click here if you want to see pics from each chapter :)
and if you have any questions or want to say hi my tumblr is here! ❤️

for love is always with you - cordeliawrites - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.