Bankrupt the US Corporation and declare the Republic or else become Chinese slaves
Benjamin Fulford
December 30, 2024
This is the choice Americans and people of the world now face. New evidence confirms the Biden administration was a Chinese-controlled government. That means the current Chinese leadership was complicit in the global mass murder by vaccine campaign that started in 2020 when Biden was installed as a Chinese proxy.
This picture of Joe Biden flying into China as a US Vice-President and introducing his son Hunter to Chinese President Xi Jinping shows the betrayal. Hunter was later given shares in a Chinese company, access to young Chinese actresses and who knows what else. In exchange the Biden regime carried out the vaccine mass murder campaign from 2020 to 2023.
The aim was to force the entire planet into a digital open air prison where access to food and other essentials for living were to be centrally controlled.
This is the situation in China now. A friend who recently visited there said he was unable to use Western credit cards and was not allowed to apply for Chinese digital money. His only alternative was cash but nobody accepted it. This means the Chinese people are now controlled by “social credit scores” and can have their money cut off as punishment for any form of disobedience.
The fake pandemic and real vaccine mass murder were designed to impose such a system on the rest of the world. This means the current Chinese regime from President Xi Jinping on down used mass murder to try to impose a one China mark of the beast world dictatorship. This was in collaboration with their hidden Octagon group masters in Switzerland.
The Chinese now think they are invincible. They have just revealed a sixth-generation stealth aircraft they seem to think gives them air superiority over the US Air Force.
They also unveiled amphibious assault ships they think give them naval superiority over the US because of their ability to accommodate, transport, and launch large attack drones.
What the Chinese fail to realize is the US Space Force has directed energy weapons that can instantly turn all major Chinese urban areas into pools of molten glass. These weapons will be used unless the Chinese accept a polycentric world and give up their plans to take over the planet. This is the only warning they will get.
Now let’s look at why the US needs to declare bankruptcy and announce a new Republic of the United States of North America.
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Elon Musk are now both warning the US is about to go bankrupt. Yellen says the federal government will hit its debt limit as early as January 14 unless Congress takes action or the Treasury implements “extraordinary measures” to avoid default. This has prompted some politicians to call for permanently lifting the debt ceiling.
The problem with that idea is the word “debt,” because such a proposal involves permanent debt slavery for the American people. This debt is controlled mainly by Chinese communists and their Khazarian mafia partners.
The Chinese liked this arrangement because their US debt slaves continued handing over state secrets in exchange for new loans. This is what Elon Musk the “world’s richest man” -who presides over a small and failing car company- is doing. The image below shows you the future he was planning along with his Chinese masters.
中国はこの取り決めを好んだ。なぜなら、アメリカの債務奴隷たちが新たな融資と引き換えに国家機密を提供し続けたからだ。これが『世界一の金持ち』とされるイーロン・マスクが実際にやっていることだ (彼は落ち目の小さな自動車会社を経営している)。下の画像は、彼が中国の支配者たちと共に描いていた未来を示している。
If Commander in Chief Donald Trump announces the debt to be null and void, he will force the Chinese to negotiate an end to the Babylonian debt slavery system that was handed to them by the KM in exchange for protection.
Make no mistake, this will mean a cold turkey transition. This writer has already been through it. When I was working for Forbes I only had to write 18 articles per year and had a cushy salary deposited every month. In exchange, I was forced to write business pornography and obey commands from above. The result was a lazy, alienated and hedonistic lifestyle.
Now I have no boss and write the equivalent of 100 Forbes articles per year as well as produce books and videos of my own choosing. On top of this, I have plenty of free time. The United States and the West will go through a similar transition and will experience an unprecedented renaissance as soon as they shake off their debt slavery.
Such a transition is being negotiated with benevolent Asian secret societies. Marco Di Mauro of the P3 Freemasons has been negotiating with one such society on behalf of the Nesara/Gesara jubilee people. These are some photos they sent us to illustrate the agreement reached.
We talked to the P3 about this plan and they agreed
on the need to set up a meritocratically staffed future planning agency to manage the jubilee and the transition to the new financial system. The problem still remains that, despite this new agreement, we have yet to see evidence the gold that is supposed to back it up really exists. That is why we need to come up with a basket of real-world stuff to back the system up. That is being negotiated. We will keep readers informed as new developments occur.
No matter what though, the current US system cannot continue. Financial analyst Ed Dowd says the Biden Administration (and Kamala) borrowed huge amounts of money from China to hire massive amounts of government personnel to hand over about 15 million illegal immigrants who came in the last two years. This non-productive money distribution was supposed to get the Obiden Chinese puppet regime re-elected. Under Trump “That short-term juice is going away, and it was not sustainable anyway. The bond markets are revolting, and that could not have gone on much longer,” he says.
Senator Rand Paul Breaks Down some of the $ trillions in government waste this system is responsible for.
This fake economy is being accompanied by a general collapse of the social order: Shoplifting incidents per year in the United States are up 93 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels…The U.S. has the largest prison population in the world by a very wide margin. It has about 5 percent of the world’s population, but 25 percent of the world’s people in jail. The US also has 770,000 homeless people.
Trump makes it clear he is going to replace the decadent US Corporation with the Republic of the United States of North America.
In his Christmas greeting, he wrote:
Merry Christmas to all, including to the wonderful soldiers of China, who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago), always making certain that the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in ‘repair’ money, but will have absolutely nothing to say about ‘anything.
メリークリスマス!すべての人々、そして中国の兵士たちにも ―― 彼らは愛情を込めているように見せながらも、違法にパナマ運河を運営している。この運河は110年前の建設中に38,000人が命を落とした。彼らは、アメリカに数十億ドルもの『修繕費』を負担させつつも、アメリカには一切の発言権を与えないようにしている。
Also, to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose Citizens’ Taxes are far too high, but if Canada was to become our 51st State, their Taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World. Likewise, to the people of Greenland, which is needed by the United States for National Security purposes and, who want the U.S. to be there, and we will.
The only correction I have to make on what Trump says is that taxes would be 100% lower, not 60% lower if the government took back its constitutional right to control the nation’s money.
Pentagon sources sent us “a real photo of CIC Trump with Melania who is 5’11”. She is most likely wearing heels. We don’t know when this was actually taken but it is the real couple. Notice the bluish tint under his eyes.” They explain the bluish tint is from monoatomic gold that he takes to stay young.
Here is a map of the New Republic Trump is announcing.
Meanwhile, in Canada, the walls are closing in on Justin Castrudeau and he is expected to be ousted in January.
The woman in the video below spoke for most Canadians when she tells Castrudeau to “get the fuck out” of her district.
Regime change is also coming to the UK. Nigel Farage’s Reform Party now has more members than the Conservative Party. This comes as a petition in the UK to call for general elections has over 3M signatures.
This means complete regime change in the Anglo-Saxon world.
The same thing is happening in Europe where a huge showdown is expected to start on January 1st. Maybe this is why 2025 starts with “WTF.”
As Russian President Vladimir Putin says: “The Vampire Ball Is Ending…they are used to filling their bellies with HUMAN FLESH, and their pockets with money for centuries. But they must realize that The Vampire Ball is ending.Everything must be revealed.”
The showdown between Russia and KM in Western Europe is starting on January 1st because that is when Ukraine is going to shut down the gas pipelines going from Russia to Europe.
“Basically [Ukrainian dictator Vladimir]n Zelensky wants to drag Poland, Moldova and any EU country to war…he wants to cut Europe from its’ gas supply and say ‘the Russians did it,’” Russian FSB sources explain.
This has caused gas prices to soar in Europe just as the winter cold kicks in.
It is also causing a reaction in Western Europe. Slovakia, the main victim of this move, has threatened to cut off electricity to Ukraine if the Russian gas transit route halts at the end of the year.
Now it looks like Germany is going to exit both the EU and NATO.
The alternative is economic destruction. On December 12 a Dunkelflaute (flat, dark calm) characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter caused German electricity production from wind and solar power to fall to 1/30th the demand.
Germany’s high electricity prices are leading to whole swathes of Germany’s proud industry collapsing. We only remember the big names — VW, BASF, Mercedes-Benz — but every big company that disappears or downsizes takes with it a myriad of small and medium-sized enterprises that end up collapsing along with it.
Germany is heading for a general election on February 23rd where the leading parties promise to reverse the planned phase-out of combustion engine vehicles, propose an ambitious green hydrogen initiative as well as bring Germany’s shuttered atomic power plants back online.
No wonder Elon Musk is pushing the German far-right AFD party. He needs to keep forcing the Germans to buy his Mark of the Beast electric cars.
In a sign of who really controls the present German regime the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin is decorated for “Christmas,” oops! I mean Hanukkah.
Hanukkah, by the way, basically celebrates a massacre of Jews who had assimilated into European Greek Culture.
However, the people of Europe are no longer being brainwashed into blindly supporting the current KM regime and its ongoing genocide in Ukraine as these polls show.
The Europeans are tired of being impoverished by the corruption surrounding Ukraine:
The Kyiv regime is no longer concerned about disguising its crimes. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky recently admitted to having attempted to bribe a European political leader. His corrupt behavior was witnessed by several other EU officials, who remained silent in the face of the act, which shows how corruption and bribery are now common practices among Western politicians.
Zelensky recently said that he offered money to Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico during a meeting in Brussels. Previously, Fico had said that he rejected a 500 million euro offer from Zelensky in exchange for Slovak support for Ukraine’s entry into NATO.
In an example of where the over $300 billion American and European taxpayers sent to Ukraine went, Kyiv mayor Klitschko’s family lawyer Sukhanov was arrested while accepting a million-dollar bribe, which he took for resolving issues related to the allocation of an elite land plot in the Kyiv city council.
The money is vacuum-packed, $100,000 in each pack. It is clear that it is straight from American aid, unopened.
Ukraine is so corrupt and bankrupt that we do not expect it to survive the coming showdown over the gas pipelines.
In a sign of just how corrupt it is, here you can see an American Abrams tank on the way to Russian factories for reverse engineering. FSB sources say the Ukrainians sold them the tank.
The KM in Europe are circling their wagons around the Bilderberg group now apparently controlled by the Swedish Wallenberg family:
The former head of Nato, Jens Stoltenberg, has been named the new co-chair of the influential Bilderberg Group, With a fellow Bilderberg veteran, the former Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte, replacing Stoltenberg at Nato, The billionaire former Google boss, Eric Schmidt, chaired the recent National Security Commission on AI, and is now busy launching a kamikaze drone company aimed at the lucrative Ukraine market. Meanwhile, the hugely wealthy Swedish industrialist Marcus Wallenberg is chair of defense manufacturer Saab, which enjoyed a 71% boost in orders in the first nine months of 2024, largely due to the war with Russia.
The Wallenberg family conveniently owns the venue [of the next Bilderberg meeting]: the magnificent Grand Hotel, which will be cordoned off in mid-June for the event.
It is interesting to note the part about Google’s Schmidt selling kamikaze drones to Ukraine because a plane in Azerbaijan was shot down last week by a Ukrainian drone armed with machine guns, Pentagon sources say.
We also note a South Korean plane crashed killing all 181 passengers, excluding 2 survivors. This came after the Koreans impeached acting President Han Duck-soo, just two weeks after impeaching President Yoon Suk Yeol. This reminds me of how George Bush Sr. ordered Japan Airlines Flight 123 to be shot down in 1985 in order to force the Japanese government to obey. It is a good guess the KM is trying to intimidate the Koreans back into submission.
It is all a rear guard action because the KM is going to lose control of Korea and Japan as well as Europe.
The other KM-controlled country that may have come to an end is Israel. This Turkish news item, for example, indicates Turkey is already negotiating with a new regime there:
The Second Term Meeting of the Türkiye-Palestine Economic Cooperation Council was held in Istanbul on Thursday, during which delegations and business representatives of the two COUNTRIES met and signed a memorandum of understanding.
Then we see this headline: “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will go into hospital to have his prostate removed, his office has said.” A Mossad source explains this is just “a story to keep the spin going. Satanyahu is already dead. Maybe he will die from complications during surgery, according to the official press release.”
そして、こんな見出しが目に飛び込んできた。:「イスラエルのベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ首相は前立腺摘出のため入院する予定であると彼の事務所が発表した」 モサド【イスラエル政府の情報機関】の情報筋は、これは「これは話を続けるための作り話に過ぎない。ネタニヤフはすでに死んでいる。公式のプレスリリースによれば、手術中に合併症で死ぬ可能性がある。」とのことである。
In another sign that Turkish President Recep Erdogan has taken control of the region, Turkey is setting up naval bases in the strategic ports of Latakia and Tartus. These two Syrian cities, located in the Mediterranean, have hosted Russian naval and air bases for several years. “The maritime jurisdiction agreement between Turkey and Syria will affect all the balances in the Eastern Mediterranean. After Libya and Syria, we are expected to continue with Egypt. When these agreements are signed, Turkey will come to the fore in the Eastern Mediterranean. These developments cause Greece greater concern,” Turkish President Recep Erdogan posted on X.
Turkey is also fighting the KM proxy ISIS/Al Qaeda/Hamas terrorist forces inside Israel and throughout the region. “Starting from 2025, we will ensure security beyond our southern borders, particularly regarding the issue of terrorism, and eliminate the threats emanating from those regions,” said Erdogan. Erdogan is determined to bring Türkiye closer to the goals of the “Century of Türkiye,” in every field including contribution to ending the war to “the north.”
It also looks like the Egyptian government is about to fall to Turkey. Local Egyptian media report protests due to “economic situation, the suppression of freedoms, and government corruption.”
Of course, the fighting is not completely over yet. An Israeli missile fired at Syria resulted in a massive explosion that caused an earthquake of magnitude 3. The European Union’s Radioactive Environmental Monitoring found radiation increased in Turkey and Cyprus 20 hours after the intense blast, pointing to a small nuclear attack.
The report says the weapon was fired either from a ship or a US warplane, indicating Israel has lost control of the ground. It was probably a parting shot by the KM. This means Judea is about to be reborn and the temple rebuilt.
However, before that can happen, the last KM holdouts need to be dealt with, especially in the pharmacidical industry.
They are still building bioweapons plants across Africa and are still trying to kill people with vaccines.
For example, here you can see what looks like a CGI or blue screen version of the witch Ursula von der Leyen continue to push vaccines and announce even more money ($290 million) for injecting 500 million healthy children with bioweapons and nanotech. Note that Bill Gates’ Gavi is her partner.
The mass murderer Bill Gates has been traveling the world seeking protection. Last week he offered to move his WHO criminal organization to China but was turned down. He also asked Oracle’s Larry Ellison for protection to no avail. So now he is going to Mar a Largo to meet the fake Donald Trump and ask for protection from the P2 Freemasons. They will not be able to protect him even if they want to.
RFK Jr exposes Gates’ so-called “philanthro-capitalism”, which, he explains is “using philanthropy to make yourself rich and that’s what he’s done again and again.”
RFK Jr.はゲイツのいわゆる『慈善資本主義』を暴露しており、それは「慈善事業を利用して自分たちを裕福にすることであり、それは彼が何度も何度もやってきたことだ。」と説明した。
“He’s gotten control of the World Health Organization so that they mandate vaccines all over the world and the companies that make those vaccines are Gates’ and many of them the major shareholders. He did the same thing with the green revolution.”
“He got ahold of the regulatory agencies in African countries and forced them to change the nature of agriculture. You know, there’s 20,000 generations of agriculture growers, growing, crops like sorghum and plantains and yucca and all these plants for subsistence.”
“And he said, no. We’re gonna transfer them all to these, you know, GMO monocultures of corn, and then we’re gonna bring in, the companies that he owns Kraft, Coca Cola, McDonald’s, these big food companies, processing companies to buy that and that’s gonna be the deal.”
“And then of course during COVID, all of that shut down and you had, you know, there’s 30,000,000 Africans now as a direct result of Gates’s policy who are now on the edge of starvation.”
“The girls who were getting the [Gates promoted] DTP vaccine at 6 months of age were 10 times more likely to die over the next 6 months as children who didn’t get it.”
It is not just RFK Jr. who is talking about vaccine damage. Even the corporate propaganda media is reporting “The CDC is now saying there have been enough cases of people who have had the vaccine, received the vaccine & then suffered a stroke.”
ワクチン被害について話しているのは、RFK Jr.だけではない。プロパガンダ企業メディアでさえ、「CDC【アメリカ疾病予防管理センター】は現在、ワクチン接種した後に脳卒中を起こしたケースが十分にあると発表している」と報じている。
In addition to trying to kill us with vaccines, the KM-controlled corporations have also been deliberately poisoning our food supply.
Activist Nat Freidman says: “We tested 300 Bay Area foods for plastic chemicals. We found plastic chemicals in 86% of all foods, with phthalates in 73% of the tested products and bisphenols in 22%. It’s everywhere. We detected phthalates in most baby foods and prenatal vitamins.
Phthalates prevent sexual reproduction organs from developing properly. Make no mistake; they are deliberately poisoning us and our babies.
Long overdue justice is coming:
“The FBI is sitting on a huge case file of over 200 people that they ran a criminal investigation in effect … and maybe we’re going to see criminal charges because somebody in the US government needs to be blamed” for COVID says David Asher, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and former head of State Department investigations into Covid origins.
There are also ongoing investigations into the mass kidnapping and torture of children by the KM. In the latest on that front, the 160 children rescued from the KM Lev Tahor sect in Guatemala are facing a terrifying new threat. Sect members have reportedly forced their way into the compound where the children were being sheltered, abducting several boys, girls, and adolescents, and scattering them into nearby streets. Despite the rescue operation, Lev Tahor members continue to linger near the site, waiting for opportunities to reclaim the minors, for abusive rituals.
Authorities have deployed backup agents to secure the area, but the escalating situation has left the children’s safety hanging by a thread.
It’s time to send in special forces.
The special forces also need to go after the criminals using weather warfare against us.
These people are now saying burning fossil fuels will cause an “ultra-intense category 6” storm to hit the US with “winds of 192 miles per hour or higher and a rise in seawater exceeding 25 feet.”
They are also warning of a massive volcanic eruption that will trigger “climate chaos.”
In other words, the COP29 “climate change” mafia is trying to extort money by threatening to use weather warfare. It’s time to arrest them. We don’t need to lose any more sleep over weather warfare.
We may have more important things to ponder. The Russian FSB contacted us last week to tell us geothermal energy technology is what is keeping them awake at night these days. They say China is busy drilling deep into the earth’s crust to try to access geothermal energy. This has the potential to provide almost free and limitless energy to the entire planet, thus dooming the Oil and Gas industry, the mainstay of Russia’s power, into irrelevance.
In particular, they pointed us to a company called Quaise Energy that uses technology to melt rock and thus make possible the 10-kilometer-deep holes needed to access this energy. “It transforms the energy landscape and geopolitics,” says Carlos Araque, the CEO of Quaise Energy.
特にクエイズ・エナジー(Quaise Energy)という企業が注目されている。その会社は、岩石を溶かす技術を活用して、深さ10キロメートルの穴を掘ることを可能にしている。同社のCEOカルロス・アラケは、「これはエネルギーのあり方や地政学を劇的に変えてしまうものだ」と語っている。
That is why we need a future planning agency to map out transitions of this sort in a way that leaves everyone happy.
Finally this week, we note NASA has been busted yet again as a fraud. They put out a picture of Astronauts who were supposed to be stranded on the ISS after a supposed eight-day June mission somehow managing to pack Santa hats and Christmas decorations.
Anyway, we wish you all a Happy and Prosperous 2025 New Year.
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